
SEO analysis of online text - Advego service, how to use. My review of Advego: instructions for working on the stock exchange for beginners Semantic analysis of advego

Hello my beloved readers. I want to tell you about advego- a launching pad for any copywriter. You will find out whether it is worth spending your time on this exchange or better to look for something else.

I signed up for this site 3 years ago. Then I fiercely looked for a place where I could earn decent money. But she didn't work there. I was uncomfortable because of the currency of the service - y. e.

After 2 years, I started writing small reviews, posting on social networks for customers. Accumulated 0.60 y. e. But all the fun began when I returned as a copywriter with experience and printed full-fledged texts for websites. In a few days I managed to reach the minimum wage.

My review is designed for both beginners and those who want to get more from Advego. I will teach you how to take orders, how to choose them correctly. You will learn about making money on texts. If you have long wanted to work in the field of freelancing, then you have come to the right place. We have a lot of interesting things ahead of us.

At the end you will find reviews of experienced performers that will help you make the right choice.

Beginning of work


Ready to write articles for money? Then let's start with the simplest - registration. To become a performer, you need to have an e-mail or a social network account.

Come up with a unique login that inspires confidence and is remembered. For example, Kotik24 is not the best choice.

We open main page of Advego official website. You need to click "Register" in the top corner.

A window appears in front of us. There are 2 options: log in through the social network or specify your email, come up with a nickname.

If you specified an e-mail when registering, you will need to confirm it. A letter with a link will come to the mail - just go, and that's it, it's in the bag.

The password will be sent by email. It's hard to remember him. Therefore, it is better to change it in the settings to your own. This can be done in your profile, in the "Edit data" section.

Enter the address to enter Email, password.

A start. Now we need to learn how to attract customers, look for work.

Making a profile

When I wrote about myself, uploaded a photo, customers began to respond to me more often. It was easier to get an order for 50, 60 rubles. per kilosign. Therefore, I advise you to fill out your account.

To change settings, data, go to the profile. Click on the button with your login.

Go to the “Personal data” tab and start creating your image. Be careful what you write. Your account - business card for the employer.

To show your readiness to work, you can select the status “Looking for a customer”. If you are busy and use the site as a side job, select Busy or Do Not Disturb.

Talk about your professional skills, education will not work. You can edit these fields only after 50 completed orders.

Be sure to upload an avatar. I uploaded a photo of myself in a business suit with a slight smile. Selfies, of course, are good, but if you choose something more serious, it will be better.

Never upload an image of animals, cartoon characters. The customer on a subconscious level will not take you seriously.

I always fill out the account. Then I run to look for orders. Our employers are ordinary people and want to see behind the monitor a living person who can be trusted.

Where to post your portfolio?

Have you decided to move here from another copywriting exchange? It will be useful to post your previous work on the forum.

Beginners can also post examples of their texts for customers. Just write something from yourself. The main thing is that your style and capabilities are visible.

Edited articles? Ready to complete your portfolio? Then let's go to the forum.

It's at the bottom of the page.

To tell about ourselves, we create new theme. The button is located at the top.

You can upload images, an article in doc format, or paste it into the field. Headline - any, showing you as a professional. I wrote briefly and clearly “Portfolio of MoonHYDE - a copywriter with many years of experience.”


Not a single beginner could figure out how to use Advego right away without help. The site has many nuances that are being studied gradually. But so that you do not waste your time, I will try to tell you everything about the features of the exchange, work on it.

Subtleties of the service:

  • You cannot register multiple times. For the creation of clone accounts, an eternal ban without withdrawal of funds.
  • You can be both a customer and a performer at the same time.
  • The profile cannot be deleted. But on - you can.
  • The site is poorly optimized for smartphones and tablets. Sometimes freezes, incorrectly displayed.
  • It is possible to change the currency of the service in the profile settings. But you will have to pay 1 - 3% of the amount for the conversion. Rubles, euros, dollars, hryvnias are available to the user.
  • Orders are divided into tenders, applications. The first ones have a lot of competition among the authors, you need to have a portfolio, reviews, so that the customer approves your candidacy.

What do they pay for here?

  1. Articles, surveys.
  2. Likes, reposts, reviews in social networks.
  3. Sale of photos of receipts, barcodes, etc.
  4. Registration on certain sites.
  5. Transfers from foreign language and vice versa.
  6. Transcription of an audio recording into text (transcription).

Let's talk about account statistics:

  • It only counts for 90 days.
  • It can be corrected only if the customer pays for the unfinished work. To do this, he must write to the forum.
  • When you go to the section, the last month is displayed. You can view the report for any period by simply selecting it.
  • It affects the rating of the author.

Why block:

  1. Poor quality texts. Too many synonyms, nausea, grammatical errors.
  2. Resale of articles, use of copyrighted content without permission.
  3. Refusal to perform work, non-compliance with TOR. The customer must write a complaint to technical support.
  4. Deleting comments, likes that were placed as part of the order.
  5. Publication of contact information on the website.

Now you can work calmly when you know how everything works. We will definitely not violate the rules of service.

Author status

How to distinguish an experienced performer from a student? On Advego, this is done with the help of a rating. You need to work for months, regularly, to reach the TOP. I never managed to win a place above 5,000. Maybe you can do it?

There are several ranks:

  • amateur - not included in 5,000;
  • specialist - takes place from 1,000 to 5,000;
  • professional - in the top 100 - 1,001 performers;
  • expert — is at position 100 and above;
  • guru - you must pass a test in the Russian language.

The higher the status, the more expensive works available. Amateurs can complete only one order, specialists - two at the same time, professionals - three, experts - four, gurus - an unlimited number.

If you can't become a guru because of the test, I advise you to take it. You will learn how to write real masterpieces.

  1. Efficiency should be 95 - 99%. This is the ratio of the number of completed orders to their total number.
  2. Regular search for new customers.
  3. The volume of the text is more than 1,000 characters.
  4. Completing tasks is more expensive than 0.5 USD. e.
  5. Take 30 orders in a week, and 200 in 3 months.
  6. Commitment from 93%.

The rank is lowered if:

  1. Efficiency dropped to 94%.
  2. Obligation became 92%.
  3. You wrote a lot of low-quality articles, there were complaints.

I was shocked by such difficulties. On the Etxt everything is much easier. 10% of the cost of the article is charged.

The performers often wrote more than what was indicated in the task in order to increase the rating. The administration closed this opportunity. If the article is 10% longer, then the actual volume is taken into account. The cost per kilosign drops, and the rating does not budge.

Looking for an order

Now we are ready to start looking for a job. I'll show you how to work. The good news for a novice copywriter is that some of them can be taken right away.

It is better not to rummage through a pile of unnecessary work, but to sort it out. On the right side there is a block with parameters. You can choose the type of work (likes, comments, articles), cost, type (tender, application), etc.

What I advise you, dear copywriters:

  • Try different themes. This way you will find the one closest to you. I never thought, but medicine turned out to be closer to me. Who knows what you'll write about passionately.
  • Write 3-5 articles a day. The rating will increase faster, the statistics will improve, and the experience will accumulate. At this pace, you have every chance to reach personal orders.
  • Evaluate TK. Too many keys, complex structure not for you? Then avoid such texts.
  • Cheapness. Do not rush to take expensive orders. For statistics and reviews, you need to complete at least 2 - 4 cheap ones. As soon as the rating starts to grow, raise the bar.

Within 15 - 30 minutes, you can refuse the task without compromising the rating.

When you find something suitable, click the "Join" button. They give different time to complete. For likes, reposts - 30 - 50 minutes, for complex articles - 6 - 24 hours.

You can place an order right away.

To avoid modifications, you need:

  • follow TK,
  • avoid grammatical errors.

Did you check the text for errors? Are you sure you did everything right? Then open a text online editor, copy everything from the document and paste it. Do not forget, the title is written in a separate field.

You can always refuse to finalize if all the rules and requirements are met. You are not obliged to make amendments that came to the mind of the customer in the course of work.

I noticed that beginners get confused, they don’t know where to start - a tender or a regular order. Starting with tender assignments without a portfolio and skills is a disastrous business. Customers want the best for themselves, so the selection is tough.

When I first came to the exchange, I applied 10 times and only 1 time I was admitted to the task.

The advantage of tenders is cost. I saw prices for 10 - 15 USD. e. for a kilosign, not bad right?

Now I will clearly demonstrate how to catch a tender order.

Choose the one you like. I liked the topic about bitcoins, I wrote about them more than once. And for the money - it's generally a paradise.

Let's apply. Briefly describe your benefits in the field.

I bragged about my experience, attaching my previous bitcoin work as an example.

Sending and waiting for news. I hope everything works out for us.

If we are trusted with an order, the notification icon at the top will light up.

It is allowed to take no more than 1 task every 10 minutes. 24 hours are given for revision, after which a refusal is automatically counted.

Selling Articles

Creating from inspiration is the dream of most copywriters. No, no one decides how many characters, what topic. But just dreaming is boring, let's make it a reality - put a few of our creations in the article store. I will help you with this.

Before us opens several fields. Everything needs to be filled in.

There's nothing complicated here. Specify information about the text, accept the conditions of the system. In the keywords, write the words by which the buyer can find your article.

After 3 days, the moderator will check everything manually. If he finds more than 1 error - refinement. Therefore, we carefully check our work for literacy. Numerous improvements block access for 3 days.

Articles with obscene language, adult topics are not allowed for sale.

The minimum cost of a rewriting kilosign is 0.3 USD. e, and copywriting - 0.6 c.u. e.

How much can you really earn?

They really pay here. No one promises to earn $1,000. But to earn enough for bread and butter, and enough for a living.

I took out the money myself. Worked with various clients. And I know that Advego is no more difficult than other copywriting databases.

To finalize from 4.4 at. e. to the minimum wage, it took me 5 days. Took and fulfilled orders on a case-by-case basis. Spent no more than 1 hour a day. She wrote about bitcoins, posted reviews about airports on the site. Usual puzzles for text exchanges.

After going through all the orders for beginners, I figured out average cost per kilosign - 1 c.u. e. Did not take into account simple tasks such as likes. Why do we need them, right?

Let's calculate how much you can earn if you print 6 - 7 thousand characters daily. A day will come out at 6 - 7 at. e, and per month 7 * 30 \u003d 210 c.u. e. With our money, this is 12,486 rubles.

I think it's better to work sitting at home in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea than to spend 12 hours on your feet in the constant bustle, like a merchandiser or a salesman. For mothers on maternity leave, working at home is an increase in the allowance, the husband’s salary, good way self-realization without leaving the house.

Of course, hardly anyone can stand writing all 30 days. I take one day off a week. Then we get 25 working days with an income of 7 * 25 = 175 USD. e. In wood, you get 10,409.

Advego regularly holds literary competitions with a large prize fund.

If you reach the level of a specialist, you can reach 300 - 350 USD. e per month. So this is not the limit.

Text checking tools

Many people come to Advego to check articles. Customers often set the task of checking the text for spamming and uniqueness through the tools of this site.


I don't like installing extra applications, so I avoided Advego Plagiatus for a long time. And you know - not in vain. It unfairly exposes uniqueness.

I wrote the text out of my head a couple of minutes ago, and when checking, the program gives out 97 - 98% with the words “it looks like a rewrite”. Well, isn't it embarrassing?

To clearly show how tough the service is on texts, I decided to check the same one in 3 different places.

I checked online through Plagiarism and the result met my expectations. For an article that I wrote myself without the help of the Internet, he gave a uniqueness of 97%.

If a customer demands 100% Advego uniqueness from you, feel free to refuse. Such results cannot be achieved.

Uniqueness check via Text showed a pleasant result - 100%.

Etxt also showed 100% originality of the text.

You can work with Plagiarism, but only if you are not required to have more than 95% uniqueness.

Online verification on the site is limited. Every day, the user is allocated 10,000 free symbols, then you need to pay 0.6 USD. e. per kilosign.

The program has special settings that affect the results. Can be adjusted:

  1. Shingle. This is the number of parts of text that are checked for exact matches. The value can be set from 4 to 6.
  2. Phrase length. The service makes a search query for several words. If the search engine returns accurate results, a copy is found. Optimal size- 4 words in a row.
  3. Search system. Do you want the article to be checked by all search engines or only Yandex, Google? You can set this option.

The software needs to be updated regularly. The new version contains fewer bugs and is faster.

SEO analysis

Now they demand that even a simple article should comply with SEO — nausea, wateriness, etc. You can check your work on these characteristics online and without waiting on the Advego website.

Open the "SEO text analysis" tab.

Paste the text you are looking for in the field, click "Check".

We get the result - everything is simple.

Text analysis by spamming is better here than on Spelling. The article is evaluated by the number of repeated words, water, mistakes. A nice bonus is a spell checker.

The service detects spelling errors weakly, worse than Word. Unfamiliar words spelled correctly are also marked in red. Editing text only according to the canons of Advego is a bad idea. Any article store will reject such work.

How to receive the money?

The numbers on the account are pleasing to the eye, it's time to think about how to withdraw your money. You will have to wait a long time. The payment method number must not be specified in another site account.

How long does it take to withdraw money:

  • With a formal WebMoney certificate - 16 days, with an initial one - 3 days.
  • On QIWI - 16 days.
  • To VISA/MasterCard and Mir bank cards - 16 days.

How to order a translation?

Specify payment data, amount, choose a method. You are applying.

With the initial WebMoney passport, you can order an urgent withdrawal. Within a day, funds will be credited to the specified account. Additional transaction fee - 5%.

The default currency is the dollar. It is possible to exchange it for rubles, euros, hryvnias, but you will have to pay an additional 1-3% of the amount.

From each completed order, the contractor pays the system 10%.

Minimum wage for all electronic payment systems- 5 at. e. For replenishment bank card you need to have 10 c.u. on your profile account. e.

To begin with, let's figure out why and why we need to analyze the text content of sites. What is included in this analysis, why is it important and how does the analysis of site texts affect its promotion.

About the analysis of texts for the site

You have probably met the statement that the site should be made for people, not for search engines. This is so in theory. Then why, all the tools and services for webmasters and optimizers are designed to "comb" the site for search bots. Why do most services view and evaluate the site, how search bots evaluate it, and separately for Yandex or Google.

So, when making a site for people, you always have to adjust it for search engines, and from the first time you create a site, you are included in this process. If you do not think about search engines and do not analyze the site for search engines, visitors may never see it.

Types of checks

Now about text analysis. The following checks should be included in the analysis of texts for the site:

Uniqueness. This analysis is done on databases of search engines, comparing the text with articles already indexed on other sites.

SEO analysis. This is a text analysis for nausea (the number of stops and few semantic words), wateriness or text spam (the number of repeated words and phrases in the text). The latter is especially important in connection with the appearance of the Baden-Baden filter on Yandex. SEO text analysis includes the search for keywords and phrases by their frequency in the text.

Technical analysis. This is the number of words and characters in the text without / with spaces.

In this article, we will focus on powerful tools for complex analysis of site texts and look at individual services for partial text verification. Why? because powerful tools not as much as I would like.

Powerful online website text analysis services is a commercial site intermediary (exchange) between text customers and copywriters. To control and check the texts on the site, a powerful free text analyzer has been created that performs all the necessary checks: uniqueness, SEO analysis, metrics. I recommend. is the oldest exchange for selling/buying texts for websites. For the convenient work of copywriters and customers, the following text verification tools have been created on the exchange:

  • Online check, works only for checking semantics and SEO analysis of texts (;
  • There is a program for checking the uniqueness of texts (Advego Plagiatus


Another free tool at the article exchange. Text analysis can be carried out in three ways:

  • Online check. Directly on the exchange website;
  • Program. Download the program and work on the computer;
  • API check.

Flaws: Free check carried out after registration and for a very long time.

It is worth noting here that the first three tools Advego, and are the benchmark in assessing the uniqueness of the texts of all sold texts on the Runet.

A serious paid tool for comprehensive text verification. Held complex analysis texts on registration and tariffs. The cheapest tariff is 600 rubles = 50 checks. The analysis is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • Relevance;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Readability;
  • Spam;
  • Wateriness.

SEO Analysis Tools

Very high quality, one might say exemplary tool for SEO text analysis (keys, nausea, water content, keymap). The check is free, the analysis is very worthy, and the results are clearly understandable. I recommend.

Semantic text analysis online

The site is a whole set of tools for webmasters. They position themselves as free web services and SEO tools online. Here ( ) you will find:

  • Determination of resource positions by requests;
  • Comprehensive site analysis;
  • Semantics analysis;
  • cleaning of duplicates;
  • Character count;
  • Transliteration of the article.

SEO text analysis service. The tool is interesting, original and deserves attention. The service has been established for a long time, it works properly and reliably. Without any troubles, it analyzes texts by repeating keys of a given length.

Services for a copywriter

The tool sets on the site are known to webmasters and optimizers. There is a whole section for the work of copywriters. You can separately check and do:

  • Uniqueness:
  • Removing duplicates in an article:
  • Anchor generator:
  • Quickly measure the length of the material:

Anti-plagiarism services

Despite the intelligent evaluation algorithms implemented by search engines, the uniqueness of texts remains the most important parameter text quality. Further, services only check for plagiarism.

Anti-plagiarism online, service

Free checking of texts, individual pages of the site (by URL) and the entire site as a whole for uniqueness. Registration is not required.

Differences. Very strict analysis of texts for uniqueness. Again, very tough. Perfectly defines text rewriting. Highlights the addresses of the found content (as everywhere else).

Service "Anti-plagiarism"

Free verification is possible after registration. No different, high-quality service for checking the uniqueness of texts.


An unremarkable service for checking the uniqueness of texts, books, articles. Differences. 190 languages, up to 2000 characters.

Uniqueness of texts from in itself is a powerful set of tools for webmasters. Checking the uniqueness is only one of the tools of the service. Note, not the most best tool from a set, similar to a makeweight for mass character.

You can check only 5 checks per day for free, from 500 to 3000 characters.


A new website text analysis service analyzes text for quality and style. Searches for and highlights junk words. Positioned as a replacement for the human editor. Useful and interesting.

Useful services for text analysis

  • Tell Yandex that your text is unique: h ttps://
  • List of stop words to avoid in articles:
  • Stopword search:
  • Placement of correct punctuation marks:
  • Assessment of the readability of materials (pages):
  • Check for stop words:
  • Comparative assessment of the quality of rewriting:
  • Spelling (spelling checker):


The presented 25 site text analysis services allow you to check the uniqueness, seo analysis, check the spelling of texts, find stop words and remove duplicates.

Hi all. Article topic: why and where to perform SEO text analysis online. What do we want from the written article after publication? Getting into the TOP of issuance. The article must meet the SEO requirements. You can check the quality by performing SEO analysis of the advego text. is a copywriting exchange with many useful online tools.

Seo text analysis what is it and why do it

Semantic analysis text - checking the text for the requirements of search promotion, optimization, indicator of the quality of the written text. For advancement seo text there are factors by which it is evaluated: keywords, (water), stop words.

It is important that the thematic, promoted words predominate in the article. Search robots determine the quality and given topics. A large number of keywords in the text is called "spam".

SEO text analysis Advego is a necessary tool for a blogger

To check, go to the page for performing seo text analysis online.

In field Text insert an article. Click ⇒ Verify. The analysis takes a few seconds. The result is shown in the form of 4 tables.

Text statistics

  • The length of the article: the number of characters in total and without spaces.
  • Number of words: total, unique, meaningful.
  • Number of stop words.
  • Grammatical errors.
  • Watery text.
  • Nausea of ​​the text: classical, academic.

With the number of words and symbols is understandable. There are recommendations to write articles of more than 2000 characters without spaces. Yandex welcomes more voluminous texts, Google does not. Decide which search engine is more targeted.

Meaningful words- words defining the meaning of the text. Nouns are taken into account.

Water in the text. The ratio of non-significant words to total. The normal ratio is around 60%. This means the text is SEO optimized. The more water in the text, the less it has semantic significance, it becomes uninteresting to the visitor.

Stop words. Connecting words, prepositions.

classic nausea allows you to detect spam in the text. Determined by the most mentioned word.

academic nausea- the ratio of frequent and significant words. The overall impression of the article is created. With the frequent use of the same words, it really starts to “sick”.

I pay attention to these two parameters first of all. I repeatedly found the following figures from SEO specialists: academic nausea - no more than 12%, classic nausea - no more than 5%. These are the numbers I try to stick to.

When "off scale" edit the text. Reduce the direct occurrence of keywords, replace them with synonyms. In recent years, LSI texts have been gaining popularity. Use search engine suggestions. Previously, optimizers entered keywords in batches into the article. Now, too, sometimes come across such articles. But it's rare. For spamming, sites fall under various filters from search engines.

Semantic core

The following table shows the number and frequency of all words and repeated phrases in the article. The frequency should not exceed 5%. And see that the right words prevail. In the first places should be exactly keywords, informative, revealing the topic of the article. Search engines must correctly understand the promoted phrases, words.

Stop words. I don't pay much attention to this table. I check the text for the quality of writing by Glavred.

Before publishing, I definitely use the SEO analysis of the Advego text. Sometimes I analyze the sites of competitors from the first issue for the promoted request. It is clear that these figures are not the main indicator. There are many factors that play a role in issuance. The main ones are relevance to the request, reference mass.

Advego is not the only service that performs SEO text analysis online. For example, Serphant is also free, plus it performs semantic analysis of text for parameters such as nausea of ​​bigrams and trigrams, index of bigrams and trigrams. This is the frequency of use in the text of expressions consisting of two or three words. Optimal indicators according to the resource: up to 3.6 for bigrams, up to 1.8 for trigrams. Exceeding numbers is the point for site pages to fall under the Baden-Baden filter.

There are also desktop programs. I settled on Advego, in my opinion the best analysis service. But I check the uniqueness of the article with TEXT.

Friends, use this service, perform seo analysis, and promote your articles to the TOP. Tell us in the comments if you do semantic analysis of the text, what service.

I wish you good luck in promoting your sites!

Semantic analysis of the text shows what words and phrases the content consists of and which of them occur most often. It is mainly used for with keywords and: the analysis allows you to roughly imagine how the search engine will react to the content. But the numbers are not always clear, and the result of edits on the advice of semantic analysis is good. We will tell you how to make an analysis, what to look for and what to do with indicators.

By the way, as an example for parsing, we will use the analysis from our blog.

Online services for semantic and SEO text analysis Semantic analysis from the Advego content exchange is one of the most popular services among SEO specialists. It is free, available to all unregistered and registered users. Shows:

  • academic nausea;
  • Classic nausea;
  • Number of stop words;
  • "Water" indicator;
  • And other less significant parameters. This is a service designed specifically for semantic text analysis. Available to everyone, registration is not required. Does not require a subscription fee. Shows:

  • Water content index;
  • nausea;
  • Top 10 most used words;
  • The subject of the text;
  • Other options. This is another service from the copywriting exchange. Also free, available to registered and unregistered users. Shows:

  • nausea;
  • "Wateriness";
  • Quality according to Zipf's law;
  • word frequency cloud;
  • Other less significant figures.

An example of semantic text analysis

Let's take a look at the indicators using the example of text analysis using a semantic analyzer from Advego. The first few lines - the number of characters with and without spaces, the number of words, unique and significant words - are not so important. The following indicators are important:

  • Water - 67.7%;
  • Classic document nausea - 4.12%;
  • Academic document nausea - 8.7%;
  • The frequency of words in the semantic core.

Let's take a closer look at each indicator.

Water content of the text

The Advego semantic analyzer shows the highest water content - on other services, when checking our text, it is 44% and 5%. The water content indicator is the ratio of insignificant words to the total number of words. The more stop words in the text that do not carry a semantic load, the higher the percentage of water.

Words that the service considers "water" are displayed in a separate "Stop words" table. Most often, prepositions and pronouns fall into it. By the way, the normal figure mentioned in the description of Advego semantic analysis is 55-75%. So, in our text, the water level is normal.

Classic Document Nausea

It is calculated from the most frequent word, as the square root of the number of its occurrences. Other verification services use a similar algorithm, so their “nausea” can be equated with the “classic nausea” indicator on Advego.

Certain norms for classic nausea are not indicated in the description of the analyzer. The creators only said that it depends on the length of the text - for example, for an article with a length of 20,000 characters, 5% nausea is normal, and for a note of 1,000 characters, it is too high. Many agencies and SEOs are of the opinion that nausea should not be higher than 4-6%.

Academic text sickness

It is defined as the ratio of the most frequent and significant words to the entire text. The calculation formula itself is not disclosed.

The description states that the normal percentage of academic nausea is 5-15%. This is indirectly confirmed by Yandex itself: in its bloggave an example of re-optimized text , and the academic nausea of ​​this note was 19%. In practice, many SEO specialists require writing articles with no more than 10% nausea.

Semantic core

The block of the semantic core shows the most frequently occurring words in the text. It is they who set the subject of the material. Therefore, in the first place there should be words that are relevant to the topic - otherwise the search engine will not understand what you are writing about, and will lower the site in the search results or will not show the page at all for the necessary key phrases.

In our example, the word “webinar” is in the first place in the semantic core. It is clear that the article about webinars is confirmed by the following core positions from thematic words.

The frequency of words in the semantic core

This indicator is calculated by the most common words in the text. The higher the percentage, the more common the word. This indicator is closely related to the percentage of nausea itself.

There are no recommended parameters in Advego's description of semantic analysis. Many SEO-specialists and agencies require not to exceed the figure of 3-4%. And in the re-optimized Yandex note, the maximum word frequency in the semantic core exceeded 8%. also shows the semantic core, and in the analyzer it is replaced by a word cloud. The most frequently occurring words are written in large print. The semantic analysis of also shows the quality of the text according to Zipf. The exact analysis algorithm according to Zipf is unknown, but its creators claim that it checks the “naturalness” of the text, and the normal indicator starts from 50%. Checking our text on the analyzer gave a figure of 34%. And when checking on the service itself Zipfa- 77%. Therefore, when checking on, you can ignore this line - the numbers do not match.

How to edit text

If the indicators of your text do not match the recommended parameters, it is desirable to finalize it. This is easy to do, and we have prepared a small cheat sheet:

  • If the “water” is high, remove unimportant words and phrases, reformulate the sentences so that they contain fewer prepositions; if it's low, dilute the text or don't touch it
  • If classic nausea is high, remove a few occurrences of the most frequently occurring word; if low, add occurrences of keywords
  • If academic text nausea is high, remove a few occurrences of keywords, if low, add occurrences of the main key
  • If the semantic core contains non-thematic words, add occurrences of keys and other thematic words to the text
  • If the frequency of words in the semantic core is too high, remove several occurrences

Do not forget that in the first place the text should be liked by people. Therefore, you should not take semantic text analysis as the ultimate truth - even articles that are far from ideal in terms of SEO get into the top. For example, in the first article in the search results for the query “what is inflation”, the indicator of water according to Advego is approaching the upper bar, it is 72.6%.

And on the second place page, the indicator of academic nausea exceeds the mark of 10% recommended by many SEO specialists, and the frequency of the word in the semantic core exceeded 5%.

If the text is interesting, useful, structured, but does not meet the recommended indicators a little, you can leave everything as it is.

What metrics do you use when checking? Share your opinion in the comments!

One of the most popular and fairly budgetary ways to promote websites is SEO optimization. If 7 years ago this was supposed to be done by a team of specialists, today, thanks to modern services, this operation can be carried out independently even by a person far from Internet technologies. To do this, he needs the function “Semantic .

Of course, s eo-agencies are much more efficient, but their work costs a lot of money. At the same time, such SEO boutiques refuse to work for a percentage of sales growth, demanding a fixed amount in advance for a vague result. Even if in the future you plan to use the services of such a company, you yourself need to at least understand the issue a little.

Semantic analysis of the text allows you to highlight the so-called semantic core of the page - the words that are most often repeated. It is by the most frequently occurring words and phrases that the page will be correlated with the search queries of Yandex and Google users. The more accurately the semantic core of the site is assembled, the more often it will appear in the search results for your site. target audience. This requires not only the frequent use of thematic key phrases, but also a small percentage of "water" - template phrases, stop words, etc. The first step in SEO optimization is semantic analysis.

Where can you do a semantic analysis of a text?

There are many high-quality services and programs for online analysis. Powerful paid solutions used by web studios to collect information on multi-page web portals. Free analyzers are quite suitable for frequent use.

Best of all, on the terms of free access, this function is implemented on the websites of the following copywriting exchanges:

These sites have the most up-to-date data analysis algorithm, which is also constantly updated taking into account new Yandex and Google filters (for example, the Baden-Baden algorithm).

Instructions on how to do semantic analysis on Advego

This feature is free on .com, and a registered profile is not required.

C statistics. Seen here general information. The most important indicators:

  • The number of stop words (words that interfere with reading).
  • Water content (percentage of unnecessary and stereotyped words and phrases).
  • Nausea (how many repetitions of words).

All these indicators, with increased values, “drown” the site to the bottom of the search results instead of the desired top.

You can reduce the nausea of ​​the text by replacing some frequently used words with synonyms. You can reduce water content by removing unnecessary template phrases, introductory constructions, interjections.

semantic core. Shows the keywords of the text: how many times they are used, in numerical and percentage terms. It is this statistics that is the basis for further SEO promotion.

Stop words. Additional detailed statistics indicating the most "garbage" words in the text. Their number also affects search results, so it's best to clean them out of the article.

Now, having summary data in hand, you can compare it with the statistics of search queries for your keywords and adjust the semantic core. You can do this yourself or by giving this task to an SEO marketing agency or an SEO copywriter. Request statistics can be tracked using the service


Despite the first impression, semantic text analysis is not a complex procedure available only to web programmers. Modern online services allow you to calculate the semantic core of an article in a couple of clicks. This information is used for which is accessible way attracting client traffic. This is a slower method compared to Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords but has a much longer lasting effect.

On the exchange, you can order SEO copywriting immediately after the programmatic evaluation of the content of your site.

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