
Savings book for newlyweds. Review. Poems for a wedding passbook Passbook for a wedding what you need

Be happy, well live without worries and without hassle!!!

Another option

But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a passbook.

Put it on a passbook
First of all, for the kids
As soon as it appears, buy
They have shirts and pants.

Iron coins are ringing loudly
Huge profits are promised.
Put this copper cent on the account
To Sberbank of Russia
At a high rate.

We consider it very important
Have a three-story house.
You can build one like this
We'll put a banknote on the brick.

To not stand still
So that you drive around the world,
Buy you a car
The first installment is just for the tire.

Hunting, fishing, chips and beer,
Garage and billiards so that life does not pass by
It's bad without it
All this is so necessary
They put a stash for my husband here.

After ironing and cooking,
After washing and cleaning,
Relax your mind and body
The spa is nice!
Such unloading is very necessary,
The wife's stash was put here.

We gave a passbook
For you to live comfortably.
Replenish regularly and spend wisely!
Remember us more often
Who saved you from poverty! =)

Another option:
Though your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a passbook.

Don't waste money in vain
Buy furniture wisely.
To have a hello in the house
We put money in an envelope.

To a cow, to a pig,
On a goat and on a hen,
And on other creatures
We also gave you money.

Put in a savings account
What's up for the kids
For diapers, panties
And for other needs.

You, Lena, for outfits
For sweets, for lipsticks.

Igor! On love cupids
And on the broads on the side
Don't look in the envelope for money.
Instead of money - figs to you.
For dances and movies
And other fun
We also provided
You have not spared money.

For Cuban cigars
For good wine
Though they put it in an envelope -
Sorry for the money anyway.

If a dark day comes
So don't torture yourself
We give you the last envelope -
He is for this occasion.

Another version of the text:
To your new passbook
I put money on the kids.
Waiting for a baby
Spend money on diapers
For washing powder
For toys and potty.

Line up for the envy of all
You are a chic house with a pool.
No money? - We give you
Enough for the doorway!

So as not to stand in a place,
To visit us drove,
You should change your car.
The first installment is just for the tire.

Going to restaurants
For decent wine
Even though they put it in an envelope,
They won't be enough anyway.

Change sofas once a year
To Bali or Canaries
We will give you some money
Enough for a refund!

We gave a passbook
And we have no doubt
Our humble contribution
Save your budget.

Now, many people give newlyweds for a wedding not a gift, but money that they can spend on what is more necessary for them. Opponents of this approach believe that after a young couple spends money, she will have nothing left to remember the people who shared with her the joy of the most important day in their lives.

Having made a special wedding savings book, you will present money in an original way, and the savings book itself will remain for the newlyweds as a keepsake. In the publication, we examined what a passbook for newlyweds could be.

Passbook in scrapbooking technique - an original gift for a wedding

A specially made passbook for the newlyweds will allow you to give them money in an original and memorable way at the wedding. It is a great alternative to envelopes and gift boxes.

The heroes of the occasion will receive a beautiful and practical thing as a gift, in which, if desired, they can store family savings or keep them in memory of the wedding. A passbook for a young couple is made using the scrapbooking technique.

Scrapbooking is a fairly old type of needlework that is now experiencing a new round of its popularity. The name of the needlework consists of two English words, which are translated into Russian as clipping and book.

Literally translated as a book of clippings. The main idea of ​​this type of needlework is to keep photographs and other things memorable for a family or an individual for a long time, allowing them to be passed on to their heirs.

Today, scrapbooking is used to make albums dedicated to various events: an anniversary, the birth of a baby, a tourist trip to some country and, of course, a wedding.

The album is decorated with photographs, postcards, clippings from printed publications, and various decorative elements, but in compliance with the main rule: a complete thought is presented on each sheet of the album with a photo collage.

A wedding passbook is made in the form of a small album, the pages of which are devoted to family budget items. A pocket is securely attached to each page, in which the guest will then place the bill, and its purpose is indicated in poetic lines, often in a joking manner.

The page is decorated with pictures from magazines, photographs and postcards, the image of which indicates the purpose of using the funds.

The selected style of decorating the passbook is supported by harmoniously selected lace, original buttons, artificial flowers and other elements. So that the savings book does not open and the bills do not fall out, they make a fastener from ribbons, or beautifully bandage it with a ribbon.

What passbook can you congratulate the bride and groom?

A savings book for newlyweds is a relatively new idea for making a gift with your own hands. The presentation of such an original present will pleasantly please the heroes of the occasion, and looking at it will give a lot of positive emotions. It is important that the process of making a presentation is quite an exciting experience.

Now it is fashionable to organize. At such a celebration of the birth of a new family, the decoration of the banquet hall, photo zone, as well as the design of invitation cards, bonbonnieres, pillows for rings and other wedding attributes support the theme of the celebration. Newlyweds will be very pleased to receive as a gift a passbook made in the theme they have chosen for their wedding.

There are several options for making a wedding savings book:

  1. Passbook sheets are fastened with special rings, which are sold in specialized departments of stores selling materials for scrapbooking needlework.
  2. An A5 binder is used.
  3. Sheets are collected together on a spring. This service is provided by many printing studios.
  4. A folder is made with ties, and beautifully decorated envelopes are placed inside.

All options are valid. The most presentational are the first two. But, since it will be problematic to purchase rings intended for attaching albums in a small town or village, we settled on the second option. It is more accessible, and with a creative approach, you will get a beautiful result.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a passbook with your own hands

We suggest taking a paper folder with a binder in the form of rings inside for the cover of a passbook for a wedding. Decorate the cover with beautiful wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern, matched to the theme of the wedding. Going to a celebration without the declared theme and the main color of the holiday, you can give free rein to your imagination. You will need:

  1. Folder-folder A5 format.
  2. Thick cardboard format not less than A5. You need as many sheets as there will be in the passbook and 2 more sheets for the cover.
  3. Thin cardboard A5 - 6 sheets.
  4. A piece of wallpaper that allows you to wrap the folder.
  5. Colored paper or special scrap paper.
  6. Openwork napkins of round shape and small size.
  7. Ordinary hole punch.
  8. PVA glue, hot glue.
  9. Double-sided tape.
  10. Satin ribbon 2-3 cm wide - 40 cm.
  11. Scissors.
  12. Lighter.

If you have the opportunity, purchase curly scissors and a hole punch, as well as special stamps for scrapbooking, which will allow you to decorate the pages of your presentation in an interesting way.

Decorate the cover

Let's start making the cover of the passbook:

  1. We put an expanded folder on a piece of wallpaper and outline its outline, and then add an allowance of 2 cm wide on all sides.
  2. Cut out the detail with allowances.
  3. We glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the outer and inner sides of the folder.
  4. From the outside, carefully glue the wallpaper on the adhesive tape.
  5. We bend the edges inward and cut off the excess at the corners. Glue the folded edges to the adhesive tape placed on the inside of the cover.
  6. Cut the ribbon in half. We glue it on the hot glue on the cover inside in the form of strings. We carefully burn the free ends of the ribbons with a lighter.
  7. We decorate the cover inside with thick cardboard. To do this, cut out a sheet of cardboard, which along the perimeter is 5 mm smaller than the size of the folder. Glue it on with hot glue.

The cover is ready. Now you need to decorate it at your discretion, but be sure to indicate the purpose. We suggest using a napkin with openwork edges and multi-colored thin cardboard. In the middle of the napkin, you will need to glue a circle of cardboard on which to print the following text on the printer: Passbook. Lifetime investment. Wedding date, and then specify the date.

First, they select the size and type of font, and the placement of words in lines so that the text fits on a circle of the desired size. Then it is printed on a sheet and a circle is cut out. A circle of cardboard with a diameter of 2 cm larger than a napkin is glued to the cover, a napkin is glued to it, and a circle of cardboard with text is glued on top using PVA glue. The cover is decorated with artificial flowers, sequins, rhinestones, etc.

Album pages

First you need to decide how many pages you need. Each page is dedicated to individual expenses of the family budget and there will be a pocket for putting a banknote on it. Therefore, the number of pages directly depends on the estimated amount of the monetary present.

The pages are made from thick cardboard. Pages should be slightly smaller than the cover. Cardboard is glued with scrap paper or colored paper. A hole punch makes holes to insert the page into the binder. Pockets for banknotes are made from thin cardboard, which are glued on each page.

Print poetic lines on the printer indicating the purpose of the bill, but with a wide line spacing, so that they can then be cut into separate strips.

Prepare magazine clippings indicating the purpose of the donated money, as well as decor items that you want to use: buttons, flowers, lace, sequins, etc.

The more variety of decor and special tools you have, the more interesting you can decorate the page.

First you need to create a collage of clippings and decorating elements, and then harmoniously place it on the page along with the pocket and poems. Start gluing only after you like the result.

Options for congratulations in verse for a passbook

To focus on the purpose of banknotes invested in pockets, you can use the following poetic lines:

Though your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a passbook.

Put in a savings account
First of all, for the kids
As soon as they appear, buy
They have shirts and pants.

We consider it very important
Have a three-story house.
You can build one like this
We'll put a banknote on the brick.

To not stand still
So that you drive around the world,
Buy you a car
Down payment, just for the tire.

Hunting, fishing, chips and beer,
Garage and billiards, so that life does not pass by.
It's bad without it
All this is so necessary
They put a stash for my husband here.

After ironing and cooking,
After washing and cleaning,
Relax your mind and body
The spa is nice!
Such unloading is very necessary,
The wife's stash was put here.

We gave a passbook
For you to live comfortably.
Top up regularly

And spend wisely!
Remember more often those
Who saved you from poverty!

It is not necessary to use the entire poem. Select the fragments that you will need to design the pages of the passbook.

Templates of interesting options for wedding passbooks

Modern weddings often have a given theme or a dedicated main color of the celebration.

When preparing a savings book as a gift for a wedding, it is advisable to take into account the theme and color palette of the event. You can get ideas for the creative design of a passbook by looking at the options for finished products.

You should also look at existing scrapbooking templates. They can be printed on a color printer and used when making a passbook. You will need the following types of templates:

  • covers;
  • page backgrounds;
  • framework;
  • patterns;
  • pictures.

Having shown your imagination, you can make an original passbook, which the heroes of the occasion will be happy to keep all their lives as a keepsake of their marriage.


Before proceeding with the manufacture, you need to decide on the theme of the celebration and its main color, as well as adopt some interesting ideas for the design of passbooks and template options.

Nata Karlin

The simplest and probably desired option for a wedding gift - money. The paper envelope has so far helped donors out. Today, designers have developed a wide variety of options with bright prints, unusual and funny commemorative envelopes for money. However, they already look trivial. It’s just not customary to give banknotes, so the present can be beaten in a special way. A savings book for newlyweds will be a real surprise. In fact, the idea is as old as the world, but to this day it is considered the most interesting and suitable as a wedding gift.

Beautiful savings book for newlyweds

How to draw up a passbook for newlyweds?

You can give a passbook for newlyweds for a wedding, made in the form of a folder with an envelope for money inside or made like an album, each page is a goal for which money is given. For the manufacture of such a product, you can use all decor elements considered suitable:

  • ribbons, bows and ruffles;
  • beads, rhinestones and buttons;
  • hearts, doves, swans;
  • cardboard, colored paper, fabric, etc.

It's very important to get it right select text for book pages. For comic and serious congratulations, you can use the prose and poems of both great poets and your own composition.

By the way, from warm words in poems written by yourself, a gift for a wedding in the form of a passbook made by yourself will become even more valuable.

How to make a savings book for the newlyweds with your own hands?

Thinking about the design of a comic passbook for a wedding with your own hands, take into account a few important points:

  • the text should harmoniously fit into the design of the page;
  • drawings, photographs and any images can only be used for festive content;
  • an envelope for money made of cardboard, fabric, corrugated paper, etc. should be glued on each page.

Photo of a handmade savings book for newlyweds

There are many cover design options. You can choose yourself, but the most popular today are:

  • a binder pasted over with synthetic winterizer or foam rubber, two parts of which are connected with double-sided tape;
  • the cover designed in the form of a state savings book looks interesting and unusual;
  • The cover of a wedding passbook for newlyweds using the scrapbooking technique is considered one of the most stylish.

A step-by-step master class for making a passbook using the scrapbooking technique

Scrapbooking wedding passbook cover

Options for making a savings book in this technique are numerous. Your attention is invited to one of the simplest ways, which is rather the basis for creative ideas. For work you will need:

  • sheets of thin cardboard for the base of each of the pages;
  • a couple of sheets of thick cardboard for cover design;
  • scrapbook paper with thematic wedding drawings;
  • magazines and newspapers with pictures of relevant topics;
  • decoration materials: beads, ribbons, bows, lace, buttons and everything that your imagination allows you to use in your work;
  • scissors, pencil, ruler, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, glue gun, regular and figured hole punch.

One of the options for making a savings book for a wedding

First you need to determine the size of the savings book. As a rule, needlework stores sell a ready-made basis for it, the length and width of which is 30 by 20 cm respectively. You also need to know how many sheets will be in the product. Then follow the following procedure:

Cut out each page of the book from scrap paper. They should be 0.5 cm smaller than the cover

  1. Glue the sheets at the spine of the book to each other, and then sew on a typewriter.
  2. Now you can decorate each page in accordance with the given theme. For example, sticking leaves, flowers, beads, beads and sequins, forming the idea of ​​​​the dream for which they collect money.
  3. Lastly, the decor of the cover is thought out and made out.

A passbook for newlyweds in gentle colors can be made in exactly the same way as described above, only you need to use pictures and warm colors for decoration. From the images it is worth choosing birds, insects, landscapes. For text design pick up lyrics.

The simplest version of such a product:

  1. You need to take a sheet of A4 cardboard.
  2. Fold it into a fold out.
  3. Pick a layout.
  4. Decorate the book and be sure to place an envelope for money in any convenient place.
  5. In order to hold the edges of the book, you can pierce holes with a hole punch and tie them with a ribbon.

Passbook for newlyweds in gentle colors

Purchased gifts will undoubtedly be received by the newlyweds with delight. However, exclusive and unusual, funny and naughty savings book, made with love with your own hands, will be remembered for a lifetime. In addition, this present can become a kind of piggy bank for a young family. In each envelope, they can store and replenish money for a specific purpose.

June 28, 2018, 11:27

A savings book can be a wonderful gift for newlyweds. It is easy to do it yourself. This will require a simple set of materials for creativity and imagination, as well as a desire to please and surprise a couple in love.

A wedding is a solemn event that lays the foundation for a long family relationship. It is believed that no other holiday in a person's life is as important as a wedding. It must be lush, memorable, rich, fun and filled with pleasant moments.

Each couple strives to decorate this event in their own way: they invite a toastmaster, come up with many interesting contests, make gifts for guests, unique decorations for the banquet hall, and an entertaining show. Along with the newlyweds, many guests also try to please the lovers.

Relatives and close friends are trying to give not just money, but to present the newlyweds with an original gift that will give them pleasant memories for a lifetime. An example of such a gift is the "savings book". It is very similar to the original, but still it is a book designed to bookmark the first family budget.

Savings book option for newlyweds

A savings book is very similar to an album, which, in addition to money, contains a large number of pleasant photographs, pictures and decorations that create a pleasant mood and leave a pleasant aesthetic pleasure.

Savings book for newlyweds a fairly new and fresh idea in creative needlework. This gift will definitely please young lovers, it will be very unexpected, pleasant and exciting. It is not unimportant that it is very interesting to create such a gift. This gift is made using the scrapbooking technique.

Scrapbooking is a special technique that allows you to make multiple collages from photographs, pictures, lace and ribbons (the list of decorative ornaments for creativity is not limited).

In addition, such a gift is unique in that it is able to participate in contests and competitions throughout the entire wedding event. In competitions, guests will be able to put money in the book, which, in principle, is intended for this.

The book has several pages, depending on the imagination of its creator. Each page is dedicated to a specific need for young people:

  • to buy your own home
  • to buy a personal car
  • for honeymoon trip
  • for entertainment and so on

Video: Scrapbooking. Savings book for newlyweds»

How to make your own savings book for newlyweds step by step?

In order to make a beautiful "savings book" for newlyweds, you should prepare a list of necessary materials for creativity.

Materials needed to make a beautiful scrapbooking passbook:

  • Thick cardboard for making pages in a book. The paper should be especially thick to hold the entire load: glued pictures, ribbons, lace, decorations, written poems and wishes
  • Heavy paper from cardboard or an A5 folder for making a cover. The cover must be solid, capable of holding all possible decorations and wrapping with decorative material: lace, fabric, colored paper
  • scrapbooking- These are special lined paper sheets on which various patterns, pictures and calligraphic inscriptions are printed. They are necessary in order to decorate the pages of the savings book album. Such scrapbooking paper is sold in specialized craft stores or on Internet sites. In principle, you can do without scrapbooking and print pages from Internet resources
  • Super glue or hot glue, on which many decorative elements will be attached, rubber glue ("Dragon") and PVA glue
  • stapler for attaching embellishments or fabric to the cover. A stapler will help to accurately attach items. So, as in some cases it will not be able to make glue
  • Decorative elements - they are needed to create jewelry. You will need: beads, semi-beads, rhinestones, ribbons of different widths, lace, decorative figurines, golden sand, decorative flowers and petals
  • Printed photos happy newlyweds. They can be downloaded from the Internet or asked in advance from loved ones. They are necessary for creating collages. You also need clippings from magazines and newspapers on wedding and love topics that will create the right mood and decorate the savings book.
  • Beautiful poems and congratulations with which you will decorate each page of the album. Each poem should correspond to the theme of the page and contain only warm pleasant words.

gift book for newlyweds

How to make a savings book for newlyweds in stages:

  • First of all, you should decide on the style of your book. To do this, you should look at several options for an already finished product, choose a specific design and color theme. In accordance with this, it is necessary to purchase jewelry for your gift. As a rule, hobby stores have a wide selection of materials, the choice of which can even be confused.
  • After the materials are prepared, you should decide how the binding of your book will look like. To fasten the pages, you can use a large stapler, you can use a hole punch and thread tapes through the holes, you can fasten each page with glue and put it under a press to dry completely
  • After the book is ready, you should start decorating it. You should start decorating it from the cover. Wrap it in beautiful satin or lace and secure it with glue or a stapler. Gently tighten every inch around the edges so that the material sits snugly and confidently, without wrinkles or folds. The cover can also be made from corrugated paper, kraft paper, colored paper, colored paper
  • Attach a scrapbooking sheet to each page or make a beautiful collage of wedding-themed scrapbooks. Suitable pictures such as: hearts, kisses of lovers, wedding rings, bouquets, sweets, landscapes, gifts
  • Between clippings and pictures, you can glue various decorative elements: beads, pebbles, words, wishes, bows, decorative flowers, make patterns from golden sand, draw the initials of the newlyweds or their names. You can also use dried flowers, citruses, cinnamon sprigs
  • Each page should contain a pocket. It is made from a small sheet of rectangular paper (any shape can be). It sticks to the page, but not completely. Lubricate with glue should be only three of its sides. The fourth will have a slot, and will serve as a place for investing banknotes. Decorations can be glued both around the pocket and on top of it
  • A savings book may be tied with ribbons, may have a button closure, may not close at all

Poems for newlyweds, what congratulations to decorate a savings book?

We wish you young
Many warm light years.
So that the pockets are not empty,
Were full of coins.

For the bills to rustle
And your family budget,
Only the currency adorned
Many long marriage years.

This book is not easy.
It has a nice secret:
Each page gives
A small contribution to your budget.

This contribution is for entertainment,
For shopping and comfort
For dances, adventures,
Travel without interference.

You can make a purchase
Even valuable ones are easy!
Let this contribution help you
Do not count your "loot"!

Apartment, car and fur coat
Must be with family.
A wife should pamper her husband
And the husband gives diamonds!

So let this wonderful book
Will serve you for the future and for good,
On every single page,
Find your happiness!

Our wishes are simple:
Be happy and live your home!
In this book, all bills from the heart,
You should definitely spend them!

This money is for the house.
To buy curtains, carpets,
Frying pan, forks, spoons.
All that love requires!

Here's your vacation money
On a honeymoon, the sea.
This book is like a pass.
Yours to the beach, to the pool and to the mountains!

There is no more wonderful wedding in the world
Than your celebration for us.
Our gift will be useful to you,
You can allow everything!

handmade savings book as a wedding gift for newlyweds

Passbook for newlyweds: templates

If this is your first time creating such a gift for loved ones, you will need templates that can be easily printed on a printer and used as you wish. In the presented templates for your attention:

  • patterns
  • drawings
  • framework
  • covers
  • Pictures
  • Photo
  • prints

Templates, scrapbooking:

template: cover for creativity, creation of an album-savings book

template: frames for writing wishes and congratulations

templates for scrapbooking, creating a savings book for newlyweds

template for creativity, scrapbooking

template: frame for creating a beautiful savings book as a gift for newlyweds

template: scrapbooking, creating a savings book for a wedding
templates: beautiful ideas for decorating a passbook for a wedding

template: a beautiful frame that will come in handy for creating a beautiful passbook as a gift for newlyweds

template: wedding scrapbooking ideas

template: frames, patterns - ideas for beautiful wedding scrapbooking

template: scrapbooking, creative design of a passbook as a gift to the newlyweds for the wedding

scrapbooking, template for creativity and savings book design

Newlyweds Passbook Ideas

Designing a savings book should be very creative and original. For this, in addition to templates, fantasy and personal ideas are useful. A savings book should be designed in a way that matches the style of the wedding and the color policy.

A modern wedding is a themed wedding: classic, beach, club, European, national. It is for this reason that you should know in advance your scope and scope of work. A few creative ideas for making such a book with your own hands will definitely come in handy:

retro style savings book

You can decorate a savings book in retro style. To do this, adhere to well-chosen color schemes - classic tones and colors, modest pearl jewelry, dried flowers and ribbons. You can also use scrapbooking and prints with images of flowers, clocks, butterflies.

savings book, decorated cover with wallpaper

Another creative idea is to decorate the cover of a passbook with wallpapers that can match the wedding style: white, glitter, patterns and flower designs. You can decorate the wallpaper with beads and rhinestones, stick lace and other decorative elements.

savings book in the style of "Baby Boom"

Another interesting idea is to issue a savings book, which will be focused on the appearance of the first child in the family. To do this, all pages are decorated with thematic drawings of babies, strollers, nipples, balls and children's toys. Ribbons, beads, bows and lace can serve as decorative elements.

Savings bank savings book

savings book design ideas

Video: " Scrapbooking. MK savings book for newlyweds, or how unusual it is to give money

Under the joyful cries of "Bitter!" at weddings, they are increasingly giving. A universal and necessary gift for a young couple from several banknotes can be decorated with your own hands beautifully and tastefully. A cool savings book is a surprise that can be made with love.

It will consist of a large number of wishes, parting words, funny pictures and poems. And most importantly, he will forever remain with the spouses and will remind them of the happiest day of their lives. How to do this, and what is needed for a passbook?

Everything that's needed

To make a gift for a wedding in the form of a passbook, you need:

  • Folder folder. It can be of any shape and size.
  • Sheets of thick cardboard are the future pages of a family savings book.
  • Reliable adhesive.
  • Scrap paper of different colors and textures.
  • Thin synthetic winterizer. Needed for softness, volume of the cover.
  • Textile. This is the surface of the first and last pages. Silk, velor, guipure and even dense cloth will do. You need to choose gentle colors with drawings of hearts, flowers. Polka-dot and checkered fabrics, as well as voluminous materials, are good for decorating such a cool gift.
  • Decorations. Ribbons, fabric bouquets of flowers, beautiful and, stickers with doves, yachts, airplanes, as well as rhinestones, mother-of-pearl sparkles. All of these can be found in hobby shops.
  • Color clippings from glossy magazines and newspapers. Needed to decorate the book.

Surprise Facade

A passbook with money for a wedding should look unusually festive, elegant. The binder folder will be the base. Stages of its design:

  • Carefully sew the synthetic winterizer to the fabric.
  • Glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the folder - inside and out.
  • Glue the fabric cover with padding polyester to the folder.
  • Tuck the edges of the material inward, cut off the excess.
  • On the inside of the cover, glue one tape to both pages so that the passbook can be tied in a bow
  • To hide the edges of the fabric, you can stick cardboard slightly smaller than the folder on the inside of the book's crusts.

Diary - a memorable and beautiful gift

cover decoration

The design of the main page of the presentation is a matter of taste and imagination of each person. On a sheet of thick paper, you can print an image of a real passbook and stick it on the main page of a homemade book.

Another option is to take a photo of a passbook for a wedding gift a little smaller than the cover and glue it on as well.

The main page can be decorated with fabric autumn leaves if the wedding takes place in the fall. Delicate pink, orange, purple flowers, buttons, stickers, stars - all this is appropriate on the facade of a congratulatory album.

Glue a lace ribbon along the perimeter of the reverse side of the savings book photo so that the openwork edges peek out from under the photo.

Each surprise page must be attached to the cover. To do this, you need to make holes in the sheets with a hole punch. But first, all the sheets need to be completed.

Such an album can be supplemented with photographs of lovers, small ringing bells, pictures of wedding rings, white doves, baby carriages and nipples.

Decorate the facade not with a cloth, but with dollars printed on a color printer. The cover can be cut out in any shape - a butterfly, a heart, an oval, a puffy wedding dress, a basket, a cloud.

The folder with the binder is easy to replace with a notepad. Instead of pockets, many stick congratulatory envelopes. Banknotes can be easily exchanged for gift cards to shops, salons or a card with money in the account.

A joke gift - a savings book with money - is at the same time a unique, creative gift, a package for money, a postcard, as well as a cheerful hint of prudence in spending young spouses.

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