
How to shake yourself up and start living in the spring. Secrets of motivation: how to shake yourself up How to bring back the bright colors of spring in one hour

All of us sometimes need a shake-up: someone is mired in the routine of work, someone can’t get away from their winter "hibernation", and someone just wants to diversify the monotony of life with something new and incendiary. There are many ways to shake things up, awaken new sides of your personality and get an adrenaline rush and vigor. Today's article is devoted to such methods - from small things to truly extreme adventures.

How to shake yourself up during the day

Each person has his own peaks of vigor, when he is most active in everything, and there are so-called declines in activity, when he does not seem to be sleepy, but he does not want to do anything either. It is in moments like this that little tips on how to shake yourself come in handy. Well, and, of course, they are designed for those who like to sleep, but are forced to get up even at dawn and should at the same time function not in the "zombie" mode, but use their potential to the maximum.

How to shake yourself up:

  • Arrange body shaking. The presence of the Internet in each apartment allows you to download suitable music, and where to get inspiration, I'll show you: a video of Jamaican dances dancehall, African dances ragga. It is important not only to watch such videos, but to allow your body to be liberated, and emotions - to wake up and come out. Free movement, shaking, jumping - all this not only helps to wake up the brain and invigorate, but also shake up your emotions. Most importantly, do not make a serious face - after all, you are doing this for the sake of fun, so smile and laugh as much as you can!
  • Massage. In self-massage, there is such a technique as shaking: standing on one leg (which is the center of support), put the other leg on the toes, then lift it off the floor and shake it so that the muscles of the lower leg and thigh are shaking. Lying or sitting, such an exercise is performed as follows: bend your legs outstretched at the knees and shake the hips apart-together with short sharp movements. Here again, the effect of the unity of body and mind acts - through shaking the physical body, we awaken our consciousness and emotions. Plus, it's just fun.)
  • Do something bold, some little thing that you wouldn't normally do. For example, write on a social network to a girl or guy you like, if you did not dare to do this before. Sign up for a cleanup or bowling competition at a local club - in general, step out of your comfort zone a little - this is enough impetus to shake things up and see new opportunities.

How to Shake It Big

If you suffer from a routine of repetitive day-to-day events and activities, you will need something stronger. For example,
  • Become the hero of Jim Carrey for a day or two in Always Say YES! - agree to everything, absolutely any opportunity that life gives you. First, again, this is expanding your comfort zone and breaking the pattern, and secondly, you will let new fresh energy into your life, which will help you again feel the unpredictability and richness of life. And this, in turn, will lead to the emergence of new ideas, to a change in your point of view on some issues, and will give rise to something new in your life.
  • Men, no matter how educated, successful and intelligent they are, periodically get into fights. Although it does not happen so often, the fact itself is undeniable - sometimes men need to fight in order to blow off steam and just shake themselves. I do not welcome violence, especially in the street format, where you can really get hurt and lose some of your property. Therefore, I propose an alternative option - any martial arts, wrestling, boxing - that your soul will like more. Come to training and spar with any fighter - you will definitely get your adrenaline rush.
  • Girls are not so inclined to show their strength, but they also love to compete. For those women who need to shake things up, I propose to send their application to one of the local beauty contests, since there are plenty of them - universities, radio stations, and nightclubs. Accept the challenge, show, first of all, to yourself that you are able to participate and win. Well, the performance and the expectation of the results of the competition will pleasantly tickle your nerves.
  • If the reason why you need to shake yourself up is work (tired of doing the same thing, there are no prospects, growth and development does not happen, or something else), the advice is very commonplace - take a vacation and spend it in an unusual way for yourself. Go rafting in the mountains, conquer the peaks or master the roads of the world while hitchhiking. How does this help you shake things up? First, every person needs to rest. Secondly, during an interesting journey full of surprises, your horizon will expand, you will be able to find non-standard ways out of this situation. Returning home, you will either be able to see your current work in a different light and personally bring novelties to it, or you will clearly understand the need to change this work.
  • If it is not possible to go on vacation, make a rearrangement at home, and not from the category of swapping a chair and an armchair, but a major one, so that, entering your room, in the first seconds you will be surprised. You can also upgrade the workplace in the office - a lot changes from the rearrangement of the terms, if you believe, for example, Feng Shui.

Life is motion. Moreover, the movement is different, new, rich.

If you have been living at the same pace and rhythm for several years, then, for sure, you feel that stagnation has come in your life and it is time to change something.

So today I offer you

At least once a month, use any of these methods to shake yourself and your life, refresh it.

And then you will always be cheerful, cheerful and energetic.

And in this state, you can move mountains!

So let's go ...

1 - Tidy up and throw out all the trash

Any thing that surrounds you either gives you energy or takes you away.

Take an inventory of your apartment. If you have not used the item for a year ... Why do you need it?

Sell ​​on, give it to someone, take it to the trash can.

Free up your living space, let energy into your home, give it room to move! If the energy does not move, it turns out to be a swamp.

2 - Make a list of ALL things hanging on you - write it down on paper and bring any to a result

Our brain works best when it sees something concrete and tangible in front of us.

When you keep a to-do list in your mind, your thoughts will randomly jump from one to the other. As a result, you are inactive and not a step closer to resolving them.

So you take paper and write out a to-do list. It may take a couple of days.

Then choose the simplest one - write it down on a separate sheet and work on solving it until it's done.

Remove the general list, otherwise your brain will continue its ineffective leaps. Resolution of 1 case will charge you with energy for future achievements.

And in just a month you will successfully manage most of the hangings!

3 - do what you fear

It is incredibly energizing, self-confident and motivating.

Plus, it's the best way to deal with any other fears.

So choose the least fearful fear and overcome it.

4 - Do something new - something you have never done before

It doesn't have to be scary, but it must be new.

New experiences are new energy, an expanded worldview, and new neural connections in the brain.

Newness makes your brain think better!

5-Define 3 main goals-DREAMS in your life

Why do you live? Why are you doing what you are doing?

Setting life guidelines helps you focus your efforts by stopping doing unnecessary things.

6 - Buy yourself a quality good thing - image upgrade

A new, high-quality, expensive thing can give you a lot - confidence, energy, new proposals.

Just try it, go to the store, try it on, look in the mirror and you yourself will feel everything!

7 - Meet someone more successful than you

You grow and develop only when you are surrounded by people who are more successful and strong than you.

If there are none, you reach a certain level and do not move further.

So think about where these people might be and get to know them.

8 - hang out with losers or retirees

You've probably heard how bad they live. But hardly seen. Go see, chat ...

And then, every time you feel like being lazy, remember what it might lead to.

9 - Sign up for a live training on a topic of interest to you

This is a great way not only to gain new knowledge that can move you forward, but also to find like-minded people and mentors.

These trainings make it much easier to establish contact. So do not spare money on yourself. This is your best investment!

10 -Buy a membership to a fitness club

The easiest way to quickly change your life for the better is to improve your fitness.

Swim, run, jump, shake the fats, disperse the blood through the body ...

When the body is in good shape, you begin to think better and faster.

11 - Heal a tooth or whatever hurts you

Any pain in the body suggests that the disease has been going on for a long time and sucks the vitality out of you.

You may not even notice it, but the energy becomes less.

Therefore, if something hurts, consult a doctor and urgently undergo a course of treatment. And even if everything is fine, still undergo a full examination at least once a year.

12 - Create a personal achievement hall of fame

Whoever you are, but in your life there are results, victories and achievements. It doesn't matter where, when and how and how old you were.

It is important what it was. Collect all your certificates, moments of overcoming yourself (parachute jump), moments of happiness (birth of a child) and put it in one place, decorate this place.

And your life will be filled with the energy of success!

13 - Throw everything and go to a new place - rest and think

Constantly staying at the forefront of life blurs your perception.

A new environment where you completely disconnect from the outside world will help you quickly find a way out of your problems.

It is not necessary to leave for distant lands here. You can just go to the nearest village or rent a cottage outside the city for a week.

14 - Throw out the TV

Or at least remove all news channels, leaving only nature and sports.

Why do you need all this information noise. On 99.9% of these events, you cannot influence, and therefore change.

Think only about what you are really capable of influencing.

Well, use the TV for relaxation or getting emotions. Now there are many channels where there is no news or even advertising at all. So the choice is great.

15 - See your dream in reality

No pictures, stories or videos will inspire you as much as the dream you saw yourself could touch and touch it.

Take a test drive of the car, sign up with a realtor to view the house, go to where your dream is.

And its achievement will be much faster.

So that at any time you have the opportunity to change your life in 60 minutes in any of these 15 ways, here is a mind map for you.

Everything at a glance!

Right click on the image, select save as and ... Voila!

The map is at your complete disposal.

If you want a complete set of 50 mind maps, this is the place for you.

As the author of a famous song once optimistically noted, nature does not have bad weather, and any time of the year brings grace. Isn't it a miracle - the spring awakening of nature ?! It seems that other words, except for joy, renewal, inspiration, cannot be found.

But a strange creature - a resident of a modern metropolis, often experiences completely different feelings at this time - fatigue, irritability, depression, a decline in mental and physical strength. And I don't want to do anything, and black thoughts prevail, and the world around seems gray and bleak. Sound familiar?

I’ll make a reservation right away that we are not talking about depression as a disease with serious clinical manifestations, but we are considering “seasonal depression” in the everyday sense of the word - a decrease in mood and performance in the offseason.

Why is the white light not nice in spring

According to experts, this condition is explained by a combination of several reasons.

  • Firstly, in the spring, as, indeed, in the fall, we have metabolism is rebuilt, and the body loses its rhythm: there are problems with well-being, as well as exacerbation of diseases, which doctors call seasonal. In addition, we generally do not meet spring in the best shape: without fresh vegetables and fruits, vitamin deficiency, so immunity decreases, weakness, drowsiness appears, mood and performance decrease.
  • The next reason can be called ... We have been accumulating this aggravating factor since about October - that is why in the spring it “fired” with grave consequences.

  • It also has a negative impact hypoxia- oxygen starvation due to lack of fresh air (in winter people are less likely to be on the street).
  • Finally, hypodynamia- a sedentary lifestyle plays an important role in this list. Winter with its long reclining couches in front of the TV, sitting at the computer deprives the body of physical activity.

Big Spring Mental Cleaning

Spring is a time of cleansing, renewal, and a lot of spring cleaning, and your seasonal mood disorder is a great excuse to start over. Start with an apartment, try at least to change something in it: move furniture, buy a new curtain or rug for the hallway, transplant flowers.

Order should be put not only in the apartment, but also in our own body, as well as thoughts, which in most cases create our depressed state: "I see no reason to do anything", "I have no strength", "I'm not in the mood", "Any attempt I make is a failure"... Well, what emotions can arise after such gloomy reflections, reminiscent of a worn-out record?

Our body and mind are no different from our home, we also live in them. Therefore, it's time to sort out the motley garbage in your head, which we no longer need and even harms.

But before carrying it to the landfill, it makes sense to "separate black from white", think carefully about the fears and doubts that have arisen, analyze the events with which these feelings were directly connected, look at them from different angles and draw a conclusion about how to do in a similar situation in the future.

It is also important to think about what I want to fill my consciousness with. After all, a holy place is never empty, and a person is himself the creator of his thoughts, and, accordingly, moods. Of course, there are no universal recommendations on how to tune in to "correct thinking", but there are simple tricks on how to help yourself switch to spring!

How to bring back the bright colors of spring in one hour

The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. Therefore, we will pull ourselves out of the pool of emotional experiences on our own (with the exception of clinical cases when a person needs the help of specialists). As for the methods of dealing with the spring blues, they all stem from the reasons that give rise to it.

We go to bed with meaning

In addition to restorative procedures and walks in the fresh air, it is also important to take care of a full and comfortable sleep: before going to bed, take a bath with soothing herbs, drink herbal tea, or maybe with honey.

Are you already asleep, asleep, and cannot wake up? You are the one who needs to go to bed after bath and tea! This will allow you to break out of the general sleepy state, dividing the day into "wakefulness" and "sleep" with a simple ritual.

15 minutes

We wake up and do exercises

Physical inactivity ... They stagnated, lay down, accumulated so much tension in the body that it is now reflected in the form of a drooping head, drooping shoulders, a sullen look, and shortness of breath.

The solution is simple and lying on the surface - the simplest exercises, not necessarily accompanied by a significant load: stretching, "stretching", breathing exercises.

10 minutes

Remember the sensations

Allow yourself to abandon endless worries and troubles and tune in to such a wave that will return invaluable sensory sensations into your life. In the spring there are so many of them - the gentle ringing of a drop, a light touch of a playful breeze, the smell of freshness and melting snow, the warmth of the sun's rays on your cheek. I see, I hear, I feel ... Do you feel how the state changes simply from the realization that you are, breathe, live? Do spring meditation on the way to work, on the way to the store or to the kindergarten for the child.

5 minutes - at least

Throwing away the winter

The fly lady system is not suitable for everyone, but one rule of the system is invaluable in terms of maintaining a cheerful state of mind: throw out the trash! Set yourself a task - every day to get, find and throw away five unnecessary things. Not necessarily large - let it be a long-read magazine that is senselessly gathering dust on a bookshelf, a lonely sock that has long lost hope of finding a coveted pair, a cup with a broken edge that you only get out by mistake.

10 minutes

Go to the kitchen and eat

The next point of the program to rescue from the pool of blues and despondency is changes in the diet. To cope with the symptoms of spring asthenia, our body needs multivitamins, vigor salads, pleasure juices, foods rich in iodine - cauliflower and seaweed, sea fish. Try to avoid both low-calorie diets and heavy, fatty and sugary foods. Limit yourself to strong tea and coffee. Be sure to prepare salads with fresh vegetables, herbs (parsley, celery, leeks, etc.), garlic, nuts. Dark chocolate, dried apricots, bananas, oranges and other citrus fruits cheer up. Do not forget about freshly squeezed juices - not only fruit, but also vegetable juices: carrot, cabbage, beetroot. Add fresh herbs to your food, do not be shy with oriental spices - they can literally bring the taste back to life.

Cooking one salad and one smoothie - 20 minutes

How to love life in one day

One hour a day is good for maintaining a state of inner happiness, but in order to swim on the right wave, we allocate a whole day, for example, Sunday (or Monday weekend).

We are in no hurry to get up

On weekends, even arrange for yourself a holiday of laziness and pleasure. Are you awake? Lie down. Give yourself a half hour nap. Your family will not die without a hot super breakfast, and in general, let them cook it for you today!

Go for a walk

We pull ourselves together, dress and take them out into the street. Enough enthusiasm for a ski trip - great, not enough - we go for a walk in the nearest park. We try to grab the maximum portion of ultraviolet radiation, compensate for the winter lack of light.

Let's go to the bathhouse!

Massage, swimming pool, sauna (if there is no strength for physical activity) will also allow you to feel alive.

After all, joy lives in the body, and in order to awaken from hibernation, you need to pay special attention to it during this period, pamper it like a child.

And that means - to deliver simple, but such important pleasures.

Spring shopping

When the world seems gray, you should pay attention to the cheerful colors around, which cheer you up. Add to your wardrobe accents in the form of scarves, handbags, gloves.

New impressions, meetings, trips, trips to the theater, concert, museum will also make life brighter, more interesting, and will allow you to get out of the zone of black dull thoughts. But the easiest place to start is with a scarf. With an orange scarf - he is the champion of antidepressants!

Remembering a hobby

Yes, you have long abandoned embroidery, painting, exotic culinary recipes ... Well, if you don't want to - don't, but not today!

Today is a therapeutic day, so we remember our favorite hobbies in order to remember the sense of pleasure they gave us. Try to awaken in your heart the excitement, joy, interest that you experienced before.

If not at all - there is an alternative: get a photo album dedicated to a memorable event - vacation, travel, look through it carefully, recalling the erased details. Well, do you remember what emotions you experienced then? And now, now, do you feel them?

We go to visit

Don't be alone. Communicate more with friends, family, loved ones, acquaintances. Go on a visit, communicate in person, by phone, via Skype. Communication will not allow you to get bogged down in depression, but on the contrary, will give an influx of strength and energy. At these moments, the feeling of separation and helplessness disappears, which makes us tired, de-energized, and a feeling of increased vitality, energy and joy appears.

And if this feeling suddenly appeared, do not be greedy, share it with others, you will only become richer!

How do you deal with the spring blues? Share your secrets in the discussion, and a link to our article on social networks!

The question of motivation often arises when a person understands: you need to do something, but there is no desire and it is difficult to force yourself. It would be nice to take yes and turn on the magical internal motor responsible for enthusiasm. But today, confusion is added to the usual state of Ukrainians: if the motor suddenly starts working, then what to do next? Either go to work and go to college, or enroll in volunteers, or equip a bomb shelter. In addition, the daily routine seems to be something so insignificant against the backdrop of dramatic events that even reluctance to devote time to it.

Psychologists and trainers share tips on how to overcome confusion and focus yourself on doing good things. “People who really want something do not have questions about motivation,” says psychologist, organizational consultant Natalia Skripnik. “Motivation is an answer to a need, a desire to satisfy it. needs, or they realize other people's goals. Therefore, they have no enthusiasm. So motivation is not even a search for energy, but a search and formation of a need. " And if you know what you need, then you should get down to business right now, without waiting for the situation in the country to stabilize.

Dreaming is not harmful, it is harmful not to dream

Before answering the question: "How to motivate yourself?", You need to understand the reasons for the lack of enthusiasm. Usually there are two of them: either a person has goals imposed by someone else, or many failures have accumulated, and he is disappointed in himself. In any case, you just need to dream - make lists of cherished desires for yourself and work with them regularly. And there should be a lot of desires. There are special techniques that allow you to make dreams come true.

Affirmation. These are positive statements about the desired state that you need to repeat to yourself. Moreover, it is necessary to speak in the present tense, as if the desired has already come true, and to detail as much as possible. Actually, the phrase "I am the most charming and attractive" from the famous film is an example of an affirmation. “This is practically self-programming,” explains Lyudmila Bogush-Dand, a senior coach at the BogushTime business studio. “Our consciousness must take some kind of program and launch it.”

We write down desires. Each dream needs to be described in detail on paper. If you want to live in your house, think about where it will be located, how many floors, how many rooms, etc. The details are important because the subconscious mind can play a cruel joke on you. For example, the wording "I love and be loved" is not precise enough because it is not clear that the one you love and the one who loves you are the same person. Also, all wishes should concern you, since you cannot decide anything for another person. Therefore, you should not write: "My loved ones are healthy," it is better to write "I can make my loved ones feel better."

Burn out at work

Sometimes you can observe the effect of burnout, when a person consciously and enthusiastically went about his business, tried to achieve good results, but over time the enthusiasm faded away. This mainly happens due to a streak of failures, constant stressful situations, reassessment of the meaning of life. “We need to figure out why this happened,” says Lyudmila Bogush-Dand. “Maybe a person is doing something wrong, or with the wrong people, or just at the wrong time. All this can be corrected. They greatly reduce vitality, but you shouldn't "dig deep" into the reasons for what is happening to you - it is better to concentrate on how to get out of the situation.
At such moments, it is useful to communicate with people who are more successful in one area or another - they will pull out. "

We take out the focus

According to Lyudmila Bogush-Dand, the problem of many people is that they fixate on themselves. To feel a surge of energy, you need to do something big, take responsibility for the other person. "Help someone, and immediately the focus of attention will shift from the inside out," advises Lyudmila. If you want to feel normal, go work as a volunteer in a hospital. " the person will become bigger than him. Therefore, the volunteers now feel much better than others: they know what will happen tomorrow. They do not know if the war will end, but Vasya, whose leg was torn off, will have an operation tomorrow. They have an answer to what it is. tomorrow".

Orientation. Go for a walk on the streets, consciously directing your attention to large objects - those that are clearly larger than you and which take time to inspect. Give yourself commands: "Look at that house, look at this one." This exercise is best done in a company and long enough - 40 minutes. The company is needed for discussion, plus another person will be able to draw your attention to what you yourself did not notice. The point, again, is to direct attention outward.

How to find strength and inspiration during a crisis

Today many people complain that they do not see the point in what they did before. And as you read the news, your hands are completely discouraged. Unfortunately, coping with such a condition will not work without effort. “If a person has a favorite business, you just need to continue doing it, taking into account the new realities,” says business coach Nikolai Vovchenko, founder of the NLP center. “Of course, the current state of affairs has deprived people of one of their basic needs - stability. For employees, its symbol , for example, salary paid on time. But people who are engaged in business turned out to be more adapted to such situations - they understand that there is never stability. If they stop, they will lose profit - no one but them will achieve a result. So entrepreneurs they always work according to the principle “now it is bad - tomorrow it will be good.” And hired employees are accustomed to living in their comfort zone in a state of stability, and for them this is a crisis moment. ”

A responsibility. Such people should not postpone everything "until better times". You will have to rebuild your thinking and form new needs. “We need to think not in the format“ they will give me ”, but in the format“ I will do it, I’m ready to take responsibility for my life, for the actions that I will do, ”says Nikolai Vovchenko. , he will treat his duties differently. This will save him from redundancies, or he will come to the conclusion that it is worth finding another job or additional sources of income. to achieve something, to somehow ensure stability for himself and his family. "Then a person will pull himself out of the comfort zone and create something new, and not find an excuse in the complexity of the situation.

For the near future."In a situation where everything is changing, it is very difficult to build long-term goals," says psychologist Natalia Skripnik. "Especially when you understand that it may not work out. What to do in this case? Do not stop moving towards the goal. Just make plans for more short term: for a month, two weeks, a week. And go in small steps, see what has changed, how you can correct your strategy in connection with the changes. "

Avoid or strive

There are two types of motivation with the opposite sign: motivation "from" (avoiding unpleasant consequences) and motivation "to" - the desire to satisfy one's need. "Since the Soviet Union, we were raised through motivation" from ", - says Nikolai Vovchenko. - Like, if you don't do it, it will be bad. And we acted not for the sake of a reward, but to avoid punishment. According to my observations, most of the inhabitants of our country work it is the motivation "from", so they are more passive and wait for instructions. People who strive for something, on the contrary, are very active, they themselves are looking for opportunities to receive benefits, comfort, satisfaction. They just need to show perspective. "

The understanding of what to strive for is also different for everyone. "There are three deep motives: the motive of power, the motive of achievement and the motive of involvement," says Nikolai Vovchenko. motivation ". The coach told about each motive in more detail.

The motive of power. If this motive is the leading one in a person, one can notice an unconscious desire to be the first. He does not like to obey, tries to control everyone, give instructions and demonstrate how wonderful he is. If such a person “loses the battle”, cannot show how great he is in this or that business, he will say that it was generally a stupid idea and he did not even want to strain. He may come up with ideas, but he will try to make sure that someone else implements them. These are inner aspirations - they do not depend on wealth, profession, education and upbringing. Such a person should be given a chance to lead any projects or, for example, circles in an educational institution, to participate in working competitions.

Achievement motive. People with a leading achievement motive are perfectionists. They are always focused on results, create something new, often become experts in their industry, love to dig deep. For a person with a leading motive for achievement, development is extremely important. If he does not have the conditions for development at work, he will go to look for another, where he would be provided with such an opportunity. It is important for him not to sit around, waiting for something, not to beg for some resources, not to solve everyday problems - he must be able to focus all his attention on performing a specific task. It is also important to throw new tasks for such people so that they are interested all the time.

Motive of involvement. They are enthusiasts who love to be among friends. They treat each person as a potential friend, they are always ready to help. Their main task is to attract as many people as possible. They are even ready to do someone else's work, just to be in good company. In response, they need to show how much they are loved and respected, then they will be the most sincere, best comrades and the most loyal employees.

All motives are good in the same way, because they induce to strive for something. People often drown them out and act out of negative motivation to avoid problems. If you feel any of these three motives in yourself, it is better to realize it consciously. Choose the direction yourself, not avoid the stick.

We tune in the right way

If the work is waiting, and there is zero enthusiasm, you can try one of the most effective methods of self-motivation. “You need to remember some situation in the past, when you were busy doing what you loved, inspired and full of energy,” says Nikolai Vovchenko. “You can draw a picture in your head in bright colors or recall your feelings in detail, relive the situation better - both. You need to return yourself to the state when you wanted to do something and you liked it. Keeping this mood, think about the business that you should take up now. Transfer your positive state to it. you can change your attitude to the problem from minus to plus. "

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