
Speech therapy entertainment for the preparatory group. Speech therapy entertainment “Cheerful palms. Fizminutka from Pinocchio

Speech therapy entertainment KVN in the preparatory group between teams of children and parents.

Integration educational areas:

"Speech development", " Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".

Types of children's activities:


  • Speech Target: Fostering mutual assistance, collectivism, the ability to work together, help each other, the ability to listen to each other, and a sense of responsibility to one’s team. Tasks:"Speech development": systematize children's acquired knowledge in the classroom; develop grammatical structure speeches; enrich vocabulary, develop memory, speech attention, imagination; develop the ability to learn to think, draw conclusions, analyze; develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention, visual memory.

"Physical development": develop correct posture, coordinate movements, navigate in space.

development of graphic skills, fine motor skills and sense of rhythm. “Artistic and aesthetic development”: develop interest in the artistic word, in speech, expand knowledge and horizons; “Social and communicative development”: cultivate independence, self-control, mutual assistance. contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences of children and parents from a joint event.

encouraging children and parents to active participation.

involving parents in a joint event to establish a good, trusting relationship with the child. Equipment: KVN letters, cut-out pictures, letters for making words, circles: blue, red, green, hoops (baskets), object pictures, emblems, autumn leaves for the jury,

Progress of entertainment:

I. Participants in the game to the music “We are starting KVN...” enter the hall.

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Let's start our KVN. Today there are two teams participating in it. Your opponents, dear parents, will be your children – the “Umnikov” team. “Wise Men”, and your opponents are the “Wise Men” team. I suggest players choose captains. So here we go! I invite the teams to take their places. Our competition will be assessed by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the director will be announced structural unit kindergarten).

1. The first task is warm-up (Logic, memory, thinking). Find the extra word: 1) Bagel, pan, cup, ladle. 2) Sausages, spoon, fork, knife. 3) Pot, frying pan, milk, cup. 4) Teapot, milk jug, cup, boots. 5) Frying pan, pear, sugar bowl, slotted spoon. 6. Coffee pot, candy, saucer, tureen Leading: Once again, it's time for the jury. Giving ratings has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition 2. We continue KVN.Second competition Minus - plus, Fire - water, Daring - cautious. All antonyms are always opposite. Game "On the contrary".(Questions are asked alternately to one and the other team). The sugar is sweet, and the pepper The road is wide, and the path... The plasticine is soft, and the stone... The tea is hot, and the ice cream... The jelly is thick, and the fruit drink... The sandpaper sheet is rough, and the sheet of paper... The hare runs quickly, and the turtle crawls... It’s light in the daytime, and in the evening ... The porridge is cooked thick and ... Animals can be brave and ... Carrots can be eaten raw and ... Apples can be small and ... Leading: Once again, it's time for the jury. Giving ratings has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition. 3. Third competition. Who wants to talk he must pronounce everything correctly and clearly so that everything is clear. Therefore, the next task is “Who will talk to whom.” (The task is to remember the tongue twister, pronounce it quickly and clearly). The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field. Forty forty ate the cheese in a short time. The cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood. He looks funny in a hood. The spruce looks like a hedgehog, and the spruce with needles also looks like a hedgehog. The crow missed the crow. On a marsh hummock in the dark night, a bird duck drank some water. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle. The bells are ringing near the stake. The owl advises the owl that the neighbor should sleep on the sofa. On the sofa you will have such a sweet dream about the owls. Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving scores has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition. 4.Fourth competition"Tell a poem." For this task I invite team captains. I ask the captains of both teams to come to me. The task for you is very simple: you need to recite poems using gestures and facial expressions. The opponents’ task is to guess the “told” poem. For the “Wise Men” team - the poem “Teddy Bear” For the “Wise Men” team - the poem “They dropped the bear on the floor...”

Leading: 5. The fifth competition is “Knowledge Competition”. It consists of 4 tasks. 1. First task “Choose pictures with the sound K from the tray »Parents look for the K sound in the middle of a word, and children look for the K sound at the beginning. Then the captain calls the player, who tells why he collected these particular items. For example: “Pan, in this word the sound “K” is at the beginning of the word.” 2.Second task “Guess the encrypted word.” (They name the word by the sounds of the team and guess) For parents, the word is KNIVES, and for children, SPOONS. 3. Third task “Cryptographers” (sound analysis of a word)“Lay out the circles” and overtake the team of wise men . We remember that hard consonants are indicated by a blue circle, and soft consonants by a green circle. Vowel sounds are circled in red. Each team makes words from the circles. Children say CUPS, and parents. MUGS 4 Task “Guess the word by the first sounds of the words. Pictures are displayed first for the first team, and then for the second. U mniki LADLE - saucepan, hoop, bucket, slotted spoon. Smarties Sages. TEAPOT – stocking, watermelon, iodine, thread, needle. Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

6. Sixth task “Say a word.” We start this task with the parents. There is one game for you:
I'll read the poems now
I'll start, and you try, the necessary words
Add in unison.

1. And in the fall it’s all green, thick, pine... (forest)

2. If the sun is hot or the rain wets the lawn, It won’t scare us, You and I will be covered (umbrella) 3. Along the river, on the water of the clouds, a caravan It’s spreading white, autumn... (fog)

4. To keep us warm, We wear it in the fall... (coat)

5. The gray autumn clouds have their own angry leader, who shoots arrows all day long - Silver (rain)

6. Everyone is happy about such a miracle - autumn gives us (leaf fall)

7. The fields are empty,
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen? (autumn)

8. The garden in the village is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us? (September)

9. Nature’s face is becoming increasingly gloomy:
The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are fading,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to us? (October)

10.The field became black and white;
It rains, it snows,
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me? (november)

11. It is unknown where he lives.
It will fly and bend the trees.
Whistles - there is a shiver along the river
You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop. (wind)

12. Sacks with holes are wandering around,
And it happens sometimes
Water flows from the bags.
Let's hide better
From the holey...(cloud)

13. Came without paints and without a brush,
And I repainted all the leaves. (autumn)

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition. 7. Seventh task “Collect a picture” Tell me what parts the object consists of. 8.Eighth task:"Find the answer" It happens in the mornings and evenings; because of it you can’t see anything ahead. When he walks, he never ceases to feel sad in his soul and wet on the street. It is very beautiful and solemn that the trees shed their golden outfit... He can whisper, whistle, rage, get angry, push passers-by in the back, tear leaves from the trees. It looks like snow needles that decorate tree branches. She floats across the sky, dark, threatening, and then suddenly bursts into tears with bitter tears. Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving scores has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition. 9. Ninth task. "Find the error" I will name words denoting objects and phenomena related to autumn, but I will deliberately make mistakes. Your task is to find them.

Leaf fall, the beginning of the school year, snowdrops, wind.

Fog, frost, mushroom picking, ice drift.

Santa Claus, harvest, birds flying away, first snow.

Clouds, opening of the swimming season, rains, colder temperatures.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving marks has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition. 10..Tenth task. Working with matches. It often rains in autumn, and therefore we cannot do without an umbrella. Look how the picture of an umbrella made of matches is drawn on the piece of paper. I give both teams a few seconds to remember the image. Now I’ll turn the leaf over, and you can repeat it from memory too... Now let's complicate the tasks. Arrange just two matches so that you get three identical triangles. Which team can handle it faster? Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving marks has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition. 11. Presenter (speech therapist): Assignment - “Learn the word.” Children are called: 6 people, the speech therapist says 1 sound in each ear, then they pronounce these sounds in turn and find out word P-O-B-E-D-A(VICTORY); Then parents – 6 people – the word D-R-U-J-B-A(FRIENDSHIP)

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving scores has become a tradition. The jury gives marks and comments on the competition. In the meantime, while the jury is deliberating and summing up the final results, I announce a musical break (the tape recorder turns on). Now comes the most important point. No matter who is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today. Meanwhile, the jury summed up the results. Leading: We thank our jury members for their creative work in the evaluation of our competitions. And we thank the team members for their resourcefulness, ingenuity and perseverance in achieving fame and success. Prizes or certificates are awarded. Leading: We hope for new tournaments, games, meetings! A child reads a poem Danil G. We thought and had fun And sometimes even argued, But we became very friendly during our game. Game turns into game, Game ends! But the friendship doesn't end there. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The final countdown.

We are finishing our holiday

And let's count it all together:

May everything work out for you in life!

May you always be healthy!

To warm the soul from the inside - three!

May everyone live in love and peace - four!

To never lose heart - five!

So you can’t count your friends – six!

To give warmth to everyone - seven!

May the autumn be fruitful - eight!

That everything will be fine, believe - nine!

And finally, more

Ten good songs!

More kindness, patience, effort...

Well, let's say goodbye and tell everyone...


Second part.

    Results of speech therapy work for the year.

A) Throughout the school year, an assignment on lexical topics was posted every week. I am grateful to those parents who were responsible in following the recommendations of the speech therapist and did not miss speech therapy classes. We remembered that according to the new law on education preschool education, like school education, is compulsory.

2.In the past academic year The children’s articulatory apparatus has been prepared and the children’s sounds have been set, and many use them in speech. This is also thanks to you, dear parents. You followed all the recommendations that were written down in your notebooks.

3. I especially want to say thank you for the notebooks “Preparing your hand for writing.”

Thanks to your efforts, the children's concentration has improved, which will be very useful to them at school.

4. Those parents who do not always follow the recommendations and have sometimes missed kindergarten without a valid reason. I think. they will reconsider their attitude and will intensively develop their child, since children should go to school already prepared and knowledgeable.

5. I told you last year and again this year I remind you that you can come to me on Wednesday if you have any questions or you see that something is not working out for your child.

6. Despite the fact that I give you recommendations every week, you can buy albums on lexical topics for your children by N.E. Teremkova “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old. There are all of them. You can buy them at the Metis bookstore.

7. I can also recommend to you a site on the Internet called very simply “LET’S PLAY”, there are a lot of educational games that will develop your child’s attention, logical thinking, and cognitive games. But I warn everyone that time must be subsidized. No more than 15 minutes, morning, evening and afternoon. Remember you as parents. Establish a child’s culture of using a computer.

8. I hope the stand will be put up soon and we will continue to work with you as we did last year.

9.Now I will give you the forms, you fill them out. I need this for certification. I ask you to evaluate my work with your children.

10.You will need to sign the speech cards.

11. The main emphasis in the development of children will be on the formation of phonemic processes, which will help to consolidate the established sounds, and will also help them successfully master reading and writing later in school.

12. The second main task is to teach children to compose stories based on plot pictures and a series of plot pictures. The children and I mastered descriptive stories according to the scheme last year, and this year we will consolidate them. Therefore, I would like to ask you to ask them about what they do in kindergarten. While telling you, the child remembers and reproduces what he heard in class.

Speech therapy leisure

(preparatory group)


Consolidating children's knowledge acquired during speech therapy classes.


1. Strengthen the skills of sound-letter analysis, syllabic analysis, word agreement.

2. Practice the correct use of grammatical categories, composing words from letters and syllables.

3. Develop logical thinking, mental processes, develop the ability to work in a team.

4.Develop visual memory, articulatory and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

5. Develop culture in children verbal communication, interest in classes.

Equipment: tape recorder, multimedia installation, subject pictures, puzzles.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, divide into 2 teams and take their seats.

Hello dear guys. Today we will play, compete and find out who will bear the proud title of “Literate”

So here we go.

The captains represent their teams.



Motto: “We are a team of talkers, we speak without hesitation”

Team: "UMEYKI"

Motto: “If we speak beautifully, it will be easy for us to win”


Articulation gymnastics with elements of bioenergoplasty:

“Smile” - “Tube”, “Spatula”, “Comb”, “Swing”, “Watch”, Horse”, “Mushroom”, “Pancake”.

We need to repeat the truthful sayings,

To speak clearly and beautifully.

(with movements)

SA, SA, SA - a wasp sits on the table

SA, SA, SA - bitten on the nose by a wasp

So, so, so - my nose became like a wheel

Su, su, su - I'll drive away the wasp, the wasp

Ra, ra, ra - very fun in the morning,

Ro, ro, ro - we arrived at the metro.

Let's say together:


The tongue has become obedient!

I hold a letter in my hand,

But I can’t find who it’s from.

Here are my pictures

From them we recognize the name.

This letter is from Dunno, he asks you to help him become literate and educated, he has prepared assignments. Shall we help Dunno?


Look at the picture

Determine the first sound

Write this letter

Collect the word quickly.

Subject pictures: watermelon, hare, drum, snail, pencil.



Ball game “Say the opposite” (antonyms)

day Night



cheerful - sad

standing and walking





"Everyone has their own home"

A fox in a deep forest (Children depict the habits

There is a hole - a reliable home. animals. Application.

Blizzards are not scary in winter (audio recording “Sounds of Nature”)

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

There are prickly hedgehogs under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, bark

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw until spring.

Speech therapist: Let's continue our games!

Let's move forward.

What are you guys up to?

Amazing people!


There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to ask grandma:

“Read, please read.”

No need to beg your sister:

“Well, read another page.”

No need to call, no need to wait,

Bukovka's song

You have to be literate

We need to learn the alphabet.

I'll sit my mom next to me

Let him help the baby.

So you need to know the letters

I'll sit my mom next to me

Let him help the baby.


"What leaves"

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

Name what leaves fell from the trees:

From oak -…..oak

From maple-….maple

From birch-...birch

From aspen - ... aspen

From linden-... linden

From poplar-….poplar


Letters and numbers began to be friends,

But the numbers have slipped

And the letters were lost.

2 3 1 4 5 4 3 1 2 5 3 4 1 2 5

o sh k l a v k b u a s k d o a


Game "Correct the sentences."

“Grandfather is in the stove, and the wood is on the stove.”

“There are boots on the table, cakes under the table.”

“The bug didn’t finish the booth (bun): reluctant, tired.

“My uncle was driving without a vest (ticket) - he paid a fine for this.

“The snow is melting, the stream is flowing. The branches are full of doctors (rooks).

“A young tooth (oak) grew in a forest clearing.

“Fedot is sleeping under the bed, and Vaska the cat is on the bed.


One day the syllables played

They stood up out of order in the word,

But how can they find a place?

Words cannot be understood at all

And the syllables cry loudly, together,

Who will arrange us as needed?

Cards with syllables (ba-ran, ba-nan, cat, mouse)


“Name your neighbor affectionately”

The child affectionately calls the neighbor by name and any of his positive qualities.


"Vegetables fruits. Find out by description"

The basket contains a fruit or vegetable. A child from the team looks into the basket, then describes it to the children from the team.

But now our fun has come to an end.

We all hope that you have become a little smarter,

After all, the day was not wasted, I wish you all good luck!

Summing up, rewarding

Vera Alexandrovna Borscheva

Target: creating a holiday feeling for preschoolers from meeting their first beeches.


correctional educational:

Strengthen children's knowledge of sounds and letters;

Develop reading skills;

correctional developing:

- develop speech;

Clarify and expand the vocabulary;

- develop attention, logic, thinking;

correctional and educational:

Cultivate in children an interest in reading and a desire to learn new things letters;

Create a friendly, friendly atmosphere in the communication process;

Strengthening parent-child relationships;

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

(The song plays "ABC", children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle)

Speech therapist:

Good evening! At this hour

I salute you all!

Today we have gathered here in this room to talk about what you do in kindergarten and what you learned. In our garden, we, adults, teach you not only to make friends, dance and sing, we teach you to speak beautifully and correctly. Do you even know "Rules of beautiful speech"

Children tell "Rules of beautiful speech" (conjugate speech with finger movements)

We always speak beautifully, For each word we bend our finger, starting with the thumb,

Loud and leisurely. Synchronously on both hands

To start correctly, for each word we extend our finger, starting with the thumb,

Think about what to say. Synchronously on both hands

We speak beautifully, clearly, joining the wrists of both hands,

We always monitor sounds. For each phrase we connect the fingers of both hands,

We always try, starting big.

Everything works out for us.

Speech therapist:

Well done! You really know a lot, you've learned a lot (children sit on chairs)

2. Main part.

Speech therapist:

The time has come when you met the very first woman in your life letter.

What's happened letter? (children's answers)

Look how many beautiful the letters you drew, painted, pasted! Everyone has their own favorite letter. It’s no coincidence that our holiday is called that « Favorite letters»

Maybe yours your favorite letter is the first letter of your name?

Children perform a song "Lesson" gaming, music T. Potapenko, words by M. Evensen. ;sit down on chairs so that they can be roughly divided into 3 groups-teams

A game « Favorite letter»

Speech therapist:

Let's find out what letters from those, with whom we met, you chose.

Who favorite letter A? Make it out of your fingers, tell a poem about it (those children who drew letter A. Children make crafts letter letter, are seated)

– What does it look like? letter?

Who favorite letter O? - What reminds you letter?. Children make crafts letter from fingers and recite a poem about letter, are seated)

Children will come out with favorite letter I? - And this what does the letter look like??

Come those who like it the most letter N?

- Letter P? – What does it look like? letter?

Oh what we haven't said the letter yet? Letter C. - And this what does the letter look like??

Speech therapist:

Well done!

Now everyone will have to make letter from different materials.

A game "Do It letter»

Speech therapist:

Each of you must do any letter, and your parents will help you with this (Children make letter C made from bagels, draw letters on a sand table, they lay out jump ropes letters on the carpet and lie along the jump ropes, forming letters)

Children's answers: "I posted letter...» , "We posted..."

Speech therapist:

Well done, you turned out real letters!

How letters different from sounds?

(The children answer in unison: “There are sounds around me,

I can hear them.

I will hear them, I will repeat them,

I'll speak with my tongue.

I can hum them too,

Hold your teeth.

I will make sounds and hear them,

Letters I’ll write it with a pen and see it.)

-Speech therapist:

- “I will hear them, I will repeat them”. Let's listen to how you pronounce sounds correctly and clearly in pure phrases.

Pure Spokes Competition

Children go to the middle of the hall and tell their favorite proverb)

3. Physical exercise.

Speech therapist:

Music game "Names"; a game "Body parts"

Speech therapist:

- « Letters I’ll write with a pen and see”. And also the letters can be read. I suggest running along the paths.

Benefit "Treadmills"

Children "running along the paths", draining open letters, closed syllables, syllables with a combination of consonants.

Well done, they never stumbled, everyone covered the distance. And so they ran to the well.

Didactic game "well" (reading monosyllabic words)

Didactic game "Rebus" Speech therapist:

What is a rebus? (encrypted word)

Guess the puzzles, decipher the words.

(children solve puzzles)

Didactic game "Collect the word"

Speech therapist carries soft cubes with letters, "accidentally" scatters the cubes, asks the guys to help collect words from letters on cubes. Children are given cards with the indicated letters.

Speech therapist:

Well done, you were able to letters to form words!

But it's time to end the game.

We all hope that with her,

You've become a little smarter

We learned a lot of funny words,

And a lot of stuff

And if you remember them,

Your day is not wasted!

I suggest leaving the hall along an unusual path.

What do you think the holiday path should be decorated with? « Favorite letters

(children's answers)

Speech therapist:

Certainly, letters! Take markers and print your own on our track letters.

Music is playing, children are typing letters on the road made of Whatman paper.

4. Final part

Speech therapist:

Look how the road turned out!

Well, let's go along our road letters, on the road of knowledge!

Solemn music sounds, children solemnly leave the hall along the path from letters.


- Summarize and systematize program material;

Form phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis, divide words into syllables.

Strengthen the lexico-grammatical structure of speech: (formation of diminutive suffixes for nouns, formation of relative adjectives;

Develop speech activity, intonation expressiveness and speech diction;

Develop verbal-logical thinking, auditory memory, attention;

- Involve parents in active cooperation;

Increase parental competence in the knowledge and skills necessary to correct speech disorders;

Create an emotional high mood, a feeling of joy from the holiday.

Preliminary work: memorizing poetry.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, multimedia presentation, Stuffed Toys Little Red Riding Hood, Dunno, Pinocchio, Kolobok, emblems with team names, a letter with questions, a board for scoring teams, cards with printed tongue twisters for parents.

Progress of the holiday.

1. Slide. Good afternoon, dear adults! We will hold our holiday in the form of a speech competition between two teams. So let's welcome our teams. (To the accompaniment of music, children enter and take their seats.) Team “Know-It-Alls” and “Know-It-Alls”.

The competition is "judged" jury as part of : ( presentation of the jury members).

Our adventures begin, and to get to the land of “Talkers”, you need to say the magic words:

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and leisurely!

We speak clearly,

Because we are in no hurry!

2. Slide ( Little Red Riding Hood's music plays.) Our first guest, you probably guessed it, is Little Red Riding Hood. She brought us our first task. There are so many questions in this letter, let's answer them. You have learned and know so much.

The team that quickly and clearly answers all questions will win. Parental assistance is allowed, but only after the team responds.

Questions for the 1st team:

1. Name the baby horse? (foal)

2. How many sounds are in the word fluff? (3 sounds)

3. There are solid sounds, but vice versa? (soft)

4. What is more - birds or wings?

5. Name 5 pet birds? (duck, goose, chicken, rooster, turkey)

6. Correct the sentence. Grandmother is younger than mother.

7. (owl, dove, bear, tit)

8. How many syllables are in a word bel-cha-ta?

9. Cranberry jam? (cranberry)

10. What is the second sound in the word spider? (A)

Questions for the 2nd team:

1. Name the baby pig? (pig)

2. How many sounds are in the word horse? (3 sounds)

3. There are dull sounds, but vice versa? (voiced)

4. What are more in the forest - trees or leaves?

5. Name 5 wintering birds? (tit, pigeon, sparrow, crow, bullfinch).

6. Correct the sentence: dad is older than grandfather.

7. Who is the odd one out and why? (table, sofa, bus, bed)

8. How many syllables are in a word cat?

9. Blueberry jam? (blueberry)

10. What is the second sound in the word night? (O)

Questions for parents:

1. An organ without which it is impossible to speak? (language)

2. Remove the syllable from the middle of the word PLYWOOD. What word did you get? (headlight)

3. Swap the syllables in the word pine. What word did you get? (pump)

4. Guess the riddle. And sing - he doesn’t sing

And to fly - it doesn’t fly.

Why then

Is he considered a bird? (Ostrich)

5. She is colorful, eats green, gives white. (Cow).

6. Lena Petrova has a dog Sharik in Moscow. How many words will we write with a capital letter? (5 words)

7. How do letters differ from sounds?

(Members of the jury collect chips from the children to sum up.)

3. Slide. Game “Name it kindly”(with musical accompaniment)

Speech therapist. Guys, a bun rolled up to us for the holiday. When the music is playing, we pass the “kolobok” in a circle to each other. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the bun in his hands calls the word “affectionately.”

Wardrobe-locker winter-winter skirt-

Table-table chair-chair nest-

Chair-chair puddle-puddle ring-

We start the engine of the plane (rrrr...) and fly to our seats...

(children say r-r-r sound..., moving their arms to the sides, they “land” on their “airfield” chairs)

4.Slide ( Pinocchio's music plays.) Our third guest is Buratino. (Voice recording sounds)“Today at school I was asked to learn a verse, but I don’t know which one. Help me please". Of course we will help. Our guys prepared beautiful poems. Listen here. (Reading poetry).

5. Physical exercise from Pinocchio.

Pinocchio stretched.

Bent over once, bend over twice,

He spread his arms to the sides -

Apparently I didn’t find the ball.

To get us the ball,

We need to stand on our toes,

Stretch harder

Take the ball and smile.

6.(Music from the cartoon “Dunno on the Moon” is playing.) Our third guest is Dunno.

Hello Dunno! (Voice recording sounds) Dunno: “Now I’ll be a Know-Nothing, I don’t want to be a Dunno. I learned to pronounce words correctly, so correctly and clearly that everyone could understand them. Now I’m not talking about detectives, but about big shots.

What a great guy you are! And the guys know how to say the right words.

Next game “Say it right.” If I say the word correctly, clap your hands.

Words for the team "Curious":

Shanky-funky-syanky- sled-hanki

Slyapa-shyapa-flyapa - hat

Ftarufka - shtarushka - staluska - stayuska - old lady

Pchenets - chick-chick -tinet -bird

Words for the team "Know-It-All":

Mayba, kaiba, fiba , washer, Taiba.

Toe, myfka , mouse, toe

Vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner, vacuum cleaner.

Animals, shvelyat, zelyaty, svelyat

7.Task for parents. And our parents will show you how they pronounce tongue twisters correctly.

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer

Let's sit on a hill and say tongue twisters. Tongue twister from the first hill.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

The doctor handed the grumbler valerian

Tell us about your purchases.

What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping,

About my purchases.

Shura sewed a gorgeous fur coat.

The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

The ship was carrying caramel

The ship ran aground

And the sailors for three weeks

We ate the caramel broke.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Valerik ate a dumpling, and Vanyushka ate a cheesecake.

Greek rode across the river

Sees the Greek - a cancer in the river

The Greek put his hand in the river

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC

The result of the holiday. Our holiday has come to an end. Guys, what fairy tale characters came to visit us? While the jury sums up the results, Let's remind ourselves and our guests once again how we will speak.

So let your speech always be bright, expressive, competent and, of course, beautiful.

Organization: GBDOU d/s No. 7 Vyborg district

Locality: Leningrad region, Saint Petersburg

Target: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.


  • Expand, consolidate and activate vocabulary.
  • Reinforce the skills and concepts acquired in classes using the material of a fairy tale plot.
    • to form the grammatical structure of speech: to train children in the formation of various case forms of nouns (R.p., V.p.);
    • practice selecting adjectives and antonym words;
    • to form children’s coherent speech: practice composing common sentences;
  • Develop phonemic awareness and reading skills.
  • Develop general speech skills, visual and auditory perception, general and fine motor skills, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, holistic perception of objects.
  • Cultivate friendly relations between children, instill a love of literature.
  • Create a positive emotional background and a favorable microclimate in your leisure time.

Equipment, multimedia installation, carpet printer, chest with books, golden key, two envelopes with letters, object pictures, illustrations of fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, sound analysis diagrams, seven-flowered flower.

handouts: “Money” (cardboard mugs, one consonant letter is written on each mug), apples, toys, dummies, sheets of paper with images fairy-tale heroes, paints, brushes, watercolors, jars of water, rags, oilcloths.

Progress of the lesson.

A fairytale melody sounds. Children enter the hall. The hall looks like a “clearing of fairy tales”

A slide depicting a clearing of fairy tales. Music is playing

Educator: Hello, guys.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Today we found ourselves in a clearing of fairy tales. Fairy tales live here. Do you like listening to fairy tales?

Children: Yes, we love it.

Educator: Look, guys, what a chest there is here. And it must contain books with fairy tales. Let's look into it and read some fairy tale together.

Children: Let's go.

The teacher opens the chest, but it is empty.

Educator: Oh, guys, where are our fairy tales? The chest is empty. Where did it all go? How do you think?

Children give different answers.

At this time, Carlson (speech therapist in the role) flies into the hall, spinning his arms like a propeller. He stops near the guys and tells them what he knows.

Speech therapist - Carlson: Hello, guys.

Children: Hello, Carlson.

Speech therapist Carlson: I know that you are in trouble. All the fairy tales have disappeared somewhere. And I came to tell you that they all disappeared because children and adults stopped reading books. So I fly in the evenings, look into the windows - looking for friends and often watch this picture - a child sits either in front of the TV or at the computer, two or three phones in his hands... Horror... They stopped reading books. So the fairy tales are gone. They were offended by you. And in order to find them and return them, you need to complete the tasks that the characters of these fairy tales left for you. Do it?

Children: we'll try.

Host: Together we will definitely find them.

Speech therapist - Carlson: I have no doubt, but first play the game “How do you live” with me.

Rhythmoplastic exercises. Children answer “Like this” and show the corresponding movements with gestures.

How are you?

How do you swim?

How are you running?

Are you looking into the distance?

Are you eating lunch?

Are you waving after me?

Do you sleep in the morning?

Are you naughty?

Are you silent?

Speech therapist - Carlson: well done, guys, you charged me.

Carlson turns his attention to the screen. Slide with an image of Pinocchio

Guys, look... Who is it? Learned?

Children: Pinocchio

Educator: guys, look, our Buratino has disappeared. Slide with question marks

Pinocchio from the screen:

“Hello guys, help me find a fairy tale. I have prepared coins for you. The coins are not simple, they have letters written on them. Listen to the task: “You need to go to the store, choose in the store only that product whose name contains the letter from your coin.”

Educator: He left money for us. Money is not simple. A letter is written on them. And here is the task.

“You need to go to the store, choose in the store only that product whose name contains your sound and the letter denoting this sound.”

Game "Shopping in a store"

Children take turns approaching the toy store window and select products - dummies with a given sound, give the full answer: “I bought carrots in the store because the letter P is drawn on my coin.”

Educator: Carlson, we are giving you this basket.

(on the screen is a corrected picture from a fairy tale) Slide with a picture of Pinocchio.

Speech therapist-Carlson: Well done. We have brought back the fairy tale. The first task is completed.

Carlson's motor starts to sputter.

Educator: Carlson, what happened to you?

Speech therapist - Carlson: Guys, help, for some reason my engine won’t start. What to do?

Children: top with jam.

Speech therapist - Carlson: guys, you guessed right. I love jam. It is like this... help me, which one?

Children: tasty, aromatic, sweet...

Speech therapist - Carlson: what do you guys think, what kind of jam do I like?

Children: pear, apple, peach, etc.

Carlson tries to start the engine, but he can’t.

Educator: I think I know how to help you, Carlson, what does the engine sound like, guys?

Children: r-r-r-r-r.

Educator: let’s say pure sayings with the sound R and start the engine.

Children take turns saying the following phrases:

Ra-ra-ra - it’s time for us to go to a fairy tale

Ra-ra-ra - the kids will help everyone

Ro-ro-ro - we will do good

Ry-ry-ry - there are no better kids

Ry-ry-ry - we will always be kind

I'll return the fairy tales to the chest

Speech therapist - Carlson: let me try too - ra-ra-ra - wow, what a kid! Hooray!

(Carlson's engine starts)

Speech therapist - Carlson: Oh, thanks, guys. You did everything right. And the motor was repaired.

Educator: It’s time for us to meet other fairy tale heroes. Guys, did you find out what fairy tale these characters are from? Slide shows Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Children: Geese-swans.

The fairy tale is gone Slide with question marks

Speech therapist-Carlson: Guys, look, the fairy tale has disappeared again.

(recording) Alyonushka from the screen: “Guys, help us, find the apple tree. Pick an apple. Read the word and name the word with the opposite meaning. Then the fairy tale will return.

Children find an apple tree with apples on which words are written, complete tasks (words: good - evil, good - bad, far - close, silent - talk, fall asleep - wake up, short - long)

Educator: wow! You've dealt with this too. (A picture from a fairy tale appears on the screen) Look, the fairy tale has returned to us!!! Well done.

Speech therapist - Carlson: Let's cheer up a little.

Let's jump and gallop!
One two three four five! (Jumping in place.)
Right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.)
One two Three.
Left side bent.
One two Three.
Now let's raise our hands (Hands up.)
And we will reach the cloud.
Let's sit on the path (Sit down on the floor.)
Let's stretch our legs.
Let's bend our right leg, (Bend our legs at the knee.)
One two Three!
Let's bend the left leg,
One two Three.
Legs raised high (Raise your legs up.)
And they held it for a while.
They shook their heads (Head movements.)
And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.)

Speech therapist - Carlson: Well, guys, did you have a rest? Look who's in front of us?

Slide - picture from the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”

Educator: Guys, the fairy tale has disappeared again. Slide with question marks.

Let's listen.

Girl Zhenya from the screen. “I lost the magic petals. Please find them and put them together! To do this, you must determine which fairy tale these words are from.”

Carlson and the children find petals, on the back of which are fragments of the text of various fairy tales.

  1. I had a bad time!

Ivanushka fell ill.

I drank some water.

From goat's hoof.

Determine which fairy tale the excerpt is from?

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

  1. Along the path, walking briskly, the buckets carry the water themselves.

"At the behest of the pike."

  1. It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path.


  1. The red maiden is sad, she doesn't like spring,

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears.

"Snow Maiden"

5. The girl sees an apple tree standing.

Apple tree - mother, hide us.

Eat my apple, then I’ll hide it.

"Swan geese".

6. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.

I’ll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

" Masha and the Bear"

7. - Are you warm, girl?

Are you warm, red one?

Warm, Morozushko, warm, father!


Educator: So we collected a seven-flowered flower.

Slide (A corrected picture from a fairy tale appears on the screen).

Speech therapist - Carlson: They brought back the fairy tale. HOORAY!!! Slide with a picture of Malvina

A new test awaits us. Who is in front of us?

Children: Malvina.

Educator: Let’s listen to Malvina’s task. Slide - Malvina from the screen: “Guys, I left an envelope for you with a task in the swamp with the turtle Tortila. Find him and find out the task"

The children go to look for the envelope.

Educator: And here is an assignment from him. “Listen carefully to the words, If you hear the sound in a word TO- you clap your hands, and Carlson covers the cage with a colored square. If sound TO no, the cage remains open. There's a surprise waiting for you at the end."

The teacher says the words: box, skirt, fist, boots, table, lamp, magazine, school, orange, wizard, TV, book, rose, chick, moon, cat, bag, vase, scooter, pajamas, beetle, cabbage, ring, cornflower, jacket, snowman, zucchini, blackberry, barrel, teapot, scissors, winter, needle, globe, eyes, raspberries.

Speech therapist: Guys, what did we do?

Children: Key. Slide (A key appears on the screen, music plays)

The fairytale melody sounds again and a chest appears.

Speech therapist: Guys, look!!. Let's now try to open it and see what's inside.

Children: Let's go.

The chest opens. There is a letter in it. The teacher reads: “For fairy tales to return, magic must happen. Take a brush, water, draw a fairy-tale drawing over the fairy-tale drawing. What will happen?

Children do the work, each one has an image on their sheet.

The children tell us what they did.

Educator: How wonderful everything turned out! The magic worked. I give you these drawings.

At this time, magical music sounds, Carlson looks into the chest. –

Speech therapist-Carlson: Guys, look, books have appeared in the chest.

Carlson and the teacher thank the children for their completed tasks and for helping the characters.

Educator: guys, what fairy tales did we return?

Children look at books and give answers.

Let's thank Carlson for his help.

Speech therapist-Carlson: well, do the guys understand what needs to be done so that books don’t disappear anymore?

Speech therapist-Carlson: goodbye guys, see you again!

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