
Graduation party in kindergarten. The script is a fairy tale. Graduation with your favorite fairy-tale characters Graduation with fairy-tale characters

Kindergarten Graduation Scenario

Fanfare sounds

1 Leading

Sound, fanfare! And blow the trumpets!

Children are in a hurry to celebrate the holiday.

Today we see the children off to school.

It's time to say goodbye to the kindergarten.

To the song "Beautiful is far away" children go out and perform the construction

2 leading
Today, guys, we see you off,
We wish you more fives, fours,
So that every teacher at school can say

"You worked hard for five in kindergarten!"

1 Child
Today they see us off
To the land of wonders and knowledge
And we go to first grade
Thank you, good bye!

2 Child
Year after year for five years in a row
We came to kindergarten
Cheerful, contented,
But those days are gone
Today we are graduates
And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren.

3 Child
We are not in vain today mothers
Congratulations from the heart
We became disciples
We're not kids anymore.

Children sing the song "We were preschoolers"

4 Child

Day after day rush fast

They rush, they will not return!
It's a pity to part with the garden,

But I also want to go to school!

5 Child

Today is a bright spring day,

So thrilling for us
Summer will rush by imperceptibly

We will be greeted by the school, first grade.

6 Child

There are desks and a blackboard waiting for us,

Textbooks, bookmarks,
Rulers, pens, diaries,

Pencil cases and notebooks.

7 Child

A cheerful bell will call us,

And, a little shy, for the first time,
We will enter the school with bouquets,

Our very best first class.

8 Child

And the teacher will meet at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days
And the noisy family is big

Girlfriends new and friends.

9 Child

We will read so many books at school

Page by page!

Goodbye, our cute kindergarten!


We are all going to study!

The song "In September, the bell is merry" is being performed. Children sit down

Vovka enters the group (on a child's bicycle, all disheveled.

1 Leading
Whoa, guys, who brought this to us? Some kind of boy?
Who are you and where are you from?

I am Vovka Morkovkin, I live next to your kindergarten.
I heard funny music and came to find out what was happening here.

1 Leading
Today we have graduation, our guys go to school, and we see them off. They can take you with them too.

To school?! They don't even know what awaits them there! Do one thing, then another. And if you do it wrong, the teacher will give you a mark, it will get from your parents! No, I don't want to go to school!

2 Leading
You, Vovka, do not rush to answer. First, listen to what the guys are going to tell you about school.

10 Child:
To find your way
To keep up with life,
To keep pace with the people,
You must become literate.

11 Child
If you want to build a bridge
Watch the stars move
Drive a machine in the field
Or drive the car up
Do a good job at school
Study conscientiously!

12 Child
If you know the letters
Can you read books
And you will hear in the same hour
A fascinating story.

1 Leading
Well, Vovka, have our children convinced you that you need to go to school?

I don't want to go to school. I'd rather ride a bike.
Rides a bike in a circle.)

2 Leading
Wait, Vovka, listen to a terrible song - this is what will happen to you if you don't go to school!

The song "If there were no schools"

Did our song scare you?

Vovka (scratches in the back of the head)
Yes, it seems, as you should go to school ... Only at school, then all by myself, but by myself ... But I want a "royal life"! Just do that, do nothing.

1 Leading
Everything is clear ... You want to live like in a fairy tale. Well, then you have a direct road to the distant kingdom. Go ahead.

Yes, it's easy to say - go. Where should I go?

2 Leading
Well, something, but it's as easy as shelling pears, you have to say magic words.

I don't know any magic words.

1 Leading
Guys, let's help Vovka say the magic words.

Children say: ENE, BENE, SLAVE .
Leaders praise the children

1 Leading
Oh, guys, we can't leave Vovka alone, if he still needs our help. He doesn't know anything, he can't do anything. And the road to the distant kingdom is long, with obstacles. Shall we recover with him?

Children: Yes!

2 Leading
And now the magic words must be repeated with closed eyes. Only our eyes must be closed tightly, otherwise we will not fall into a fairy tale.
(children close their eyes, turn around themselves
and say magic words)
The background is magic music. A song about fairy tales sounds.

Music sounds. The Scientist Cat enters.

Cat. Hello! As soon as I was away for a short while on my fabulous business, so many people gather at my Lukomorye that there is nowhere to take a step.

2 Leading. Do not be offended by the cat that we disturbed your peace of mind. We have a big holiday today.

Cat. Holiday? Well, that's another matter! I really love the holidays. Can I help you with something? After all, I'm not a simple cat, but a fabulous one.


Hey, who are you?

Cat. Scientist Cat!

Who, who-oh-oh?

Cat. Scientist Cat!

And where are you from?

From a fairytale .

Blimey!!! Come on, teach me some wisdom.

Please! Let's start with the simplest. Now we will check our graduates how they are ready for school, ask them questions, and you, Vovka, learn and remember!

Cat. For each of my questions, you must answer "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Who is very very soon
Walking to school together?

Which one of you will come to class
An hour late?

Who keeps things in order
Pens and notebooks?

Which of you kids
Goes dirty from ear to ear?

Answer in chorus in a moment
Who is the main student here?

Who protects clothes
Does he put it under the bed?

Cat: What good fellows! Coped with the task. Well, now I want our dear parents to take an oath. You must say YES loudly and clearly!
1. Will we always help children in their studies? - Yes!
2. To make the school proud of children? -Yes!
3. Formulas remember nonsense for you? -Yes!
4. Are we wise as a star in the sky? - Yes!
5. When the school is over, will we take a walk with the children? -Yes!
What good fellows! And the parents did everything. There will be no problems with them at school. Guys, do you know the letters? Tell me, what else can you do? Can you read? Well done! Okay, now I'll check it out. Answer, Vovka, what are words made of?

Vovka... Words?

cat ... Do not you know! How many letters in the alphabet do you know?

Vovka. No!

Cat. Do your graduates know?

Leading. Of course they know, they will even sing to you about it!

The song "33 sister sisters" is being performed

Game "Names"

Cat. Guys, did you prepare for school?(children's answer) Do you know the vowel sounds?(children's answer) We'll check it out now. Find the vowels in your name(asks children 2 or 3 which letters are there). Now listen to me carefully and be sure to answer!

Answer and game "Vowels"

Whoever has the letter "A" - together shouted "hurray!»

Whoever has the letter "O" - well, one and all, shout back to me - together, cheerfully "Hello!"

Who has the letter "I" - show yourself!

Whoever has the letter "I", together we will sing MI-MI

Who has the letter "E" - together let's say "BY"

And now the boys and girls also clap our hands loudly.

Leading. Our children and poems know about vowels! Here, listen!

The letter "A" is the head of everything,
She looks solid
Because the letter "A"
The alphabet starts!

There is no corner in this letter,
That is why it is round.
Before that she was round -
I could have rolled.

Over meadows in blue
The letter "E" flies by.
It's a swallow in spring
Returns home.

Here is a zigzag letter "I" -
Like lightning, look.
Ira didn't play games,
Ira "I" was looking for words.

Early in the morning by the river
Fishermen are fishing.
If the catch is not nonsense,
There will be a delicious ear.

The letter "Y" should not be at the beginning,
But you and we met
The letter tu, plucking a mushroom
And gliding on fast skis.

The letter "E" on "S" marvels,
As if looking in a mirror.
There is a similarity for sure
Only there is no language!

Vovka ... Wow! You did great!

Cat. That is why children should go to school, where they will be taught how to write these letters correctly. And you, my friend, still need to study.

Vovka. I don't want to study, I want to play!

Cat. Well, that's fixable. Let's play the Magic Circle game with you:

The game "Magic Circle »
2 easels, attach. 2 sheets in the middle of which there are circles. Children should use felt-tip pens to turn the circle into a letter, draw something, add missing elements. You should get the letters: B, C, O, R, F, Y, Z, b, b, y). Call 2 people.
Vovka. Is this a game? The game is when you run after each other, knock someone down ... I don’t want to! I won't! Everyone is teaching me, yet here, in a fairy tale, they piled on! ...

Leading and Cat (in unison)
Yeees! ( thoughtfully, drawn-out) – (gathered in a circle, whispering)

You, you see, need to the distant kingdom!

Vovka (frowning)
What have I not seen there?

1 Leading
"And there… (mysteriously) ... There are two of the casket, the same face.

2 Leading
Whatever you order them - they will do everything for you!

Everything, everything!

Leading and Cat (in unison)

Eh! How to get there?

Go straight, and so you don't get lost - here!
(gives him a ball of thread)

Okay! Bye! ( throws a ball to the exit and runs after him)

Leading and Cat (in unison)
Then piss off!

cat ... It's time for me to return to the fairy tale, too. Goodbye, guys!

(Dunno runs in to the music with a briefcase in his hands, disheveled)

Dunno. Hello shorty! I'm not late? Fu, I think I'm on time. Yesterday I watched TV until late at night, today I barely woke up.I barely carried my briefcase. Wow, how many people! Why are you here?

Leading. Where are you going in this form?

Dunno. How is it where? To school, of course! So my shorty friends, from the flower city, are also going to school.

(walks up to some guys, shakes hands and calls)

Hello Pilyulkin!

Hi Sineglazka,

Hello Donut,

Hi Tsvetik,

Hello Tube!

Hi Znayka!

Hi Grumpy!

Hello button!

Leading. Wait, wait! What kind of short people are they, from what kind of flower city? These are the guys from the kindergarten.

Dunno. You see, as in a fairy tale, but in a fairy tale different miracles happen, I have already been there, but I have never been to school. I really dream to get there. They say that it’s very interesting there at recess, you can run, jump, shout!

Leading. And I thought they were going to school. Do you guys agree with me?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Our guys are already ready for school.

Dunno. Why should I study, I already know everything, I can read, I can write, I can sing and draw, I even compose poetry. Listen here.

I am a poet, my name is Dunno,

From me to you a balalaika!

Do you want me to write a poem about this boy now? (Walks, thinks.) Here! Ready!

Your Vanyusha will go to the nursery again in a year.

Leading. Vanyusha? To the nursery ?! You confused everything, because Vanyusha is leaving for school.

Dunno ... You don’t understand anything in poetry. After all, it's me for the rhyme, so that it was foldable. Well, then I'll write about this girl:

Our Varya is crying loudly:

She has a ball in her briefcase

And textbooks, notebooks

They lie at home under the bed.

Leading. No, Dunno, this is not about our Varya. She is attentive, responsible, and she will take what she needs to school. And in order to become a poet, you have to study a lot.

Dunno ... Oh, think poems!

But I can sing!

Maestro, music soon!( Sings.)

Blot the notebook

And like a chicken to write

Only get deuces

And offend girls

They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

Leading. Well, he made fun. Mixed up all the words. You better listen to how to sing this song correctly.

The song "What is taught at school" is performed

Leading Well, you can write poetry and not bad, and now we will check how you can count!

Dunno. Well, think about it, I count the fastest in the flower city.

Leading. Well, we also have tasks. Try it, count it!

Game "Solve the problem" (then the guys decide)

Math problems.
1) There is a corner in the house-
Toys live there:
Lion, elephant and rhino
Doll and frog.
How many toys are there in the corner?
2) Seven funny teddy bears
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one of them is tired
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead?
3) On the way, five mice
They rush to school cheerfully.
And under each arm
One study book each.
How many new books
In diligent mice. (

Dunno. Your tasks are very difficult, I can't handle it, something would be easier.

The game "Be attentive!"

Children run scatteringly to the music, Dunno says any number from one to five, and the children, respectively, must stand up either one at a time, or in pairs, or in threes and. etc

Dunno. Well, okay, someday I'll learn. But I really love to watch the little ones perform. Dance, please!

The dance "Twice two four" is performed

Neopryatka runs into the hall to the music.
Unkempt. Ho ho ho! Here I am! It will be tight for you, friends!
My name is Unkempt, I love the riots!
Disorder in behavior, disorder in mood,
And also, when the portfolio is all continuous disorder!

Leading: Our children are not like that, but completely, completely different:
Our children are neat, thrifty and tidy.
There are no slovens among them, and in everything they have order!

Untidy: So I believed you! Do you know how many friends I have like me? Wow, how much! You see, on the last row, two are hiding (points to parents ). These are my old friends. They also sat on the last desk at school, and their entire diary was hung with deuces. Hi friends! (waves).

Leading : Don't come up with it, Neopry! Such good children cannot have poor dads. You are confusing them with someone!

Untidy: How are you confusing, how are you confusing !? Look how they smiled at me, they recognized me! OK OK! Stop praising your kids and their parents. You better prove that they are. Cheerful, neat, but okay!

The sloven looks around and stumbles upon Dunno's backpack.

Unkempt. Aha! Whose backpack is this?

Dunno... Well my! And what?

Unkempt. Here he is what I just need (looks into it). Oh, lovely! What a mess!

Dunno ... You weren't taught not to climb other people's backpacks?

Untidy ... Who will teach me?

Leading. Our kids never do that, do they?

Children. Yes!

Untidy: Just think, but in this backpack, I wonder if they can quickly and accurately put things in order? Can parents help them?
The game "September 1"
2 families are invited to play: mom, dad and child. Each family stands in front of the table, on which lie school and not quite school supplies, a balloon, and several branches of artificial flowers. Next to the table is a schoolbag. The presenter announces the conditions: at the signal of the alarm clock, the child must collect the schoolbag, the father must inflate and tie the balloon, the mother must collect the bouquet, tying it with a ribbon. Whoever is the first to say the words: “We are ready for school!” Won.

Untidy: Oh, what an order you have! There are no slovens among you!

Dunno. Nicely packed my portfolio! Thanks guys!

Leading ... Our graduates know how not only to collect a portfolio, but also to sing perky ditties, listen!


    We will sing ditties for you

The ones you don't know.

Have fun, don't study

You understand.

    We will go to school soon

And we'll sing about it.

We leave the kindergarten,

Grade 1 is not easy.

    I go to school with flowers

I’m holding my mom’s hand.

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't find doors.

    The uniform is new,

New shirt.

Look at me

What a first grader I am!

    I'm in all the lessons in the class

I will sing songs

So that our teacher

You didn’t have to be bored with me!

    Mom, I will study at "4" and "5".

I can't be lazy in any way

You have to become a businessman.

    I have a concern now

And I don’t know what to do.

Mom and Dad at work

And who should wear a briefcase?

    They played in the kindergarten in dreams

They picked up the key to the heart.

We will come to the teacher

We'll pick up a key for him.

9 In the morning they wake up, they will not wake up,

Raise, do not raise,

We decided not to go to bed

So as not to suffer to get up!

10. We sang ditties for you

And we go to the 1st grade.

Goodbye, goodbye

Don't worry about us.

Unkempt. Goodbye, guys,I will run to look for unkempt graduates in another kindergarten!

Dunno .

Oh, and I have no time to chat

It's high time to run

Hurry up, get ready

To be accepted for study.

The sloven runs away with Dunno

Leading. Today we have children who do not go to school,but want to express their wishes to graduates. Let's give them the floor!

Secrets and tips for first graders.

1 Child :

Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Do not peck your nose at the desk!

2 Child:

Accustom yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean!

3 Child:

Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth.
Respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor!

4 Child:

Do not tease, do not be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school.
Don't frown in vain, be brave
And you will find yourself friends!

5 Child

That's all our advice,
They are not wiser and simpler,
You, my friend, do not forget them ...
Everything. Goodbye! Good luck!

Take out the chest. Vovka enters, approaches the chest.

Hey, ( leans towards the chest) Two from the casket - Identical from the face!

Two jump out of the casket


Is it you, or what, the same two?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka ... Well, why are you really going to do everything for me?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka ... Do you know how to do everything?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka... Everything, everything?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka ... Well, then so ... Do me ... And what should I do? I don't know (coming to leading). What should I do, tell me?

Leading. Eh, Vovka, Vovka! Yes, you have to be able to do a lot to go to school.

Vovka ... Can you do a lot?

Two. A-ha!

Vovka ... To come up with such a thing? Oh, I came up with it! Play me the instruments, and I will listen, I love listening to music!

Two... A-ha!

Two from the chest get the locksmith tools

Vovka ... Ouch! Ouch! Hilarious! Laughing! You need musical instruments, take everything back!

Two... A-ha!

They take out musical ones and bring them to Vovka.

Vovka ... Here, the order, and now play, and more fun!

Two are playing at random, Vovka covers his ears.

Vovka ... Stop it now! Get out!

Two sit on the chest.

Vovka ... I can't even listen to music.

Leading. But our children know how to play musical instruments, listen!

Children playing instruments

Vovka ... I even rested my soul, thank you, I made you happy. Oh! I'm hungry for something! Two from the casket!

Two... A-ha!

Vovka ... Knead the dough immediately and bake me some sweet tarts!

Two. A-ha!

They take out a basin, put firewood there, sprinkle it with flour, salt, sugar and begin to knead the dough.

Vovka ... What are you doing! Even I would not have thought of that! Get out!

Two run back

Vovka ... What else can I think of? (scratches the back of his head)

Vovka. Invented! I want the biggest, most delicious lollipop!

Two pull out the lollipop

Vovka ... Wow, two whole! Let's come here.

Two start to unfold and then suck lollipops

Vovka ... So this is candy for me! I should suck them!

Two. Please don’t worry, Vovka, such work is harmful to you! We will work for you! A-ha?

Vovka ... Well, get out! This will not work! I don’t want this fairy tale anymore!

Leading. Well, Vovka, in order to get good grades, you need
Well done!

Yes, guys, you convinced me, I have to go to school. I'm going to collect my portfolio and get ready for school! Goodbye! See you on September 1st!

Children take flowers, line up in a semicircle.

Leading. Dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, everyone who gathered in our hall today! So our holiday has come to an end, the last holiday in kindergarten. There will still be many holidays ahead, fun, interesting, but they will already be held within the walls of the school.

Final recitation of graduates

1 child

That's it! It's time to say goodbye!

And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschool children!

Everything is ahead of us, but only in kindergarten

We will never return.

2 reb

We want to say thank you,

For this ball, for this evening,

Kiss you gently and hug you.

Say, wiping away a tear: "See you soon."

3 children

We are sad, very sorry to part.

We promise to visit our garden!

But it's time to say goodbye

We want to say “thank you” to everyone!

4 children

We say thank you very much,

For leading us through life,

For the fact that we were loved with all our soul

That you have always forgiven our pranks!

5 children

Now we are older - and much,

We are growing every day and every moment!

Life calls us forward, calls the road-

The world of knowledge is so vast and great!

6 children

The future is not far off

Dreams come true!

We, like chicks that were gaining strength,

Which is needed for the height!

7 reb.

So let the sun shine on you more generously

From all the guys that are near and far

To you, those who released pets to school,

Let us bow down - from heaven to earth!

8 reb

Goodbye we are for the garden
Sing the song together.
Never, nowhere, guys
We will not forget about him

Farewell waltz "Parting Comes"


And now we are giving the floor to our dear parents.

A word to parents for congratulations . Give flowers to kindergarten staff

The head of the preschool educational institution is invited to present diplomas and gifts

1 Leading

Good luck,

Good hour, kids!

In the brightest, most successful hour!

Let from every book you read

The clear sun is pouring down on you.

2 Leading

Many good deeds

Waiting for you ahead!

We wish you

Bon Voyage.

To the song "We are a friendly family for five years", children complete a circle of honor

The end of kindergarten is a troublesome and at the same time a festive time for all children and parents. Ahead is a new important stage in the life of the child, for which you need to properly prepare. Writing a screenplay is fun and unusual, and your kindergarten graduation will be remembered for a lifetime. To do this, it is necessary to build on the preferences of the children themselves, as well as take into account the interests of educators and parents. Here you can find modern ideas for this children's holiday, among which there are scenarios based on Pushkin's fairy tales and how Cinderella is going to go to school.

Unusual and fun ideas for graduation in kindergarten - scenario for the graduation group

Unusually and cheerfully, modern graduate students say goodbye to the kindergarten in which they spent their early childhood, and the music director and parents come up with ideas and a script for the graduation. In many ways, how the children will spend their last kindergarten holiday depends on the parent committee. Many graduates remember the farewell evening for a long time, as parents and educators approach the organization creatively and with all their hearts.

Original ideas for a modern kindergarten graduation

In order to please children and parents, there is no need for large material and time expenditures. It is enough just to connect imagination and discuss at the meeting the most daring, unusual and fun ideas for the graduation in kindergarten and the scenario for the graduation group.

  • Kites with wishes. All children have dreams for the future. Preschoolers write their dreams on beautiful postcards, tie them to homemade kites and release them into the sky.

  • Ice cream machine. A van is ordered for the entire kindergarten and they are allowed to eat enough. Such joy will be remembered by children for a long time.
  • Horse riding. Children really like this kind of entertainment, so ordering an elegant carriage with horses will be very relevant.
  • Paper party. Children really enjoy playing with paper. It's safe and fun, so this idea is very relevant for kindergartens. Long strips are cut, which are then thrown into the air. Children will have fun scattering them and burying them like in snowdrifts.

  • Departure for nature. This idea is for especially lazy parents and those who love this kind of vacation. After the ceremonial part in the kindergarten, everyone goes not to a cafe, but to the countryside, where a picnic with barbecue and a fire is organized. As a rule, children cheerfully scamper on the grass, eat well and have fun, while adults relax with their souls. You also need to come up with interesting contests with outdoor games in advance and be sure to take a first-aid kit with you.
  • Beach party. The hall is decorated with images of palm trees, sand and sea. The table is appropriate - juices, fruits, sweets. Children are dressed in swimsuits, hats, shorts. They can order their own drinks at the bar. During the holiday, games and contests with a ball, kinetic sand, water are held. A beach party is best done in a large room - a gym, for example.

  • Commemorative disc with touching words of children. The kids pre-record a speech for each other with a memory of an event that concerns their friendship. Discs will be happy to listen to even after many years.
  • Quest on the territory of the kindergarten. Such a matinee in kindergarten can be held in warm and clear weather. Children can search for treasure by breaking into teams and solving riddles.

In addition to unusual ideas, an original script is needed for the holiday. In organizing the event, not only parents and teachers, but also the graduates themselves may not take part. For example, children can show their natural abilities at graduation. Anyone who assembles a constructor well can design decorations, someone who sings or dances well can participate in musical performances, etc. This approach to creating a holiday is very useful for developing independence and creative inclinations. Another scenario that allows children to develop their creative imagination is a masquerade in which graduates have to dress up as their favorite fairy-tale characters and say congratulations on their behalf.

Unusual and funny ideas for organizing a graduation party in kindergarten for parents with an interesting holiday scenario

Unusually and fun, you can make a graduation in kindergarten if the basis of the matinee script is based on contests and riddles that children will solve on their own or with their parents. As a result of competitions, children receive gifts.

Modern version of the script for the graduation in kindergarten

The central figure of the scene is some fairytale character, for example, Freken Bock or Basilio the Cat. He gives assignments to children, checking whether they are ready for school, and the graduating group guesses.

Another interesting idea can be a performance based on the fairy tale "Buratino". Kids go on a fabulous journey, who, in search of the "key of knowledge", solve puzzles and puzzles, solve complex practical tasks, and compete in dexterity. It's not easy to come up with unusual and funny ideas for organizing a graduation party in kindergarten for parents with an interesting holiday scenario. Very often the main character in the script becomes the negative hero of a fairy tale, for example, Shapoklyak. She also wants to go to school, but behaves very badly, doing various dirty tricks. To take her to school, the characters-symbols of the kindergarten (for example, the Sun, Luchik or Pochemuchka) give her and the graduates different tasks.

New original script for the graduation in kindergarten "Cinderella goes to school"

Graduation in kindergarten is an important, memorable holiday; a new scenario with original ideas about how Cinderella is going to go to school is suitable for such an event.

Interesting ideas for a script for the graduation in kindergarten about Cinderella, who is going to school

The plot is based on the same uneasy relationship between the stepdaughter, her stepmother and half-sisters. However, this time, Drizella and Anastasia go to school, and Cinderella is not allowed: after all, someone needs to watch the house. So that she does not particularly pretend to be a schoolgirl, they begin to examine her in counting and literacy. During the execution of tasks, her sisters interfere in every possible way. But the graduates of the kindergarten and the fairy do their best to help Cinderella, and even teach her to make words from letters. As a result, Cinderella becomes a schoolgirl, and her half-sisters remain in the kindergarten for another year.

The new original script for the graduation in kindergarten "Cinderella Goes to School" has an interesting plot and is filled with contests, so no one will be bored at the holiday.

The best scenario for graduation in kindergarten based on Pushkin's tales

All parents read Russian fairy tales, and children love and understand them. Therefore, the script for the graduation in kindergarten, based on Pushkin's fairy tales, will make the children's holiday the best and most memorable. There can be many interesting ideas, any characters of classic fairy tales can become heroes of a children's holiday.

The best ideas for a script for a matinee in kindergarten for a graduation group based on Pushkin's fairy tales

The idea of ​​Lukomorye, where the Cat walks along the chain and makes riddles, will be understandable for both children and adults. Graduates guess them and receive magic stones. They are given to the Cat, and he gets the presents. Another interesting idea is to prepare a performance by modernizing fairy tales, presenting characters in a 21st century environment. We hope that both children and adults will like the best scenario for graduation in kindergarten based on Pushkin's fairy tales.

An interesting scenario from parents at the graduation in kindergarten - gratitude to the educators

Graduation in kindergarten is a holiday for children and educators, so many grateful parents try to put forward interesting ideas with an original script. Funny scenes are shown not only by children, but also by moms and dads.

Ideas for an interesting scenario for teachers for a graduation in kindergarten from parents

Any child will be surprised if the most important adult in his life shows him from the outside, playing out the most interesting childhood situations. The main thing is that it does not hurt the children and without unnecessary tediousness. As a gratitude to the teaching staff, you can use a poetic script with riddles in the manner of the Little Humpbacked Horse. The answer to each quatrain will be the name, patronymic of the teacher or kindergarten worker. After the children guess the employee, he is given a gift and flowers. To please teachers, you can compose a song as a gift from mothers to teachers. Only the most creative and energetic parent committee can come up with an interesting scenario from parents at the graduation in kindergarten and gratitude to the educators.

If you approach the writing of the script and organization of the graduation in a creative way, an unusual and fun day for children, educators and parents is guaranteed. And since the last holiday in preschool childhood is graduation in kindergarten, the script should contain stories about preparing for school. Characters from Pushkin's fairy tales or from Cinderella can be taken as the main characters.

Graduation party in kindergarten "Journey through fairy tales" for children of the preparatory group

Preliminary work:
Reading fairy tales, dramatization, study of songs, dances and poems.
This work will be useful for kindergarten educators and music directors when sending children to school. During the holiday, children will be able to once again meet their favorite heroes of fairy tales in theatrical form and demonstrate their knowledge. Selection of photographs from the celebration.
Participants: children 6-7 years old of the preparatory group of kindergarten
Developing environment: a festively decorated hall, masks, costumes and attributes of heroes of fairy tales, texts of riddles, melodies for famous fairy tales - cartoons, memorable gifts for children.
Methods and techniques: making riddles, listening to melodies, dramatizing fairy tales, musical accompaniment, children playing together, a surprise moment.
Create conditions for the emotional well-being of children.
1. Development of creative independence and aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image, using means of expression.
2. To cultivate friendly, benevolent relationships, a sense of collectivism.
3. Show your knowledge in creative activities, games.
4. Assist in understanding the emotional state of the hero, engage in role-playing interactions with other characters.
Baba Yaga
Queen of the Land of Knowledge
Wizard Astrologer
Deuce girl
To the song "Little Country" children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle at the central walls NS
Believe it or doubt it
There is a wonderful country.
Can't find her on the map
And the guys live in the country
Here are the people they are:
Whoever you glance at -
All are friendly with each other!
What kind of country is this
With a population of guys?
You probably guessed?
Well, of course…
Today is a bit of a sad day. Very soon the first school bell will ring, and now our children will go on an exciting journey through the pages of "Fairy Tales". and we will go to the land of Knowledge. Good luck, dear graduates!
1 child
We happily went to kindergarten,
It was cozy and light in it,
Educators, like mothers, loved us
And they gave me affection and warmth.
2 child
We learned something every day
We liked to draw and count.
The first words were hard to write
Printed letters in a notebook.
3 child
Adults were taught to help in the garden,
Songs to sing, sculpt and dance.
We gladly went for walks
And they all loved to play together.
4 child
You have books in your portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hand
All the boys I know
Surprisingly looking after.
5 child
Why are we so cheerful?
Why is everyone so happy?
We're leaving for school!
Goodbye, kindergarten!
Song We will go to school soon
Children, today we have a special holiday. Who wants to tell us about their cherished desire? If you really want to. That it can execute.
I want to see how small I was.
To do this, all children need to close their eyes and repeat to themselves: “I want to see. How small I was! "
Children close their eyes. At this time, children of 2-3 years old quietly enter the hall, who have fives in their hands.
Now you can open your eyes. Look, you were so small just recently.
_ We are kids,
Everyone came to congratulate you.
You enter the first grade,
Don't forget the kindergarten!
_We are funny, funny,
After all, you were like that
We will grow up a little
Let's go to your school too!
_Your carers
We spent a lot of energy
Every day and hour
Everyone took care of you.
_Learned how to try,
Take on any business,
Do not offend kids
Well, respect the elders!
_But the time has come to say goodbye,
School is waiting, it's time to learn
We want to wish you ...
Only get A's! (give fives and leave)
Dear guys, where we just haven't been with you this year! We were visiting Autumn, Santa Claus, Fairy Tale. And today the most difficult journey is to the land of Knowledge. and this book "Fairy Tales" will help us to get there.
Song "Where Miracles Live"
Guys, open the first page and get into the fairy tale "Cinderella" (knocks on the house)
Cinderella comes out to the music.
I've never been to a ball
Cleaned, washed, cooked, spun,
When did it happen to get me to the ball,
The Prince lost his head from me.
Hello Cinderella!
Hello dear friends! What brings you to me?
We are looking for a way to the Land of Knowledge. Can you tell us where she is?
I will give you a hint! My friends are polite words. You need to know them, otherwise there will be no road. Hear riddles:
_When you ask for a toy
At a boyfriend or girlfriend,
If they don't, don't complain:

You forgot to say (Please)
_Cake, sweets, a cup of tea ...
And everyone treats you!
If you can no longer eat,
what to say? (Thanks)
_Wherever you are - goodbye,
Even in Russia, even in Australia,
Whether in France or Denmark,
What shall we say? (Goodbye)
_if you pushed a neighbor
Or did not notice a friend,
So that they do not get angry,
What do you owe? (Apologize)
You are friendly guys
Do not quarrel at all
You are friendly guys
Show it to everyone!
Dance "True friend"
Thank you! Goodbye friends! Go straight and fear nothing!
and we open the next page of our book with you and find ourselves in the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".
Masha comes out.
Hello guys! While I was looking for my home, I wandered into the Bear's den, and then, having escaped from him, I found a chest. And there was a little note in it, in which it was written that I urgently had to get to your holiday, and you will tell me where my house is, and I will benefit you. (gives a note to the presenter)
Leading(is reading)
Of course, Mashenka, we will tell you where your house is. Go straight over that path, and you will come out to your house. Thank you for the chest. Goodbye! (Masha leaves)
Do you want to play
To dispel boredom?
Well play it, have fun
Only games on the castle
In this glorious chest.
Find the key to the riddles,
Unlock my chest.
1. How did Masha come back from the bear? (in a box)
2. What is the name of the spacious room where the students sit during the lesson? (Class)
3. Where was the death of Koshchei kept? (at the end of the needle)
4. What is the break between lessons called? (turn)
5. In what fairy tale did the girl go to the forest for flowers in the winter? (12 months)
6. For adults - vacation, for schoolchildren? ... (vacation)
7. What grade does each student dream of getting? (top five)
Well, our little chest has opened, and only the strong, dexterous, and courageous will enter the Land of Knowledge. Now we'll play!
Game "What grades are we going to study for?"(cards with numbers! . (from the chest) lie on the floor, face down, children run around them to the music, at the signal you need to take and show - this is an assessment)
Our show continues! Look at the little jokes, please.
1. Mom. Who wants to sit at the table?
A son. I!
Mother. Who will eat the jam?
A son. Let Luda answer now! And then everything is me and me!
2. Mom. Tell me son, did you behave well at school? Haven't done anything?
A son. Of course not, Mommy! What could I have done if I stood in the corner all the time!
3. Mom. Tell me, daughter, are you happy with your teacher?
Daughter. Not really, mommy, because she knows almost nothing herself, she asks us everything.
Guys, look where the next page of our book led us - the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid"
Music sounds. Dance of the mermaids.
1 mermaid
We are sea miracle maidens
2 mermaid
We control all water
3 mermaid
Sea, rivers and ships!
4 mermaid
Tell us where you are coming from and where?
We are going to the land of Knowledge.
1 mermaid
Here is a boat for you as a gift, sail, the main thing is to row more often with oars, and you will get where you need to.
Everyone leaves the hall to the sound of the sea.
A deuce, Dunno and Sineglazka appear to the music.
Dunno, the children will very soon get to the Land of Knowledge, they will meet the queen herself. We must stop them! Tell me, is it really great not to know and not to learn?
Of course, why is all this necessary?
Well done Dunno! Now children will come here, they are heading to the land of Knowledge. Don't show them the way!
Oh, you are a nasty deuce! You guys want to make lazy and dunno! Will not work! Don't bother Dunno, get out of here!
Deuce escapes
Thank you blue-eyed! You helped us a lot. In gratitude to you, the guys will dance a dance.
Dance of Dunno
Well done, guys, and you Dunno, it turns out that you know something and can do it. Now cheer us up! Let's play!
Contests "Blow the balloon faster"(6 people), "Carry the ball in the spoon without dropping it."
Thanks guys. You have amused us. And we wish you a happy journey.
Guys, we open the last page, and we find ourselves ...
The Queen of Knowledge appears to the music
Hello guys! I see you are friendly, brave and resourceful children. I will guide you through the amazing Land of Knowledge, but first I will check if you are ready to go to school.
Spell the word game
1. Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning? (student)
2. very soon will meet our cozy, bright ... (class)
3. in the hallway there is a stomp of feet, then he calls everyone to the class ... (bell)
4. if you know everything, you will only get ... (five)
5. if you barely know, you will only get ... (two)
6. what kind of student you are, yours will tell everyone ... (diary)
7. your school must always be in order ... (notebooks)
8. whoever lost his pencil, he forgot what is ... (pencil case)
9. if the bell rang, it means it's over ... (lesson)
Your Majesty, have you made sure that the children will not let you down?
Yes, of course, as it turned out, you already know and know a lot. Do you know what you need to take with you to school? I propose to play
game "Collect a portfolio"
Well done, guys. I hope that when you become first graders, you will not be friends with the Deuce and your diary will only be decorated with good marks. See you soon!
The Queen of Knowledge leaves
Here, guys, we have come a long way through the pages of fairy tales, and found the land of knowledge, and met the Queen of Knowledge. We hope that not only we, but the whole country will be proud of you.
The song "Beautiful is far away"

Birds are returning home
They sing at their own porch.
And we say goodbye to the kindergarten
It has come, the time has come.
Under the rustle of September leaves
You will go to first grade.
But we will be you
And you - you remember us!
Children(come out with flowers)
1.we are leaving for school,
goodbye kindergarten!
We will study well.
What they taught us in kindergarten -
We will never forget!
2. "Thank you" to educators
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And it's light on a gloomy day.
You felt sorry for us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers,
Wish we can get you
Take with you to first grade.
3. "Thank you" to our lovely nanny
For her care and diligence.
So that the kindergarten is clean and bright,
So that a cheerful laughter sounded in him,
She got up at dawn
And she went to bed later than everyone else.
4.the speech therapist tries to
works with us,
letters are all in a row now
you-go-va-ri-vat I'm glad!
5. "Thank you" - we want to say
To those who taught us to draw
And it's great to count -
Nice and rhythmic!
6. The energetic sportsman
Taught to run and jump
Or somersault on the mat,
Or hit the target!
7. Healthy I will go to school,
I will say "Thank you" to the doctors,
to all those who gave us injections,
who kept us healthy.
8. "Thank you!" - let's tell the cooks
for their lunch is excellent.
For being delicious food
It was always on our table!
9. "Thank you!" - to our caretaker,
you had a lot of worries.
buy, paint, whitewash
and keep track of the order.
10.I am in the younger group for a meal
her robe is dirty.
They gave me a clean one.
"Thank you" to our washerwoman!
11.for questions and tests
we will find the answer we need,
we were prepared by a psychologist -
this, really, no doubt!
12. more - to the methodologist "Thank you" to say,
to wish her health and happiness.
You decorated our kindergarten.
We bought toys and paints.
13. We can now become artists,
We have learned to play in the orchestra here.
Listen to music, understand it.
Sing correctly and dance beautifully.
Who taught us to love all this,
We will never forget that! the head of our
a whole year of worries are countless,
to Katyam, Petyam, Masham,
there was something to drink and eat,
so that everything and everyone has enough,
so that we are happy,
let's say "Thank you" for everything
15. To everyone who every minute
worried about us
we bow down now!
Children give flowers to employees
“Magic music sounds. A wizard-astrologer appears with a chest, a telescope.
Greetings, stars of my heart!
I'm the master of magical sciences
Children and adults - a mysterious friend!
I look at the stars in the night sky,
I'll tell you everything about stellar secrets. (pointing to the chest)
I took a few stars with me,
There are too many lights in the sky!
Today I will call everyone stars
Do not shine in a fairy tale, but here, in reality!
You are the stars, guys, shine stronger!
Friends, merge with rays of lights!
So that we can be proud of your success!
Happy faces have already brightened!
What a magician I am! "Hurray" to me, "Hurray"!
Get up for your reward, my kids!
The magician hangs on the chest of each child a medal on a ribbon with a title, specifically for each child, how he distinguished himself in kindergarten (miss smile, miss charm, charm, joker of the group, soul of the group, best athlete, smart guy, clever girl, leader of the group, best dancer , singer, etc.)
Congratulations to all of you once again. With such wonderful children, I am calm about our future.
1.Thank you to our kindergarten,
everyone who raised the guys.
Thank you for the kindness
For an amazing tale.
For the fact that they took us for a walk
And they taught beauty to love -
Everything that is dear to us around!
2.Thank you to everyone who taught us,
took care of us,
who gave us a lot of strength,
cooked in first grade.
3.Kindergarten gave us warmth
and drove sorrows into the shadows.
A good spirit has always reigned here,
Here is a holiday - every day!
The song "Planet of childhood"
Good luck, good hour, kids,
In the brightest, most successful hour!
Let from every book you read
The clear sun is pouring down for you.
Many good things await you ahead,
We wish you all
Bon Voyage!
children to music


Snezhana Valerievna,

music director

Zavodoukovsky urban district

Direction: "Artistic - aesthetic development"

Educational area "Music"


Develop children's creativity in all types of musical activities


  1. Create an atmosphere of friendly attention to the children of the preparatory group.
  2. The development of a positive sense of self, associated with a state of emancipation, self-confidence, a sense of their own emotional well-being, their importance in the children's team.
  3. Introduce to Russian folk and world musical culture.
  4. Develop communication skills.

Preliminary work:

  • Individual and group lessons with children;
  • Acquaintance with the songs used at the festival;
  • Acquaintance and learning of movements of Russian dance, waltz, polka.

Hall decoration

The hall for this solemn day can be decorated with balloons, fresh flowers in vases. On the curtain you can attach letters of the alphabet, numbers cut out of bright colored paper, as well as children's toys: balls, dolls, cars, etc. On the central wall you can make an image of first-graders - boys and girls with schoolbags in their hands, at the top there is an inscription - "Soon to school!".

The recording "Little Country" is played

The presenter enters:

Light and elegant now in our hall,

And lush bouquets are everywhere.

Today we invited guests to the holiday,

We accompany our children to school

E. Dogi's "Waltz" sounds children enter the hall in pairs. They are dancing.

"Waltz", at the end of the children stand in a semicircle at the central wall

Vedas: Year after year 5 years in a row

Did you come to kindergarten

Cheerful, contented,

But those days are gone

Today you are graduates

And tomorrow you are students!

Children read

1.That flew by preschool childhood,

We are on the verge of another life!

2.Make the bluebird remain in your memory

This day is not easy for everyone.

3) met many times

Celebration in this hall

But someone like this

We didn't know yet.

4. The best holiday ever

Sad and cheerful

Us today kindergarten

Escorts to school.

Song "Goodbye d / garden" music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

(parting comes)

5.Yes, there is something to tell us about today,

What to glorify and thank

Kindergarten, you are our dear, any!

We can't live without you

Vedas: As soon as you were born - dad and mom are yours

We decided that you would go to this kindergarten, look!

Well, so that you get comfortable in the kindergarten as soon as possible

Taught you to do a lot of things:

Dressing, washing and going to bed

Have time to get to the pot and not whimper, do not shout,

Hold the spoon correctly

So as not to fight, not bite, not be capricious, like that!

Children of the 2nd junior group enter to the music (K. Orbakaite "Bow sponges")

Rep. 2nd junior group: In the first spring leaves

Our kindergarten now

Children of the younger group

Came to congratulate you

Kindergarten is our second home, we will remember more than once

Happy were you in it

Here they taught you, tried

You did diligently

Veda: Guys! Invite the little ones to the dance you danced when you were just as little

Dance "Squat"(Estonian folk song, lyrics by Y. Entin)

(after the dance the kids leave, the children prepare the group sit down)

6.We gathered in this hall,

To say goodbye to everyone!

7 why should we say goodbye

We've just arrived, haven't we?

8.We are sub-branches, we are older

It's time for us to go to school

9 and with toys today

We must say goodbye

The music of "Tumblers" is played (music by Z. Levin, lyrics by Z. Petrova)

Enter virgins. wednesday gr.

We have come to say goodbye to you

And we want to wish you

Only fours and fives

In the classroom, receive

Dance "Tumblers" (music by Z. Levin, lyrics by Z. Petrova)

10 we part today

And we are a little sad

We would stay in the "Fairy Tale" with you,

But we want to become students!

Veda: thanks girls .. they leave.

Veda: Guys! We have more guests! Meet them.

To the song “Children's. Garden ”includes children of senior gr.

Senior child: We are together for the last time today

Old, reliable friends

Our song flies to the sky

It's time for you to say goodbye to the garden

The song “Children's. Garden "(music by A. Fillipenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.)

11. We will be here to sing, dance, have fun!

Or maybe a miracle really happens

Let's continue the holiday soon

It's time for us, friends, to entertain the guests!

12.There are many funny and sad fairy tales in the world

And we cannot live in the world without them

Well, and this "Fairy Tale" is all dear to us,

After all, we have lived in the "Fairy Tale" for many, many days!

13. Because the "Fairy Tale" is called

Our native kindergarten

And "Fairy Tale" sees off its children to the 1st grade!

"Story"! "Story"! bright, cheerful!

Today you are also glad that we went to school!

Song "Goodbye d / garden" (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov)

("Behind a Low Fence")

Fairy enters(the song of the Storyteller Vasilisa, arranged by S. Tulikova, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya)

Fairy: Good afternoon! Here I am!

Do you all know me?

I guys, Fairy "Tales"

So they call me for a reason

I walk with you

And I draw and sing

I don't let you get bored

And I don’t give you laziness

Many songs were sung in this hall

The most beloved of them is "a song about Russia"

Sounded here

And now it will sound again

(children stand in a semicircle at the central wall)

"Song" My Russia "muses. Struve, words by N. Solovieva

Fairy: In Russia now

Folk traditions

Show us now

Favorite Russian dance

Dance "Livenskaya polka" [arranged by M. Iordansky] (sit down)

Fairy: The holiday is not easy with us

It only happens once

And today in kindergarten

Guests are not in a hurry to visit us

B. Yaga runs in:(music sounds "B.Yaga" by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Holiday?! In a Fairy Tale ?!

These are the times!

I am offended by you!

For a whole year I flew to you for all the holidays

I didn't know about this one!

And you did not invite me to the most important holiday

Fairy: Do not be offended by B. Yaga!

Nobody is invited to this holiday, all the guests are happy to come themselves.

And we all forgive you

And we invite you to the holiday!

B. Yaga: (mockingly) Well thanks for forgiving

And they were invited to the holiday.

And now I will ask you: "Where are you going now?"

Song: We are going to grade 1 (music by M. Marutaev, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya)

B. Yaga: Oh and you are a master of singing!

It is you who sing at every holiday!

They got used to it!

What are you going to do at school ?!

There, after all, not only one must be able to sing!

Let me check your knowledge. Solve the problem

And you, Fairy, do not prompt!

There were two donkeys walking along the road

How many tails did the neck have?

(children's answers)

B. Yaga: Eh, you mathematicians!

Yes, does the neck have tails?

Here I see hemp here,

My favorite attribute,

(takes out 3 hemp one by one, sits on one)

We start training - monitoring!

(counts 1,2, so several times, does not understand where the third is)

B. Yaga: disgraced, crying: I got lost in 3 stumps!

Fairy: Grandma can't stop crying:

1 - tree stump and 2 tree stump

3rd where does not know

And she sits on it, shedding tears!

B. Yaga gets up, considers, rejoices: Found, my dear!

My lovely stumps! (Hugs, strokes them)

I can’t part with you!

I'll play with friends

Shall we play? (To children)

(arranges stumps in different corners)

How can we tell them apart? (to children)

I listen to your suggestions! (sit down toys)

We get up in a circle with our beloved hemp.

Let's play! 1 year - children jump around the hemp

2d. - scatter around the hall

3d. - at the end of the music, they run to the hemp.

B. Yaga rearranges toys:

Imagine, dance!

And you guys know how to collect portfolios!

Veda: We will try to collect

But where to get the portfolios?

B.yaga: Come on, Fairy, help me out!

Give us the portfolios!

Fairy: Very happy to please:

To give you portfolios

You, Yagusya, wait,

Bring me 2 balls

I will make portfolios from them

And the fun begins here!

(B. Yaga leaves for the balls)

Vedas: There are many dances in the world

And everywhere they are dancing children

With balalaika and flowers

With rattles, flags

1,2,3,4,5 do not dance them all

Dance "Kazakh" ("Kyzylkumda aulym")

Appears B. Yaga: Well, Fairy! Get it (throwing balls)

Give us the portfolios

Fairy: Ball, ball roll away (throws balls on the floor behind the screen,

And a briefcase, come back to us, a table with briefcases rolls out)

GAME: "Who will most likely collect the portfolios?"

B. Yaga: How much noise and fun

Everyone is in a good mood!

I see the children have matured

And have grown much smarter

It's time for you to go to school.

Goodbye kids!

Fairy: You, granny, wait,

Don't go away at all

Don't forget the kindergarten

Visit the "Fairy Tale" on a holiday! (B. Yaga leaves)

Fairy: Well, we have to wait for guests for a long time,

We will continue the holiday

14. But the sisters are friendly,

The girls are very necessary

Keep up with us in nothing

Song "Lesson" (music by T.Popatenko, lyrics by M.Ivensen)

L. Alisa and K. Basilio enter the hall

A fox: Wow! Finally got there

cat: What are you? Are you going to school? (to children)

Both: In the New Year we were with you

You have become friends for us

Hello! Hello! (go and greet "on the handle")

Malvina has prepared gifts for you. Pinocchio carried, carried, but did not report!

Ha ha ha: We stole them and took them for ourselves

Why do you need them? After all, you don't even know the letters

A fox: Do you know ?! Well, okay, we'll give it all to you

If you survive 3 dreadful tests

(the cat shows 10 fingers, the fox straightens)

A fox: Challenge 1: Mathematical

1. On the way, 5 mice are in a fun rush to school.

And each has one educational book under his arm.

How many new books do diligent mice have?

2.Light house, a reliable home piglets need

To hide in the house and from the winter cold

The house will have a kitchen and a basement with a boiler room,

And each builder has a separate room

How many rooms do friendly piglets need?

A fox: This test was performed well

Next test: logical-rhyme

So that again on a good journey the verse flowed like a river

Help him a little: give him a word.

1. The fly gasped at first "Oh, what lace!"

And I got caught in lace - and disappeared ... ...

The poor thing, as if in mud, got stuck in ... ...

2.It crackled in the morning:

It's time, it's time! What is the time?

Such a hassle with her,

When it bursts (forty).

Fox Kotu: Let's come up with harder tests for them,

Otherwise, you will have to give all the gifts!

cat: listen carefully. Imagine I have five chocolates. L. Alice asked for one candy. How many candies do I have left? (to children).

Cat: five!

Veda: Why five?

Cat: And I will not give the candy to anyone, I myself love candy.

cat: Well, you can dance and

To purr, that is, you know how to sing songs,

Do you know how to drive a Russian round dance ?!

Vedas: We are able! And with great pleasure!

cat: Well done! Come on, Alice, think!

You are the most cunning here!

We must give them the most terrible test!

A fox: Well, of course I did! Not the worst, but the most beautiful

I love the "Polka" dance (dancing a little)

Let them dance! This task is very difficult.

Ha ha ha! Here they will definitely lose!

Fairy: Come on, girls, dance

Amuse all guests

"Dance of the Ducklings" (French folk song)

Veda: Basilio! Can you answer us?

To be always healthy

What should we do in the morning?

Cat: Everyone should know this:

Everyone needs to sleep a little longer

Veda: Children correct answer?

Children: No!

Vedas: To grow strong for us

Dexterous and brave

In the morning we go to kindergarten

We did all the exercises

A fox: What? Did you do it every morning?

How are real athletes?

Children: Yes!

Fairy: Well, L. Alice and K. Basilio! did the children pass all the tests? So!

And now, guys, are we going to test Lisa and Cat?

Children: We come to you with a riddle

The riddle is tricky, but funny:

In the woods knock knock

In the hut, blooper, blooper

In hand ding-ding

On the floor top top

cat: A hammer! Knock Knock

A fox: Pies! Blooper

Cat: No, no, not pies, but bells: ding-ding

A fox: invented, Basilio! Yes, these are top-top heels

Fairy: Eh you! Such a riddle was not guessed

It's a balalaika.

15.Eh stomp your foot, stomp right

I'm going to dance, though small

16.Longy crane

I went to the mill

I saw a curiosity

Vedas: And what did he see there?

Guys: We'll show you now!

Round dance "Lanky crane" (Russian folk)

Cat: Listen, Alice, what children are smart, cute, let's join them in a group

Let's ask

A fox: Maybe we will get some of the gifts?

Cat: What are you all about gifts?

I want to be friends with these guys.

And it's time to return the gifts to the guys!

A fox: oh, overplayed! I completely forgot. (give gifts, something schooly)

Cat and Fox:

That's all, it's time to part

You will now be called to a lesson

This young and old school bell (go away)

Fairy: Many times I came to you with a fairy tale:

When you were little with Kolobok, Turnip, Pockmarked Hen,

Masha and the Bear. Earlier you were afraid of B. Yagu, Koschei, Barmaley,

Now you know that they are not so scary

I leave, but I do not say goodbye forever. After all, at school we will meet new fairy tales

Do not forget the "fairy tale"

Visit us more often (leaves)

Vedas: Today I would like to say a lot

But, unfortunately, I cannot express it in words

How hard it is to say goodbye to you

With our graduate students

17.Kindergarten gave us warmth

And drove the shadow of sorrow

Here a good spirit has always reigned

And a holiday every day.

Song "Oh, I got up early" (Russian folk)

Staging "Petya goes to school"

Veda: Petrusha has a holiday today:

He walks down the street

Surprising all the people

Only Petya is not alone,

Who will look after Petya

Adults and children are watching,

And the train goes after Petya. (Petya appears, mom with a bouquet, dad with a briefcase, grandmother with a pie, grandfather with a crutch)

Vedas: Who is in a hurry for Petya?

Mother: Mommy!

Veda: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad: Daddy!

Vedas: who walks after Petya?

B: grandmother!

Veda: Who groans, but catches up?

D: Grandpa!

Veda: Tell us why you clung to him?

Is Petya a locomotive? What did you bring the trailers?

Mother: Who will button the shirt?

Children: Myself.

Dad: Who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Myself.

Bab: Who will butter a bun?

Children: myself.

Grandfather: Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Myself.

Mother: But he's still small!

Dad: But he's still weak!

Bab: He's so delicate!

Grandfather: He's so painful!

Mother: Have pity on him, my first grader

Dad: I took time off from work

To take his worries

Bab: My granddaughter is leaning

I'll give him a pie

Grandfather: Skip to lesson

I'll tie a lace for him

Veda: This is just nonsense, no good at all!

Let's take him away from you, come in, Petrusha to the class!

Soon Petya will answer you all "I myself!"

Children: Don't be like children

On this one on Petya.

Vedas: reads the verse "September morning" muses.

Mom! I have known for a long time the ease of your steps,

All of you start this day with irons.

On a smoothed dress

The look will linger a little

Maybe you're reminded of an old school outfit

The daughter will wake up, try on a worn bow

The son will check his briefcase, like an astronaut's tablet.

Different roads await them, the path is steep and not easy:

From unknown alphabet to invisible stars,

From funny first graders to broad shoulders

From beloved favorite classic to your beloved.

And tired of oblivion, silent, lonely

The old school bell is waiting for the guys.

Song "It's good next to mom" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

Daddy Verse: Daddy invented the alarm clock

So I don't oversleep the lesson.

Attached to the bell firmly

Hefty hammer.

Ditties about dad

18. We are performing today

Let's sing and dance

All the guys are a school holiday

Will be fun to meet

19. We are funny guys if you play a polka

No need to beg us - everyone is ready to dance

Polka "Dance with me friend" (English folk song arranged by I. Arseeva)

Children stand in a semicircle

Vedas: Well that's all, the hour has come

Long waited

We got together for the last time

In our cozy hall

20. Thanks to everyone who taught us, took care of us,

Who gave us a lot of strength

I cooked in the 1st grade

21. Thanks to the educators for the kindness and warmth.

We were next to them

And it's light on a gloomy day!

22. Natalya Vasilievna! Anastasia Sergeevna! Elena Vasilievna!

You felt sorry for us, loved

You raised us like flowers

Wish we can get you

Take with you to 1st grade

23. We love the educator,

We will never forget

Let's bring ours one day

Future children here

24. Snezhana Valerievna!

Thank you for all the worries

You had a lot of work during the holidays:

And write scripts, and taught to perform

Songs to sing and dance

Listen to music, understand it.

Song "Educator" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina)

25. Thanks to our doctors

That we are not afraid of a cold

Don't look at who

All as one - heroes!

26. Galina Vladimirovna! Keeps the group in order for a whole year!

And he will replace the teacher

And the beauty will bring you here

And all day he washes everything, rubs!

27. Cooks give us porridge

Pancakes are baked here on holiday

This is not an easy matter

Feed us here all day!

28. The manager is busy all day

All right wants to see

He sews suits for us at night

And the costumes are just class

You've seen them now.

29. Thanks also to the janitors and our good washerwoman

We will never forget your concern for us!

30. And to our director - Tatiana Georgievna

Get into Pushkin's fairy tale

She asked for a fish, not a queen, to become

And so that the fish would send us

Sponsored by the rich in the garden

31. And she has countless worries!

To Olyam, Kolam, Masham

There was something to drink and eat,

So that we have enough toys

All: To make everyone happy!

32. Only we need to say goodbye

With a kindergarten dear

The school will be very happy

For first graders such

Strong, brave and cheerful

The friendliest of the guys.

Everything: Hello school (2 times)

Goodbye, kindergarten.


Children go to the song "What do they teach at school?" (V. Shainsky)

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

On the last day, which the children will spend in kindergarten, they are invited to make an unforgettable fairytale journey to the princess's ball. Games, contests and gifts will be a reward for overcoming obstacles.


Farewell to kindergarten in a solemn atmosphere.


Balloons, congratulations, toys. Small tables and chairs are installed for children.

Required attributes:

  • The map of the kingdom on which the route of travel is indicated: Fairy Glade - Milk River - Mountains - Dense Forest - Palace;
  • Milky fabric - a river, a strong twig;
  • The image of the mountain on paper, in the middle there is a disguised door;
  • Cards with numbers;
  • Brooms, scoops, baskets;
  • A ball of thick thread;
  • Various items for the game "Collect the portfolio";
  • Cards with the letters w, k, o, l, a;
  • Gifts for children.


  • Leading
  • Apple tree
  • Baba Yaga
  • Herald
  • A princess

Event progress

Leading: Hello, guests of our holiday! Today has come the most important day for the pupils of the preparatory group of the kindergarten. On this day, they will have to say goodbye to games and fun in order to step on the next step. Here they are - graduates! Meet them with loud applause!

Graduates go out and perform a dance, then go to the tables.

Leading: Dear graduates! A significant day has come for you - you are saying goodbye to our kindergarten. Summer will pass, and you will cross the school threshold and rush to knowledge. By the way, today in the royal palace there will be a ball - their Majesties, the King and Queen, are celebrating the 7th birthday of their daughter - the Princess. Do you want to attend this ball?

Children answer.

Leading: Then I propose to take a journey into a real fairy tale. If we pass all the tests with dignity, we will get to the ball in the royal palace! So the journey begins. Close your eyes and imagine a fabulous meadow.

The "fabulous" music sounds, the Fairy comes out.

Hello children! Are you in a hurry to the ball too?

Leading: Of course, this is an important event in the fairy kingdom!

Then you need to hurry up, because the ball will start soon!

Leading: We would hurry, but we don't know where to go. Show us the way, please.

The fairy takes out a map of the kingdom, on which the path to the palace is indicated by arrows.

Good. Here is a map for you, it will show you the way. And I have to go - I need to choose the most beautiful dress for Cinderella so that she shines despite the wiles of her evil stepmother (runs away).

Leading (hangs the map on the wall): Guys, help me figure out the map. Where do you think we are now?

Children: In a fabulous meadow.

Leading: Exactly, here it is, look. So where is the palace? Is he so far away? To get to the palace, you will need to cross the milk river with jelly banks, cross the high mountains that are guarded by Koshchey the Immortal, go through the dark dense thicket where Baba Yaga herself lives! Our path will be very difficult, but we can handle it. Really guys?

Children answer.

Leading: I thought that difficulties would not frighten you. So, you can hit the road. And on the way, let's remember what we did in kindergarten.

Children perform with poems about life in kindergarten, gratitude to educators, cook, head. After the reciters have performed, a milky fabric is lined on the stage - a river.

Leading: How imperceptibly time flew by. Guys, look, we are already at the river bank. And the river is not easy - milk, with jelly banks. Do you know in which fairy tale she occurs?

Children:"Swan geese".

Leading: Do you know this tale well? Then tell me, who helped the children escape from the geese?

Children answer: oven, river, apple tree. Apple tree comes out.

Apple tree: Hello guys. Where are you going?

Leading: We are going to the ball to the Princess, but that's the problem we don't know how to get around the river.

Apple tree: You will not be able to bypass the river, and you will not find a ford. And if you want to swim across, you will get bogged down in milk and drown. But I can help you cross the river.

Leading: That would be great.

Apple tree: But you remember that in the fairy tale the girl did not immediately fulfill our requests, so she had to do everything at the last moment, in a hurry. The swan-geese almost grabbed them then.

Leading: Still, politeness is one of the main qualities of a person.

Apple tree: And I would like to know if you know the polite words.

Conducts the polite words survey. Graduates take turns calling words of greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology.

Apple tree: Well done, you know a lot of words. I think that in life you use them. Therefore, I will help you. Take this rod - it will help you get across the river.

The game "Jump over the river" is held. Children, leaning on a cane, jump over the river. The apple tree helps them, then says goodbye and leaves. Children sit in their seats.

Leading: Guys, we passed the river safely. Go ahead. And so that time does not pass so slowly, we will sing a song.

Children go on stage and sing a song about kindergarten. Towards the end of the song, the scenery of the mountain is brought out and set in the background.

Leading: Guys, look - the mountains! Do you remember who guards them?

Children: Koschei the Deathless.

Leading: He's probably wandering around here somewhere. You need to keep your eyes open so as not to fall into his skillfully placed traps. Let's see if he is here.

The presenter and the children put their hand to the forehead, "peer" to the left, to the right. A quiet threatening melody sounds, Koschey comes out.

Well hello. Why did they come?

Leading: We want to get to the ball to the Princess!

And if I don't let you in?

Leading: Let us in, please. The guys have graduation today - the last day in kindergarten. When else will they get into a fairy tale?

Do you want to go to the ball so badly?

Children answer.

Even if I miss it, you will not be able to go around the mountains or fly over. So it doesn't even depend on me whether you get to the ball or not!

Leading: You even let it go, but we will figure out how to get over the mountains.

I don't even know ... If only you can cope with the task. And the task will not be easy! Will you do it?

Leading: Well, of course. After all, we really want to get to the ball!

Then let's check how well you can count.

Conducts the game "Cheerful Counting". Children are divided into 2 groups, each of which receives cards with different numbers, which all players receive one by one. The task of the participants is to stand so that the numbers are in order, and then in the reverse order.

Not just smart, but also fast, dexterous guys! Amazing! Why do you need school? Stay with me, I will teach you a lot: scare, take away, conquer.

Leading: I think that the guys do not want to become like you, Koschey. Do not be offended, but evil will never defeat good.

You're right. Well, okay, don't want to - however you want! I let you pass further, but the mountains, most likely, will not let you pass (leaves).

Leading: Guys, the mountains will really be very difficult to get around. How should we be now?

A Fairy enters the stage, sneezes, wipes her red nose.

Apchhi! Guys, you've been through so much! Well done! Apchhi!

Leading: Yes, Fairy. But we don't know how to proceed further. The mountains are very high and wide. By the way, why are you sneezing?

I do not know. Apchhi! As she began to fly to the mountain, she sneezed. Apchhi!

Leading: You are probably allergic to dust. It's so dusty here that you yourself want to sneeze.

I cannot fly in such an environment. And walking is too long to go.

Leading: Fear not, Fairy. We will help you. Really guys?

Children answer.

Then you will need magic brooms to sweep this dust away (gives back to the leading brooms).

Leading: Well, now it's clean and comfortable around. You, Fairy, can fly further.

Yes, and you can safely go.

Leading: But how? We can't fly!

And you don't need to. While you were cleaning up here, in the mountain I found a through passage on the opposite side. See you at the ball! Good luck (leaves).

The presenter approaches the scenery and opens the "door" to the mountain. Together with the graduates, they come out from the other side of the mountain.

Leading: Hooray! We only have to go through the dense forest, and we will be in the palace! But wait! What if we get lost? What do we do?

Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga: Don't get lost, dear ones! I will help you!

Leading: Something is unclean here. Baba Yaga herself volunteered to help! What trap are you preparing for us?

Baba Yaga: What kind of trap? I can say, I'm happy for the Princess. I wish her only happiness. And today my father invited so many people to the palace, but did not take into account one thing: the princess was only 7 years old, and all the guests are already over 20. She will be bored with them, and you will amuse her.

Leading: Then we will accept your help. But which one?

Baba Yaga: This magic ball will help you pass through the forest (hands the ball). But you only need to follow him with your eyes closed, otherwise all the magic will evaporate.

Leading: Thank you, grandmother Yaga. We are grateful to you for your help.

Baba Yaga: Please. You just do not offend the Princess (leaves).

Leading: And we will go to the forest. But remember what Baba Yaga said? Everyone needs to be blindfolded.

While the children are blindfolded, a pattern of dense thread is laid out on the floor, but so that it does not intersect. Then the game "Walk along the thread" is played. Children take off their shoes and take turns walking the path along the thread. Then the guys go to their places.

Leading: Guys! Listen!

The bugle sounds. The Speaker enters the stage.

Herald: Attention! Attention! The ball dedicated to the 7th birthday of the Princess is declared open! We ask everyone to the palace (leaves)!

The Princess and Fairy appear on the stage. Children are performing a dance.

A princess: Guys! I'm so glad you came today! It will be possible to play with you and have fun!

Games and contests are held

"Collect a portfolio"

Of the various items, put in the knapsack only those that will be useful at school.

"The cherished word"

Find the cards with letters that are hidden in the hall and make up the word "school" from them.

"School riddles"

Riddles on school topics.

Leading: So we had some fun. Now it's time to go back - home.

Wait! What about gifts? Do the guys need magic pens that will write for them? Or magic pencils that will draw whatever they want? Or a magic book that you don't need to read - it speaks itself?

Leading: If our children have such objects, they will never learn to write, draw, read or count. Therefore, Fairy, we do not need such gifts.

Exactly. After all, you will not always have a magic pen at hand to write something ... then I will give you something else! Also magical!

Handing over to children folders containing kits for creativity, which will help children paint brighter, sculpt smoother and glue more accurately.

Leading: But for these gifts, guys, we will thank Fairy.

Children thank Fairy. Then the Fairy and the Princess say goodbye, and the graduates "return" to kindergarten: they sing a song about kindergarten.

Leading: Guys, our last magical journey is over. But you still have many miracles ahead, and even more magic. And now I would like to reward you with memorable gifts.

Children are awarded with certificates, graduate folders. Then there is a response from the parents of the graduates.

Leading: Well, it's time to say goodbye. But we do not say goodbye to you! We say, "Goodbye!" After all, we believe that you will visit us at least from time to time.

Farewell song or dance from graduates, at the end of which they leave.

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