
Who is an HR specialist and what does he do? What does a data scientist do? What is a good specialist


There is a shortage of specialists in the IT field. It may be worth considering studying this area of ​​knowledge. However, you should remember that learning will not be easy.

Just imagine: a robot brings coffee, plays music, greets and sees off guests, and makes sure the owner feels as good as possible. No, these are not scenes from one of the popular novels of the American science fiction writer A. Azimov, who became famous for his stories about robots. It is within the power of IT specialists to make this “fairy tale come true.”

IT specialist is a broad concept that unites representatives of many professions working in the field of information technology. These are all kinds of networks and databases, moderators, information security, and even 3D animators. At the same time, with the penetration of information technology into ever new areas of activity, new professions for IT specialists are emerging.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession IT specialist are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified IT specialists.

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Description of activity

Whatever an IT specialist specializes in, almost everything work time he spends in front of the computer. Most IT specialists use knowledge of programming languages, markup languages, Photoshop, and other graphic editors in their work.

IT specialist - creative profession. He creates something new, develops programs and applications, and implements ideas. Of course, there is a lot of routine in the work of an IT specialist: writing code for a program or website, or creating an entire security system for a computer network takes more than one week. To get the intended result, an IT specialist is forced to check and recheck his work again and again, correct errors, and eliminate bugs.

IT specialists can work for themselves, fulfilling orders remotely, or in the office, personally interacting with other specialists. Today, no one can do without information technology specialists. commercial structures, nor government organizations.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Very common

According to the results of the survey, profession IT specialist is currently very common, since for quite a long period specialists in this field have been high demand among employers. This area needed and continues to need specialists.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession IT specialist You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work IT specialist(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become IT specialist.

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Job responsibilities

Depending on what field and what company an IT specialist works in, his daily responsibilities may differ. However, in any case, it all starts with an idea or receiving an order (instructions from the boss). The IT specialist gets acquainted with the technical specifications or layout and gets to work.

An IT specialist draws up instructions for working with programs and prepares the necessary technical documentation.

Having completed the work, he checks what has been done, tests the correct functioning of all elements, or can transfer the execution of this function to special people - testers. If testers or users of a product created by an IT specialist report any malfunctions or inconveniences during operation, the IT specialist checks and corrects them.

The responsibilities of an IT specialist may include setting up office equipment and troubleshooting some equipment.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession IT specialist involves primarily physical labor. IT specialist must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

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Features of career growth

Salary directly depends on the level of professional knowledge. In some companies, the remuneration of IT specialists may be greater than that of top managers of the same company.

Many companies, in relation to their employees, are not limited to the standard social package (official employment, paid vacation and sick leave, increase in salary for length of service). They provide nice touches like flexible schedule jobs, paid lunches, free gym or pool membership. If career growth is possible in a company, then over time an IT specialist can rise to the rank of department head.

Most IT specialists can easily work for themselves, that is, be freelancers.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, IT specialists have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession IT specialist does not have a career path.

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Employee characteristics

As a rule, the work of IT specialists is always limited by deadlines, so these specialists must be characterized by diligence and responsibility. And for IT specialists, who are not limited by office space and strict working hours, self-control is also important. In addition, they need attentiveness, a tendency to critical thinking and good memory.

Despite the fact that the work of IT specialists is related to the computer, they, one way or another, have to interact with people: customers, superiors, subordinates, colleagues, users. This means that important qualities for IT specialists are communication skills, politeness and the ability to work in a team.

An analytical mind will allow a specialist to carry out complex operations, develop computer programs, work with computer technology.

Working on serious projects or working in large government agencies (for example, ministries) may also require an IT specialist to be cool and self-controlled in case of any failures or errors in the system.

Who is the profession suitable for?


According to respondents, the profession IT specialist more suitable for women. It's very difficult to imagine in the role IT specialist a man, although there are no factors that would categorically prohibit men from working IT specialist.

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Data scientists, also called data analysts, perform a variety of tasks related to collecting, classifying, and interpreting statistical data. The specific description of the functions of such specialists differs significantly from one place of work to another, since, for example, the tasks of an analyst working in a medical institution will be significantly different from the tasks of an analyst department store or hypermarket chains. But wherever they work, people in this profession study digital indicators various types activities, and are responsible for identifying both effective and problematic areas in business processes and offering options for solving them.

Collection of information

One of the most important tasks of any data scientist is collecting, sorting and studying various types of information. Depending on the place of work, this process may differ significantly, but, basically, it comes down to determining a fixed value of some indicator, and based on this value, its regular assessment. For example, a grocery store might ask its analyst to collect data on the working hours of certain employees along with profit figures broken down by specific days, weeks, and even times of day. An online store may be interested in data about where exactly its visitors come to the site, how much they spend on purchases, and whether the service is strongly reflected free shipping on general indicators arrived.

There are many in various ways to collect data, but the results of any collection must meet three main points, namely: 1) ordered, 2) standardized and 3) verified. That is, the collected data must be ready for use both individually and in combination with other indicators, and at the same time, not lose its objectivity. To obtain and process data, analysts often use software capable of performing complex calculations and calculations, but, in addition, they always have professional tricks and techniques in their arsenal that make their work much easier.

Extrapolation and interpretation

After the information has been collected, the data analyst must evaluate it and explain to company management how to use it. For example, sales data for a certain period of time contains valuable information, but it becomes much more valuable when compared with similar indicators for the same period last year, month, etc. Such analysts are often invited into companies to explain to their owners and management the meaning of discrepancies in figures when comparing them with similar data from previous years, or when analyzing the performance of different departments of the company. As a rule, such specialists must be able not only to compare various data, but also to clearly explain their meaning.

In some companies, the data scientist's responsibilities include advising project managers and company managers on the current state of affairs, and making recommendations on how to improve performance in the future. Such specialists understand the reasons for the current situation better than others, which makes them good assistants in optimizing the company’s business processes. For example, a private medical institution that wants to reduce the time its patients wait in queues to see a doctor may ask its analyst to identify the main reasons for the formation of queues, or advertising agency would like to study the statistics of their past advertising campaigns, to take into account their strengths and weaknesses in their future activities.

Research and conclusions

Responsibilities for making recommendations are closely related to written reporting and conclusions. Most analysts have no difficulty preparing written opinions, complementing various charts and graphs, but they are often required to perform other written tasks, such as: preparing company memos, press releases and official reports for investors. Often, analysts work in teams with programmers and database administrators, giving recommendations for system modifications, changes service instructions and preparation of training materials.

Information systems and technologies

Much of the work of data scientists is done using a computer and software to process statistical data, which means that professionals in this field must be technically savvy. The uninterrupted operation of data collection systems is the main and primary task, but in addition to this, they are required to be able to configure the operation of computer programs, know database security measures, and monitor changes in information technology, update computer programs in a timely manner and ensure their cross-platform operation.

Employment and work characteristics

Companies in almost any field of activity require data analysis, at least the most basic. The field of sales, marketing, and healthcare offers such specialists a large number of vacancies. Many of them are accepted into the team to work on some specific project or to solve a specific problem. Due to the fact that much of the work is done using a computer, they often work remotely, from home or through a mobile office, although this depends more on the type of information they collect and process. In most cases, working hours are standardized, but on important projects, or when there is a threat of failure to set reporting deadlines, overtime and going to work on weekends are not uncommon.

Education and skills

Availability higher education for such work it is almost always prerequisite. Most employers require data analysts to have specialized education in statistics, information computer systems or enterprise management. If you have significant experience in similar positions, education in other sciences may be sufficient. Many highly paid and most successful business analysts have academic degree candidate or doctor of sciences, which gives them the deepest knowledge in their professional field and provides a high salary.



noun, m., used compare often

Morphology: (no) who? specialist, to whom? to a specialist, (see) who? specialist, by whom? specialist, about whom? about the specialist; pl. Who? specialists, (no) who? specialists, to whom? to specialists, (see) who? specialists, by whom? specialists, about whom? about specialists; noun , and. specialist

2. A narrow specialist called a professional in a limited field of activity, science.

3. Specialist they call someone who responsibly investigates a problem and gives an official conclusion.

Experts note, evaluate, affirm, warn. | Experts agree. | Conclusion of experts. | Experts call the global degeneration of microflora an environmental disaster.


4. Young specialist is a graduate of a university or college who begins independent work at any enterprise or institution.

5. Specialist they call a person who knows something well and knows how to do something.

An expert in some matter. | A jack of all trades.

Master, expert

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:



    SPECIALIST, specialist, husband. representative of one or another specialty (scientific, artistic, technical, etc.), a person professionally engaged in one or another type special labor. Radio specialist. Doctor, specialist in children... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (specialist) New York Dealer stock exchange, which is authorized by the management of the exchange to support the market for certain securities. Specialists act as market makers and are required to perform four functions: quote prices, execute... ... Financial Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (French specialiste, from Latin specialic special, private). A person who has chosen a specialty for himself, devoted himself to any one thing, and studied it accurately and in detail. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    The Pick Up Artist Genre Comedy Director James Toback Producer Warren Beatty David Lee McLeod ... Wikipedia

    A person who has acquired extensive knowledge or skill in a limited area. It happens that a specialist loses his understanding of life in general, and sometimes even of whether the results of his work are positive or negative; see Functionary... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    specialist- a, m. spécialiste, German. Specialist. A person who is proficient in what kind of language. specialty, having special knowledge in what area. fields of science, technology, art. BAS 1. Every person should, without ceasing to be a person,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    A person with specialized knowledge and skills. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    SPECIALIST, ah, husband. Worker in the field of what n. a certain specialty. Training of specialists. Narrow village S. wide profile. Young s. (university or technical school graduate starting independent work). S. on vascular surgery. | wives... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “The Specialist” USA, 1994, 109 min. Action, thriller, melodrama. Hitman Ray Quick (literally “Quick”) comes face to face with the attractive May Munro, who ordered the murder, only 70 minutes into the film and their first personal... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

The profession of a personnel specialist is unusual, interesting and far from being limited to simply selecting people for a company. But, unfortunately, not every manager knows what duties a person holding this position can perform. In order to understand this topic in more detail, I propose to consider the standard and additional functionality. So, what can we classify as standard? functional responsibilities? We open job advertisements, look for a vacancy for a HR specialist and see the following:

  • 1. The main task, of course, is the search and selection of candidates of varying complexity. This includes posting information on open vacancies, establishing an influx of resumes, actively searching for candidates, conducting interviews, etc.
  • 2. Formation of a personnel reserve. The personnel reserve should be understood as candidates who in the future may occupy a position in the company. A good HR specialist should have personnel reserve for each key position.
  • 3. Maintaining a resume database. Drawing up reports, entering data on candidates, in order to subsequently have information on this or that person.
  • 4. Adaptation of new employees. Often, HR specialists are involved in the development and implementation of various adaptation programs for new employees.

It would seem, what else can a personnel specialist do?

  • 1. Companies often specify knowledge of office work and Labor Code in their requirements in order to shift the work of the HR officer onto the shoulders of HR. In fact, this is possible, but it is undesirable because... Routine work is rarely characteristic of a person engaged in an active search, plus it takes a considerable amount of time. Let everyone do their own thing better.
  • 2. Staff training. As practice shows, companies quite often combine the position of HR specialist with a business coach and have successful results.
  • 3. Staff motivation. An HR specialist, when accepting a candidate for a job and engaging in his adaptation, is one of the closest people in a new place. With the right, human attitude, he has the trust of people. He, like no one else, can reveal a person’s desire to leave his place of work or desire for career growth, as well as any problems that employees face. A smart boss would greatly benefit from HR involvement in building motivation and a positive climate in the company.
  • 4. Corporate culture. We have already found out that an HR specialist has influence on employees in one way or another. He must accept Active participation in the development and implementation of corporate culture from the moment a person is hired. Everyone understands that high-level corporate culture reduces the risk of losing valuable employees
  • 5. Participation in career growth employees. Yes, it is HR that is able to give a psychological assessment and determine a person’s potential. Don't neglect his opinion.
  • 6. Organization corporate events. If you are organizing a large event, HR will be happy to help you. He can lead a group of people, distribute responsibilities and easily monitor the completion of a given task.
  • As you have already seen, the field of activity of a personnel specialist is quite extensive, and this is not all the duties that he can perform. The main thing is that salary expectations meet the requirements. But the most important thing is the understanding that HR is necessary in order to significantly facilitate the work of a manager. Grow your specialists and use the services of HR specialists.
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