
"regional center for patriotic education." The winners of the competition for the best practices of professional self-determination of youth have been determined “Prize trajectory Competition of the best practices for professional self-determination of youth

On November 22, 2017, the in-person stage of the competition took place in Voronezh best practices professional self-determination youth “Trajectory Award”.

The competition was organized by Voronezh State Technical University, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, and the Russian Center for the Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship. The event was organized with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, within the framework of the implementation of the Activities Development Program student associations VSTU in 2017.

The goal of the competition is the development of the All-Russian system of career guidance for youth, as well as assistance in professional choice and building a professional trajectory for youth. The Trajectory Prize platform unites and develops career guidance practices from all over our country. It is also important to attract public attention to the problem of vocational guidance of all interested parties: educational organizations, employers and young people.”

​The main objectives of the competition were:

Identification, collection and study of effective career guidance practices for further dissemination;
- attracting public attention to the topic of career guidance and consolidation of all interested parties - educational organizations, employers and youth, as well as specialists in the field of career guidance;
- support for organizations implementing career guidance activities and the formation of a “culture of work for results” in the career guidance system;
- formation of a conscious attitude of young people towards professional choice and career building;
- introduction of new effective forms of professional and personal self-determination, youth employment and the formation of professional trajectories;
- formation among young people of objective ideas about modern world labor and professions using the example of leading employer companies;
- training youth in the principles of construction professional career and behavior skills in the labor market.

The Trajectory Prize competition has already been held for the 4th time. Participants in the competition are managers of career guidance projects. They were representatives of educational organizations, commercial and non-profit organizations, initiative groups, regional executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, implementing state youth policy.

In total, 236 works from various regions of the Russian Federation were submitted to participate in the competition: Kaliningrad region, Krasnoyarsk region, Tver region, Arhangelsk region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Murmansk Region, Amur Region, St. Petersburg in nominations:

  • “Territories” are the best career guidance practices of state and municipal authorities, aimed at attracting professional self-realization within specific territories and introducing people to professions in demand in the region.
  • “Professional” – the best career guidance practices implemented by educational organizations.
  • “Professional choice” - best practices of professional agitation and involvement of youth in labor activity, sold by enterprises and organizations.
  • “Initiative” – private and public projects in the field of career guidance.

We competed in the “Initiative” category and made it to the second, full-time round with our modular program

Winners have been announced All-Russian Prize“Trajectory” – an annual competition best projects, promoting professional self-determination of young people.

In 2018, applications for participation in the Competition were accepted from representatives of educational organizations, commercial and non-profit organizations - authors of career guidance practices and events aimed at informing about in-demand professions in the labor market and professional agitation of young people.

This year, 276 works from more than 60 regions of the Russian Federation were submitted to the competition. Expert jury - representatives of federal executive authorities, the scientific community, all-Russian public organizations– applications were assessed according to the main criteria: relevance, creativity, efficiency, professionalism, scalability and publicity.

Based on the results of the evaluation, the jury determined the winners in 3 categories:

Winner in the nomination "Professional Choice" became Tatyana Solovyova, a representative of the Kurgan Industrial College with the project “Career Guidance Technopark “Trans-Ural Navigator”. The main goal of the project is to create an integrated system of vocational guidance and psychological support for students and youth that meets the requirements of the regional labor market on the basis of interdepartmental interaction between authorities, educational institutions, employers and public organizations in the region.

Winner in the nomination "Initiative" became Svetlana Nepokorova and Andrey Naumov, representatives of the Center for Technical Creativity and Early Career Guidance - the Volga Region Center for Aerospace Education, the children's technology park "Nizhny Novgorod Quantorium" with the project "Nizhny Novgorod Sirius" with innovation system in the field of professional self-determination of children and youth. The practice is based on the principle of networking: active inclusion in master classes, trainings, business games, meetings with representatives of professions, solving case tasks.

Winner in the nomination "Personnel for Development" became the “Practice 3.0” project, the authors of which are Natalya Derkanosova and Pavel Demidov, employees of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter I, and Tatyana Lyapina, deputy general director for personnel of Management Company LLC "EkoNiva-APK Holding". The project is designed to increase the motivational focus on mastering the chosen profession and to develop the corresponding competencies, as well as to increase the interest of students in finding employment in the agro-industrial complexes of the Russian Federation located in rural areas.

The award ceremony for the winners will take place on November 23 at Nizhny Novgorod within the framework of the All-Russian Youth Economic Congress.

The “Trajectory” award has been held since 2013 as part of the implementation of one of the priority areas of the state youth policy “Professional self-determination of the young generation.”

We continue to accept applications for participation in All-Russian competition best practices for professional self-determination of youth “Trajectory Award”. An application for participation in the All-Russian competition must be submitted before October 31, 2018. The purpose of the Competition is to identify the best practices for conducting events aimed at informing young people about in-demand professions in the labor market and attracting young people to professional implementation in the real sector of the economy.

Both individuals and legal entities, implementing activities aimed at vocational guidance of youth: 1) citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 years and over; 2) legal entities, including commercial and non-profit organizations, educational organizations, government and municipal institutions; 3) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 4) groups of citizens from 3 people.

To participate in the All-Russian competition, you must register with the AIS “Youth of Russia”, then submit an application through Personal Area user of the system by filling out the competition participant questionnaire.

Application nominations:
- “Professional choice” - the best career guidance practices aimed at introducing students of general education organizations from 14 to 18 years old with leading enterprises of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, implemented by educational organizations, state authorities and local governments.
- “Personnel for development” – the best practices of professional agitation.
and involvement of youth in labor activities, implemented by employer organizations.
- “Initiative” – practices in the field of informing young people about in-demand professions in the labor market, implemented by groups of citizens.

Based on the results of the All-Russian competition, FADM plans to prepare guidelines to inform young people about priority areas economic development country and youth involvement in professional activity By promising directions. The prepared materials will be recommended for implementation in the work of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as educational organizations.

In order to increase the motivation of participation of representatives Sverdlovsk region in the All-Russian competition “Trajectory Award”, the State Autonomous Institution SO “Youth House” organizes summing up the results at the regional level, i.e. holds a regional competition. To participate in the regional competition, you must submit an application before October 28, 2018. The remaining conditions for participation in the regional competition are identical to the conditions for participation in the All-Russian competition. There is no need to apply twice. The regulations on the All-Russian competition are attached.

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