
An reference bibliographic and information service for teachers. Municipal budgetary institution of culture. New technologies are used in the preparation and holding of public events, which makes them more rich, interesting, diverse

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1.General idea of ​​reference and bibliographic service

2.Classification of certificates

The main stages of performing inquiries

Features of execution of certificates of certain types

Features of reference and bibliographic services on fiction and literary criticism

Features of reference and bibliographic services for the socio-political complex (types of references and methods for their implementation)

New forms of bibliographic services

Execution of inquiries in automated mode

Accounting and analysis of reference and bibliographic services



library literature help fiction

It's no secret that in a rapidly developing information society, the role of accessibility, quality, and efficiency of obtaining information is increasing. In these conditions, finding your own informational niche is one of the main tasks of libraries. In a rapidly changing information environment, the functions traditionally performed by the library in society are no longer sufficient. The role of the library as a conductor in the world of information is growing more and more, as an institution where you can not only get your hands on books, but also any information in any way related to the topic of interest to the consumer. In accordance with this, today's task of the librarian is to find absolutely everything: from factual data to the addresses of those institutions that can provide the information the consumer needs.

The activities of the library, all of its structural divisions, are aimed at high-quality and efficient service of readers, meeting their information needs. Reference and bibliographic services are one of the main and most important areas of library activity.

Therefore, the purpose of my test work is to reveal the most important topic of bibliography as a reference and bibliographic service for library users.

1. General understanding of reference and bibliographic services

Reference and bibliographic services are an integral part of the bibliographic activity of libraries of all systems and departments. In accordance with GOST STB 7.0-2004 Information and bibliographic activity, bibliography it is defined as a service in accordance with the requests of information users in connection with the provision of inquiries and other bibliographic services.

Reference and bibliographic services should be maintained by all libraries: from the National Library of Belarus to the rural branch library.

Like any other work that is carried out in the library, reference and bibliographic services are inextricably linked with the socio-political, economic, scientific-technical and cultural life of our country and foreign countries.

Reference and bibliographic service in the CLS is the divisions that serve the readers (users, on the basis of their collections and reference and bibliographic apparatus).

The purpose with which users turn to the library is very different: educational, scientific, self-educational and others. The quality and efficiency of reference and bibliographic services depends on the following factors:

· From the position of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library;

· From the level of coordination and interaction of libraries in the field of reference and bibliographic services;

· From the qualifications and experience of a bibliographer or librarian;

· From the level of bibliographic literacy of the user.

2. Classification of certificates

Reference and bibliographic service is a bibliographic service in accordance with one-time requests of information consumers (readers). The answer to a one-time request is considered to be a reference.

Since readers are interested in a wide variety of information, different certificates are also issued:

· by the nature of the information (bibliographic and factual);

· by form (oral - they are issued in person or by phone, written - complex information requiring the identification of literature on the topic and the design of the bibliographic list). If a database is available, the reader is provided with a printout containing information adequate to the request.

By the nature of the information issued, references are divided into bibliographic and factual.

A bibliographic reference is a response to a one-time request containing bibliographic information about the presence and / or location of a publication in the collection (address information), about missing or incorrect (distorted) elements of the bibliographic description in the reader's request (clarifying information), about literature (documents) for a certain topic of interest to the reader (thematic reference).

The factual reference contains the information itself (facts) of interest to the reader - the dates of the life and activities of a person (historical figure, writer, scientist, etc.), the interpretation of a special term, the exact name of an organization or institution, etc.

Thus, certificates of certain types differ from each other in the final result, that is, in what the reader receives in response to his request. In public libraries, reference and bibliographic services are universal.

The main components of the reference and bibliographic service are: the reader's request, the search for information and the response of the bibliographer (librarian). Bibliographic search (address, thematic, clarifying), as you know, underlies all bibliographic activities, including reference and bibliographic services.

The management of reference and bibliographic services in the CLS is carried out by the information and bibliographic department (sectar) of the Central Library (CB) or a bibliographer, which is part of the staff of the service and information department.

The bibliographer plans reference and bibliographic services, fulfills the most complex requests that readers contact the Central Bank and those requests that are redirected to the Central Bank from branch libraries.

The bibliographer analyzes the position of reference and bibliographic services in the Central Library System, draws conclusions about the need to complete the collection and reference and bibliographic apparatus with new periodicals, books, including official, reference bibliographic publications on paper and electronic media, organizes new card indexes, edits catalogs and card indexes ...

The bibliographer advises users.

Librarians carry out references of various types, and more complex ones are redirected to the Central Library bibliographer.

The efficiency of making inquiries is also determined by such factors as the personality of the bibliographer, the level of his general scientific and professional training, the ability to establish contact with readers, heuristic abilities and, of course, the quality of the library's reference and bibliographic apparatus, fluency in modern information technologies.

The main stages of performing inquiries

1.Receiving a request. This is a very important stage, because it is during the receipt of the request that it is clarified and clarified what the reader is specifically interested in. It is very important to establish a complete rapport between the bibliographer or librarian receiving the request and the reader. It depends not only on the qualifications of the librarian (bibliographer), but also on his tact, on the ability to find out from the reader the full and report form of the topic and the purpose of the request, to obtain data on the degree of informing the reader in this matter, on what materials he has already used. When the reader uses special terminology in formulating a request, it is necessary to find out the meaning of the terms. Establishing contact with readers is facilitated by intuition, quick reaction, willingness to help the reader. Requests (and answers) are registered in a notebook or on special forms.

2.Establishment of the range of sources and the order of their viewing. The range of sources that are needed to find an answer to readers' requests depends on the content and purpose of the request, on how well the bibliographer (librarian) knows his reference and bibliographic apparatus. When the reader's query is formulated very succinctly, it is difficult to answer it with the help of only one reference and bibliographic apparatus. Therefore, in such situations, it is necessary to look through the educational, reference, production and practical publications that are available in the library fund.

.Bibliographic search and information processing. They are carried out on the basis of the reference and bibliographic apparatus and the collection of this library. But the reader can be given information about documents that are absent in the library to which he applied and are in other libraries (scientific, special). The types of printed works, chronological girth are directly related to the reader's request.

.Registration of the certificate. When a written response to a request is required, a list of references is arranged. Bibliographic descriptions are supplemented with short annotations. In order for the readers to receive the necessary editions faster, the list contains the codes of the books. Copies of lists that, in the opinion of the librarian, may be useful to other users are kept in the collection of completed references. When performing clarifying bibliographic and factual references, it is necessary to name the source of information. This helps to increase the bibliographic literacy of readers, so that next time they can independently answer similar questions.

.Redirecting the request. A bibliographic request that cannot be satisfied in this library belongs to a redirect. When the fulfillment of a bibliographic request requires an appeal to the central reference and bibliographic apparatus (SBA), then it is transferred for execution to the bibliographer of the Central Library (CB). A bibliographic request that cannot be fulfilled in the Central Bank is sent to other libraries (cities, regions, regional libraries, the National Library of Belarus, branch republican libraries). The library is responsible for the validity of the redirection of the bibliographic request and the correct choice of the addressee. In any case, the user (reader) gets a refusal in the library to which he applied with the request.

4. Features of execution of certificates of certain types

Concept theme has a wide semantic meaning: it can be an educational topic. Some question, the life and work of a person, information about the region or country, etc. Most of thematic inquiries are satisfied with the help of a systematic catalog, card indexes and databases, bibliographic aids. Close in content to the subject of the request. Book and intrajournal bibliographic materials are also viewed, as well as publications themselves - books, newspapers. The decision of what to offer the reader - 2-3 books, an article from a magazine, a thematic literature index or an article in a reference publication - depends not only on the wording of the topic in the request. But also on the purpose for which the reader applies for help, on the level of his training, the nature of his activities. So. To the teacher for the selection of literature on the topic “Creativity of L.N. Tolstoy ”, first of all, it is necessary to use new materials from periodicals. Containing little-known facts about the biography and work of the writer. For a schoolboy, to write a home essay on the same topic, it is enough to recommend popular books in which the work of L.N. Tolstoy in general. A part-time student doing coursework will need help in identifying materials that reveal the topic in the historical and literary aspect, as well as in relation to his further professional (pedagogical) activities.

Therefore, in addition to referring to catalogs - alphabetical (if personalities are traditionally distinguished in it), systematic, electronic (it is known that all new book acquisitions are reflected in it from a certain year), card indexes, new editions of encyclopedias and bibliographic dictionaries, it is necessary to use state bibliographic indicators , scientific auxiliary bibliographic indexes, both current and retrospective, including on electronic media and other materials.

It is also necessary to check with the reader, or he needs all the literature on the topic, or maybe he only needs new documents or other materials. This clarification helps the bibliographer (librarian) to complete the reference faster.

When a reader contacts a public library with a highly specialized subject matter, the main problem is that the library may not find material on this topic. A systematic catalog and a systematic index of articles may not always help in answering such queries. In such a situation, it is necessary to turn to books of a more general nature, to identify individual chapters, sections, paragraphs, and in the meantime, individual pages that answer queries.

Readers' requests that are related to the search for literature on the life and work of some figures are fulfilled using an alphabetical catalog, an electronic catalog, a systematic card index of articles, database card indexes, bibliographic and personal bibliographic indicators and reference books. Most often, such requests are related to anniversaries. In this case, you can use the appendix "Dates of the Belarusian calendar" to the bulletin "New books for old people of the Belarusian Druk , Belarusian kalyandar on CD-ROM, as well as encyclopedias, bibliographic reference books, dictionaries, general literature, memoirs.

When fulfilling requests on regional and regional studies, it is also necessary to find out both the purpose of referring to literature, as well as the characteristics of the country or region, the other - the economic situation, the third - history, etc. To carry out such inquiries, it is necessary to use the corresponding departments of the systematic catalog, local history catalogs and card indexes, the "Kray" database, bibliographic manuals of local history and regional studies.

Clarifying bibliographic references

The methodology and success of a refining bibliographic search are determined by what elements of the bibliographic description are already known to the reader, how complete and correct (accurate) they are. It is necessary to clarify bibliographic data because of the following most common mistakes made by readers: the author's surname is distorted, his initials are incorrectly indicated; works of one author are "attributed" to another; the editor (translator, compiler) is passed off as the author; the title is inaccurate in the request; unpublished work is taken as already published; an article from a magazine or collection is presented as a mono edition, etc.

Performing clarifying inquiries begins with an analysis of the reader's requirements and the establishment of those missing elements of the bibliographic description, using which the librarian (bibliographer) can quickly solve the problem.

To search for data on a specific book, catalogs of the branch library or consolidated catalogs of the Central Library, publishing plans, reference and bibliographic publications, book bibliographic materials are used.

When looking for information about the articles of an author, one should refer to reference publications, publishing works of this author, which are devoted to his life and work. In order to chronologically limit the range of sources, it is necessary to clarify the years of the author's life and work.

In public libraries, many references are made to clarify the titles of works. In such cases, the librarian needs not only to be erudite, but also to be able to quickly use auxiliary indicators to works, card indexes of titles, reviews, a section of works of fiction in a systematic card index of articles, etc.

A special kind of clarifying bibliographic information is the identification of the author and the source of citation. In such cases, it is very important to develop your own search algorithm, because you need to clearly understand how many known (and what exactly is known) parameters in the problem and how many unknown (and what exactly is unknown) parameters. In accordance with this, the sources of the search are outlined - publications of the works of the alleged author, quotes and statements about him, bibliographic aids on the topic, collections of winged words and sayings, etc.

The revising bibliographic references include editing the bibliographic data of printed works contained in the reader's requirements for literature.

Address bibliographic references

An address reference is a bibliographic reference, during the execution of which the presence and location of a publication or an unpublished document in the collection of a particular library is established.

At the beginning of the conversation with the reader, it is necessary to find out all the elements of the bibliographic description of the sought document known to him. The bibliographer writes down the received data on a special form (see at the end). Before establishing the presence and location of a document, the bibliographer often performs a preliminary clarifying search in order to have a sufficient set of reliable information about it (surname, name, patronymic of the author, title, imprint, etc.).

If the purpose of the search is to indicate the location of the book stored in the library, then in the presence of a complete bibliographic description, refer to the alphabetical catalog. Information about magazines, newspapers, continuing collections is found with the help of the catalog of periodicals and continuing publications. Specialty catalogs and filing cabinets will help you find answers to questions about sheet music, gramophone records, standards, descriptions of inventions, etc.

In some cases, address search can be carried out in printed catalogs that are published by large libraries.

In cases where only the title is known and in the process of a refinement search it was not possible to establish the author of the printed work, the bibliographer turns to systematic catalogs and card indexes, which help fill in the missing elements of the bibliographic description and establish the presence of the book in the given collection. Thematic and special filing cabinets play an auxiliary role: they contribute to the identification of the author of the book. Address search is carried out using the alphabetical directory.

To find printed works that are absent in this library, card and printed consolidated catalogs are used, reflecting the funds of several libraries; library network of a region or country. In the CLS, for this purpose, consolidated catalogs and card indexes are used, which reflect the funds of all libraries of the system, as well as consolidated card indexes of periodicals and reference publications.

In case of a positive outcome of the address search, the user receives a complete bibliographic description of the document indicating its location in the collections of the country's libraries. The cipher of the storage of the book (article) in the library, where the request was received, is given.

Quite often, the fulfillment of a request for the availability and location of the publication needed by the reader is a continuation of the clarifying bibliographic search, since the reader is naturally interested in obtaining the books and journals themselves.

Factographic (factual) certificates

The factual reference is a response to the essence of the request (message of the exact date, numbers, quotations, characteristics of the phenomenon, problems, statement of the concept, explanation of the term, etc.). Accordingly, a factual search involves the search for the facts themselves, and not information about the documents where these facts are contained. Therefore, this search is not bibliographic, but in libraries traditionally refers to reference and bibliographic services.

Factographic inquiries constitute a significant part of all inquiries received by libraries, especially scientific and technical inquiries. Their implementation is based on the use of encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, factual cards.

The main condition for a successful search is the knowledge of the librarian (bibliographer) of the purpose, content and structure of reference books used, their auxiliary apparatus, quick and accurate determination of the shortest search path.

In addition to reference publications, other publications are widely used, which are part of the collection of official reference and bibliographic publications: editions of legislative acts, normative documents, decrees and decrees of the president, government decrees, scientific auxiliary bibliographic aids, recommendatory, popular bibliographic aids, in which provides information about specific facts, both on paper and on electronic media. Revise articles from newspapers and magazines that contain the latest data on economics, politics, state building and others.

In terms of their content, factual inquiries are extremely diverse. Their implementation requires a bibliographer of great erudition, good professional training, knowledge of a wide range of sources of factual search. Having received a bibliographic reference (for example, thematic), the reader will conduct a kind of verification of its reliability after ordering and studying the literature recommended to him. With a factual inquiry, the reader, as a rule, immediately uses the information received, without additional verification.

Factographic inquiries are not carried out by bibliographers alone. Thus, in the CLS, especially in the branches, specialists from different branches of knowledge are involved in organizing the "information desk". They actively help in holding events such as Specialist Day, Information Day.

Dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, factual filing cabinets are the most important, but not the only means of fulfilling factual queries. When receiving highly specialized inquiries, as well as when clarifying facts concerning the problems of today's life that are not yet reflected in reference publications, the bibliographer selects the relevant literature and looks through it. It is advisable to involve the reader in the search. It is not excluded that the bibliographer may turn to a specialist in this field.

Reference and bibliographic services for certain branches of knowledge also have their own characteristics, which is clearly seen in the example of reference and bibliographic services for fiction, literary criticism and reference and bibliographic services for social and political sciences.

5. Features of reference and bibliographic services on fiction and literary criticism

One-time requests for information about fiction and literary materials differ from requests for other branches of knowledge, and this is natural, since fiction is interested, if not all, then many readers, especially public libraries. What is the search methodology in each specific case and how is it determined? First of all, the goals of inquiries and the level of training of information consumers, knowledge of the search source, their specifics and information potential, the ability to use them. In addition, the methodology for performing bibliographic and factual inquiries on one-time requests should be considered in conjunction with those sources (catalogs, card indexes, databases, reference and bibliographic publications, etc.), on the basis of which information is searched, and in strict accordance with the requirements of the reader's request. libraries.

Requests are very diverse, but library and bibliographic practice shows that the following types of queries prevail:

· Writers and their works. In this case, it is required, as a rule, to provide information about the editions or publications of a particular work, as well as about the literature devoted to the work of a particular writer. The main sources of search are catalogs (AK, SK, EK), a card index of publications of works in journals and collections, or a section in a general card index - a systematic card index of articles, subject and thematic. If the reader is interested in information about editions and publications of the writer's works, regardless of their presence in the funds of this library, he should be advised to turn to retrospective bibliographic manuals, in which he will find the necessary information, and he can follow the news in the monthly bulletin “New books. Pa old people from Belarus to a friend. "

· Works of fiction known to readers by titles. In bibliographic practice, especially in public libraries, it is quite common to search for information about works of fiction known to readers under the title. The main source for making clarifying bibliographic references is a special card index of titles of fiction or the multivolume "Index of titles of works of fiction". In many cases, an auxiliary index of authors and titles of works helps out, which is attached to bibliographic manuals on various branches of knowledge, including fiction.

· Works of fiction dedicated to specific topics. In this case, at the request of the reader, a thematic bibliographic reference is performed, and the main source of the search is a thematic card index of fiction. A particular difficulty lies in the fact that the chronological and national (regional) boundaries of the bibliographic search are practically unlimited: the modern reader is equally interested in the works of writers of the 19-20 centuries, both Belarus and other countries, devoted to one topic (problem), or works of a certain genre on one topic.

· Works of fiction in certain genres. References made on such requests are also considered thematic bibliographic. Sources of search can be a systematic card index of articles, another general bibliographic card index or databases, a card index of publications of works of fiction, recommendatory and popular bibliographic aids of past years, reflecting works of certain genres, as well as special genre card indexes and those editions of the works of writers in which their work represented by the main genres (collections, selected works).

· Works of writers of certain national literatures. The search for works of art created by writers from different countries and different national cultures is provided by a systematic catalog and a systematic card index of articles, built according to a single LBC scheme, where bibliographic records are grouped according to national literatures. Depending on what exactly the reader is interested in (what kind of information is searched for his request), various types of inquiries are made: thematic bibliographic (if, for example, upon request it was required to select the works of English writers of a certain period); clarifying bibliographic references (if it was necessary to establish bibliographic data or clarify the missing elements of the bibliographic description); address bibliographic references (if it was required to inform about the availability and location in the library of the edition needed by the reader).

· Literary studies on the theory and history of literature. The search for literary works of a general nature on the theory and history of literature, on individual periods and literary trends, on the development of individual national literatures, on the work of writers and works created in a particular period and others also provide a systematic catalog, a systematic card index of articles, databases, and in cases where the availability of the necessary materials in a given library is not necessary - the corresponding retrospective and current bibliographic manuals. The reader is provided with information adequate to his request, and the records of completed references are carried out in accordance with the requirements adopted in this library.

· Local history literary inquiries. Local lore literary inquiries can also be different: about local writers and their works, about literature about them; about the literary life of a particular region; fiction about this region, etc. In libraries, such requests are satisfied with the help of a local history catalog (card index). The types of inquiries performed are taken into account in strict accordance with the requirements of the inquiries.

· Factographic queries. Unlike other branches of knowledge, factual search in fiction and literary criticism is performed much less frequently, and in each case it is limited to the information that traditional sources can provide: encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries, reference books, bibliographic indexes and dictionaries, personal files, and also the scientific reference apparatus of the publications themselves.

6. Features of reference and bibliographic services for the socio-political complex (types of references and methods for their implementation)

Reference and bibliographic services on social and political topics are carried out in strict accordance with one-time requests from readers. References differ in the nature of the information issued upon request, subject matter and method of execution. The volume and novelty of information, types of publications and publications, search sources for one-time requests, other features of reference and bibliographic services in each specific case should meet the goals and level of training of people who applied to the library for help.

The main most common types of certificates for one-time inquiries on socio-political topics are:

· Clarifying bibliographic information.

The execution of such certificates is most often associated with the establishment (clarification) of bibliographic data of the texts of documents adopted by the state authorities of the republican level, for example: the text of the Law, the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the resolution or order of the Government of the Republic of Belarus. If, upon request, it is required to clarify information about documents adopted over several years and devoted to a certain topic, then the sources for searching on request can be the legal bases "Etalon", "Consultant Plus", "Code", etc.

· Factographic information.

Certain dates of a particular historical event, biographical information about political, public, historical figures, scientists and their works, the interpretation of a special term, the name of the country, economic indicators (statistical data) that have changed in recent years, historical data. The main sources of search for one-time requests are reference publications that are adequate to the nature of the request.

· Subject bibliographic information.

One-time requests for literature on a certain social discipline, topic, a specific issue about the life and activities of a person (historical, state or political figure, scientist), about the country (its political structure, economy, history) are thematic, and certificates made in strict accordance with the reader's requirements, are considered thematic bibliographic references. Thematic inquiries coming from specialists differ in a wide range of private aspects: they, as a rule, need literature for a longer chronological period, and not only domestic, but also foreign, sometimes - only local history publications and publications, and in some cases - publications of certain species.

· Address bibliographic information.

Replies to readers' inquiries about the availability and location in the library collection of specific publications that they need for study, work or general self-education are performed according to the alphabetical catalog, electronic catalog, card indexes and databases. If the requirement is filled in correctly and all the elements of the bibliographic description are indicated, readers may well find the information of interest on their own.

7. New forms of bibliographic services

Virtual Help is an electronic help desk, often in real time. In this case, computers and remote access via the Internet are used - technologies to interact with service personnel without physical contact.

There are more than 80 corporate virtual services in the world that combine libraries of various types and provide virtual reference and bibliographic services (VSSO). This form of service is most developed in the United States. In America, at least 450 libraries have united into more than 60 virtual services. This form of reference and bibliographic service allows you to improve the information culture of a specialist, helps him navigate the array of available resources and master new ones.

Methodological support - with this form of service, it is assumed that the user will conduct a search independently with the assistance of a bibliographer. By contacting the library with a request, the user receives information about the most significant, authoritative resources that correspond to his information needs, and chooses the necessary one by referring to the memos with a description of each of the resources offered. After choosing a database, you should refer to them using a specially prepared algorithm for working with each of them.

Virtual service is a service that is implemented largely through reference and bibliographic services.

Legal clinic. At the present stage of development of pedagogical science and higher legal education, legal clinics (LK) have become a very widespread and effective means of improving the quality of education. Thanks to legal clinics, students can clearly trace the relationship of the theoretical material received within the walls of the university with their immediate future activities. The interaction of the library and the university in the reference and bibliographic service of readers whose interests lie in the field of activity of this service helps to fulfill the request more efficiently, since the staff of the legal clinic advises the staff of the reference and bibliographic service in case of difficulties in fulfilling the readers' requests on legal issues. In addition, after completing special additional training, studying the resource base containing legal documents in traditional form and on electronic media, students provide legal assistance to citizens (library readers). Under the guidance of pedagogues-curators, the staff of the clinic provide consultations on civil, family, housing and labor law, analyze contracts, statements of claim, complaints, etc. I work in this clinic only students of senior and graduate courses. This work is credited to them as industrial or pre-diploma practice.

The introduction of new forms of reference and bibliographic services will ensure the attraction of new users, the maximum use of the available resource base and the further development of this important area of ​​the library's activity.

8. Execution of inquiries in automated mode

Computer technologies, having changed the life of mankind, have also changed the life of libraries. Computerization, about which so much and passionately was spoken, though belatedly, came to the librarianship of the Republic of Belarus. The computer in the library today is a means of acquiring the collection, it is a new reference apparatus, it is a new form of service to readers. And by the readers themselves, the use of computer technologies is perceived today as a necessary condition for library service.

As much as we care about traditional sources of information, the demand for the library today depends on the skillful use of new information technologies. Not to compete with the Internet, but to use its capabilities to provide quality service to readers.

In those public libraries, primarily in the Central District Library and the Central City Library, where library processes are automated, reference and bibliographic services are carried out in an automated manner.

The automated technology of reference and bibliographic services provides for the use of means, search sources on traditional information carriers, various bibliographic, factual, full-text databases, and the possibility of telecommunication access to remote information sources. It also has certain features in the implementation of the main stages, processes and operations.

At the first stage of reference and bibliographic service, the request is received by the bibliographer, and in the course of communication with the consumer of information, all the same information is found out that was found out when the bibliographer performed the reference using traditional technology. The methodology for performing thematic bibliographic references of any level of complexity is the same. It depends on the characteristics of a particular database, bibliographic manual, created in electronic form. The result of a thematic search in an automated mode is a bibliographic list in electronic form or in the form of a printout. Topic search by keywords, etc. For electronic bibliographic manuals, a thematic bibliographic search is carried out in accordance with the program for which it was created. However, computer technology makes it possible to obtain the necessary information. Thematic reference is increasingly becoming what used to be called library reference. As a result of a bibliographic search, the reader can obtain not only bibliographic records of documents, but also the full text of the original source. This can be an electronic list or a printout.

Address bibliographic information in an automated mode can be performed by the name of the author, by the title of the publication. To search, just enter the first few letters of the author's surname and title.

When performing a clarifying bibliographic reference in an automated mode, the possibilities of a bibliographer or a librarian are significantly expanded, since a search can be carried out by combinations of various elements of a bibliographic description.

Factographic searches can also be performed in an automated mode, through factual databases, through multimedia encyclopedias and reference books, through such bibliographic publications on CD-ROM, such as the “Belarusian Calendar”. Bibliographic consultations on finding information in an electronic catalog, databases, on the use of bibliographic aids on electronic media should also be carried out in libraries. Users need to familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of bibliographic records in electronic form, with databases, multimedia encyclopedias, bibliographic publications on CD-ROM that are in the library, show how they can be searched for.

Thematic consultations are a type of bibliographic consultation. It contains a list of bibliographic sources necessary to find out the literature corresponding to a thematic request. Topic consultation is becoming a must-have application to topic search. This is due, firstly, to the insufficient depth of most bibliographic data and, secondly, to the enormous cost of this resource. It is important that thematic consultation is often a necessary component when performing thematic inquiries. Such consultation includes recommendations both on traditional sources and on electronic, and often on Internet resources that the user can use. In cases where a librarian or bibliographer cannot refuse a reader's request, and the library has access to the Internet, he can redirect this request to the site of another library by e-mail: regional, NBL, etc.

Also, users have the opportunity to independently go to the library's website, determine the availability of the necessary publications and obtain the necessary information. Such reference and bibliographic service is called electronic or virtual.

There are three main areas of electronic reference and bibliographic services:

· customer service via e-mail;

· real-time user service based on chat technologies, as well as video and teleconferences;

· fully automated provision of information in response to a user's request based on a specially organized database / DB of executed requests.

The first two directions seem to be traditional in content. Their peculiarities are that modern software and communication facilities are used for their implementation. And so, reference and bibliographic services are carried out directly through e-mail or on the basis of Web-forms of requests, which are provided on the websites of libraries. Chat is a real-time service based on the use of special software. This allows you to control the two-way user-bibliographer interaction.

Providing users with a database of queries / refusals for independent automated search in the absence of communication "user-bibliographer" is a fundamentally new phenomenon in reference and bibliographic services. All areas are actively developing abroad. Work on the creation of virtual reference services is being carried out in the libraries of our country. The first virtual service was organized at the NBB, which, through its website, provides the ability to fulfill requests of various types. But, despite the intensive development of electronic reference and bibliographic services, it is so far only an addition to the traditional reference and bibliographic services, but does not change it.

9. Accounting and analysis of reference and bibliographic services

All divisions conducting reference and bibliographic services keep records of completed references. Bibliographic references, bibliographic consultations, factual references are subject to registration. The total number of one-time requests is taken into account by summing the requests registered in the "journal of completed inquiries" on the inquiry forms or other documentation accepted in the library.

The unit of accounting for completed one-time requests is an oral or written statement containing information about the literature on one topic, about one established or revised bibliographic record, about one edition, the presence of which is established in the fund, about one revealed fact.

In some libraries, a simplified form of accounting is accepted: the branch of knowledge (according to the LBC); topic of completed help; type of certificate (thematic, clarifying, factual); source of help execution (catalog, card index, database, fund, etc.). Address bibliographic references in some libraries are taken into account separately and called "catalog". Especially taken into account sometimes and information on local history topics. In the Central Library System, it is advisable to supplement the registration form with the column: “Completed for branch libraries”. Requests that are redirected from one library to another due to the impossibility of executing them in this library are only registered.

In order to improve the level of reference and bibliographic service, compliance with the requirements imposed on it at the present time, it is necessary to regularly conduct both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the references being performed. The main purpose of such an analysis is to study the subject matter and nature of one-time requests, the interests of readers applying for information, sources of information search. This applies primarily to complex queries.

The analysis data make it possible to identify the correspondence of the composition and content of the collections to the requests of readers, problems in the organization of reference and bibliographic services. In addition, the results of such an analysis make it possible to get an idea of ​​the level of information culture and bibliographic literacy of readers, the effectiveness of their use of various parts of the reference and bibliographic service, to identify the reasons for refusals or answers that did not satisfy readers, to adjust the work plan to increase the level of information culture and bibliographic knowledge. both the library staff and its readers.


In conclusion, I want to briefly outline my reference and bibliographic service, which is carried out at my place of work. I work in the library of the Novogrudok State Agrarian College. We plan and carry out our activities based on the Regulations on the college library, from the main tasks of the library of the educational institution; based on the goals set by the teaching staff for the academic year. Our main task is to teach students to independently search for the necessary information, by the method of thinking it over, self-processing, and not automatically using the finished product, to help readers select the best from the vast sea of ​​printed and electronic products. And we solve this problem with the help of reference, bibliographic and informational work. Among the complex of common library forms and methods, the availability of publicly available, reliable, complete information reflected in the reference and bibliographic service, the concreteness of the source, assistance in finding the necessary information for the librarian is our main tool in the competition for the reader, the user of the library. What exactly does our library do?

The reference and bibliographic apparatus is regularly updated and improved. Obviously, the filling of the card indexes depends on the number of periodicals received. And in our library their repertoire is quite limited - only 45 titles.

It is very much in demand by the class teachers of the college and students, a card index of methodological developments, in which a bibliography of scenarios on topical topics for various holidays is widely presented.

Teachers and students throughout the academic year are fully provided with the necessary teaching and reference materials, fiction. In the absence of the necessary literature, it is ordered by the MBA from the NBB.

In accordance with the work plan, conversations are held with students about the rules for using the library, its resources and capabilities, about the basics of bibliographic description, about new acquisitions of literature.

Individual and group work is organized according to rational methods of working with educational and special literature.

The meetings of the cyclic commissions are attended in order to get acquainted with the new receipts of special literature and to highlight the novelties of periodicals.

Applications are being fulfilled for the selection of material for preparation for classes, exams, olympiads, for writing tests and term papers, essays, as well as for conducting educational activities held in college.

Information and reference and bibliographic services are carried out differentiated, taking into account the age characteristics of users, according to previously formed groups: 1st-year students, 2-5-year students, correspondence students, heads of institutions, teaching staff and college employees. Both individual and mass forms of work are used. We try to efficiently and promptly satisfy all user requests. Over the past 2011, 1231 certificates were completed; 729 of them are traditional, and 502 are made using electronic storage media.

In order to improve the professional level, special magazines are subscribed, courses are attended in Minsk, meetings are held with librarians of other educational institutions.

List of used literature

1. Bibliographic work in the library: organization and methodology: textbook / ed. O.P. Korshunov. - M .: Publishing House "Book Chamber", 1990.

2.Dimidova, G.N. Bibliography: textbook. for average professionals. educational Institutions. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2002.

3.Morgenstern, I.G. General bibliography: textbook. manual.- SPb .: Profession, 2006.

Svirukova, V.G. Organization and methodology of reference and bibliographic services: lecture notes.-2nd ed. rev. and additional - Novosibirsk: GPNTB SB RAS, 2007.

Lecture materials


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Reference and bibliographic work

Objectives of information and bibliographic activity

  • All-round improvement of the quality of information and bibliographic service based on the criteria of efficiency, relevance, completeness and comfort of providing information to library users

  • Improving the technological support of bibliographic activities

  • Teaching users to work with the library's SBA and increasing their information culture

  • Participation in the system of current informing of the authorities and management of the urban settlement of the city of Belebey

  • Striving for the most effective, comprehensive use of all library resources, both traditional and electronic, in reference and information services for users

Reference and bibliographic resources

  • During the year, work was carried out to improve the organization of the reference and bibliographic apparatus, ensuring the efficiency, completeness and accuracy of the choice of information sources. New topical headings were added, edited, introduced into catalogs and card indexes. The reference fund in 2014 was replenished with 3 volumes of the Bashkir encyclopedia, which is clearly not enough and creates difficulties in organizing bibliographic activity

  • The library has developed a stable system of catalogs and filing cabinets, which continues to function and develop:

  • at the services of readers are provided: a systematic card index of articles, a local history card index, a card index "Belebey", a card index "Official materials", a card index "Ecology", a card index of new acquisitions;

  • in library work, the following are used: a card index of refusals, a card index of periodicals, a card index of legal acts, a card index of orphans of an orphanage, a card index of readers with disabilities, a card index of children from disadvantaged families.

  • The electronic base of legal documents on ecology, which in 2014 was replenished by 9 documents. A total of 155 documents.

  • Existing storage folders were replenished and edited.

  • The most relevant and demanded were: "Museums of Russia", "Needlework", "Masters of Russian Painting", as well as "A Walk in the Hometown", "Seven - I", "In the Lens of Youth", "Social Protection of the Population", "Local self management"

  • New thematic folders have been created on topical topics: "Museums of Russia"; Musical Culture of Russia; "Masters of Russian Painting"; "Needlework"; "Cinema"; "The art of dance"

  • The accounting of completed thematic inquiries is legally kept in the "Notebook for recording inquiries by law"

  • All bibliographic work of the library is reflected in the "Notebook for recording bibliographic work of the library"

Reference and bibliographic service (BSS)

    1. Prompt and high-quality service to library users in the "request-response" mode

    1. Execution of complex written inquiries at one-time requests of readers and organizations

    1. Fulfillment of thematic, bibliographic and factual user requests (including by phone)

    1. Regular analysis of the quality of issued certificates

Reference and bibliographic service for users is built on the basis of reference and bibliographic resources with the integrated use of both modern information technologies and traditional ones. The implementation of thematic, factual, address, clarifying inquiries in the "request-response" mode is carried out, consultations are provided on the use of the library's reference and retrieval apparatus and electronic databases.

In order to promptly meet the information needs of users, library specialists turn to Internet resources. Its use makes it possible to fulfill traditional bibliographic queries of readers at a higher quality level. In addition, the use of information resources on the Internet does not so much abolish the usual forms of working with readers, but rather improve and supplement them, make us look differently at many library processes, including the entire block of library and information work.
Analysis of certificates executed in 2014
























In terms of the nature and content of inquiries, thematic inquiries occupy the leading place. They make up 46.8% of all completed certificates. Users are interested in topical issues of public life (housing reforms, pension issues, employment issues, and others); inquiries related to educational programs (law, economics, psychology, philosophy, ecology, etc.); to help household activities (handicrafts, cooking, design in the house, etc.).
Factographic references make up 18.4% of the total number of completed references; targeted - 16.9%; specifying - 17.8%.
References for adults predominate in terms of readership, followed by youth and children. In addition, in 2014, the library issued 52 references for elderly readers, and 19 references for readers with disabilities.

User satisfaction activities
The main consumers of reference information

Quantitative indicators by quarters


Innovative forms and methods of group and individual information
Individual informing
Bibliographic information for heads of local self-government bodies, enterprises and organizations, municipal employees, specialists in the field of culture and art, health care and education, entrepreneurs (small and medium-sized businesses), other subscribers registered by the library as such and located behind a separate separator "Information service for readers" - 46 people... They were notified orally - by phone or in person during the next visit to the library. The frequency of notification depended on the receipt of literature: on some topics, subscribers received information on a monthly basis, on others - once a quarter or half a year.
Mass bibliographic information
Mass bibliographic information is designed to help inform a wide range of individuals and groups interested in the systematic receipt of information about the newly emerging literature. In our library, this work covers 2 teams: the Ecological and Biological Center (10 people) and the MC "My City" (54 people).
Public events

P / p No.

Form of the event

event title

Reader assignment


Number of participants

Information Day

"Ecology. Security. Life"

Ecological specialists, biologists, youth, city dwellers


96 people

Round table

"Ecology of the city through the eyes of its inhabitants"

Environmental specialists, biologists, representatives of administration and organizations, youth, city residents


77 people

Periodicals day

"Magazine carousel"

Children, youth, adults

36 people


"I sing my republic"




15 people

"New items from the book basket"

Children, youth, adults

  • Information Day “Ecology. Security. Life" was dedicated to quality of life and quality of food. The following were invited to a meeting with pupils of grades 8-9 of secondary school No. 17, library readers and residents of the city: Director of IE Khaliullin Ryan Minullovich, bakery (former LLC NPP Energosberezhenie); chief technologist and head. production of Klyuchnikova Natalya Ivanovna; head of the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination of the city of Belebey Valishina Guzel Ulfatovna; Chief Engineer of the MC "My City" Petruchenya Oksana Aleksandrovna.
The conversation about the main food product for all mankind turned out to be interesting, namely, about bread, which is “the head of everything”. Ryan Minullovich and Natalya Ivanovna not only talked about how tasty, healthy, environmentally friendly, and most importantly, made with a soul bread is produced by their bakery, but also advised modern youth to look after their health from a young age and choose a profession to their liking.

How the quality control of products of animal origin, which are sold in the markets of our city, is carried out, what you need to know and how to guide the buyers, those present learned from the head of the laboratory, Guzel Ulfatovna.

The story of Oksana Aleksandrovna, chief engineer of the MC "My City", was devoted to the actual problem of disposal of mercury-containing lamps. She reminded those present that mercury is life-threatening and explained where and how to take used lamps.

  • The ecology of the hometown was dedicated to round table on the topic: "Ecology and improvement of the city of Belebey through the eyes of its inhabitants." The following were invited to a meeting with teachers and teachers, representatives of the Ecological and Biological Center, students of Samara University, students of the Bashkir gymnasium and residents of the city: Maria Alexandrovna Fedorova - chief specialist-expert of the TTU of the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Republic of Bashkortostan; Gareev Muras Musifullovich - Chief Engineer of the Housing and Utilities Department of the City Administration Belebey MR Belebey district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; Akhmetshina Olga Viktorovna - head of the site for the reception, placement, disposal of waste and sanitary cleaning of the municipal unitary enterprise "Belebeevsky Kommunalnik".
The problem of improvement and ecology is one of the most pressing problems of our city. As it turned out, no one was indifferent to the fate of the city, the residents of the city were vigorously discussing, asking questions, expressing their opinion regarding the rules of improvement, ensuring cleanliness and order in the city of Belebey.

Regarding the ecology of the city, Maria Alexandrovna noted that, despite some existing problems, the overall ecological situation in our city is quite favorable.

Olga Viktorovna answered the questions concerning solid waste. She spoke in detail about the system of solid waste management - collection, removal and further processing of waste in the city of Belebey.

The largest number of questions related to the improvement and comfort of the residents of the city: the sanitary condition and improvement of the "Health Path", the construction of a dog walking area, the improvement of roads and parking lots, timely garbage disposal after Saturday clean-ups. Muras Musifullovich took control of these and many other issues.

In conclusion, the leading librarian Svetlana Trofimova noted that the solution to many environmental problems primarily depends on the environmental culture of each of us, because everything starts with the ecology of the soul.

  • What a basket is for, everyone knows! Someone walks with a basket into the forest for mushrooms and berries. Someone is holding different things in a basket. And new books appear in our library baskets! Thus, for several days we familiarized our readers with the new books received by the library.

Formation of library, bibliographic and information culture among users. Library lessons
The library pays great attention to the problems information culture... Information culture includes library and bibliographic literacy, reading culture and presupposes the acquisition of a whole range of additional knowledge, skills and abilities.

The process of forming an information culture begins already when the reader enters the library. In the form of an individual consultation, information is provided on the Rules for the Use of the Library, on the placement of funds, on the divisions of the library and its functions, and on those services provided by the library that will make the search for the necessary information faster and more correct.
Another form of information culture formation among various categories of readers is undoubtedly a conversation. Conversations are held in the fund, at catalogs and bibliographic files. Readers are explained the purpose and features of the organization of various catalogs, card files, the rules for the bibliographic description of books and articles, the methodology for finding the necessary information in encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, methods of using auxiliary indexes for publications. Conversations are also conducted directly in the course of searching for an answer to the reader's requests, which contributes to the activation of bibliographic education.

Library staff spend library lessons for high school students on various topics. The content of the lessons is updated and updated taking into account the changes taking place in the information environment.

P / p No.







Number of participants

Lesson - information

"Russian Speech Sovereign Nicknamed Dictionary"


"Search for information. SPA and SPS Libraries "




Inform - review

"Into the world of knowledge through the library"



41 people

Internet lesson


“Why is the Internet dangerous? The problem of Internet addiction "



32 people


"Information culture of the individual"



19 people


  • Informing every newly signed up reader;

  • Individual consultations at catalogs for each user who had difficulty finding information

Reference and information support for the activities of local self-government bodies

  • Replenishment of the folder "Local government"

  • Replenishment of the section "Local self-government" in the card index "Belebey"

  • List of articles from periodicals for the card index "Official materials

The number of inquiries related to the legislative and regulatory functions of the governing bodies is constantly growing. After all, regulations, orders and other documents developed by the city administration are the information base for the population. Thus, residents of the city began to turn more often to the local newspaper Belebeyevskie Izvestia, which regularly publishes changes in legislation, changes in tariffs for utilities, etc. Materials from the newspaper are constantly subscribed to the Belebey card index, the Local Government folder and are provided to users.

Reference and information service: new technologies


Chapter 1 Reference and information service: new technologies

1.1. Information service concept

1.2 New technologies in bibliographic services


Bibliographic activity is the area of ​​documentary and informational activity to meet the needs for bibliographic information, i.e., comprehensive support (identification, satisfaction and formation of documentary information needs), carried out in scientific auxiliary, production for educational, educational, propaganda and other purposes by libraries, STI bodies, publishing houses and other public institutions in the system of documentary communications; from a systemic point of view, it covers processes (bibliography, bibliographic service, etc.), organizational forms, subjects, objects, results and means.

Library and bibliographic services are activities carried out by structural divisions of the library specially created for this purpose, which provide users with bibliographic and factual information, the documents themselves or their copies, other library services that ensure the satisfaction of spiritual, industrial, educational and other needs.

It is service that is the leading function of modern libraries, which subordinates, changes and directs the work of all other departments of the library, as well as the technological processes they carry out, forms the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, ultimately, predetermines its place in society and the sphere of social influence.

The acquisition of the fund, the processing of documents, the creation of the SBA, the connection to the computer network should be built in such a way as to ensure the smooth operation of the service departments.

Bibliographic information - regular bibliographic service without requests and / or in accordance with long-term requests.

Historically, the original forms of bibliographic information appeared in ancient times. All of them were created by people. Consequently, bibliographic activity arose along with bibliographic information. At first, bibliographic activity was of an unprofessional, casual, episodic nature. It has been studied by scholars, writers, monks, librarians, publishers and booksellers along the way and in connection with their main occupations. Often, for these purposes, simply literate people were involved, who made up "inventories", "inventories", "registers" of book collections. But over time, the bibliography begins to stand apart, to develop its own methods and rules for the bibliographic description of books, and, finally, it stands out as a special area of ​​professional human activity. In the course of the historical complication of bibliographic activity, its tasks and functions, organizational forms and methods become more and more diverse, and within the limits of bibliographic activity itself, the process of division of labor inevitably begins. Two main processes of bibliographic activity are distinguished: bibliography and bibliographic services.

The goals of bibliographic activity are extremely diverse, due to a variety of internal and external, subjective and objective circumstances. The objectives of bibliographic activity have a multilevel hierarchical structure.

The most common end goal is to help meet the information needs of members of society. This goal is differentiated (concretized) in terms of the basic social functions of bibliographic information, which, while representing ways to achieve the ultimate goal of bibliographic activity, are at the same time perceived by the bibliographer as independent goals (to find, inform, recommend). Within these goals, even more specific goals are singled out associated with various areas and areas of bibliographic activity, etc. This decomposition of goals, their subordination and coordination are practically unlimited. As complex and varied as the bibliographic activity itself and its connections with the surrounding reality, so complex and varied are the goals that bibliographers set themselves.

The ultimate goal of library and bibliographic activity, which is inherently cultural, is the spiritual self-realization of the individual. The library helps its implementation by promoting the development of individual abilities, thanks to which the library user assimilates and multiplies the life experience accumulated by humanity

Object of study: Bibliographic information in the Taseevskaya CLS.

Subject of study: Areas of activity and types of bibliographic information in the Taseevskaya CLS.


1. To study the organization of reference and information services (SBO).

2. To identify the main forms and methods of organizing bibliographic information.

Hypothesis: Effective use of bibliographic

Chapter 1. Reference and information service: new technologies.

Step by step, our country is gradually entering the information society. This applies not only to the largest federal and regional libraries, but also to urban and even rural ones. At the same time, many libraries are just starting to computerize, and the expression "Local network organization" sounds unusual and frightening for their employees.

Back in the 80s. the country did not think about such a boom in information technology. Serving readers in traditional ways was a matter of special pride. An indispensable part of the bibliographic work of libraries of all systems and departments was the reference and bibliographic service (BSS), which presupposes the presence of specific (one-time) requests. Individual readers or collective subscribers contact the library with them. It is the library's responsibility to honor the request or assist in finding an answer outside the library. BSS is often referred to as a request-response bibliographic service. Today many libraries without computers operate in this mode. The purposes of making queries to the library are very varied. These are self-educational, educational, industrial, scientific.

The primary requirement for the SBO is to achieve the highest possible promptness in satisfying requests, combined with the high quality of certificates issued to readers. The quality of a reference is, first of all, measured by its relevance (the degree of correspondence of the found bibliographic information to the reader's request) and pertinence (the degree of correspondence of the issued bibliographic information to the actual needs of the reader).

The quality and efficiency of the reference and bibliographic service depends on the following factors: the state of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library; the level of coordination and interaction of libraries in the field of reference and bibliographic services; bibliographer qualifications and experience; the level of bibliographic literacy of readers.

The need for reference and bibliographic services arises from the reader when other channels for obtaining reference and bibliographic information do not provide him with the necessary assistance. The richer the library's SBA, the better it is organized, the more often readers get the information they need.

Thus, the library at all stages of the development of the Russian state has always played an important social, cultural and educational role. Along with fulfilling its main functions of organizing, collecting, storing and lending to readers for temporary use of manuscripts and printed works, in the Soviet period it was also forced to perform ideological functions. We must not lose sight of the fact that the library has always brought people of different generations and professions, different worldviews and religions together under one roof. “And in this it is similar, - as the director of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.P. Leonov, - to the church, and this is not surprising, because the first repositories and popularizers of books were just monasteries and churches - the sources of the formation of the library process. ”*

At the end of the last century, domestic libraries increasingly began to turn into scientific and information institutions, in which (along with the organization of library and reference and bibliographic services) a significant place is given to scientific, methodological and information support of library activities.

This direction is especially relevant in the context of the formation of the information environment of Russian society and the rapid development in recent years of global processes of global informatization. Therefore, as adopted, in 1994. The State Duma defines a library under the Federal Law "On Librarianship" as an "informational, cultural, educational institution that has

by an organized fund of replicated documents and providing them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities "

In the context of the information revolution, more and more affecting library issues, computers have recently been introduced into Russian libraries, even into rural libraries.

Now that regular funding has ceased, there is nothing to fill the funds with, the only solution to the problem is access to additional sources of information. With the introduction of new technologies in libraries, the service of readers has also improved qualitatively. A new term "informatization" has appeared. Recently they say "Reference and Information Service". Let's consider what this concept means.

The idea of ​​reference and information service.

The resources of social information are very large. However, one of the informational, social, economic and cultural problems is how to find and get the information you need.

In other words, it is the problem of the gap between the accumulated information and its use. When there are many billions of documents, millions of databases in society, a person often does not receive an answer to his question (requests for which information can potentially be provided). There are various reasons why this is happening: the ever-increasing volume of information, which is difficult to cope with, the low level of technical equipment of libraries, as well as the lack of coordination between libraries of different structures and departments (not everywhere, even in large libraries, there are faxes); inaccessibility of the accumulated information for readers, their poor awareness, low information culture for readers (inability to formulate a request, search, etc.), as well as insufficient qualifications of librarians.

see On librarianship: Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the State. Duma on December 23, 1994 // Library and law. Directory. - M., 1996. p. 37

In order to obtain the necessary information, the readers also turn to the library. An activity that ensures the satisfaction of the information needs of people is information service (information service).

Libraries are specially created for informational activity, within its functional (sometimes organized) reference and information service is allocated, which exists in the question-answer mode.

It should be noted that libraries carry out a long-term cumulative function (i.e., collect, organize and store documentary information for a long time) and a translation function, which is implemented in the process of reference and information service. This function promotes the dissemination of information, providing readers with access to the accumulated information resources, meeting their information and cultural needs.

In addition, libraries provide mainly documents and information of wide distribution for various groups of the population (which does not exclude the storage and issuance of handwritten materials by some libraries).

So, the term "information service" in GOST 7.0.-99 "Information and library activities, bibliography" is defined as "providing users with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services by providing information services" (5, p. 4).

The provision of information services to users is one of the common features found in libraries (and other institutions) serving readers. Information service is interpreted in GOST 7.0.-99 as “provision of information of a certain type to the consumer at his request” (5, p. 5). Let us note the following properties - utility, ability to facilitate access to information, expand the possibilities of its choice, intellectual nature of the service, inseparability from the performer, etc.

Each library has its own set of information services - this is the provision of documents for temporary use, the execution of references, thematic selection of literature for abstracts, diploma, coursework, scripting, etc.

Recently, libraries have widely used such a service as the copying of documents, which makes it possible not to give out documents for temporary use, but to sell copies of documents.

Thus, in the course of the reference service by performing the services, the information needs of the readers (information needs) are satisfied, this is the second general property of the reference service. Needs are: cognitive, educational, professional, etc.

The third feature of the reference and information service is to provide users with access to information. In libraries, information resources are created - information fund, reference apparatus in the form of databases, catalogs, etc., which are a prerequisite for reference and information service.

So, the purpose of the reference and information service is to satisfy the information needs of readers of different directions (book, information, help, etc.).

It should be noted that the structure of information services, according to GOST 7.0-99 (section 3.2.2), includes bibliographic services, including reference and bibliographic services, and library services, including non-stationary library services (5, p. 4). This means that in the standard the concept of "information services" is thought of as generalizing in relation to bibliographic and library services. In the terminological dictionary "Librarianship" (4), library services and information services are considered in isolation. Meanwhile, the user is alone: ​​he can contact both the library and the information center, and he must be provided with information, regardless of its location.

The nature of the request determines the choice of the type of information service. GOST 7.0-99 presents such types of services as reference and bibliographic (a type of bibliographic, implemented in response to a request for bibliographic information), information (bibliographic information, individual, group, mass information), information support (information and bibliographic support), which are aimed at obtaining information by users on the so-called "permanent information request". This term is mentioned in the definition of “selective dissemination of information” in GOST 7.73-96 “Search and dissemination of information (6).

It should be noted that the section "Information service" of GOST 7.0-99 presents the following services: "information service", "library service", "bibliographic service", "" bibliographic information "," factual information ", etc. The concept of" information service " there is also in the law "On participation in international information exchange" (5).

Reflected in the standards and some organizational forms of service - "library loan", "extramural library loan", "interlibrary loan", "library reading room", "music library", "film library", "photo library", "video library" XX century). (5)

New forms of service organization are defined in GOST 7.73-96: express information service, signal information service, selective information dissemination service (IRI), summarization service, review service. (6)

It should be noted that the Federal Law “On Participation in International Information Exchange” and the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information” define the terms “international information exchange”, “means of international information exchange”, “information security”, etc. . (12, 14).

Thus, in connection with the introduction of the new term "information services", there have been changes in both standards and laws. Consequently, new GOSTs and laws will be adopted and developed, which will reflect further changes in information activities.

The last decade (earlier in advanced countries) has been characterized by the penetration of information activities into all spheres of life.

Modern civilization, with all its social, ethical, environmental and other problems, is distinguished by the growth of audiovisual and information culture, a high level of information activity, which is experiencing a rise - a new quality associated, first of all, with the introduction of the latest information technologies.

New technologies in bibliographic services.

The development of new technologies in the last decade of the twentieth century in a new, post-industrial society, the massive use of Internet resources in everyday and scientific life have led to significant changes both in people's ideas about the world around them and in their professional activities.

Today, when regular funding has ceased, there is nothing to fill the funds with, the only solution to the problem is access to additional sources of information.

With the introduction of new computer technologies into the work of libraries, reference service for readers has reached a new level: over the past 2-3 years, the need for information on electronic media has increased significantly. The use of electronic catalogs allows you to quickly search for any of the elements of the document description or their combinations, as well as perform complex reader queries

It should be noted that the efficiency of using the aggregate information potential depends, first of all, on the qualitative structural organization of bibliographic resources and their optimal use. This is evidenced by the experience of libraries in Siberia and the Far East, where the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS was able to introduce integration frameworks into library and bibliographic processes. New technologies are effectively used: a rich set of electronic catalogs, databases, including those containing documentary information on all aspects of natural resources, economy, culture, science, history of the region. Scientists of Siberia propose to introduce a nationwide program "Accessibility of Information", in which measures have been developed to support the acquisition of funds, benefits for MBA, etc. (16)

Prompt receipt of information regardless of place of residence or field of activity in the present conditions is possible only with the introduction and development of new electronic technologies in libraries. It is generally recognized that information in libraries is becoming one of the factors in the development of education, science and culture in the country, its socio-economic, political stability and progress. Unfortunately, the introduction of new information technologies in libraries is still very problematic. Many rural libraries (CLS), today do not have computers at all. There are three main directions of informatization:

Automation within library processes;

Formation and updating of library information resources, and primarily electronic catalogs;

Using data networks for interlibrary data exchange. (15)

The introduction of information technologies into the activities of libraries leads to a significant increase in access and implements the main criteria for the quality of information services (IO) - the completeness and efficiency of obtaining data. Therefore, one of the most promising trends in the development of libraries is the use of electronic resources: databases (DB), including full-text; organization of remote access; optimization of electronic resources of the reference and search apparatus, etc.

At present, it is very difficult for libraries, both Russian and foreign, to acquire all the printed documents that readers need. The incompleteness of the funds leads to the loss of self-sufficiency of book storages. Readers' demands are steadily increasing. Due to the wide distribution of bibliographic databases, information on the necessary primary sources has become available to a large circle of users, but not in all libraries.

The search for alternatives and solutions to the problem resulted in the introduction of a complex of modern information technologies called electronic document delivery (EDD). This EDD service provides electronic copies of documents that are stored in the library, as well as materials that are not in its collections in the form of files or their printouts received from the supplier organizations. Most of the EDDs are available in large libraries.

It should be noted that the use of the databases "Articles" and "Books" allows you to quickly and efficiently meet the needs of readers, to carry out inquiries. Experience with new technologies has shown the need for a set of measures to standardize the processes associated with reference services. Libraries conduct research in various reading groups in order to better understand the information needs of their readers and to plan well for reference and information services.

The Internet creates a powerful information system for libraries. More and more publications (primarily articles, conference materials, etc.) are published only in electronic form, which saves resources and increases the efficiency of obtaining relevant information.

The popularity of traditional sources has its own reasons. The frightening factor of novelty and unfamiliarity is of great importance, but there are also more objective reasons. In particular, books, and especially microforms, have a long shelf life (for silver fish up to 500 years), while, according to some experts, long-term storage of information in electronic form is futile: it is completely dependent on changing formats, hardware and software. provision.

There is a semantic difference between the types of information recorded on microforms and on electronic media: retrospective and original (i.e. previously unpublished) publications are carried out on microfiches and microfilms, while full-text publications on the Internet provide access to modern, relevant information ...

So, the automation of library processes, the creation of a local network, make it possible to fully, quickly, accurately satisfy the information needs of readers, increase their information culture - this is the main goal of any library.

Today, in order to improve the efficiency of information and bibliographic activity, highly qualified personnel who are fluent in computers are needed.

The ever deeper introduction of computer culture into the professional culture of a library and information specialist requires significant changes in the content of education. It is not the first year that the library faculty has been called library information, which implies a change in benchmarks in the set of specializations and qualifications, the filling of curricula, the content of the disciplines themselves in the forms of teaching and learning used, and the equipment of the educational process. (7).

Despite the fact that the introduction of computer technologies is a priority area of ​​the libraries' activity, there are many problems associated with automated customer service. The most acute is the lack of equipment and funds for its purchase, as well as staff for entering information (highly qualified specialists, as noted above).

So, the intensive introduction of information technology has largely changed the direction of serving readers. Therefore, new approaches are needed for organizing reference services, rethinking its place and role in the overall structure of the library. With the introduction of new technologies in libraries, it should be noted: high information content, efficiency in providing information, comfort and service of reference and information services.

Thus, the availability of highly qualified personnel, equipping libraries with automated search tools, processing, transfer and dissemination of information will make it possible to connect them to national and international banks and databases, which will turn libraries into genuine centers providing access to the world's information resources for consumer-readers. any level. The use of new technologies in libraries contributes to high-quality reference and information services for readers.

Kansk Library College

Course work "Bibliography"

Theme " Reference and information service: new technologies »


Chapter 1 Reference and information service: new technologies

1.1. Information service concept

1.2 New technologies in bibliographic services

Chapter 2 Bibliographic service in the Taseevskaya CLS

2.1 Composition and structure of reference and bibliographic apparatus

2.2 Organization of reference and bibliographic services

2.3 Organization of information and bibliographic services





Bibliographic activity - the area of ​​documentary and informational activity to meet the needs for bibliographic information, i.e., comprehensive support (identification, satisfaction and formation of documentary information needs), carried out for scientific, auxiliary, production, educational, propaganda and other purposes by libraries, STI bodies , publishing houses and other public institutions in the system of documentary communications; from a systems point of view, it covers processes (bibliography, bibliographic services, etc.), organizational forms, subjects, objects, results and means.

Library and bibliographic services are activities carried out by structural divisions of the library specially created for this purpose, which provide users with bibliographic and factual information, the documents themselves or their copies, other library services that ensure the satisfaction of spiritual, industrial, educational and other needs.

It is service that is the leading function of modern libraries, which subordinates, changes and directs the work of all other departments of the library, as well as the technological processes they carry out, forms the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, ultimately, predetermines its place in society and the sphere of social influence.

The acquisition of the fund, the processing of documents, the creation of the SBA, the connection to the computer network should be built in such a way as to ensure the smooth operation of the service departments.

Bibliographic information - regular bibliographic service without inquiries and / or in accordance with long-term inquiries.

Historically, the original forms of bibliographic information appeared in ancient times. All of them were created by people. Consequently, bibliographic activity arose along with bibliographic information. At first, bibliographic activity was of an unprofessional, casual, episodic nature. It has been studied by scholars, writers, monks, librarians, publishers and booksellers along the way and in connection with their main occupations. Often, for these purposes, simply literate people were involved, who made up "inventories", "inventories", "registers" of book collections. But over time, bibliography begins to separate, to develop its own methods and rules for the bibliographic description of books, and, finally, it emerges as a special area of ​​professional human activity. In the course of the historical complication of bibliographic activity, its tasks and functions, organizational forms and methods become more and more diverse, and within the limits of bibliographic activity itself, the process of division of labor inevitably begins. Two main processes of bibliographic activity are distinguished: bibliography and bibliographic maintenance.

The goals of bibliographic activity are extremely diverse, due to a variety of internal and external, subjective and objective circumstances. The objectives of bibliographic activity have a multilevel hierarchical structure.

The most common end goal is to help meet the information needs of members of society. This goal is differentiated (concretized) in terms of the basic social functions of bibliographic information, which, while representing ways to achieve the ultimate goal of bibliographic activity, are at the same time perceived by the bibliographer as independent goals (to find, inform, recommend). Within these goals, even more specific goals are singled out related to various sectors and areas of bibliographic activity, etc. This decomposition of goals, their subordination and coordination are practically unlimited. As complex and varied as the bibliographic activity itself and its connections with the surrounding reality, so complex and varied are the goals that bibliographers set themselves.

The ultimate goal of library and bibliographic activity, which is inherently cultural, is the spiritual self-realization of the individual. The library helps its implementation by promoting the development of individual abilities, thanks to which the library user assimilates and multiplies the life experience accumulated by humanity

Object of study: Bibliographic information in the Taseevskaya CLS.

Subject of study: Areas of activity and types of bibliographic information in the Taseevskaya CLS.


1. To study the organization of reference and information services (SBO).

2. To identify the main forms and methods of organizing bibliographic information.

Hypothesis: Effective use of bibliographic

Chapter 1. Reference and information service: new technologies.

Step by step, our country is gradually entering the information society. This applies not only to the largest federal and regional libraries, but also to urban and even rural ones. At the same time, many libraries are just starting to computerize, and the expression "Local network organization" sounds unusual and frightening for their employees.

Back in the 80s. the country did not think about such a boom in information technology. Serving readers in traditional ways was a matter of special pride. An indispensable part of the bibliographic work of libraries of all systems and departments was the reference and bibliographic service (BSS), which presupposes the presence of specific (one-time) requests. Individual readers or collective subscribers contact the library with them. It is the library's responsibility to honor the request or assist in finding an answer outside the library. BSS is often referred to as a request-response bibliographic service. Today many libraries without computers operate in this mode. The purposes of making queries to the library are very varied. These are self-educational, educational, industrial, scientific.

The primary requirement for the SBO is to achieve the highest possible promptness in satisfying requests, combined with the high quality of certificates issued to readers. The quality of a reference is, first of all, measured by its relevance (the degree of correspondence of the found bibliographic information to the reader's request) and pertinence (the degree of correspondence of the issued bibliographic information to the actual needs of the reader).

The quality and efficiency of the reference and bibliographic service depends on the following factors: the state of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library; the level of coordination and interaction of libraries in the field of reference and bibliographic services; bibliographer qualifications and experience; the level of bibliographic literacy of readers.

The need for reference and bibliographic services arises from the reader when other channels for obtaining reference and bibliographic information do not provide him with the necessary assistance. The richer the library's SBA, the better it is organized, the more often readers get the information they need.

Thus, the library at all stages of the development of the Russian state has always played an important social, cultural and educational role. Along with fulfilling its main functions of organizing, collecting, storing and lending to readers for temporary use of manuscripts and printed works, in the Soviet period it was also forced to perform ideological functions. We must not lose sight of the fact that the library has always brought people of different generations and professions, different worldviews and religions together under one roof. “And in this it is similar, - as the director of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.P. Leonov, - to the church, and this is not surprising, because the first repositories and popularizers of books were just monasteries and churches - the sources of the formation of the library process. ”*

At the end of the last century, domestic libraries increasingly began to turn into scientific and information institutions, in which (along with the organization of library and reference and bibliographic services) a significant place is given to scientific, methodological and information support of library activities.

This direction is especially relevant in the context of the formation of the information environment of Russian society and the rapid development in recent years of global processes of global informatization. Therefore, as adopted, in 1994. The State Duma defines a library under the Federal Law "On Librarianship" as an "informational, cultural, educational institution that has

by an organized fund of replicated documents and providing them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities "

In the context of the information revolution, more and more affecting library issues, computers have recently been introduced into Russian libraries, even into rural libraries.

Now that regular funding has ceased, there is nothing to fill the funds with, the only solution to the problem is access to additional sources of information. With the introduction of new technologies in libraries, the service of readers has also improved qualitatively. A new term "informatization" has appeared. Recently they say "Reference and Information Service". Let's consider what this concept means.

The idea of ​​reference and information service.

The resources of social information are very large. However, one of the informational, social, economic and cultural problems is how to find and get the information you need.

In other words, it is the problem of the gap between the accumulated information and its use. When there are many billions of documents, millions of databases in society, a person often does not receive an answer to his question (requests for which information can potentially be provided). There are various reasons why this is happening: the ever-increasing volume of information, which is difficult to cope with, the low level of technical equipment of libraries, as well as the lack of coordination between libraries of different structures and departments (not everywhere, even in large libraries, there are faxes); inaccessibility of the accumulated information for readers, their poor awareness, low information culture for readers (inability to formulate a request, search, etc.), as well as insufficient qualifications of librarians.

see On librarianship: Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the State. Duma on December 23, 1994 // Library and law. Directory. - M., 1996. p. 37

In order to obtain the necessary information, the readers also turn to the library. An activity that ensures the satisfaction of the information needs of people is information service (information service).

Libraries are specially created for informational activity, within its functional (sometimes organized) reference and information service is allocated, which exists in the question-answer mode.

It should be noted that libraries carry out a long-term cumulative function (i.e., collect, organize and store documentary information for a long time) and a translation function, which is implemented in the process of reference and information service. This function promotes the dissemination of information, providing readers with access to the accumulated information resources, meeting their information and cultural needs.

In addition, libraries provide mainly documents and information of wide distribution for various groups of the population (which does not exclude the storage and issuance of handwritten materials by some libraries).

So, the term "information service" in GOST 7.0.-99 "Information and library activities, bibliography" is defined as "providing users with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services by providing information services" (5, p. 4).

The provision of information services to users is one of the common features found in libraries (and other institutions) serving readers. Information service is interpreted in GOST 7.0.-99 as “provision of information of a certain type to the consumer at his request” (5, p. 5). Let us note the following properties - utility, ability to facilitate access to information, expand the possibilities of its choice, intellectual nature of the service, inseparability from the performer, etc.

Each library has its own set of information services - this is the provision of documents for temporary use, the execution of references, thematic selection of literature for abstracts, diploma, coursework, scripting, etc.

Recently, libraries have widely used such a service as the copying of documents, which makes it possible not to give out documents for temporary use, but to sell copies of documents.

Thus, in the course of the reference service by performing the services, the information needs of the readers (information needs) are satisfied, this is the second general property of the reference service. Needs are: cognitive, educational, professional, etc.

The third feature of the reference and information service is to provide users with access to information. In libraries, information resources are created - information fund, reference apparatus in the form of databases, catalogs, etc., which are a prerequisite for reference and information service.

So, the purpose of the reference and information service is to satisfy the information needs of readers of different directions (book, information, help, etc.).

It should be noted that the structure of information services, according to GOST 7.0–99 (section 3.2.2), includes bibliographic services, including reference and bibliographic services, and library services, including non-stationary library services (5, p. 4). This means that in the standard the concept of "information services" is thought of as generalizing in relation to bibliographic and library services. In the terminological dictionary "Librarianship" (4), library services and information services are considered in isolation. Meanwhile, the user is alone: ​​he can contact both the library and the information center, and he must be provided with information, regardless of its location.

The nature of the request determines the choice of the type of information service. GOST 7.0-99 presents such types of services as reference and bibliographic (a type of bibliographic, implemented in response to a request for bibliographic information), information (bibliographic information, individual, group, mass information), information support (information and bibliographic support), which are aimed at obtaining information by users on the so-called "permanent information request". This term is mentioned in the definition of “selective dissemination of information” in GOST 7.73-96 “Search and dissemination of information (6).

It should be noted that the section "Information service" of GOST 7.0-99 presents the following services: "information service", "library service", "bibliographic service", "" bibliographic information "," factual information ", etc. The concept of" information service " there is also in the law "On participation in international information exchange" (5).

Reflected in the standards and some organizational forms of service - "library loan", "extramural library loan", "interlibrary loan", "library reading room", "music library", "film library", "photo library", "video library" XX century). (5)

New forms of service organization are defined in GOST 7.73-96: express information service, signal information service, selective information dissemination service (IRI), summarization service, review service. (6)

It should be noted that the Federal Law “On Participation in International Information Exchange” and the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information” define the terms “international information exchange”, “means of international information exchange”, “information security”, etc. . (12, 14).

Thus, in connection with the introduction of the new term "information services", there have been changes in both standards and laws. Consequently, new GOSTs and laws will be adopted and developed, which will reflect further changes in information activities.

The last decade (earlier in advanced countries) has been characterized by the penetration of information activities into all spheres of life.

Modern civilization, with all its social, ethical, environmental and other problems, is distinguished by the growth of audiovisual and information culture, a high level of information activity, which is experiencing a rise - a new quality associated, first of all, with the introduction of the latest information technologies.

New technologies in bibliographic services.

The development of new technologies in the last decade of the twentieth century in a new, post-industrial society, the massive use of Internet resources in everyday and scientific life have led to significant changes both in people's ideas about the world around them and in their professional activities.

Today, when regular funding has ceased, there is nothing to fill the funds with, the only solution to the problem is access to additional sources of information.

With the introduction of new computer technologies into the work of libraries, reference service for readers has reached a new level: over the past 2-3 years, the need for information on electronic media has increased significantly. The use of electronic catalogs allows you to quickly search for any of the elements of the document description or their combinations, as well as perform complex reader queries

It should be noted that the efficiency of using the aggregate information potential depends, first of all, on the qualitative structural organization of bibliographic resources and their optimal use. This is evidenced by the experience of libraries in Siberia and the Far East, where the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the SB RAS was able to introduce integration frameworks into library and bibliographic processes. New technologies are effectively used: a rich set of electronic catalogs, databases, including those containing documentary information on all aspects of natural resources, economy, culture, science, history of the region. Scientists of Siberia propose to introduce a nationwide program "Accessibility of Information", in which measures have been developed to support the acquisition of funds, benefits for MBA, etc. (16)

Prompt receipt of information regardless of place of residence or field of activity in the present conditions is possible only with the introduction and development of new electronic technologies in libraries. It is generally recognized that information in libraries is becoming one of the factors in the development of education, science and culture in the country, its socio-economic, political stability and progress. Unfortunately, the introduction of new information technologies in libraries is still very problematic. Many rural libraries (CLS), today do not have computers at all. There are three main directions of informatization:

Automation within library processes;

Formation and updating of library information resources, and primarily electronic catalogs;

Using data networks for interlibrary data exchange. (15)

The introduction of information technologies into the activities of libraries leads to a significant increase in access and implements the main criteria for the quality of information services (IO) - the completeness and efficiency of obtaining data. Therefore, one of the most promising trends in the development of libraries is the use of electronic resources: databases (DB), including full-text; organization of remote access; optimization of electronic resources of the reference and search apparatus, etc.

At present, it is very difficult for libraries, both Russian and foreign, to acquire all the printed documents that readers need. The incompleteness of the funds leads to the loss of self-sufficiency of book storages. Readers' demands are steadily increasing. Due to the wide distribution of bibliographic databases, information on the necessary primary sources has become available to a large circle of users, but not in all libraries.

The search for alternatives and solutions to the problem resulted in the introduction of a complex of modern information technologies called electronic document delivery (EDD). This EDD service provides electronic copies of documents that are stored in the library, as well as materials that are not in its collections in the form of files or printouts received from the supplier organizations. Most of the EDDs are available in large libraries.

It should be noted that the use of the databases "Articles" and "Books" allows you to quickly and efficiently meet the needs of readers, to carry out inquiries. Experience with new technologies has shown the need for a set of measures to standardize the processes associated with reference services. Libraries conduct research in various reading groups in order to better understand the information needs of their readers and to plan well for reference and information services.

The Internet creates a powerful information system for libraries. More and more publications (primarily articles, conference materials, etc.) are published only in electronic form, which saves resources and increases the efficiency of obtaining relevant information.

The popularity of traditional sources has its own reasons. The frightening factor of novelty and unfamiliarity is of great importance, but there are also more objective reasons. In particular, books, and especially microforms, have a long shelf life (for silver fish up to 500 years), while, according to some experts, long-term storage of information in electronic form is futile: it is completely dependent on changing formats, hardware and software. provision.

There is a semantic difference between the types of information recorded on microforms and on electronic media: retrospective and original (i.e. previously unpublished) publications are carried out on microfiches and microfilms, while full-text publications on the Internet provide access to modern, relevant information ...

So, the automation of library processes, the creation of a local network, make it possible to fully, quickly, accurately satisfy the information needs of readers, increase their information culture - this is the main goal of any library.

Today, in order to improve the efficiency of information and bibliographic activity, highly qualified personnel who are fluent in computers are needed.

The ever deeper introduction of computer culture into the professional culture of a library and information specialist requires significant changes in the content of education. It is not the first year that the library faculty has been called library information, which implies a change in benchmarks in the set of specializations and qualifications, the filling of curricula, the content of the disciplines themselves in the forms of teaching and learning used, and the equipment of the educational process. (7).

Despite the fact that the introduction of computer technologies is a priority area of ​​the libraries' activity, there are many problems associated with automated customer service. The most acute is the lack of equipment and funds for its purchase, as well as staff for entering information (highly qualified specialists, as noted above).

So, the intensive introduction of information technology has largely changed the direction of serving readers. Therefore, new approaches are needed for organizing reference services, rethinking its place and role in the overall structure of the library. With the introduction of new technologies in libraries, it should be noted: high information content, efficiency in providing information, comfort and service of reference and information services.

Thus, the availability of highly qualified personnel, equipping libraries with automated search tools, processing, transfer and dissemination of information will make it possible to connect them to national and international banks and databases, which will turn libraries into genuine centers providing access to the world's information resources for consumer-readers. any level. The use of new technologies in libraries contributes to high-quality reference and information services for readers.

2. Bibliographic service in the Taseevskaya CLS.

Reference and bibliographic service of libraries plays an important role in the information service of society and occupies one of the leading places in the largest libraries in the world. The federal law of the Russian Federation "On librarianship" (1994), defining the role and importance of libraries, puts their information function in the first place (11).

Reference and bibliographic service (BSS) in libraries is a traditional and, at the same time, a promising area of ​​information activity.

In the late 90s, information centers were created at libraries with the aim of improving reference and information services for the population.

On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the main directions of the reform of local self-government in the Russian Federation" (97s.); Federal laws of the Russian Federation "On librarianship" (1994) and "On obligatory copy of documents (1994), as well as in accordance with the Federal program of state support for local self-government in order to inform the population about the activities of the district administration, the head of the Taseevsky district administration decided:" Create on the information center on issues of local self-government on the basis of the Taseevskaya CLS. (2).

In June 1999, the director of the Taseevskaya CLS approved the "Regulations on the center for information and reference and bibliographic work", which defines the general provisions, goals and objectives of the center, the content of work, structure, staff, fund, technical means and services provided by the center. (1).

Bibliographic work is an organic part of the activity of the district library. Bibliographic work is a set of processes and operations for the preparation and use of a variety of bibliographic tools, for the reflection and disclosure of the library funds, their active use by real readers and users. This is achieved by:

Formation and maintenance of a reference and bibliographic apparatus (SBA);

Compilation of various bibliographic aids for the readers of the library - indexes and lists of references, all possible card indexes;

Preparing and conducting oral bibliographic reviews;

Reference and bibliographic service (providing readers with bibliographic information on their one-time requests);

Bibliographic information (providing readers with bibliographic information on their long-term, permanent requests);

Informational (bibliographic) training.

All processes and operations of bibliographic work are interrelated and interdependent, which, of course, affects the quality of library services in general.

Bibliographic work in the Taseevskaya CLS is carried out by all structural divisions - the central regional library (CRL), the children's library and 16 rural branch libraries. The general management is entrusted to the information and bibliographic department, which provides services to the population of the Taseevsky district.

In the Taseev Central Library System, bibliographic work is coordinated within the system - between the central library and branch libraries: on the formation of the SBA, the organization of reference and bibliographic services, the compilation of lists of literature for memorable and anniversary dates, the preparation of oral literature reviews, the development of training programs on the basics of bibliographic knowledge and solution of organizational issues.

Libraries of the CLS coordinate their bibliographic work with other organizations and institutions: educational institutions, the editorial office of the local newspaper, and the local history museum.

The changing interests and needs of the CBS readers are taken into account. Employees strive to provide them with complete, reliable and diverse information, including on the basis of the latest technologies ("Consultant Plus", "Applicant")

The basis for organizing and conducting bibliographic work in the Taseevskaya CLS is the collections and reference and bibliographic apparatus of the libraries of the system.

Composition and structure of reference and bibliographic apparatus

A modern SBA is a combination of traditional and electronic elements, organized with the help of appropriate software and providing access to the open information space (other regional, national, global networks).

The structure of SBA Taseevskaya CRH includes:

Library catalog system;

System of bibliographic files (databases);

Bibliographic publications;

Collection of completed bibliographic references;

Foundation for reference publications;

Factual search engines;

Unified APU to SBA.

The catalog system reflects the book fund of the library in different aspects: traditional (card) catalogs continue to be used, and each of them performs its functions, informing about the available editions for the entire period of the library's existence, and the electronic catalog contains, as a rule, information about new acquisitions to the fund ...

When completing the SBF with reference editions, changes in the structure of the reader's demand are taken into account, a book of refusals is kept, in which all publications requested by readers are recorded, and then the necessary literature is completed, mainly due to paid services performed in the CRH.

As for the acquisition of bibliographic publications, the main difficulty lies in a significant reduction in their release by information centers of the federal level, as well as in the cost of subscription to many similar publications (GBU RCP, bibliographic indexes and RZh INION RAS on social and humanitarian sciences, publications of NIO Informkultura and others became quite expensive). In this regard, the department of information and reference-bibliographic work of the Central Regional Hospital is engaged in compiling bibliographic activities (they publish their own manuals in small forms).

SBA is studied in order to identify the information potential possessed by each of its structural divisions and each publication included in the SBF. Such publications are viewed immediately, but they enter the fund, which is regularly updated (mainly due to paid services) and is cleared of obsolete or non-core (unused) materials (this is done by the departments: acquisition and OIF).

The placement of the SBA in the library is important: it should be available to readers, not just employees. Therefore, the SBA of the Taseevskaya CLS is located on the subscription (AK and SK) and in the reading room (AK new and filing cabinets) in an accessible place for readers.

SBF, being part of the library fund, is located in the reading room of the district library. It includes: encyclopedias, reference books, textbooks (for example, "Modern Legal Dictionary", "Popular Encyclopedic Dictionary", "Reference Book of a Social Educator", "Finance" - a textbook, etc.), codes (criminal, family, civil, labor, etc.) Materials from it are not handed out to the house, they are handed out only on a paid night pass.

The main characteristics of catalogs and filing cabinets are contained in the passport. This is important because with the emergence of a large number of requests, it is necessary to unify the form and set of necessary information.

The passport indicates: the name of the card index, the subject, the year of organization (creation), the sources of acquisition, the chronological framework, the volume and annual growth, the regularity (frequency) of replenishment with new information (data updating), the types of reflected (processed) documents, the composition of bibliographic records (methods bibliographic characteristics), structure or scheme (bibliographic grouping, location of knowledge base in divisions), IPL, auxiliary apparatus, surname of the person responsible for maintenance.

SBA Taseevskaya CLS possess such properties as consistency, plasticity, reliability and efficiency and meets modern requirements. The work on its formation, maintenance and use is systematic, creative. The CRH has begun work on the creation of an electronic catalog for the entire system.

Organization of reference and bibliographic services (SBO)

The content and nature of the requests that are addressed to the municipal libraries of the Taseevskaya CLS are influenced by many factors - events taking place in the world, the economic problems of our region, the publication or publication of a new work by a famous writer, the creation of a film, scientific discoveries, and more. Reference and bibliographic service is a bibliographic service in accordance with one-time requests of information consumers (readers). The answer to a one-time request is considered to be a reference.

Since the readers of the Central District Hospital are interested in a wide variety of information, the certificates are also issued different - both in the nature of the information (bibliographic, factual), and in the form (oral - they are issued in person or by phone, written - complex information requiring the identification of literature on the topic and bibliographic list design).

A bibliographic reference is a response to a one-time request containing bibliographic information about the presence or location of a publication in the collection (address reference), about missing or incorrect (distorted) elements of the bibliographic description in the reader's request (clarifying reference), about literature (documents) on a specific topic, of interest to the reader (thematic reference).

Factographic information itself contains the information (facts) of interest to the reader - the dates of the life and activities of a person (historical figure, writer, scientist, etc.), the interpretation of a special term, the exact name of an organization or institution, etc. types differ from each other in the final result, that is, in what the reader receives in response to his request.

In the Taseevskaya CLS, the SBO is universal. It is carried out by all structural subdivisions of the Central Library System, serving readers, on the basis of their funds and SBA, both in traditional and automated modes using the databases "Consultant Plus" and "Entrant" available in the Central Regional Hospital.

A total of 1936 certificates for the Central Library System were completed, of which 823 certificates were completed by the employees of the Central Regional Hospital. The SBO serves employees (teachers, medical workers, educators, etc.), students, secondary school students, educational institutions, pensioners, workers, housewives.

Bibliographic search (address, thematic, clarifying), as you know, underlies all bibliographic activity, including the SBO.

All subdivisions of the Taseevskaya CLS, leading the SBO, take into account the certificates in a uniform form adopted by the CLS.

The unit of accounting for one-time requests is a request - an oral written request for obtaining bibliographic or factual information.

One-time requests are accounted for by the number:

Requested topics (for topic queries);

Bibliographic records requiring identification or clarification (for requests for bibliographic clarification);

Editions, the presence of which is required to be installed in the library fund (for address bibliographic inquiries);

Facts to be identified (for factual inquiries).

The total number of completed requests is taken into account by summing the certificates registered in the notebook.

The register of the completed certificates of the Central District Hospital includes the following columns: serial number; date of receipt of the request; from whom the request came; the content (as worded by the reader) and the purpose of the request; type of reference (for bibliographic references - thematic, clarifying, address; factual ones are highlighted); branch of knowledge (according to LBC); sources of help execution; executor;

In rural libraries-branches of the Taseevskaya CLS, a simplified form of accounting is used: the date of receipt of the request and from whom it was received; subject and purpose of the request; type of certificate (thematic, clarifying, factual); branch of knowledge (according to LBC); source of help execution (catalog, card index, database, fund, etc.). References on local history topics are separately taken into account in the Central Regional Hospital, as there is a local history librarian.

When taking into account, in the corresponding column, the numbers indicate the number of certificates executed for each request. Refusal to request is also considered a certificate. The refusal contains a justification of the reason why the reader's request cannot be accepted for execution (for example: the request does not correspond to the profile of the library, the SBA does not contain the information the reader needs, etc.).

Requests that are redirected from one library to another, to the Regional Scientific Library, due to the impossibility of their implementation in the Central Regional Hospital, are only registered. For example, in 2005, through the MBA, 30 requests of readers were fulfilled.

It should be borne in mind that references are performed differently for different groups of readers. For example, a teacher for the selection of literature on the topic "Creativity of M.Yu. Lermontov" must use new materials from periodicals containing little-known facts about the biography and work of the writer. To a schoolboy, to write a home essay on the same topic, it is quite enough to recommend popular books in which the work of M.Yu. Lermontov is considered as a whole. A part-time student doing coursework will need help in identifying materials that reveal the topic in the historical and literary aspect, as well as in relation to his further professional (pedagogical) activities. Therefore, in addition to referring to catalogs - alphabetical (if personalities are traditionally highlighted in it), systematic, card indexes and new editions of encyclopedias and biographical dictionaries - it is necessary to look through a number of books and articles on the history of Russian literature (poetry), bibliographic indexes.

A lot of requests from readers of the Central District Hospital, related to the search for literature on the life and work of any figures, are carried out according to various sources: according to the alphabetical catalog (personalities), the systematic catalog (the corresponding department), according to the personal files, SCS, according to biobibliographic indexes (dictionaries) , calendars of significant and memorable dates. Also used are encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries and reference books, publications of more general content, collections of memoirs. (Mainly for such categories of readers as pupils and students).

When fulfilling queries on local history and regional studies, the purpose of referring to literature and the aspect of interest to the reader is clarified: one may be interested in the general characteristics of a country or region, another - the economic situation, the third - history, etc. In this case, sections of the systematic catalog, the local history catalog (or card index), bibliographic manuals of regional or local history content, auxiliary indexes (geographical, subject) to some bibliographic manuals of the KNB im. V.I. Lenin. For example, a reader's request: "About the history of the Krasnoyarsk Territory" can be answered with the help of the bibliographic index "Literature about the Krasnoyarsk Territory" (KNB)

Performing clarifying inquiries begins with an analysis of the reader's requirements and the establishment of those missing elements of the bibliographic description, using which you can quickly solve the problem. Then a search program and a range of sources are outlined - from catalogs and card indexes of the library, with book lists to printed catalogs of various agencies (Rospechat, etc.), periodicals and reference publications (in some of them lists of references are given to individual articles).

The Central Regional Hospital issues certificates to clarify the titles of works and to identify the authors of works of art by titles, for example: "Razor's Edge" ("Razor's Edge" by I. Efremov).

Address bibliographic inquiries are carried out promptly and do not require complex searches. Knowing the complete and accurate bibliographic data of the book, the library staff refer to the alphabetical catalog, or advise the reader to do it himself. In cases where the reader is interested in the publication of a certain work in a periodical (for example, a new novel, article, review), the corresponding divisions of the card indexes are first looked through and the necessary information is established from the analytical descriptions, and then the presence of one or another journal, periodical collection in the library is checked. ... For this purpose, the Central Library System uses SCS, a local history card index, a card index of reference publications supplied to the Central Bank and branch libraries.

Fulfillment of factual inquiries in the Central Regional Hospital on one-time requests involves, first of all, the use of reference publications. The main condition for a successful search is knowledge of the purpose, content and structure of the reference books used, their auxiliary apparatus, quick and accurate determination of the shortest search path. If, for example, you need to find out the meaning of a special term related to philosophy or literary criticism, it is most correct to turn to terminological dictionaries or industry encyclopedias, since in universal encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries the meaning of a term is usually considered from the point of view of its origin, without taking into account the specifics of the area in which it is applied.

In addition to reference, other publications from the SBF are used: official publications, bibliographic manuals of federal and regional centers, which may contain the necessary information (specific facts) about people, events, from the history of scientific discoveries

The most requested inquiries are placed in the "Archive of completed inquiries".

Attaching great importance to the timely and complete satisfaction of various one-time requests of readers, one should not lose sight of those who are constantly (or for a long period) interested in the same topic (problem). In these cases, readers need a different type of service, namely, the systematic provision of information. In other words, the library maintains bibliographic information for users . What is this work, and how does it differ from reference and bibliographic services? We will consider this below.

Organization of information and bibliographic services.

Bibliographic information - it is a bibliographic service without inquiries or in accordance with long-term (ongoing) inquiries (synonymous with bibliographic information service). The duration of the request can be unlimited (for example, a teacher for a particular academic discipline, a manager for management problems, etc.) and a limited time for solving a certain production problem, preparing an event, and other factors.

Bibliographic information in the Taseevskaya CRH is usually carried out on the initiative of the department of information and reference-bibliographic work. Its main goal is to actively bring new bibliographic information to potential and actual consumers, to disclose information resources of the library.

During the year, information services were provided to specialists: local administration, medicine, education, culture and art, agricultural production, forestry, law enforcement agencies, social protection administration, etc.

For more effective information services for specialists and readers of the district, the program "Consultant Plus" and "Entrant" is used. Completed - 409 requests, including on paper - 54, on electronic media - 91, oral - 264

82 people received information. These are specialists from the local administration, law enforcement agencies, cultural departments, entrepreneurs, treasury, forestry, pension fund, medicine, fire department, tax inspection, military enlistment office, deputies, communications center, students, working youth and pupils.

According to the coverage of consumers, a distinction is made between mass and differentiated bibliographic information. Massive bibliographic information is a regular and episodic delivery of bibliographic information on socially and culturally significant topics to a wide range of consumers. The main goals of mass bibliographic information are to promote the collection of documents and to inform about new acquisitions. The audience for mass bibliographic information can be indefinitely wide (readers of newspapers and magazines, etc.) and relatively homogeneous (contingent of library users). Forms of mass bibliographic information are bulletins, card indexes, databases "Consultant Plus" and "Applicant". In recent years, they are in increasing demand among the population of the Taseevsky district.

With differentiated bibliographic information, group (collective) and individual bibliographic information are distinguished. Group service is the regular or episodic delivery of bibliographic information to a group of consumers, united by the similarity of information needs. Collective subscribers are provided with current information.

The leading place in bibliographic information is occupied by regular (current) notification of subscribers about newly published literature, and therefore the term “library information” is usually used in the meaning of “systematic provision of information to the subscriber in accordance with his long-term current request” (GOST 7.0-99 “ Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and definitions "). Episodic bibliographic information is carried out in the form of oral reviews and other bibliographic messages in the mass media and special information, in various audiences, and is often an integral part of mass and group events of the Central District Hospital.

Information is often communicated by phone. The scale of paid information is limited mainly by the resources of the library.

On individual information in the Taseevskaya Central Library System - 253 specialists, 4043 copies were issued to them. Collective information was received by 51 collectives, 1121 copies were issued to them. Including 167 specialists in the regional library on individual information, 3385 copies were issued to them. Collective information in the Central Regional Hospital was received by 31 collectives, and 807 copies were issued to them.

Information bulletins and small-form textbooks are compiled and issued: "Attention: novelty", "Local history novelties", "My brave fellow countrymen" - a reference list of DB; "Casket of Wise Tales" - rivers. list of DB references; "V.P. Astafiev "- leaflet-bookmark branch No. 4; "Who to be? What to be? ”- rivers. list of literature branch number 4, "Lovers of painting" - rivers. list of references branch number 5, etc.

The information department maintains a folder "Basic documents of the Taseevsky region", where there are decrees, decrees, orders of the head of the region on various issues.

For more efficient and high-quality service of specialists, the Intlibrary Loan (VBA) is used.

In 2005, in the Taseevskaya Central Library System, 109 Days of Information were held and organized, including in the Central District Hospital-19: "To live by the law", "A new benefit has come to us", "Legal educational program", "Live drop", etc., Specialist days - 21, of which CRH - 3: "The culture of communication of a social worker", "Raising children in the game", "Hands of mercy", "School, teacher, student", "Power and protection of the population", etc.

A questionnaire survey of future subscribers is used in the CRH, who are asked to indicate topics of interest to them, the circle of regularly viewed independently publications, leading authors and groups of authors in this area. This information is necessary to inform specialists.

The general trend in the development of bibliographic information in the Central Regional Hospital is to move from traditional methods and forms to differentiated and individualized ones, focused on the full satisfaction of the real and potential information needs of the entire population of the Taseevsky district.

The use of information technologies (computers, copier, printers) in the Taseyevskaya CRH makes it possible to combine traditional and modern (information means) in providing information services to readers of various categories.


The availability of information is not only the value of information activity, it is recognized as one of the most important values ​​of modern civilization. This value is reflected in the legislation of many countries, including Russia.

The most important provision of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" (as well as the Law of the Russian Federation "On Librarianship" and a number of others) is to ensure one of the essential constitutional rights of citizens - freedom of access to information, which is recognized throughout the world as open and which does not represent state or commercial secrets.

This applies primarily to information in state information resources. They are recognized as open and publicly available. Information on legislative and other regulations, on emergency situations, on the activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies, as well as environmental, demographic information, etc., which the authorities are obliged to provide free of charge, is becoming more accessible. Free-of-charge state information resources ensure the right to information of socially unprotected layers of the population, contributing to their education, and thereby mitigating social contradictions. Chapter 3 "Use of information resources" speaks directly about the availability of information: article 12 "Implementation of access to information from information resources", article 13 "Guarantees of providing information", article 14 "Access of citizens to information".

Granting the right to freedom of information, the law defines legal norms for the protection of information, which is ensured by the requirement for state registration of information resources and systems, streamlining the activities of certification and licensing services, establishing the procedure for classifying information into various categories: open information, information representing state secrets, confidential information about private life of citizens, the use of which is not allowed.

Other issues of using information are also considered, for example, that “information obtained legally from public resources by citizens and organizations can be used by them to create derivative information for the purpose of its commercial distribution with a mandatory link to the source of information. The source of profit in this case is the result of the invested labor and funds in the creation of derivative information, but not the initial information obtained from public resources. "

Actually, the law reflects a real contradiction between the need for freedom of access to information and its protection, limitation of use in certain cases ..

The social aspect of the availability of information is currently very relevant: many for material reasons are deprived of the opportunity to use the Internet, the scale of interlibrary lending is limited due to payment and other reasons, there are problems of accessibility of information for socially unprotected segments of the population (in particular, the disabled, the elderly, unemployed, immigrants, etc.). Free access to information contributes to the adaptation in society of these groups of the population, the equalization of information and cultural potential. Social inaccessibility is also associated with an inconvenient mode of operation for users, the time of a presentation, another event, etc. To ensure access to information in any information service, there is such an activity as a service. It provides a link between the needs of users and documents, information that is stored in the information service and outside it, helps to overcome barriers that prevent the availability of information. The main social function of information services is manifested in providing access to information arrays.


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