
Nepotism in law: a terrible flaw in our mentality. “soft” corruption How to determine whether there is nepotism in the administration

Today I want to consider such a common type of employment as dating work or nepotism. Many people write to me in the comments that now it is impossible to get a job without having good contacts. Is this really so, in what cases is this option possible, what risks, pros and cons does dating work entail - we’ll think about all this in today’s article.

Why does nepotism thrive?

So, work on acquaintance or so-called. Nepotism in many countries of the post-Soviet space has become quite common today. It has been observed in many organizations that they hire mainly only “their own people”. Let's look at why this happens.

First of all, this is due to the shortage of jobs. There are always many times more people wanting the job we are currently experiencing than there are employers willing to provide it. Accordingly, every major or minor boss has relatives, friends or friends of friends who are located and who “need help.” This is what it is main reason popularity of dating work. Why does nepotism still flourish? Here are some reasons:

  • Networking work is popular, first of all, in those organizations where it is not the result of the work that is important, but the process. For example, in budgetary and government structures that do not care about their profitability, but “eat up” funding;
  • It is at such enterprises that it is possible to pay wages an unnecessary or ineffective employee, because it is not paid from the manager’s pocket;
  • Several candidates always apply for one place, therefore, if their level is equal, preference is given to “our own”;
  • A manager needs “his” person in a certain position, whom he can completely trust, especially if we're talking about about some gray schemes in the work, which is not uncommon now;
  • Directive from above: a superior simply calls the manager and says that he should hire such and such a person;
  • The head of the entire company simply does not know that nepotism is rampant at lower levels, since he does not personally communicate with job candidates.

Is it worth fighting nepotism? In most cases, this will be an absolutely pointless waste of time and nerves. If the manager has decided to hire someone through an acquaintance, you are unlikely to be able to convince him of this.

If you are against nepotism, look for organizations whose leaders put employee performance first. These are those companies in which the manager is personally interested in the profitability of the enterprise; ideally, he should also be its owner (one of the owners).

Now consider this situation: you have the opportunity to get a job through an acquaintance. Is it worth taking advantage of this opportunity? This type of employment can have its advantages and disadvantages; let’s highlight them separately.

Working through acquaintances: advantages.

  1. You are employed. While others are endlessly looking for a job, you already have one. If this is the kind of work you were aiming for, the advantages are obvious.
  2. Loyal attitude of the leader. If a manager hired you through an acquaintance, on a recommendation from an influential person, he will psychologically feel responsible to him and will not overburden you with work.
  3. Good pay. Managers most often give “their” employees better salaries and all kinds of salary bonuses.
  4. Leader's protection. Nepotism also presupposes some kind of support and protection from the manager, which may be needed in certain situations, for example, in conflicts with colleagues. Of course, in the event that the other party to the conflict was not given a job by a more influential acquaintance.
  5. Career growth. When working through acquaintances, it is most likely career: “their” employee will have an advantage over others if a higher vacancy appears. Again, if they don’t hire another candidate through an acquaintance.

Working through acquaintances: disadvantages.

  1. The “patron” may be fired. Often leaders don't last forever. And in this case, you will either be fired after him, or your working conditions will radically change, not for the better for you.
  2. Envy and intrigues in the team. Nepotism often causes disapproval, to put it mildly, among colleagues. But people are different, very often they constantly “put a spoke in the wheels” of those they don’t like, and they can even set them up in a big way.
  3. Obligations to the recommender. If you got a job through an acquaintance, you will psychologically feel an obligation to the one who helped you. In the future, he may also ask you for some service that you may not like.
  4. Checks from above. If you work in a relaxed manner (and with nepotism this is what usually happens), then when audited by higher management, you may be fired for poor quality of work. And in this case, even your “patron” will not be able to help, since before senior management he is powerless and will think, first of all, about his own place.
  5. Lack of professional growth. Since when working through an acquaintance, an employee most often works “at half strength,” he does not grow professionally, and may even degrade.
  6. Negative reputation. If you were hired for a job through an acquaintance, this may cause the creation of a negative relationship that will greatly interfere with your future employment.

Now you can see for yourself the main pros and cons of dating work, and you can draw a conclusion about whether this option is right for you specifically.

In general, in my opinion, nepotism is, of course, a negative phenomenon. Moreover, it is negative, first of all, from the business point of view of companies hiring employees in this way. But, as they say, it’s up to them to decide, and applicants are unlikely to be able to influence this. They can only choose the company that suits them, or consider.

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It just so happens that often professional skills and knowledge do not matter when applying for a job, where family connections decide everything. Is it possible to fight this?

All companies can be divided into 2 groups: some care about high efficiency indicators and company income, others do not prioritize profit. In the first group of companies, building a career is relatively simple. If you are useful, then your relationships with colleagues and management will be good, and you will receive a decent salary, depending on your contribution to the common cause. And if you voice an interesting and profitable offer, management will definitely hear you.

A hotbed of nepotism

The second group of companies does not aim to constantly increase profits and does not strive for efficiency and profitability. This is a barge that floats calmly downstream. In such a company, as a rule, there is a patriarchal system, strict vertical subordination, and it is not the result that is welcomed, but the process itself. Just like at the Olympics: the main thing is not victory, but participation. Two-thirds of the work in such a company is low-skilled, therefore, it can be entrusted to anyone, including a lazy nephew. Here people hire based on family background, and bonuses and other benefits are distributed in the same way. Therefore, if you are not a matchmaker or a brother, your salary will not depend on the results of your work and work efficiency. But for narrow specialists such a company is a trap. The management knows that it is difficult to get a job in your profession, you have nowhere else to go, so they will calmly push around such a specialist, or even show signs of tyranny. Try to find a job as a conductor of a chamber chapel or a maker of props for a puppet theater, if he is the only one in the city.

When nepotism is not a threat

Small specialized companies of up to 10 people are unlikely to use nepotism in personnel policy. Here every worker is visible, he is worth his weight in gold. The team must be strong and united, otherwise you simply cannot survive in the business world. The same applies to IT companies, where professionalism is at the forefront. Accommodating a relative in such cases is pointless and stupid. But he can easily find a place in a huge company, which are, for example, large retail chains. But a careless relative himself will not be able to work in such conditions. Those who have been shopping in one hypermarket for years know that you can count the sellers who lasted at least 6 months on the fingers of one hand. Staff turnover is terrible. But a large plant under the wing of the state is a safe haven. Here you can profitably place a daughter, a sister, a niece, and many others. Especially if you are the labor manager of one of the departments.

Is there an excuse for nepotism?

Nepotism is not a natural disaster. This practice developed a long time ago, is firmly rooted and is still relevant today. Why? Yes, first of all, because it is beneficial to the business owner, who knows that a stranger will steal, but a relative will not. The statement, of course, is dubious, especially in modern conditions, but entrepreneurs think exactly this way: why should your mother-in-law steal? Drag from the family? Illogical. Although there are situations when a brother is ready to strangle his brother for a hundred thousand. The business owner also enjoys the role of a benefactor, which he tries on himself by arranging a job for a relative. And the parents of an over-aged dunce find themselves depending on who placed their child in a home. Sometimes personnel situations arise when it doesn’t matter who you hire, so why not provide protection to a relative? And he will be grateful to you, and you are “in chocolate”: you didn’t let it go to waste.

How to use nepotism to your advantage

Eastern wisdom says: the soft always defeats the hard. River water will absorb a thrown steel sword and make a neat round piece out of any granite stone, just give it time. You should act in this direction too. There are two ways here: either become the boss’s favorite, differing favorably from the boss’s oaky relatives, or make friends with one of them. If you are lucky, you will be included in the boss’s family, albeit indirectly, and this is already an achievement. The Russians also have a good proverb on this score: the affectionate child of two wombs sucks.

To be a truth-teller in our society is more expensive. Colleagues will certainly admire your fearlessness in the smoking room. But what will such a position give you when you hit your boss “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye”? You will fall into disgrace quite quickly, they will want to get rid of you, and, rest assured, they will find a more than convincing reason for dismissal. So, in your situation, there is no point in breaking spears, but to adapt... The word is ugly, of course, we agree, so let’s call it the same thing, but in a modern way: integrate into the team. A? What?! To become one of the strangers is a Mikhalkov style, there is intrigue in it, which means it will be interesting. Try to use the abundance of relatives in the company to your advantage and get tangible benefits from it.

Should we fight nepotism?

Such actions from the position of a particular person will be reminiscent of Don Quixote’s efforts to fight windmills. Moreover, the attitude towards this phenomenon (nepotism) is not without subjectivity. This is like the situation on the road when drivers believe that pedestrians are walking incorrectly, and those, in turn, believe that drivers are driving illiterately. If you are a truly great specialist, no nepotistic company will be able to resist your professionalism. For example, you are a former military diver. Who can compete with you in examining a sunken ship? The boss's stupid brother or his idiot nephew? Here you have the flag in your hands. You can even dictate your terms in an unobtrusive manner.

There is no point in entering into confrontation with the nepotistic network. This is a powerful organism, systemic and merciless. Your confident victory over his little finger will be almost unnoticeable. And if you decide to fight with your head, your brain will give a command to your leg, and it will give you such a kick that it will discourage you from fighting with your body. So if you find yourself with a choice between being right or being successful, always choose the latter. And you can always agree with your principles. Imagine that you do not go to work, but to a rehearsal at the theater, where you play a certain role. I finished my shift and the rehearsal ended. And you again a common person with their principles, which have not suffered at all. Nepotism is just an environment in which you have to learn to live, like in the taiga or in the jungle, where there are laws and they must be followed.

Mikhail Vorontsov

Nepotism... Lately in the means mass media Nepotism began to be mentioned as one of the most destructive influences on the state. It is nepotism that is today called a real disaster, the cause of collapse and devastation in post-Soviet states. Some researchers argue that the damage from nepotism is no less than from corruption, in which we have all literally drowned long ago. But, despite the fact that the disgusting nature of nepotism is clear as day, most of us, when it comes to our own children, become the real champions of nepotism and see nothing wrong with it.

What is nepotism really? What are the psychological roots of nepotism?
Why is nepotism a real scourge? Why do nepotism cause so many problems?
What does total nepotism in all government bodies threaten for the state?

The main destructive power of nepotism is that each of us justifies it when it comes to our own children, relatives, and friends. And if we condemn corruption with all our hearts (although we ourselves continue to steal, at least a little), then we justify nepotism (except for cases at the very top) with all our hearts, internally agreeing that our own shirt is still closer to the body than someone else’s.

Nepotism in law - division into one's own and other people's children

The basis of nepotism is the division between one's own and other people's children. At the root of this phenomenon lies a natural need, which can be easily seen in the animal world. Your children are always more important and a priority for a living being. But animals do not feel their neighbors, do not experience, like people, sympathy or remorse, they are guided by instincts, and instinct says that their child is above all.

In the process of development, humanity has developed a wide variety of relationships between people, which are based on different sensations: from primitive exploitation of one person by another to tolerance and respect for each member of the group.

But still, the division into one’s own and other people’s children remains with humans. This is due to psychological feature 20% of the population are carriers of the anal vector. Tradition, respect for fathers, looking back at past generations, passing on information from generation to generation - these are the priorities of any person with an anal vector. And the main thing in his life is always the children - the anal man earns money for them, he wants to give them all the best, they are the center of his attention.

All anal values ​​have always been very close to each of us, even those who do not possess this vector. This is due to the mental superstructure that was formed on our urethral-muscular mentality.

Setting your child apart from others is like a rudiment in the human body. It gives nothing and no one needs it. There are no other people’s children, and in order for your own to grow up to be good people, it’s worth making an effort, and not just poking all the best at them simply because they their.

Vertical management leads to nepotism

The rest of the people naturally have the feeling that whoever is at the top has more opportunities, which means better life. We do not want a standard for our child, so that he is like everyone else. Any parent will do everything to somehow push their child a little higher. In this case, neither the law, nor social principles, nor social shame will become an obstacle. After all, this is my own son, and in the current distorted system of relationships in a country where unscrupulous corrupt officials rule the roost, I am simply setting a good fate for my son.

The result is the development of enchanting nepotism, which has become a real disaster for the country.

Nepotism at work, in culture, in everyday life - we are dying under the weight of connections with incompetent people

If nepotism extended only to one's own children and manifested itself at low levels, for example, among officials in small towns, then most likely it would be a hindrance, but not a disaster. The problem is that we all, each of us, unconsciously introduce nepotism into our lives at all levels. Not only in government from the very bottom to the very top, but in all areas - this matter is equally common among doctors in city hospitals and clinics, teachers in schools and professors in institutes, among creative people. And not only our own children become priorities, everyone follows this model: brothers and sisters, godmothers and friends, colleagues and co-workers.

And we act according to the well-known scenario. As soon as it forms around us new position(or rather, a “warm place”), we immediately go through the brains of all the relatives and acquaintances who could be placed there. And on the other hand, as soon as an unemployed person or a graduate appears from among our close people, we immediately think about where to place him, who to ask to put him in at least some “warm place”. Notice how we all believe that we have the moral right to be offended if a vacant position passes by: “He knows that I/my brother/son/godfather/matchmaker is now unemployed, but has hired someone else to take over. How can one do this? "

Nepotism has permeated the minds of our children like poison. The official’s child knows that he will not be held accountable under the law, because dad has friends in the police or prosecutor’s office. They will get away with it, because the father cannot allow his son to sit in prison. This gives you the right to do what you want and how you want. It is out of nepotism that a new generation is born that has never existed before. These are the “majors” - spoiled offspring with whom no one and nothing can cope, not even the parents themselves.

Nepotism looks especially ugly in the most beautiful spheres: culture and art. When the children and grandchildren of truly great actors and directors star in modern films, it becomes especially sad. Not because they lack talent, but because with their names they deprive the field of creativity of competition. Because because of them, new, brilliant actors and directors do not have a chance to achieve something worthwhile, to play the main role.

How to eradicate nepotism from our lives

Why do we commit actions that harm ourselves? Why are we creating nepotism? Why, when it comes to our own children, do we not notice that nepotism has become a scourge?

The answer is simple - because we don’t see the reasons, we don’t understand the peculiarities of the mentality, we don’t understand ourselves, our children, our country. We are all already accustomed to nepotism and do not even see that there may be alternatives.

The absence of nepotism in the West does not mean that the Western world is better than ours. This is a different mentality and it is structured correctly in its own way, but we are different and such a world does not suit us. In order to eradicate your problems, you cannot look back or try on some model. Nepotism is the flip side, the bad side of our mentality, which, by the way, can be easily solved - simply by realizing the stupidity of nepotism as such. Seeing that we live among other people. Appreciating the talent of others who contribute something to the whole. Understanding the importance of development that comes from what you have achieved through your efforts.

Surprisingly, by nepotism we do a disservice to those who ultimately get the coveted position. Yes, yes, to the people closest and dearest to us: our children, friends, relatives, whom we place in a “cushy place.” Just think about it.

Our readers often complain that work experience and knowledge do not matter, and everything is decided by connections, acquaintances and sheer nepotism. Therefore, in this article we will try to figure out how to defeat nepotism and your dreams.

There are two types of companies from the point of view of nepotism: the owners of some care about profits and high performance indicators, while the owners of others can afford not to think about management accounting coming to + at the end of the year.

With the first companies everything is already clear. There are many nuances there, but building a career there is relatively simple, because they understand the language of benefits. And if what you do or propose to do is profitable, most likely you will be heard.

In which companies does nepotism thrive?

Now let's talk about the second type of companies, which for some reason, sometimes external reasons, there is no goal to earn money and be effective. They are united by several features: a patriarchal system and subordination, focus on the process rather than the result, 80% of the activity is low-skilled work that can be entrusted to anyone in rare cases - an exotic specialization, because of which there are not many places where you can go work, and there is a reason for the tyranny of management

Nepotistic companies are those companies where the distribution of benefits and the fact of hiring depends not on the results of work, but on the personal attitude towards employees who are relatives or friends of the management.

Which companies are not at risk of nepotism?

Huge companies such as supermarket chains and huge factories. There is too much need for employees; there is enough space for everyone. But within the department there may still be favorites.

Specialized companies with up to 10 employees. Here the selection is very individual, and one looks first of all at professionalism. But you can't make a great career.

Technology requirements and the relative immaturity of developers reduce nepotism to nothing.

Rational justification for nepotism: why?

Nepotism is not a natural disaster, but a rational phenomenon that occurs because it is beneficial to business owners. Having figured out what function the abundance of relatives and acquaintances in business serves, you can use this property of the company to your advantage.

The first and most important reason why they drag relatives into business is because they don’t trust anyone but their own. Now that brother will strangle brother for a penny, this approach is slowly losing relevance, but earlier among everyone in small town It was much more profitable to hire your aunt or mother-in-law, because she would not steal in secret from the manager or, since she was essentially stealing from her family’s pocket.

The second reason is caring for relatives who are not very qualified to do their job. In this case, the size of the salary and the requirements for the quality of work are not related, and the salary will be the size of the ballast of unnecessary expenses that the company can handle.

The third reason is that for a job that does not require high qualifications, it doesn’t matter who you hire. So why not take your own?

The fourth reason is that relatives often do related things. Two physicist brothers can open some kind of engineering business together and take their children to work for them.

The fifth reason is in companies with a long power vertical and lack of independent assessment(university, for example) there is no way to control nepotism and there is no one to control it.

When a lot of power is concentrated in the hands of one person, and objective indicators of success are difficult to determine, the distribution of benefits changes in favor of favorites. If there are many levels between you and senior management, and this management is appointed by government agencies, the potential for nepotism is huge.

How to fight nepotism and is it necessary?

If your specialty is too popular or low-skilled, you have great risks. Therefore, specialize so that the most nepotistic office cannot resist your knowledge and skills. Offices that choose nepotism - they choose their own only, other things being equal. The obvious benefit works for them.

Don't over-specialize. If you are a diver and only 30 companies in the Russian Federation can hire you, management will know that you have nowhere to go and will twist your arms.

If you live in a small town with a wide nepotistic network, be friends with everyone, do not enter into confrontation. In the choice between “being right” and “being successful” - choose success rather than being right in any one situation. If communicating with certain people, even if they are not the most pleasant for you, does not contradict your life principles, invest in good relationships with others. Sooner or later you yourself will become someone's godfather.

Re-evaluating nepotism: another self-justification

Nepotism is a problem, but it is often exaggerated. If you do not take responsibility for everything that happens to you, nepotism can become one of the excuses for your own failures. There is a crisis outside, and hiring a low-skilled relative or acquaintance instead of a professional (thereby also increasing your economic risks) no one will. If you are a professional and a pleasant person, your chances of getting hired increase. And if you are just another “cleaning manager” or your bosses and colleagues are assholes at all workplaces, maybe you should retrain or reconsider your approach to life?

Most likely, a company that needs to be liked not by clients, but by the boss, and to bring not money, but good relations with everyone, will not survive the crisis. Keep this in mind and don't despair if nepotism gets in your way.

Nepotism and networking

When complaining about nepotism, start with yourself. How often, at the request of your friends, do you violate job responsibilities? Does it happen that you are unfair in the distribution of goods, if it is available to you? In matters of nepotism, it is like when crossing the road - drivers believe that pedestrians are walking too often, and pedestrians think that drivers are driving too fast.

Is it not the case that when you solve an issue faster than others, these are your connections, and when someone solves issues in the same way under your nose, this is nepotism. Build your own dating network and achieve your goal at any cost!

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption Members of the Rupert Murdoch family (far left): all in business, all settled in

Nepotism - the preference given to relatives and friends over everyone else in hiring and promotion - is a public or unspoken reality of business culture in many countries around the world. The correspondent is trying to figure out whether this is good or bad.

Take Ana Patricia Botin, who inherited the position of head of the Spanish banking group Santander from her father. Or tycoon Rupert Murdoch, who appointed his sons executive directors media companies News Corp and 21st Century Fox. Or the one in five members of the British Parliament who pay a relative to act as their private secretary.

Although nepotism to one degree or another can be found everywhere, in different countries Attitudes to this phenomenon vary.

Thus, US law prohibits government employees from hiring relatives.

On private sector There is no direct ban, but American employers - like British ones - risk costly litigation if they hire primarily family and friends.

China's state anti-corruption agency is cracking down on cronyism, cracking down on what it calls powerful "families" that control key sectors of the country's industries.

Until I came to America, I didn’t even know the word - nepotism Valerie Berset-Price, Swiss born

But in Italy or Spain, career advancement due to personal connections, rather than career success, is commonplace. In these countries, this practice is largely considered acceptable.

Swiss-born Valerie Berset-Price founded Professional Passport, a consulting firm that helps companies overcome cross-cultural communication challenges within their teams.

When Valerie went to the United States to receive a business education, she was surprised to hear from teachers there that nepotism is undoubtedly a bad practice, and in some cases even criminally punishable.

“Until I came to America, I didn’t even know the word nepotism,” she says.

When Valerie was just starting to create her company, she discovered that her American friends who held high positions in leading companies were not eager to recommend her services to their business partners.

“It wasn’t that they didn’t want me to succeed, didn’t like me, or didn’t believe in the prospects of my business,” says Berse-Price. “It’s just that, according to their company policy, I would instantly lose any chance of success.” attracting clients because we were on friendly terms with them."

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Your acquaintances and family connections will become your trump card when looking for a job. But not in all countries

Differences in attitudes towards nepotism are determined by cultural differences. Residents of countries where maintaining close ties with relatives is an integral part of the national culture (often encouraged by the church) tend to view the protection provided to relatives as a natural and socially approved way of caring for the well-being of the family.

“In Spain there is virtually no open competition for jobs,” says Joe Haslam, an entrepreneur and senior fellow at a business school in Madrid. Haslam lives and works in Milan, Italy.

He continues: “Among other things, no one [in Spain and Italy] can consider the position he occupies 100% his own - it turns out that you are warming a chair for a relative who will receive this position after you. If any of the members there is no work for the family, this is considered a common problem for the whole family. Undoubtedly, with this approach, positions are often given to not the best candidates - simply because they are directly or indirectly related to someone from management."

This practice certainly has its advantages. As Haslam explains, family ties promote employee loyalty, so employers don't have to worry about a talented employee being poached by a competitor.

More than half of the teaching staff of the University of Palermo are related to at least one of the employees of this university

In addition, hiring personnel based on private recommendations is easier and cheaper than in the case of open recruitment advertisements.

But still everyday manifestations Nepotism can harm the economy as a whole.

For a start, they discourage foreign investors: according to a 2014 EU anti-corruption report, 67% of investors working with Greek companies see nepotism as a “very serious or somewhat serious problem.”

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