
How to start your own business. A wholesale store will need employees

For recent years managed to get to know several dozen successful businessmen who decided to open their own business from scratch.
These are people who come to us to build a sales system or develop sales. Why do entrepreneurs I consider successful come to us? It's very simple! They are successful because they have their own business, even if it is not going very well - this is their experience, they can make mistakes, learn from them and become better. This is what distinguishes the people with whom you communicate from those who just dream of starting their own business.

Each person who opened his own, albeit small, business, has his own merits, on each project I became better due to communication with such people. And when the number of people exceeded 50, it seemed to me that I could outline the general principles of starting my own business. So, how to open your own business from scratch that will generate regular income? Answers to all questions about the opening own business you will find in this article!

How to open your own business from scratch?

1) Action

This is what the most dynamic companies had. The most interesting case was when we talked with a person over the phone about a sales system and outlined the need to implement a call recording system. When we arrived the next day for the meeting, the recording system had already been installed. In my opinion, ability to act quickly and not putting off important things on the back burner is one of the most important factors in starting a successful business.

2) Creating the ideal product from the customer's point of view

We have shown the best results in projects where the owners took the client’s shoes and created a unique product that satisfies all the client’s needs. A striking example is a company supplying materials for housing and communal services (housing and communal services).

What conditions are created for clients?

  • It is convenient for companies to buy the entire range from one company, which means we will supply more than 7,000 items of goods that may be required in housing and communal services.
  • Do you need everything yesterday? So we will provide free shipping the next day, even if they order 1 nail.
  • Don't always have money in your account or do you have to wait a long time for it to arrive? Delivery without prepayment and automatic deferment for 7 days.
  • Etc.

As a result, the company is one of the leaders in a small but significant niche. You don’t need to have super knowledge or super capabilities, you just need to go through the client’s journey and make it pleasant.

3) Starting a business with sales

It is usually customary to start a business with a logo, registering a trademark, renting an office, and God knows what else. You need to start with sales. Even if the product does not yet exist in nature, but there is only an idea. How to sell something that doesn't exist? Very simple. We decided to sell super chairs with a super design. No question! Create a business card website on your knee, order a drawing of this chair from a freelancer if it has not yet been produced, or take a photo if it has not yet been brought to our country. Launch Yandex Direct at the request of superchair and count the number of calls per day or week. Estimate the volume of possible sales.

I know one entrepreneur who used this approach to start his business, when he received a client, he did not run to buy the product, but simply looked for a seller :), brought them together, and without risking anything, received a commission on sales. Over time, having found a profitable niche, he settled on one product.

4) Interest!

Practice shows that best success achieved by those who are passionate about their business - opening their own business. When a person is passionate about something, he carries people along with him. Moreover, the interest may not be in the product or service itself, but in building a system or monetizing a project.

How to understand whether activities in a particular niche will be profitable?

I do this: I imagine a situation in the future when I have achieved what I plan, created interesting service, clients are happy with me. If I get goosebumps from thinking about this achievement, I get down to business; if everyone around me says that this direction is promising, but it doesn’t excite me, I won’t do it.

In any business there are difficulties. And at the startup stage, they are “through the roof”; if there is no interest in the business, then there is no motivation to overcome these difficulties and the person quickly gives up, without ever making an attempt to open his own business.

5) Hiring staff

Everyone's startup environment is different. Some have investments, others create everything from scratch. But there is one rule that I noticed: if the owner started from the very beginning, for example with sales, then the business has a chance of success.

Before you hire staff, go through the path that a hired person should take. With very rare exceptions, a hired employee will look for the best path for the company. Therefore, in order to control an employee, the manager must clearly understand the work that he controls, he must understand the algorithm of this person’s work, the optimal process for performing work and the key control points of this employee.

When setting any task, any employee or contractor needs to understand not only the result that a person must achieve, but also the specific steps that he must take every day. Only then can you control the performer before the deadlines are missed.

6) Where to get investments?

Let’s say a niche has been found, a unique selling proposition is clear, there is a readiness for action, but there is no money to implement the ideas. A good idea doesn't require money :). To implement the idea, you must follow two rules:

  • Don't be afraid to do everything on your knees;
  • Exchange investments for partners.

Let me give you an example:

Don't be afraid to do everything on your knees

You have an idea to design a revolutionary stool. Business must be started from scratch, big financial opportunities No. For minimal money, you order a mock-up of this stool from a freelancer, make a simple website on your knees, throw minimal money into the Yandex market, and start selling in passive mode. You print out a mock-up of the stool and go through all the places where they can sell it. You find buyers, you understand the volume that you can sell.

Exchange investments for partners

Next, you find a manufacturer who will make your stool. Yes, even if you have to share most of the profit with the manufacturer, yes, even if you sell it to zero, the main thing is that you understand the market and find sales channels. And once you reach decent sales volumes, you can open your own production, either reduce the price from this manufacturer based on volumes, or find another one on more favorable terms.

7) Analyze it

“It's okay to not be serious, especially if you're selling something people want rather than what they need,” says marketing guru Seth Godin. He himself wears socks of different colors, thereby supporting the Little Miss Matched business.

Its founder, John Stow, once heard a phrase at a party that stuck with him: “After all the crazy projects that have become reality, mismatched socks may be the next great business idea.” John listened to the prophecy, and now the turnover of his company, which sells sets of three different socks in crazy colors, exceeds $20 million a year.

In many ways, the size of the market depends on the cost of communication. As long as it remained high, the markets needed to inflate and inflate. But the cheaper the communication, the smaller the environment it serves can be. Today it is not difficult for a seller to establish communication with a buyer. This is how tiny markets emerge where bizarre products are created. What is important is that many are really ready to buy the most amazing things. Any strange and at first glance unnecessary thing will definitely be in demand by someone.

“Be patient. The market will find you,” Seth Godin addresses the businessman reader. Cheap communication has made it possible to identify needs whose existence was previously unthinkable. I enjoyed exploring the most “unnecessary” goods and markets.

Forgotten Treasures

In August, a participant in the St. Petersburg forum, going by the nickname Alison, was inspired by the idea of ​​ridding the residents of her area of ​​rubbish and invited them to write which three unnecessary things and why they want to part with and what items, broken or outdated, they are willing to take away. User Citycat decided to use a teapot without a spout as a vase, an old cast iron iron replaced a weight for someone, and mismatched socks were taken to the dacha. It is unknown whether this will grow into a business like the one John Stow started. Perhaps Alison will soon introduce a fashion for three-pronged forks or beaded cat slippers: her “Useful Items Store” has many amazing items in its assortment. The idea of ​​a business on unnecessary things, although it seems absurd, promises great profit to a person with a creative streak.

“My job is like a treasure hunt, every day is like Christmas,” says Brian Owens, owner of Unclaimed Baggage Center, who inherited the abandoned luggage store from his father. Suitcases and bags that have waited longer than expected for their owners at the airport are not sent to the landfill. Brian works with several major airlines and takes whatever is left for himself for a nominal fee. After sorting, ownerless belongings end up on the shelves. To store a great variety of things, Owens had to create a huge warehouse, on the shelves of which there was a lot of all sorts of things (60% of which were clothes). But the finds in suitcases are very different - from household appliances And sports equipment to jewelry and antiques. This unique second-hand store is popular: more than a million people come here every year.

Any strange and unnecessary thing will definitely have an audience.

Money from a landfill

“Things are never unnecessary. People just don’t know how to sell them,” writes a user under the nickname Conny on his blog. She earned money for a small car by auctioning off what her neighbors were throwing away. Austrian Werner Tippel, chairman of the waste removal association, together with the OneTwoSold project, established in his area the collection of useful, but for some reason, scrapped items, thereby not only reducing the cost of destroying end-of-life products, but also extracting several dozen thousand euros for their former owners.

In European countries, it is illegal to throw away electronics with regular trash, so our Western neighbors either have to pay for their disposal or waste time delivering broken devices to collection points. The idea of ​​making money on unnecessary hardware arose on the forum. Its participants began to put up broken equipment for auction, and buyers did not have to wait long. Soon, “scavengers” began to unite into communities that collect old equipment and sell it. The clients of such businessmen are small service centers and private entrepreneurs who revive broken devices or dismantle them into parts.

Interactive glass

“No USB glass can replace real communication. What to do when the soul unfolds and demands USB songs, USB fraternities and other outrages that are not feasible in the USB format?” - asks a girl under the nickname leticya in the LJ diary, criticizing the invention of E-generator company expert Sergei Mikheev, namely the concept of a virtual feast: a special glass with a built-in microchip and a USB sensor is connected to the computer, transmitting information about the amount of liquid poured into it to the Internet . As the author of the project suggests, interactive holidays can be held in special communities and social networks.

Sergei's idea has not yet been brought to life, and it is completely in vain. Much stranger projects find an audience. “A crumpled can is like a new member of the family. You should take it with you on vacation, take a photo and send it to us,” write the creators of the CrushedCans website, “and we will post it in the gallery.” What can you use a regular one for? aluminum can, cleared of inscriptions and “artfully crumpled”? The “manufacturers” themselves have no answer to this question, and yet in the first months of the site’s existence they managed to sell 34 strange objects at a price of $4.95 each.

DNA under the hammer

Futurist James Canton in his book “Extreme Future” paints a fantastic picture: competition, the pace of life and the demands of the era will be so high that people will stop reproducing in the usual way. Canton’s auction, where DNA is exhibited on the Internet, is still a construction of the mind. But already now there are both people without prejudices who are ready to sell their genetic material, and those who want to buy such an unusual product. The most famous and expensive donor is the adult film star, musician and artist Vincent Gallo. On his personal merchandising page, the 43-year-old actor offers not only clothes from his shoulder and motorcycles dear to his heart: for $1 million, he is literally ready to become a father, and promises to provide his genetic material as many times as needed to achieve a positive result. Gallo describes in detail the advantages of such a service: in his opinion, the child should turn out healthy and beautiful, since the potential father is absolutely healthy, has never taken drugs, never drank alcohol, and even at an old age has retained lush hair without pronounced gray hair, and in his family there were no persons with genetic disorders. Blondes receive a discount.

Selling conscience

Recently, a real scandal erupted on eBay: it became necessary to prematurely stop trading and remove the item from the auction. For the first time in the history of the service, a lot was put up for sale that was listed as “20 points scored in the Weight Watchers system,” a world-famous association of people struggling with weight loss. overweight. By and large, there was no point in buying. By indicating on the Weight Watchers website how many points you have earned per day (each food eaten has its own indicator), a person is responsible only to himself. An enterprising resident of Germany offered to use his points to clear his conscience, so that the buyer, at least for one day, could not think about counting calories, but eat harmful and forbidden foods, writing down a fake number in his diet diary. Oddly enough, there were a lot of people willing, and it is unknown to what heights the price would have soared if the organizers had not considered such an offer fraudulent. But there were also those who considered the idea successful. “I wonder if it’s possible to auction off your conscience or friends? - writes blogger jonny. “I would find something to offer: faith, good manners and soul. It’s not yet clear how to organize the shipment, but I’m ready.”

Toy service

In the film “Amelie,” the main character, in order to please and surprise her father, sent a garden gnome on a journey. What seemed like a funny joke was turned into business. Two years ago, a married couple - Christopher Boehm and Elke Verheugen - launched the Teddy in Munich project. Lovers of plush toys decided to “provide pets with the opportunity to get to know Bavarian culture and attractions.” The bear cub is sent on a real week-long trip, during which he is provided with family accommodation and walks around the city, visiting museums. The plush tourist brings home a photo album, DVD and his travel notes. For guests from Germany and Europe, the trip costs 129 euros, for those arriving from distant countries - 149 euros. The owners of the toy travel agency promise “full board” and “ individual program according to the client's wishes." You can book a golf course, paragliding, fishing or horseback riding. There is demand for an unexpected service not only in Europe: hundreds of bears have visited Munich in this way, including from Canada, the USA and Japan. Polyglott recently responded to demand and published a special guide to the city “for all plush animal owners”, and it can be bought in almost any bookshop for 9.95 euros.

Strange products and services win the hearts of consumers. The audience for the market for crumpled beer cans is 34 people, the audience for the market for the genetic material of the porn actor Gallo is only a few ladies. The audience for teddy bear tours is several hundred people. But together, anti-product markets become an impressive phenomenon. And most importantly, there is a place here for any goods and services.

It is not for nothing that we cannot voluntarily get rid of old unnecessary things. This is a gold mine!

This was proven by the Moscow project “Svalka” (, which earns a net 300-400 thousand rubles a month from the sale of old things (and if we add to this the Debosh project, which was organized by the same comrades, then the whole 600-700 thousand rubles ).

The essence of the business is to remove all household trash from apartments for free or for a small compensation (“Dump” pays citizens 35 rubles per kilogram). Sort and distribute.

Furniture and electronics that cannot be restored can be sent to the Debosh project (where angry people finish it off for an amount from 2,500 to 30,000 rubles):

Clothes that are more or less passable are handed over to second-hand stores.

Antique things go to antique stores.

To sell the remaining items, "Svalka" organizes its own flea markets (twice a week):

He sells some of his items through his online store

That is, almost everything is sold somewhere at a price higher than 35 rubles per kilogram. This is where the profit comes from (minus the costs of transportation, storage and work on disassembling things).

And this is not the limit of all the possibilities for making money on trash.

1. “Svalka” began to sell its franchise to other cities. Currently, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Tomsk are participating in this project (you can also join if you live in a similar city).

2. “Svalka” rents out its space for a photo studio and things for photo shoots at prices ranging from 800 rubles per hour to 7,000 rubles per day (information from the group wall

3. The landfill rents out some of the items through

4. The landfill offers cooperation to handicrafts. Either she sells their goods with a 10 percent markup in her online store, or rents them space at her Flea Market for 1,000 rubles a day:

It turns out that you can create several streams of income from someone else’s junk. And this should pay off by default, because junk costs almost nothing, and you can make a lot of things out of it (the Landfill also plans to create art objects from it).

The wonderful thing about this idea is that in every Russian city, in every Russian apartment you can find a bunch of all kinds of junk. Which some families will be glad to get rid of, while others will be glad to buy (due to lack of money for new things).

Help both of them and you will become a respected businessman in your city. Even if your city does not have a turnover of 2 million a month (like the Moscow Landfill), it will definitely be enough for a comfortable existence.

Based on your own “Svalka”, you will be able to create several parallel businesses - the same as the Moscow one: you can create your own “Debosh”, your own second-hand store, your own antique store, your own flea market, your own photo studio for photo shoots, your own trading platform for handicrafts - etc. etc.

All you need to do is advertise in the local media (as the founders of Svalka did a year ago - they simply posted the call “Let’s get rid of old things!” on the account of one of the founders), put a girl on the phone (to write down the addresses where you need go for things) and organize a warehouse (it can be organized on the territory of some poor research institute - as “Svalka” did - so the rent turned out to be very cheap).

That's all. Business is almost done. All that remains is to sort the things and start organizing them (you can just start selling on Avito. The founder of “Svalka” Alexey Barinsky also did this when he moved from one apartment to another. He sold his things, which he initially valued at 10 thousand rubles, using Avito and social networks for 80 thousand rubles. Read another story of one girl who sold her unnecessary things for a new car:

And this business will never end. Because it won’t be possible to quickly clear out all our apartments. Moreover, with the tenacity of beavers preparing branches for their dam, we fill our apartments with more and more new things.

While “Svalka” has not yet started making money on art objects made from trash, you can already create and sell them. For example, a clock made from old vinyl records:

These watches are made by a girl named Olya from Kyiv and sells them for $30 on Etsy (from the page

Or these jewelry made from natural stones and copper wire (one American woman makes these jewelry from recycled copper and sells them for $40 apiece -

Even from beer bottles you can create something original and useful. For example, glasses and shot glasses:

One American woman is selling these two sets of glasses and glasses, made from two beer bottles, on Etsy for $30 - see

Another American makes original bracelets from old silver forks (and sells them from the page

And they buy them well from him at a price of 30 dollars per fork.

So you can earn even more money from jewelry and crafts made from old things than by simply reselling them without processing.

So, let’s remember the main sources of income that you can create for yourself from the old things of our citizens (which they will happily give to you for free or for a minimal price):

1. Material support for your local attraction “Debauch” (every city also needs such an attraction - so feel free to create it).

2. Reselling things in second-hand stores (or creating your own second-hand store).

3. Reselling antiques to antique stores (or creating your own antique store).

4. Transferring things to rental points (or creating your own rental point).

5. Organizing flea markets on your territory.

6. Selling things through your online store.

7. Organizing photo sessions on your premises for a fee and renting out items for photo sessions.

8. Selling handicraft items through your online store (for a commission).

9. Renting retail space at your Flea Market.

10. Updating and resale of furniture (see how this can be done extremely profitably: Updating furniture).

11. Making new items and jewelry from old items and selling them at higher margins.

12. You can even create your own franchise and sell it to those cities where the Moscow Landfill has not yet visited. But it will depend on your ambitions.

There's a lot of talk these days about how to build profitable business, organize your own business, create some kind of income-generating enterprise. In fact, as practice shows, there are a lot of people who want to engage in entrepreneurship. Even those who are far from the world of business would like to try themselves as the head of a company. However, today we will not talk about this.

The article is devoted to a slightly different topic. It will be useful for people who, on the contrary, want to get rid of their enterprise, want to find a way to sell the business and at the same time remain quite profitable economic situation. In it we will discuss a number of aspects related to such a sale. This is not only about directly finding a buyer, but also about various measures that should be taken before selling. In general, we will talk more broadly about how to sell a business, offering our advice on this or that issue.

Preparing the reason

First of all, if you decide to get rid of your business, we would recommend that you clearly define what is the reason for the sale and whether it can be called on the buyer. It’s one thing - it’s yours. An example would be a situation when you wanted to change the vector of your activities and, say, start organizing a completely different company. Or, let’s say, you’re basically tired of being an entrepreneur and want to take a little break. Then you can honestly say this to the buyer, who will certainly ask this question.

A completely different situation is when you are looking for information on how to sell a business due to its unprofitability, risk of collapse or difficulties facing the enterprise in the future. Of course, it is undesirable to talk about this, since, depending on the nature of the difficulties, not every person will undertake the management of your enterprise and, accordingly, its purchase. The same applies to profit: it is an obvious fact that the more a company earns, the more expensive it is sold. If your business scheme is unprofitable, they will buy it from you, most likely for next to nothing. In this case, we recommend either agreeing to a reduced price, or going through a difficult period in the life of the enterprise, achieving some kind of profitability, and then preparing to sell it. Then you can earn much more.

Future plans

All of us, including your buyer, are people. And man is a creature who simply must plan his future. We try to make plans, go through possible options developments and do everything to look ahead. In the case of business activities, the situation is absolutely similar. And a buyer who is interested in your offer will also want to know what he can achieve, where he should move in the future, what profits he will receive. All this must be included in a business plan for your project and provided to the future buyer. This way, you will not only be able to quickly find someone willing to pay for your business, but also get the maximum benefit from the deal.

If the state of your business is such that it has no future prospects, we advise you to think about selling in parts, that is, getting rid of the assets that make up your company. To do this, you need to carry out a proper assessment in order to understand their market value.


As you seek information on how to sell a business, time is your best friend. After all, the older a particular enterprise is, the more expensive it can be valued by the buyer. This is especially true if your business is successful and pays off.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. A person who wants to enter a particular business niche is ready to purchase an already functioning (and perhaps even unprofitable) enterprise, leading activities in this area. And for you personally this is - best option how to sell a business quickly. The buyer wants to start work as soon as possible, but you, on the contrary, want to get rid of the rights to your business and receive compensation for it. For anyone who is looking for information on how to sell a business (either an individual entrepreneur or any other organizational form- doesn't matter), finding people willing to try their hand at your niche is the best strategy successful sale and a good deal. And using time as a factor to add value to your enterprise is a good tactic.

Documentation and legal support

This advice, although very obvious, is of great importance. Contact professionals in your field when we're talking about about the sale of your company. Record all the rights and obligations of the parties, write down every little detail if you want everything to work out smoothly at its best. Otherwise how to sell ready business(IP) and be sure that you will not be deceived?

Where we are talking about monetary relationships (and especially such large ones, as in the case of the sale of a company, for example), you should not abuse the honesty of other people. It is better to try to use all the tools that will protect you during the sales process. This is the answer to the question of whether it is a business (IP or LLC, it makes no difference).

Look for your buyer, don't wait for him

One interesting tip on how to sell a business quickly is to find someone willing to pay for your business. The mistake of many businessmen can be called personal expectations. They are waiting for a buyer to come to them and pay money. They believe that this will happen very soon. However, this approach cannot be called correct.

If you want to know how to sell an existing business quickly, think about who can actually buy it from you. We are now talking about such a specific product that a simple visitor “from the street” will not be able to pay you for your business. The real buyer can be either someone who is just starting out in this area (unlikely), or someone who already has experience in this business niche and knows what can be squeezed out of it. Most often, such people are the owners of a network of some points of provision of services, sales of goods, and so on.

Let's give simplest example: You own a restaurant and are looking for how to sell your business to get the most for it. In this case, it is best to write to the owners of restaurant chains, mainly those similar in theme to your establishment. It is quite possible that a person will seriously think about expanding his business by acquiring yours. So selling your business may not take so much time; the main thing is to look for a buyer, and not passively wait for him.

No, in fact, if you advertise for sale on various business forums and message boards, some people will be interested in you anyway. Nobody knows which of them can actually contribute the entire required amount and who plans to develop your business further. So to understand this, make suggestions. Chat with potential buyers, offer them your business - and who knows, maybe you will interest someone enough to continue discussing a future deal.

Hear the buyer

Another tip I would like to give to the seller of a business is to develop the ability to listen to the person who wants to buy your business. You must find out why he wants to buy your business, what he plans to do with it, what plans he has for the enterprise. You need this information to prepare yourself to submit your project correctly. After all, you can do this in different ways, changing approaches to describing and characterizing the business, changing your view of the prospects. This technique will make it possible to meet the expectations of a person who wants to buy your company. Applying it is the best key to how to sell a business profitably. Just convince the buyer that he can achieve the desired results by owning your company (customers, employees, assets). How to do this, you will see after you understand the goals of this person.


Another the most important moment The thing that anyone who wants to know how to sell a business needs to pay attention to is protecting your business. At first glance this is not so obvious, but in practice different situations occur. There are also cases when a person comes under the guise of a buyer who will simply steal your business in the future. How does this happen? Read carefully so as not to lose your business.

So, this point is addressed, rather, not to any owner of a specific enterprise or institution, but to owners of businesses operating in the service sector. For example, this may concern the owner travel agency. After all, as we know, the most valuable tool of such enterprises is not a rented office with office equipment, but also the managers working with it. And how much there is different stories that the company’s employees stole its database and then started their own business! The same applies to the sale of a business.

There are stories when a person came to a company under the guise of a buyer and learned certain facts about it. Subsequently, he contacted key managers this company, offering them a substantial fee for starting work with their base in favor of another enterprise. Having lured people, such pseudo-buyers actually destroyed the entire business of the real owner of the base, creating their own structure in return. At one time, this became a real problem in the market: it is quite difficult to protect your database from theft, taking into account the fact that other people must work with it. Plus, the same situation can be repeated in relation to technologies used in production, as well as other not so obvious innovations and solutions operating in your business.

Protection mechanisms exist. Moreover, they are actively used by many companies. The customer base, for example, is tied to the enterprise itself, without giving full access to it to managers and salespeople working on the phone. With technologies and various know-how, the situation is similar: you can tell the buyer that there are certain ways to improve the financial performance of a business, “secrets of production” that you, alas, cannot reveal to the buyer at the acquaintance stage. Thus, the results of your work will be safe.

“Training” on competitors

Not sure if you've covered everything in your business description? Has all the information been published that may be of interest to the buyer and will become the best guide for him? Don't know how the negotiations will go, how to answer some of the questions, and what to do if they call you? The solution to all these and a host of other problems is very simple. It consists of “training” on your competitors. What do you mean?

If you want to know how to sell a business with debts or how to get the most for your business, you can simply find competitors selling a similar type of business and write to them as a buyer. Believe me, they will provide you with as much information as possible regarding their company (since the seller will most likely be interested in selling).

This “training” is very useful. You immediately see the buyer’s behavior from the outside, notice the questions that your buyer wants to ask, and note the best answers that should be given.


Today there are a lot of companies that help you get rid of your business. If you don’t want to do everything yourself, you can turn to one of them for help, describing the essence of the task. There are no difficulties in finding a company that will help sell a business. Exists huge amount contact information, you can also easily find reviews about the work of intermediaries. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you will be charged a commission for services provided. On the other hand, professional business sellers may have their own appraiser, who will help you, in turn, earn more for individual resources used in your business.


In fact, such an important stage in the life of any entrepreneur and businessman as the sale of a business can be approached differently. For some, this situation can mean a serious loss and carry some kind of negative connotation: they say, they gave away what they tried and worked for so long. On the other hand, the same procedure can be considered as next stage in your business career as an opportunity to create new project and earn more from it.

In any case, you will be able to earn some money for your enterprise, the amount of which will also determine the future mood of the seller. After all, someone understands that their brainchild should be valued much higher, while others, on the contrary, are very pleased with the deal and are glad that they have finally given up on this project. Each business sale story is unique, they happen to people, and there is nothing terrible or reprehensible about it. On the contrary, perhaps in new hands your project will bring more benefits, become more profitable and create new jobs.

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