
A simple and interesting scenario for teacher's day. New original script of the "eternal spring" corporate party for teachers' day. Music sounds, flowers are given to teachers

Wonderful script for Teacher's Day

As usual, the general plan of the holiday is drawn up first. It is advisable to include a number of questions in it.
1. Release of wall newspapers, dedicated to the teachers (there may be poems, friendly cartoons, information about teachers, their photographs).
2. Colorful congratulations on Teacher's Day, festive decoration of the school, lyceum.
3. If there is a radio center in educational institution select material and organize the program "From the bottom of my heart". The program may include conversations with teachers, their favorite pieces of music and poetry.
4. Competition for the best essay, story, poem dedicated to the Teacher's Day.
5. Festive concert.

Additional recommendations:
1. The holiday must be made cheerful, bright, memorable (do not be afraid to fantasize!).
2. It is advisable to keep the preparation of the holiday secret, the surprise of congratulations will bring more joy.
3. Do not disregard a single worker-teacher.
4. You can organize a tea table.

Assembly Hall. In the background of the stage is a colorful congratulation on Teacher's Day. Before the evening begins, the melody of D. Kabalevsky's song "School Years" is played. The light goes out slowly. On stage, if possible, a group of fanfarists and drummers. They perform the signal "Hear everyone!" The presenters come on stage to the sound of the signal.

We cannot hold back the excitement and joy,
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen, Earth!
Our greetings! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Each of us is ready to convey to you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays,
From your current ones,

We are today on behalf of every heart

Leading (together).
Thank you! Thanks! Thanks!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
To those who have gray hair on their temples,
To those who are recently from the walls of the institute,
To those who, having told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches us to achieve victories in work,
To everyone who has a proud name - "Teacher",
Our huge hot hello!

Your name is on everyone's mind - Teacher,

And your burden on the world is not easy.
How do you keep your name in holiness,
How good you do on Earth,
How you celebrate a holiday
How you love your family -
Everything is entered into your light book.
Your labor cannot be measured by the usual measure,
And all this is tolerated by the teacher's nerves.
How the light shines in your house,
When you woke up, what time did you go to bed
And how interesting was your lesson
How kind you are
You are so strict.
What gait did you walk home -
Nothing leaves the gaze of people
And this is understandable - you are the conscience of children!
You are the best of the best,
Our glorious teacher
And the demand from you is strict, and the honor is high,
You go through life on an unbeaten path
And your burden on the world is not easy.

We know a lot of professions, Yet a teacher is the most important of all.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today every person celebrates, because whoever he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - is, first of all, someone's former student.

Mentor, before your name We bow our heads and knees. Throughout his life, the teacher burns with a bright flame, Wishing to illuminate the path for generations.

The burden of a teacher is not easy. Most often, this burden is carried on their fragile shoulders lovely women- masters of their craft. These are people who have raised more than one generation.

There are many wonderful people at our evening tonight, our beloved teachers. "Teacher-mentor", so they say about the director of our school (full name).

During last words leading onto the stage is a group of students. They perform a song to the melody "If it weren't for you ..."

If I did not have you,
It wouldn't be so pedagogical
And only you only thanks
He's so famous and handsome
Famous and handsome.
You have been in office for many years - a serious term,
To the last days from the basics.
And if you sum up all the cases,
The monument is already ready for you!
These are thousands of students!
Your work will remain for centuries
And everyone who is ready to study here,
In your caring hands
In weary hands.
Woman (man) you are not more beautiful,
Director - it's better not to find
Such (wow) - go around the whole world,
You will not meet on your way.
If I did not have you,
We think we could not wait
Used to unravel the secret of being
Just to create you
For the post of director ...

Students present flowers to the principal. The director goes on stage and delivers a short congratulatory speech to all the teachers. The director invites those who wish to speak.

Knowledge and wisdom school is our abode.
And now the story about you will go -
Kind and wise wonderful teacher,
Glory and honor to you!

Into a wonderful life, on the road of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
He is also a tamer.
We are stubborn, impudent, playful,
We don't teach lessons - it happens sometimes.
Thank you for being so patient
Thank you for loving us!

The melody of the song "Oh, the viburnum is blooming."

Students sing.
Oh, viburnum blooms,
Stronger these days, oh
School is celebrating Teacher's Day today, oh
We sincerely wish that many years
Your smiles bloomed like viburnum color,
Teachers' smiles bloomed like poppies.

1st student.
Oh, you (full name of the teacher, for example, Sofyushka Ivanovna),
Good as the sun is clear
Without white - the face is white,
No blush - scarlet cheeks,
Without antimony - black eyebrows,
If the braids were not cut,
Were used below the belt.

The student gives flowers to the teacher. The melody of the song "And the battle continues again."

Students sing.
To make a look is not the first time for us,
Again we are torn, as in battle,
And victory is ahead when there is someone to follow.
And the hall opens again.
All shows are in the first place.
Our creativity
U (full name, deputy director for educational work) in safe hands!

Students present flowers to the deputy director for educational work.

5th student.
Do you have rheumatism? Sclerosis?
Bad abs?
Maybe frail hands?
So get up quickly!
Ease your torment!
There in the gym
A master of sports sciences (full name of a physical education teacher) is waiting for you,
Our physical education teacher.

The student gives flowers to the teacher. A longtime school graduate enters the scene. He talks about his teachers, about what years of study at the Lyceum gave him.

Once Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was asked on Cosmonautics Day who else, besides his colleagues, he would like to congratulate. “The one without whom this holiday would have been impossible, those whom we love, remember, honor,” the astronaut replied. - And, above all, our teachers. Each person has his own teacher, without whom everything further might not have taken place ... "

We love you very much for everything:
For knowledge, for skill, subtle humor,
for severity and kindness,
For your selfless burning!

Where to find words worthy
Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,
That we are all grateful to you
That we love you very much!

We wish you creative growth,
So that the head does not go gray.
So that they don't notice on the face
We have appeared wrinkles.
So that you warm the world with your smile,
And so that there are thousands of reasons.

You will always stay with us.
Because we always need it.
Means you will never grow old,
Never! Never! Never!

And now we invite you to take a short trip to the land of television.
Leader (looks at his watch).
Its time to begin. 18-00.

On the TV screen, the program "I myself".

A television worker comes out, he loudly bangs the box from under the film, says: "Frame 38, take one." Leaves. There are two chairs on the stage, draped with cloth. On one sits a TV presenter, made up like Yulia Menshova.

TV presenter.
Good evening, dear friends! On our screen, the TV program "I myself". And I am its host, Yulia Menshova. Today we have a very interesting meeting. I want to invite the director of the school to our studio.

The headmaster of the school doesn't know anything until the last minute. He goes on stage in complete bewilderment, sits down on the second chair.

TV presenter.
Introduce youreself.

The director introduces himself. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
Everyone has a motto to achieve their goal. Name yours.

TV presenter.
Do you consider yourself a daredevil who decided to take on this difficult burden - the position of director?

The director is in charge. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
Please tell me if you enjoy going to work?

The director is in charge. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
How do you reward diligent students?

The director is in charge. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
How do you deal with delinquent students?

The director is in charge. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
How do you manage to stay in such great physical shape?

The director is in charge. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
If a wizard appeared now, what is the cherished desire associated with the lyceum, you would ask him to fulfill?

The director is in charge. Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
This is the kind of director raised by the team and students of school No. ... Especially for the "Professional" channel. See you. Yulia Menshova was with you.

Everyone leaves. Cheerful music sounds. The stage sets are set for the next program - "First Date". The host of the festive evening comes out.

Beloved second our mothers, now for you a fragment of TV advertising!

Two teachers enter the stage, they bend under the weight of the bags, from which the students' notebooks peep out. And then a teacher in high heels comes out to meet with a light fluttering gait. She is holding a small notebook. Stopping and looking at her colleagues in bewilderment, she asks: “Is it difficult? .. Learn to work in a new way! Due to the reduction in funding, the course of study is reduced, and, as a result, the abilities of students are reduced. Teachers 'documents and pupils' notebooks fit in one notebook. " She turns to the audience and in her outstretched hand shows the audience a notebook. “Three in one: scanty salary! Decaying studying proccess! Defective knowledge of students! Three in one!"

Cheerful music sounds. Everyone leaves the stage. The presenter of the holiday enters the stage again.

Leader (looks at his watch).
18-30. For lovers of melodrama, the TV show "Regular Date" is on the screen.

Cheerful music sounds. 1st leader leaves. A TV presenter enters the stage.

TV presenter.
Hello dear ladies and gentlemen! The program "Regular Dating", which you know well, is on the air. Now you have an opportunity to laugh, relax, rejoice for people who, even if they meet every day, get to know each other better only here, in our program. Now our participant (full name of the teacher) will appear on the stage - a naturalist, handsome man and tempter of women's hearts,

A teacher, a participant in the program, enters the stage. A fragment of cheerful music sounds. Applause. The guest of the program greets the audience.

TV presenter.
Three beauties claim the right to possess his heart. Please welcome! Our members!

On the stage, as they are announced, the participants - the teachers - come out.

TV presenter.
The first participant is from Moscow. She confessed in secret that the language of dance is closer and more understandable to her. Her dances conquer everyone.

The participant, dancing to cheerful music, enters the stage. The audience supports her with applause.

TV presenter.
The second participant is from Nizhny Novgorod, funny curiosities constantly happen to her. I think you won't get bored with her.

Cheerful music sounds. The second participant enters the stage. She stumbles and nearly falls. The audience laughs. She smiles shyly and throws up her hands.

TV presenter.
What did I tell you!
TV presenter.
The third participant is a sweet woman, she loves sweets. This sweet tooth assures that she is able to taste a not weak cake for the first, a bowl of ice cream for the second, and a bite of dozens of sweets on the third.

Music sounds. The participant goes on stage with a "chupa-chups" in her mouth, demeaning and grimacing.

TV presenter (addresses the participant).
You say you are lucky. Yes, for sure it is. Let's check it out now. Few people manage to choose the best from the best. This is not an easy task for you. And now we turn to the questions that will help our participant to make right choice ladies of the heart.

First, let's say hello. Hello to the participants. Number 1.

1st participant.
Bon zhur!

Number 2.

2nd participant.

Number 3.

3rd participant.

The audience supports the participants with applause.

A promising start! You have already intrigued me. In what ways will you try to get your way?

That was great! I even imagined it, and I liked it. Thanks.
In the morning I really like to sleep and it is almost impossible to wake me up. How will you wake me up?

The participants answer. Applause.

Now I like it, but in the morning I am not responsible for myself! How do you try to surprise me?

The participants answer. Applause.

I am surprised! Do not consider it immodest, but try to let me know that you are in love with me.

The participants answer. Applause.

Not bad. What do you think a man should do at home?

The participants answer. Applause.

Well, you are dreaming! Okay, how do you feel about humor? Tell us something funny. I think that the task number 2 will not be difficult for the participant number 2.

The participants answer. Applause. FOR EXAMPLE:
2nd participant: I was invited to the beach. There was no swimsuit. I went to the market, bought a swimsuit, and, without going home, went to the beach. There, when I first came out of the sea, all eyes were on me: my swimsuit had lost its color and was completely translucent. So I lay under the towel, hiding from prying and, I hope, admiring eyes.

TV presenter.
The questions are over. And now we turn to the main thing, to the choice. So, your choice!

The task, of course, is not an easy one! .. And yet - number 2!

Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
Now you will see who you have rejected. Number 1.

Cheerful music sounds. While dancing, participant number 1 comes out. The participant sighs, sighs. The audience cheers with applause.

TV presenter.
Number 3!

The participant exits, grimacing and licking the lollipop. The participant grabs his heart to show that being separated from the participant can take his life. The song sounds: “For four seas, for four suns, it turned out you were throwing words into the wind” ... Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
And here is your choice!

Participant number 2 comes out. The participant is satisfied, hugs, kisses his chosen one.

TV presenter.
Goodbye! Until next time! We invite new members of our fun TV show! Who else is looking for his beloved? We are waiting for you!

All the participants in the TV show leave the stage. A funny song about happy love sounds.
On stage, a change of scenery. Take out 2 tables (as many as possible), chairs according to the number of participants in the team (2 or 3), flags with the team emblem are placed on each table. A "television worker" runs out onto the stage. He slams the film box, says: "Frame 138, take 1". The TV presenter of the program "Through the mouth of a baby" appears on the stage. In the background of the stage, posters are reinforced with the inscription: "Through the mouth of a baby."

TV presenter.
Good evening! We are glad to welcome you to the festive edition of the program "Through the mouth of a baby"! Today we have two (three) teams - the participants of the program. Please welcome! The first team ... is represented by (full name of teachers): As part of the second team ... (full name of teachers).

The teams go on stage, sit down.

TV presenter.
You all know our fun show. Each competition is evaluated on a three-point system. You are given three explanations for each word you think. If you guess after the first clarification, you get 3 points, after the second - already 2 points and after the third - you have 1 point. The team with the most points in the final wins! So, the first psychological puzzles!

Three schoolgirls appear on the stage. They have balls in their hands.

1st participant.
The salary depends on this.

3rd participant.
The more the better.

The answer is "discharge". Whoever wins first is given tokens according to the number of points. Applause from the audience. The TV presenter announces the following puzzles in turn, which are voiced.
Suggested puzzles for the further course of the transfer.
"Hobby" (hobby)

Many people simply cannot do without it.

It takes a lot of time and money.

But they get a lot of pleasure.

Hint: It is different for every person.

This is when you can bask in bed for a long time.
Money is usually saved for this.
This is when you do what you want

Hint: When you don't want it to end.

This is designed to get our attention.
And it happens very often, and there is no getting away from it.
There is always something so persistently offered that it is impossible to refuse.

Hint: You often look and even more often don't understand anything, what's the matter?

Interested people come here.
Some people stay there for a long time.
And many people often take with them what is there.

Hint: Our school has this too.

After that, the salary is raised.
This is when a group of people evaluates one.
This is when you tremble with fear.

Hint: Prepare carefully for this.

"Summer camp"
This is when it is warm, there are a lot of friends around and everyone is having fun.
This is when they eat and sleep together at the same time.
This is an expensive pleasure today.

Hint: This is where they swim and sunbathe together.

It brings a lot of joy.
At the same time, they often shout and jump from happiness.
Many rejoice with you.

Hint: Someone here is coming soon.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony. Applause. The TV presenter says goodbye to the team members and the audience, says thank you to all: the participants for their ingenuity; spectators - for the active support of the players. Everyone leaves the stage. The presenters of the holiday take the stage.

Our holiday is coming to an end.
Happy holiday, we congratulate you,
Never grieve about anything.
We wish you never to get sick.
Always be happy, loved.
Good luck to you all! And in everything!
And let them settle in your family forever
Fun, luck, love for each other,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course,
And smart and kind students!
May this holiday concert
Will tell you everything for us
That so many years
We love you very much
For honesty, wisdom, intelligence, talent,
For the clarity of your eyes,
For your kindness,
So rare now.


Don't you dare forget the teachers
They worry about us and remember
And in the silence of the thoughtful rooms
They are waiting for our returns and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings,
And no matter how many years have passed,
Teacher happiness is composed
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
Under New Year do not send them congratulations,
And in the hustle and bustle, or simply out of laziness
We don’t write, we don’t go in, we don’t call.
They are waiting for us. They are watching us
And they rejoice every time for those
Who will pass the exam again somewhere
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget the teachers
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget the teachers!
A. Dementyev

Honorable and difficult
Teacher labor,
Calling, heart
They are calling for the road.
But knowledge is wealth
You give again
And with them - hope,
Goodness and love!
Holy patience
And sincere laughter
Perseverance, joy
And faith in success.
Live with dignity
Giving us strength
Always tense
So, not in vain!


Targets and goals:

Fostering in all participants in educational activities a respectful attitude to the work of a teacher;

Improving the quality of mutual understanding and communication between the teacher and students;

Development creativity schoolchildren through their participation in festive program.

The course of the event.



Where does school begin?
From the attendants at the door?
That require a change -
Do they let the guys go only with her?

Or maybe it starts
From the lessons - and there is no end to them?
From a bell so funny
Who are the kids waiting for?

Where does school begin?
With fives in our diary,
With reliable and loyal comrades,
That will immediately help in trouble.

Or maybe it starts
From the bouquet that you tenderly carried
And gently, quietly "Thank you"
The teacher told you.

Yes, our school begins
With smiles on the faces of the guys
With answers that are beautiful and clever,
What sounds here in the classroom.

She also begins
From the teacher that in the morning
With love, hope and faith
She is in a hurry to meet us.

Presenters: 3 people



Good afternoon, dear teachers!

What an amazing home - school! Everything is mixed here: childhood and adolescence, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there is joy and tears, meetings and partings.


Yes, school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood, where an adult cannot return.


Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit. After all, school is their home for them, and all students are their children.


What a huge heart you need to have in order to give it away generously from day to day, from year to year!


People who once came to school at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Dear teachers! On behalf of all the guys, students of our school, we congratulate you on professional holiday, Teacher's Day!


Let me wish you health, happiness, peace of mind and the fulfillment of all your creative ideas.

1) And our festive concert opens with a song ____________________


Dear teachers, students from grade 3a came to congratulate you.

Girl 1. (shows the Russian language textbook):

I am happy to learn Russian,

I want to be very literate.

I know all the rules by heart.

They will give me a difficult dictation - so be it!

I will write any dictation in ten.

But I don't like solving problems.

Examples are also not to my liking.

I don't like numbers at all -

I see no good from mathematics.

We would leave the Russian lesson

And the rest were excluded for good -

Then I would have studied without problems!

Boy 1 . (takes the textbook from the girl and quickly leafing through it with displeasure):

You, _______, surprised me a lot!

Did you happily learn all the rules?

I do not know more terrible punishment,

What to do according to Russian assignments.

And why are dictations difficult to write,

It's much better to solve math!

It is necessary to solve examples and tasks -

You will not learn to think otherwise.

After all, our mathematics develops the brain!

Boy 2 . (holding dumbbells)

You will draw pieces on the board,

But you won't have muscles.

I would do physical education every day,

(lifts up dumbbells)

I'm never too lazy to run, jump.

Let the math and Russian be removed

And physical education will be left for us here!

Girl 2 . (clears throat, tries voice):

I would like, without a doubt,

Leave only singing lessons

And we have drawing.

I would gladly run to class in the morning!

And physical education, mathematics and Russian

We are adding an extra load.

Why, who needs them? We must sing and paint!

Boy 3 .

I understand you, of course.

I play chess myself willingly,

And I, too, probably, if I could,

Left only one lesson at school -

Lesson on your favorite chess game.

But I must reveal an important secret to you:

I do not like dictation, but friends,

I understand that it is impossible without them.

And I don't like to teach the rules

But it's hard for an illiterate to live!

And math is inevitable for all of us

In addition, she develops the mind,

Moreover, we need it.

And physical education develops the body

Everyone knows how important this is.

And drawing, music instills in us a taste,

We can't do without them, I'm afraid.

Boy 1 ... It turns out that we all need a lesson.

Boy 2. It turns out that everyone is good.

Girl 1. It turns out that we don't go to school in vain.

ALL. Thank you, teachers!

What do you think, __ Julia__, who answers the eternal child's question:

"And why?" teaches us to look for the answer on our own

Who in one working day can act as public figure, psychologist, artist, educator and astronaut (naturally, the role is about overloads)?

And who comes up with 4-5 hour homework assignments for us, distracting from the harmful influence of the street, TV and computer?

- Who cannot live a day without our parents, informing them about our various achievements?


Teachers! We congratulate you
Thank you for what you have taught us!
Without you, we wouldn't have knowledge
And not imagine how we would have lived then!

2) Number __________________________________________________________


There is not a single person who today would not remember his beloved mentors, educators!

1 everyone has one single time in their life.

There is its first, its own memorable class.

2.And the first teacher meets us first,

And the course will be plotted for us on the map of discoveries.

3.Our first teacher! We all miss you,

There is anxiety and sadness in my eyes now without you.

4. After all, the call invites us not to your lesson.

Take us again, take us to first grade.

5. We look into your eyes and raise our hands,

Ask at least 100 times - we will not get "2"!

6. They taught us not in vain, we understand this,

And we are always grateful to you for this!


Our teachers are a selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they yet there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they also manage to educate them?

Leading. What a huge heart you need to have in order to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year! After all, a teacher is not just a profession, like a locksmith or a salesman, a teacher is a vocation and a call of the soul.


And what kind, patient and ageless soul must be !!!

3) Dear teachers, for you ____________________________________________________

Among our teachers there are very young teachers who are just starting their working career.

The following are invited to the stage:

Anastasia Olegovna and Sergey Sergeevich

We have a tradition, we always interview new teachers.
The moderators take turns asking questions:

A.1. Why did you want to become a teacher?
R.2. Who and what influenced your choice?
Yu.3. What was unexpected for you on the first working day?
A.4. Do you feel like crying when you give a deuce?
R. 5. What methods of cheating do you know?
A.6 Did you cheat yourself, and if so, in what way?
Yu.8 Your wishes to colleagues.


In order for you to stay within the walls of this school for a long time, you need to take an oath:

- We swear to sow the reasonable ...

- We swear!

- Do everything thinking ...

- We swear!

- To protect the honor of the school

- We swear! We swear! We swear!


We hope that disappointment will not pursue you, and you will be happy to go to work.


There are many teachers in our school, but among them I would like to highlight those who are on a well-deserved rest and come to us only to visit.

1.Makhova Lyudmila Stepanovna

2.Kulueva Antonina Ivanovna

3. Ryazanova Galina Mikhailovna

Our dear teachers! Let me say thank you very much for your selfless work, for your spiritual generosity, for the warmth of your heart.

A teacher is never a former
The teacher is forever.
And the light from the knowledge you give,
We'll carry it through the years.
What was laid by you
It will bear fruit for us.

To your teachers "thank you"
We speak for their work! 4) And this song will sound for you _______________________________


Come on, tell me, Julia_, who is our watchman, foreman, administrator, manager, teacher and caretaker! Who is not sparing himself, the school baggage stubbornly drags the cart?


I, in my opinion, guess who has a lot of things to do and worries in the morning, who draws up the curriculum plan and checks it, while managing to scold the kids, organize meals for the company of schoolchildren, entrust the eleventh grade to the most experienced teachers and many other things.

Together.This is our director ...


The floor is given to the director of the school, Prosvetova Elena Vasilievna.


And now the students of grade 7a will tell us what it is

"Good" and what is "bad"

What is good and what is bad"

I came to school with a friend and asked: “Alekha, what is“ good ”and what is“ bad ”?

I will explain to you, brother, honestly without a catch, what is “good” in school, what is “bad” in school. For example, you came with a rat in your briefcase. - This is very good: everyone will have fun.

Kohl did not chicken out the teacher, did not interrupt the lesson. It means that the lesson was wasted, this is very bad!

There is a lot of noise in the lesson, everyone is chatting around.

This is very good - everyone already knows everything.

But the teacher did not leave, but said with a sigh: "Quickly the diaries on the table!" - this is very bad.

I came to a difficult exam with cheat sheets.

It's very good, just be careful

If they kicked me out of class with a bang, I'll get a belt at home - it's very bad

During break there is a big rumble, everyone runs to eat, This is very good, there is nothing better.

The conclusion I made is this, my friend, Alekha, changes are good, but lessons are bad "



The old chemist is an old man, with tousled bangs, huge glasses, a medical gown, and bushy eyebrows;
Grandmother - A hunched-over old woman, in a scarf on her head, with several painted-over teeth, with a cane;
The former model (aged) is a lively old woman, in massive heels, hung with jewelry, with bright makeup, a huge booty from a pillow;
The biker is a huge old man, with a beard, with an earring in his ear, in leather clothes, with a lollipop.
The madman is an elderly frisky grandfather, in pajamas, with a badge (ward No. 13), constantly squinting his eyes and laughing hysterically and contagiously.

(go to the music)

1 hero:

Introduce who we are:
Grandmothers, grandfathers are not simple.
We are mischievous old men
The instigators are humorous.

2 hero:

We want to congratulate you,
We will turn your day into a fairy tale.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
And now let's introduce ourselves

3 hero:

To be honest, we are graduates
Lying, of course, is not appropriate.

4 hero:

Now this moment has come
Look who became what!

Old chemist:

Hello, I am an old chemist,
And I want to tell you
As sometimes I sat with a guitar
But I wanted to know more.

Teachers reckoned with me,
They made everyone cram
So as not to know the alarm later,
Easily learn the subject.


I once studied here,
And sometimes she was naughty
And now I'm a little old
I say only dregs.

I take my youngest grandson here,
Despite sclerosis,
He must know all the sciences,
So that the smart grows up quickly.


I'm a biker, a killer dude
I went to school every other day
Even if the lesson was cool
I was too lazy to teach him.

Well, why? Waste!
I chose the motorcycle
Let the salary be small
I was able to feed myself.

Former model:

I went out in a face, a figure,
But she was a complete fool.
Spun up and went out,
Is life in vain?

I needed to learn
To work and work.
Photos don't last forever
Time is very fleeting.

I wouldn't be a phantom in my life,
Former model with a diploma!
We are dolls, but life is a game,
As if everything was yesterday!


Check out my outfit
How cool he sits.
I look, well, straight for an encore!
Show you a striptease?

A joke, a joke, do not be impudent!
You have pity on the patient!
I'm a total disgrace for everyone
I still remember the teachers.

I always boasted about my diary
And there was only "two" in it!
There's a mess in my head
Well, guys, I'm a fool!

3 hero:

We introduced ourselves, opened up,
We were in a hurry for your holiday!

4 hero:

Teacher's Day is not just that!
Now will be the most relish !!


Together we wish you ...

Former model:

Look beyond your years

Old chemist:

Shine with your mind for decades


Live for a long time, and so without troubles!

1 hero:
We wish you all the best
To pursue success!

Let the bad weather bypass you
There will always be a lot of happiness!

5) Number ________________________________________________________



For your wisdom and patience

We want to thank you.

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give it to you today!


Let in this hall at this hour

The lights burn brighter!

And again we congratulate you,

Your teachers!


Your day, teachers! Thank you, dear teachers, for what you are, for what you are, and we all love you very much!

Once again, we congratulate you on the holiday!

Teacher's Day is very soon, it will be celebrated on October 5, 2017. To make the festive evening a success, we present to your attention funny script holiday for teachers, which can be organized at school with the involvement of junior and senior classes.

Ready script for Teacher's Day at school


Say what you like, but Teacher's Day school life occupies a special place of honor. It is largely thanks to the teachers that we grow and form into a multifaceted personality. Therefore, they are worthy of words of gratitude on this day. So let's give them a party!

Teacher's Day is a holiday for our parents, grandparents, all people, since they all went to school. It is rightly said that a writer lives in his works, a good artist lives in his paintings, a sculptor lives in the sculptures he created. A good teacher lives in the thoughts and actions of people. That is why each person recalls his own school, his spiritual mentors - teachers with a feeling of deep gratitude. We dedicate this evening to those who have told us so many secrets and discovered so many new things! To those who teach us to achieve everything with work! This evening is for our dear teachers! They say the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby. This means that the "babies" will tell us the truth about our teachers.

The presenter leaves, three "babies" - high school students - appear on the stage.

The first "baby".

The first truth! If the theater begins with a coat rack, then the school begins with the director. Congratulations to the main teacher of our school!

Applause sounds to the director, he is presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Second "baby".

The second truth! We must not forget the teachers. After all, they worry about us no less than their parents and remember us all their lives. Ask any teacher. He can name all his students from the very first grade to the last. Do you think they weaned us off and forgot? No! In fact, they do not have enough meetings with us.

Third "baby".

Do you know what the happiness of a teacher is made of? Truth Three! Teacher happiness is made up of pupils' victories. Thus, the life of teachers is directly related to us, students, our success in life. You know how the teachers rejoice when they learn that some of their former students with courage and honor passed the next life exam! After all, the goal of life of any real teacher is to make dozens of other people happy and successful. This is their own victory in life.

The first "baby".

Our teachers do not grow old, despite their age, they continue the pedagogical watch. Not knowing fatigue, they flutter around the school, teach children, giving them the warmth of their hearts.

Second "baby".

They seem to have invisible wings. Otherwise, how can they get so much strength, energy to bring up so many generations of schoolchildren!

Third "baby".

Indeed, what a huge work: to pass through your heart the fate of every child who sat in their class at the desk! Fight for this fate, forgetting about rest and sleep.

The first "baby".

The teacher is somewhat like a soldier in a war. Like a soldier, a teacher mobilizes all his strength to fight laziness, stupidity, mediocrity, forcing students to work, absorb and assimilate knowledge, revealing some talent in each student.

Second "baby".

The teacher is a real hero! If we draw parallels with the war, then he looks like a war hero, but not like a general in command of armies, but like a simple soldier, a kind of Vasily Terkin, who does not demand a reward for his feat.

Third "baby".

Yeah ... What a reward if the salary is small. And how many tears are shed by teachers! And they don't stop, they continue their hard way! We have come to bow to you, our dear teachers, because many of your actions are worthy of the gods!

All three bow to the teachers from the stage.

Leave. The Host appears.


Yes, each of the teachers sitting in this hall can be called a god. But among them I would like to highlight the veterans of pedagogical work.

the oldest teachers who have worked at the school longer than others.


Our teachers are a selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave the school - they are still there. Amazing patience! And what skill is required to keep the attention of an entire class! The whole class, can you imagine!

A dozen schoolchildren run out onto the stage at once. They shout, try to push each other, hit the textbook, hit the Host with a crumpled piece of paper. In general, they behave as during a break.

Host (trying to calm the guys down).

Quiet! Quiet! You are not in the bazaar! Shut up! Sit down at your desks and get your textbooks! Ivanov, stop! Sidorov, stop it! Put all the diaries on my desk! Parents to school! (Turns to the audience.) How hard it is to calm down the raging schoolchildren! How do you do that ?! Tell me how ?! (Turns back to the naughty schoolchildren. Shouts with all her might.) Quiet !!

Schoolchildren, subdued, line up on the stage.


Have you all calmed down? Why did you come here? Study? Then tell me who is the eternal child's question "Why?" taught us to look for the answer on our own?


So. And who, using the entire range of their vocal cords, is trying to put in us for a lesson the experience that has developed over the years?


Great, Who comes up with our homework, distracting us from the harmful influence of the street and TV?


Fabulous! Who cannot live a day without our parents, informing them about our various achievements?



And again a teacher ... Who in one working day has to act as an educator, public figure, psychologist, artist, cosmonaut (naturally, the role is about overload)? To whom?


Here! That's the same! And here you are making noise, shouting! And they, by the way, are sitting out in the hall, and they expect words of gratitude from you, and not pranks and nonsense!

Everyone on the stage sighs guiltily and begins to tidy themselves up.

Leading (to the audience).

Sorry. They are still children.

Everyone (talking).

We are not children! Where did he find the children here? Where are the children? Let him show!

Teacher's day scene

One of the guys comes forward. Let's call it First.


Dear teachers! You do not look at the fact that we are not dressed in uniform today. Today is a holiday. We wanted to cheer you up, cheer you up. But this one (pointing at the Leader) made us some kind of troublemakers without conscience and honor. Nothing like this! We have a conscience and honor, because you teach us to be conscientious and honest. Can professionals do anything bad?

Cheerful, perky music sounds. Everyone on the stage performs a dance, and when the music ends, they freeze in a spectacular pose.

Teacher's Day! Hooray!!!

The presenter leaves the stage. The first student comes to the fore.


Well, judge for yourself ... If you saw us so funny every day ... But why don't you see us like that every day? Maybe then everyone, both students and teachers, would always have good mood... Even if someone gets an unsatisfactory grade.


And I believe that schoolchildren should trust the teacher. like sailors to their captain.


HM. Lucky comparison. Develop your thought.


Well, look ... Throughout their lives, philosophers and poets are often likened to the ocean. If there is an ocean, there must be ships.



So that's it. In fact, there are many ships. And school is one of them. Each ship must have its own captain.


It means that the school too.






And the captains of our ships are teachers. It is their hands that securely hold the steering wheels of our destinies. And we completely and completely trust them, our captains. They lead us on a journey that will last for decades. We are still inexperienced, and the task of the captains is to show us the right course so that we do not go astray.


This is how the captain leads the ship at sea so that the sailors are not knocked off course by a gusty wind, or a storm, or a current.


And if, after all, one of the sailors was drawn, so to speak, to the bottom?


How is it - pulled!


Maybe this. In this case, if someone is on the wrong course and pulls the whole ship to the other side or to the bottom, the captain should be the first to rush to this sailor to help.


Yes, indeed, difficult and responsible work from teachers. By the way, where are we sailing?


How where? Into the harbor that can be called the Big Human Life.


How true it is! Indeed, it is true that teachers are like captains. And what is most important in the character of the captain?


I think it’s the courage to give neither myself nor any of the students any weakness, no laziness.


And I think honesty. A teacher who compromises his conscience, and even more so lies in the classroom, is a bad teacher.


I think that a teacher should have the ability to never lose heart and to cope with the most difficult and unexpected situations.


Clever! The teacher must be smart. After all, he brings us knowledge. After all, he serves as an example for us. I believe that there are no stupid teachers. Seventh.

And it seems to me that the teacher should still be fair. A true teacher will never be led by emotions. Never punish in vain. He is consistent and principled.


Wow, how many qualities a real captain should have, that is, I wanted to say - a teacher!


And you thought how!


But you can choose the best captain.


You know, I think the captain is either good or bad. There are no better or worse teachers. It is not fair to divide teachers into loved ones and unloved ones.


And how to check whether the captain is real in front of you or not?


Easily. One of the captains of our school rises on the stage to test for aptitude ... (calls the name of one of the teachers).

The teacher goes up to the stage. A small table is placed in front of him and a bunch of small money is poured onto it.


So, as our captain, you will have to prove that you are not only attentive, but also a responsible teacher. You must not only answer our tricky questions that we will ask you, but also calculate how much money is on the table.


Will our captain be able to cope with this test? ..


Who thinks not? So here we go ...

While the teacher is counting trifles on the table, the guys on the stage take turns asking him questions:

Your full name?

When were you born?

How many children of your own do you have? - How many people are in your class?

What is the name of the director of our gymnasium? - How many lessons do you have on Friday?

What is the full name of your wife's husband?

How old is your last child?

What's the date today?

What are you doing now?

How much money is on the table in front of you?

The teacher must tell the amount.


You see! Our captain not only coped with the task brilliantly, but also did not lose his sense of humor in this ordeal. And this is the most important thing for a real captain.


So ... (names the name of the teacher who participated in the competition) proved that he is quite ready to bear the proud name of the ship's captain.


But we still have many other captains ...


Let’s gnaw them a little too.


Well, yes, today is Teacher's Day, let them be the real "stars" of this evening!


Of course, what are we doing for them here, on stage, take the rap! Seventh.

So, who are we going to call next to check his "captaincy"?


Eck you wrapped it up, brother, - "captaincy".


I suggest ... (calls the name of the teacher sitting in the hall) to invite to the stage.


Exactly. She fits the definition of "captain" one hundred percent!


Or maybe you shouldn't check it?

It's worth it! Come on stage!

The teacher enters the stage.


Imagine a school day. Six or better seven lessons. On the first one of the students got a stomach ache, on the second someone fell and broke his knee, on the third it turns out that half of the class had forgotten the textbooks, on the fourth Vanya pulled Masha's dress and tore it up, on the fifth you will have to replace the girls' labor lesson, and you have no scissors, no glue, nothing, at the sixth lesson Sidorov and Petrov were hungry, and their parents forgot to give them sandwiches today, at the seventh lesson there is some other emergency happening ... How will you cope with all this?


Let's put the question more specifically. What should be in a small, one might even say, miniature, teacher's purse when he hurries to work in the morning? Please list all the items that may be useful to you during the day, taking into account the above situations too.

The teacher lists the subjects, the guys help her, naming hypothetical situations that the teacher might get into. For example: “Suppose your pointer broke down in the lesson ...”, “What if Sidorov was running and running and the sole of his shoe came off…” The teacher should tell you how she will get out of all these situations.


Indeed, when you become a teacher, you have to feel sorry for everyone, understand everyone, glue everyone, sheathe everyone, heal everyone, and so on.


From which we conclude: a teacher is not only a source of knowledge, but also school service understanding.


If the teacher were only a source of knowledge, a textbook could successfully replace him. We would just sit in class and read textbooks. And so ...


And so with us there are always people who, as they say, have a heart not a stone. They can both understand and help in a difficult situation.


And most importantly, how far-sighted a teacher needs to be in order to anticipate all possible situations in which he may find himself during the day.


It is very difficult. Harder than winning chess against Garry Kasparov.


But ... (names the teacher) has proven that she can cope with such a difficulty. Thank you, take your place in the hall. You are a real captain!


Something I felt sad.



I never thought about how our captains live, what makes them sad, what problems they have ... They are here with us all the time ... I didn't even imagine ...


And let's ask the captains themselves what they do at home, what their cares and responsibilities are at home.


For example, I have two responsibilities - sweep the floor and take out the trash.


Not bad. I think it's more difficult for our captains.


We invite to the stage ... (says the name of the teacher).

The teacher goes up to the stage. She is offered a chair. She sits down.


We now invite you to imagine that you have come home from school. You had seven lessons ...


Seven lessons and an extended course!


Yes. You also brought with you two packs of essay notebooks.


So you're home! You are sitting tired in a chair. And at this time, your household ...

All the guys retreat to the left edge of the stage. The teacher's chair is in the middle of the stage, but closer to the right edge. The First Student is standing next to the teacher and is directing the scene.


You are ready? So, you are sitting on a chair, just came from school ... You are tired and want to rest, lie down ... But you do not have the strength to get up from the chair. And suddenly from the next room appears ... your husband!

One of the guys who plays the husband comes up to the teacher. The first one introduces him.


This is your husband. Please love and respect.

I'm pretty damn hungry.,. Finally, my wife is at home and now she will cook me lunch! Hooray!!!

Pause... The teacher must answer something to this. For example: “Well, first of all, hello ...” or “I haven't had time to cook dinner yet. Wait please..."

In this game, you need to improvise a lot, since you can only plan the initial behavior of the "husband", but certainly not the teacher's answers. For the role of "husband" you need to invite a student who has good acting and improvisational skills, who knows how to maintain a conversation and get out of a tricky situation, since it is initially unknown what the teacher will answer. Her answers can be quite unexpected. The stage is not planned in advance. The whole intrigue is that the teacher does not expect the questions that her “husband” asks her and is forced to somehow get out of the situation. Further, the “husband” may ask if she brought a salary, why she was late at work, whether she knows that the refrigerator is empty, etc. After the “husband,” the teacher is attacked by “children” - a boy and a girl. The first student introduces them to the teacher.


And these are your children. Admire what they have become in your absence.


Mom, I broke the glass here, and dad told me to turn to you. In short, what to do? I also had a fight with Mishka and tore my pants. Mom, when will we buy a moped? Everyone already has mopeds in the yard, but I don't. Mom, we are here with the guys for a weekend fishing going out of town. May I go? Listen, Mom, I don't even know how to tell you ... Anyway, I already have two deuces in math. What to do?

Girl (chewing gum).

Mom, will you let me go to the disco on Saturday? Why don't you ask if I washed the dishes, vacuumed the carpets, wiped off the dust, made the beds, took out the trash? No, I didn't do all that.

Because many lessons were asked, I did not have time. I've already done my homework, so now I'm going for a walk. I'll clean it up tomorrow. Can? Mom, give me some money ...

In place of the "children" is the "neighbor".


And here your neighbor has come. Now he will borrow money again.


Oh hello, neighbor, can you borrow a little before payday? Listen, do you know that now you have to pay twice as much for electricity, gas, and water? Yes, yes, prices increased yesterday! And soon a law will be adopted that you have to pay for air. Now, if you want to breathe clean air, pay the tax. Yes, it will be so soon! By the way, your son doesn't greet me. Aren't you bringing him up?

The neighbor leaves. In her place comes the "old man" with shaking hands.


NS! Yes, this is Uncle Petka from the next doorway. He still asks you for a small change all the time, and you, kind soul, give him all the time ...

Uncle Petka.

Listen, ... (calls the teacher's name), my soul is on fire ... Give me a drink ... (Begs for money in various ways.) Well, do you want me to dance? Do you want to stand on your head? And I can jump out of the window if you don’t give me a drink!

It is clear that the teacher must come out of all situations with honor, and the students announce that she has passed the captain's exam. The teacher is escorted to her place in the hall. The guys again stand along the stage.


And despite this everyday "horror", our teachers appear every morning in the classroom with radiant smiles. How do you think they do it?


I think that in a teacher, if you meet him outside of school, you won't immediately understand what kind of person he is. To understand this, you should come to his lesson. This is where everything will become clear.


It's right. Even if the salary is not raised, even if some regular nonsense is written in the textbooks, even if failures are haunted in life, a real teacher will never change his heart and his profession.


Well, then our teachers are definitely real!

The Presenter enters the stage.


Nobody doubted it. And if this truth was expressed by our "babies", then there is no doubt about that. What do you think, if there were no teachers, there would be poets, thinkers, Shakespeare and Copernicus? And America would be open?



If there were no teachers, would Icarus soar into the sky? Could we grow wings for feats and discoveries without a sunny smile and the kind heart of a teacher?


No! What a huge heart you need to have to give it to us generously from day to day, from year to year!


And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.


Yes, school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood. An adult will never return to it.


Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit. After all, school is their home for them, and all students are their children, assistants, friends.


People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave this house, eternally seething with passions. Some teacher very accurately once called the school "sweet hard labor."


Amazing this house is a school! Everything is mixed here: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house there are joy and tears, meetings and partings. The school lives an interesting life.


I wonder if the teachers themselves feel the romanticism of their profession? Or has pedagogical work become a daily routine for them? In the work you are doing simply because it is too late to study for someone else ...


What are you doing! Do not say that! Firstly, it is never too late for a person to learn and strive for new and better things, and secondly, where did you get the idea that the life of our teachers is a routine? Don't we ourselves give them joy when we prepare the lesson well, answer well, or write talented essays? You know how happy they are when they hear the right answers from us! This suggests that their knowledge did not fly past our heads in vain.


And let's ask them themselves how it is to feel like a teacher. Let's invite them here, on the stage, let them tell a little about their feelings.


Who will we invite?


But at least ... (names two teachers).

The named teachers take the stage. In fact, the choice is not random, but pre-planned, only none of the spectators, of course, knows about it. On stage, teachers read poems about their school and teacher life.

First teacher.

The bell rings. The beginning of the day.

And don't you ask me

Why does it ring so loudly?

See the crowd of students

Galda, flies up the stairs,

Rushing with laughter and laughter ...

I know the bell is ringing

So that the student becomes a Human!

Second teacher.

I am an exemplary teacher

I serve as an example for teachers.

I could find out everything new

Those that our era opened.

I pay attention to everyone,

I teach truants, lazy people.

Further, the teachers say their answer, talk a little about the complexities of the profession. The facilitator asks them some questions, for example: "How do you see the ideal student?", "What will the school be like in fifty years?" etc. The presenter thanks the teachers for the kind words addressed to the students, and the children accompany the teachers to their places in the hall.


Sadly, however, our evening dedicated to Teacher's Day has come to an end. Our dear teachers, please do not think that these were all the kind words that we would like to say to you. Do not think that we thank you for your work only once a year and only because it is so customary. Far from it! We are always grateful to you, because you do for us the best that one person can do for another - you bring up and love us. Therefore, in fact, we are always grateful to you, and we are very often overwhelmed with warm feelings for you, but we often, like smart dogs, cannot express our emotions. Rest assured, we will never forget you. Do you know why? Let's tell you a secret ... Because ...

All students together.

We love you!!!

Slow music or waltz sounds. The guys leave the stage in the hall and invite the teachers to dance. When the music ends, the rest of the students in the audience throw balloons into the air. Firecrackers explode, confetti is flying, flowers and gifts are brought to teachers.


First, a general plan of the holiday is drawn up.

1. Release of wall newspapers dedicated to Teacher's Day

2. Colorful congratulations on Teacher's Day, festive decoration of the school.

5. Festive concert.

1. The holiday should be fun, bright, memorable

3. Not to ignore a single worker-teacher.

Assembly Hall. In the background of the stage is a colorful greeting on Teacher's Day. School tunes are played before the evening begins

1 presenter Good evening!

2 presenter Hello!

1 presenter Today we have gathered to congratulate our teachers on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day !!!


Dear teachers.

Each of us is ready to convey to you

A thousand kind and affectionate words

From your yesterdays,

From your current ones,

From your students tomorrow.

Today we are on behalf of our happy youth ...

On behalf of our sonorous childhood

All together we say thank you!

Thanks! Thanks!

3 presenter Still have wings like these birds,

And easily climb into the skies.

But how many good songs have not been sung!

You missed a child's destiny

Through myself, experiencing torment,

Mobilizing myself to fight,

Having soiled working hands with chalk ...

And how many roads have you covered!

How many invisible barriers were taken!

And how many tears have been shed ... God knows

Plus ... the minimum wage.

You, as a hero, I'm not afraid of comparison,

Don't stop your way on the way ...

I bow low to you today,

Only Gods can do that!

1 presenter Any teacher can be called God in our school, but among them I would like to single out the veterans of pedagogical work. This is, first of all, Okhtemenko Klavdia Nikolaevna. Klavdiya Nikolaevna has been on a well-deserved rest for many years. But we remember you, come to us more often. This number is for you, dear Klavdiya Nikolaevna.

(class 1 poems)

2 Leading th. Veterans ... and this veteran comes to our school all the time. In difficult times, we turn to her for help. And here she is again near. This is Nina Fedorovna Kasyanenko. We congratulate you on the holiday.

(class 2 poems)

1 Lead uh. Live long, veterans. Health to you.

3 presenter Our teachers are a selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave the school - they are still there.

2 presenter

You are always young at heart,

Sharing work and joy with us,

Our strict, our relatives,

Patient teachers.

You give us a lot of strength

And love - in spite of everything.

How do you believe in us! - which, perhaps,

Nobody knows how to believe so

1 Presenter: Every year we gather in this hall to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Teacher's Day. Your students convey their love, their respect, their tenderness to you in their work: they dance, sing songs, read poetry.

2 Lead: This year, for the first time in our school, no less important than the Russian one, the “School Pointer” award ceremony is taking place. 14 teachers applied for participation.

3 Lead; 73 students, 18 parents, 1 librarian and 3 grandmothers took part in the discussion of “candidates”.

1 Presenter: So, the 1st nomination of our award “ The most patient teacher”. She is perhaps the most important for a teacher. It is not for nothing that the proverb says: “Patience and work - they will grind everything” 14 teachers submitted an application for participation in this nomination.

2 Lead: Now we'll see which of the nominees our strict but fair jury voted for (the envelope is opened). So we ask the winner of the nomination to come up on stage "The most patient teacher" (rewarding).

3 Lead: Grade 5 performs for you with the scene "The Battle of the Teachers"

2 Lead: And now we will find out which of the 14 candidates the jury voted for in the nomination "Most funny teacher(opening the envelope). We ask you to go up on stage to receive the Golden Pointer prize (rewarding).

3 Lead: For you, the funniest, never losing optimism teacher, students of the 8th grade "KVN"

2 Leading d: And now it will become known who became the winner in the nomination "Most kind teacher". So, now we will find out who this lucky one is (opening the envelope, rewarding).

3 Leaders d: To you, the kindest teacher, 1st grade gives his song "Teach in School".

Leading 2: The one who will take the stage now, according to the students, parents and 1 grandmother, is the wisest teacher our school (the envelope is opened). We ask to go up to the stage (rewarding).

3 Leading nd: For you, dear teacher, in whose eyes kindness and tenderness to his students do not disappear under any circumstances, the most mischievous class 4 is performing with ditties about school.

2 Lead: This envelope contains the name of the winner in the nomination “ The most active teacher ”. Which of the 14 nominees, according to the jury, deserves the title of the most active teacher (the envelope is opened). And the most active was recognized (rewarding).

3 Leading nd: For you, the most active, there is a no less active 10th class, with a musical number - rap.

2 Leading nd: Hypertension is an occupational disease of teachers. Discussing candidates for an award in the nomination "The Heartfelt Teacher" a heated discussion broke out among the jury. However, a winner has been identified. It became (rewarding).

3 Leading nd: To you, the most cordial, the guys from the 7th grade answer with the same warmth and cordiality and perform the "Exam" scene for you

2 Host: This quality is possessed by all teachers, but to varying degrees. Most was empathetic(rewarding).

3 presenter: In response, grade 3 shares its emotional, reverent attitude towards you with a poem ...

2 Leading uh: _Cool a leader is the teacher who not only leads the class, but also spends time with students in addition to schoolwork, tries to make them friendly, well-mannered, so that their life is interesting and rich. AND the winner in this honorary nomination was (), we ask him to go up on stage (rewarding).

3 Leading nd: For you, the coolest, the same cool cultural workers perform with the scene of "Year, Year"

2 Leading si: All teachers are extremely responsible people. ... There is a category of teachers who are always accurate: they prepare events, reports exactly on time, and come to school for sure (without delays). Who do we have the most responsible teacher according to the voters?

1 leader The most responsible ended up at school (rewarding).

3 Leading nd: For the most responsible, there are no less responsible 6th grade guys with ditties.

2ved ugly. Everyone knows about the warmth and warmth of this teacher. This is of course (rewarding)

3leading uh. For you, dear, this is a very sincere performance of our librarian with the poem "Wish to teachers" ...

1leading. Interestingly, all our teachers are cheerful, patient, kind, empathetic. Where is the severity? Do we have at least one strict teacher in our school? Yes, not just strict, but also fair?

2leading uh. Of course there is. And it turned out to be ... ()

3leading for you fair, but strict, or rather strict, but fair, pupils of grades 10-11 perform with the song "We wish you happiness."

2 Host: There were no disagreements in the discussion of this candidacy, which pleasantly surprised us. A person who has incorporated all the best qualities of a teacher: patience, kindness, sincerity, and heartfelt participation in all events, and constant activity - this person turned out to be (the envelope is opened), no, wrong, it turned out to be the Teacher with a capital letter ..

3 Leaders d: accept this musical congratulation from cultural workers ..

1 presenter: We once again congratulate the laureates of the Golden Pointer Prize and wish you health, patience, unquenchable activity and all the best.


Thank you for loving us,

Although they were strict with us at times,

For the fact that you taught us to think,

For everything, for everything that has been done for us!

Our sincere "thank you"

We say to all teachers.

Be young and happy

Peace, long years, health to you !!!


We are grateful to you, we are faithful to you,

We know: being a teacher is not easy!

All the teacher's dreams about school

And stars peep at them through the window.

1leading. And now the forecast of our secret school astrologer for you, dear teachers for the new academic year.

2 Leading.

The constellations of creativity are kept by the clock.

And who is the first in our zodiac?

On the day of the holiday dominate Scales,

Today you are all in your sign.

this year changes await you, the children will grow up and new classes will come to replace the graduates who will carefully listen to all your explanations.

3leadingAnd the real Libra is (Bortnikova E.I.) (photo)
stars for you personally. Has come time of drawing up projects and plans. The knowledge gained earlier will help in their implementation.

1 presenterBorn under the sign of Sagittarius (Uzhakova V.A., Kasyanenko N.F.)
the stars promise you that this year you will finish old protracted tasks and start new ones, students will do their homework

2leadingCapricorns. It turns out that we have 3 of them (Mezner E.M., Ustinskaya L.E., Vorobieva S.I.)
the stars are sure that Perseverance you will not take, the students will teach, it is possible that there will be replenishment in your class.

3leadingWell, there were even more Pisces. These are Pisces (Smirnova S.N., Bredneva N.N., Iushina L.V., Plesennikova L.I.)
the stars predict to you that Interesting trips await you, your pupils will take prizes and win many competitions this year, you just need a little patience.

1leadingAries (Brednev I.M.)
born under the sign of Aries, and this is Brednev I.M. in the new academic year will praise his students for good deeds, but those who study poorly and play pranks, we recommend that he not be severely punished
3leadingTaurus (Merkulova A.P.) with the release of you to work and this is what the stars tell you.
a good time to work, there will be a lot of it in the new school year, we recommend that you be patient.
2leadingCancer moves backwards. Nothing like this. Our cancer rushes forward, as it is young, strong, confident. (Protopopova K.Yu)

And our astrologer predicts to him that you are expected to meet with the students after school, but not often, and not for long, since soon everyone will begin to learn the lessons as expected.
your subject will be the focus of many students, try to use this time.
1leadingLion is the king of the animals. (Smirnova I.N.) the astrologer warns you.lions will hold their ground this year, but try to avoid wasting your nerves.. get down to business vigorously, do not succumb to circumstances, catch the wave.3 Leading.

What traction we are combined,

We call everyone in the hall friends

And what are all hearts full of today?

How what? We are very lucky with the teachers!

Today is teachers day

- elementary, middle, high school.

We congratulate you on behalf of all children!

Good luck, happiness - be healthy everyone!

Comic lottery for teachers from cultural workers.

2leading. We really want you to enjoy and remember this evening. We tried very, very hard .

(participants) sing a song to the tune "Hunters for Luck" Time Machine)
We taught such lessons
Whatever you immediately understand.
And more than once we went to the blackboard,
Despite the trembling knees.
And now we sing this song
Those who have always been with us.

Dear teachers!
Congratulations, congratulations,
Dear teachers!
(Everybody claps, bows, leaves the stage)

Responsible - looking for Smirnova Sasha, includes Vakhnyuk Pasha

2.for congratulations from classes - Merkulova Nastya of teachers - Sasha Smirnova

4.Multiprojector, screen -Smirnova S. and Vakhnyuk P.

5.newspaper - Smirnova S. + everyone helps

6. Moderators: Tyschenko I., Smirnova S., Merkulova N.

7.the decoration of the hall: Besperstov N, Margachov J, Plesovskikh S, Bulgakova A.

8. Flowers: Kobzar E, Agametova D, Donskikh N.

9.postcards, pointers- Smirnova S.

10.counting the nominations of Smirnov, Merkulov, Tyschenko

11. Invitational: (Okhtemenko, Sorochinskaya) - Merkulova.

Design: newspapers from classes, posters, congratulations, stand "My dear teachers" - from cultural workers, statements about teachers, presentation "Astrological predictions" - photos of teachers + Zodiac sign, multiprojector, laptop, speakers.

Gifts: a pointer to each nominee, a card with an attached candy, a medal in nominations, a bouquet of flowers.

Explanatory note

Over the long years of its existence, our traditional holiday has “accumulated” a lot of poetic and prosaic congratulations and “leads” to concert numbers. From year to year they "wander" from script to script. And it's hard to come up with something new, original.

In my opinion, a traditional holiday in a particular school is valuable precisely for its "local" flavor: each educational institution has its own "stars" - talents (readers, vocalists, dancers, etc.), whose performances uniquely color any event.

However, you can prepare several surprise details that will make the traditional event bright and memorable.

I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday with surprises for teachers.

Holiday script for Teacher's Day

Surprise 1

Pupils write addressed congratulations to their teachers in advance on sticky notes. Stickers are attached to a stand located at the entrance to the school.

Meeting the teachers at the entrance, the attendants offer the teachers to remove the congratulations addressed to them from the stand.


Surprise 2

The hall is decorated with bouquets of "living" (naturally, fallen, but not yet dried) autumn leaves maple and rowan branches. They are everywhere: on the walls, in vases on the windowsills, on the stage - yellow, red, crimson. The hall looks bright and festive. It smells like autumn.

"School Waltz" sounds

Lead 1: Hello school.

Ved. 2: Hello dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Lead 1: Lovely teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.

Ved. 2:

Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month
Today there is suddenly a breath of spring
Flowers bloom in every heart today:
Teacher - today is your holiday!

Lead 1:

The teacher's path is not a mistake
After all, this is not work, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved. 2: The floor is given to the headmaster ...

(Director's word, rewarding teachers)

Lead 1: There is no teacher without students. This means that today's holiday is not only theirs, but also everyone who studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandparents, mothers and fathers, and even you, our respected teachers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.

Ved. 2:

Great routes of learning
We're on a life hike
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.

Lead 1:

And in this endless ascent,
As a guide, attentive and strict,
Leads through work and inspiration
Companion and mentor - TEACHER.


Congratulations 1st class:

1. Our teacher!
Nothing can be measured
Everything that you gave to us.

2. You taught us to love and believe,
With all my heart now
We are grateful to you!

3. Who teaches us?

4. Who is torturing us?

5. Who gives us knowledge?

6. This is our school teacher -

Amazing people.

7.It is clear and light with you,

The soul is always warm.

8. And forgive me if on time

The lesson was not learned.

9. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

All our teachers

And we wish everyone health


Lead 1:

Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today every person celebrates it, because whoever he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - is, first of all, someone's former student. The school teaches all of us the ABC of life.

Ved. 2:

We, friends, taught in childhood
Our alphabet from A to Z ...
There is great power in the letters,
When can we read them.

Lead 1:

Let's play: let's name some letters of the alphabet and recall the qualities that school teaches us. For example, A - neat ... What is the next letter? What quality of a person can you name with the letter "B"?

Surprise 3

Playing with the audience. A presentation is on the screen. The slides open gradually after the audience responded.


The background music sounds "What do they teach at school"

Lead 1:

You give us your strength,
Open distance and height!
We could say many words
But in one big "thanks"
They all merged today.

Ved. 2:

But today we congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear educators.

The teacher knows everything, everything can,

Though he does not expect affection from life.

He will stop the children at a gallop,

It will enter the thundering hall.

He composes poetry, draws,

Cooking and knitting and sewing

Plays on stage, dances

And even, imagine, he sings!

This song sounds to you.

(based on the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,

If someone is playing naughty in your group,

It's not on purpose or on purpose

It's just that the energy is boiling in us.


So let's get all the excitement

Let's forget this hour.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,

If we forget the rules to teach,

After all, we also get what we deserve,

But we know how to hide our grief.


Surprise 4

Festive comic lottery-fortune telling (it is necessary to prepare tickets and predictions for each teacher present)

Lead 1 .:

There is an ancient belief among teachers that all the predictions made on this day come true! Check it out?

Ved. 2:

Check it out! And now we offer you a holiday lottery with the prediction of your fate. We ask teachers to pull out the ticket! (the presenter walks around the hall, approaching each teacher)

(music background)

№1 - Button- You will be presented with something beautiful of clothes this month

№2 - Wheel- This month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.

№3 - Flower- this month you will become even nicer and more beautiful

№4 - Candy- A sweet, sweet life awaits you this month

№5 - 10 kopecks- An increase in salary awaits you

№6 - Bay leaf- Great success in your work awaits you

№7 - Geographic map- a journey awaits you this month

№8 - Perchik- be careful, you can quarrel with your friend

№9 - Dummy- this year you will have an addition to your family

№10 - Heart- A romantic adventure awaits you this month

№11- Ring- this year you will definitely attend a wedding

№12 - Crown- we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!

№13 - Snow (on the head)- sudden check

№14 - Pasta - be careful, many false promises await you

№15 - Umbrella- only good weather awaits you in your family

№16 - Spoon- wait for guests

№17 - Fur coat- wait for the cold winter

№18 - Lips- Alas! Your hopes won't come true

№19 - Shovel- this year you will surely find a treasure!

Lead 1:

In the lesson, the teacher is with us,

And calmer for you and me:

Knowledge is a lot of useful most

Will be given to children.

Ved. 2:

Without a teacher - we know for sure -

We cannot live in this world,

And therefore your work is important

We will appreciate everything from childhood.

A scene is being performed for you.


Music by G.V. Sviridov "Time, Forward". A cameraman (somewhere off to the side) and a reporter with a microphone appear.

The reporter: Hello dear friends! Welcome to the Vremya TV news program. We are reporting from the walls of the boarding school №5. Everyone understands what school means to each of us, how important it is in the minds of our government. One can feel the everyday concern of the president, the Duma, the governor about the school and its students ...

The reporter: We are talking with the headmaster. (Children play the parody role of the director with a somewhat caricatured appearance.)

Meet ... What is special about your school?

Director... Mmm ... We need to think about it.

The reporter: Think about it. Do you have any favorite students?
Director:(Shrugs). Who can tell you the truth!
The reporter: What about your favorite class?

Director: Well-oo-oo-oo-oo, my dears ...

The reporter: Thank you very much for the interesting interview. Let's go down the school corridors to the classrooms. (A student runs out with a huge portfolio)... And here is the student! Just look how hard it is for him, he bends under the weight of textbooks, notebooks! Poor thing! We will immediately send a request to the Duma deputies about the overload of children.

(The director helps the child to put the knapsack on the table and begins (so that only everyone can see) pulling out a huge bottle of Fanta, magazines, a large bag of chips, a player, CDs, headphones ...)
Director: And where are the books, notebooks?

Student: And here! (In the hands of a small notebook.)

Director: Well done! I see that you are ready to study.

The reporter: As you can see, this is a school of joy and a happy childhood! And we say goodbye to you. Until next time on air!

Lead 1: Thank you guys for your congratulations. And we continue.

Ved. 2: He will read the comic poem "Do's and Don'ts" to you ...


Explain to me friends:

Why can't I do everything?

You can't sing in physical education,

Jump on literature

I can't eat at work,

You can't sleep anywhere.

Lena told me:

- You are stupid as from a log!

You can eat and you can sing

Jump, sleep, look out the window,

And you can chat with a friend,

Only very carefully

Imperceptibly, quietly, quietly ...

I exclaimed: “You are a coward!

I'm not stupid, I am brave!

Because I can't do anything! "

Elena Duke

Lead 1:

Let's remember the teachers - veterans of our school. This poem is dedicated to them.


You are a Teacher with a very big letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

Do you give your soul to the young?

And so the soul for many years

Remains young -

Will be full of happiness and health!

Bouquets of flowers are presented to veteran teachers.



Everyone chooses for himself
woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil or the prophet -
everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself
word for love and for prayer.
A sword for a duel, a sword for a battle
everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself.
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
A measure of final reckoning.
Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself.
I also choose - as I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for himself.

Yuri Levitansky

Ved. 2:

So you once have chosen the path for yourself. This road led you to school. Someone has walked this road for a whole life, and someone has just entered it. We have prepared for you a slideshow called "The Road of Life". Let's watch it together ...

Surprise 5

Slideshow for teachers about teachers.

Invitation to the stage and congratulations of the teachers - "heroes of the day" (for teaching experience)

Lead 1:

We meet at school today

A bright holiday for teachers.

Do you accept, dear ones,

Congratulations from all the children!

Ved. 2:

For affection, kindness, care,

We want to thank everyone.

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give it to you today!

Surprise 6

Gifts are given to all teachers ("Children are the flowers of life" - hand-made craft)

Lead 1:

And at the end of our holiday, a congratulatory video for you.

Surprise 7

Congratulatory video

Ved. 2:

Thank you all for your attention. Our holiday concert is over.

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