
Submarine 877. Submarines of the Russian Navy (diesel-electric). Submarine video

Throughout the history of human existence on Earth, thousands of wars have taken place using lethal weapons, which are being improved every day. Moreover, this applies not only to ground, but also air, as well as underwater weapons.

The latter will be discussed in this work. Here the most important and interesting information about the submarines of projects 636 and 877 “Halibut”, or, more commonly, “Varshavyanka”.

A little history

In January 1954, a significant event occurred in the field of military development. The world's first nuclear submarine (NPS), Nautilus, was launched in the United States. This fact expanded the capabilities of submarines of that time, increasing not only autonomy, but also immersion depth, not to mention armament.

Related to this is the idea of ​​the Soviet Union to create a submarine that would be superior to all enemy ships of this type. In the 60s of the last century, the country began to think seriously about protection against such threats.

Thus, the beginning of Project 636 and 877 Varshavyanka submarines was laid, modifications of which are in service with modern Russia.

The designers were faced with the task of equipping the submarine with a quiet engine, advanced target detection technology and powerful weapons. engineers worked diligently on these designs for seven years, starting in 1972 when the drawings were completed.

And already in 1982, the first Project 877 submarine was launched. It was planned to equip all countries participating in the Warsaw Pact with them, hence the second name.

Appearance and structure of the submarine "Varshavyanka"

The ideally streamlined shape of this diesel-electric submarine “Varshavyanka” was designed based on the results of numerous tests. Experiments with the shape lasted until the appearance of a submarine of the same type in the United States, called Alcabor, whose cetacean hull was repeated in the Soviet submarine.

This shape allows you to reduce hydraulic resistance and swim faster. In addition, this type of housing further reduces noise, because friction is minimal. In addition to all this, this submarine minimally reflects echolocation signals due to a special coating.

As you know, the design of the boat is two-part, based on a light and durable hull. The space between them is filled with main ballast tanks. On the hull itself there is a massive lightweight cabin to protect retractable devices and antennas. It is located directly above the second compartment of the boat.

The Varshavyanka-class submarine has folding horizontal control rudders at the front.

On the bow of the boat, which is divided into two decks, there are torpedo tube shafts on top and a sonar antenna on the bottom, which is used to detect targets. Moving towards the stern, you can count six compartments.

After the bow there are the first three compartments on three decks.

The first contains torpedo tubes on the upper deck, the middle one houses part of the crew, because one of the living decks is there. At the very bottom are the batteries.

The second compartment can be regarded as a command post; on its three levels there is a central post, a navigation room and a radio room, respectively.

The third compartment, with two living decks and a battery room, is the last three-deck compartment.

The diesel submarine of the Varshavyanka project is equipped with two types of engines located in the last three compartments. So, in the fourth compartment there is a diesel engine. An electrical unit is installed in the adjacent compartment, and at the very end there are power plants of the same type, but less powerful. Their main task is to ensure economical running.

Technical characteristics of "Varshavyanka"

Let's start with dimensions and continue with maneuverability. With a width of about 10 meters, the length of the Varshavyanka submarine is 73.4 m. With such dimensions, the surface displacement is more than 2300 tons with a draft of approximately 6 meters.

When moving above water, the submarine can reach a maximum speed of 17 knots.

All of the above increases when the submarine is immersed in water. So about 1600 tons are added to the displacement, and another 3 knots to the speed. The maximum diving depth is 300 meters, but 240 m is considered optimal. Underwater, “Varshavyanka” is a little faster.

Good maneuverability is ensured by a hybrid engine consisting of a pair of 1500 hp diesel generators. each and an electric motor with a power of 5500 hp. Additional electric motors are used to improve maneuverability. In addition to all this, there is a special 190 hp electric unit on board, designed for economical running.

All of the above is relevant for the model 877 project and its modifications. And for the 636 the same figures are true, but with minor improvements, for example, a slightly higher speed under water, by about 3 knots. Strictly speaking, these are the submarines that are considered the most effective and are used in the Russian Navy. In addition to the main series submarine, the Russian fleet has various modifications.

The operation of this equipment is impossible without a crew of 52 people. With this composition on board, the boat can operate autonomously for 45 days.

The maximum cruising range is 400 miles, but when equipped with RDP technology, a Varshavyanka-type boat can increase this figure to 6,000 miles.

The RDP allows you to replenish liquefied air supplies for the crew without rising to the surface. Also, this system is involved in the ventilation of the engine compartment of diesel generators, removing exhaust through retractable pipes. Air flows through the same pipes.

Armament of the submarine "Varshavyanka"

As mentioned above, this diesel-electric submarine was designed to have an advantage in a duel. To do this, she was equipped with 6 torpedo tubes, launching 533 mm torpedo missiles.

There are 18 torpedoes in ammunition, with six already loaded in the TA.

You can also take on board 24 underwater mines.

The creators also took into account air defense systems. Therefore, it has a retractable Strela-3 MANPADS with eight missiles and four Kalibr anti-ship missiles.

All this makes Project 877 and 636 submarines especially dangerous in battle.

Advantages and disadvantages over nuclear submarines

Knowing the description of the characteristics of the Varshavyanka, you can compare it with the same nuclear submarines.

Diesel-electric engines are not a random choice, because... These units have a number of advantages that are superior to nuclear submarines. Namely:

  • Quiet running;
  • There is no such strong need for cooling;
  • Easy to maintain.

Stealth is everything for a submarine, so it is very important to maintain it at the proper level. However, such a task is almost impossible given the noise from the operation of a nuclear reactor on a nuclear submarine, not to mention the high speed of propagation of sound waves in water. So diesel-electric submarines with their low-noise power plants look preferable.

Atomic reactions occurring in a nuclear submarine reactor are accompanied by strong emissions of heat.

If cooling is ineffective or insufficient, it can be damaged, which poses a threat not only to the crew, but also to the environment.

Therefore, for such submarines it is vitally important to maintain the recommended temperature regime of the power plant. For this, water is used, which creates a characteristic sound background. The same cannot be said about its competitors, because they only need good ventilation and radiators to work.

For Maintenance nuclear reactor requires knowledge of nuclear physics and much more. This complicates, for example, the repair of non-critical damage. Diesel internal combustion engines are much lighter, so servicing them is not difficult.

The main disadvantage of diesel-electric submarines is the poor living conditions of the crew compared to nuclear-powered ships. It's about not about the convenience of accommodation or food for the people on board, but about entertainment that distracts them from the psychological pressure of a long voyage.

This result was a consequence of reducing the size for less visibility.

Buying countries of Project 636 and 877 submarines

The main share of produced boats of this type is used by Russia, which is logical. The Black Sea Fleet has 6 Varshavyankas in service, the latest modification 636.3, and the Russian Pacific Navy is preparing to receive the same number.

Among foreign buyers, China should be noted, which purchased a dozen submarines of projects 636 and 636M.

The Vietnamese fleet also uses 6 units of 6363.1.

Among African countries, Algeria is showing particular interest in submarines of this model, having two 636Ms and having signed an agreement to purchase a pair of 636.1s.

Interestingly, the seven-bladed propeller shaft on the tail rotates through wooden bushings. They were made from backaut wood, which released a resin with a consistency and action similar to a lubricant.

This solution allows you to use the same spare parts for about 20 years.

The NATO submarine "Varshavyanka" received the nickname "Black Hole" because of its tactical and technical characteristics, allowing you to silently sneak up on a target and hit it for sure.


Project 877 Halibut ships are a series of Soviet and Russian diesel-electric submarines, the development of which began in the 70s of the last century. The first ship was laid down in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1979 and launched in 1982. Project 887 submarines belong to the third generation of diesel-electric submarines.

These submarines are often called “Varshavyanka”, although this is not entirely accurate. Officially, Varshavyanka is a Project 636 submarine, which is a further development of the Halibut, its export modification. The second reason for such confusion in names is the fact that the Soviet Union initially planned to arm its Warsaw Pact allies with these submarines.

Currently, the Russian Navy includes 15 submarines of projects 877, 877LPMB, 877V and 877EKM. They are also in service with the navies of Algeria, Poland, Romania, India, China and Iran.

Submarines of projects 877 and 636 turned out to be so successful that they are still the main non-nuclear submarines Russian fleet. Moreover, their production continues to this day. For its low noise and invisibility in the West, “Varshavyanka” received the name “Black Hole”.

History of creation

Back in the early 70s, the Soviet Union decided to create a new diesel-electric submarine. By this time, the development of hydroacoustic systems had rendered Project 641B submarines obsolete. What was needed were ships of a new generation, relatively small, quiet, equipped the latest complexes detection and attack. The creation of the submarine was entrusted to the Leningrad Design Bureau "Rubin" - one of the leading enterprises of the USSR in the field of designing both nuclear and diesel-electric submarines.

The military demanded that the new ship could be guaranteed to emerge victorious from a combat encounter with any submarine of this class due to the optimal combination of low noise, the effectiveness of enemy detection means and the power of weapons. In addition, this project initially laid the groundwork for further upgrades. It was assumed that the new submarine would be in service for several decades.

During the development of this project, there was a decision to supply the new submarine to the Warsaw Pact allies. Therefore, Project 887 submarines received the unofficial name “Varshavyanka”.

In 1974, military sailors trained technical task for a new ship. Compared to Project 641, the designers needed to significantly increase the ship's underwater speed, improve its seaworthiness, and reduce the crew size by automating the main control processes. The developers should have paid special attention to the habitability of the new submarine and the comfort of the sailors.

To increase the speed and reduce the noise of the submarine, the developers proposed a completely new hull design. And if the Project 641B Som submarines were narrow and elongated, the light hull of the new submarine received a spindle-shaped shape, much similar to that used for nuclear submarines. The ratio of the boat's length to its width was 7.3.

This shape made hydrodynamic resistance minimal, which had a positive effect on the ship’s underwater speed. The Rubin designers brought the hull of the future submarine to perfection in the test pool and on stands.

The project was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1976, it was decided to launch production in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at the plant named after. Lenin Komsomol. Later, the production of Project 887 submarines was established in Gorky and Leningrad.

The laying of the lead ship of the series took place in 1979, and a year later the submarine was already accepted into the fleet. In 1981, the second ship of the project, the B-260 Chita, was laid down in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and in 1983, the B-227 Vyborg. Currently, the ships in operation are mainly those that were launched in the late 80s - early 90s, for example:

  • B-445 “St. Nicholas the Wonderworker”;
  • submarine "Vladikavkaz";
  • submarine "Yaroslavl";
  • submarine "Magnitogorsk";
  • submarine "Lipetsk";
  • submarine B-394 “Nurlat”;
  • B-187 "Komsomolsk-on-Amur".

Based on the basic model, several modifications of the submarine were later developed:

  • 877E and 887EKM. Export versions of the submarine, which differed slightly from the basic modification in terms of equipment and weapons. The Project 887E boats were intended for delivery to the allies from the Warsaw Pact countries. Two submarines of this project are still in service with the Polish and Romanian navies. Project 887EKM ships were planned to be sold to capitalist countries. When developing this modification, special attention was paid to ensuring the operation of submarine components and mechanisms in tropical conditions. Currently, submarines of this project are actively used by the navies of several countries: India, Iran, China and Algeria. One submarine (Dimitrov) is part of the Russian fleet;
  • 08773. This modification was specially developed for the Indian Navy. It differs from the basic one in the presence missile complex Club-S, new hydroacoustic complex MGK-EM and modernized maintenance and control systems;
  • 877LPMB. A modification that was laid down in 1987 at the Gorky Krasnoe Sormovo plant. The main difference between the only boat of this project is the new propeller made of Aurora alloy. It had seven blades of a special L-shape. In addition, this submarine was equipped with a low-speed main and auxiliary electric motor, which reduced the noise of the submarine. An escape hatch was also installed on the submarine, allowing the crew to leave the ship even from a depth of 250 meters. According to this project, the only submarine was built - the Kaluga submarine, which is still part of the Russian fleet;
  • 877B. Another experimental project, which differs from the basic one by the presence of a water-jet propulsion device instead of the usual propeller. Thanks to this, the only ship of this project - the Alrosa submarine - is the quietest of the Varshavyankas;
  • 636 "Varshavyanka". The most famous modification of the Halibut, which was developed on the basis of the 877EKM modification in the early 90s. The first boat of the project was built in 2005 for the Chinese Navy. Currently, the Chinese Navy already operates ten ships of this project, six Varshavyankas have been manufactured for Black Sea Fleet, the same number should become part of the Pacific by 2022. Also, submarines of this project are operated by the navies of Vietnam and Algeria.
    Several series of this modification are equipped with Caliber missile systems; in addition, they are equipped with the latest navigation system and an automated information and control system. Compared to Project 877 boats, Varshavyanka boats have an even lower noise level, which allows them to be the first to detect the enemy and destroy him.

Description of design

Project 887 submarines are designed using a double-hull, single-shaft design. Moreover, the shape of the body is designed in such a way as to minimize water resistance and noise level. The main power plant (GPU) of the submarines of this project is diesel-electric.

The submarine's robust hull has a cylindrical cross-section with spherical end structures. It is divided into six compartments by waterproof bulkheads. The ship's lightweight hull is spindle-shaped and has a special coating on top that absorbs hydroacoustic radiation. In the space between the strong and lightweight hull there are main ballast tanks and other equipment. The boat can remain afloat even if one of the compartments and two main ballast tanks are flooded.

In the middle of the ship's hull there is a fence for the retractable device shafts (what is usually called the wheelhouse). It houses the navigation bridge. Moreover, all retractable devices, not counting the commander’s periscope, do not fit into the durable hull of the boat. This design made it possible to make the central post more spacious, significantly increasing the working comfort of sailors.

The bow horizontal rudders are made retractable. In addition, in order to reduce interference with the operation of the sonar system, the rudders were moved from the bow closer to the middle of the hull. For the same purpose, all mechanisms capable of creating noise were removed from the first compartment.

The bow compartment of the boat houses six torpedo tubes. The second compartment contains the central post and batteries, the third is residential, the fourth contains diesel generators, and the fifth contains electric motors. The sixth and last compartment houses the backup power plant.

The main power plant provides the ship with electrical propulsion both on the surface and in the submerged position. It consists of a main electric motor with a power of 5500 hp. With. and two diesel generators of 1500 kW each. The boat also has an underwater operating system (snorkel) and two lead-acid batteries, each of which consists of 120 cells. In addition, there is an economical electric motor and two backup electric motors. They are designed to move the ship in bottlenecks, moorings, they can be used if the main engine is damaged or out of order.

Most of the mechanisms of Project 887 ships are installed on special shock absorbers or have coatings that reduce vibration levels.

The maximum underwater speed for submarines of the project is 17 knots, surface speed is 10 knots.

The submarines of the project are armed with six 533-mm torpedo tubes, two of which can fire remote-controlled torpedoes. The ammunition load is 18 torpedoes.

Project 877 boats are equipped with a rapid torpedo loading device, which increases the rate of fire several times. This gives submarines a significant advantage in a duel situation.

To combat aircraft enemy boats are equipped with a retractable anti-aircraft system developed on the basis of the Strela-3 MANPADS.

The submarines of this project have the Murena BIUS. It allows you to track five targets simultaneously, two of them in automatic mode, and three in manual mode. This system ensures that corrections are made due to the movement of the target and that torpedoes are accurately aimed at it.

The boats of this project are equipped with active and passive radars that can operate in both surface and periscope modes.

Astronauts are, of course, heroes. They go to places where human life is impossible. They are separated from the hostile environment only by the walls of a cramped apparatus. To maintain human existence in space, a complex life support system is used.

Oleg Makarov

If something were to happen to this technique, it would be very difficult to escape. However, if we talk not about astronauts, but about submariners, not about space, but about the depths of the sea, all this will again be true.

The submarine "Vyborg" is moored in Kronstadt. There is an ice field all around, but if necessary, the military icebreaker stationed nearby can quickly deal with it. Nearby is the Marine Plant, where a year ago the submarine underwent regular repairs.

The Project 877 warship (“Kilo” according to NATO classification) is no longer young. It was built in 1982 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, but even now the Vyborg is still in service, protecting the country’s security in the waters of the Baltic. This is not a giant nuclear reactor and missile weapons, the dimensions of the ship are much more modest: the underwater displacement is 3040 tons. But the relatively small size, shape and design of this submarine give it a very important advantage - low noise and stealth. In the West, Project 877 was nicknamed the “Black Hole”.

The submarine's compartments are separated by hatches. When emergency they will be battened down and create a sealed barrier between the compartments.

Electricity only

One of the design features of the boat, which allows it to reduce noise, is full electric propulsion. For those times when Vyborg was built, the solution was very innovative. Diesel-electric boats of earlier projects ran on diesel power on the surface, and only under water the propellers were turned using electric motors powered by batteries. The Vyborg has two thousand-kilowatt diesel engines, and they have nothing to do with the propeller. While the boat is on the surface or at periscope depth, the diesel engines rotate the shafts of the generators, and they charge the batteries. The propeller is driven either by the main propeller electric motor PG-142 (4040 kW) or by an economic propulsion electric motor.

The previous generation of diesel-electric submarines had a long and thin hull. “Vyborg” has a thickened spindle-shaped shape. This somewhat worsens the seaworthiness of the ship while moving on the surface, but optimizes the hydrodynamic properties under water. Vibration-absorbing coatings on the body also contribute to low noise and stealth.

The central control station located in the second compartment is perhaps the most spacious room on a submarine.

Project 877 turned out to be so successful that Project 636 Varshavyanka submarines began to be built on its basis in the mid-1990s. They have more high speed, a more powerful electric propulsion motor and the latest navigation system. Unlike Project 877, the Varshavyanka carries on board not only torpedo and mine weapons, but also anti-ship cruise missiles launched through torpedo tubes (the export name of the Club-S missile system).

Long sleep in Kronstadt

But, despite the appearance of the “Varshavyankas” (in the West they are called Improved Kilo - improved Kilo), the boats of the 877th project remain in service. An example of this is “Vyborg”. Let's meet the commander of the ship: Sergei Oleinikov, captain of the 2nd rank, was appointed to the position in December 2013, just when the Marine Plant was completing the next repair of the submarine. “Even though Vyborg is not nuclear boat“You can’t call it small,” says Sergei Oleynikov. — NATO submarines operating here in the Baltic have a maximum underwater displacement of 1,500 tons, but there are also smaller ships (500-700 tons). Nevertheless, the dimensions allow the Vyborg to remain a low-noise, stealth and multifunctional ship. It can fight enemy surface and submarine ships, lay mines, conduct reconnaissance, including landing reconnaissance groups.”

“How intense is naval activity in the Baltic?” we ask the commander of the Vyborg. “At sea, NATO countries and other neighboring states are constantly conducting exercises and reconnaissance activities, and, naturally, we often record the presence of foreign warships. Someone meets us, someone accompanies us, someone sees us off. But all this is within the rules, there are no conflicts here.”

“Vyborg” did not become “Vyborg” right away. After being built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the B-227 submarine went to the Pacific Fleet, and two years later crossed under its own power to the Baltic, where it served in the Baltic Fleet of the USSR Navy. In 1993, the ship was transferred from the then foreign Liepaja to Kronstadt. And then the submarine stood idle for a whole decade. It's like it's undergoing a long renovation. Only towards the end of the last decade after testing did it return to service. Then, in 2008, the administration of the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region took patronage over the ship, and the boat was given the name “Vyborg”. After several years of service, the Vyborg was again sent for repairs. “We weren’t talking about a major modernization,” says the ship’s commander, “but the equipment on board is constantly changing, and this mainly concerns electronics—the radio station, information output devices. Plus ongoing repairs."

Gate of Salvation

We are invited to inspect the boat. And immediately the linguistic surprises begin. The superstructure above the hull of a submarine is usually colloquially called the deckhouse. In fact, the correct name for this structural element is a retractable device guard. Antennas, periscope, snorkel... No, our submariners don’t agree with the word “snorkel” either. “Snorkel” is a German word, but similar devices were created in Russia during the First World War. Therefore, it would be more correct to say “a mine for operating a diesel engine under water.” As for the “fencing of retractable devices”, in addition to these same devices, the Vyborg has a navigation bridge, and this partly justifies the term “cabinet”. However, there are submarines that do not have any control posts inside their enclosure.

The boat is built according to a double-hull design - a strong hull inside, a light hull outside. Between them is a ballast system. On the sides of the boat you can see scuppers - slits through which water drains from the inter-hull space.

Speed ​​(surface): 10 knots // Speed ​​(underwater): 17−19 knots // Working diving depth: 240 m // Maximum diving depth: 350 m // Navigation autonomy: 45 days // Crew: 57 people // Displacement surface: 2300 t // Underwater displacement: 3040 t // Maximum length: 72.6 m // Maximum hull width: 9.9 m // Average draft: 6.2 m.

Even before you step inside the robust hull, you can see how many devices in the boat's design are related to rescue in an emergency. Here's the emergency buoy. In the event of a disaster, special mechanisms release the cable, and the buoy floats above the accident site. It not only signals the location of the boat, but even allows you to talk to the crew by phone - the device is located in a special sealed container. Another device is a hydroacoustic alarm: it sends sound signals that will help rescuers locate the location of a submarine lying on the bottom.

Above the first and sixth compartments on the hull of the boat two large metal rings, polished almost to a shine, are visible. These are coaming platforms. In the event of an accident, a rescue vehicle will be able to moor to them. The surface of the rings must be smooth to ensure a tight connection with the soft gasket of the device. After mooring, the device pumps water out of the space between two hatches - its own and the submarine's; the pressure there becomes equal to the pressure inside the submarine. Now the hatch can be opened and the crew can climb into the rescue apparatus.

Captain 2nd Rank Sergei Oleinikov, commander of the submarine “Vyborg”: “The dimensions of the “Vyborg” allow the submarine to remain a low-noise and inconspicuous ship. It can fight enemy surface and submarine ships, lay mines, and land reconnaissance groups.”

Periscope - forever!

To get inside the ship, you need to enter the retractable enclosure, climb up a few steps, and then go down a few meters on a vertical ladder. The tightness inside submarines is a well-known fact, but here it is felt as the saturation of the surrounding space with an endless number of structural elements. Everything is in plain sight here. Everything here looks like a steampunk lover's delight and a plumber's nightmare. Pipes of hydraulic and pneumatic systems with a huge number of nut connections, valves, and valves run along the walls at all levels. “Of course, on boats of more modern designs, control systems based on mechanics and hydraulics are replaced by electric actuators controlled by wire, and this saves space and reduces the weight of the equipment,” crew members tell us, “but, on the other hand, electronics are a thing capricious, especially in the context of improving electronic warfare (EW) methods. The hydraulics are simpler and more maintainable in field conditions.”

Only here, moving from compartment to compartment through the round hatches, looking at the tiny rooms for everything - from the galley to the living cabins - do you understand that it is difficult to talk about comfort in the underwater service. Everything here is adapted to the limited space. Even the wardroom, if necessary, turns into an operating room. We are wondering if there are restrictions on height and build for submariners. No, they tell us, everyone is getting used to it. There are more serious health restrictions: you must be able to live and work with a lack of oxygen in the air.

A submarine is a closed gas volume, which is why various kinds of problems arise. For example, explosive mixtures may occur. In the event of an explosion or fire, it is necessary to immediately suppress the combustion reaction, for which the LOX system (boat volumetric chemical protection) is used, which acts on the combustion points using an inert gas (freon). This system can save lives, but it can also turn out to be deadly: in 2008, on the K-152 Nerpa nuclear submarine, an unauthorized launch of LOCs led to the death of 20 submariners.

Originally from St. Petersburg

The Vyborg submarine belongs to Project 877 Halibut. Initially, it was assumed that some of these ships would be delivered to the Warsaw Pact countries, so the project received the unofficial name “Varshavyanka”. Nowadays, Project 636 submarines, a modernization of the Halibut, are called “Varshavyanka”. Project 877 boats, belonging to the third generation, were developed by the Leningrad Design Bureau "Rubin" under the leadership of Yu.N. Kormiltsina. The first boats of the Halibut type (including the B-227 Vyborg) were produced in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, then production was moved to Leningrad and Gorky. Boats of this type have a double-hull design, traditional for Soviet submarine shipbuilding. The ship is divided into six compartments; the torpedo armament is located on the upper deck of the first compartment. The armament includes six 533 mm torpedo tubes, up to 18 torpedoes or 24 mines. The Strela-3 defensive air defense missile system could be used on the surface.

A submarine is a ship that must always be ready to fight for the survivability and rescue of the crew. The first, second and sixth compartments, which are survivability compartments, store rafts and communications equipment. In the event of an accident, submariners can leave the boat, wearing wetsuits and breathing apparatus, through the hatches of the coaming platforms (the first and sixth compartments) or through the decompression chamber (the second compartment). It is also possible to exit the boat through the torpedo tubes from the torpedo deck of the first compartment. Each compartment (which can be hermetically sealed in case of an emergency) contains food and water supplies and batteries for air regeneration.

The “brain” of the ship is the central post. It is located on the upper deck of the second compartment. Below it are the radio operator's and navigator's cabins. It is through the second compartment that all retractable devices, such as a periscope, pass through. Is it needed in our time? Is there no need for it anymore given the availability of modern hydroacoustic and radar equipment and other systems for monitoring the surrounding space?

“No,” answers Sergei Oleinikov, “the periscope will never lose its relevance. Technical means of surveillance and detection are subject to various influences - for example, electronic warfare. But the visible range is not affected by them. In addition, information from locators is only marks on the screen; they are often uninformative. A glance through the periscope allows you to immediately assess the type of ship, its displacement, course, and speed. And all this according to the periscope marks, quickly, without complex calculations.”

The diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz" of project 877, code "Halibut" (NATO classification "Kilo"), is the fifth in a series of seven submarines built at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) for the Navy THE USSR.

The submarine was laid down under the name "B-459", construction number 608, on February 25, 1988. Launched on April 29, 1990. On September 28, 1990, she was accepted into the Navy.

Initially, the submarine was part of the Black Sea Fleet, but in 1991 it was relocated to the Northern Fleet.

Project 877 diesel-electric submarines were designed by the Rubin Central Marine Engineering Design Bureau.

Main characteristics of Project 877 diesel-electric submarines: Surface displacement 2300 tons, underwater displacement 3040 tons. The maximum length is 72.6 meters, the maximum width is 9.9 meters, the average draft is 6.2 meters. Surface speed 10 knots, underwater from 17 to 19 knots. Working diving depth is 240 meters, maximum diving depth is 350 meters. Sailing autonomy is 45 days. Crew 57 people.

Power point:

Diesel-electric with full electric propulsion: 2 diesel generators of 1000…1500 kW; main electric motor 4,050…5,500 hp; economical electric motor with a power of 190 hp; two 102 hp backup electric motors; one low-noise six-blade low-speed fixed-pitch propeller; 2 rechargeable batteries of 120 cells each.


Torpedo-mine armament: 6 bow-mounted TAs of 533 mm caliber, normally loaded, with automatic loading, 18 torpedoes or 24 mines.

Missile weapons: Turquoise ZM-54E1 (Club-S, modification 08773).

Air defense: on boats of the Russian Navy: “Strela-ZM” or “Igla-1”.

Submarines of this project are designed to combat surface and underwater ships, lay minefields, and conduct reconnaissance. They are among the quietest production submarines.

On August 2, 1997, the crew of the submarine signed a patronage agreement with the administration of North Ossetia and the ship received its current name “Vladikavkaz” in honor of the capital of the republic.

Until 2008, the submarine served as part of the Red Banner Northern Fleet.

The diesel-electric submarine "Vladikavkaz" arrived at the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center for mid-term repairs and modernization in 2008. The state contract for the repair of the submarine was concluded in 2011 and the Zvezdochka shipbuilders began full-scale work to return the submarine to service.

On September 19, 2014, the ship was taken out of the boathouse and launched into the water. In 2015, at Vladikavkaz, and in the early summer of 2015, with the opening of navigation in the White Sea, the ship will go to sea to carry out the factory sea trials program.

August 05, 2015 factory sea trials program, from which on the morning of August 22. On September 23 at 16:00 in Severodvinsk the solemn ceremony transfer of a diesel-electric submarine to the Russian Navy after mid-term repairs and modernization work. During the repair and modernization, the characteristics of on-board radio-electronic equipment and traffic control systems were significantly improved. The power plant control systems, as well as life support systems, have been improved.” After modernization, the ship will serve for the next ten years. September 29 to the historical base of the Northern Fleet - the city of Polyarny.

According to a message dated February 2, 2016 to the historical base of the Northern Fleet - the city of Polyarny - after successfully completing the tasks of a long voyage. On October 24, to the city of Polyarny after successfully completing the tasks of a long-distance trek.

According to a message dated January 10, 2017, the shipyard "Nerpa" (city of Snezhnogorsk, Murmansk region) to undergo scheduled dock repairs. According to a message from April 22, the crew was training at the fleet training grounds in the Barents Sea. According to a message dated September 7, the main base of the Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Northern Fleet is the city of Polyarny, with the crew of a submarine of the same type. For more than three months, the submariners were away from their permanent home base. The crew successfully completed the tasks of the long voyage, took part in the Main Naval Parade in Kronstadt and completed assigned combat training tasks in the Baltic and Barents Sea.

According to a message dated July 6, 2018, having completed an inter-naval transition from the Northern Fleet to the Baltic, to Kronstadt to participate in the Main Naval Parade, which will take place on July 29 in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

According to a message dated June 27, 2019, from the base in the city of Polyarny and began to move to the Baltic Sea to participate in the Main Naval Parade, which will take place in the city of St. Petersburg on the last Sunday of July. According to a message dated July 10, to Kronstadt to participate in the Main Naval Parade, which will take place on July 28 in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

Soviet diesel-electric submarines of post-war construction Gagin Vladimir Vladimirovich



Central Design Bureau of Marine Equipment "Rubin" (CDB MT "Rubin") is the oldest Russian company specializing in the creation of submarines of various displacements, which began its history of designing combat submarines in 1901 (then called technical bureau scuba diving Baltic plant in St. Petersburg).

The bureau designed submarines under the leadership of the outstanding designer I.G. Bubnov. Since 1926, the design bureau became an independent design organization under the leadership of the famous shipbuilder B.U. Malinin, a pioneer of the Soviet submarine fleet. More than 900 submarines, including diesel-electric and nuclear missile carriers, were built according to his designs.

The latest scientific and technological advances are used in the designs of modern submarines. Currently, the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT, headed by academician Igor Spassky, carries out work not only in the field of underwater shipbuilding for the Russian Navy, but also for export.

In 1974, a technical specification was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S.G. Gorshkov and the Minister of Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR B.E. Butoma for the creation of a new submarine with higher tactical and technical characteristics. Particular attention was paid to the issues of power supply of the boat, speed characteristics in a submerged position and under the RDP (“Shnorhel”), low noise and the level of physical fields that determine the secrecy of a submarine, the effectiveness of torpedo and electronic weapons.

FOXTROT-class diesel-electric submarines (DFS) were designed as diving submarines. The newly designed submarine was supposed to be different. The goal was to ensure a significant increase in underwater speed compared to Project 641, improve seaworthiness, survivability, especially habitability, and reduce the crew size, which is associated with the use of automation of most diesel-electric submarine control processes.

By that time, design bureaus and research institutes of various industries had already accumulated significant potential for the development of modern, economical diesel generators, main propulsion electric motors, batteries, navigation, radar, hydroacoustics, etc. Our equipment was not inferior to foreign equipment, and in some respects it was superior to it and was more reliable.

Before working on the project, together with institutes of the shipbuilding industry and the Navy, a detailed analysis of the state and development of submarine forces abroad was carried out to develop a new concept for the use of submarines of the USSR Navy. This made it possible to create a project taking into account competition in the global arms market, as well as to provide a certain reserve of submarine displacement for the possibility of its modernization, so that the submarine retains high combat effectiveness for many decades.

The displacement of the submarine with anti-hydrolocation hull coating is about 2300 m 3 . The greatest length of the hull is 72.6 m. Width is 9.9 m. The height of the outer hull along the roof of the retractable device fence is 14.7 m. The draft of the boat at normal displacement is: amidships – 6.2 m, bow – 6.6 m .

The boat is single-shaft and has a well-streamlined hull. The bow horizontal rudders are located further to the middle part. Thus, a significant reduction in interference to the hydroacoustic system has been achieved. The special shape of the nose and a number of other design elements also help reduce the level of interference.

The boat is double-hulled, which provides it with greater survivability. It has 6 compartments separated by strong bulkheads. In the cruising position, the boat, even when filling any one compartment with two adjacent main ballast tanks on one side, can remain afloat.

The boat, unlike those previously used, has an original full electric propulsion scheme. The use of full electric propulsion instead of a direct diesel-electric motor circuit greatly simplifies the control of the boat and increases its maneuverability. These processes are fully automated and centrally controlled. Russia's largest enterprises, Elektrosila and Kolomensky Zavod, produced new electrical power equipment: diesel, generator, and electric propulsion motors. The domestic industry has developed new energy-intensive batteries specifically for this diesel-electric submarine. A special electric motor is provided for the economic mode. For the first time on a boat of this class, low-power backup electric motors have been used. They ensure its movement in narrow spaces, allow it to maneuver when mooring, and can also be used for movement if the main shaft and propeller are damaged.

Full surface speed is about 10 knots. Full submerged speed is 17 knots.

Cruising range - 6000 miles in diesel operating mode under water. Design solutions have been found that have made it possible to reduce the underwater noise of the boat several times compared to previous submarine designs and to sharply reduce vibration.

The scuppers were removed from the bow, the bow rudders were moved to the middle part, and the noisy mechanisms were moved out of the first compartment. Consequently, the secrecy of the boat's movement has increased. The secrecy of the boat's movement is also facilitated by the principle used on it new system gas outlet There is practically no trace left behind the boat.

The diving and ascent system is automated. The maximum diving depth is 300 m, working depth is 240 m, periscope depth is 17.5 m.

The boat is equipped with 6 torpedo tubes. Of these, 2 devices are designed to fire remote-controlled torpedoes of the latest design with a particularly high kill rate.

A special device is installed on the boat for loading ammunition. The boat can take 18 torpedoes (6 in torpedo tubes and 12 in racks). Instead of torpedoes, 24 mines can be taken, 12 - in torpedo tubes (2 per tube) and 12 - in racks.

For the first time, the boats are equipped with an automatic fast-loading device, which reduces the charging time of torpedo tubes several times, can significantly increase the rate of fire and provide an advantage in a duel situation. The fast loading device is controlled remotely from the torpedo compartment from the Murena control panel or from local posts.

A powerful complex of mine and torpedo weapons is capable of solving multi-purpose tasks. It ensures the firing of all ammunition at all diving depths - from periscope to working - and, together with the combat information and control system (CIUS), allows both single and salvo firing at two targets.

Instead of the Leningrad torpedo firing control post, which manually provided the Project 641 submarine with the necessary data input for torpedo firing, the new diesel-electric submarine was equipped with a BIUS - a multi-purpose computer (MVP-POEM). It allows you to simultaneously monitor 5 targets, of which 2 targets are controlled automatically and 3 manually, providing, with a telecontrol complex, corrections in connection with target maneuvers and accurate guidance of torpedoes at the target. BIUS allows you to solve a number of navigation problems.

The small-sized navigation complex “Andoga” provides continuous plotting of a course and provides location and speed coordinates. Through the BIUS system, the command to change course is sent to the submarine control panel. That is, automation can guide the boat along the plotted course.

The boat is equipped with active and passive radar stations with high tracking efficiency. They can operate clearly in surface and periscope positions.

The station has a target divergence system and allows you to detect enemy surface ships, aircraft and helicopters much earlier than they detect the boat.

The architecture of the bow end of the submarine made it possible to fit into its dimensions a hydroacoustic antenna of a completely new design, which helped to significantly increase the range of the hydroacoustic complex (HAS). GAK-MGK-400 is designed for the new generation of diesel-electric submarines, taking into account long-term operation in various areas of the World Ocean and the possibility of modernization as new technologies are mastered. Hydroacoustics provide a significant increase in target detection range and lead in a duel situation with a potential enemy. All system indicators are displayed on a single control panel.

The advantage in anticipating enemy detection is achieved by reliable hydroacoustic protection of the boat's hull. Based on many years of scientific research, sea ​​trials in swimming pools and in natural conditions, using a special coating, it was possible to solve the problem of creating an anti-hydroacoustic protection system for submarines. True, the first trips to areas with a tropical climate proved the need to improve the technology for sealing the plates from which the rubber shell of Project 877 diesel-electric submarines is made. Already the first export submarines received a well-developed industry technology for special processing of the plates, which prevented their tearing off during boat dives.

Taking into account the experience of submarines sailing in warm seas and oceans, the industry introduced a special ozonizing layer into the design of the plates to reduce the harmful effects of direct sunlight. At the same time, on the initiative of the bureau's designers, tropical products were used on all outboard structures, including torpedo tubes.

The unconventional placement of combat posts and complexes made it possible to control most of the new boat’s systems automatically from the central control panel. This led to a reduction in personnel to 52 people with a 3-shift shift. Automation helps eliminate errors and warn emergency situations. But if it fails, the work of any of the automatic systems can be done manually.

Full autonomy of the boat - 45 days of continuous stay at sea. Comfortable conditions have been created for the personnel. The crew is provided with comfortable cabins. There is a shower room, an outpatient clinic, a wardroom, and a cinema room, which is located in two adjacent 6-berth cabins.

Food pantries with different cooling temperatures allow you to store for a long time and supply fresh food in any assortment to the galley.

The personnel are not cut off from the world. On board there is a video and film library, a library, and individual radio broadcasting, which is used by each crew member who is not on duty.

The boat is equipped with a ventilation and air conditioning system. To fight fires, air-foam and volumetric chemical fire extinguishing systems have been installed. The composition of the boat's technical equipment ensures the possibility of its operation in any climatic conditions.

Experts from leading countries of the world, including the United States, immediately appreciated the merits of our submarine. They noticed that with the advent of the new Soviet submarine, American submarines lost the advantage in noiselessness that they had enjoyed for many years.

One of the American magazines called the Kilo-class submarine a “black hole in the ocean” due to the difficulty of detecting it using hydroacoustics, since its “noise portrait” is similar to the natural noise of the sea. This assessment fully confirmed the forecasts of the designers and the fleet about high degree stealth capability of the Kilo class submarine.

The construction of Project 877 submarines is being carried out in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Komsomolsk-on-Amur using proven technology, an aggregate-modular method, mastered by the Russian shipbuilding industry. This allows you to improve the quality of work and increase the reliability of the assembly of boat elements.

During the transfer of the first Project 877EKM submarine to the Indian Navy in September 1986, the Indian Minister of Defense noted that the acquisition of this submarine marks a major technical leap in the development of his country's fleet. “The future of the country depends on how well we can use the sea space,” he added, noting that this task is very difficult, and submarines have an important role to play in its implementation.

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