
Proposals for the development and creation of a new tour. Tour development technology. Experimental test of the tour

The development of a new product in the tourism industry is successfully carried out by those tourism companies that have established formal procedures for development, or more precisely, these are large corporations that have systematic programs for the development of a tourism product.

The development of a new product occurs in several stages. First, companies formulate a tourism product development strategy, which, in turn, includes product innovation, i.e. establishing the type of product required, modifying existing products, and allocating resources to create the product.

After defining the strategy, the idea generation stage begins. Many companies use tools such as brain attack, search matrices, morphological analysis, etc. Then the ideas are turned into concepts that are discussed by potential clients and are approved.

The next stage of product development by travel companies is business analysis, when initial and repeat sales are forecast, prices and expected profits are planned. Next, the product itself is created, which undergoes a preliminary strength test. This stage is expensive, requiring a lot of time and effort.

If a new tourism product is not rejected in strategic plan, in the company’s activities the stage of commercialization of a new tourism product begins, i.e. introduction to the market. Some travel companies attract venture capital firms, create new product departments, or employ new product managers who evaluate and account for competitors' reactions and responses.

Several years often pass between the generation of ideas and the stage of bringing them to life and placing a tourism product on the market. This means that changes in economic, political and other conditions can transform the market and thereby the attractiveness of the developed product.

An important part of planning a new product, and indeed creating a marketing strategy in the tourism industry, is the creation of a trademark - a legally protected name or symbol that is used to identify the services offered by the enterprise.

Hotel chains, airlines, and tour operators are actively creating their own brands in the tourism industry. Often the same large companies thanks to various brands serve different market segments.

Tour development.

Tour development technology includes next steps:
1. Marketing research(identifying potential opportunities and forming a tour):

Analysis (political, economic, social, technological forces);

- (advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats);

Market segmentation (motivation, goals) – “tour name”.

Geography of the route ( forward planning tour):

Identification of resource and technical support for the tour (main and

additional display objects, transport, food, accommodation);

route type (linear, radial, circular).

Contractual stage (concluding agreements with partners). At this stage, a partner or service provider is identified. The contract specifies: the subject of the contract, basic conditions, rights and obligations of the supplier, responsibility of the parties, payment procedure, legal addresses of the parties, force majeure.

2. Agreement with hotel company must contain:

3. - cost of rooms, their reservation; 4. - discounts; 5. - accommodation conditions; 6. - schedule of races; 7. financial responsibility.

The contract with the catering establishment includes:

8. - the number of simultaneously serving tourists; 9. - regularity and amount of nutrition; 10. - approximate prices; 11. - financial responsibility.

12. 4. Information and methodological support for the tour: 13. - drawing up a transport route card; 14. - description of the route (verbal description, conditions of reception and service); - schedule of movement along the route (schedule); 15. - document “Conditions of reception and service of tourists”.

16. Conditions for accommodation: what rooms, rooms or cabins, how many people can stay, sanitary services - the presence of sewerage, laundries, showers or baths in the rooms.

17. Food conditions: restaurant, cafe, buffet - address and distance from place of residence, meal plan.

18. Program of tourist, excursion, cultural and leisure services: days of service, list of topics of excursions and events, duration of excursions in astronomical hours, cost of excursions): - route map; 19. - reference materials on the route; 20. - various information for drawing up a memo for tourists traveling abroad, a memo for the manager;

21. - description technological features tour (vaccination against AIDS, malaria, Asian hotel, Disneyland, etc.);

22. - reminders about the deadlines for submitting applications (for air tickets, accommodation, meals, group discounts);

23. - tour booking application (date, order number, responsible person, tour name, information about tourists Russian and Latin version, foreign and Russian passport number, transport, time, flight, class, possible changes, country, city, date of arrival and departure, hotel, name, class, room type, meals, excursions );

Information sheet containing the following information:
1) route – excursion, type of route, transport, accommodation, duration, short description;

2) package of services;

3) additional information.

5. Calculation of the cost of vouchers and release for sale (costing). The cost of the trip is calculated as follows:

Transport services– internal shuttle transport, transfer (delivery of tourists from the group gathering place to the terminal of the main carrier), excursions;

Accommodation (cost multiplied by nights);

- salary (guides, tour guides, group leader);

Contributions to extra-budgetary funds (26% of the unified social tax and the accident insurance fee);

Excursion services;

Tickets for cultural entertainment programs;

Overhead costs (10 - 20%);

Total costs;

Profit accrual (10 – 40%);

Calculation of VAT on the amount of costs and profits;

The cost of the trip includes VAT.

6. Promotion of the tour to the market (promotion tools):

Sales promotion (various materials for direct mail, brochures for a specific area - support method);
- public relations (press releases and publications are submitted to information services and committees);

Press conferences and press demonstrations;

Illustrative stories with description – image article;


Study tours;

Exhibitions, fairs, scientific and practical conferences;

Various videos.

7. Stage of sales of vouchers (formation of an agent chain).

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  5. Tour operators develop tours.

    When developing a product tour, you should follow The main principle is the purpose of the journey.

    The basis for developing a tour is its brief description, i.e. a set of requirements identified as a result of market research, agreed with the customer and taking into account the capabilities of the contractor.

    Tour design involves the following stages:

    · Establishment of standardized characteristics of the tour;

    · Establishment of technology for the tourist service process;

    · Development technological documentation;

    · Determination of quality control methods;

    · Project analysis

    The project must contain specific requirements for ensuring the safety of the tour, minimizing risks for tourists and their property, service personnel and the environment.

    Documentation, specifying the requirements for the process of serving tourists, should include:

    · description of processes, forms and methods of serving tourists;

    · the importance of the characteristics of the tourist service process;

    number of personnel and level vocational training;

    · contractual provision of tours.

    Technological documentation for the tour includes routing tourist route and guidelines according to its completion, loading schedule tourism enterprise, information leaflet for a tourist package, etc.

    The tour development technology includes the following stages:

    1. Marketing research (identifying potential opportunities and forming a tour):

    a) PEST analysis (political, economic, social, technological forces);

    b) NVU (advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats);

    c) market segmentation (motivation, goals) - “name of the tour.”

    2. Geography of the route (long-term tour planning):

    Identification of resource and technical support for the tour (main and additional display objects, transport, food, accommodation);

    Route type (linear, radial, circular).

    Contractual stage (concluding agreements with partners).

    At this stage, a partner or service provider is identified. The contract specifies: the subject of the contract, basic conditions, rights and obligations of the supplier, responsibility of the parties, payment procedure, legal addresses of the parties, force majeure.

    The contract with the hotel company must contain:

    Cost of rooms, their reservation;

    Conditions of accommodation;

    Race schedule;

    The contract with the catering establishment includes:

    Number of simultaneously serving tourists;

    Regularity and amount of nutrition;

    Approximate prices;

    Material liability.

    4. Information and methodological support for the tour:

    a) drawing up a transport route card;

    b) description of the route (verbal description, conditions of reception and service);

    c) schedule of movement along the route (schedule);

    d) document “Conditions of reception and service of tourists”.

    Conditions for accommodation: what rooms, rooms or cabins, how many people can stay, sanitary services - the presence of sewerage, laundries, showers or baths in the rooms.

    Meal conditions: restaurant, cafe, buffet - address and distance from place of residence, meal plan.

    Program of tourist, excursion, cultural and leisure services: days of service, list of topics of excursions and events, duration of excursions in astronomical hours, cost of excursions):

    Route map;

    Reference materials along the route;

    Various information for compiling a memo for tourists traveling abroad, a memo for the manager;

    Description of the technological features of the tour (vaccination against AIDS, malaria, Asian hotel, Disneyland, etc.);

    Reminders about the deadlines for submitting applications (for air tickets, accommodation, meals, group discounts);

    Tour booking application (date, order number, responsible person, tour name, information about tourists in Russian and Latin version, foreign and Russian passport number, transport, time, flight, class, possible changes, country, city, date of arrival and departure, hotel , name, class, type of rooms, meals, excursions);

    Information sheet containing the following information:

    1) route – excursion, type of route, transport, accommodation, duration, brief description;


    Sustained economic growth of countries, increased well-being, increased free time of the population and strengthened relationships in all areas of activity have made it possible to significantly expand the geography of travel and increase the volume of tourist exchange.

    Success commercial activities in the tourism market is determined, first of all, by an attractive tourist product, therefore the main task of the activity of a tourism enterprise, in particular a tour operator, is to create an attractive tourist product. The term "product" reflects the quality or essence of concrete and abstract things. But the tourist product is at the same time a collection of very complex heterogeneous elements. In most cases, a tourism product is the result of the efforts of many enterprises.

    In order to develop a tourism product that will be successful in the tourism services market, the tour operator company must decide for which market segment this product is being created; decide what positions it wants to occupy in these segments; develop a product concept and test it; develop a marketing strategy; assess the economic feasibility of introducing the tour; test this tourism product in market conditions to identify its competitiveness. The last stage is the introduction of the tourism product into the tourism services market.

    The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that in the conditions of formation tourist market Russia important is given to the formation of interest in the tourism product and, accordingly, the development of new tourism products, as well as information and advertising activities as a means of communicating various information about the tourism product to the mass consumer. Considering the competitive nature of tourism activities in the supply and demand market, the importance of the factor of developing and promoting a tourism product increases significantly.

    Target course work is to develop a tourism product to Anapa, having previously summarized and analyzed the knowledge gained on this issue.

    The main objective of writing this work is to determine the role of the tourism product in the tourism industry and the impact of a properly designed tour package on the work and creation of a positive image of the tour operator company.

    Chapter 1. Concept and structure of a tourism product

    1.1. The concept of a tourism product

    The success of commercial activity in the tourism market is determined primarily by an attractive tourist product, therefore the main task of a tourism enterprise, in particular a tour operator, is to create an attractive tourist product.

    In accordance with Federal law No. 132 “On the basics of tourism activities in Russian Federation" is given following definition: “A tourism product is the right to a tour, intended for sale to a tourist, and a tour is a set of services for accommodation, transportation, meals for tourists, excursion services, as well as the services of guides-interpreters and other services provided depending on the purpose of the trip.” However, the “right to tour” is a legal category, not an economic one. The tourism product as an economic category has a fairly capacious content, so there is still no generally accepted definition of it.

    According to one approach, a tourism product should be understood as a pre-sold tourist service sold at a total price, which includes at least two of the following services: a) transportation; b) accommodation; c) other services in the field of tourism not related to transportation and accommodation, provided that the service covers a period of 24 hours to 6 months in a row or involves more than one overnight stay.

    This definition actually reflects the perception of the tourism product by producers, for whom the tourism product is a specific type of service provided. A different perception of the tourism product is inherent in consumers; tourists understand the tourism product more broadly than producers. For them, a tourist product is a set of services sold in one package.

    Therefore, the following definition will be more fair.

    A tourist product is a set (complex) of tangible (consumer goods), intangible (in the form of a service) use values ​​necessary to satisfy the needs of a tourist that arose during his trip, and the costs associated with its production and sale and forming the price of the tourist product.

    It is necessary to distinguish a tourism product from a tourism service. The main difference is that a tourist service can be purchased and consumed at the place of its production, while a tourism product can be purchased at the place of residence, but consumed only at the place where tourism services are produced. Therefore, when purchasing a trip, you are not yet purchasing tourist services, although you have already paid money, but you are purchasing guarantees of vacation. In fact, tourism services are component tourist product.

    Unlike tourism services, a tourism product takes the form of a product and is characterized by such properties as:

    1. use value, that is, utility, or the ability to satisfy certain needs of people. The usefulness of a tourism product is determined by its value for the subject.

    Experts have identified several main consumer properties tourism product, which are listed in Table 1.

    A tourism product that takes into account the needs of clients, the topic of service (type of tourism) in terms of content, composition of services, their quantity and order of provision is considered optimal;

    2. exchange value characterizes the quantitative relationship in which the consumer values ​​of a tourism product are exchanged for the consumer values ​​of other goods.

    Main properties of a tourism product

    Property Characteristic
    Validity The provision of all services must be conditioned by the Purpose of travel and related conditions based on the needs of the tourist
    Reliability Compliance with the actual content of the product in advertising, reliability of information
    Efficiency Achieving the greatest effect for the tourist at the lowest cost on his part
    Integrity Completeness of the product, its ability to fully satisfy tourist needs
    Clarity The consumption of the product and its focus should be clear to both tourists and service personnel
    Flexibility The ability of the product and service system to adapt to a different type of customer and be susceptible to replacement of service personnel
    Utility The ability to serve the achievement of one or more goals, to satisfy certain needs of tourists

    Table 1.

    The basis of any tourism product is the need to satisfy some need. Therefore, the core of the product, its essential side, is represented by the so-called concept, that is, its focus on solving a specific problem, satisfying a specific need. A tourism product in actual execution represents a certain set of properties that make it possible to realize a plan: to satisfy a certain client need. The main properties and characteristics of a tourist product are: level of quality, comfort, prestige, efficiency, safety, impression.

    1.2. Tourist product structure

    A tourism product with reinforcement characterizes the activities of a tourism enterprise aimed at forming friendly relations with the client, providing him with comprehensive assistance, additional and symbolic benefits. This can be achieved through a high level of quality, speed of service, consultation, information and informal communication.

    The tourism product consists of the following three main elements

    2. Group tours involve the sale of a pre-planned standard set of services, focused on a specific type of recreation, as well as social class tourists and their age and sold to tourists in one package. The peculiarities of preparing and conducting this type of tour (a single program for everyone, strictly linked to the timing and schedule of the trip) do not allow making any changes to the composition of the services offered, so the tourist can either buy it entirely or refuse to purchase it altogether.

    Proposals for expanding the scope of activity of a tourism enterprise can be classified as follows:

    1. development and implementation of new tourism product in those directions that are already actively used by this travel agency;

    2. introduction of a new tourism product in a direction that is poorly expressed in the range of the enterprise’s offerings, intensification of certain areas of activity;

    3. development of new tourist destinations and/or fundamentally new ones for of this enterprise types of recreation;

    4. significant diversification of activities, implying the organization of a project not related exclusively to tourism;

    5. merger or acquisition of an enterprise tourism business or related field of activity.

    Analysis of the current state of Artemis LLC and its external and internal environment allows us to conclude the following:

    · the enterprise itself significantly strengthened its position in the market during the period under study;

    · current financial condition Artemis LLC is stable and has certain trends for further development;

    · the enterprise has little contact with the credit and banking sector, which indicates conservatism overall strategy an enterprise within which, as a rule, radical changes in determining the company’s line of conduct are not welcomed;

    · the functioning of the enterprise may be negatively affected by external objective factors.

    Let's analyze possible strategies for promoting a new product using the Ansoff matrix.

    I. Ansoff's product/market development model (Ansoff matrix) allows the use of several strategies simultaneously. It is based on the premise that the most appropriate strategy for intensive sales growth can be determined by the decision to sell existing or new products in existing or new markets. This matrix is ​​a diagram designed to assist managers in making strategy decisions and also serves as a diagnostic tool. The Ansoff matrix is ​​intended to describe possible strategies of an enterprise in a growing market. On one axis the matrix considers the type of product - old or new, on the other axis - the type of market, also old or new.

    The general view of the Ansoff matrix is ​​presented in Table. 3.1.

    Table 3.1

    Ansoff matrix

    It seems more preferable to choose the method of further development of the enterprise, indicated above under number two - “the introduction of a new tourism product in a direction that is poorly expressed in the range of the enterprise’s offerings.” More radical changes in the development strategy of a travel agency can lead to destabilization of the economic condition of the enterprise, which is extremely undesirable against the backdrop of general macroeconomic instability. In the Ansoff matrix, such a strategy is designated as product development, or product expansion. In the case of this strategy, it is assumed that Revenue is generated by expanding the sales market within a geographic region.

    As noted above, the corporate tours segment is unfairly underrepresented in the range of offers of the travel agency Artemis LLC. Thus, the final idea of ​​the project was formulated as the development of a tourism product “Corporate themed weekend tours and one-day tours to the city of Vyborg and individual settlements of the Vyborg region Leningrad region" In preparing this proposal, the following studies were carried out:

    · analysis of the corporate tour market in the Leningrad region (given in Chapter 1 of this thesis);

    · study of the tourism potential of the city of Vyborg and the Vyborg region;

    · a selection of variations of thematic programs that can be implemented in a given microregion.

    Below are the results of these studies.

    Let's consider the city of Vyborg and the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region as a tourist attraction. The Vyborg district is located in the northwestern part of the Leningrad region, occupies the entire western half of the Karelian Isthmus. The total area of ​​the municipal district "Vyborg district" is 747,547.2 hectares, of which forest lands account for 76.8%, agricultural land - 12.8%; land settlements - 4,0% .

    Investment attractiveness of Vyborg municipal district lies in its geopolitical position: through the Vyborg region there is a reliable transport connection with the countries of the European Union, a large Euro-Asian corridor passes through here: the IX Intermodal Transport Corridor “North-South”, as well as the international highway “Scandinavia” which is part of it. Magistralnaya Railway connects Vyborg with St. Petersburg and Moscow; the gates of the Saimaa Canal, the largest trade and transport international artery, open into the Vyborg Bay. Availability of forest, water, fish and hunting resources, deposits building materials, natural landscapes, historical and architectural monuments of history and culture, many of which are unique, carry great recreational potential of the territory.

    From the point of view of organizing short-term tours for tourists from St. Petersburg, Vyborg has the following main advantages:

    · relatively close location - the distance between cities does not exceed 130 km, organizing a car transfer along the route does not seem difficult;

    · good transport links - regular buses and electric trains, including luxury ones, run on the route St. Petersburg - Vyborg;

    · the image of Vyborg as a European city;

    · high historical and cultural potential of the region.

    Thanks to the abundance of recreational areas, Vyborg is a convenient place for organizing cultural and entertainment events. At the same time, overhead costs for organizing the event will be lower compared to similar projects in other regional centers of the Leningrad region and, especially, cities in Finland and Estonia.

    Below is the expected range of thematic programs.

    Currently on tourist market In St. Petersburg, a fairly large number of companies offer their services for organizing corporate weekend tours. Accordingly, when organizing a new tourism product, it is necessary to carefully consider the promotion strategy.

    The basis of such a strategy is to specify the offer of a new tourism product, to derive a more precise formulation of its very essence. One of the significant intangible criteria for choosing a tour for corporate clients is the relevance of the event itself.

    The simplest way to indicate the relevance of a product is to coincide with certain dates and events. The presented thesis project proposes to develop a cyclic calendar plan events in the corporate segment, allowing you to organize the following types corporate tourism:

    · offsite meetings and symposiums;

    · team building events;

    · entertainment programs (“corporate events”).

    Within the framework of one corporate proposal, it is permissible to combine several events taking place at different times of the year, thus forming packages of tourism products. In particular, in December it is permissible to organize a New Year's corporate party, and in June - an off-site event to raise team spirit (team building) in the organization. Such a calendar may include an off-site conference with partners with additional services in the form of an excursion or relaxation program. Such cyclical events form complex offers, the implementation of which generates greater income due to reduced marketing costs.

    In Table. Table 3.2 presents the main holidays that it is proposed to focus on when developing a range of corporate offers.

    The dates of certain events may vary depending on the specific wishes of clients. Team building events and some other types of tourism can be held at any time of the year by agreement with the customer.

    Let's consider possible concepts for promoting a new tourism product.

    Currently, methods of traditional advertising of a tourism product are rapidly becoming outdated. This is due to the growing fatigue of consumers of information flows from intrusive advertising. During production marketing strategies For projects aimed at the corporate segment, it is recommended to use non-advertising methods of promotion.

    Table 3.2

    Major holidays and memorable dates

    Holiday dates

    Possible events

    New Year holidays

    Corporate retreats at the end holidays to create a smooth transition from rest to work, family entertainment programs, excursions

    Entertainment programs, excursions, business conferences

    March, April

    Excursion activities, thematic programs

    May Day holidays, Victory Day

    Thematic programs with elements of active recreation, final events before the start of the holiday season, excursion programs,

    Summer months


    Outdoor activities, excursions

    October November

    Business conferences and similar events

    New Year

    Final conferences, New Year's corporate parties

    · personal sales carried out through an agent;

    · direct marketing;

    · sales promotion;

    · propaganda or organization of PR - indirect offer.

    In conditions modern market advertising, the most promising methods of promoting a product are sales promotion and personal or personal selling. Sales promotion through the organization of various promotions, including online ones, the creation of so-called “coupon” offers, the formation of corporate bonus systems and other methods within the framework of this strategy are relevant and attractive for clients of travel companies.

    Personal selling is quite popular in the corporate segment. Moreover, this method has a high labor intensity, caused, first of all, by the relatively low speed of production and development. client base. The sales process is a well-known sequence of steps, each of which must be thoroughly studied by the agent. These steps, or stages, are focused primarily on attracting new consumers. Accordingly, they are of exceptional importance from the point of view of the process of promoting a corporate tourism product. The personal selling process is quite difficult, as it is necessary:

    1. Conduct negotiations (here you mainly need to have the gift of persuasion, present arguments to existing objections and skillfully use eloquence);

    2. Establish a connection (to do this you need to know how to accept the client, initiate communication, approach the issue appropriately, sensitively monitor the development of the relationship and close the sale just at the moment when it is necessary);

    3. Satisfy the need (this means understanding the need or finding the client’s motivating reasons for purchasing a tourism product, i.e., finding the main aspects of the client’s interest, listening carefully to complaints or criticism).

    The sales process can be divided into stages as follows:

    1. initial reception of the client, initial consultation;

    2. identifying needs;

    3. information about the tourism product;

    4. searching for ways to overcome disagreement between the parties;

    5. organization and execution of the transaction;

    6. implementation of the event;

    7. contact with the client, two-way reflection of the implemented project.

    One of the features personal sales in the corporate segment is the need to carefully select the potential sales audience. To sell each specific corporate tour, it is necessary to select organizations that meet the following parameters:

    1. The company has a budget for corporate recreation;

    2. Compliance of the number and demands of the company’s personnel with the capabilities of the host country;

    3. Compliance of the proposed tourism product with the image and status of the company.

    Organizations that meet these parameters are target audience direct sales agent, whose role in Artemis LLC is played by the tour planning manager. It should be taken into account that the above parameters are only the primary criterion for creating a list of telephone contacts for a manager. A company's compliance with these parameters does not provide any guarantee of successful sale. Success depends primarily on the manager’s ability to interest company representatives.

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