
Registration of craft activities. List of types of craft activities. Types of craft activities

WHEN TRAVELING around Belarus, I always try even in the smallest locality buy a souvenir with local flavor. I give preference to products made by original craftsmen rather than consumer goods. It is fundamentally. Firstly, because it is difficult to overestimate the strength of the heat emanating from self made. Secondly, we need to support domestic artisans. By the way, for them the problem of sales is now more relevant than ever, although they won their own niche in the art market a long time ago. However, many representatives of the creative layer are scratching their heads about who to sell the product to.

THE REASON for the situation in which artisans find themselves is obvious: a handmade product, whatever one may say, cannot cost a penny, and the purchasing power of potential consumers is not so high. Even if the buyer decides to purchase a hand-made item, he will wonder if it is too expensive. An example from life. Last year I was looking for a birthday present for my father: he, a great patriot, wanted to shine on holidays in a linen shirt with a Belarusian traditional ornament. Finding embroidered shirts, which some textile manufacturers have now launched into mass production, was not difficult. In Minsk souvenir shops, prices for “kashuli” with national flavor, but with machine embroidery, ranged from 80 to 120 rubles per copy. What about folk craftsmen? They don’t ask for less than 180-200 rubles per unit of goods.

There is nothing special about the fact that a handmade product (shirt, jug, plate, etc.) is more expensive than an industrial product. A piece product, explains the chairman of the Belarusian Union of Folk Art Masters, Professor Evgeniy Sahuta:

When a person turns to the field of decorative and applied arts, for him working on products is, first of all, the way to bring his creative ideas to life. If a person wants to make money from his chosen business, that is, to sell his work, and not engage in it as an amateur, then he registers as an artisan. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you do: purely folk art or fashionable handmade. The rules are the same for everyone: you need to pay one basic amount per year by registering with tax office.

If you want to live here, know how to move around. Therefore, each artisan, in order to stay in the souvenir business, creates a personal formula for success.

Natalya SABICH can turn a dry piece of clay into a work of art
Photos from social networks

THE MOST common and predictable way is to sell products through retail trade. It was chosen by the spouses Oleg and Natalya Sabich from the village of Studenki, Nesvizh district. Craftsmen make ceramics.

They learned to turn silent pieces of clay into works of art while still a student - at the Kobrin Art School. However, they made ceramics their business only five years ago. Nowadays, dishes and various household items are made by hand. Oleg Sabich tells me that his souvenir shop, which was opened in Nesvizh, helps him stay afloat:

We rent a small pavilion from a private owner, where we display our products for sale. However, now it’s winter, the flow of tourists to Nesvizh Castle is noticeably lower than at other times of the year, and the demand for products has fallen. Now we are saved by regional exhibitions of arts and crafts, where we exhibit. It happens that we go somewhere in the off-season. But it doesn’t happen every time: one time they sold 10 items, another time they came back with nothing. And please pay the rent for the pavilion - 50 euros per month.

Craftswoman Galina Borodina from the village of Lipen, Osipovichi district, took a different path. She supplies her products to souvenir shops in Minsk and nearby regional centers. Her main credo is to always be visible and be able to flexibly change the direction of creativity in related fields.

The story of the Lipeni craftswoman is unusual. TO professional art never had a relationship: by profession an instrumentation mechanic (specialist in maintenance, repair and operation of various instrumentation equipment and systems automatic control). Personal interest brought me into handicrafts. At first I was attracted to felting, then patchwork, knitting, but the search for “myself in art” led to the making of beregin dolls. They were noticed in the capital and other regions of the country, recalls Galina Borodina:

Participation in exhibitions throughout Belarus and promotion through social media. Those who liked my work appeared, word of mouth worked, and only then the first offers came from souvenir shops. Therefore, my advice to beginning craftsmen is to express themselves as much as possible and offer their work to large sellers - specialized stores. Now I'm trying my hand at a new direction - a small souvenir made of clay. There is a demand for memorable little things like magnets and figurines. So why not?

It took Tatiana Klimenko from Kalinkovichi several years to break into the market. She says that she never knew how to sell and advertise products - souvenirs, postcards, albums, gift boxes, designer jewelry, decorated bottles, plates and other interior items. Therefore, I gave away my first works to friends:

Kalinkovichi handmade master Tatiana KLIMENKO.
Photo from the website of the newspaper "Kalinkavitsky Naviny"

- When our educational institution, where I taught, closed, I had a choice: teach in a circle at the House of Creativity or go free. She left, took a risk, and didn’t regret it. Is it a profitable business? I will say this: I earn my bread and butter. Now they order my works in whole batches, and enterprises not only from our regional center, but also from Gomel and Minsk. Perhaps I would supply my works to some kind of souvenir shop, but until recently we didn’t have one in our regional center.

AND NOW it appeared. Last November, the first arts and crafts store “Life Art” opened in Kalinkovichi. According to its owner Pavel Chigirev, the souvenir business is the Klondike:

The first months of sales showed that there is demand. Handmade is now in fashion, in trend. This is interesting for the buyer, because you can buy a unique decoration for your home or for yourself. Initially there were no connections in this area. We put out a call on social networks to see which artisan would be willing to cooperate with us, and the results were not long in coming. We managed to form a team of suppliers, which means we can offer consumers a wide selection of products. We offer handmade jewelry, wet felting and leather items. I think that when we establish contacts with original artisans from the village, our assortment will have a real national flavor.


From January 1, the craft tax rate is set at 23 rubles. This size applies regardless of the number of types of handicraft. The fee is paid before the start of the craft activity. It is important that income from this type of activity is exempt from income and single taxes.

In the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus.

How to register a craft activity

To register a craft activity, you need to come to the tax office at the place of registration with a passport. After a conversation with the inspector, you must write an application, pay a fee and draw up an inspection book. The entire procedure will take less than an hour. To save time, you can pay the fee in advance and attach a copy to the application, and also purchase an accounting book at sales points of the Information and Publishing Center for Taxes and Duties, the Belblankavyd Publishing House, and post offices. When registering, the artisan will be assigned a payer registration number.

It is important to know that the craft tax is paid before the sale of the goods. That is, if you plan to start sales, say, from August 1, take the trouble to pay the amount before this date. The fee rate is one basic amount (once per calendar year), established on the date of payment (today - 23 rubles). Further, the fee will also have to be paid “in advance” no later than December 28 of each year.

If you want to give up handicraft, you do not need to inform the tax office about your decision. You also won’t have to pay for liquidation of your activity, as entrepreneurs do.

Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

What is a craft activity?

“Those who want to register craft activities need to carefully read Presidential Decree No. 225 of May 16, 2005 “On some issues related to the implementation of craft activities by individuals,” said the deputy head of the department of taxation of individuals of the inspection of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties for the city of Minsk Inna Kovalenko. — Of course, before completing the documents, the inspector is obliged to explain all the nuances to the potential artisan. But it’s better to come to the meeting already prepared in order to have a substantive conversation.

The document mentioned above contains 29 items that fall under the concept of “craft”. However, many of them are indicated with reservations. For example, subparagraphs 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 of paragraph 1 of the decree state that an artisan can make kitchen utensils (decorative spoons, stands, baskets, various shovels and grips), equipment for playgrounds, and beehives from wood, wicker and other wood materials , drinking bowls, feeders, etc. But at the same time, the artisan cannot make furniture, chests, barrels and other cooperage items from these materials.

Or more. In accordance with subclause 1.2.4 of clause 1 of the decree, blacksmithing is equated to craft work only if you do not forge fireplace grates, stairs, fences and gates.

“We were once asked whether a craftsman could make plywood boxes in the following way: create layouts on a computer, then cut out parts on laser equipment from friends, and then design the product themselves,” Inna Viktorovna gives an example. “I had to refuse because the fundamental conditions were violated. Firstly, an artisan does not have the right to involve third parties, even family members, in the production of goods (you can work as a “pushes” only if relatives are also registered as artisans). And secondly, plywood is not classified as “other wood materials” by the decree.

Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

However, the craftsman can be trained by third parties. According to subclause 1.7 of clause 1 of decree No. 225, an individual has the right to transfer his experience free of charge. To do this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the “student” on training in craft activities for the duration of the educational process.

Another important point. Craftsmanship involves not only making a unique product from scratch, but also performing the work. True, here it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. If you purchase a batch of glasses through an online store and want to paint them for the purpose of selling, then such an activity goes beyond the scope of craftsmanship. The reason is the use of an item manufactured by third parties and completely ready for sale. It's a completely different matter if you engage in guilloche - finishing the customer's products with openwork lace or burning with special apparatus. This option is quite acceptable.

The use of improvised means in the production of goods is a separate matter. A craftsman can only use those tools (including electrical ones) that allow him to produce small batches of goods and without which it is impossible in principle to create a craft product. Thus, printing greeting cards on printing equipment has nothing to do with craft, but sewing clothes on an electric machine is a suitable option.

People have all sorts of hobbies: some make jewelry, some sculpt pots, some knit or embroider, and some even make glamorous felt boots or toys! And for some, over time, their hobby becomes a good, or even the main source of income. Because who would refuse to do what they love and at the same time work at a time convenient for themselves? But how to do it right and what will it cost? Turns out, you can start your own business in just a day or two.

The most important thing, of course, is to decide exactly whether you need to give your hobby official status? If you work mainly for yourself and for loved ones, sell only a couple of cards a month and do not yet plan to expand the scale of your sales, then this is not necessary. But if you want to support yourself with the help of your hobby, if you want to participate in various exhibitions, if you want to give your products for sale to gift shops, etc., then you need register as a craftsman.

You can become a craftsman in just a day or two, and, as they explained to us at the capital tax office, the registration procedure equally accessible to everyone. People with disabilities do not need to provide any additional documents. The only exception: if a person with a disability cannot independently apply to tax authority with an application (for example, due to physical limitations), this can be done by someone instead of him under a executed power of attorney.

How much does it cost to become an artisan?

The list of types of craft activities is quite wide: from making and repairing fishing gear, chests and buckets to beading, embroidery, carving and macramé. Moreover, this list has recently been supplemented with completely new types of needlework: it now includes decoupage(decorating fabric, dishes, furniture using meticulously cut paper), terra(collage technique using natural ingredients - from shells and sand to branches, fruits, etc.), scrapbooking (handmade postcards and photo albums), quilling(paper rolling), paper products and many others.

A little advice: it is better to choose in advance, before coming to the tax office, from the list of activities that you want to engage in. Moreover, their number can be any; the amount of tax collection does not depend on it.

By the way, stop being afraid of huge payouts. Craftsmen now pay not income tax, but craft tax of 1 basic unit per year(today it is 100 thousand rubles).

Thus, you should contact the tax office at your place of residence and write an application there and pay the tax fee. The tax office stamps the receipt and assigns it a UNP, which becomes an official permit to engage in “paid” handicrafts. From now on you have the right to sell your products.

When preparing documents, it is important not to forget that every artisan should have Inspection book, which can be purchased at bookstores and stationery stores. It must be stitched, excluding the cover - title and last pages, numbered and submitted to the tax authority.

Where to sell your products?

Option one - Internet. This option is the simplest, not even requiring you to leave your home. Decree No. 225 of May 16, 2005 “ On some issues related to the implementation of craft activities by individuals» does not contain regulations limiting the location independent implementation products produced by the artisan, which means that the artisan can sell his own products via the Internet without involving other persons - on social networks and using virtual “showcases,” the Ministry of Taxes and Duties reported. At the same time, experts clarify: online showcase is a page on the Internet containing description of goods and indication of places where they can be purchased. In case the site contains phone number, price or other information allowing you to place an order or product, online storefronts are online stores. To sell handicraft goods in an online store, additional registration procedures are required: the online store - in the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus, and the artisan - as an individual entrepreneur.

Option two - galleries. The artisan has the right to enter into commission agreements for the sale of his products with legal entities, for example, galleries, shops, kiosks - any trading platforms, except for online stores.

Option three - acquaintances and friends. They can buy exclusive masterpieces from you “first hand”. If you make good and high-quality things, word of mouth will work - and you won’t have to look for buyers.

Svetlana Busko.


Craftsmen on maternity leave will again be able to count on full assistance

On August 5, President of Belarus Lukashenko received a report from the Minister of Labor and social protection Marianna Shchetkina. Among other things, the head of state supported the government’s proposal to grant the right individual categories employed citizens (craftsmen, individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, private notaries) to suspend relevant types of activities in connection with with child care up to 3 years old.

In our country, citizens working under an employment contract have the right to suspend child care for a child under 3 years of age. labor activity and apply for social leave with payment of benefits in full. For self-employed citizens, the current legislation does not provide such a right to suspend their activities in connection with child care. In this regard, in order to receive full child care benefits for children under 3 years of age, they are forced to go through the established procedure for terminating the relevant type of activity.

The President instructed to develop a simple and convenient scheme for suspending the activities of these categories of citizens. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will prepare a draft decree in the near future. The adoption of the decree will ensure an equal approach when assigning state benefits to all categories of employed persons.


Sergey Drozdovsky, Project Coordinator, Office for the Rights of People with Disabilities:

From personal experience I can say that for people with disabilities, engaging in craft activities is rather a forced necessity, not a calling of the soul. This is perhaps the last chance for many to try to realize themselves and earn something. The main problem, over which, apparently, disability “does not hang”, is the sale of products in Belarus. For example, in Vitebsk there lives a girl (she gets around in a wheelchair) who makes excellent interior dolls. Their cost is high, the sales market is not very developed, so for now it is very risky to turn such work into the only source of income. However, today, crafting is the most affordable employment in the form of self-employment, at the same time - with the smallest commercial risks. That is why, when thinking about how to earn a living, you should not discard this direction. There are organizations and people in Belarus who can help and advise. You just have to take it!

Tatiana Zhernosek, public relations specialist of the Belarusian public association"Positive Movement":

There used to be an opinion that something made with one’s own hands will never pay off and they are sold simply “for the soul.” In my opinion, if you properly promote your activities, you can make good money. The main thing is to have a concept. Ideas like “ Buy mittens - save a child" or " Buy a bag made from ecological material - save eight trees" This way you can even do different social projects! Handmade work can also be of interest to tourists, who are becoming more and more numerous in our cities. And it makes no difference who exactly produces these things - people with or without disabilities. We don’t need to advertise this at all, especially if we want to ensure that people with disabilities believe in themselves.

Anastasia Kuzmich, coordinator of international youth programs of the international public association “Education Without Borders”:

My work gives me the opportunity to travel to other countries. That's why I have a lot successful examples how people with disabilities have an active life position, and in general are quite involved in the life of their cities and villages. For example, once in Wroclaw I was lucky enough to visit a handmade street market, which was made by people with disabilities. I have never seen such beauty - I brought my favorite earrings from there! There, right on the spot, there was an opportunity to meet and communicate with the authors of these masterpieces! Why not hold such fairs in our country?

Gorodok masters

Many famous masters of decorative and applied arts work in the Gorodok region. This land has long been rich in traditions in embroidery, ceramics, and wood carving. This photo introduces a young knitter Natalia Yushkova. A crocheted shawl is an example of a beautiful women's outfit for which Gorodok craftsmen have long been famous. Natalya works as a weaving master in the city house of crafts. In the same photo you can see the coat of arms of the Town, made by the second master - a ceramist Irina Shalaeva.

Evgeny Pesetsky.

We measure profitability various types activities. “So why not calculate how much artisans can earn?” - we thought.

After all, in modern business it is quite possible to turn even your hobby, as evidenced by the steady growth in last years number of registered artisans.

You can always familiarize yourself with the current list of types of activities (and there are many of them!), carrying out which you can become a craftsman, on the website of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties at the link / .

Any creative activity can give financial results. To develop your small business you won't need large investments, and the amount of earnings will directly depend on the abilities of the master and the time that he is ready to devote to his small hobby... or rather, business :)

In order not to speak in general terms, we have chosen the type of activity “Making decorative flowers and compositions from them”, for example, from foamiran - a type of creativity that is gaining popularity. And you can create anything you want - just compositions for the home, various decorations and bouquets, including wedding ones...

Let us remind you that foamiran is the common name for a material that is sometimes also called faux suede, plastic suede, or revelour. You can also find names: von eva, foam, fom - but these are details :)

But everything described below is also true for other occupations of artisans, with certain clarifications.

Registration as a craftsman

Craftsmen are considered individuals who manufacture and sell goods, perform work, provide services using manual labor and tools, including electric ones, independently, without the involvement of other individuals.

The activities of artisans are aimed at satisfying the everyday needs of citizens. And yet, craft activity is not entrepreneurial, and therefore does not requireregistration as an individual entrepreneur!

The fee for engaging in handicraft activities is one basic amount per year - today it is 23 rubles

Before starting craft activities you must:

  • fill out an application for tax registration with the tax office
  • pay the craft tax
  • create a book of audit records (purchased in specialized stores) and register it with the tax office

For the first time, the fee must be paid before work begins. Subsequently, the fee is also paid in advance for the next calendar year - until December 28 of the current year.

There is no need to keep records of income and expenses received and submit reports to the tax authority. In addition, income from handicrafts is exempt from income tax and the single tax.

However, if a declaration of income is requested from a craftsman for tax control purposes, and the income from craftsmanship for a calendar year indicated in such a declaration exceeds the amount of the fee by 100 times, then the craftsman will have to pay an additional fee of 10% of the amount of such excess.

In other words, if you declare income in the amount of more than 2,300 rubles (23 rubles * 100), you will have to pay extra. For example, if your income is 4,000 rubles per year, the additional payment will be 170 rubles. It is calculated according to the formula:

(4,000 - 2,300) * 10% (or 0.1) = 170

A craftsman can pay insurance contributions to the Social Security Fund at his own discretion. The amount of contributions paid to the Social Security Fund must be no less than 35% of the amount of the minimum wage for the year.

Since in Belarus from January 1, 2017 the monthly minimum wage set at 265 rubles, the minimum amount of contributions to the Social Security Fund for 2017, unless there is an increase "minimum wages", is equal to:

(265*12) * 35 / 100 = 1,113 rubles

By the way, according to Belarusian legislation, an artisan, even without making contributions to the Social Security Fund, is not considered a “parasite.” You can pay the tax yourself; this will (later) be taken into account when calculating your pension.

Where to sell your products?

Craftsmen have the right to sell the goods they make:

At trading places and in other places established by local executive and administrative bodies (for example, at fairs)
- on the basis of agreements concluded with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs(for example, under commission or sales agreements)

Costs for manufacturing products from decorative flowers

To make decorative products from foamiran, in addition to the material itself, other devices will be required.

Production costs can be divided into permanent and one-time:

  • Fixed costs include basic raw materials, or foamiran - this is the main cost of the entire business. By the way, the cost of one sheet (40*60 mm) of material is 1.6 rubles, but how much it will be enough is a much more complicated question; it may be enough for a dozen flowers, or maybe two.

  • One-time costs include the costs of various tools: scissors, glue gun, molds (they are also called - silicone molds), bases for jewelry and much, much more (as long as the craftsman’s imagination is enough)

Overall size starting capital depends on the planned volume of orders and the initially required amount of materials. At the beginning of your business, you can get by with minimal costs of up to 50 rubles - this is more than enough for several products!

The cost of foamiran, which will be used to make the first ones, ranges from 0.5 to 2 rubles; creating bouquets costs the master 4-10 rubles. The proceeds from their sale range from 10 rubles for hairpins and from 30 rubles for a bouquet.

The hardest thing in predicting the real amount of profit from your small business- calculation of the quantity of products sold, because the sale of products is one of the most painful issues in the craft.

In addition to various fairs, stores are suitable for promoting goods souvenir products and costume jewelry, as well as already created online stores selling handicraft goods (with a price increase of another 30% - of course, how could it be otherwise!)

We will assume that we manage to sell 25 hair decorations per month, each at a price of 10 rubles , and 10 bouquets of foamiran, costing 30 rubles each.

Initial costs
Craft collection 23 rubles per year
Tools 50 rubles
Foamiran (based on 1 month) 100 rubles
Total 173 rubles
Income from the sale of 25 hairpins and 10 bouquets per month 550 rubles
Profit from sale 377 rubles

The 377 rubles indicated in the table is a possible profit in the case when it is necessary to purchase not only consumables, but also tools.

As you can see, you can work as a plus from the very beginning of your activity as a craftsman. Subsequently, due to the fact that the costs will consist only of Supplies, profits will only increase.

And despite the fact that our calculations are absolutely arbitrary, and no one can guarantee you a certain number of orders, only one conclusion suggests itself: handicrafts can bring money. The main thing is that you love what you do, and that your customers...

Buyers are willing to pay for exclusive and manual labor :)

Innovations in the implementation of craft activities since 2018

On January 12, 2018, a new Presidential Decree “On the implementation of craft activities by individuals” comes into force. The document simplifies the work procedure of artisans and expands the list of types of such activities. This material will discuss the main changes in the procedure for carrying out handicrafts.

The definition of craft activity has remained virtually unchanged. As before, handicraft is the practice of citizens of the Republic of Belarus and foreigners permanently residing in Belarus (not for profit), producing and selling goods, performing work, providing services using manual labor and tools, and aimed at meeting the everyday needs of the population . Craftsmen still do not have the right to enter into contracts with other persons employment contracts or contract agreements (provision of services, etc.), but are required to carry out craft activities independently.

From now on, the list of tools that artisans can work with has been clarified. These include devices, mechanisms, machine tools, electrical equipment and other equipment, without the use of which it is impossible to carry out crafts. This will avoid disagreements that arise when providing subsidies to artisans to purchase tools.

As before, artisans do not have the right to use in their activities the tusks or fangs of an elephant, hippopotamus, walrus, narwhal and wild boar, rhinoceros horns, teeth of all animals, as well as gems and metals.

What has changed in the list of types of craft activities

Particular attention should be paid to the list of types of craft activities. Unlike the previous one, the new list is open. Citizens have the right to carry out other activities (in addition to those directly listed in the Decree) to create creative objects, as well as to carry out handicrafts using manual labor, with the exception of types of activities that individuals and individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry out with the payment of a single tax.

The concept has been expanded artistic treatment. From now on, it can be not only carving, engraving and burning, but also other types of processing. Craftsmen now have the opportunity to process materials such as plywood, glass and ceramics. If earlier artisans were prohibited from processing stone to make monuments, statues and busts, now this ban has been lifted.

Previously, the manufacture and repair of saddlery products, fishing gear and fishing devices was limited to a closed list of subspecies of such products and devices (for example, clamps, fishing rods, floats, etc.). From now on, these subspecies are excluded.

The requirement for the production of hand-woven products, as well as products made using patchwork technique, is eliminated by manually selecting the constituent elements in the traditions folk art a certain area (made of fabric, leather or other materials).

If earlier artisans could only make clothing parts using elements of traditional cut and decoration (belts, aprons and other clothing parts), now they are given the right to make the national Belarusian costume and its parts while preserving the traditional cut and embroidery.

In addition to postcards and photo albums, artisans will be able to make folders without the use of printing or printing equipment.

In the manufacture and repair of objects and their parts for household needs artisans will be able to use citizens not only wild plants, as it was before, but also any plant materials of local origin, including wood. Previously existing rules excluded the possibility of making furniture from plant materials. The new Decree does not contain such exceptions.

Previously, as part of blacksmithing, blacksmiths were prohibited from making fireplace grates, stairs, fences and gates. The new Decree abolishes this ban.

The list of handmade products is changing. From now on, artisans are allowed to make, among other things, kitchen utensils, interior dolls, wallets, bracelets, vases, flower pots and flower pots, Easter Easter eggs, magnetic souvenirs, covers, cases for phones, tablets and glasses, and wedding accessories. At the same time, artisans have the right to make the above-mentioned products from any materials.

Craftsmen are allowed to make flowers (and not only decorative ones) and compositions from plant materials of local origin (with the exception of compositions from fresh flowers).

The restriction on the name of agricultural and gardening tools or their parts that a craftsman has the right to make is lifted.

The obligation to ensure the safety of manufactured products has been introduced

Craftsmen are obliged to ensure the safety of their products (works, services). Manufactured products (work, services) are not subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity. Consequently, the artisan is ex post facto responsible for substandard products. For the manufacture and sale to consumers of products that can cause illness or poisoning of people or that are known to be contaminated with radionuclides in excess of permissible levels, the artisan will be punished with a fine of 20 to 50 basic units.

Opportunities for the sale of manufactured products by artisans have been expanded

Craftsmen may, under a contract, sell manufactured goods in the following ways:

(a) at trading places in markets

(b) at fairs and other places established by local executive committees

(d) in workshops used for the production of products

(e) by sending by post(including international)

(f) by delivery to the address specified by the consumer by any means of transport

Artisans are still prohibited from selling goods directly through online stores and social networks. However, the new Decree directly establishes the right to use advertising on the Internet. This means that artisans have the right to display photos and videos of their products on pages on the Internet, but they will only be able to sell them in the ways indicated above.

Craft training

The changes practically did not affect the issues of teaching handicraft activities. As before, artisans have the right, on the basis of an agreement, to teach other citizens a craft. However, it is clarified that such an agreement must be concluded in writing.

From now on, a craftsman can enter into an agreement with 1-3 students for any period, but no more than 2 years.

Raw materials, materials, tools necessary for teaching handicraft activities are allocated (purchased) at the expense of own funds artisan, unless otherwise provided by the contract. Goods (parts thereof) made by the student are the property of the artisan, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

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