
Record keeping and archiving. Documentation and archiving (documentation support for management). Who is a document specialist?

The main direction of employment for graduates is work in state, municipal, departmental, corporate and private archives as technical employees, specialists and clerks. It is also possible to find employment as assistants, assistant managers, secretaries of judicial and notarial practice. These specialists are in demand in statistical agencies, in administrative departments at enterprises, at municipal service. A large field of activity is represented by organizations where electronic document management has been adopted, where processing and storage of large amounts of data is required, including their encoding and closing from public access.


Employment of bachelor's graduates in this area does not cause difficulties wherever there are authorities or large enterprises. Initially, as a rule, they occupy the positions of technical employees, archivists, statisticians, and clerks. If the training had an information specialization, then the field of activity is even wider. Such graduates can count on positions as secretaries, information security specialists, and IT department employees. The level of material remuneration depends on the field of activity and the employer company. For municipal and government employees, the income will be from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. For staff commercial organizations, as well as information centers where knowledge is required foreign language, electronic records management and processing of classified data cash income much higher.

Profile:(documentation support management)

Qualification: Academic Bachelor

Area of ​​professional activity of graduates:

  • documentation support for management;
  • documentation of management information, rationalization of document flow, document processing technology;
  • creation of local regulatory framework documentation support for management and archival affairs;
  • organization of storage, accounting, acquisition, examination of the value of documents;
  • system design and implementation electronic document management;
  • organization of storage, accounting, acquisition, examination of value, reference and search tools and use of documents from the Archival Fund Russian Federation and other archival documents;
  • Scientific research in the field of document science and archival science;
  • and others.
Types of professional activities of a bachelor of document management and archival science:
  • organizational and managerial;
  • design;
  • technological;
  • research
What can a Bachelor of Documentation and Archival Science do?
  • performs operations on the creation, execution, processing, registration, accounting and storage of management and other documents;
  • performs technological work on documentation support of management and archival affairs based on the use of the latest information technologies;
  • knows information security methods;
  • plans and organizes the activities of documentation support services for management, archival storage services for documents of organizations;
  • ensures ongoing storage of documents, preparation of cases for transfer to archival storage;
  • participates in the work of examining the value of documents;
  • and much more.
Where does a Bachelor of Documentation and Archival Science work?
  • apparatus and documentation support services of government bodies and local government;
  • management social protection population;
  • Federal Archives;
  • archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal and departmental archives;
  • outsourcing organizations for the provision of services for the storage of archival documents and archival processing of documents;
  • divisions and services of enterprises and organizations responsible for documentation support of management, personnel records management and document storage.
Where can a graduate work:
  • document specialist;
  • archivist;
  • HR manager;
  • HR specialist;
  • Office Manager;
  • assistant manager;
  • assistant secretary
Who teaches bachelors in document science and archival science?
The Department of Documentation and Publishing Science is engaged in training bachelors of document science and archival science.

Among the teachers of the department:

  • T. F. Berestova (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor);
  • M. V. Kustova (Dean of the Faculty of Documentary Communications and Tourism, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences);
  • A. V. Shtoler (Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences);
  • N. M. Zapekina (candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor);
  • N. O. Aleksandrova (candidate of historical sciences, associate professor);
  • and others.
What subjects does a future bachelor of document science and archival science study?
  • information Technology;
  • document management;
  • archival science;
  • information security and information protection;
  • personnel records management and archives of personnel documents;
  • organization government agencies Russia;
  • administrative law, labor law, information law, civil law, archival law;
  • and much more


Training course This profile involves studying the following subjects: archival science, municipal, departmental and state archives, document management, personnel records management. In senior years, you can study IT training or management in more depth. Students study many legal disciplines: labor, archival, civil, administrative law and others. During their training, future document specialists or archivists learn to process existing documents and create new ones, organize and maintain archival files, and ensure the safety of documents on various media.

Who to work with

After a bachelor's degree, you can get a job in archival institutions at various levels (including closed state ones). There is an opportunity to work in archival services and departments in various institutions (for example, in the field of health, culture, education or art). Such specialists are also needed in libraries, media, museums, personnel services various organizations. Graduates may hold positions as an administrator, assistant legal adviser, secretary, or archivist. Bachelors with an information background assist programmers in developing various databases or programs.

Where and who can a graduate work?

A Bachelor of Documentation and Archival Science has the opportunity to work in all departments of state, municipal, commercial, public organizations and institutions in document management services in positions requiring higher education, including the head of the office management service, office manager and secretary-assistant to the head of the organization.

Bachelors have the opportunity to continue their studies in the master's program at NSGU.

Where do students do their internship?

  • Duma of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra;
  • divisions of the Administration Nizhnevartovsk, Megion, Langepas;
  • structural divisions of TNK-BP;
  • divisions of the Federal Migration Service, Federal Tax Service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice;
  • large commercial and industrial enterprises;
  • small and medium-sized businesses.

Whom do document management faculties train?

Graduate qualification: document specialist.

Graduated with a degree in Document Management and Documentation SupportCan work in an institution of any level of management, any industry and any form of ownership. He must be "prepared for professional work in government bodies at the federal level, constituent entities of the Federation, municipal level, in state, public, cooperative and commercial institutions, organizations, firms, enterprises in document management services."

These are positions that require “higher education, including the head of the office management service, office manager and secretary-assistant to the head of the organization.” Of course, the standard cannot indicate absolutely all possible positions, since the management documentation support service often has a complex structure and a large staff.

Special disciplines that preschool educational institutions study

    Documentation science as an integrative scientific discipline is closely related to office management, book, library, bibliography, archival science, computer science, etc.

    Documentation science is related to historical science.

    Documentation science is interconnected with jurisprudence, primarily with such branches as constitutional, civil, administrative, labor, and business law.

    Traditionally, the relationship and interaction between document management and management theory and management are strong, since both management functions and its organization are directly reflected in documents.

    According to the goals and object of study, document science is closely related to archival science

    There is a particularly close connection between document science and bibliographic, library, book, and archival science. This also includes computer science, especially that part of it that studies document information created using computer technology on discrete media.

    As a result, document management turned out to be the mostis closely related to such scientific disciplines, such as social informatics, documentary, computer technology and programming, information security and information protection, etc.

Professional activities include:
  • planning, organizing, improving the activities of the documentation support management service (DOU) and monitoring the state of office work in the organization
  • development of unified forms of documents, documentation systems, time sheets of documents for various purposes and level of direction, classifiers of document information
  • streamlining the composition of documents and information indicators, reducing their number and optimizing the organization’s document flows
  • selection of documents transferred for state storage, organization of ongoing storage and examination of the value of documents
  • setting tasks for design, operation, improvement of automated information systems and control systems
  • study and synthesis best practices in the field of preschool education, development of normative and methodological documents on preschool education issues
  • preparation of proposals to ensure ergonomic working conditions, rationalization of workplaces for employees of the preschool education service
  • participation in the work on the selection of placement and advanced training of personnel in the preschool educational institution service.
In large organizations, such as ministries, departments work in a special unit - the administration or secretariat.
In case management, a document specialist can work in different areas of work, for example in:

  • department where documents arrive (incoming correspondence, mail). A document management specialist places a stamp on incoming documents with a serial number. Also enters information about the document into an electronic database;
  • expeditions, from where documents are sent to other organizations;
  • document control unit.

At one time, the Soviet poet Vasily Lebedev-Kumach in his “Song of a Bureaucrat” accurately noticed that the main feature Russian society: “Without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a person!” These lines have not lost their relevance today. Therefore, it is not surprising that our whole life, one way or another, is closely connected with representatives of the document management profession, for whom a document is not just a piece of paper, but the main tool of professional activity.

At one time, the Soviet poet Vasily Lebedev-Kumach accurately noted in his “Song of a Bureaucrat” that the main feature of Russian society is: “without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a man!” These lines have not lost their relevance today. Documents accompany us everywhere and always, regardless of whether it is personal life or work moments. Therefore, it is not surprising that our whole life, one way or another, is closely connected with representatives document specialist profession for whom a document is not just a piece of paper, but the main tool of professional activity.

Please note that today this profession is experiencing a “rebirth” due to the rapid development of the economy and electronic document management. IN modern society information, in all its manifestations, is perceived as a “hot” commodity, the search, processing and storage of which requires significant financial, labor, time and material costs. Document specialists who know all the secrets of competent document flow and have the skills to optimize work with information flow help to minimize these costs. As a result, specialists in this field are in steady demand in almost all spheres of human life, and document management faculties are very popular among applicants.

Who is a document specialist?

– a highly qualified specialist in the field of office work and document management, ensuring order in the papers of an enterprise or organization. Related professions: archivist, secretary, office organizer.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin documentum (proof) and Old Slavonic vedѣti (to know). In other words, initially documentologists, whose functions, by the way, were previously performed by scribes, rather recorded evidence about the legal background of this or that event than systematized documents. The concept of document management, which is familiar to us, acquired only in the first half of the 20th century, when Paul Otlet expanded the meaning of the word “document” to the point that any information recorded on a tangible medium began to be called a document. At the same time, the profession of a document specialist arose, whose duties were radically different from the duties of a scribe.

Professional responsibilities of document specialists today include not only the preparation of documents, but also:

  • development of forms and document sheets;
  • systematization of document flow composition;
  • examination and organization of document storage;
  • ensuring the “movement” of documents from management to subordinates;
  • creation of documentary databases;
  • endorsement of incoming documents and assignment of registration index to them and email address storage;
  • sorting documentation and transferring outdated information to the archive;
  • optimization of the document flow of an organization or enterprise.

What personal qualities should a document specialist have?

As the name of the profession suggests, activities of a document specialist is entirely related to the search, processing and storage of documents, so the specialist must have a penchant for “paper” work. In addition, a document specialist will not be able to do his job efficiently if he does not have such personal qualities as:

In addition to those listed above personal qualities, a good document specialist has a whole set of professional knowledge and skills, the list of which includes: skills in working with office PC applications (Word, Excel, 1C, Outlook, etc.), knowledge of the basics of economics, business planning, archiving, management, personnel management, organization of electronic document management, source study , personnel records management, literary editing, legislation in the field of labor, administrative, civil and constitutional law.

Advantages of the document specialist profession

Main advantage of the document specialist profession is its "versatility". A specialist diploma in document management and an extensive “baggage of knowledge” obtained at a university allows a professional to get a job in almost any company or organization, regardless of the enterprise’s field of activity. At the same time, he can count on a quite decent level of payment (on average, about 30-40 thousand rubles per month).

The rich job variety is also attractive in this profession. After graduating from a university, a young specialist can easily get a job such as: clerk, archivist, administrator, secretary-assistant, office manager, personal assistant (assistant manager), etc.

Despite the apparent monotony and routine of the professional activities of a document specialist, the work of this specialist is very interesting and varied. After all, it is this specialist who first receives the documents, which means he always has the most up-to-date information about innovations being introduced in the company (and, as you know, whoever owns the information owns the world). Moreover, quite often the document specialist is the only person (besides senior management, of course), who is privy to all the business secrets of the enterprise.

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and sufficient experience in the field of documentation support for personnel management, a document specialist can organize own business(for example, create an audit company), and provide services privately.

Disadvantages of the document specialist profession

It is not difficult to guess that, along with the advantages, the profession of a document specialist also has disadvantages. And the main disadvantage is the great responsibility. This is especially true for those specialists who work in an archival agency of federal significance or a state research institute for document management and archival affairs. After all, it is these organizations that prepare documents for the government, on the basis of which important government decisions are made.

Disadvantage of the document specialist profession You can also mention the need to have practical work experience when applying for a job. Therefore, a novice document specialist will either have to start his professional activity still in the process of studying (by the way, students have this opportunity already in the 2nd year, since by this time they have already mastered a sufficient amount of knowledge for their practical application), or get a job as a document assistant after graduating from university.

Where can you get a profession as a document specialist?

Get a profession as a document specialist it is possible in any Russian university, on the basis of which they train specialists in such specialties as "Documentation support of the enterprise", "Document management" or " Information Support enterprise." Note that a document specialist student has the opportunity to master several specializations at once. For example, when receiving the profession of a document specialist, a young specialist can simultaneously master the specialty of a personnel officer or archivist.

When choosing a university, more attention should be paid not only to the scientific and technical base educational institution, but also the possibility of internship in large Russian companies. In addition, the demand for university graduates in the labor market is of great importance. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to consider the possibility of entering such leading universities in Russia, How:

  • Nizhnevartovsk State Humanitarian University;
  • Irkutsk State University;
  • Moscow University of Finance and Law;
  • Don State Technical University;
  • Voronezh Institute of Economics and Social Management.
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