
Cashier job description. Job descriptions for a ticket cashier in a cultural center Job description for a museum ticket cashier


1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed the medical checkup(examination) and have no contraindications for health reasons, who have undergone introductory and initial workplace safety briefings, training in safe work methods and techniques, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements, as well as training in electrical safety rules and testing of knowledge of rules electrical safety in scope job responsibilities with assignment of the appropriate tolerance group; teaching the rules fire safety and testing knowledge of fire safety rules within the scope of job responsibilities; training in safe work practices and methods of providing first aid to victims in industrial accidents.
1.2. At least once every 6 months, the ticket cashier undergoes repeated training in the workplace on labor protection, at least once a year - another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements, periodic medical examination– in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.3. A ticket cashier who has not timely completed the appropriate training on labor protection and an annual test of knowledge on labor protection will not be allowed to work.
1.4. A ticket cashier with signs of obvious illness or under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not allowed to work.
1.5. The ticket cashier must:
- comply with the internal rules labor regulations;
- comply with the requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene; before eating, you must wash your hands with soap;
- be able to provide first aid to the victim, know the location of the first aid kit, and also be able to use fire extinguishing equipment and know their location;
- maintain order in the workplace;
- know the location of the main and emergency exits from the workshop and evacuation routes from the area of ​​fire or accident;
- exhibition material of the museum, order and location of the halls;
- purpose, structure, principle of operation, rules of operation of the equipment and devices used;
- rules for receipt, storage, accounting, delivery Money, ticket forms, other material assets;
- procedure for registration and sale of tickets.
1.6. In the process of performing work, the ticket cashier may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
- a dangerous level of voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- increased level electromagnetic radiation;
- increased level of static electricity;
- reduced air ionization;
- increased brightness of light, reduced contrast of the PC monitor screen (personal electronic computer) with incorrect selection of parameters;
- increased pulsation of light flux;
- direct and reflected gloss;
- increased noise level during operation of the printing device;
- irrational organization of the workplace;
- insufficient illumination of the working area;
- overstrain of visual analyzers;
- monotony of work;
- increased nervous stress;
- psycho-emotional stress, fatigue;
- danger of robbery.
1.7. Sources of harmful and dangerous production factors:
- faulty production equipment or its incorrect operation;
- faulty electrical equipment or improper operation;
- absence, malfunction, improper use of personal protective equipment;
- absence, malfunction, improper operation of lighting devices;
- failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of job descriptions, labor protection instructions, internal labor regulations, local regulations regulating the procedure for organizing labor protection work, and working conditions at the site.
1.8. The ticket cashier must be provided with funds personal protection in accordance with the current Standards for issuing special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment (PPE).
1.9. Issued special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment must correspond to the nature and conditions of work, ensure labor safety, and have a certificate of conformity.
1.10. Personal protective equipment that is not available technical documentation, as well as with expired shelf life are not allowed for use.
1.11. It is prohibited to use workwear and other personal protective equipment for purposes other than the main work.
1.12. The ticket cashier notifies his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health.
1.13. Smoking is allowed only in a specially designated and equipped place; eating is allowed in the rest and meal room. Drink water only from specially designed installations.
1.14. Do not use in work time alcoholic drinks, toxic and narcotic substances, as well as being in the workplace or territory of an enterprise in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication.
1.15. While on the territory of the museum, you must be attentive, be careful in places where vehicles pass, during loading and unloading operations, when passing through slippery areas during icy conditions, and places where ice swells hang.
1.16. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, the employee bears disciplinary, financial or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Arrive at workplace in advance, turn off burglar alarm, open the cash register room.
2.2. Wear uniform.
2.3. Check the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment.
2.4. Fasten your clothes with all buttons. Do not keep sharp, breakable objects in your clothing pockets.
2.5. Check the availability and serviceability of cash register and other equipment, furniture, technical means security.
2.6. Prepare the workplace for safe work:
- check the serviceability of the doors and locks, the presence (where provided) of bars on the windows;
- close the door of the cash register;
- inspect the workplace, remove everything extra items without blocking the passages;
- clean the PC monitor screen from dust, adjust the height and angle of the screen.
- adjust the chair height;
- check approaches to the workplace and evacuation routes for compliance with labor protection requirements;
- establish the sequence of operations.
- check the availability of fire-fighting equipment, first aid kit (its contents).
2.7. Check by external inspection:
- absence of cracks and chips on the housings of sockets and switches, as well as the absence of exposed contacts;
- reliability of closing of all current-carrying devices of the equipment;
- presence and reliability of grounding connections (no breaks, strength of contact between metal non-current-carrying parts of the equipment and the grounding wire);
- integrity of the insulation of electrical wires and power cords of electrical appliances, serviceability of safety devices;
- sufficient lighting of the workplace;
- absence of foreign objects around the equipment;
- condition of the floors (no potholes, unevenness, water stains, etc.).
2.8. A ticket cashier should not start work if there are any of the following violations of labor safety requirements:
- if there is a malfunction specified in the operating instructions of the equipment manufacturer, in which its use is not allowed;
- in case of untimely carrying out of regular tests (technical examination) of the specified equipment;
- in the absence or malfunction of work clothes, safety shoes, personal protective equipment;
- in the absence or malfunction of technical safety equipment.
- if the locking mechanism of the cash register room door malfunctions;
- in the absence of fire fighting equipment, a first aid kit;
- in case of insufficient illumination of the workplace and approaches to it;
- in case of failure to comply with the instructions of state supervisory authorities;
- in the absence of constant control by those responsible for safe production works;
- without undergoing targeted training to perform one-time work not related to his job responsibilities, as well as work associated with increased danger;
- without undergoing a periodic medical examination.
2.9. Make sure you have a fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
2.10. Report all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other problems to your immediate supervisor and begin work only after they have been eliminated.


3.1. Perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed on labor protection and approved by the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.
3.2. Do not allow unauthorized persons into the cash register premises.
3.3. Use serviceable equipment, devices, lighting devices necessary for safe work, use them only for the work for which they are intended.
3.4. Monitor the operation of the equipment and periodically carry out visual inspections.
3.5. If faulty equipment, devices, etc., other violations of labor protection requirements are detected that cannot be eliminated on their own, as well as a threat to health, personal or collective safety, the cashier should report this to their immediate supervisor.
3.6. Do not start work until the identified violations are eliminated.
3.7. When working with PCs and electrical equipment, follow the rules of their operation in accordance with labor safety instructions.
3.8. When working with a PC:
- the screen should be 5 degrees below eye level. and be located in a straight plane or tilted towards the operator (15 degrees);
- the distance from the eyes to the screen should be within 60-80 cm;
- the local light source in relation to the workplace must be located in such a way as to prevent direct light from entering the eyes, and must provide uniform illumination on a surface of 40 x 40 cm, and not create blinding glare on the keyboard and other parts of the console, as well as on the screen of the video terminal in the direction of the eyes;
- to reduce visual and general fatigue, after each hour of working behind a screen, you should use regulated breaks lasting 5 minutes, during which you rest;
- during the work shift, the display screen must be cleaned of dust at least once;
- pregnant women, from the moment pregnancy is established, are transferred to work not related to the use of personal computers, or limit work time to no more than 3 hours per work shift.
3.9. When working with office equipment and electrical appliances (printing device, household electrical appliances, lighting devices, etc.):
- circuit breakers and electrical fuses must always be in good working order;
- the insulation of electrical wiring, electrical appliances, switches, sockets, lamp sockets and lamps, as well as cords with which electrical appliances are connected to the electrical network, must not have breakdowns;
- to heat water, use only certified electrical appliances with a closed spiral and an automatic shut-off device, using fireproof stands.
3.10. When there is a power outage and when leaving the workplace, turn off the equipment.
3.11. Items of frequent use should be located in the zone of easy accessibility (frequent circulation), those of less frequent use - in the zone of main movements, and those of rare use - in the zone of auxiliary movements.
3.12. Change the cartridge on the ticket printing device only when the power supply is turned off.
3.13. If there is a threat to personal safety in the event of an attack on the ticket office, immediately call museum security representatives using these technical means.
3.14. Throughout the working day, keep the workplace tidy and clean, avoid cluttering the approaches to the workplace, and use only designated passages.
3.15. Comply with sanitary standards and observe work and rest schedules.
3.16. Observe established by the regime working hours, regulated breaks at work. It is advisable to spend regulated breaks outside the workplace.
3.17. Comply with fire safety rules, the requirements of these instructions, and other local regulations regulating the procedure for organizing labor protection work and working conditions at the site.
3.18. Strictly comply with deadlines orders and instructions of the museum management, officials responsible for implementation production control, as well as instructions from representatives of state supervisory authorities.
3.19. When performing work, the ticket cashier is PROHIBITED from:
- use faulty equipment, as well as equipment and devices that he is not trained to use;
- perform independent opening and repair of equipment. Repairs must be carried out by a specialist;
- touch moving, rotating, non-insulated live parts and equipment parts with your hands;
- during operation, open covers and remove protective covers;
- allow moisture to get on the surface of the equipment.
- clutter the workplace, upper panels of equipment with papers and foreign objects;
- allow unauthorized persons to work.
- begin performing one-time work not related to his direct responsibilities in the specialty without receiving targeted instructions;
- drink alcohol and low alcohol drinks, narcotic substances;
- store and consume food and drinks at work places.
3.20. Smoking and eating in the workplace are not allowed.
3.21. If you feel unwell, stop working, turn off the equipment, notify management and consult a doctor.


4.1. Upon liquidation emergency situation it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.
4.2. In the event of a breakdown of equipment or devices that threatens an accident in the workplace, the cashier should:
- stop its operation, as well as the supply of electricity to it, etc. DO NOT fix the problem yourself;
- report the incident to the immediate supervisor of the work and the employee responsible for production control.
- act in accordance with the instructions received.
4.3. If a fire appears, you must:
- stop working;
- turn off electrical equipment, PC;
- organize the evacuation of people;
- immediately begin extinguishing the fire.
4.4. When electrical equipment catches fire, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers should be used.
4.5. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire on your own, the cashier should in the prescribed manner call the fire brigade by calling 101 or 112 and report this to your immediate supervisor or museum management.
4.6. In the event of an accident, immediately release the victim from the traumatic factor, observing own safety, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103 or 112. If possible, preserve the situation in which the accident occurred, if this does not threaten the life and health of others and does not disrupt technological process, to conduct an investigation into the causes of the accident, or record it in photos or videos. Notify management and the occupational safety specialist.
4.7. In the event of an injury, the ticket cashier must stop working, if possible, provide first aid to himself and notify his immediate supervisor or ask others to do this.
4.8. In the event of a deterioration in health, pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility - the inability to focus or bring it into focus, pain in the fingers and hands, increased heartbeat, immediately leave the workplace, report the incident to your immediate supervisor and contact a medical facility.


5.1. Turn off the PC and electrical equipment, inspect and put the workplace in order. Wipe the PC screen with a napkin, wipe off dust from the equipment and desktop.
5.2. Place ticket forms, equipment, paper, etc. in specially designated areas.
5.3. Hand over funds to collectors in accordance with instructions.
5.4. Wash your hands with warm water and soap.
5.5. Close the windows, vents, check the fire safety condition of the cash register room, turn off the lights, close the doors and turn on the security alarm.
5.6. Report any violations to the museum management production process, labor protection requirements, cases of injuries at work.

_______ (__________)
CEO _________
Ticket cashier 3rd category

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the 3rd category Ticket Cashier (hereinafter referred to as the “Cashier”) in ____________________.
1.2. The cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position as established by the current labor legislation order by order of the head ____________.
1.3. The cashier reports directly to ______________.
1.4. A person with specialized secondary education and experience working with cash for at least ___ years is appointed to the position of Cashier.
1.5. The cashier must know:
- rules for conducting cash and banking operations and parts of accounting and reporting;
- forms of travel documents for domestic and international transport;
- the procedure for issuing and selling tickets for travel to special zones;
- purpose, design and maintenance rules of the equipment used;
- rules for recording and transmitting information about the availability of free seats on trains, buses, planes, and ships;
- established reporting and the procedure for its preparation.
1.6. During the temporary absence of the Cashier, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.
2.1. The cashier carries out the following types works:
2.1.1. Registration and sale of travel and transportation documents by type of transport in international, mixed, direct (sea coasting), local and suburban services, for excursion, pleasure and tourist flights, for cruise flights, for pre-orders, collective requests, for travel with a “direct reserved seat” " and return departure.
2.1.2. Distribution of seats between ticket offices and transmission of information about the remaining free seats after the departure of a train, ship, bus, or plane.
2.1.3. Distribution of tickets and subscriptions to ticket offices (cashiers) in theaters, cinemas, circuses, clubs, parks, stadiums and other entertainment institutions.
2.1.4. Drawing up cash reports on ticket sales in accordance with the established frequency.
2.1.5. Introducing approved changes to tariff and auxiliary manuals.
2.1.6. Participation in maintenance, adjustment and repair of equipment used.
The cashier has the right:
3.1. Receive from enterprise employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.
3.2. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.
The cashier is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of performance of one’s official duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the General Director of the organization and the immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor and performance discipline.
5.1. The Cashier's working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

I have read the instructions ___________________

Job description Excluded to the list of documents that must be present at the enterprise. However, this is a very important document that defines the functions of employees, the procedure for their appointment and dismissal, rights, responsibilities and other conditions associated labor activity employees of the organization.


Why do you need a cashier job description?

This document is necessary for several reasons: in addition to its main purpose - regulating official functionality, it allows management to effectively manage subordinates and serves as evidence in resolving disputes and conflicts in court (both on one side and the other). That is why it is necessary to carefully and clearly describe the responsibilities of a particular employee, avoid inaccuracies and duplication, and also take into account the length of the working day and avoid double interpretation of the wording.

Rules for drawing up job descriptions

There is no such thing in law as job description cashier, accordingly, there is no single example of it. Organizations have the right to independently develop job descriptions for employees or write them (with minimal adjustments) according to common templates.

A job description always contains several sections, the main ones: “ General provisions» “Responsibilities”, “Rights”, “Responsibility”, but sometimes this list is supplemented with other items, such as “Right to sign”, “Other conditions”, etc.

The document must be certified by the signature of the cashier himself, the head of the department (chief accountant, head of the personnel department, etc.), as well as the director of the enterprise.

The cashier's signature will indicate that he has familiarized himself with the functions assigned to him, agrees with them and understands the responsibility that lies with him.
It is not necessary to certify the job description with a seal, since it relates to the internal documentation of the enterprise.

Drawing up a job description for a cashier

A cap

  • First, at the top of the document in the middle you need to indicate its name.
  • Then in the upper right part you need to leave a few lines for approval of the job description by the director of the company.
  • Here you should enter his position, name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic, leave a signature line with a transcript and put the date the document was compiled.

General provisions

  • In the first section entitled “General Provisions” you should indicate which category of employees the cashier belongs to (specialist, technical staff, worker, etc.) and grounds for starting execution labor functions(order, director's order, etc.).
  • Then you need to enter the cashier’s immediate supervisor (without writing specific names) and the requirements for the level of education, length of service and experience, without which the employee cannot be allowed to work.
  • After this, in the same section you need to list all the laws, acts, regulations and documents with which the cashier must be familiar, as well as knowledge cash register and rules for handling it.
  • The employee who will replace him during the period of absence from the workplace is also entered here (also without specifying specific names).
  • In conclusion, this section should indicate which regulatory documents the cashier is guided by when performing his work duties (usually these are the charter, orders and directives of management, legislative acts, etc.).

Job responsibilities of a cashier

The second section records the functions that are assigned to the cashier. This section should be given special attention and should be described carefully, in detail and accurately, taking into account the fact that the cashier is the financially responsible person.

It is important that the list of duties fits into the employee’s working hours.

Cashier rights

In the “Rights” section, you need to describe in detail the powers and initiatives of the cashier, which he can use in order to perform his work as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Cashier Responsibility

The “Responsibility” section establishes specific violations for which the cashier may be subject to disciplinary punishment. It is important that they comply with the law and Labor Code RF.

Working conditions

In the “Working Conditions” you should indicate how the working conditions are regulated, as well as some features (for example, business trips, shift schedule, part-time work, etc.).

At the end, the instructions must be agreed upon with the employee responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations prescribed in this document. Here you should enter his position, name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic, as well as put a signature and give it a transcript.

Similarly, just below you should indicate information about the cashier: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), position, company name, passport details, signature and date of review of the document.

Instructions for the position " Motor vehicle ticket cashier", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics workers' professions. Issue 69. Automobile transport", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 02/14/2006 N 136. As amended by order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 09/04/2008 N 1097.
The document status is "valid".

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check of this document carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Vehicle ticket cashier" belongs to the category "Technical employees".

1.2. Qualification requirements- senior ticket cashier: complete general secondary education and vocational education or complete general secondary education and professional training in production. Work experience as a cashier - at least 1 year. Ticket cashier: complete general secondary education and vocational education or complete general secondary education and vocational training in production. No work experience requirements.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- rules for performing cash and banking operations within the framework of accounting and reporting;
- rules for transporting passengers and luggage by car;
- forms of travel documents;
- tariffs for passenger transportation and benefits provided individual categories citizens;
- main bus routes;
- rules for storing forms strict reporting and the procedure for their accounting;
- rules for maintaining a cash book, drawing up cash reports;
- provisions on financial liability workers and employees;
- rules for operating computer equipment.

1.4. A motor vehicle ticket cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The motor vehicle ticket cashier reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The motor vehicle ticket cashier supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, the ticket cashier is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Implements cash transactions for the sale of travel documents and acceptance of unused ones.

2.2. Prepares documentation for tickets that have been returned to the box office.

2.3. Informs passengers about the availability of seats on buses (route taxis) departing from the bus station.

2.4. Ensures the presence of seals on cash registers.

2.5. Hands over revenue in a timely manner and monitors the availability of travel document forms.

2.6. Prepares cash reports in accordance with established frequency.

2.7. Compiles descriptions of old banknotes and relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions for the purpose of replacing them with new ones.

2.8. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.9. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The ticket cashier has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A motor vehicle ticket cashier has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A motor vehicle ticket cashier has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. The ticket cashier has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The ticket cashier has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A motor vehicle ticket cashier has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A motor vehicle ticket cashier has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The ticket cashier has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A motor vehicle ticket cashier has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The ticket cashier is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. The ticket cashier is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A motor vehicle ticket cashier is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The ticket cashier is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The ticket cashier is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The motor vehicle ticket cashier is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The ticket cashier is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

I APPROVED __________________________ (manager position) __________________________ (name of organization) _____________/____________ "___"____________ _____ Mr. M.P.

JOB DESCRIPTION for a ticket cashier (approximate)

This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with the ticket cashier and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a ticket cashier.

1.2. A ticket cashier is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.4. The ticket cashier reports directly to _____________.

1.5. A person with _________________ education is appointed to the position of ticket cashier, without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.6. The ticket cashier must know:

Rules for the transportation of passengers and baggage by the appropriate mode of transport for domestic and international communications;

Tariff guides and passenger fares;

Application of tariffs and established surcharges and fees;

The procedure for recalculating the cost of travel from one type of transport to another;

Forms of travel documents for domestic and international transport;

Rules for issuing free and discounted tickets and the procedure for traveling with official tickets;

The procedure for issuing and selling tickets for travel to special zones;

Layout of seats in carriages, ships, buses, airplanes;

A diagram of the relevant transport network;

Main routes and transport schedules;

Purpose, classification, design and maintenance rules for the equipment and devices used;

Electrical safety requirements within the scope of the established qualification group;

Station operating procedures;

Rules for recording and transmitting information about the availability of free seats on trains, ships, buses, and airplanes;

Established reporting and the procedure for its preparation.

When issuing and selling travel and transportation documents to passengers by mode of transport in direct (short-sea), local and suburban communications, for excursion, pleasure and tourist flights, when manually allocating seats to daily sales ticket offices, when undergoing individual training at work - category II;

when issuing and selling travel and transportation documents to passengers by mode of transport in international, mixed, direct (sea coasting) and local communications, for cruise flights, for pre-orders, collective requests, for travel with a “direct reserved seat” and return departure, with manual distribution places at the box office pre-sale, when undergoing special training according to the established program - Category I.

1.7. In his activities, the ticket cashier is guided by:

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions from the head of the organization and the immediate supervisor;

This job description;

Rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.


The ticket cashier performs the following types of work:

Issuance and sale of tickets, boarding passes, receipts for payment of baggage and various services, established fees and other travel and transportation documents to passengers on rail, sea, river, road and air transport in accordance with current technology, using composters, ticket printing machines and automatic machines , terminal equipment automated systems sales and reservations and manually.

Checking documents identifying the passenger and giving the right to enter special zones.

Passenger information when selling a travel document: about the date and time of departure, flight; train, flight number; station, train station, airport of departure and destination, and when selling air tickets, additionally about the procedure for checking in tickets and baggage.

Acceptance of travel documents from passengers in cases of their cancellation of a trip or flight and return of the money they have paid in accordance with the established procedure.

Distribution of seats between ticket offices and transmission of information about the remaining free seats after the departure of a train, ship, bus, or plane.

Sale of seasonal, monthly, ten-day travel documents and subscription coupons.

Accounting for boarding passes.

Charging ticket printing machines and vending machines with ticket tape.

Filling change machines with coins; exchanging money for passengers to use ticket printing machines.

Participation in maintenance, repair, adjustment, adjustment and elimination of minor malfunctions of the equipment and devices used.

Making changes and additions to tariff and auxiliary manuals.

Checking the serviceability of communication equipment, visual information, and work equipment.

Teletype work.

Ordering and receiving strict reporting forms.

Drawing up, in accordance with the established frequency, cash reports and reports on ticket sales and movement of strict reporting forms.

Delivery of funds in the prescribed manner.

Ensuring the storage of funds, strict reporting forms, other documents and material assets.


The ticket cashier has the right:

3.1. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.2. Improve your skills.

3.3. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.4. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.5. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary to carry out its activities.


The ticket cashier is responsible for:

4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for in this job description - in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.

4.4. For violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.


5.1. The working hours of the ticket cashier are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

______________________________ ______________ _____________________ (position of the person who compiled (signature) (full name) instructions) "___"__________ ____ AGREED BY: Legal Adviser ____________ _________________________ (signature) (full name) "___"__________ ____ . I have read the instructions: ____________ ____________________ (signature) (full name) "___"____________ ____ g.
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