
International Business School IBS-Plekhanov. MBA - Corporate Marketing: Study Program Section I. Scientific foundations of business and management

REU im. Plekhanov is one of the leading higher educational institutions in Russia, whose history goes back more than a hundred years. Along with higher education in economics, law and other fields, four of its faculties provide training in the MBA program. The university prepares high-level specialists, diploma holders of this educational institution occupy positions in leading companies and government agencies in the country.

MBA Faculties and Programs

1. Plekhanov Business School Integral.

  • MBA programs: duration 2 years, cost from 460,000 to 520,000 rubles.
  • master business administration. Duration of training - 2 years, cost - 260,000 rubles.
  • Presidential training program management personnel. Duration of training is 9 months, other information is available upon request.

2. Faculty Business School of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Programs:

  • MBA Professional: Business Management Technologies. Duration of training is 1.5 years. Cost: 195 - 260 thousand rubles. in year.
  • MINI-MBA. Duration of training is 6 months, cost from 85 to 115 thousand rubles.
  • MBA Investment Banking. Cost: 105 - 205 thousand rubles.

3. Faculty of Additional vocational education. Programs:

4. Faculty – “International School of Business and World Economy”. List of programs (detailed information available on request):

  • MBA - Finance
  • MBA - Strategic Management
  • Bachelor in Economics
  • Master's degree in Economics

The university has branches in 46 cities of Russia.

Help for studentsREU im. Plekhanov

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The faculty of "Plekhanov School of Business "Integral" is structural unit REU im. G.V. Plekhanov. Provides training according to programs MBA since 2004.

The MBA programs of the Plekhanov School of Business “Integral” are based on many years of experience successful preparation professional managers, developed taking into account domestic and international standards, open limitless possibilities employment and employment career growth in Russia and abroad.

Dean of the Faculty, Kartashova Larisa Vasilievna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, is a member of the International Accreditation Council of the Association of MBAs (AMBA, London).

Our teachers are professionals of the highest level from among practicing scientists of REU. G.V. Plekhanov and other Russian and foreign universities, consultants, top managers of successful companies.

Our graduates are leaders of the largest Russian and transnational companies, owners of their own business. To date, we have graduated over 700 senior and middle managers.

In July 2011, the Plekhanov School of Business "Integral" received the most prestigious international accreditation of MBA programs AMBA (Association of MBAs, London) for the maximum possible period - 5 years.

Our graduates occupy senior positions in leading Russian and foreign companies: Russian Railways OJSC, Sberbank of Russia OJSC, Ernst & Young, Siemens, Raiffeisen Bank, " Philip Morris", X5 Retail Group, Mirax Group Corporation, Citibank, Uralsib OJSC, Alfa-Bank OJSC, Vozrozhdenie Bank OJSC, a branch of Boeing Russia, Inc., Eldorado, Royal Bank of Scotland, Knight Frank,, LLC " National Gas Company", OJSC "Russian Utility Systems", LLC "Publishing House Infra-M", OJSC "Mostelecom" and are successfully developing own business.

The programs of the faculty “Plekhanov School of Business “Integral” are intended for company owners and managers:
. those wishing to gain modern knowledge and practical skills in the field strategic management
. acquire business connections
. stand out from the rest and have an outstanding career in business.

  1. Organizational behavior
  1. Strategic management
  2. Marketing Management
  3. Management Accounting
  4. Financial management
  5. Operations management
  1. Marketing research
  2. Brand management
  3. Strategic Marketing
  1. Risk management
  2. Cost estimate...

More about the program

Section I. Scientific foundations of business and management

  1. International business environment and foreign economic activity
  2. Economics for managers and entrepreneurial business environment
  3. Quantitative methods analysis in management
  4. Accounting and the financial analysis for managers
  5. Organizational behavior

Section II. Basic professional disciplines in management

  1. Strategic management
  2. Marketing Management
  3. Management Accounting
  4. Financial management
  5. Operations management
  6. Human Resource Management
  7. Information and knowledge management

Section III. Special disciplines

  1. Rationale for marketing decisions
  2. Marketing research
  3. Brand management
  4. Consumer behavior. customer relationship management
  5. Strategic Marketing

Section IV. Elective disciplines

  1. Risk management
  2. Business valuation
  3. Behavioral Finance
  4. Assessment of the cost and profitability of financial instruments
  5. International standards financial statements
  6. Compensation management
  7. Company value management

Section VPersonal and professional development

  1. Team formation
  2. The Art of Public Speaking
  3. Negotiation technique
  4. Coaching style management

Section VI. Applied management projects

  1. Practice in management positions
  2. Individual and group counseling
  3. Guest lectures
  4. Preparation and defense of the certification project

Advantages of the MBA program at the Plekhanov School of Business “Integral”

  • Many years of experience in successfully training middle and senior managers
  • Compliance with Russian and international standards
  • Availability of international accreditation by The Association of MBAs (AMBA), UK
  • Highest level teaching staff
  • The choice is to become a professional “generalist” strategist or specialize in finance or marketing
  • Formation of unique business relations with leading Russian and foreign companies
  • Membership in the international professional community of MBA graduates

Program objectives:

  • form systemic marketing strategic thinking;
  • promote the formation of knowledge and skills in the field of planning long-term marketing tasks, forming the company’s assortment, pricing tactics and sales strategy, building a marketing management scheme in the company;
  • teach skills in using practical tools and examples marketing activities for marketing research and competent positioning of the company and its products;
  • prepare anti-crisis managers who flexibly respond to rapidly changing market demands and are able to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty;
  • promote the formation of a professional community of strategic managers in order to create and maintain an information environment for business professional interaction, communication, exchange of experience and opinions between managers from different areas of business.

In the programs of the Plekhanov School of Business “Integral” they are involved as leading teachers of REU. G.V. Plekhanov, and the best teachers of other famous universities: the Academy National economy, State University Management, Higher School of Economics. Practitioners and foreign guest lecturers are also involved in teaching. We have truly assembled a team of professionals!

There are 3 forms of training available:

1. Part-time MBA (evening course of study). Training in the program is carried out on-the-job.

  • Class time: 3-4 times a week (18:45 - 21:45)
  • Duration of training: 2 years
  • Price:

2. Executive MBA(weekend group).

  • Class time: on Saturdays (10:00 - 18:20)
  • Duration of training: 2 years
  • Price: RUB 520,000*; 130,000 rub./family *

3. Modular MBA (correspondence course).

  • Class time: 2-week sessions 2-3 times a year (10:00 - 18:00)
  • Duration of training: 2 years
  • Price: RUB 410,000*; RUB 102,500/family *

*Prices valid until 29February2016

Upon completion of training, a diploma from REU is issued. G.V. Plekhanov with the qualification “Master of Business Administration”

The total labor intensity of training is 2,200 hours, of which 752 classroom hours.

Dear friends!

I thank everyone who is considering our faculty “International School of Business and World Economy” (IBS-Plekhanov) REU. G.V. Plekhanov or has already made his choice in favor of our faculty to obtain bachelor's, master's, and master of business administration degrees.

IBS-Plekhanov is the best choice, as it is a unique higher school.

Let me explain why this is true. "International School of Business and World Economy" REU named after. G. V. Plekhanova offers a unique combination of Russian fundamental academic and Western applied approaches to the educational process, which guarantees our students a successful career in the 21st century.

IBS-Plekhanov is truly an international business school...

…with the training of foreign and Russian students in Russian and English language programs.

Over 2,000 students study at the IBS-Plekhanov faculty, our faculty cooperates with more than 80 partner universities around the world on double degree and exchange programs, and numerous of our graduates occupy leading positions in companies in many countries around the world. An innovative combination of Russian and Western approaches to education equips our students for successful careers within the global economic system with its complex structure, culture and principles of high competition and interdependence.

With a professional approach to business education.

The function of any higher education institution is to provide knowledge through practical orientation, research activities and academic training. IBS-Plekhanov students have every opportunity to receive the most latest information, as well as develop the qualities, abilities and competencies needed by modern leaders. Our system for organizing practical training and international internships gives IBS-Plekhanov students a unique opportunity, under the guidance of practitioners, to apply academic skills in practice and gain practical experience.

And the corporate culture of the University.

As a business school within an educational institution with more than a century of history, IBS-Plekhanov has inherited and improved corporate culture University. Alumni meetings, open days, extracurricular activities of the student council, sports– all this enriches the general concept of the School, which states: successful organization consists of competent individuals - professionals in their field, who benefit society.

So, if you have decided to get an education at an international school, the Faculty of the International School of Business and World Economy of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov is an excellent choice! We will do our best to match your interests and wish you success in your education and future career.

Dean of the Faculty “International School of Business and World Economy”

N.V. Ponomareva

Objectives of the faculty

  • Promote innovative economic growth through the training of specialists based on continuous improvement educational process, development and implementation of new educational programs.
  • Promote economic prosperity and well-being of society through the integration of education, science and business.
  • Ensure compliance of the educational process with state and international educational standards.
  • To help meet the needs of the national and global economy for highly qualified specialists.
  • To educate socially responsible and patriotic managers, economists, and linguists, based on the traditions and many years of experience of the University.

The implementation of the mission and objectives of the faculty “International School of Business and World Economy” (IBS - Plekhanov) can be illustrated:

  • complex of trained educational materials in Russian and English (textbooks, teaching aids, business games, Internship, usage interactive methods training);
  • development and implementation of new curricula, meeting modern requirements;
  • studying several foreign languages(English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese);
  • using a credit system in accordance with international standards higher education;
  • comprehensive control of the quality of teaching, taking into account the formation of specialized competencies and maintaining a rating system for assessing the progress and quality of students’ knowledge;
  • active participation students of IBS - Plekhanov in scientific, practical, student, social and public events (scientific conferences, olympiads, round tables, work competitions, sporting events, KVN, etc.);
  • employment of IBS-Plekhanov graduates in leading Russian and foreign organizations.

International Business School IBS-Plekhanov -

this is the faculty of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, providing multi-level training of specialists under international programs.

  • training for English language(bachelor's and master's degrees);
  • studying two more foreign languages ​​to choose from (German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, Italian) (bachelor's degree);
  • study abroad at one of the partner universities (bachelor's and master's degrees);
  • about fifty partner universities in Europe and North America;
  • state diploma from the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov plus an international certificate or diploma from one of the foreign partner universities under the “Double Diploma” program (bachelor’s and master’s degrees);
  • internship at international company both in Russia and abroad;
  • guest lectures by foreign professors and ambassadors of foreign countries;
  • presentations and seminars of major international companies and organizations operating in Russia, providing a unique opportunity to obtain high-quality professional knowledge that guarantees successful employment.

According to the results of a survey among 1000 Deans best business schools of the world, conducted under the supervision of the International Scientific Committee by Eduniversal, the International Business School IBS-Plekhanov is among the top five best business schools in Russia in the Excellent Business Schools category and among the 1000 best business schools in the world.

IN International school business the following programs are being implemented:

higher professional education with a degree:

  • Bachelor's degree in Economics (profile - Finance and Credit) and Management (profile - Marketing) (training in English)
  • Master's degree in International Corporate Finance and International Technologies and Innovation Management (taught in English)

additional to higher education with a degree:

  • Master of Business Administration in the MBA-Finance and MBA-Strategic Management program (training in Russian)

The bachelor's program in economics received international accreditation from the European Council for Business Education (ECBE) in 2006 and 2013.

Currently, more than 420 students are studying in the programs of the Faculty of MSB.

Additionally, during their studies at the MSB, students have the opportunity to receive:

  • diploma from one of the institutes of European partner universities
  • Bachelor's degree from Ellis College, New York Institute of Technology
  • international certificates of MSB and partner universities in the exchange program
  • language certificates

Employment benefits:

  • The combination of traditional Russian fundamental teaching with applied nature Western European education.
  • Fluency in two foreign languages.
  • Computer literacy.
  • Experience working in international companies.
  • Skills in the areas of: professional communication, presentations, business correspondence, behavior during a job interview, teamwork.
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