
What you need for your agricultural business. Farming as a profitable business. About the available options

Given the country's course towards import substitution farming became relevant. This line of business is attractive for several reasons:

  1. demand for products;
  2. fewer investments compared to “urban” types of entrepreneurship

Farming allows you to do interesting things and earn good income. The truth of this statement is supported by numerous examples of successful business in rural areas, the existence of numerous enterprises engaged not only in the production of agricultural products, but also in their processing. If you listen to the advice of “experienced” people, you can figure out how to open and develop your own farming.

Farming is hard work

At the initial stage, you need to start developing a business plan. It will help you systematize everything, calculate expected expenses and income, and direct your activities in the right direction.

When drawing up a business plan, it is better to take the advice of experienced farmers, who will show the real picture of things and will not allow you to make mistakes. It is the business plan that will allow you to take the right steps in starting your business. Next, you will have to navigate according to the circumstances.

Definition of a specific industry

Farming involves a variety of activities. Trying to do everything in a row is not practical. It's better to choose one thing. If funds allow, it is better to engage in livestock farming. Here you can get a good profit throughout the year, but you will have to invest a lot of money in the purchase of breeding stock or poultry. You can turn your attention to the production of dairy products, raise livestock for meat, raise ducks, or focus on laying hens.

In case of limited quantity Money you should focus on melons or simple vegetables. If everything works out, the profit from vegetable growing is gradually invested in the purchase of equipment. As a result, it becomes possible to significantly expand production and make it larger.

Regardless of the industry, you will have to take care of the availability work force. You won't be able to handle everything on your own. Typically, farmers easily find hired workers by inviting residents of nearby villages to work.

What do you need to know about registering a business activity?

Earth - mandatory requirement for farming

To start your own farm, you need appropriate land. The authorities prefer to allocate land to local residents. But even a city resident can receive land from the category of rural land. On this moment In many regions there are programs under which arable land is allocated free of charge for farming.

To officially register a farm, you need to prepare the following documents:

  1. Receipt.
  2. Copies and .

After the farm is officially registered, it becomes possible to participate in programs state support. Any large farm must be registered and also pay the appropriate taxes. If the farm is small, you don’t have to fill out any paperwork, just consume some of the produce yourself and sell the excess on the market. This is permitted by law.

First stage

Without initial capital- no way!

The current map of agricultural land is full of blank spots. Many villages are abandoned, the land is not used for its intended purpose, and is often simply overgrown with weeds. Recently, the government has been taking certain steps to restore this sector of the economy.

Therefore, if there is no big difference where to establish your farm, it is better to choose a place that the authorities plan to revive in the near future.

On next stage you need to decide how much work you can handle. Experts recommend that inexperienced farmers start with 300 head of cattle. The maximum quantity that can be taken at the start is 800 heads. If your direction is growing vegetables or cereals, you need to think about how much acreage you can cultivate.

Any direction of farming activity requires certain knowledge and skills. Appeal to experience successful entrepreneurs, usage innovative technologies, modern technology will increase productivity and get more.

It is important that there are villages, towns, communications, and roads nearby. Depending on the quality and location, the cost per hectare will vary: from 50 thousand to 500 thousand rubles

Do you need start-up capital?

Help from the state is minimal

A common mistake of many people who want to become farmers is the hope that the state will provide financial support for their desire to engage in agriculture. In fact, participation in state programs to support farmers is quite problematic. At the initial stage, it is very difficult for a farm to meet all the requirements imposed by the state on those wishing to receive support.

It’s good if the opportunity arises, but in any case it will be only a small part of all necessary expenses. It is not advisable to rely on a loan. Banks consider farming activities too unreliable, so they refuse loans to eliminate the risk of losing money.

And if they give at high interest rates, it’s not worth taking a loan at all, because it’s impossible to get super profits in agriculture. Therefore, before opening a farm, you need to find money that will become starting capital.

Are hired workers needed?

Even a family farm will need staff as it expands. Agriculture is a very labor-intensive industry, so you always have to hire people. When selecting personnel, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • availability of the necessary skills;
  • lack of addiction to alcohol;

Sales of products

Need to draw up a business plan

Producing products is half the battle; selling them profitably is much more important. Therefore, even at the initial stage, it is necessary to think about to whom and how the products will be sold. When the goods are ready for sale, you should already know where you will take them. After all, almost all agricultural products deteriorate very quickly, and downtime will bring losses.

Sales may be difficult. Profitable sales channels are already occupied; it will be difficult for a newcomer to break in there. You can sell the goods you produce yourself, but this involves additional costs and hassle. After all, you will need to arrange a lot more.

To sell goods to a store, you need a quality certificate. To sell grains, you need to go through a lot of offices. Because of these rules, most simply hand over their grain to resellers, making a very small profit.

Pros and cons of farming

Wanting to become a farmer is a responsible act. So as not to regret the hasty decision. You need to understand all the benefits in advance of this business, analyze existing shortcomings.


  1. Good income. The cost of hired workers' services is lower than in the city.
  2. Free products on your table


  1. Large initial investment.
  2. High energy costs.
  3. Impossibility of managing a household without certain knowledge.

To engage in farming, you need to be mentally prepared for this difficult task. It's not just about spending time in nature. It's hard work with a lot of tough decisions. But the investment will definitely bring profit. At the moment this is one of the most promising directions human economic activity in our country.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

Farming activities can be carried out in any organizational and legal form. The farmer may be individual entrepreneur, head of a peasant farm (peasant farm) or head of a legal entity ( production cooperative or LLC). The tax system, which can also have different options, also depends on which option the farmer chooses.

The most popular form of activity is peasant farming. The farmer himself is registered as the head of this farm. Peasant farm enterprise is not legal entity. Instead of constituent documents An agreement is concluded between the participants on the creation of a peasant farm, signed by all its participants. Peasant farm members must be over 16 years of age and be relatives (no more than three separate families). The law does not determine the number of families. Participation by other citizens is possible, but no more than 5 people. Property – common shared or common joint property. Labor participation all members are required. A peasant farm may also consist of one person, its head, then an agreement on its creation is not needed.

The main taxation system for peasant farms is the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). The tax base is income minus expenses. Tax rate 6%. The state is trying in every possible way to create conditions for farmers to successfully farm. However, as noted in the article, at the beginning of activity, it is difficult to count on serious support. Farmers have to invest a lot of work and money to get on their feet.

Video for those interested in farming:

A detailed guide on how to start a farming business. What documents are required and how much money do I need to invest? The answers are here.

Capital Investment in peasant farms: from RUB 770,000

Payback period: 9-12 months

This article will discuss how to start a farm from scratch.

For those who are not yet “in the know,” then: a farm (also known as a peasant farm) is an enterprise that produces and sells agricultural products.

In the minds of many people, this definition may evoke associations with hundreds of hectares of fields, large numbers of livestock and other similar pictures.

However, any entrepreneur can organize a mini production. And running it is very profitable.

And an analysis of development trends shows that demand will only grow in the future.

What are the main activities involved in farming as a business?

Farming can be divided into several categories:

    Plant growing.

    A huge range of plants can be planted and sold in the Russian Federation.
    But several types are especially popular:

    1. various greens;
    2. cereals;
    3. vegetables;
    4. berries and fruits.
  1. Home farm (breeding).

    There are several popular directions:

    1. Cattle: cows and goats (for dairy and meat products), pigs, sheep (wool), rabbits;
    2. fish farming (trout, sturgeon, carp);
    3. birds (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys).
  2. Additional areas of farming activities.

    This is one of strengths farming.
    Almost any type of activity allows for additional profit.
    This is beneficial, because you use your own raw materials for production, and do not buy:

    1. vegetables, berries, fruits can be frozen and sold;
    2. dairy products can be used for the production and sale of cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, fermented baked milk;
    3. If the farm produces grain, you can make flour or bake bakery products from it.

What features does a farming business have?

To open and run a farming business profitably and legally, it is worth considering several distinctive features from other options entrepreneurial activity:

  • Farming is often a family affair.

    After all, only people related by family ties and over 16 years of age can be its members.
    But don’t think that you can only open a mini farm with such a small staff.
    It is allowed to attract external workers, but no more than 5.

  • Each member of the farm is obliged to take personal part in production.
  • A farm can be called a farm if it produces at least 70% of agricultural products.
  • The state supports farming in every possible way, so entrepreneurs can count on assistance in purchasing equipment and even receiving a plot of land for free.

How to open a farm: step-by-step instructions for collecting documents

Starting a farm is most often decided by the family.

But this does not mean that you will not need to register with the tax authorities!

Especially if you want to receive benefits or a plot of land from the state.

You can obtain the list of documents and the registration instructions themselves from the law that regulates farming (N 74-FZ of June 11, 2003).

Only after all the paperwork has been completed can you begin to organize the farm itself.

You need to start by finding a suitable piece of land, and then start solving other issues.

Analysis of the current situation in agriculture

Small businesses are now actively developing all over the world, and the Russian Federation is no exception.

We can especially highlight such areas as trade, services and private farming.

The latter demonstrates a high level of profitability and receives full support from the state.

If we evaluate the growth rate of agriculture as a whole, we can say that it is falling.

Replaced technical progress, GMO.

There are fewer and fewer able-bodied people left in the villages, and young people are not eager to devote themselves to farming.

But it is worth noting that in the wake of the craze for a healthy lifestyle, the boom in vegetarianism and raw food nutrition, the demand for farming began to grow again.

But mainly in mini production of homemade, absolutely environmentally friendly products.

This state of affairs provides excellent prospects for starting a farm.

There is no point in wasting time when competition is at a moderate level and farm demand begins to gradually increase.

How to open your own farm: choosing land for farming

The first thing that is important for an entrepreneur who decides to start a farm from scratch is a suitable plot of land.

It is not necessary to buy it at the start, especially since not everyone has the appropriate starting capital.

First, rent it.

If business activity progresses profitably, then it will be possible to return to the issue of purchasing in the future.

It is best to look for a farming area outside the city, away from any industrial facilities, major roads, or other farms.

But not at a great distance, so that farm products can be quickly and inexpensively transported to customers.

If you intend to plant plants or raise cattle, environmental friendliness and environmental safety are important.

Also, some features appear depending on the chosen area of ​​farming:

  • To raise cattle, the plot of land must be large, have sufficient lawn area for grazing, and a reservoir.
  • If the farm is beekeeping, there must be fields with flower stalks next to the apiary.
    Otherwise, you will have to plant them yourself.
  • The presence of a pond is also important if you will be raising domestic waterfowl.

What personnel should you hire for your peasant farm?

Farming is extremely difficult, especially for a novice entrepreneur.

Therefore, even if you have all the knowledge necessary for work, a businessman needs to hire a staff of workers.

For each area of ​​activity, the list of required positions will be different.

But any farming niche related to animals cannot do without a key person - a veterinarian.

He will be involved in preventing or minimizing the main risk - diseases and quarantine of animals.

The veterinarian also allows for childbirth to be carried out at the highest level, that is, to increase the farm's livestock population naturally without purchasing costs. So investing in the best veterinarian is beneficial for an entrepreneur.

The rest of the list of hired people will look like this:

  • An ordinary peasant farm mini-farm: butcher, livestock specialist, milkmaid, manager, cleaner.
  • Beekeeping: depends on the number of hives, usually there is 1 beekeeper for 10 of them.
  • Raising rabbits or poultry: a simple task, just hire 1-2 assistants.

    But this is only relevant for mini-farm production.
    For a business with a thousand headcount, the number of employees will be tens of times greater.

How to open a farm: points of sale of products

Homemade natural products obtained from farms are in demand by many buyers.

For example, the main product of livestock farming - meat - will be bought by restaurants, shops, and private individuals.

There is also a demand for by-products of production - wool, down. Although the demand for them, of course, is lower than for meat.

Also points Catering and various trading companies will buy fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains.

It is worth considering that in this case, sales will occur in wholesale quantities, so the purchasing cost for customers will be lower than the usual retail price.

If for crop farming it is not difficult to trade in large quantities, then collecting sufficient volumes of honey is no longer so easy.

So if you decide to breed bees on the scale of a full-fledged business, a mini apiary will not be suitable for these purposes.

You will need to purchase at least 50 bee families to produce the required volume of product.

Therefore, most often beekeeping is organized by the whole family - after all, it is almost impossible to maintain such a large apiary yourself.

But at the same time, farming is very profitable, the profitability level is at least 20-30%.

How much money do you need to start a farm?

An item that must be carefully calculated is the size of the investment.

After all, everyone will have their own list of expenses, and, accordingly, the amount.

Most of it will be spent on renting territory that will suit your Agriculture.

Also, if you choose livestock farming, a considerable amount of capital will be spent on purchasing the first batch of animals or insects (beekeeping).

One of the significant advantages is the one-time cost of starting a farm.

Almost any other business requires monthly injections of considerable amounts.

An entrepreneur invests money in a peasant farm once and then works for himself.

An approximate list of expenses for starting a peasant business looks like this:

What risks exist for farming?

Having your own farming business is definitely not the most risky activity, according to many.

However, in this area, in fact, there are many potential troubles that can ruin the economy and lead to losses.

The list for the specific selected area of ​​peasant farming will be different, but the general list includes:

  • weather conditions unfavorable for plant growth,
  • various natural disasters,
  • pest infestations,
  • diseases among livestock,
  • quarantine areas for animals.

How profitable is it to own a farm?

V real numbers says a working farmer:

How quickly will your peasant farm pay for itself?

The size of the investment from scratch will be determined by what particular sector of agriculture the entrepreneur has decided to engage in.

After all, opening from scratch will require a different list of equipment, number of personnel, type and cost of purchased consumables.

Products received in rural production, is in demand among all segments of the population.

Originated in last years The trend for organic living has only strengthened the growing demand for natural products.

So if the above step-by-step instruction How to open a farm is carried out by the entrepreneur point by point and he produces exceptionally high-quality goods, the peasant farm business will flourish!

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New government programs combined with tax incentives make farming now perspective view business. This activity aims to generate profit through the production of agricultural products.

Selection of area of ​​employment

Before you figure out where to start farming, you need to decide on the main type of activity. Multi-industry enterprises can be created provided there is a significant starting capital. But to open a small farm, where mainly family members will work, you need to choose a narrow focus. This could be growing vegetable or fruit crops, raising poultry, pigs, or beekeeping.

The direction of activity must be selected so that it is interesting to you. If you are afraid of bees, then there is no point in making an apiary. Also, don't start growing vegetables if you don't like gardening.

Preparatory stage

Before starting any type of activity, you need to assess your capabilities. This is why it is important to develop a farming business plan. The first stage involves searching for land. If you do not have the required plot of land, you can rent it. It is better to choose plots of land in such a way that they can be easily reached from passing roads and large populated areas.

It's better to find an abandoned farm. The work to restore it will cost less. It is much more difficult and expensive to start a business from scratch.

Preparation of a business plan

Before you start preparing the necessary documentation, it is important to calculate all the costs and possible income. But it must be remembered that agriculture is considered a risky business. Animals may die from disease epidemics, vegetables may not grow due to unfavorable weather conditions, fruits will suffer from the invasion of harmful insects, sudden frosts or hail.

A farm business plan must include information about costs. In vegetable growing, for example, these include not only the purchase of seeds, but also the costs of necessary fertilizers, organizing watering, if necessary, paying for the work of hired people, transport costs for delivery of the harvested crop to the nearest retail outlets. Do not forget about the need to attract third-party organizations with special equipment for seasonal cultivation of the land.

Only after the final calculation of all expenses can you begin to roughly estimate your potential income. To calculate the profitability of crop production, you need to find out the approximate crop yield in your region and multiply it by average cost products in season. This way you can determine your potential revenue.


One of the main problems that many farmers face is finding funds. In order to obtain a loan, you need a competent farm plan. Only in this case can you count on receiving money. If you are not ready to pay high interest rates for the use of funds, then pay attention to government programs designed to support agricultural development.

A competent business plan increases your chances of getting a loan. But money under preferential programs is given only to those who have fixed assets and at least some experience in this area. You can get a loan for a period of 5 years under attractive conditions with a reduced interest rate. At the same time, payments on loans provided under government programs can begin only a year after they were issued.

Preparation of documents

It is worth noting that, in addition to the development plan, you must have all the necessary papers confirming that you are officially running a business. The farm must be registered in tax authority. Indigenous residents of the area who plan to start farming can count on receiving land plots from local authorities.

The right approach

Having calculated possible expenses and income and legally registered the business, you can begin to begin work. If you have an idea of ​​where to start farming, it will be easier for you. Otherwise, it is better to find a person who understands this type of activity. This could be an agricultural worker with special education and experience.

If you want to start growing crops, but you have a small plot, then it is better to install greenhouses. This will allow you to get additional profit due to an earlier harvest. Many farmers, who now have several thousand hectares of land at their disposal, started with small plots.

It is equally important to use modern technologies. They are designed to make life easier for the farmer and significantly increase his productivity.

Advantages of agricultural activities

Currently, the development of farming is one of the priority areas. The state allocates enormous funds to support entrepreneurs who are ready to work in Russia. Programs for preferential lending such a business. The taxation system has also been simplified for farmers.

The state strives to ensure that people do not think about where to start farming, but act. For example, in 2012-2014, grants were allocated to start agricultural activities. But they were given only to young farmers. The government wants the big ones subsidiary plots switched to new stage development. They must produce enough products to be sold. This will allow us to refuse many imported goods.

For example, one of the priority areas is raising dairy cows. Currently in Russia it is rather poorly developed. And with investments, a competent approach and the establishment of production, you can claim to cover a significant part of the market.

Potential problems

Not many people want to engage in agriculture due to the fact that it requires significant labor costs. As a rule, at the initial stages you have to work independently. Of course, with the expansion of production, at the stage when you yourself can give advice on where to start farming, labor is partially mechanized, and a larger number of hired employees appears.

The development of this area is also hampered by the fact that to start activities you need large investments. Combined with the fact that the agricultural business is quite risky, and investments can take several years, this becomes a serious obstacle. Of course, in crop production, with a successful set of circumstances, you can return your investment in one season. In livestock farming, you can’t count on quick profits.

When it comes to borrowing money, many people face the following problem. The farmer takes money to develop his business and invests it. But the first profit from investments will be only after several months or years, and the loan and interest must be paid immediately. That’s why it’s so important to keep an eye on government financing programs that offer preferential terms and make it possible to defer the first payment for a year.

The state strongly supports entrepreneurs who are engaged in agriculture, so this niche has begun to attract many newcomers. Farming has many advantages - wide markets, high income and quick payback. In this article we will tell you how to become a farmer from scratch in our country.

Development prospects

From scratch in Russia is one of the most promising areas of activity for newcomers living in rural areas. This is due to the following factors:

  • First of all, this is assistance from the state to farmers. Subject to certain conditions, any newcomer can receive a free subsidy, grant or tax breaks as support for his newly created farm;
  • Constantly rising food prices. This has a positive effect on the profitability of farms;
  • Farm products are always in demand in the market because they are essential goods;
  • Domestic producers do not experience any restrictions on access to the market;
  • New areas of activity are constantly emerging in this area, for example, breeding ostriches or pheasants;
  • Wide markets.

Business ideas 2019 minimal investment in rural areas are an ideal basis for the development of a large-scale enterprise. If you take your work responsibly and are able to create a competent development strategy, farming will generate significant income.

Growing mushrooms

Experienced businessmen often have to answer the question of how to become a farmer from scratch and where to start. They advise that before choosing an idea, you need to highlight the main aspects:
  • Possibility of quick learning;
  • Minimum starting capital;
  • Fast payback;
  • Great demand for products.

Fits all these parameters. This idea has many advantages and allows you to make good profits. Mushrooms do not require much attention, so growing them will not take up much of your time.

If you have decided to become a farmer and are wondering where to start, then first of all you need to calculate future costs. The size of the starting capital largely depends on the scale of production, the variety of mushrooms you will grow and the cost of the seed. Let's try to calculate how much money will be needed for one cycle of champignon production in a small farm:

  • Production of 30 tons of compost – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Mycelium – 10 thousand rubles;
  • Heating – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 80 thousand rubles.

From 1 ton of compost you can harvest 200 kg of champignons at 100 rubles per 1 kg. With 30 tons you will get 6 tons of mushrooms, worth 600 thousand rubles. If you are now interested in how to become a farmer from scratch without spending money, you can start growing mushrooms in small quantities, for example, in your country house or in the basement of a private house. Invest the money you earn in the development of your enterprise and over time you will be able to achieve great success.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Everyone knows that the vegetables sold in stores in winter are grown in greenhouses. Such products are charged exorbitant prices, and the manufacturer receives the bulk of the money from their sales. Based on this, it can be argued that one’s own greenhouse farming, this is a great idea on how to become a farmer from scratch in Crimea and get help from the state.

It is advisable that your farm is located close to markets, for example, in a nearby suburb. Do not forget to provide convenient access roads for the removal of finished products. You can learn how to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands for winter growing from specialists or from relevant literature.

Before you become a vegetable farmer from scratch, carefully consider where you will deliver your finished products. The simplest option is to sell the harvest through wholesale centers, but they offer low prices, so the profit from growing vegetables will be insignificant. Another option is retail. In this case, you will have to equip outlet and hire a salesperson. Many farmers sell their finished products to restaurants and processing plants.

The profitability of this business largely depends on climatic conditions and the choice of crop. It is most profitable to focus on expensive goods, since in the summer many vegetables are grown in open ground and their prices decrease significantly during the season. In this regard, your costs for greenhouse cultivation may not be recouped. After you go to net income, you can think about how to become a vegetable farmer on a larger scale.

Production of organic products

Recently, the demand for organic products has begun to grow. Many entrepreneurs make good money from this. If you have your own plot of land and are interested in becoming a farmer from scratch, farming may be the perfect idea to get started. Its main advantage is its low barrier to entry. A small eco-farm can be organized on your own personal plot. This is the easiest way to become a novice farmer.

The production of organic products is one of the most promising niches on the market. If you are attracted to this line of work, you should not completely rely on your own knowledge and intuition. Before becoming a farmer in Russia from scratch in the field of organic farming, consult with a qualified specialist. He will tell you which crops are best to grow in your region and how to properly care for them. If you choose the planting time wisely, you can harvest two crops in one season. For example, first you sow radishes, which ripen in 40 days, after which you plant tomatoes or peppers in its place. Proper selection of crops will allow you to increase your income significantly.

Breeding Vietnamese pigs

Wondering how to become a pig farmer? This area of ​​activity has broad development prospects. High-quality fresh meat is always in demand on the market, so its prices are consistently high. Pig farming attracts many farmers due to the simplicity of the technological process. All you need to do is raise pigs and sell the meat. The only obstacle is large financial investments.

If you do not have a large start-up capital, start by breeding Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs. This breed has many advantages over ordinary white pigs:

  • Due to their high immunity, animals do not need regular vaccinations;
  • Vietnamese pigs are herbivores, so you don’t have to buy a lot of expensive grain feed to raise them;
  • Females reach sexual maturity at 4 months, and males at 6 months;
  • Great fertility.

If you don’t know anything about pig farming, contact entrepreneurs who have been involved in this business for a long time. They will tell you how to become a farmer from scratch and what you need to do for this. Experienced breeders believe that breeding is more profitable than meat. All investments pay off literally after the first litter. Since piglets can be sold at 3-4 weeks of age, you will spend virtually nothing on their care. The most important thing is a responsible attitude and hard work; success is guaranteed to you.

Raising bulls for meat

Rural residents often ask how to become a farmer from scratch and whether they provide initial capital if they turn to the state for help. If you provide a competent business plan and can convince the commission that your activities will really bring benefits, in principle you can count on financial support. But this does not mean that you can start without having your own funds. Before becoming a farmer in Russia, you need to put together at least a small start-up capital or start with the most simple ideas, for example, from growing vegetables on your own plot.

Now let's talk about how to become a farmer from scratch in the field of livestock farming. For example, you can start breeding bulls for meat. If you have enough money to raise 10 heads, you shouldn’t chase high income and take 20 calves for fattening. Do not forget that young bulls cannot be kept without walking. When the animals become adults, it is better to keep them in a barn or under a shed, since grown bulls can pose a danger to others. In order for animals to quickly gain weight, you need to include succulent and grain feed in their diet. When the bulls gain a weight of 300-350 kg, they can be sold for 40-45 thousand rubles. As you can see, this is quite a profitable business, but before you become a farmer from scratch in the field of livestock breeding, you need to prepare for the fact that the business will take a lot of effort and time from you, since animals require care and attention.

Growing remontant raspberries

What to do in the village to earn money? A good business idea is growing raspberries. It is suitable for anyone who has a small plot of land. The amount of starting capital depends on the choice of raspberry variety. In any case, the implementation of such a project will not require large financial investments. True, such a business is seasonal, but if you work hard, you can get a good addition to the family budget.

- this is a simple but rather troublesome task. It is necessary to make trellises that will support the branches. In addition, you will have to regularly remove young growth and weeds. If you don't take care of your raspberries, they will start to grow wild. Income largely depends on both demand and the market price for this product. Raspberries can be sold in bulk to stores and processing plants, or sold on the market at a retail price. Or combine all these options for selling finished products.

According to experts, growing raspberries is the easiest way to become a farmer from scratch in the field of crop production. The profitability of growing remontant raspberries reaches 65%. All initial investments pay off in 3.5 years. If you want to increase your income, you can sell cuttings and shoots.

Geese breeding

A great idea on how to become a successful farmer from scratch in our country. This is a fairly profitable business that does not require significant financial investments.

Let's try to figure out how to become a farmer and where to start? First of all, you will need a room with an area of ​​150 square meters. meters. It can contain 1000 birds. It should be insulated, as geese can get frostbite on their paws or beaks. The construction of such a premises will be too expensive, so it is better to rent some abandoned poultry house.

The biggest costs are the purchase of young animals and feed. If you do not have your own funds, ask your local administration how to become a farmer from scratch and receive a subsidy from the state. Such financial assistance can be a good basis for the development of your business.

To summarize, I would like to note the following: if you have experience in the field of breeding poultry and have in mind an abandoned poultry house with an adjacent land plot and a small reservoir, you can safely breed geese. This is one of the simplest and profitable options how to become a farmer from scratch in 2019.

Breeding laying hens for eggs

Let's think again about how you can make money in the village? There are many ideas that can be successfully implemented in rural areas. The simplest of them is raising chickens. If you create good conditions for laying hens, from a hundred heads you will receive 80–85 eggs daily. In addition, you can sell chicken manure. It is used as a fertilizer for plants. When the chickens begin to produce fewer eggs, they can be slaughtered and sold, and the proceeds can be used to buy chickens again.

It will not require any serious financial or time expenditure from you. The bird needs to be fed and watered on time, and droppings must be cleaned up after them. You will spend no more than two hours a day on all this. This is all you need to become a farmer in this area. There are usually no problems with the sale of eggs, since this product is always in demand on the market.

If you are looking for ideas on how to become a poultry farmer from scratch, start by raising laying hens and gradually grow your business. All investments pay off in 8 months, after which you reach net income. If you sell not only eggs, but also meat and chickens, the farm will prosper.

Pheasant breeding

While watching videos on the Internet on how to become a farmer from scratch, you probably came across this original ideas like raising pheasants. It's very interesting and quite advantageous view entrepreneurial activity, but in our country it is not yet very popular. Local breeders do not have experience in breeding such exotic birds, which negatively affects the development of this business.

Pheasant meat is purchased by many stores and restaurants. If you can properly organize the sale of finished products, your business will flourish. In Russia, pheasants are also bought by many hunting farms, which organize pheasant hunts for wealthy people. On average, one pheasant can be sold for $10, while its cost is $5–6. will require certain financial investments from you. All investments pay off in 2–3 years.


- this is quite a profitable, but at the same time troublesome business. The level of profitability depends on the scale of the farm, pricing policy and sales volumes of finished products. The more cash you can generate, the faster your business will grow.

"Farmers start farms for the love of farming. They love watching plants grow. They love being around animals. They love working outdoors. They love any kind of weather, even inclement weather." - Wendell Berry.

So you want to become a farmer, but have never raised crops or livestock in your life? There is no need to worry - this article will help you get started on the path to your dream of becoming a farmer.


Part 1

Learn farming

    Clearly decide for yourself why you are interested in farming. This is hard work requiring a high level of responsibility and is definitely not classified as light industry enterprises making money. This industry is deeply rooted in tradition. If you've never had a farm or agricultural experience and still want to become a farmer, expect a lot of bewildered surprise from farmers and non-farmers alike. Be prepared to confidently answer the question: “Why do you want to do this?”

    • Be prepared for criticism and ridicule. At the same time, most people in the farming community are happy to share advice and support with those just starting out in the field.
  1. Choose which type of farming you want to do. In most cases, any farming specialization can be classified into one of two types. The first is the cultivation of agricultural crops, such as: grain crops (oilseeds, cereals, legumes), orchards, berry farms, vineyards, vegetables, wheat and silage. The second is livestock farming, or breeding meat or dairy cattle, pigs, poultry, horses, sheep, bees or exotic animals. Organic farming is another subsection of agriculture and livestock farming that specializes in alternative production methods.

    • Commercial/industrial farms typically include multiple operations to support the main type of production. For example, a dairy farm cannot be profitable without support from silage and grain production. Farms that specialize exclusively in growing grains use a rotation system, growing a minimum of two grains per season, rotating oilseeds, grains and legumes annually to meet market demand. There is a common belief that the larger the farm, the fewer sectors or ancillary businesses it operates. However, this is not always the case and there is no need to worry about it during the process. own choice. You can completely decide for yourself which sectors you would like to include in your farm.
    • Many family farms - large or small - involve at least five types of production. Family Farms are usually a type of mixed farm where production includes both growing crops and raising livestock.
  2. Talk to experienced farmers. Try to find farms that are close in character to what you want. Ask around and perhaps you could visit one of these farms. Do some research online to see if there is a local farm themed fair planned in your area. Be sure to attend such an event - there you can find serious and active manufacturers with whom it will be useful for you to communicate.

    • Ask them various questions about what they do (what their process involves), how their farm has changed over time, what developments they envision in their sector, and ask permission to visit them on the farm. Farmers are generally friendly, humble and welcoming people, although some may be more reserved than others.
    • Farmers' markets are also a great place to meet farmers, especially those who have a narrow specialization of their farming (goat cheese, berries, etc.).
  3. Do your homework. Read books that discuss the type of farm you want to create. Search the Internet for articles and forums on farming. Online forums are a great resource for sharing experiences with farming experts.

    • As you do your research, determine what skills you will need to successfully run your farming operation. What is the market for your product? How suitable is your area of ​​residence for this type of farming?
  4. Take a class on farming. There are several ways to obtain the necessary information through training. One of the most common ways is to attend university and study agriculture, agricultural economics and management. Of course, a university education is not necessary to become a farmer. Look online for advertisements for seminars and other classes on topics that interest you.

    • Modern farmers are essentially entrepreneurs. They have to in order to survive. Understanding agricultural economics and farming policies will help you reach higher levels of production.
  5. Consider your possible relocation options. Some regions are more conducive to farming success than others, and different areas are more suitable for different sectors of the economy. Find out where the best place to set up the type of farm you want is and research the farms that already exist there. Or find out what farms already exist in the area you're interested in to decide if it's right for your type of farm.

    Part 2

    Get first-hand experience
    1. Get trained by offering your services as a worker on an existing farm. This is one of the key steps towards becoming a farmer, as it is an opportunity to work in exchange for the opportunity to learn and gain the necessary experience as a hired worker. Since you're just starting out, as in most professions, it's a good idea to start at the bottom. There are several ways to get started on a farm. :

      Be prepared for the fact that this may not be a very profitable business. Pay for farm workers is often extremely low. Many jobs are purely seasonal (usually during the summer). In winter it is almost impossible to find such a job.

    2. Demonstrate your desire to learn. Watch what experienced people do and ask them to teach you; often you will even have to simply ask why they do what they do. During your first year on the farm, your learning curve will skyrocket and you will gain experience in the areas of knowledge of how to change the oil on a tractor, how to fix a combine, how to prepare a cow for milking, how to prepare hay, how to feed cattle, and even how to tell the difference. wheat from barley.

      • You should not expect that you can become a farmer without understanding the skills, knowledge and technical aspects of farming processes. The best teacher is known to be experience. The books and articles on our site can only give you a general idea; A real farming experience awaits you ahead.
    3. Be flexible and open to new activities. You must be prepared to do any work that your farm may require of you. Many activities will require you to learn (and a lot of manual labor). If there are activities that you fundamentally do not want to do, voice this and realize that this will become your limitation. However, if, for example, you are not prepared to euthanize a sick or dying animal, you may be missing the point - namely, the understanding that by doing so you are doing good and saving the animal from suffering. These types of questions may include (and this is not an exhaustive list):

      • Cleaning stables and barnyards.
      • Working on a high ladder or roof.
      • Operate equipment such as a tractor, combine or harvester.
      • Extermination of rodents, such as rats and rabbits.
      • Protection from wild animals.
      • Compliance with the feeding or milking schedule.
      • Sowing or harvesting for 12 hours straight with little or no breaks.
      • Use of pesticides on the field.
      • Slaughter and butchering of livestock.
      • Euthanasia of sick animals.
      • Repair and maintenance of equipment, treatment of sick animals, etc.
    4. Much of the farm work requires bending, lifting, pulling, hauling and throwing. Only farm managers can sometimes avoid hard work, but they often have to work to the limit of their capabilities.

      • Don't shy away from getting familiar with technology. Deal with different types farm equipment as much as possible. Learn how to use them, how to ensure safety, how to store, operate and repair them. Even the smallest farms typically rely on a walk-behind tractor and a small tractor.
    5. Dress appropriately. It may sound strange, but showing up to a farm in a suit and shoes is akin to showing up for an interview at a law firm in jeans and sneakers. At the very beginning of the development of the farm, you will have to do a lot of physical labor. Wear comfortable, loose, warm clothing and waterproof shoes.

        For most, it takes a year or two of experience on other farms before one can consider oneself “educated enough” to move from farm worker to farm manager.
    • Be open to learning and dedicate as much time as possible to it. When you make mistakes, don't take failures personally, just learn from the experience.
    • Use common sense and intuition. In situations of uncertainty, ask for advice.
    • Be punctual and know how to get along with your boss!
    • Before setting up a farm, have a small garden or pet to better understand the nature of the work ahead of you.


    • Farming is not for everyone. Perhaps after a few months of working on someone's farm you will realize that you don't like it at all. That is why it is useful to start by gaining experience from others, rather than creating your own business and then regretting it.
    • Farm work can be extremely dangerous, especially when handling animals and equipment. Be careful and follow safety precautions!
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