
International contests for children. Heading: Children's contests. How the active participation of children in Olympiads can help a teacher pass certification

Children's contests are a place for the embodiment of children's fantasies and hobbies. Children's contests are the disclosure of young talents. Children gaining new knowledge while participating in competitions helps them to become brave and active in life.

In this section you will find contests for children: preschoolers, schoolchildren and adolescents. Most of the contests are free. Children's contests with free participation are held online with awards: prizes, diplomas, diplomas and certificates of participants.

Schoolchildren from grades 1-11 can participate in competitions of the Ministry of Education in various areas of school subjects and creative disciplines.

Contests for children

On our portal you will find relevant, interesting and free children's contests various topics, among them:

  • All-Russian, creative, dance, vocal, music, international competitions for children
  • Competitions for children and teachers
  • International children's competitions festivals
  • Contests of children's drawings, photographs and many others ...

Choose the contests below and participate!

The system for identifying and supporting young talents is formed as a set of programs and activities that ensure the development and implementation of the abilities of all children and youth in order to achieve outstanding results in their chosen field. professional activity and high quality of life. Competitions and olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education, are held in several stages free of charge.

Implementation of competitions for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education.

To support talented children and youth, the Ministry annually determines 5350 young talents in all regions of Russia. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, 1,250 children - winners of Russian and prize-winners of international Olympiads - receive awards of 60 thousand rubles each, and 4,100 people - winners of regional and prize-winners of Russian Olympiads - receive awards of 30 thousand rubles each.

Some of the prize winners are selected by the federal center from among the winners of international and all-Russian Olympiads among schoolchildren, vocational education students, students, as well as from among the winners and prize-winners of all-Russian events with young people offered by federal executive authorities and all-Russian (international) public associations.

The second part of the Talented Youth Prize winners is determined by the subjects Russian Federation... The number of awards for each region is determined in proportion to the number of young people aged 14-25. Based on the results of regional Olympiads and other competitive events 1,600 people are determined to be awarded the prize. In accordance with the rules for awarding prizes to talented youth, the selection of candidates of the second group is made in five nominations: socially significant and public activities; scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities; professional skill; artistic creation; amateur sports.

Contests and Olympiads for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 74 "On the approval of the Rules for awarding prizes to support talented youth and the procedure for paying these prizes", a list of Olympiads and other competitive events is formed, based on the results of which prizes will be awarded.

Olympiads and contests for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education, are held by one or more organizers - federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state (municipal) educational institutions of higher professional education, non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, state (municipal) scientific institutions with the possible participation of one or more state (municipal) or non-state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, educational institutions additional education children, educational institutions, public organizations and state-public associations, funds mass media, other legal entities.

The number of prizes for olympiads and other competitions for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education is set in proportion to the number of citizens living in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation specified in paragraph 1 of these Rules, and is approved annually by order of the Ministry.

Competitions for schoolchildren are held by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the following nominations:

Socially significant and social activities;

Scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities

Professional excellence;

Artistic creativity;

Amateur sports.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education.

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren is one of the forms of work with gifted children in the Russian education system. This is a system of annual subject Olympiads for students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement educational programs basic general and secondary general education. The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren helps to identify gifted students, starting from the 5th grade.

Successful participation and getting into the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren guarantees students graduation classes general educational organizations admission to any university in a specialized direction without entrance examinations. In addition, the winners and prize-winners final stage Olympiads from grades 8-11 participate in international Olympiads in general subjects.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in 21 general education subjects: mathematics, Russian, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French), computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social science, economics, law, art ( world art culture), physical education, technology, basics of life safety.

The Olympiad includes several stages.

School the stage is carried out according to the tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad is the organ local government in charge of management in the field of education.

In 2017-2018 will be held great amount Russian and also international competitions and festivals for children. An application for children's contests 2018 must be sent in advance, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most interesting and large-scale contests that will be held in Russia.

Each child has a wonderful opportunity to take part in the chosen competition, demonstrate their talents, meet new people, get a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Most of the children's contests prepare valuable prizes for their winners, which will be an excellent reward for dedication, diligence and work during preparation.

For parents interested in traveling abroad, the article will present a number of famous international festivals... Participation in such projects will be a powerful incentive for further work on yourself, so that in the future your child can fulfill all his plans and dreams.

Children's music competitions 2017/2018

"CREATIVE DISCOVERIES. MUSIC "(St. Petersburg, Russia)

It is planned from 2 to 5 October 2017... The program is designed for 4 days, which the participants will spend in an unusually beautiful city- St. Petersburg. The talent competition will take place on day 2, at the end of which absolutely all participants will receive small gifts, and their teachers and mentors will be awarded diplomas with gratitude and certificates. The winner will receive a cup and a diploma. The rest of the time, a rich program is provided, including interesting trips around the city, visits to museums and cathedrals. An excursion to the famous Tsarskoe Selo, where Pushkin spent his youth, is also planned. In addition, children will take a walk in the Catherine Park, where they will take many beautiful photographs in memory of the competition days.

"MERGER OF CULTURES" (Kazan, Russia)

This competition is planned to be held in the wonderful city of Kazan. from April 28 to May 1, 2018... At the beginning, the children will have an exciting excursion on a comfortable bus around the city in order to get acquainted with the main sights of the city. On the second and third days, the festival itself is planned, including rehearsals, creative performances, interesting master classes and a final concert with an awarding ceremony for all participants and their teachers. On the fourth day, the organizers are planning an exciting trip to the island of Sviyazhsk with a visit to historical architectural monuments.


"ST. PETERSBURG ART ASSEMBLIES" (Russia, St. Petersburg)

Among the music festivals, the children's piano competitions 2017/2018 should be noted. Anyone starting from 3 years old can take part in the competition. It will pass from 01.12.2017 to 04.12.2017, applications are accepted until November 5, 2017. The nominations are as follows: "Piano - solo", "Piano duets" (4 hand and two pianos), "Concertmaster". All children will be awarded with diplomas and pleasant gifts, and the winners will be awarded the appropriate titles.

International children's competitions 2017/2018

"STARS OF PARIS" (France, Paris)

Festival "Stars of Paris" will be held April 21-30, 2018... Creative groups and soloists with their mentors are invited to participate in the following nominations: choreographic numbers, vocals, playing instruments, author's art of various genres, theater and painting. All children who took part in the competition will be awarded with diplomas, and the winners will be awarded the title of "Laureate".

The rich program of the competition is designed for 10 days, which includes an exciting excursion around Paris and a visit to the famous Disneyland entertainment center. The cost of the tour is 560 euros.

"VIVA-ITALY-RIMINI" (Italy, Rimini)

The festival will take place in the popular resort town Rimini June 11-16, 2018... Both creative groups and soloists of various age groups... There are 6 nominations in total: choreography, vocals, instrumental creativity, author's art, theater and painting. The winners of the competition will be awarded the title of "Laureate" of I, II and III degrees in the respective nominations. In addition, some participants can be awarded with special certificates.

The festival program is designed for 11 days. During this time, the guys will visit several cities, including Venice, Rome, Verona, Prague, Vienna. The cost of the trip is 650 euros.

Children's beauty contest-2018 in Russia

Fashion and beauty contests for children are gaining popularity all over the world. Such contests are also held in many cities of Russia. On May 31, the annual contest "Mini Miss Chelyabinsk 2017" is planned, the main prize of which will be the opportunity to participate in the "Mini Miss Russia 2018" project.

Young beauties are waiting practical lessons on acting, where famous actors will share their experience, give useful tips will conduct interesting exercises. Girls will also be taught the art of photography, which is certainly important for every model. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that every girl should be a good housewife, so all the participants will have cooking master classes. All this allows you to reveal creative potential the child, to reveal his abilities, and also to show them modern world fashion. The winner will become the face of the famous modeling agency for a whole year.

Upload your entry through your profile to our website. Study the evaluation criteria in the Competition Regulations and edit the work. Select the competition in which you want to participate, send an Application for participation in the competition.

IMPORTANT: the maximum size of the loaded document no more than 10 MB!

Methodological contests for preschool teachers

1. All-Russian conference "Organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the FSES DO" (methodological work in a preschool educational institution of an innovative nature, taking into account the requirements of the FSES DO: programs, development of classes, presentations, master classes, etc.).

2. All-Russian competition teaching excellence "Methodical piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher"

3. All-Russian teaching skills competition "Methodical piggy bank of a speech therapist teacher of a kindergarten" (methodological developments classes in kindergarten, programs, reports, master classes, etc.).

4. All-Russian competition of pedagogical skills "Methodical piggy bank of the musical director of the kindergarten"(methodological development of classes in kindergarten, programs, reports, master classes, etc.).

5. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a preschool teacher educational institution»
(presentation-reports on the pedagogical activity of a teacher of a preschool educational institution).

6. All-Russian competition "Preschooler Portfolio"(presentation-reports on the creative and educational activities of the child before school age).

7. All-Russian conference"Pedagogical project in a preschool educational institution"

8. All-Russian conference“First discoveries: project activities children in preschool educational institution "(children's projects in kindergarten different types: creative, research, informational, etc.).

9. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Pedagogical holiday in kindergarten"(scenarios of games, entertainment, festive events in the preschool educational institution).

10. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Organization of work with parents in kindergarten"(programs of clubs, scenarios of parenting meetings, festive events with the participation of parents, etc. in the preschool educational institution).

11. All-Russian round table"Consultations for parents on raising children preschool age» (recommendations for parents of preschool children in the form of articles, leaflets, travel folders and other visual materials on various topics, for example: maintaining health, hardening, nutrition, safety rules at home and on the street, education of moral qualities, etc.) ...

12. All-Russian master class "Lapbook as a means of teaching in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"
(development of lessons using a laptop, photos and layouts of author's teaching aids in the form of a clamshell book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and moving parts, which contains materials on one topic).

13. All-Russian master class "The use of multimedia technologies in preschool educational institutions"
(multimedia materials for classes, festive events, projects, programs: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video lessons, etc.).

Methodological contests for primary school teachers

14. All-Russian conference(methodical work of an innovative nature, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school).

15. All-Russian competition teaching excellence "Methodical piggy bank of an elementary school teacher"(methodological development of lessons in elementary school, programs, reports, scripts, master classes, etc.).

16. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Extracurricular activities in primary school"(methodological development of extracurricular activities, author's projects, programs, scripts, etc.).

17. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of an elementary school teacher"(presentations-reports on the pedagogical activity of the primary school teacher).

18. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a junior student"(presentation-reports on the creative and educational activities of primary school students).

19. All-Russian conference « Young Explorer: nproject activity of primary schoolchildren»

20. All-Russian conference "Primary school pedagogical project"(pedagogical projects of different types: creative, research, informational, etc.).

21. All-Russian competition methodological developments "Organization of work with parents in primary school"

22. All-Russian round table"Consultations for parents on the upbringing of primary school children" (recommendations for parents of children of primary school age in the form of articles, leaflets, travel folders and other visual materials on various topics, for example: maintaining health, hardening, nutrition, safety rules at home and on the street, education of moral qualities, etc. ).

23. All-Russian master class "Lapbook as a means of teaching in elementary school"

24. All-Russian master class "The use of multimedia technologies in primary school"(multimedia materials for lessons, extracurricular activities, projects, programs: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video tutorials, etc.).

Methodological contests for teachers of additional education

25. All-Russian conference"My pedagogical initiative in the context of the introduction of the second generation FSES"(methodical work of an innovative nature, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in organizations of additional education).

26. All-Russian competition teaching excellence "Methodical piggy bank of a teacher of additional education"(methodological development of classes in additional education, programs, scenarios, tests, reports, master classes, etc.).

27. All-Russian competition "Portfolio of a teacher of additional education"(presentation-reports on the pedagogical activity of the teacher of additional education).

28. All-Russian conference "Project activities of children in an institution of additional education"(children's projects of different types: creative, research, informational, etc.).

29. All-Russian conference "Pedagogical project in an institution of additional education"(pedagogical projects of different types: creative, research, informational, etc.).

30. All-Russian master class "Lapbook as a means of teaching in an institution of additional education" (tutorial in the form of a clamshell book with pockets, doors, windows, tabs and moving parts, which contains materials on the same topic).

31. All-Russian master class "The use of multimedia technologies in the institution of additional education"(multimedia materials for classes, events, projects, programs: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video lessons, etc.).

32. All-Russian round table "Organization of work with parents in an institution of additional education"(programs of clubs, scenarios of parenting meetings, festive events with the participation of parents, etc.).

Creative contests for teachers and parents

33. International l literary competition "Pedagogical inspiration"(literary and artistic works of teachers and parents: stories, essays, fairy tales and works of other prose genres on pedagogical topics: about children, about upbringing, about family, about school).

34. International l literary competition "About pedagogy - with love"(journalistic essays, articles of teachers and parents on pedagogical topics).

35. International l literary competition"Poetic Pages" (Poetic works of different genres of teachers and parents on pedagogical topics).

36. International l literary competition"Pedagogical dynasties"(publicistic essays, essays by teachers and parents about family pedagogical dynasties).

37. International f otocompetition "Pedagogical Album"(photos from teachers and parents about the highlights of the school and before school life).

38. International pho current competition "Pedagogical Environment"(photos of beautifully designed classrooms and playgrounds, corners, recreational areas, etc.).

39. International pho current competition "Pedagogical holiday"(photos from teachers and parents of festive events at school and in preschool educational institution).

40. International festival "Golden Handicraft"(works of teachers and parents, made in different techniques of sewing, embroidery, ribbons, macrame, etc.).

41. International festival arts and crafts "Paper art"(works of teachers and parents, made in different techniques from paper).

42. International festival arts and crafts "Wonders of nature"(works of teachers and parents, made in different techniques from natural materials: stones, clay, dough, etc.).

43. International festival fine arts"Rainbow of Colors"(creative work teachers and parents, made in different techniques visual arts: drawing, painting, computer graphics).

Creative contests for children

44. International l literary to oncourse "Magic feather"(literary and creative works of children on different topics: poems, stories, fairy tales, essays).

45. International festival arts and crafts"Silver handicraft"(works of children, made in different techniques of sewing, embroidery, products from ribbons, macrame, etc.).

46. International festival arts and crafts "Paper fantasy"(works of children, made in different techniques from paper).

47. Competition of arts and crafts "Miraculous transformations" (children's works made in different techniques from natural materials: stones, clay, dough, plasticine, etc.).

48. international competition drawings "I paint the world"(creative works of children on a free theme, made in different techniques of fine art: drawings, painting, collages, computer graphics).

49. International f otokompetition "Wonderful School Years"(children's photos of teachers and school friends, highlights school life: lessons, holidays, extracurricular activities).

50. All-Russian master class "Master of multimedia technologies"(multimedia materials made by students for lessons, classes, extracurricular activities, creative projects, scenarios: presentations, tests, posters, simulators, games, video tutorials, etc.).

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