
Birds of Bashkiria drawings for the competition. Competitions archive. We are waiting for old and new participants of the competition

The information partner of the competition is Children's Radio Ufa.
Website of the competition "Birds of Bashkiria"
Acceptance of works for the competition will be carried out from October 1 to October 7, 2018, the results will be announced on November 1, 2018.
Answers to almost all competition questions can be found on the website "Birds of Bashkiria" http://birds-bashkiria.rf/.
We are waiting for old and new participants of the competition!

Sincerely, coordinator of the Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria" Polina Polezhankina


about the VIII Republican children's Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Season Summer/Autumn

Organizers of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

JSC Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau"

CNOT "Geopark "Yangan-Tau""

Regional office All-Russian public organization "Russian geographical society"in the Republic of Bashkortostan

All-Russian public organization"Russian Bird Conservation Union"

Information partner of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Children's radio Ufa

Goals of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Increasing environmental activity and nurturing a responsible attitude of the younger generation of residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan to the problems of protection and study of birds, preserving the biodiversity of our republic;

Attracting the attention of government and public organizations, charitable foundations to the problems of conservation of rare bird species of Bashkiria;

Creation of an effective educational system for the formation of civic consciousness, general environmental culture, professional self-determination, aesthetic education for implementation creativity children and youth.

Objectives of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Search best ideas to improve the forms and methods of environmental education and upbringing of children and youth by involving them in the protection and study of birds in Bashkiria;

Involving the public (school, parents, media, population) in the problems of conservation and study of birds of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Revealing creative potential and dissemination of creative positive experience in the formation of environmental culture among students and adults;

Involving children in the use of digital and computer technologies.

Expected results

The younger generation will contribute to the preservation of the species diversity of birds in the republic;

Public attention will be drawn to the need to protect and protect the birds of Bashkiria;

The younger generation will be more aware of the problem of extinction and population decline individual species birds of Bashkiria.

The procedure for the Summer/Autumn Season of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"


  1. Photo with a bird of Bashkiria (*only works with wild birds Bashkiria)
  2. Planting trees and shrubs beneficial for birds
  3. Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria
  4. Drawing with a migratory bird of Bashkiria
  5. Questions about nesting and migratory bird species in Bashkiria:

1) Name the place and year of registration of the autumn nesting of the ringed dove in Bashkiria.

2) How many bird species were included in the list compiled by E.V. Karev based on the results of studies of the avifauna of Ufa in the 19th century by P.P. Sushkin?

3) In what areas of Bashkiria was the southern nightingale found? Set dates and meeting places.

4) Name the dates and places of meetings of night herons in the Cis-Ural region of Bashkiria at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 19th century.

5) Which bird, listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan, was encountered in the Yangan-Tau Geopark for the first time in 2018?

The Competition jury announces 4 winners in nominations Nos. 1-4 and 3 winners in nomination No. 5. Incentive prizes are provided. There are also separate prizes from the competition’s media partner, Children’s Radio Ufa.

All participants, after uploading the work and approving it by the site administrator, will be able to download an electronic Participant Certificate on the competition website.

Requirements for participants of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Participants in the Competition can be students of secondary schools, preschool institutions education and additional education organizations.

Participants fill out an electronic form and upload a photo with a bird/planting trees or shrubs or a photo/scan of a drawing to the website "Birds of Bashkiria Competition" (it is necessary to select the albums "Photo with a bird" when uploading the file) , “Planting trees and shrubs useful for birds”, “Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria” or “Drawing with a migratory bird species of Bashkiria” of the Eighth Internet competition).

If possible, to participate in nomination No. 2, photograph each participant separately!

Photos larger than 20 MB, as well as photos saved in doc., zip., rar formats. or pdf. DO NOT upload to photo gallery.

After confirmation by the site administrator, the photos will be posted on the site.

Send answers to questions on the fifth nomination together with the completed questionnaire (one file) to the email address Polina.muzei There is no need to send questionnaires with photographs included in the same file (only with answers to questions in the fifth nomination).

Awarding prizes and awarding the winners of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

The Competition jury announces 4 winners in nominations No. 1-4 (according to the age categories of participants) and 3 winners in nomination No. 5 (participants who scored the most points). If there are a large number of correct answers in nomination No. 5, the winners are the first three people who correctly answered all the questions.

There are incentive prizes (for the most beautiful drawings with the bird of the year 2018 - the osprey, as well as the most talented works of children with disabilities and the work of orphans).

There are also separate prizes from the competition’s media partner, Children’s Radio Ufa.

Prizes and certificates can be picked up by the winners at the office of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Lenina St., 86, office 208).

UDL teachers, educational institutions teachers, preschool teachers whose pupils will take Active participation in the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria", will be awarded with prizes and letters of gratitude Organizing Committee of the Competition.

The results of the Competition will be covered in the republican media, as well as on the websites of JSC Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau", the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Union Russian Bird Conservation

Requirements for materials submitted in the Summer/Autumn Season of the VIII Republican Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Those wishing to take part in the first and second nominations of the Competition of the combined Summer/Autumn Season must upload a photo of the work (photo with a bird of Bashkiria* or a photo of planting trees or shrubs useful for birds) to the website "Birds of Bashkiria Competition" https://bash.birds- . Attention! Photos without the author of the work sent for participation in the second nomination will not be accepted for consideration.

Barn swallow. Gubeeva Galina, 14 years old. MBOU Mari Gymnasium named after. Ya.Yalkaina village Churaevo, Mishkinsky district of the Republic of Belarus

Those wishing to take part in the third and fourth nominations of the Competition upload to the website “Birds of Bashkiria Competition” a photograph/scan of a drawing with a nesting or migratory bird species of Bashkiria**.

Those wishing to take part in the fifth nomination send answers to questions about nesting and migratory bird species of Bashkiria to the email address Polina.muzei Please send your answers in one file with the completed questionnaire. Do not write too much, do not insert photographs or drawings. Answers to competition questions can be found on the website "Birds of Bashkiria"

Regional environmental action "Nature and Man"

Regulations on the regional environmental action "Nature and Man"

City campaign "Save the world of birds"

Regulations on the city action "Save the world of birds"

City festival "Ecology. Creativity. Children"

Regulations on the XXI city festival "Ecology. Creativity. Children" 2016 - 2017

Regional birdhouse competition - March

Regulations for the regional birdhouse competition - March

District competition methodological developments open class and mass event February March

Regulations of the regional competition of methodological developments for open classes and public events February - March

Regional competition of crafts from solid household waste "Household waste - a second life" - December 19 to January 31

Regulations of the regional competition of crafts from solid household waste "Household waste - a second life" - December 19 to January 31

Regional competition of crafts from natural material- January 11

Regulations of the regional competition of crafts made from natural materials

Regional review-competition of environmental propaganda teams "Eco - city, district, yard, house -2016" March

Regulations of the District Review - a competition of environmental propaganda teams

Regional intramural competition "Green Halo" - December

Regulations on the Regional intramural competition "Green Halo"

Regional photo competition for nature lovers “Bashkortostan is my reserve”, dedicated to the Year of Ecology and specially protected natural areas

Regional photo competition for nature lovers Bashkortostan is my reserve, dedicated to the Year of Ecology and specially protected natural areas. Download position

Battle of educational sites

Regulations "Battle of websites of educational institutions"

Design ideas competition "ARt - Yolka - 2016"

Regulations of design ideas competitions "ARt - Yolka - 2016"

In-person regional drawing competition "Bashkortostan - a priceless land of nature"

Regulations on the in-person regional drawing competition "Bashkortostan - a priceless land of nature"

City environmental campaign "Green Nimbus of Ufa"

Regulations on the city environmental action "Green Nimbus of Ufa"

City competition "Marathon - 200 treasures of the world"

Regulations of the city competition "Marathon - 200 Treasures of the World"

City drawing competition "Bashkortostan - a priceless land of nature..."

Regulations of the city drawing competition "Bashkortostan - a priceless land of nature..."

REGULATIONS on the VI Republican children's Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

All-Russian public organization “Russian Bird Conservation Union”

Regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Geographical Society" in the Republic of Bashkortostan


OVIRepublican children's Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Season Summer/Autumn

OrganizersVI« Birds of Bashkiria"

All-Russian public organization “Russian Bird Conservation Union”

Regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Geographical Society" in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Objectives VIRepublican Internet competition« Birds of Bashkiria"

Increasing environmental activity and nurturing a responsible attitude of the younger generation of residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan to the problems of protection and study of birds, preserving the biodiversity of our republic;

Attracting the attention of state and public organizations, charitable foundations to the problems of preserving rare bird species of Bashkiria;

Creation of an effective educational system for the formation of civic consciousness, general environmental culture, professional self-determination, aesthetic education for the realization of the creative abilities of children and youth.

TasksVIRepublican Internet competition« Birds of Bashkiria"

Searching for the best ideas for improving the forms and methods of environmental education and upbringing of children and youth by involving them in the protection and study of birds in Bashkiria;

Involving the public (school, parents, media, population) in the problems of conservation and study of birds of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Identification of creative potential and dissemination of creative positive experience in the formation of environmental culture among students and adults;

Involving children in the use of digital and computer technologies.

Expected results

The younger generation will contribute to the preservation of the species diversity of birds in the republic;

Public attention will be drawn to the need to protect and protect the birds of Bashkiria;

The younger generation will be more informed about the problem of extinction and decline in the number of certain bird species in Bashkiria.

Procedure for the Summer/Autumn SeasonVIRepublican Internet competition« Birds of Bashkiria"


1. Photo with a bird of Bashkiria (*only works with wild birds of Bashkiria are accepted)

2. Planting trees and shrubs beneficial for birds

3. Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria

4. Drawing with a migratory bird of Bashkiria

5. Questions about nesting and migratory bird species in Bashkiria:

1) In what areas of Bashkiria was the Indian warbler recorded? Set dates and meeting places.

2) What species from the order Charadriiformes, listed in the Red Book of Bashkiria, currently nest on the territory of the republic?

4) How many times has a great white egret been seen in the Bashkiria National Park? State the dates and exact meeting places.

5) What species of birds belonging to the order Anseriformes were recorded in the prey of peregrine falcons living on the territory of the South Ural Nature Reserve?

The Competition Jury announces 4 winners each in nominations No. 1-4 and 3 winners in nomination No. 5. Also, based on the results of voting by site visitors, awards four audience awards. Provided incentive prizes.

After uploading the work and approving it by the site administrator, all participants receive an electronic Certificate of Participation in the Competition.

Requirements for participants of the VI Republican Internet competition “Birds of Bashkiria”

Participants of the Competition may be students of secondary schools, preschool educational institutions and additional education organizations.

Members download photo with a bird/planting trees or shrubs or photo/scan of drawing to the website “Birds of Bashkiria Competition” uploading a file, you must select the albums “Photo with a bird”, “Planting trees and shrubs useful for birds”, “Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria” or “Drawing with a migratory bird species of Bashkiria” of the Sixth Internet Competition).

If possible, to participate in nomination No. 2, photograph each participant separately!

Photos larger than 20 MB, as well as photos saved in doc., zip., rar formats. or pdf. DO NOT upload to photo gallery. You must also submit a participant form to the site.

After confirmation by the site administrator, the photos will be posted on the site.

Send answers to questions on the fifth nomination together with the completed questionnaire (one file) to the email address [email protected]. There is no need to send questionnaires with photographs included in the same file (only with answers to questions for the fifth nomination). Questionnaires and answers for the fifth nomination - separately for email, photos – upload them to the site YOURSELF.

Awarding prizes and awarding the winners

The Competition Jury announces 4 winners each in nominations No. 1-4 (according to the age categories of participants) and 3 winners in nomination No. 5 (participants who scored the most points). If there are a large number of correct answers in nomination No. 5, the winners are the first three people who correctly answered all the questions.

Provided incentive prizes(for the most beautiful drawings with the bird of the year 2016 - the hoopoe, as well as the most talented works of children with disabilities and orphans).

Prizes and certificates can be picked up by the winners at the office of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Lenina St., 86, office 235).

Preschool teachers, educational institutions teachers, preschool educators, whose pupils will take an active part in the VI Republican Internet competition “Birds of Bashkiria”, will be awarded with prizes and letters of gratitude from the Organizing Committee of the Competition.

Requirements for materials submitted in the Summer/Autumn SeasonVIRepublican Internet competition« Birds of Bashkiria"

Those wishing to take part in first and second nominations Competition of the combined Summer/Autumn Season must upload a photo of the work (photo with a bird of Bashkiria* or a photo of planting trees or shrubs useful for birds) to the website “Birds of Bashkiria Competition”

Those wishing to take part in first and second nominations Contestants of the combined Winter/Spring Season must upload a photograph of the work (feeder or birdhouse)* along with the author of the work to the website “Birds of Bashkiria Competition” Attention! Photos without the author of the work will not be accepted for consideration.

My feeder. Danil Salyshev, 8 years old. MAOU Gymnasium No. 16 GO, Ufa, Republic of Belarus

Those wishing to take part in third and fourth nominations The competition is uploaded to the website “Birds of Bashkiria Competition” a photograph/scan of a drawing with a wintering or migratory bird species of Bashkiria**.

Those wishing to take part in fifth nomination send answers to questions about wintering and migratory bird species in Bashkiria to the email address [email protected]. Please send your answers in one file with the completed questionnaire. Not write too much Not insert photos and drawings. Almost all answers to the competition questions can be found on the website “Birds of Bashkiria” http://birds-bashkiria.rf. Attention!!! Participants in the fifth nomination can only be children 10-17 years old.

Participants in nominations 1-4 fill out an electronic form on the competition website. To participate in nomination 5, in addition to answering questions, you must submit questionnaire indicating the nomination and coordinates of the participant (full name of the participant, e-mail and postal address, place of study, full name of the teacher).

* Examples of creating feeders and types of food for wintering birds, as well as information about bird houses, can be found on the website of the Russian Bird Conservation Union (subsections “Birds on feeders” and “What to feed birds in winter” in the “Campaigns” section); subsection “Bird houses” of the “Information” section).

** Information about wintering and migratory bird species of Bashkiria can be obtained on the website “Birds of Bashkiria” http://birds-bashkiria.rf (section “Articles about birds”).

We are waiting for old and new participants of the competition!!!


Participant of the VIII Republican children's Internet competition "Birds of Bashkiria"

Season Winter/Spring

Age (full years)
Competition nomination (5.answers)
Title of the competition work
participant's e-mail (if available)
Participant's postal address (with zip code)
Manager's position (educator, teacher, parents, industrial training master, etc.)
Full title educational institution(kindergarten, school, Children's and Youth School, Syun, etc.)
e-mail of the head or educational institution
Postal address of the educational institution (with zip code)
Please write where you learned about the “Birds of Bashkiria” competition

To obtain the necessary additional information please contact email address: [email protected] (Polezhankina Polina, competition coordinator, prev. Bureau of the Central Council of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, administrator of the site “Birds of Bashkiria”)

On November 1, 2018, the results of the combined Summer/Autumn Season of the VIII Republican children's Internet competition “Birds of Bashkiria” were summed up.

The organizers of the competition were the all-Russian public organization "Bird Conservation Union of Russia", the Regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Geographical Society" in the Republic of Bashkortostan, JSC Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" together with its structural unit Center for Science, Education and Tourism Geopark "Yangan-Tau". Traditionally, Children's Radio Ufa has been the media partner of the competition.

591 works were submitted to the competition in the first nomination (“Photo with the birds of Bashkiria”), 188, including collective works, in the second nomination (“Planting trees and shrubs useful for birds”), 2114 works in the third nomination (“Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria"), 1624 works in the fourth nomination ("Drawing with a migratory bird species of Bashkiria") and 102 works in the fifth nomination ("Questions about nesting and migratory bird species of Bashkiria"). Total 4 thousand 619 works.

Works were sent from 46 municipal districts Republic of Bashkortostan (with the exception of Alsheevsky, Arkhangelsk, Belokataysky, Zilairsky, Iglinsky, Kiginsky, Fedorovsky and Chekmagushevsky districts), as well as from 8 urban districts (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrsky, Kumertau, Sibay, Agidel) and cities Moscow, Irkutsk ( Irkutsk region), Nizhnekamsk (Republic of Tatarstan) and Evpatoria (Republic of Crimea). The number of participants was about 4 thousand 167 people.

When assessing their work by members of the Jury, the participants were divided into four age groups: 3 years-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-13 years and 14-17 years.

When selecting the best works in the nomination “Photo with a bird of Bashkiria” The jury paid attention primarily to the rarity of the photographed bird, as well as to the artistic value of the frame and the quality of the image. The winners in the nomination were:

3 years - 6 years

Fayzdrakhmanova Adelia, 4 years (“Mute Swans”; MDOAU kindergarten No. 5 GO Neftekamsk RB; manager Sharafieva Nafisa Nisafetdinovna)

Kulberdin Timur, 7 years old (“Hoopoe”; Kulganinsky branch of the municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Abdulmambetovo, Burzyansky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Kulberdina Guzelia Fanilovna)

Vorobyov Ivan, 10 years old (“Great Owl”; Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Yangantau, Salavat district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; leader Gulnaz Irekovna Baidavlyatova)

Kamidullin Vildan, 14 years old (“Common starling”; MBOU secondary school in the village of Kaymashabash, Yanaul district of the Republic of Belarus; head Kamidullina Evelina Pavlovna)

Well done to those who, during their walks in the forest, in the park or on the streets of a village, town or city, pay attention to birds. This is the first step towards getting to know our feathered neighbors.

In nomination “Planting trees and shrubs beneficial for birds” The jury decided to reward those guys who planted two different wood or bush, or those who, in addition to the second nomination, took part in three more nominations of the competition. The winners are:

Ignaev Yuri, 12 years old (“Currant” and “Rowan”; MBOU secondary school in the village of Baymurzino, Mishkinsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Ignaev Vladimir Demyanovich)

Ipulaeva Ksenia, 9 years old (“Currant” and “Kalina”; MBOU Lyceum No. 1 named after F. Bulyakov, Mishkino village, Mishkinsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Saniya Ralifovna Bikmukhametova)

Khalitov Askar, 8 years old (participation in nominations No. 1-4; MBOU School No. 74 of the city of Ufa, Republic of Belarus; head Gruzdeva Galina Fedorovna)

Yagudina Alina, 13 years old (participation in nominations No. 1-4; MBOU DO “Station of Young Technicians”, Ishimbay, Ishimbay district of the Republic of Belarus; leader Tatyana Nikolaevna Gredasova)

To all other participants in this nomination - great gratitude on behalf of birds and ornithologists. Selfless help to birds and the consciousness of a perfect noble deed will become everything best reward. Let's hope that the trees and shrubs you planted this year will provide food for our feathered neighbors, and will also serve as a reliable home or shelter for many birds.

The drawings were evaluated by members of the Jury for their realism and beauty. First of all, works that not only depict rare nesting and migratory bird species of Bashkiria, but also reflect the essence of the nominations were evaluated.

Winners in the nomination “Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria" become:

3 years - 6 years

Nasykova Amira, 4 years (“Kingfisher”; MADOU kindergarten No. 10 GO, Sterlitamak RB; head Bulatova Aigul Rasimovna)

Osipova Ksenia, 9 years old (“Oystercatcher”; MAOU Secondary School No. 15 GO, Sterlitamak, Republic of Belarus; head Vasilyeva Ekaterina Leonidovna)

Biktasheva Regina, 13 years old (“Bustard”; MAOU Secondary School No. 31 GO, Sterlitamak, Republic of Belarus; head Bogdanova Elvira Minevarisovna)

Arslanova Nargiza, 16 years old (“Princely or white tit”; MBOU DO “Children’s Ecological Center”, Meleuz, Meleuzovsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Saniya Alfredovna Ishmukhametova)

Winners in the nomination “Drawing with a migratory bird of Bashkiria” become:

3 years - 6 years

Fayzullina Ralina, 5 years (" Autumn time"; MADOU Kindergarten No. 91 GO, Sterlitamak RB; head Popova Elena Petrovna)

Sultanova Elmira, 7 years old (“Hoopoe is a bright bird”; MBOU secondary school No. 1, Verkhnie Tatyshly village, Tatyshlinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; head Lilia Albertovna Akhmetova)

Khomyakova Polina, 11 years old (“Whooper Swan”; MBOU School No. 70 GO, Ufa, Republic of Belarus; head Elena Nikolaevna Kondrova)

Minnullin Ilnur, 15 years old (“Medium Curlew”; MOBU Gymnasium No. 2 in the village of Buraevo, Buraevsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Shaimukhametova Guzel Fanusovna)

In nomination “Answers to questions about nesting and migratory bird species in Bashkiria” took first place Abdullina Ralina. Second place shared Burakanova Evelina, 17 years old (MBOU DO "Children's Ecological Center" Meleuz, Meleuzovsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Torgashov Oleg Anatolyevich) and Shevyakhov Vsevolod, 10 years old (MAI DO “Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth” of the Neftekamsk RB; head Salyakhova Gulfiya Timershaekhovna), who scored 8 points.

Drawings with bird of the year 2018 – osprey– quite a lot arrived. Therefore, the Jury decided to evaluate them in the same way as all other works, dividing the participants into 4 age categories.

3 years - 6 years

Yuskova Anastasia, 6 years old (“Oskop”; MBOU secondary school in the village of Staroburnovo, Birsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Yaroslavova Zuhra Fanisovna)

Portnova Sofia, 8 years old (“Osprey – bird of the year 2018”; MBU DO SUN, Beloretsk, Beloretsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Khuzhaeva Dinara Radikovna)

Kuzub Yaroslav, 11 years old (“Fisherman bird - osprey”; Bureau “The Green Room” of the Ufa city of the Republic of Belarus; head Evgenia Aleksandrovna Kuzub)

Shakirova Aisylu, 16 years old (“Bird of the Year 2018 – Osprey”; Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Starokuruchevo, Bakalinsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Shafikova Gyuzel Fauarisovna)

Certificates and small incentive prizes will also be awarded children with disabilities and orphans who sent best works. They became:

Yasaviev Timur, 15 years old, MBOU secondary school No. 9, Birsk, Birsky district of the Republic of Belarus (head Mardanova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna)

Yanikeeva Ilona, 14 years old, MBOU secondary school s. Chishma, Birsky district of the Republic of Belarus (head Yangildina Irina Yalaevna)

Filipenkov Alexander, 10 years old, State Budgetary Institution for orphans and children left without parental care Petrovsky Orphanage, Ishimbaysky district of the Republic of Belarus (head Filatova Antonina Mikhailovna)

Maksyutova Azalia, 16 years old, FGBPOI Ishimbay SUVU (head Moshegova Raisa Raufovna)

Prizes from Children's Radio Ufa will go to the following competition participants:

In the nomination “Photo with a bird of Bashkiria” - Volkov Egor, 10 years (“Fledgling of the Field Thrush”; MAOU Gymnasium No. 16 GO, Ufa, Republic of Belarus; leader Abdrafikova Rushaniya Salavatovna)

In the category “Planting trees and shrubs beneficial for birds” - Shaydullina Emilia, 3 years (MADOU CRR kindergarten No. 10 “Solnyshko”, Blagoveshchensk, Blagoveshchensky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Svetlana Timeyanovna Sayetova)

In the nomination “Drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria” - Berezina Anastasia, 9 years old (“Family gray partridges"; MOBU Kuteremskaya secondary school, Kaltasinsky district of the Republic of Belarus; manager Akhmadieva Irina Anatolyevna)

In the nomination “Drawing with a migratory bird of Bashkiria” - Sadrieva Sofia, 12 years old (“Cranes on a collective farm field”; Branch of MBOU secondary school in the village of Novye Tatyshly - secondary school in the village of Urazgildy, Tatyshlinsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Zinatullina Indira Khasiyatovna)

Most participants was from the following managers: 1 place - Antipina Albina Inzilovna(MBOU DO "Children's Ecological and Biological Center" Ishimbay, Ishimbay district of the Republic of Belarus; 38 participants), 2nd place - Salyakhova Gulfiya Timershaehovna(MAI DO "Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth" of the city of Neftekamsk, Republic of Belarus) and Khakimova Liliya Gabdulbarievna(MBOU DOD "House children's creativity" With. Sterlibashevo, Sterlibashevo district of the Republic of Belarus; 36 participants each); 3rd place - Mukhametzyanova Raushaniya Farkhatovna(MBOU secondary school No. 1, Askarovo village, Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Belarus; 35 participants).

About the date ceremonial award ceremony winners will be notified additionally(winners will be notified).

All participants can download electronic Certificates of competition participants (the download link is located in the upper right corner next to each work posted in the photo gallery).

All submitted works can be found in the photo gallery of the “Birds of Bashkiria” competition website

Thank you all very much for participating! I hope that you will continue to be encouraged to take part in the competition not only by prizes, but also by the desire to help the birds that live near us.

Internet competition coordinator Polina Polezhankina

On March 1, 2019, the results of the combined Winter/Spring Season of the IX Republican children's Internet competition “Birds of Bashkiria” were summed up.

The organizers of the competition were JSC Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" together with its structural division Center for Science, Education and Tourism Geopark "Yangan-Tau", Regional branch of the all-Russian public organization “Russian Geographical Society” in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the all-Russian public organization “Bird Conservation Union of Russia”. Traditionally, Children's Radio Ufa has been the media partner of the competition.

1,786 works, including collective works, were submitted to the competition in the first nomination (“Bird Feeder”), 225 works in the second nomination (“Birdhouse”), 3,051 works in the third nomination (“Drawing with a wintering bird species of Bashkiria”), 983 works in the fourth nomination (“Drawing with a migratory bird species appearing in Bashkiria in the spring”) and 57 works in the fifth nomination (“Questions about wintering and migratory bird species in Bashkiria”). Total at least 6 thousand 102 works.

The works were sent from 49 municipal districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan (with the exception of Arkhangelsk, Belokataysky, Zilairsky, Iglinsky and Chekmagushevsky districts), as well as from 8 urban districts (Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrsky, Kumertau, Sibay, Agidel ) and the cities of Moscow, Tomsk ( Tomsk region), Nizhnekamsk (Republic of Tatarstan) and village. Negino (Bryansk region). The number of participants was at least 5 thousand 458 people.

When assessing their work by members of the Jury, the participants were divided into four age groups: 3 years-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-13 years and 14-17 years.

The feeders were evaluated by members of the Jury on their convenience for birds (the presence of a roof and high sides), design and originality. It is quite clear that the younger participants were helped by adults. However, the main factor in evaluating the works was their functionality.

In nomination "Bird feeders" The winners were:

3 years - 6 years

Birdhouses were evaluated by members of the Jury based on their convenience for birds (size of birdhouse and entrance, presence of a perch) and design.

Winners in the nomination "Birdhouse" become:

3 years - 6 years

The drawings were evaluated by members of the Jury for their realism and beauty. First of all, works that not only depict wintering and migratory bird species of Bashkiria, but also reflect the essence of the nominations, present a composition or rare species were evaluated.

Winners in the nomination “Drawing with a wintering bird species of Bashkiria” become:

3 years - 6 years

Winners in the nomination “Drawing with a migratory bird species found in Bashkiria in the spring” become:

3 years - 6 years

In nomination “Answers to questions about wintering and migratory bird species in Bashkiria” first place went to Burakanov Iskander, 11 years old; MBOU DO "Children's Ecological Center" Meleuz, Meleuzovsky district of the Republic of Belarus; head Torgashov Oleg Anatolyevich), who scored 34 points out of 40 possible. Second place goes to Maria Akhmadullina, 11 years old; MBOU school No. 23 of the city of Ufa, Republic of Belarus (head Idrisova Alisa Marselevna), who scored 11 points. And third place went to Renata Ibatullina, 13 years old; MOBU secondary school in the village of Nizhneulu-Elga, Ermekeevsky district of the Republic of Belarus (head Ibatullina Natalya Nikolaevna), which scored 10 points.

Drawings with bird of the year 2019– the common turtle dove – quite a lot arrived. Therefore, the Jury decided to evaluate them in the same way as all other works, dividing the participants into 4 age categories.

3 years - 6 years

Certificates and incentive prizes will also be awarded children with disabilities and orphans who sent the best works. They became:

In the category "Birdhouse"

Prizes from Children's Radio Ufa will go to the following competition participants:

In the category “Bird Feeder”

In the category "Birdhouse"

In the nomination “Drawing with a wintering bird species of Bashkiria”

In the nomination “Drawing with a migratory bird species appearing in Bashkiria in the spring”

The Center for Science, Education and Tourism Geopark "Yangan-Tau" decided to establish small incentive prizes for participants who sent the best works from the Salavat region of the republic.

In the category “Bird Feeder”

Denis Mukhamedyanov, 8 years old. MOBU secondary school No. 1 Maloyaz village, Salavat district of the Republic of Belarus (head Aktuganova Gulnara Fuatovna)

In the category "Birdhouse"

Ainur Yarullin, 8 years old. Branch of MOBU OOSH village. Mechetlino - Akhunovo village, Salavat district of the Republic of Belarus (head Galina Elmira Azatovna)

In the nomination “Drawing with a wintering bird species of Bashkiria”

Elionora Psinova, 14 years old. MOBU OOSH village Mechetlino, Salavat district of the Republic of Belarus (head Galina Zoya Pamirovna)

In the nomination “Drawing with a migratory bird species appearing in Bashkiria in the spring”

Amalia Fakhretdinova, 8 years old. MAU DO Young Technicians Station Maloyaz village, Salavat district of the Republic of Belarus (head Gulnara Batyrovna Galimova)

Most participants was about t next leaders: 1st place – Gizatullina Flida Fikrievna (MAUDO Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Municipality of Neftekamsk, Republic of Belarus; 73 participants), 2nd place – Gredasova Tatyana Nikolaevna (MBOU DO SUT, Ishimbay, Ishimbaysky district of the Republic of Belarus; 58 participants) and 3rd place – Petrova Marina Vladimirovna (MBOU secondary school in the village of Bishkain, Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Belarus; 52 participants)

All submitted works can be found in the photo gallery of the “Birds of Bashkiria” competition website

Those participants or their leaders who have not yet downloaded the Certificates can do so on the competition website until the start of the next season, i.e. until October 2019 (links for downloading Certificates are located next to each work in the upper right corner).

The date of the ceremony of awarding the winners will be announced additionally (the winners will be notified).

The combined Summer/Autumn Season of the Ninth Internet competition “Birds of Bashkiria” is planned to be held from October 1 to October 7, 2019. As usual, there will be five nominations: photo with a bird of Bashkiria; planting trees and shrubs beneficial for birds; drawing with a nesting bird species of Bashkiria; drawing with a migratory bird of Bashkiria; questions about nesting and migratory bird species in Bashkiria.

Thank you all very much for participating! I hope that you will continue to be encouraged to take part in the competition not only by prizes, but also by the desire to help the birds that live near us.

Internet competition coordinator Polina Polezhankina
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