
Deputy Head for Operational Operations. Responsibilities of the deputy chief of police for the protection of public order of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in organizing the service of local police commissioners. Reception start time

This is a story all over the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in order to hide the “turnover” of personnel, the bosses do everything to fire an employee under a negative article, thereby protecting themselves from bad questions about the “turnover”, but they fire him under the article and sleep peacefully.

“I, Deputy Chief of Police (for OOP) of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Novogireevo district of Moscow, police captain Igor Vasilyevich Filippenko, for health reasons, decided to resign from the internal affairs bodies, wrote a report, and on May 29, 2017 registered it in the office of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District, and went on sick leave.

After some time, about three weeks, the assistant head of the Department of Internal Affairs A.A. Masalygin called me and asked if I was still on sick leave? To which I answered yes, when I asked what happened to my dismissal, he said that he didn’t know anything.

After that, about 3 days later, a specialist from the Inspectorate for Personnel of the Internal Affairs Directorate called me and said that a internal audit, and that I need to give an explanation, to which I replied that according to the law, while I am on sick leave, I may not give an explanation.

On June 20, 2017, I did not receive my salary, so I tried to find out from the Internal Affairs Department why? To which I did not receive an answer. Again, the law prohibits suspending an employee’s wages while he is on sick leave.

This is just the beginning of the chaos that is happening around my desire to resign from the police department. Wage arrived only on July 7, 2017. During my sick leave, I repeatedly confirmed verbally and also confirmed in writing by mail my reluctance to continue serving in the police department, in accordance with the law.

The first time I came to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District, Colonel of the Internal Service V.V. Samokhvalov. June 30, 2017, while still on sick leave. When asked what happened to my dismissal, he could not give me any answer, and avoided him in every possible way.

Having never heard an answer regarding my dismissal, I left. I was on sick leave until August 14, 2017 inclusive.

On August 15, 2017, I again came to the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District to see V.V. Samokhvalov to find out about my dismissal, why there was still no dismissal order, what kind of official check against me, which was allegedly appointed during my sick leave, although I did not receive official documents at my place of residence?

Samokhvalov V.V. again he could not explain or explain anything to me, saying only the same thing he always said, that an official check had been ordered against me and that I first needed to give an explanation. And then only he will decide on my dismissal.

I went to the Internal Affairs Directorate of Personnel Inspectorate to familiarize myself with the materials of the internal inspection. After reading the material, I said that I had 2 days, according to order No. 161 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to give an explanation.

After that, I again went to the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District to see V.V. Samokhvalov, from whom I wanted to find out where my original report on dismissal was located on the initiative of an employee, who for some reason was not in the internal audit materials, what resolution was on it, and yet why wasn’t I fired 30 days after my desire to quit on the initiative of the employee.

Arriving again at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Colonel of the Internal Service V.V. Samokhvalov. with these questions, he began to say that he could not show my report, since it was supposedly located in the office of the Internal Affairs Directorate and there was no access to it, which was complete absurdity, when asked what kind of official check this was, which was scheduled during my sick leave, he I couldn’t explain either, I said that I am not a slave, and this is my full right, enshrined in the Constitution, whether I want to work or not.

It turns out to be complete lawlessness and lawlessness, when an employee himself wants to quit, but he is prevented from doing so in every possible way, inventing all sorts of tricks to prevent the employee from doing as he wants according to the law.

Samokhvalov V.V. he began to force me to work in every possible way, and said that I should be at work now, although I was already at work, but apparently the work ranks of the Department of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate are different, to which I again told him that I am not going to work in Internal Affairs Directorate for the Higher Administrative District, and you should have fired me long ago, upon returning from sick leave, provide a dismissal order, issue work book, military ID, and calculate. But this was not done."

“I, Artem Vladimirovich Antonov, a policeman of the commandant group of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Marfino district of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, cannot retire on a long-service pension from April 21, 2017!

My report received a reply that “A decision was made to dismiss me from the Department of Internal Affairs after the 2017 FIFA Federation Cup.” The response was signed by the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, police lieutenant colonel Andrei Vladimirovich Kostyuk.

What’s most interesting is that the answer was registered on May 23, 2017, and the envelope with the answer was mailed to me on June 17, 2017, and on July 8 I received the answer in my mail.

After that, the assistant to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, military lieutenant colonel Karnaikh Dmitry Valerievich, had a conversation with me about how I should work for another month. Unfortunately, I agreed.

I had unpaid long service leave (15 days) and was told that after that I would be fired. I took a vacation from August 2 to August 16, but they didn’t fire me again, saying that I needed to work for another month and then they would fire me.

Complete chaos!"

Appendix No. 4

DeputyChief of Police for the OOP

Ministry of Internal Affairsfor the Republic of Bashkortostan-


Popov A.P.

from ______________________________



on the issuance (extension of validity) of a license,

issuance of a duplicate (copy) of a private license

security activities

I ask you to issue (extend the validity period) license(s), issue a duplicate

(copy) of the license to carry out private security activities

(indicate the organizational and legal form, full and (if any) abbreviated name, including corporate name


name of the legal entity and its location,


contact phone number)

Information about the intention to use technical and other means, weapons,

special means and the need for them __________________________________________


for implementation the following types security services

Protecting the life and health of citizens

Protection of objects and (or) property (including during its transportation) owned, in possession, in use, economic management, operational management or trust management, with the exception of objects and (or) property provided for in paragraph 7 of part 3 of the article 3 Laws Russian Federation"On private detective and security activities in the Russian

Security of objects and (or) property at sites with the implementation of design, installation and maintenance work technical means protection and (or) taking appropriate measures to respond to their signal information

Ensuring order in places of mass events

Ensuring intra-facility and access control at facilities, with the exception of facilities provided for in paragraph 7 of part 3 of article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation"

Security of facilities and (or) property, as well as ensuring intra-facility and access control at facilities that are of particular importance for ensuring the life and security of the state and the population

In the right column, the applicant’s signature confirms the choice of a specific

type of service.

License form: ___________________________________________________

in person, by mail, electronically

Appendix: on ___ sheets.

"__" ___________ 20__ Head:_____________________

To process personal data in accordance with Federal law



... Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia “Zarinsky” E.G. Elkin - reception of citizens in a public reception By address: st. Union Republics... Acting deputy boss police (By OOP) A.Yu. Kuznetsov 15.00-19.00 Tarasov M.I. Tuesday Deputy boss OMVD- boss police A.V. ...

  • Information bulletin of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 41 (842) dated October 28, 2013

    News bulletin

    ... By juvenile affairs department By Juvenile Affairs Department of Precinct Commissioners police And By... shot placement Republic Sakha... university Ministry of Internal Affairs RF... deputy boss Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs By Petrograd district Z. F. Volokhov. By ...

  • The discipline program, seminar lesson plans and guidelines for the course History of the Russian State and Law. Cycle: B3

    Discipline program

    In structure OOP Bachelor's degree This... police. Bodies of political investigation. Reforms police ... By discretion of the authorized person. Representatives of the Special Meeting and their deputies..., zemstvo bosses and introduction... meetings at Ministry of Internal Affairs. Position...

  • Deputy Chief of Police for OOP

    The direct employer "" is looking for an employee to fill a vacant position in its organization for the position "".

    Mandatory requirement employer to the work experience of the desired employee: 1–3 years.

    Type of employment for the vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"in a company (firm, organization, individual entrepreneur)" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" : Full time, full time.

    Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" refers to the industry of activity "Security" → "Property security" .

    Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"added to the database of the website about work and employment Electronic Employment Service in Monday, June 24, 2019 and after publication by the moderator of the web portal for job seekers, it is available for viewing by all registered unemployed.

    Date of update of the vacancy profile No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"on the website of the Electronic Employment Service: Monday, July 8, 2019.

    Company (organization, firm, individual entrepreneur) " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"job offered in the city Moscow.

    Job vacancy in the company Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"is located by address: Moscow, Novokhokhlovskaya street, 27.

    Employer of the company (firm, organization) "Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" can offer approximately the following salary: from 60,000 to 70,000 rub. in your arms in a vacant position.

    Duties of an employee in a vacant position "Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" includes the following:
    • Organization of activities of services: ODN, PPSP, convoy group, UUP.
    Requirements for an employee for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"supplied by the employer" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" in the city Moscow, the following:


    Vacation from 40-60 calendar days

    Possibility of retirement after 20 years of service

    To obtain a contact phone number (or other contact information) for communication with the employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"from city (region) Moscow, You first need to send a letter from our Electronic Employment Service with a file of your resume attached to it, or indicate in the text of the message to the employer a link to your resume on another site for job seekers. Employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" will review your resume and provide your contact information (phone number, e-mail, fax, Skype, ICQ), where you can contact him about an interview to take a vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP".

    pay attention to website Electronic Employment Center .
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    Question No. 1

    Composition and structure of the police in the OOP.

    In their activities, PPS units interact: traffic police, private security, linear police departments on railway, water and air transport, military units of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, etc.

    Main tasks combat units of the teaching staff are:

    Ensuring law and order on the streets, transport facilities and other public places;

    Ensuring personal security, preventing and suppressing crimes and administrative offenses at posts and patrol routes;

    Identification at posts, routes and detention of persons who have committed crimes and are hiding from investigation and trial;

    Assisting criminal police units in the performance of their assigned duties.

    Combat units of the teaching staff perform the following: functions:

    Protection of life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens from criminal and other unlawful attacks;

    Providing assistance to citizens who have suffered from crimes, administrative offenses and accidents, as well as those who are helpless or in another state dangerous to life and health;

    Suppression and detention of persons who have committed crimes without delay;

    Ensuring law and order public events;

    Together with other departments of the internal affairs bodies, taking urgent measures in case of emergencies;

    Interaction with citizens on issues of public safety and security;

    Participation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in counter-terrorism operations.

    Question No. 2

    Control over the organization and performance of service by PPSP squads

    Control is carried out through systematic inspections of squads (at least once every two hours), during which the following is established:

    1. Correspondence of placement and use of personnel

    2. Clarity and efficiency in managing squads, timely delivery of information to them about changes in the operational situation.

    3. The squads’ knowledge of the situation on the territory of the post, the route, the task being performed, the location of the posts and the borders of the routes of the nearest squads, methods of communication with them, as well as their rights and responsibilities.

    4. The quality of service by squads and their activity in preventing and suppressing crimes and administrative offenses.

    5. The level of interaction between PPSP squads, employees of other police departments and public law enforcement units, private organizations involved in maintaining public order on the streets, transport facilities and other public places.

    6. Observance of law and discipline by squads.

    7. The number of crimes and administrative offenses committed at the post, route and the measures taken regarding them.

    8. Correct execution and maintenance of official documents.

    Verification of service by squads can be public or hidden.

    Topic No. 4 Organization of the work of the police department on duty.

    Question No. 1

    Purpose: The duty department is an independent structural subdivision in the system of internal affairs bodies, which is designed to provide guidance and control over the activities of services and apparatuses of various levels of management that are diverse in nature and functions in order to effective solution tasks in the field of maintaining public order and fighting crime. (i.e. center: collection operational information; responding to reports of incidents and crimes; work with detainees and delivered and management of forces and means involved in maintaining public order.)

    The duty units of the Department of Internal Affairs decide the following: tasks and provide:

    Continuous round-the-clock collection, processing and transmission of information about the operational situation;

    Reception, registration of applications and messages received by the duty station, as well as timely response to them;

    Continuous management of the forces and means of the internal affairs body, immediate adoption of measures to solve crimes “hot on the trail”;

    Urgent organization of actions to ensure public order, eliminate the consequences of natural disasters and other emergencies and incidents;

    Organization of proceedings, including with those detained and delivered;

    Control, within its competence, over compliance with the established procedure for the detention and escort of detained and detained persons;

    Reception and safety of seized, voluntarily surrendered, found weapons, ammunition, as well as objects and things whose ownership has not been established;

    Monitoring the state of security of premises, defense of the police department building and the adjacent territory, its fire safety and sanitary condition;

    Transmission to subordinate internal affairs bodies of special signals about the introduction of degrees of readiness and notification of personnel according to them.

    Work organization: The tasks assigned to the duty unit are performed by the duty shift, which includes:

    - head of the duty shift, and in the police department, where staffing table this position is not provided, the assistant to the head of the duty unit is the senior operational (operational) duty officer;

    – 1-2 assistant operational duty officers;

    – duty officer for debriefing those delivered and detained.

    In addition, the daily duty outfit includes:

    – investigative and operational group (IOG);

    – immediate response team (IRT);

    – detention group of the centralized security console (CSC) of the department private security;

    – drivers of service vehicles of the duty station.

    Question No. 2

    Order for receiving, organizing and receiving applications and messages

    Question No. 3-4

    When dealing with offenders brought to the duty station, the operational duty officer is obliged to:

    – find out the grounds and reason for the delivery, the availability of information about victims and witnesses;

    – establish the identity of the person delivered, his age, physical condition;

    – accept a written report from the employee who delivered the offender, and when delivered by citizens, statements;

    – draw up a protocol on the delivery of a person in accordance with the requirements of Article 27.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation or make an appropriate entry in the protocol on an administrative offense or in the protocol on administrative detention;

    – register the fact of delivery in the register of persons delivered to the police station;

    Cannot be delivered to the duty station:

    – the President of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation who has ceased to exercise his powers;

    – deputies (at various levels);

    – registered candidate for body deputies local government;

    – judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and federal judges;

    – prosecutorial employees with class ranks;

    – Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;

    – Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation;

    Foreign citizens enjoying diplomatic immunity;

    – Persons who have injuries, bodily injuries that are dangerous to their life and health, or whose condition causes concern (mentally ill).

    If the person delivered has injuries, bodily harm or his mental state is in doubt, as well as in the event of a statement on his part about a deterioration in his health, self-inflicted bodily harm, attempted suicide, the operational duty officer is obliged to:

    - call an ambulance medical care, before whose arrival, begin providing pre-medical care independently, ensure constant monitoring of such a person and report the incident to the head of the internal affairs agency;

    – find out the reasons and circumstances of injury and bodily harm by the person taken to the duty station, reflect this in the drawn up protocol, receive a statement from him, which is registered in the KUZiSP;

    - get written explanations(report) from eyewitnesses about the circumstances of the incident in the event of a detainee causing bodily harm to himself and attempting suicide on the premises of an internal affairs agency. Report the incident to the head of the police department.

    Question No. 5

    After making a decision to ensure public order, the stage of direct operational management of the activities of all service units involved in the PLO begins:

    Preparation of forces and means to perform assigned tasks, instructing squads;

    Ensuring constant and stable communication with the duty unit and between squads, ensuring timely exchange of information;

    Organization of interaction, maneuver of forces and means involved in ensuring public order and security;

    Control over the organization and performance of service by all units.

    Question No. 2

    On organizing the detection of a crime by "hot on our heels" The operational duty officer is obliged to:

    To figure out:

    data on the time, place and circumstances of the crime (incident),

    about the signs of the persons who committed it,

    about the condition of the victims,

    about eyewitnesses and the person who reported the crime (incident).

    Register a statement, message.

    Immediately organize a visit to the crime scene (incident):

    immediate response teams (IRT),

    criminal police officers,

    UUP serving this territory,

    PPSP, traffic police and private security squads,


    1. Taking into account the nature of the crime, determine the composition of the SOG.

    2. Ensure, if necessary, the participation in the inspection of the scene of the incident by specialists of the relevant profile in the field of forensic medicine, ballistics, explosion and fire engineering and others, as well as the involvement of additional forces and means to solve the crime.

    3. Include in the SOG employees of units for combating economic crimes when committing serious and especially serious crimes in the economic sphere and working out economic versions when committing murders for hire.

    Report the crime (incident) to the head of the police department.

    If the information is confirmed to be correct, forward it to the duty station of a higher-level police department.

    Take action:

    to ensure the protection of the crime scene (incident),

    blocking possible escape routes for persons who have committed a crime,

    blocking their hiding places,

    if necessary, notify other police departments:

    about the crime committed,

    about the signs of criminals,

    about stolen things and other circumstances,

    to identify the dead, injured and taken to medical institutions.

    Maintain constant contact with the SOG, employees (managers) of the internal affairs department located at the scene of the incident.

    Introduce, at the direction of the head of the police department (in his absence, independently with a subsequent report to him), special plans for the detention of suspected persons.

    Report the results to the head of the police department and to the duty department of the higher police department.

    Topic No. 5 Preparation and instruction of units for service.

    Question No. 1,2

    Preparation and instruction PPSP squads are conducted in a specially equipped classroom - conducted by officials of the command staff of PPSP units under the leadership of the head of the internal affairs department or his deputies with the mandatory participation of an operational duty officer (arrival 15 minutes before the start of the briefing, duration - 30 minutes)

    The instructor must know:

    1.operational situation

    3. the procedure and features of service on each route.

    Employees entering service must have with them:

    1. Service ID.

    2. Badge, badge.

    3. Service book, route card, post.

    4. Report forms.

    5. Service firearm with two loaded magazines.

    6. Holster with rubbing and safety strap.

    7. Special stick.

    8. Handcuffs.

    9. Whistle.

    10. Wearable radio station.

    11. Pocket electric flashlight.

    Depending on the nature of the tasks performed, along with the PPSP, the following may additionally be issued:

    Electroshock device, aerosol spray, hand-held inspection metal detector, binoculars, etc.

    The instructor must:

    1. Make sure that personnel are ready for service and take measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

    2. Check the knowledge of patrol officers and guards (their rights and responsibilities, certain provisions of regulatory legal acts, etc.)

    3. Bring up the operational situation, assign specific tasks to each squad for the entire period of service, explain the procedure for shifts, communications and interaction.

    4. Work out introductory tasks with the PPSP squads, while analyzing the most typical tactical methods of serving, including special conditions(conducting surveillance, identifying criminals by subtle signs and signs, preventing and suppressing terrorist acts, group violations of public order, detaining armed criminals and others).

    6. Draw the attention of the PPSP squads to the need to comply with the law and be attentive to citizens.

    7. Answer existing questions.

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