
How to open a candy store? Selling candy as a business. How to open a candy store from scratch? What candies are best to sell?

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Many of you probably know what a candy store is. Good store with a large assortment of sweets, cookies, marmalade, and other “goodies” - this is a real paradise for a gourmet with a sweet tooth. There are probably very few families in the whole world in which children and adults do not love sweets. There is a lot of money in this business, and it would be an unforgivable mistake to ignore the story about how to open a sweets store.

The process of organizing a trade in sweets from the technical side of the issue is practically no different from opening any other outlet, for example, from how to open a grocery store, a spice and seasoning store, or a coffee store. The main difference, perhaps, lies in the storage conditions of the goods, because many sweets require a limited shelf life. But first things first.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:1.3 – 1.6 million rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 40 thousand
Industry situation:developed trade sector
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: from 6 to 12 months

Why do people buy sweets? By various reasons: someone has been accustomed since childhood to “eat up” grievances, experiences, etc. with sweets. Others use various “goodies” to gain Have a good mood. Still others - to obtain energy (as you know, sweets are the main source of carbohydrates necessary to produce calories). In general, there are a huge number of reasons for eating sweets.

As with any other business, the location of the store will be of great importance to its success. Almost all market experts advise against placing your outlet next to super- or hypermarkets (or directly in them) and other stores selling similar products, if the range of your goods is not fundamentally different from those of competitors. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is cheaper sweets in large chain stores.

Successful characteristics for a store are the proximity of recreation parks, schools and other educational institutions, kindergartens, or a residential area. In any case, you should take into account that the traffic of your target audience in this place is high enough to ensure a decent level of sales. How to determine your target audience you can find out in this article. In our case, these will, of course, be children - the biggest lovers of sweets.

If you choose a residential area for your store, it would be better if it were new buildings; this is where, as a rule, young families with small children buy apartments. Square trading floor depends on the product range. If you sell exotic sweets, or products whose analogues are difficult to find, you can get by with 60-80 sq. m. at first. meters. Or even start trading with a sweets kiosk.

If your assortment does not contain anything “extraordinary,” then you can beat your competitors with a wider range of products offered. People, as a rule, tend to go to those retail outlets that offer a large selection of various products.

Trade assortment

It must be said right away that you should not try to “embrace the immensity” and try to trade everything that you can think of. Moreover, determining the product range of a candy store also depends on its location. For example, a location in a prestigious area implies expensive, exclusive confectionery products. In an ordinary residential area, it is better to sell inexpensive goods, but with a large selection. From time to time it is worth adding something new to the assortment, because everything eventually becomes boring.

So, what can a candy store offer its customers?

  • 50-70 types of different chocolates
  • 30-50 types of caramel
  • 20-30 types of sweets in boxes
  • 30-40 types of different chocolate
  • 15-25 types of marmalade and the same amount of marshmallows
  • 30-50 types of cookies (both loose and packaged)
  • 10-20 types of cakes and the same number of pastries
  • 20-30 types of ice cream
  • 20-30 types of soft drinks
  • 20-30 types of baked goods

Oriental sweets can be highlighted in a separate line, for example, Turkish delight, chak-chak, halva, sherbet, baklava, nougat, nogul, nishallo, etc.

If you want traffic to constantly increase, control the freshness of sweet products. This is especially true for cakes, pastries, marshmallows, and oriental sweets. Remember that it will take several months to gain a positive reputation, and one stale cake will be enough to destroy it.

At first, baked goods and confectionery products can be ordered from local producers. Over time, when your sweets store gets on its feet, you can think about it. To organize your own confectionery shop and cafe attached to it ( standard business plan you will find a cafe-patisserie in this). In general, there are many areas for “growth” for your store. The main thing is to “start” successfully.

Shop equipment

In general, we can say that sweets are intended to create positive emotions. This means that the interior of your future store should correspond to the theme of joy and fun. For example, you can decorate the walls with original, funny pictures. Jokes about overeating sweets are a good idea. By the way, the name of the store also plays an important role. You can find out how to come up with the “right” name for your outlet.

The main assortment of the sweets store is weighted goods. Therefore the majority necessary equipment There will be shelves for candies, cookies, and other products. To display confectionery products, you will need refrigerated display cases. Their quantity depends on the number of units of certain confectionery products.

Refrigerated cabinets will be needed to store sweets. Almost any sweet at above-zero temperatures will either melt or lose its appearance. Or should I save on refrigeration equipment- this means dooming yourself in advance to even greater expenses in the future. To store ice cream, you need to install freezers.

So, the format of a sweets store with weighted goods may only involve weighing purchases at the checkout; you will need a counter for the seller, and several electronic scales.

Supplier search

After opening a store, the first small quantities of goods can be purchased at the nearest wholesale stores or, if possible, directly from manufacturers of sweet products. In small batches in order to look at customer preferences and determine the optimal assortment. After the assortment is finally formed, the store is “promoted”, and the influx of visitors increases every day, the purchase of products must be made only from manufacturers. It will be much cheaper this way. Why can’t this be done immediately after starting trading? Because if direct suppliers are not within walking distance, you will lose more on sweets transportation. And only after purchasing quantities become large, purchasing directly from manufacturers will become profitable. By the way, in this case it will be possible to even reduce the price a little, so one intermediate link will “fall out” of the chain - the reseller.

To purchase cakes, pastries, pastries, and other similar products, you need to visit all the bakeries and confectionery shops in your city to find the most acceptable offer. It is best to conclude an agreement with delivery. There is a little trick in this.

Most often, confectionery products such as cakes and pastries lose their appearance during transportation (they fall, wrinkle, break, etc.). If you transport the products yourself from the place of shipment, then no one will reimburse you if the products are damaged. But if you receive products of an improper type, the supplier will be obliged to replace it.

Business registration

If you don’t want to delve into all the intricacies of accounting science, you can entrust the registration of an individual entrepreneur to a company that specializes in such things. There are also companies engaged in accounting for entrepreneurs.

Having decided to open a business, and not knowing which field of activity to choose. It is worth considering the option of a confectionery pavilion. After all, the idea of ​​how to open your own Candy store from scratch is a good option. Selling sweets is a profitable business. This product is constantly in demand.

How to open a candy store

What does it take to open a store selling sweets from scratch? It's worth looking into this in more detail.

Activity planning

Any business, including the sale of candy and cookies, should start with market research and planning. Before opening your own store, you should visit retail outlets engaged in the same activities to familiarize yourself with the methods of decorating the premises, pricing policy, assortment of sweets and other products from competitors. You can talk to sellers to find out which products are popular. This information will help you make the selection confectionery assortment from scratch.

The next stage is establishing a circle of potential consumers. Sell ​​exclusive luxury sweets (for wealthy clients) or sell sweets, cookies and other confectionery products at affordable prices. The second option is easier and less expensive. To open a business from scratch, you should find suppliers who produce high-quality, inexpensive products.

Before the store is opened, it is important to create an assortment of products from scratch. The easiest way is to trade a standard set of candies and other sweets. In order for the confectionery business to develop successfully, it is better to choose products that are favorably different in their novelty from those sold by competitors. In standard stores selling sweets and other confectionery products, the assortment includes at least 80 types of goods (waffles, candies, gingerbreads, cookies, marshmallows, nuts, etc.). In addition, you can sell drinks and ice cream.

It is important, having compiled an assortment once, not to stop there. For effective development confectionery business needs to regularly review the types of products sold. And change one type of product to another, depending on demand.

You need to think about where and how to open a candy store without much expense. In the case where the sweet business is aimed at wealthy clients, preference should be given to prestigious areas of the city. For example, near offices. If you intend to serve ordinary citizens, then it is better to open a store close to markets, kindergartens, schools and pavilions with goods for children. You should not open a candy store next to other retail outlets selling similar products.

Before opening a store, it wouldn’t hurt to draw up a business plan and take into account the necessary investments to open a business from scratch. The cost of expenses is: the cost of renting premises, equipment for the store, goods; wage for employees, advertising costs, funds necessary for registration.

And only after making the calculations can you open a confectionery business.

Moving from planning to action To open a store selling sweets, the best will be IP. In this case, special licenses and permits will not be required. In addition, you need to inquire about the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the Fire Service, SES and others. government organizations necessary to open such a store from scratch.

At this stage you need to start looking for premises. Considering that you will be selling a varied assortment of candies and other sweet products, it is important to choose a size that will best accommodate the goods. In other words, a candy store should not be tiny. Buyers should have the opportunity to view all products. Optimal size for a confectionery store – an area of ​​at least 30 square meters. m. In addition, it is important to have water supply, sewerage, electricity, ventilation and storage.

You don't need expensive renovations to open a store. As a finish, painting the walls in a neutral color is suitable. When choosing materials for the floor, it is better to give preference to those that are easier to wet clean. Don’t forget about high-quality lighting so that in the evening you can clearly see the goods sold in the store.

Before opening a candy store, you will need to purchase the necessary equipment:

  • showcases;
  • racks;
  • cash machine;
  • shelves;
  • air conditioner;
  • scales;
  • counter;
  • refrigerators for drinks;
  • freezers (when selling ice cream);
  • chairs.

Recruiting staff for a store that sells cookies and sweets is not a big problem. The main thing is that workers have a medical record.

Sellers must meet the following requirements: friendliness, attentiveness, people skills.

In addition, you will need a cleaner and a loader. You don't have to hire an accountant. You can do this work yourself or enter into an agreement with a private specialist.

Product accounting and promotion

Difficulties in taking into account confectionery goods arise due to its diversity, due to the difference in units of measurement (pcs., kg.). To make the task easier, programs are produced to automate the process. When the store is open, it is better to conduct reconciliations weekly, personally participating in them. This will help change the types of candies and other sweet products, depending on the demand for them.

In order for the confectionery business to quickly pay off and become profitable, it needs to be promoted. When selling candies and cookies, it is better to target advertising to those living nearby. Preference should be given to leaflets, attractive window displays and signs, bright billboards, booklets and business cards, and the Internet. Discounts and promotions can help attract customers.

Despite the fact that the confectionery business is a very troublesome business, requiring financial investments, it is worth opening such a store. The funds invested in it will pay off in 9–10 months. The demand for such products will always be high. The owner of a candy store will be provided with a stable income. Of course, with proper planning and following the recommendations mentioned earlier.

How to open a trade in a candy store from scratch?

Trading food products has always been profitable and popular. The sale of sweets and cookies is no exception to the rule and, with skillful business organization, can bring good profits.

You need to take into account some of the peculiar features of this enterprise in order to understand how to open your own candy store from scratch, providing a good income.

Registration and registration Like many species entrepreneurial activity , the sale of sweets requires special documents. To legitimize this business, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or open a company with limited liability

. For inexperienced entrepreneurs it will be simpler and easier to register an individual entrepreneur. To open a store from scratch, you need to obtain a taxpayer certificate. You can use unified system

taxation, but you can choose a simplified one.

  • In addition, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor will definitely subject the confectionery business to an inspection before it starts operating. For the audit to be successful, certain conditions must be met:
  • It is prohibited to bring water to the store; the building must have high-quality cold and hot water;
  • It is prohibited to serve food from the yard side;
  • the store must be connected to a sewerage and water supply system;
  • the marking of knives and cooking boards must correspond to the products intended for them;
  • It is important to comply with the standards for storage and warehousing of confectionery products, as well as their expiration dates;

all food products must be certified and safe.

It is very important that all these requirements are met at all times.

When thinking about how to set up a candy store, you need to immediately decide on the premises in which it will be located. Usually they choose crowded places with the highest traffic. For example, near a market, shopping center or school. The main thing is that there is not a large complex with similar goods nearby. No store can withstand such competition. You can establish a point in a residential area where there is a shortage of this category of products.

Very important price policy confectionery If the products are expensive and designed for wealthy customers, then it is better to establish a store from scratch in the central part of the city, near offices.

To open a store with a small cafe, 80 m2 is enough. It is necessary to provide display cases, counters, a cash register, and a warehouse. The renovation may be modest, but it is important that the inside of the confectionery is always clean and tidy.

Product range

Before opening a confectionery business, you need to decide on reliable suppliers by concluding an agreement with them. About 500 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for the purchase of sweets per month. Approximate range of confectionery products:

  • juices, coffee, tea;
  • ice cream;
  • several types of sweets and chocolate;
  • pies, pies, buns;
  • various cookies;
  • pastries, gingerbreads, cakes;
  • mint candies and other confectionery products.

To begin with, 70 items of goods will be enough. It is very important to regularly monitor the updated range of sweets, cookies and their quality. You can purchase a convenient program for accounting for products that are produced individually or by weight.

Additional terms


The number of workers servicing a candy store will directly depend on its size.

Steps to opening a candy store

The staff must include an accountant, a sales manager, a director, as well as operating personnel. All people must have health records and undergo periodic medical examinations.


Confectionery business from scratch involves the purchase of high-quality equipment. To start a business you will need an approximate set:

  • computers;
  • overalls for personnel;
  • counters, showcases, racks;
  • refrigerators;
  • furniture for shops and cafes;
  • dishes and other products.

To save money, many items can be rented.


If you are thinking about how to open a candy store and not lose your investment, then be sure to include advertising costs in your business plan. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail: come up with a beautiful sign, advertise in the media, and also order printed products.

Profit valuation and profitability

The list of expenses includes the following items:

  • purchase or lease of a building in which the store will be located;
  • acquisition of necessary equipment and other goods;
  • wages of working personnel;
  • purchase of confectionery products: sweets, cookies, chocolate;
  • advertising expenses;
  • paperwork and business registration.

To increase profits over time, you can open several outlets with confectionery products.

In order to start a confectionery store from scratch, on average you will need about twenty thousand dollars. The profit will be approximately five thousand. The income is not too high, but stable and constant. Confectionery products have always been very popular.

Unfortunately, opening such a business from scratch is impossible without difficulties. It requires large financial investments and causes a lot of trouble. Usually financial expenses pay for themselves in about ten months if all requirements are followed necessary conditions: convenient location, variety of sweets, affordable prices for confectionery products and impeccable quality of goods.

The “sweet” business also provides other options: you can open a small department in a large supermarket or small stalls with ice cream, sweets, or produce semi-finished products.

This business is not easy and it is undesirable to trust it to strangers. But in some cases, purchasing a ready-made business is more profitable than starting from scratch.

The business of selling candy is very promising, especially when the entrepreneur offers customers fresh and high-quality goods, and also a large assortment sweets. Exist in confectionery business its subtleties and difficulties, as well as the prospects of this “sweet” business...

How to start your own business? Find a place in a shopping center or at a regular market, then buy or make shelves yourself where boxes of sweets and scales will be placed. Then negotiate with wholesalers to take the goods for sale - and that’s it, you can make money.

By the end of the month, the goods and rent of the retail space will pay off with a good profit. The main thing is to find a crowded place where you can win regular customers.

For those who like to try new things, show and offer new items, and always ask conservatives: “Are you as usual?”

Difficulties are usually associated with pressure from others tax office and administrative institutions. But there will be enough sweets for all the family!

Selling candy is seasonal work, since in the summer the income is usually minimal and there is practically no trade, there are few clients. Mostly in the summer they buy fruits and water. But on New Year's, spring holidays, and Easter, candy sells out quickly.

Business idea No. 947: how to make money selling sweets? Business ideas here:

All people love sweets. And sometimes it happens that going for candy is the most enjoyable thing you'll do all day.

Opening a store selling sweets

By trading candies, you can give joy to all your customers, and also earn good money!

Profit in the candy business depends on various factors. Day of the week, the presence of a day off or holiday (Saturday and Sunday are days for those with a sweet tooth). Much depends on the seller, how he presents the product to customers. Weather conditions also affect the number of customers.

Don't forget the main rule - the customer is always right. When purchasing, always take everything fresh, check and open the boxes. It is better to go shopping twice a day. Try to change your product range at least occasionally. If you notice that the product has become slightly spoiled, do not put it on sale under any circumstances, throw it away immediately.

I wish you success in your “sweet” business, patience and more clients...

We all love sweets, therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a company that would sell sweets and other chocolate products is very profitable, at least it will always be potential clients. But, as they say, every medal has its other side, because similar business has its own competition, and not everyone can implement such an idea. Let's look at where to start if creating such a company is the only and most suitable option for you. By the way, it is quite possible that you will miss Money, which you have prepared for starting a business, fortunately, now there are many companies involved in loans. Take, for example, “Money Fanny” and IC “Swiss-Garant” signed an agreement that significantly increases reliability when using the services of the above-mentioned company, and this in turn allows you not to worry about guarantees, which ultimately greatly helps beginning entrepreneurs.

Where to get products from?

As in any trading business, you need to have good suppliers who are able to provide a supply of products for trade. Also, such suppliers must meet two mandatory requirements: relatively low cost, as well as high quality. In addition, you need to decide what type of sweets you will work with; the most popular can be identified, including:

  • Candies. In this case, we mean chocolate, jelly, caramels, and so on;
  • Chocolates.

    Selling candy as a business. How to open a candy store from scratch?

    This area includes not only chocolate bars, but also various bars;

  • Candy in boxes. Mostly this type of candy is purchased as a gift, so you need to make sure that your store has it in different price categories;
  • Products by weight. Perhaps the most popular type of sweets, because in this case the buyer can purchase waffles, cakes, cookies, etc. in any quantities;
  • Yogurts, ice cream. Ice cream is most popular in the warm season, for this reason it is advisable to sell it only at this time as a way to generate additional income;
  • Beverages. Sweet drinks are also quite often found in relevant stores, but most often they mean juices, sweet water, oxygen cocktails, fresh juices, etc.

Required equipment

Of course, the success of such a business depends not only on the quantity or quality of products, because all this must also be harmoniously located in the store, and if long-term storage is implied, then you cannot do without the appropriate equipment. In total, we can highlight the following devices that are almost mandatory in every sweets store:

  • counters that have special compartments for products;
  • stands where, in fact, sweets will be located;
  • you will also need juicers for making fresh juices;
  • this list also includes equipment for preparing milk and oxygen cocktails;
  • if you sell yoghurt or ice cream, you will also need special refrigeration chambers;
  • When trading by weight you cannot do without scales;
  • Finally, you need to purchase a cash register.


To summarize such an enterprise, then without any problems the income from a small store will exceed expenses. But in any case, you should adhere to certain rules of advertising and marketing, without knowledgeable leader the business will not make a profit.

How can you make money on sweets?

They earn money at home in different ways: doing handicrafts, painting pictures, making soap, making sweets, baking and much more.

How to make money on sweets

Sweets are made not only on an industrial scale, but also at home. As a rule, they do not add preservatives or other additives, because they are highly valued for their naturalness.

Before starting to think about equipping a sweets store with products, every businessman has to visit government authorities, which will give permission to open.

First you need to register with tax authorities How individual entrepreneur. To do this you will need: an application in form P21001, a check for payment of the state duty, a copy of the passport.

Next you will have to go to the sanitary and epidemiological service. In order for the SES to allow you to open a sweets store, you will have to submit your products for tasting and prepare Required documents, which will describe: the composition of the product, its origin, name. After the sanitary and epidemiological service makes its verdict, the future owner of the candy store will be given a certificate printed on blue paper stating that he is allowed to sell the products presented.

Before opening a store, you need to recruit staff. Every entrepreneur can invite anyone to work, but the main thing is that this person has a health certificate. In this case, there is also a need for paperwork. To do everything according to the rules, you should send the employee for a medical examination. At whose expense it will be carried out is discussed individually.

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Step two: drawing up a strategy

In order for a candy store to become popular, you will have to draw up a business plan. First you need to calculate the amount of money. The cost of a sweet shop space usually ranges from 10,000 to 50,000 per month. This figure depends on the region. If the business involves selling perishable products, then it is worth purchasing refrigerators, otherwise the store will suffer losses. The cost of the equipment is quite high and reaches 300 thousand rubles (for a large city).

Also, the future store must have a starting quantity of products. Of course, you shouldn’t include a large number of product names in your business plan, but their number should be at least 75. This list should include such sweets as:

  • cakes - 10 types;
  • cakes - 15 types;
  • candies - 25 types;
  • cookies - 15 types;
  • chocolate - 10 types.

This list is approximate; the store’s assortment should be replenished.

The business plan must include a way to attract clients. If you fill a candy store with an assortment that is already available in other departments, the business will fail. Each entrepreneur needs to find a single product that will only be available at his outlet. For example, it could be chocolate from England or special, natural caramel without sugar.

A business plan must contain the most important point - expected profit and profitability. The main task of any businessman is to obtain monetary benefits. If an entrepreneur plans to open a sweets store, then sales will only grow. In the 21st century, no person can live without sugar. Many people compare candy to vodka, and its sale, as is known, brings great amount money.

Sweets have long been identified as a separate niche in the food market segment. This happened primarily due to the number of manufacturers, the products themselves in the assortment and the ability to supply such products from Europe, America or eastern countries. You've probably noticed that now sweet products are presented in a separate segment of the store, and often a seller is assigned to this area.

In this article, we will look at how to open a candy store in your city and what basic steps you will need to go through to do this.

Pros and cons of business

Let's highlight both the positive and negative aspects of this business.

The advantages include:

  • high demand for products.
  • a wide selection of products from different manufacturers.
  • the ability to start in almost any locality.
  • relatively small initial investment.
  • high competition, not only among private stores, but also large grocery chains.
  • low markup on goods.
  • shelf life of products. If we talk about baked goods or cakes, then you need to sell these products in just a few days.

These are the main points and if they suit you, then you can try to start working in this direction.


In order to conduct a legal business selling sweets, you need to obtain all documents and permits from inspection services.

Here's what you'll need:

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia this is code 52.11, 52.2. For Ukraine – 47.
  • recruit staff.
  • Employees must have medical records.
  • obtain quality certificates for products from suppliers.
  • enter into a lease agreement for the premises.
  • obtain permission from the SES and fire service.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

This is the main package of documents. To approach this issue competently, we recommend seeking help from an experienced lawyer; he will help draw up all the documents and advise where any questions arise.

Location and premises

Firstly, the main and probably the most important fact when starting a sweets business is the retail location. An excellent option would be a bunch grocery store with a “delicious products” department. This is the mode in which many entrepreneurs operate.

You can consider the following options for finding a place to rent: shopping malls with grocery departments, children's entertainment centers, amusement parks, grocery stores.

You should look for a room with an area of ​​about 10 – 25 sq.m. This is quite enough to place small showcases and display products. Plus, preferably, the presence of a small storage space. The rent will be $300 - $1000, it all depends on the region in which you plan to work.


The second point is the selection of equipment for a business selling sweets. Here it is important to combine counters and glass containers to give a presentable look for display cases.

The main equipment includes:

  • stands for product display;
  • counter with compartments for products;
  • stands and equipment for selling milk and oxygen cocktails;
  • juicer;
  • refrigerator for ice cream and yoghurt;
  • electronic balance;
  • cash machine.

The total cost of equipment for a retail outlet with an area of ​​15 - 25 sq.m. will be about $4600 - $7500.

Pay special attention to the lighting of display cases and shelves with sweets. Proper lighting can significantly improve the appearance of your store and increase sales.


When compiling an assortment, you will need to conduct a whole research in order not only to carry the most popular goods, but also to present something unique in order to distinguish yourself from competitors. For example, when opening a store, many allocate shelf segments for products from Europe, America or oriental sweets. People often come to you for such products and, in addition, they always take related products. In addition, using this method on you, word of mouth will work well, since you will be recommended to acquaintances and friends. Another example is the department of healthy sweets made from natural products no chemicals. This range can be offered in big city, since the price tag for the products is quite high. But the topic is relevant due to the growing popularity healthy image life.

From the classic assortment we can highlight:

  • candies (chocolate, caramel, jelly, etc.);
  • chocolates and chocolate bars;
  • candies in boxes (various price segments);
  • products by weight (wafers, cookies, cakes, dragees, etc.);
  • gelatin products;
  • ice cream and yoghurts;
  • from drinks: juices, fresh drinks, oxygen cocktails, sweet water.

Today, there are a huge number of different manufacturers of sweet products, so finding suitable ones is not difficult. Pay special attention to the quality of the product; it should always be at its best.

Also, monitor the freshness of all products daily - this is the key to the success of this business idea. Your target customers will often be children, so by selling stale goods, parents will provide you with bad publicity and it will be very difficult to restore your reputation.

Product suppliers

If you have your own vehicle, then you can ride the car yourself without any problems wholesale markets and purchase products. Otherwise, if there is no such opportunity, or you are far from regional centers where wholesalers are located food markets, you need to think about working with sales representatives.

In the future, if sales volumes of sweet products grow, you can go directly to manufacturers and buy products at an even better price, increasing your earnings from the business. The same pastries or cakes can be purchased from local entrepreneurs who are engaged in this line of business.


For the normal functioning of your store, you will need sellers. At least two of them are needed, with a shift work schedule. Salary should be set in the form of a small salary and a percentage of the profit received.

Sellers will need to register and pay a monthly tax for them.

Since most products in this segment are sold by weight, in this case, look at the speed of customer service, as we know, no one likes to wait. A slow seller can bring you losses, so constantly monitor the process itself and, if necessary, look for new personnel.


Marketing promotions can be divided into two main types: classic and original. The first type includes: a bright sign, leaflets with discounts, an advertising stand near the store, etc. Original approaches include: tasting of sweets, free juice with a purchase of a certain amount, etc. This works well and will help attract more customers to your store.

How much is this business worth?

Already at the stage of drawing up a business plan for a candy store, you will be able to calculate investments in the business and predict profits. We will try to help you with this.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment - $4600
  • documentation – $300
  • corporate identity – $250
  • initial purchase of products – $6000

Monthly expenses:

  • room rental – $400
  • utilities – $40
  • taxes – $120
  • salary – from $200 per employee.
  • Product replenishment – ​​$3500 – $3900
  • advertising – $20
  • transportation costs – $60

To save on start-up capital, you can buy used equipment, or at the beginning of the business, work as a salesperson yourself, and when the store is up and running, hire staff.

How much can you earn?

From one small candy store you can have net income about $1000 - $1200. Of course, these numbers are not as impressive as we would like, but still they are stable business on long years, since the popularity of sweets is unlikely to ever fall.

Business payback is 9 – 12 months.

Conclusions. We showed you an approximate path to opening your own sweets store, and provided some calculations on whether it is profitable for you to start or not, based on the level of competition and availability suitable premises for this business. The demand for these products is high and if you do everything correctly, you can make good money.

Do you have experience in this niche? We look forward to your feedback and recommendations below.

We have already touched on business ideas in the field of confectionery several times, and today we will talk about another one. Why are they so popular? Almost everyone loves sweets, and tea without candy or gingerbread isn’t the same. It is the high demand that allows entrepreneurs to make decent money selling sweet products. In today's article we will talk about how to open a business selling candy in your city and look at the main pitfalls of this niche.

Business format

Candy retailing can be done in three main ways. Which one to choose is up to you to decide; we will give our recommendations, but you will act at your own discretion, especially if your budget allows.

1. This is a trade in sweets in a market with a wide selection of goods. The most promising topic for beginners, and investments in business will be recouped much faster, plus the initial capital may be significantly lower, since you will not need to pay huge sums for renting premises. At the market, you rent a kiosk, tent or counter in a pavilion and pay for the rent of this place for a small amount.

2. This is the rental of a full-fledged store in which you can arrange the entire assortment and create the stylistic design you need. This business option is already more expensive and there are already certain requirements for the store in which you trade. Firstly, these are permits, we will talk about them below, and secondly, this is the size of the room, preferably from 15 sq.m. Since you will have to place a huge number of boxes of candy on the shelves, it will be inconvenient for you to work in a smaller room. Another unspoken requirement is the favorable location of the outlet. It should be passable place, as an option large shopping mall or a room near the market. It is this factor that will determine whether your trade will work or not.

3. Street selling candy. This is a kiosk format in shopping arcades near the metro or other stops public transport. Shop windows and signs are placed on the street. The location should be passable, this is especially true near universities in big cities.

All formats of this business work successfully, you can choose one of them and start your own business.

Trade equipment

Selling candy is quite convenient, since the equipment you will need is shelving, often wooden or glass. Next are several counters with a glass display case, a cash register, and, of course, scales. This is the main thing you need to open a store.

Additional accessories: bags (paper and plastic), gift wrapping, disposable gloves.

Also, do not forget about organizing a workplace for the seller.

Candy trading rules

To open a store selling candy from scratch, you will need to obtain all permits and documents.

Required documents:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • indicate OKVED for trade in sweets. For Russia - 52.24.2 -Retail trade of confectionery products and 52.24.22 -Retail trade in sugary confectionery products, including chocolate. For Ukraine - 46.36 Wholesale sugar, chocolate and confectionery.
  • obtain permission from the SES and fire inspectorate.
  • have in hand all the certificates for the quality of the products sold in your store.
  • decorate the buyer's corner.

Product range and suppliers

Before opening a candy and cookie store, you will need to analyze the assortment and create a complete price list of the products you plan to sell, after which you can search for suppliers. Here is a basic list of products sold at such outlets.

  • caramel, lollipops;
  • dragee, iris;
  • candies, glazed and unglazed;
  • grilled food;
  • jelly;
  • souffle;
  • with fruits and nuts;
  • bars;
  • waffle;
  • marmalade;
  • waffles, gingerbreads, cookies, puff pastries, muffins, straws and more.

In fact, the assortment of the candy store is very extensive and, if desired, it can be constantly expanded with additional product items, including various baked goods.

Now let's talk about where it is profitable to buy sweets for trading. Firstly, these are wholesale markets. There, as a rule, you will find a wide range of products from different manufacturers. If you work together with wholesalers, you can receive good discounts for goods. Secondly, this sales representatives confectionery companies that deliver products directly to your store. Often they also offer good prices, but the point is that they represent a single manufacturer. You can combine these two methods and develop the ideal format for your business.

How much money do you need to invest at the start?

You need to start with small volumes and then expand your business. If you answer the question - is it expensive to open small shop+with sweets? We can say that even with minimal capital you can start. Below we will describe approximate investments for this type of store. Of course, if you have a solid start-up capital, then you can immediately invest a large amount.

  • Room rental – $250 – $300
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $4000 – $5000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$1000 – $1800
  • Sign, price tags and other advertising paraphernalia - $150
  • Transport costs - $60.

How much income can you expect?

You can calculate your approximate income in more detail when drawing up a business plan for a store selling sweets and cookies, but we will only show you the basic markup on the product. Since this is a business idea, not ready-made solution for implementation, this figure will be sufficient to assess the prospects.

The average markup on sweets is 20% - 40%.

Conclusions. This candy trading business is great for both big cities and small ones. settlements. This product is in constant demand and can be an excellent niche for a budding businessman. We advise opening either a retail outlet on the market, or a small store or department with its subsequent development.

What do you think about this? We are waiting for your thoughts in the comments.

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