
The styles of management in the service collective are authoritarian, democratic. What a leader needs to know. Which employees are affected by the democratic management style

"Style is a person." In the impact on subordinates, communication with partners, clients, the personality traits of any boss are manifested. The concept of leadership style is directly related to the essence of management. How do adherents of radically opposite methods solve various management issues? Read our review.

Three methods of leadership

Management methods are varied, but for scientific purposes they are divided into three main groups:

  • administrative-organizational, or team methods;
  • economic;
  • psychological methods.

An experienced manager, taking into account the situation and characteristics of the team, selects a set of the most effective measures from each group.

The choice of methods and the frequency of their application are influenced not only by objective reasons, but also by the personal preferences of the manager. "Favorite" skills in general leave an imprint on all business communication with colleagues. Team leadership styles are a collection of methods and measures implemented by a manager.

Typology of styles

Today Kurt Lewin's typology is in demand and actual. The psychologist identified three management styles: autocratic, democratic and neutral. Styles differ in management methods, control systems, the presence or absence of delegation of authority.

The authoritarian leadership style is based largely on organizational and administrative methods, sanctions and rationing. Collegiate - social, psychological and economic. The liberal style does not require a clear methodological system.

Authoritarian leadership style

An autocrat tends to focus all work processes under his own close attention: "Where not himself - so there is a grave!" He always relies only on his own strength. Usually the autocrat believes that subordinates do not like to work, as "small children" they need to be forced. Gives orders and orders, insisting on complete obedience. Violation of its requirements is punishable by sanctions. "Minimum democracy, maximum control." All actions of the personnel are clearly regulated by instructions, regulations and require constant participation of the superiors.

This style of leadership in the organization is aimed more at improving the efficiency of the work process. It gives such results as: high productivity, profitability, overfulfillment of the plan. On the other hand, the leader chooses a position outside the group, and the socio-psychological climate and collective interests are not always taken into account. The subordinate ceases to be a person, but turns into a "bolt" of the bureaucratic system.

The advantage of a strong supervisory function sometimes translates into a 25-hour workload for a manager! Strengthening the bureaucracy with the growth of the organization deprives management decisions of efficiency.

The authoritarian style of leadership is not for every managerial power. For an adherent of this style, it is important to "preserve authority" without stopping to permissiveness and arbitrariness. Planning tactics, strategies, focus on results, and not blindly following prescriptions and instructions, will help to avoid traps. The authoritarian style of leadership is characterized by the maintenance of discipline at a high level, therefore, in a crisis, an emergency, it is simply necessary.

Pros and cons of autocratic style


  • one-man management;
  • focus on results;
  • good discipline;
  • efficiency, quick response;
  • minimum time and material costs;
  • efficiency in difficult periods: crisis, organization formation and others.
  • high dependence of working groups on the leader;
  • great volitional pressure and control from the authorities;
  • suppression of initiative employees, stagnation, inability to apply creative potential;
  • ineffective motivation, poor socio-psychological climate, staff dissatisfaction;
  • sole control, which requires a significant investment of time and effort;
  • the likelihood of error in individual decisions.

Thus, the authoritarian leadership style has many drawbacks, therefore it is effective only with experienced, skillful leadership. Applicable in certain industrial, crisis situations related to debts, interruption of supplies, possible bankruptcy. But on condition that the subordinates agree to such methods and forgive the "tsar" for the dictator's habits for the results achieved.

Democratic style

A democratic leadership style is efficient in terms of productivity and is not inferior to an autocratic one. Under the leadership of a democrat, employees form a close-knit team, are satisfied with work and labor relations, are active, proactive.

The Democrat leader always organizes the discussion of the problem. As the saying goes, "one head thinks is good, but two or more thinks is better." The collective method of making managerial decisions increases the likelihood of their correctness.

With a collegial style, a lot of time is not wasted in the control process, because the manager's attention is drawn to the results of labor, and not the entire course of work, as in autocratic management. Powers are actively delegated to employees who also monitor the results of work. For a democrat, the staff is the main resource and source of information.

Motivation in the team increases due to interest in the personality of the employee. People feel that they are involved in a common cause. This style of leadership in an organization allows for streamlined feedback.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the democratic style?

This style is applicable in the conditions of formation, growth of an enterprise with a fairly stable team. It is very useful in situations of crisis in the internal environment of the company, when problems arise in relationships, work processes.

Authoritarian democratic style

The presence of the indisputable merits of collegial management does not mean “scrapping” the authoritarian style. In the practice of management, a combined style of leadership is actively used - "authoritarian-democratic", combining the advantages of two styles.

A complex approach, based on contradictions. Should you prioritize creativity (democratic methods) or discipline (organizational methods)? The selection of the main parameter for a particular situation is carried out by ranking factors or a combination of methods. For example, maintaining democracy in the decision-making process and authoritarianism at the stage of their implementation.


Basic leadership styles should be applied as appropriate. An experienced manager has different approaches. But it is impossible to radically change styles because of the psychological inclination to certain methods of management. An autocrat is not able to turn into a democrat overnight, but he can adjust his own management style according to the circumstances.

A varied arsenal of methods and methods of personnel management contributes to successful activities in the field of management. The development of these skills cannot happen by itself, as managerial talent does not arise spontaneously, it must be developed and trained.

Choosing a management style is a very important stage in the development of any manager. Style and character have a huge impact on your team. Most importantly, by knowing your style and character, you can accept people who fit your style, thereby reducing the number of managerial mistakes. Despite the importance of management style, aspiring managers tend to simply copy the behavior of their boss. This imitation sometimes works well. But more often it does not look natural, does not allow me to establish relations with subordinates, and most importantly, such a manager will not be able to reveal his talents.

What a leader needs to know

I am often asked: what is the first thing a novice leader needs to know? As a rule, everyone is very interested, especially and. You can also hear questions about. These questions are loved to be asked on. Much less often young managers think about which style of personnel management they should choose. In most cases, a novice leader simply copies the behavior of his boss. He simply did not see another. The fact that people can be controlled in different ways is taught very rarely.

Operations management training is the task of middle-level managers, training of middle-level managers falls on the TOP management. There is no need to hope that a person has learned some practices from the university or found them somewhere on the street. Management training should include several foundational things.

Understanding the goals and objectives for the current position

Explaining what tasks the manager solves and what tools he uses will help the manager understand how his new position differs from the previous one. At this stage, the manager needs to explain the difference between an operational manager and a subordinate, between a middle manager and a lower level manager. When moving from one position to another, the employee does not always understand how his responsibilities have changed. Often an employee tries to continue doing what he can and what he does. For example, the seller was promoted to, but he is still eager to sell in the fields.

Deliberate team building depending on the temperament of the manager

First of all, you need to pay attention to the formation of the team, the definition of the management style, the definition of the portrait of the candidate for the new team. The main task of a manager is to manage resources, and people are the most difficult resource. A young leader often does not understand how important it is to him. The line manager always talks more about daily operational goals, and team building is important, but not urgent, so it often falls out of sight. It is rare when a leader helps his subordinate to determine his style at the board and compose a portrait of an ordinary member of his team.

The management style depends primarily on the person's temperament. Temperament has a decisive influence on the selection of people. Now imagine that a phlegmatic person by temperament is trying to use an authoritarian management style. First of all, it will be hard for the employee, as a result, the young leader quickly. The consequences of such management for the team can be very dire.

It is believed that a good leader should be choleric. In fact, there are many examples of successful managers of various temperaments. But the most important thing is that very rarely there are people with pronounced features of the same temperament. Rather, you can see a mixture of different temperaments from which character is formed. Temperament is innate features of the psyche, character is the totality of human behavior, developed based on his temperament and environment. The character can be changed both consciously and unconsciously under the influence of the external environment. Temperament will always be with a person, all you can do is learn to control him.

Leadership styles in management

Leadership styles (management styles, management style, leader styles) are a set of methods of behavior and interaction between a leader and a subordinate. We have already talked about management styles in the article on.

In general, it is customary to distinguish three main styles of manager: democratic, liberal and authoritarian. These three styles balance between two important characteristics of the workforce: and employee initiative.

Good discipline forms high controllability, it is easy for a leader to implement any of his ideas. The working day of the staff is fully scheduled and everyone knows what to do. We discussed the importance of discipline in the article -. But discipline completely suppresses the initiative of the staff. What does it mean? Employees will not make suggestions for improving and optimizing work, are passive and, as a rule, are not interested in overall success.

Authoritarian management style

The authoritarian style of management implies full attention to the task being performed, to the detriment of the interests of the performer's personality. The attributes of the authoritarian style are:, ignoring the opinion of the collective, suppression of dissent, severity and even bias in assessing the activities of subordinates. The consequence of such management is lack of initiative personnel, incapable of independent action. In general, in the realities of the modern labor market, an authoritarian management style is possible only when recruiting personnel who are ready to endure such an attitude. As a rule, these are melancholic, although it happens that completely different people are ready to endure a charismatic dictator.

An authoritarian leadership style is perfect for solving quick one-off tasks, as well as in situations where there is a very strong charismatic leader, as well as when nothing more than executive discipline is required to achieve a result.

Democratic management style

The word democracy is heard in every newscast; in the 21st century, wars begin for the sake of democracy. The word itself has Greek roots and means - the power of the people. The leader of a democrat makes all his decisions together with the collective and relies on his opinion and support. All decisions are supported by the team, the team makes suggestions for improving work processes and takes initiative. It is worth noting that in fact, being a democrat is much more difficult than being a dictator. Since a democrat, he must still lead people, that is. It is not so easy to achieve this, the collective will initially reject all new leaders. That is why aspiring leaders often slip into an authoritarian style.

The democratic style is the most flexible, it is suitable for solving various problems. The most important thing is good managerial competence of a manager who preaches this style. For a democratic style, it is very important that all team members are interested in the final result. The democratic style is applicable in sales, in managing managers, in teams where non-trivial tasks are solved and creativity is required.

Liberal management style

The liberal style of government is often called free, sometimes even anarchic. The bottom line is that the subordinate is given maximum freedom of action. Sharp corners are smoothed out, management does not conflict with subordinates due to minor misdeeds. In such a collective, discipline as such does not exist. In general, this type of management is in demand when the subordinate is motivated to complete the task. As a rule, these are creative teams, as well as narrow-profile highly qualified employees, a kind of genius. Such personnel need wide autonomy for their work, since pushing them into a common framework reduces their creativity and creativity.

The leader at all levels of the organization's management system acts as a leading person, since it is he who determines the purposefulness of the work of the team, the selection of personnel, the psychological climate and other aspects of the enterprise.

Management- the ability to influence individuals and groups, encouraging them to work towards the goals of the organization.

One of the most important characteristics of a leader's activity is the style of leadership.

Leadership style- the demeanor of the leader in relation to subordinates, in order to influence them and induce them to achieve.

The leader is the leader and organizer in the management system. Management of the activities of groups and collectives is carried out in the form of leadership and leadership. These two forms of government have some similarities.

One of the most common leadership theories is leadership theory by K. Levin(1938).

She identifies three leadership styles:

  • authoritarian leadership style - characterized by rigidity, exactingness, one-man command, the prevalence of power functions, strict control and discipline, result orientation, ignorance of social and psychological factors;
  • democratic leadership style - relies on collegiality, trust, informing subordinates, initiative, creativity, self-discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, encouragement, publicity, focus not only on results, but also on ways to achieve them;
  • liberal leadership style - differs in low exactingness, connivance, lack of discipline and exactingness, passivity of the leader and loss of control over subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action.

K. Levin's research provided a basis for the search for a management style that can lead to high and satisfied performers.

Considerable attention was paid to the study of leadership styles in the writings of R. Likert, who in 1961 proposed a continuum of leadership styles. Its extremes are work-centered leadership and person-centered leadership, with all other types of leadership behavior in between.

According to Likert's theory, four leadership styles are distinguished:
  1. Exploitative-authoritarian: the leader has clear characteristics of an autocrat, does not trust his subordinates, rarely involves them in decision-making, and forms the tasks himself. The main incentive is fear and the threat of punishment, rewards are random, interaction is based on mutual distrust. and are in confrontation.
  2. Paternalist-authoritarian: The leader favorably allows subordinates to have limited participation in decision-making. The reward is real and the punishment is potential, both are used to motivate workers. The informal organization is in part opposed to the formal structure.
  3. Advisory: the leader makes strategic decisions and, showing trust, delegates tactical decisions to subordinates. The limited involvement of workers in the decision-making process is used for motivation. The informal organization does not coincide with the formal structure only partially.
  4. Democratic the management style is characterized by complete trust, based on the wide involvement of personnel in the management of the organization. The decision-making process is dispersed across all levels, although it is integrated. The flow of communications goes not only in vertical directions, but also horizontally. Formal and informal organizations interact constructively.

R. Likert called model 1 task-oriented with a rigidly structured management system, and model 4 - relationship-oriented, which are based on team work organization, collegial management, and general control. According to R. Likert, the latter approach is the most effective.

Choosing a management style

Management style- represents the demeanor of the leader in relation to subordinates, which allows him to influence and force them to do what is needed at the moment.

Management styles are shaped by specific conditions and circumstances. In this regard, it is possible to distinguish "one-dimensional", i.e. due to one, some factor, and "multidimensional", i.e. taking into account two or more circumstances when building a relationship "leader-subordinate", leadership styles.

"One-dimensional" management styles

Parameters of interaction between the manager and subordinates

Democratic style management

Liberal style management

Decision making techniques

Solves all issues on his own

When making decisions, consults with the team

Waits for guidance from the management or gives the initiative to subordinates

A way of communicating decisions to performers

Orders, orders, commands

Proposes, requests, approves the proposals of subordinates

Asks, begs

Distribution of responsibilities

Completely in the hands of the leader

According to the authority

Completely in the hands of the performers

Attitude towards initiative

Suppresses completely

Encourages, uses in the interests of the cause

Gives initiative to subordinates

Afraid of skilled workers, trying to get rid of them

Selects business, literate workers

Not engaged in recruiting

Attitude towards knowledge

He believes that he knows everything himself

Constantly learns and demands the same from subordinates

Enhances his knowledge and encourages this trait in subordinates

Communication style

Roughly formal, uncommunicative, keeps distance

He is friendly, loves to communicate, positively goes to contacts

Afraid of communication, communicates with subordinates only on their initiative, we allow familiar communication

The nature of relations with subordinates

By mood, uneven

Smooth, friendly, demanding

Soft, undemanding

Discipline attitude

Tough, formal

Reasonable disciplinarian, differentiated approach to people

Soft, formal

Attitude to moral influence on subordinates

Considers punishment as the main method of stimulation, encourages the elite only on holidays

Constantly uses different incentives

Uses reward more often than punishment

Douglas McGregor's "X" and "Y" theories became a prerequisite for the establishment of various "one-dimensional" management styles. So, according to Theory "X", people are inherently lazy and avoid work at the first opportunity. They are completely lacking in ambition, so they prefer to be leaders, not take responsibility and seek protection from the strong. To get people to work, you need to use coercion, total control and the threat of punishment. However, according to McGregor, people are not such by nature, but due to difficult living and working conditions, which began to change for the better only from the second half of the twentieth century. Under favorable conditions, a person becomes who he really is, and his behavior is reflected in another theory - "Y". In accordance with it, in such conditions, people are ready to take responsibility for the cause, moreover, they even strive for it. If they are introduced to the goals of the company, they are willingly involved in the process of self-management and self-control, as well as in creativity. And such an introduction is

the function of not coercion, but reward associated with the achievement of goals. A leader who professes a democratic style relies on such workers.

The characteristic of "one-dimensional" management styles was suggested by the domestic researcher E. Starobinsky.

"Multidimensional" management styles. "Theory X" and "Theory Y"

In 1960, Douglas McGregor published his point of view on the bipolarity of opinions about how people should be managed. "Theory X" and "Theory Y" presented in the book "The Human Side of the Enterprise" have won wide recognition among managers.

Theory X

  1. The person initially does not like to work and will avoid work.
  2. A person should be forced, controlled, threatened with punishment in order to achieve the goals of the organization.
  3. The average person prefers to be guided, he avoids responsibility.

Theory Y

  1. Work is as natural as play is for a child.
  2. A person can exercise self-control and self-control. A reward is a result associated with the achievement of a goal.
  3. The average person strives for responsibility.

Thus, two views of governance are formed: an authoritarian view, leading to direct regulation and tight control, and a democratic view, which supports the delegation of authority and responsibility.

On the basis of these theories, others have been developed, which are various combinations of the above. Also popular in Western business management grid theory developed by R. Blake and J. Mouton. They pointed out that labor activity unfolds in a force field between production and a person. The first line of force determines the manager's attitude to production. The second line (vertical) determines the manager's attitude to the person (improving working conditions, taking into account desires, needs, etc.).

Let's take a look at the different leadership styles shown in Fig. ten.

Fig. 10. Leadership styles
  • Type 1.1 - the manager does not care about anything, works so as not to be fired. This style is considered purely theoretical.
  • Type 9.1 is a rigid administration style in which the only goal for the manager is the production result.
  • Type 1.9 is a liberal or passive leadership style. In this case, the head focuses on human relations.
  • Type 5.5 is in the middle of the "management grid". With such a compromise, average labor results are achieved; there can be no sharp breakthrough forward. At the same time, this leadership style contributes to stability and conflict-freeness.
  • Type 9.9 is considered the most effective. The leader tries to structure the work of his subordinates in such a way that they see in it opportunities for self-realization and confirmation of their own significance. Production goals are determined jointly with employees.

Situational Marketing Concepts

Attempts to define a universal leadership style have failed because the effectiveness of management depends not only on the management style of the leader, but also on many factors. Therefore, they began to look for the answer within the framework of situational theories. The main idea of ​​the situational approach was the assumption that managerial behavior should be different in different situations.

A model describing the dependence of the leadership style on the situation was proposed in the 70s. T.Mitchell and R.Hous... At its core, it is based on motivational expectation theory... Performers will strive to achieve the goals of the organization when there is a connection between their efforts and work results, as well as between work results and remuneration, i.e. if they get any personal benefit from it. The Mitchell and House model includes four management styles:

If employees have a great need for self-esteem and belonging to the team, then the "style support".

When employees strive for autonomy and autonomy, it is better to use " instrumental style ", similar to the one focused on the creation of organizational and technical conditions of production. This is explained by the fact that subordinates, especially when nothing depends on them, wanting to complete the task as soon as possible, prefer to be told what and how they need to do, and create necessary working conditions.

Where subordinates strive for high results and are confident that they will be able to achieve them, a style oriented towards " participation"subordinates in decision-making, most of all corresponds to a situation when they strive to realize themselves in managerial activities. The leader must share information with them, widely use their ideas in the process of preparation and decision-making.

There is also a style focused on " achievement"when the manager sets feasible tasks for the performers, provides the conditions necessary for work and expects to be independent without any coercion to complete the task.

One of the most modern is the leadership style model proposed by American scientists. V.Vruman and F. Jetton... They, depending on the situation, the characteristics of the team and the characteristics of the problem itself, divided the leaders into 5 groups according to leadership styles:

  1. The manager himself makes decisions based on the information available.
  2. The leader informs the subordinates of the essence of the problem, listens to their opinions and makes decisions.
  3. The leader presents the problem to his subordinates, summarizes the opinions expressed by them and, taking them into account, makes his own decision.
  4. The leader, together with his subordinates, discusses the problem, and as a result, they develop a common opinion.
  5. The leader constantly works in conjunction with a group that either makes a collective decision or makes the best, regardless of who the author is.

The leader in the organization plays a leading role, it depends on him what style of communication will be used in communicating with the team. A well-chosen style will help motivate employees to work harder and reach new heights. There are several communication manners. Today we will tell you what characterizes the authoritarian management style, what are its advantages and disadvantages.

The main differences of the authoritarian style

The manner of communication between the manager and his subordinates is also called. This is one of the methods of influencing subordinates in order to increase their performance. The directive method is based on the authority of the leadership. He is distinguished by tough orders that do not give subordinates the right to express their opinions.

In dealing with staff, the autocratic style does not allow for dialogue, only orders and orders of the head are possible. Incentives are not applied at the enterprise, but the punishments are quite harsh in case of failure to fulfill any task. Another sign of authoritarian communication is that the distance between the manager and the employee can never be disturbed.

The task of the manager includes the distribution of responsibilities between employees. Initiative from subordinates is not encouraged. In most cases, a director who uses directive management methods for management does not have eloquence and the ability to motivate employees to work in other ways. The opposite is also possible.

When is it effective

In most cases, psychologists note that directive management gives negative results. Self-control and self-discipline of employees is reduced at the enterprise. In some cases, however, this communication style is essential.

  1. In extreme situations, the authoritarian style ensures that the orders of the leader are followed clearly and without bickering, which is very important in this case.
  2. Another example of the effective application of the directive method is low discipline at the enterprise, which results in a drop in production results or a decrease in income. An uncoordinated team will not be able to work efficiently and bring profit to the company. An autocrat director will be able to solve this problem.

The specific features of the authoritarian management style are one-man command and a high power distance. The authoritarian style is characterized by the fact that the leader takes the reins into his own hands, demanding complete obedience from subordinates. This management style implies that all decisions in the organization are made by the manager without taking into account the opinions of employees.

Characteristics of an authoritarian management style

It is clearly expressed in an authoritarian style of management and control - strict, driving ordinary employees into a rigid framework and depriving them of the opportunity to show initiative. With regard to communication in the organization, it is only a means for the implementation of common activities by employees.

Friendly relationships are not encouraged, since it is not the interests of the individual that are valued above all, but the interests of the company. The leader, in turn, also prefers to maintain a certain distance between himself and his subordinates, which no one has the right to break.

Authoritarian management methods

Unlike other management styles, the authoritarian style is more focused on punishing employees for any wrongdoing than on rewards for any achievements. Among the main methods of this management style stand out: reprimands, orders, remarks, deprivation of all kinds of bonuses and benefits.
The main psychological factor affecting the employees of the organization is fear - fear of shame, punishment, dismissal. Thus, it cannot be said that the authoritarian management style is characterized by a lack of motivation. Motivation exists, but it is the reinforcement of employee performance by fear.

Due to the fact that the authoritarian style of management is presented in two forms (benevolent and exploitative), management methods depend on what kind of authoritarian style is operating in the organization. It is easy to guess that the benevolent form of the authoritarian style implies a softening of management methods, as well as a significant reduction in the number of punishments.

Disadvantages of an authoritarian management style

Of course, an authoritarian style is by no means the best management style for the normal functioning of an organization. Experts believe that this style can be used in working with subordinates only in certain cases:

1. In emergency situations, which are understood as all kinds of extraordinary circumstances and disruptions in the work of the company, requiring prompt action and quick decision-making, as well as in conditions of limited time.

2. Anarchist sentiments of the organization, requiring the immediate restriction of workers through the introduction of strict discipline, which does not allow the occurrence of various riots, strikes, etc.

In a company that does not have clear-cut problems, an authoritarian management style can lead to an internal disorder in the functioning of the organization, the destruction of self-control, a decrease in efficiency, a deterioration in the socio-psychological climate, a lack of initiative and creativity of subordinates, increased staff turnover, and a decrease in the responsibility of employees for their work.

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