
How to change jobs correctly - real stories. Should I change my job? The main reasons for changing jobs How to change jobs without quitting

Changing jobs is a difficult process that is not without stress and great fear. The employee is afraid of the unknown, afraid that his knowledge and skills will not be appreciated.

Moving to a new workplace is either a forced step or an opportunity to change your life for the better. Whatever the reason for dismissal, the employee should prepare for the changes and think through ways to escape.

Important step

How can you decide to change jobs? Workplace, even without prospects and bonuses, this is a comfort zone. The older the employee, the more afraid he is of the unknown in his own life. He got used to the position and responsibilities, adapted to the team and found his place in it. For these reasons, many workers stay in bad jobs and do not look for alternatives.

It is difficult for a person with an inferiority complex or a weak personality to quit work. For them, such a step is a move to nowhere, a dead end, a reason for further stress. The more a person thinks about changing jobs, the higher the internal tension. An employee who lacks self-confidence does not believe that he is worthy of positive change. For him, the phrase “Change your job” is tantamount to punishment. He is not ready to face difficulties and fight for a better future.

It takes courage to quit your job. With options new job or without it, the employee calmly hands over the accumulated tasks and moves forward. The less attached he is to the past, the more promising his future. The transition to a new job depends on inner beliefs personality, its resistance to stress and living conditions: people who have nothing to lose find it easier to make the transition.

Psychological discomfort

The presence of problems in the workplace is an impetus for the employee. Negative motivation in such cases helps to get rid of a process that is burdensome and does not bring positive experiences.

Difficulties that create physical and psychological discomfort will help you make a decision to change jobs.. Regardless of the remuneration, it should not harm the mental health of the employee: humiliation of dignity and neglect of one’s own rights should not be allowed.

If there is an unhealthy environment in the team, the first thoughts creep into the employee’s mind that he is uncomfortable in the workplace. Discomfort reduces a person’s ability to work. He becomes withdrawn and aggressive. When troubles at work accumulate, the individual’s perception of what is happening is distorted - even minor troubles are perceived as a reason for stress or hysteria. They quit their previous job for psychological reasons, when the employee can no longer tolerate either the team, the manager, or their own place in the work hierarchy.

Reasons for dismissal

The desire to change jobs is intensified by accompanying factors: one reason for dismissal is joined by another.

The reasons for changing jobs are different from the reasons for looking for a new one. They are listed below:

  • long working hours that leave no time for other areas of life;
  • complex schedule with a minimum number of days off;
  • conflicts with colleagues, unhealthy competition, wrong atmosphere in the team;
  • low salary;
  • discrimination by senior management, violation of business etiquette;
  • difficult physical working conditions.

If a position does not allow an employee to develop, it suppresses his hidden potential. A professional’s qualifications should come first: if he doesn’t grow, he loses the knowledge he has acquired.

It is important that the employee is satisfied with the schedule. He must have time for his family and hobbies, otherwise he will not be able to achieve inner harmony. People who know their worth quit unpromising jobs.

Finding a new place

Motivation will help you change jobs correctly. If there were no difficulties in the previous environment, the desire to find new position appears for completely different reasons. It is so important for a professional to find a new job:

  • due to possible prospects for professional development;
  • because of the desire to get to know new people, to work with more highly qualified professionals;
  • due to a change in professional field;
  • for big earnings;
  • to obtain high status.

It would be right to change jobs if there are options for choosing a new position. Prudent employees arrange an interview before handing over authority in the old position. They are looking for safety net, a guarantee that they will not be left without money.

Professional growth requires constant advancement. This is the main motivation – the desire to grow, develop, and gain valuable knowledge.

If an employee does not have ambition, he may be stuck in an unpromising job for a long time.

What is perspective? This is a criterion that helps you find a new position. When all the conditions are created for an employee under which he can express himself, his career growth will happen in any case. A qualified employee receives a high salary and is confident in the future. Desire to find stability and financial independence force a person to move forward and not be afraid to take risks.

An important trait of strong-willed people is movement in spite of fear. Strong personalities are also afraid, but do not give in to fears. They act ahead and get the results they want.

People with correct self-esteem need perspective: an employee’s ambitions can be used to judge his self-confidence. This is an objective assessment of a person, which does not allow him to stay at work for a long time in an unpromising company.

New team

The reason for looking for a new place is to meet new people. They are important in those areas where business connections determine a person’s earnings. This reason for looking for a new position does not exclude maintaining good relations with the previous team. People can communicate with former co-workers after leaving and maintain pleasant communication. A new boss and new colleagues are able to spur an employee on: giving him the necessary incentive and healthy competition. In a new team, an employee can show up differently and reveal new abilities.

. It is important for the employee to adapt and get out of their comfort zone. In such cases, searching for a new position is useful for a complex, confused person who cannot find his place in life. Through fear and forced change, she fights phobias or attitudes that interfere with her growth and development.

Change of professional orientation To get a new profession, you should say goodbye to your previous one. Changing professional orientation is not always easy - a person is afraid that in another professional field

he will be less successful and lucky. What frightens the employee is not so much the unknown as his own incompetence.

  • A change in professional orientation occurs in several stages:
  • the employee decides on the area in which he wants to try his hand;
  • he undergoes advanced training or goes to training courses;
  • the employee says goodbye to his previous job in order to fully concentrate on finding a new position;
  • he needs to study the market, the area in which he began to develop;

The more dramatic the changes in the professional sphere, the greater the fear of failure. Even if the training does not lead to success, the person will gain invaluable knowledge and skills.

Don’t immediately become fixated on high wages. More important is learning and gaining experience, searching for internal potential. For a professional in the field, the pay will always be decent.

Creative work

Only by showing your creative inclinations can you get the right changes in life. A person learns to express himself, not only by earning money, but also by enjoying the process. An employee’s activities in any field should bring moral satisfaction and demonstrate his creativity.

In creativity, the personality is revealed, filled with energy, and does not waste it. Creative workimportant step at one or another stage of development. It should not be the main one or highly paid, but it must spur a person on and add strength to him.

Better conditions

A resignation letter is the first step to improving your own life. The employee is paid for the work and skills: if more effort is spent than the benefits received, there is no point in remaining in such a position. A common reason for looking for a new job is searching better conditions, social insurance, bonus programs. The employee wants stability not only for himself, but also for his family.

If we're talking about about professional development, then without prospects for promotion, even in a good place it becomes boring. The person does not see the point of growth in the company. It reaches a certain peak and no longer develops. This is the first sign that it's time to change your job.

Dismissal without consequences

The decision has been made - the employee leaves his previous place and goes in search of a suitable position. He is confident in himself, he is filled with hopes and expectations. To avoid disappointment, the employee prepares for a proper, gradual transition. Here's how to properly quit:

  • write a letter of resignation 2 weeks before the last working day;
  • transfer affairs and unfinished projects to a new employee;
  • fulfill all obligations to the company;
  • say goodbye to colleagues and superiors;
  • terminate the employment contract.

All documents and cases must be legally correctly drawn up. An employee cannot afford to neglect his responsibilities last days.

He writes an application and looks for suitable options for new positions, while continuing to do his job. After termination of the contract, the person is released from obligations.

Last working days

An employee who wants to receive good recommendations, must finish all the work. He is responsible for outstanding projects. His reputation in recent days depends on his professionalism: if he moves to a company that works in the same field, the fame of his irresponsibility will reach the new management.

It is important to leave behind good memories. A difficult dismissal associated with conflicts is additional stress for the employee and former colleagues. The last working days should be stress-free, easy and relaxed.

Farewell to the team

It is important to say goodbye to the team. These are the people who helped the employee, were his support and protection. At parting, you can arrange a small celebration where you can express gratitude to everyone who helped the employee grow and improve his own knowledge.

In the future, the previous team may help the employee: they may intersect more than once in the same area. It is useful to remain on friendly terms with sincere people. In a new place, relationships with the team may not work out at all, so the moral support of former colleagues will help you adapt to new conditions.

Adaptation to a new place

The last stage of transition to a new place is adaptation to the workplace. Everything is new to a person: he should be moderately curious and patient. You should not make friends from the first days: the new environment does not immediately accept the newcomer. It is important to establish yourself as a responsible employee and a professional whom you can turn to for advice.

Adaptation occurs gradually. The employee gets used to it and tries to understand how comfortable he is in his position. A little nervousness during this period is normal. Over time, the anxiety level goes away and the employee can express himself.


The transition to a new job does not happen immediately. The employee must finish the work at the old job and only then move to a new position. Whatever the reason for dismissal, you should not leave negative memories behind.

How to decide to change jobs, especially in adulthood? Not every person is capable of taking this risky step. Moreover, the old place is already familiar and familiar. And yet, if you are not happy with something at your previous job, you should think about changing it and look for more interesting options for realizing your talents.

How to decide to change your job to a new one

Many people sooner or later experience a period of dissatisfaction with their lives. Everything seems like an uninteresting routine, and life seems to pass you by. Work brings neither pleasure nor decent income. Missed opportunities will not come back, time is wasted and not for the intended purpose.

Such a decadent mood is often inherent in people who go to service under duress. They suffer every day from the need to perform uninteresting, monotonous actions, a strictly regulated process. At such moments, the thought comes to mind: should I change my job? Not everyone can decide to take this important step. And to put fears to rest, experts recommend:

  • Highlight the most negative aspects of your old job.
  • Determine your individual requirements for new service.
  • Analyze your inclinations and capabilities that will suit the conditions of the new job.
  • Study the market of proposed vacancies and choose the most suitable ones.

Perhaps this algorithm of action will help you decide on serious life changes.

Reasons for changing jobs

Incentives to change the place of duty can be divided into subjective and objective. Purely personal reasons include tense relationships with superiors and conflicts within the team. Such situations arise, as a rule, due to a large amount of work, which requires considerable physical or moral costs. Such incidents can be eliminated by having colleagues relax together in an informal setting or by getting the help of specialized psychologists who will conduct special training on team building and raising work morale.

External, objective reasons that make you think about changing jobs include the lack of career growth and prospects, small salary, etc. Let's look at each of the reasons separately.

Complete stagnation and no growth

Each work is valuable not only wages, but also the opportunity for career growth and expanded prospects. And if, despite diligent performance of his duties, an employee cannot advance in his career, this may become the reason for his dissatisfaction. In this case, one of the ways out of the current impasse may be leaving for another duty station.

Complete stagnation in the service can also be attributed to the suppression of all employee initiatives on the part of superiors. It’s as if the boss doesn’t see the subordinate’s desire to grow, and in some cases, he forbids taking any steps towards progress. Rational proposals, new ideas and non-standard solutions are perceived by superiors as a desire to stand out and curry favor. This happens if the boss (for some subjective reasons) is biased and unsympathetic towards the subordinate. If negotiations with superiors do not bring the desired result, then the only way out of the situation is to simply leave for another duty station.

small salary

The most popular reason for changing jobs is low wages. Even if the specialty is chosen to your liking and the work brings moral pleasure, a small salary can become a serious incentive to change your place of work. In addition, the salary may not correspond duties performed. In other words, one person can do the work of several employees. Unfortunately, this situation occurs in almost every enterprise.

Of course, in private companies the possibility of negotiations with the administration regarding a salary increase is not excluded. If the conversation is unsuccessful, you can quit.

The situation is more complicated in budgetary organizations. Here the salary is fixed and its increase is possible only in case of career growth. Of course, there are all kinds of bonuses and monetary incentives, but they usually go to selected employees. In this case, trying to change your job to a more promising and paying one is the only correct decision. At the same time, you should be confident in a successful outcome and have no doubt that you can find a job that will pay more than in your previous place.

Change of management

As you know, a new broom sweeps in a new way. And new bosses may want to select their team of employees, making it clear to old employees that it's time to leave. The problem becomes especially acute during a crisis, which the company is going through for a number of reasons.

With a change in management, the leadership style changes, and as a result, the working conditions and rules. The situation at the enterprise becomes nervous and tense. All this happens because the new boss needs to get used to his new status, and the employees need to get used to the new management. Some workers cannot withstand uncomfortable conditions and prefer to quit and look for another job. How to change a service, how to make the right decision is a priority problem that arises before a person. And the main thing here is not to panic and confidently move towards your goal.

Fatigue and hopelessness

Working 14 hours every day, it is difficult to stay in good shape all the time. Sooner or later, chronic fatigue and emotional burnout come. In addition, there is practically not enough time for other areas of life.

The first sign that you are burnt out at work is the depressing thoughts that you have to go to work again tomorrow. Another sign that it is time to change something is increased frequency of colds and depression. Due to constant illness, a person becomes irritable and conflicts not only with colleagues, but also with members of the household.

When, waking up early in the morning, you say to yourself: “I want to change my job,” this is a sure sign of the need for such a change. Otherwise, the feeling of fatigue and hopelessness will persist for a long time. As a result, not only the employee’s health will suffer, but also his results. professional activity.


There are other reasons to change jobs. It happens that an employee is forced to be fired. This fact is perhaps the most unpleasant reason for changing jobs. The reasons for dismissal can be different - from the dissolution of a department or an entire company to the elimination of a position. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and not to look for the culprits of your problem. Even if you were fired due to non-compliance official duties, this is a good reason to analyze your mistakes and draw appropriate conclusions. This situation also helps you understand whether you want to stay in the same field or radically change your field of activity.

Dismissal is unpleasant not only for the person fired, but also for the person doing the firing. For most management, this step is not easy. But if this has already happened, you need to conclude that you should say goodbye to this company and look for happiness in a new field.

Basic steps in finding a new job

When you make a firm decision to change your location, you are taking a certain risk. To reduce it to a minimum and quickly achieve your goal, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • First of all, you need to understand what exactly you want - to change your place of work or field of activity.
  • Before changing jobs, you need to study the supply and demand market. For a successful search, you should analyze what skills and knowledge are required to perform certain duties, and what new vacancies are opening.

  • When trying to change your place of work, it would be a good idea to remember your connections acquired at your previous job. Colleagues and acquaintances who work in other companies can be an important source useful information.
  • Having collected the necessary information, it is recommended to draw up competent resume, which will describe all the advantages of you as a professional. It would be useful to remember both the place of your previous work and your position.
  • Once you have compiled your resume, you can send it to employers who have applied for vacancies. It is very good if the resume is submitted along with cover letter, which indicates the personal merits of the applicant.

How to find a new job while still in your old one

If the thought of changing his place of work constantly haunts him, it means that the employee is not happy with something. Going nowhere is a risky business. It’s much calmer to look for a new job when you have a reliable rear. In this case, the search will be calmer and without much nerves.

There are several rules for successfully finding a new job while working in your old one:

  • First of all, it is recommended not to advertise your plans. Most likely, the boss will not be delighted to learn about the plans of his subordinate, even if the reasons for the upcoming dismissal are very objective. In addition, if you don’t find a decent option, you may change your mind. If the search result is more than successful, the administration should be notified two weeks before your departure so that you have time to find a replacement.
  • When submitting your resume on recruiting sites, it is recommended to set it to invisible. Hiring managers often visit such online resources, and it may be that specialists from your company are the ones who can review your application. This way, information about your plans will become available to everyone.
  • It is not recommended to browse job sites in the workplace. Also, in order to maintain confidentiality, you do not need to keep your printed resume at your workplace.

  • When going for an interview, it is recommended to choose the right time. In the case of several interviews, you can take time off at your own expense or at the expense of an upcoming vacation. But it is best to postpone the search for a new job during the holidays. Then there will be no need to ask for time off.
  • Of course, during the interview, after your phrase: “I want to change my job,” the recruiter may ask the question: “Why?” Under no circumstances should you describe disagreements with your previous bosses and colleagues. Reasons include low salary, desire for career growth, expansion of the scope of activity, etc.

Change of specialty

Sometimes, in order to successfully find a new job, it is necessary to change not only the place, but also the specialty. Today, mechanics, turners, plumbers and other technical professionals are again held in high esteem. On the other hand, the rapid development of IT technologies requires programmers, system administrators, and web designers. All this can be learned even in adulthood. The main thing is to find good courses retraining or dare to get a second higher education. This way you can solve the problem of how to change jobs at 40 by mastering a new specialty. After all, as the old movie says, “at 40, life just begins.”

Simple rules for conflict-free care

Having found a new job, you need to try to leave with dignity. After talking with your former employer, thanking him for his experience and years of service together, you can say goodbye to the team. It is recommended to organize a small corporate event or just a tea party with people who helped the employee and were his faithful colleagues. When leaving, you should not miss the opportunity to meet with former colleagues in a common field of activity. Therefore, it is important to remain on friendly terms with employees former enterprise.

How to fit into a new team

In a new team, an employee needs some time to adapt. You should be prepared that at first they will take a closer look at your new colleague, study his professional and personal qualities. You must try to prove yourself the best side. It is not recommended to make friends from the first days. Firstly, in such a short period of time it is impossible to get to know another person. And then, the new environment may not immediately accept a newcomer to their team. It is best to present yourself as a professional whom you can turn to for advice. At first, some nervousness of the new person is normal. Over time, when the employee settles into a new place, he will be able to fully demonstrate his professional qualities.

Reasons for changing jobs. Further actions after changing jobs. This is what you and I will discuss

From time to time, all of us are struck by the thought of whether to change our job, or even our field of activity?! The reasons for this can be very different: work is not going well, everything is falling out of hand, relationships in the team are not satisfactory, wages, poor working conditions, constant stress or ordinary fatigue. Sometimes, even after achieving a certain level of satisfaction with material goods, some people really begin to think about dreams that have not been realized. A new hobby is always a challenge that excites the blood. And if good money is paid for emotional stagnation, this is not a reason to bury yourself alive.

Psychologically, a change of profession is always a parting with something already familiar and at the same time a step towards something new and confusing. And you need to start by trying to understand yourself. The most important thing in this case is to correctly analyze the reasons why you would like to change jobs and evaluate how compelling and objective these reasons are. It is also important to never make hasty decisions that can lead to irreversible consequences.

When should you not change jobs?

You shouldn't change jobs because you're just tired. Many people decide to leave work or change their field of activity precisely because of accumulated fatigue. Better take it another vacation and get plenty of rest. As a rule, after resting things don't seem so bad. You should not change your job because colleagues with whom you communicated well left. Undoubtedly, losing like-minded people and friends is not easy, but in this situation you can simply try to build good relationships with other work colleagues.

You shouldn’t leave work to “annoy” someone, to show that without you it will be extremely difficult to successfully implement a project or do some work. You won’t prove anything to anyone with this childishness, but you will certainly harm yourself.

You shouldn't change jobs just because you could earn more in that position elsewhere. Of course, the financial side is very important, but analyze other working conditions, the possibility of career growth in the future, and the availability of certain bonuses.

You shouldn't change jobs because your friends and family think you deserve something better. After all, you work not for them, but for yourself, and only you know what is good for you and what is not. Yes, they give advice, sincerely hoping that they are helping you, but they are guided solely by their life experience. Mine, not yours. Therefore, do not forget to remind yourself from time to time that you have to live your own life yourself, and not numerous advisers.

You shouldn't necessarily change jobs because you can't stand management. You are not obliged and should not love or dislike someone, but build business relationship and it’s still worth following the basic rules of etiquette. Try to perform your duties flawlessly, and this will minimize communication with management.

You should not recklessly change your field of activity. You spent a lot of time and effort to achieve certain heights in your profession, and even invested a lot of money in education, but lately you feel that you are exhausted, that there is some disgust in your attitude towards the profession... But don’t you feel sorry for everyone material and moral investments that you have made over all these years in maintaining and developing your professional excellence? Here it’s worth recalculating everything again and understanding what is more valuable: past investments or today’s and future emotional losses?

Before you think about making a complete career change, you need to make some attempts to improve your working conditions. Start by making a list of the things you like and don't like about your job. If from what has been written it follows that you can’t stand your boss, or you hate the “9-18” work schedule, or the location of your work does not suit you, then the problem will be solved quickly as soon as you change these conditions. In other words, it is not your career that you need to change, but your place of work itself.

But if you are convinced that all your problems stem from the very nature of your profession, then the following steps should help you on the path to a career change.

What to do next?

First of all, you need the right psychological attitude. You shouldn't feel like you're running away from a career you don't enjoy. Your main motivation should not be the desire to leave a boring task as quickly as possible, but the very thought of moving towards a cherished goal, towards the fulfillment of longed desires, which the time has come to begin to come true. Otherwise, having the wrong view, you may take up a new interesting activity, which over time you will begin to hate just as much as the previous one.

Try to take tests to determine your professional aptitude and attitude to your current service. Similar tests can be easily found on the Internet, in specialized newspapers and magazines. Remember what subjects you loved at school, what areas you were interested in and continue to be interested in, what hobby has stuck with you for many years. Pay attention to which magazines and newspapers attract your attention: technical, financial, psychological? What Internet sites do you visit most often? All of these little details are great clues in finding your real deal.

Make a list of core values future profession. There is no need to go into details, just indicate that you want to engage in, for example, literary creativity or grow something. Indicate on paper where you want to work: at home, in an institution, or somewhere else. Be sure to indicate which conditions are completely unacceptable to you. For example, paperwork, sitting at the computer for many hours, strict work schedules, etc.

Now combine all the values, unpleasant moments, interests, and skills you have formulated. Try to see the only right direction that suits you.

Explore all aspects of your future profession. Let's say you love ceramics and think you'll travel the world in search of trinkets and then sell them in your shop. But the fact is that you may be captivated by one aspect of the idea, and the remaining problems associated with this activity may turn out to be completely depressing.

You may have to deal with accounting, which is why you want to quit your job in the first place. Maybe you will have to communicate more with “people in uniforms,” that is, officials. And at your current job, this is already enough to your throat.

Foreign experience

According to research by psychologists, three quarters of Europeans are eager to change their profession. Not to change jobs, but to undergo a complete reorientation. For the average Hans or Louis, it is considered normal to take up, say, large-scale breeding after journalism. cattle. In addition, in Europe, a long stay at one enterprise sometimes characterizes an employee as unpromising and lazy.

It is possible that you will have to return to your desk. When people want to change their careers, they often need new knowledge. Take a college correspondence course or evening courses designed specifically for those who cannot complete the full course. Do your best to obtain the necessary experience for a new activity. It is vital for you to have baggage under your belt.

And never think that your time is up. When asking the question: “Is it too late for me to change jobs?”, listen to yourself - after all, you are still breathing!

How to change jobs correctly? I'M LEAVING, LEAVING...

So, you are determined to change jobs. Moreover, a new place has already been found, they are waiting for you there and you are filled with joyful anticipation of a new bright future. But even if the previous service left a bad taste in your soul, you shouldn’t slam the door loudly when leaving. Who knows how life will turn out? If you soberly assess the situation, most likely, not everything there was so bad. Therefore, if you have finally and irrevocably decided to leave, do not forget about some important little things.

Your boss should be the first to know about your dismissal. And no matter how strong the desire to tell your friend from the next department about what a wonderful offer they made you in another company, and that you have already agreed to it, do not give in! The manager should find out about everything personally from you, and not from the secretary, who overheard her friend telling this news to her colleague in great secret.

No need for criticism. When asked why you decided to leave this company, there is no need to say that your superiors do not appreciate your merits, recall conflicts with colleagues and other negative aspects. Think about it, because in this company you gained a very important experience, and there were probably many more positive aspects than negative ones. It is enough to simply name the real reasons (higher wages, a new interesting position, etc.).

Complete all projects assigned to you. Under no circumstances should you leave the company until you have transferred all your affairs. You should not leave everything as it is, because by doing so you will create a lot of problems for your colleagues who are still there, and they are unlikely to remember you with a kind word after that. Believe me, leaving with a clear conscience is much more pleasant than running away, leaving a bunch of unfinished things. Discuss in advance with the head of your previous company the maximum period for which you can stay in order to transfer matters and explain everything necessary to your successor. The management of a new company usually treats such moments with understanding, in addition (which is very important!), They will see that you are a person they can rely on.

Leave all the material assets that are recorded on you, down to the last paper clip, at work. First, you start new life and things with old job you don't need it. Secondly, your business reputation is worth more than a few folders and even an office chair, right?

Throw a farewell party with light refreshments to which you invite all your colleagues, even those with whom you have a frosty relationship. Don't be tempted to tell them everything you think about them. Be friendly and at the same time moderately restrained. Thank everyone for the moments you worked side by side. Believe me: the world is small. After all, it may well turn out that in the future you will still have to work with these people or do business with this organization. Pretentious toasts will also be unnecessary. Everything is good in moderation. It is advisable to be among the first to leave the event, and finally, be sure to once again thank your now former colleagues.

The main thing is that if you are firm in your intention to change jobs, nothing can stop you! Try, take risks and don’t doubt - you will definitely be lucky.

It is necessary to listen to negative signals. In addition to constantly thinking about quitting, there are other signs that indicate that a person needs changes:

  • Negative emotions. Pay attention to the emotional background during and after work. The signal will be a change in mood. Previously, a person returned home with a smile on his face, rejoicing at the success of his colleagues, but now he is attacked by chronic apathy and irritation - which means something is wrong.
  • Constant illness. The body tells you that fatigue has accumulated and time is needed to recover. The first two points are characteristic signs of professional burnout.
  • Working for status and money. Salary is a significant, but far from the only factor that affects a person’s satisfaction with the profession and employer. Not everyone can be “buyed.”
  • Lack of professional growth and interest in learning. When a person works according to his calling, he is passionate about his work: he follows new trends, grows professionally and moves up the career ladder, if he has such inclinations.
  • Career ceiling. After 5-8 years in one organization, this feeling haunts many.

There are other, more obvious symptoms: lack of understanding with management, industry crisis, desire to start own business and so on. However, “giving up everything” is not the best strategy for an accomplished professional.

How will an employer notice that an employee is “tired”?

Boredom and professional burnout of employees is a problem faced in every company. Proactive employers prepare for this in advance and think through how to involve and motivate “old-timers.” They are often asked to take part in training for newcomers or in external educational programs. This is how experienced workers feel needed and receive professional recognition from young colleagues.

The employer will sooner or later notice that the employee has lost interest in work and his productivity has decreased. Carrying out tasks from other departments and duties unusual for the position, sudden activity outside of work (for example, a hobby that generates income) are all signs of fatigue from current tasks.

“To prevent layoffs due to professional burnout, HR managers launch satisfaction surveys that include questions about employee attitudes toward the nature of the job, position held, and responsibilities; as well as research to determine current staff motivation in order to understand what to offer employees in order to keep them in the company. Individual HR managers supervising business units conduct scheduled and unscheduled conversations with the team in order to analyze the microclimate and situation in the workplace, says Evgenia Mikhailova, an expert at the “” service. “To summarize, an employee who is time to change jobs can be identified through testing, surveys and motivational conversations.”

What to do if you want to leave?

Ideally, the employer and employee should first take a step towards each other. Much depends on the capabilities and scale of the company: not every organization will offer an employee an interesting exit. We recommend trying:

  1. Just talk to the manager. Most of us periodically want to change our style, dye our hair or grow a beard. But far fewer people are truly ready for change. Sometimes an honest conversation is enough to let off steam.
  2. Switch to another team. Maybe in another department, in a similar position, work is structured differently: it is more structured and predictable, there is a pleasant boss and interesting tasks.
  3. Take on new responsibilities. There are situations when the same tasks become boring and exhausting. If the employee is satisfied with the company, likes the position and level wages, he can take part in volunteer projects: many employers support social initiatives. In addition, such work develops leadership skills and strengthens the team.
  4. Get retrained. Already during training it becomes clear that I like it new profession or not. Of course, not every employer is ready to pay for courses or transfer to another position, but sometimes such experiments are encouraged.
  5. Take an internship in another department. In some companies, temporary relocation is a mandatory practice: for example, office employees stand behind the counter for two months. This way you can gain a deeper understanding of business processes and identify best practics, share your experience. A change of environment helps you look at work differently, and sometimes becomes a step towards changing your profession.
  6. Switch to freelance work. If it is not possible to keep an employee on staff, the employer can enter into a GPC agreement and engage a specialist as a freelancer. This a good option for when you need time to sort out your desires.
  7. Find a new place. If you categorically do not like the rules, the company culture, or the salary, then you should hardly expect any quick changes. The main thing is not to confuse warning signs with simple fatigue: everyone needs a rest sometimes.

What reasons drive a person who decides change jobs? When deciding to change jobs, a person is guided by a number of reasons, from reasonable and rational, to reckless and unreasonable - he didn’t like it, he outgrew it, he got bored, he quarreled, he was underestimated, he was underpaid...

There can be a lot of reasons, and if you are increasingly thinking about changing jobs, this is normal, you are not alone. According to various sociological surveys, despite the crisis and shortage of jobs, about 50% of employees want to change jobs Russian companies. What pushes so many people to change jobs and what are the main reasons for changing jobs?

Should I change my job? Reasons to change jobs

The job does not promise a promotion and does not provide professional development.

Career ambitions are increasingly becoming the reason for changing jobs. Active and energetic person someone who strives for results, and is not content with the work process itself, is unlikely to be satisfied with work without career opportunities(unless we are talking about gaining experience, which is usually obtained in small firms). The lack of career prospects makes such people despondent, because they strive for self-improvement, want to move forward, develop and apply new skills.

If your job is keeping you from fully developing your ideas and stifling your potential, you need to think about how to find a job, which will suit you in this regard.

However, you should not trust only your feelings whether there is a prospect or not. Try talking to your immediate boss, find out about real prospects. Of course, he won’t show you all the cards, but he can outline the possibilities in general terms. Turn on your discernment, and the picture will become clear - you will understand where promises need to be multiplied and where to be divided. Then make decisions - “Should I change jobs?”

Work makes you unhappy

Your work should be interesting to you, it should excite and captivate you. If it’s the other way around - the thought of having to go to work makes you feel sad or depressed (and it’s not just ordinary fatigue or the fact that you haven’t been on vacation for a long time), if you’re at work every now and then look at the clock and count the minutes until the end of the working day, you feel overwhelmed and sick, and disappointment is covered by the positive emotions that you once received (or are still receiving) from this work, and you no longer smell of your former enthusiasm - it’s time to seriously think about change of job, because you can’t be under stress all the time. In order to step on the same rake and find a job that you like, read the article - “ How to find your calling?».

Work doesn't align with your life values

If the work does not correspond to the moral principles and beliefs, tastes or characteristics of your character, you are unlikely to achieve success in this area.

If you are not a good liar and find it difficult to deceive people, a job as a used car salesman is definitely not for you. You don’t like gossip and gossip, you have nothing to do in the editorial office of a yellow newspaper, no matter how much you puff yourself up, your dislike of digging into someone else’s dirty laundry will sooner or later become the reason why you decide to change jobs.

Problems in the team or conflict with management

Another reason why people wonder, “Should I change jobs?” - strained relationships with superiors and colleagues. This environment has a negative impact on productivity and prevents you from fully concentrating on getting the job done. It is imperative to try to resolve the conflict.

As for the bosses, you need to understand that even a good leader rarely evokes warm feelings; you will still have to obey him, and submitting to the personal will of your boss is far from the most pleasant experience. So think about it Is it worth changing jobs? and run away from a bad boss, because who knows what surprise awaits you in your new place. It may be better and easier to try to improve relations with your old boss than to build them with a new one. If you are not happy with your neighbors on the landing, you are not in a hurry to change your place of residence. So treat the manager more simply, for example, as if he were dealing with the inevitable vagaries of the weather.

Psychologists advise to see in your boss a person with his own experiences, weaknesses and attachments. Find neutral topics for conversation, find out what he likes about people and what he doesn’t, and take this into account in the future.

If you can't find mutual language, then analyze how difficult it is to work in this environment and whether it’s worth it at all, and then decide whether to change your job.

It is more difficult to deal with dissatisfaction in a team, because their feelings are more unbiased. Be neutral (especially if you are just starting to work in this team or are on probationary period ), do not respond to aggression, if you answer, answer firmly but politely, do not give in to manipulation, do not open up too much and do not discuss your colleagues (especially in their absence), if you criticize, criticize constructively… (there is much more to say here). And remember, you are not necessarily one of those who easily adapt. If your work team resembles a serpentarium and hostility only grows every day, then you will have to change your job.

Job doesn't meet your financial needs

The main reason why people come up with the question is “ Should I change my job?? - insufficient wages.

Some hoped for growth when they were hired, but never saw it; others had their salaries cut in the process labor activity, for some, the company’s policy regarding remuneration is not in line with the market and it has not been indexed for years. The reason to change jobs is understandable, but several points are important here. The first thing is to understand whether you really don’t have enough money or whether your pride is hurt. The second is to make sure that your price as a specialist is more than what you are paid, and find out whether you can find a better job than before. And thirdly, imagine that with tomorrow your salary will be increased, i.e. think about whether this is the only reason (low salary), and if so, then you should ask for an increase in pay for your work.

In most companies, the reaction of management to the professional growth of an employee and to the increase in his responsibilities is rather slow, and management acts according to the principle - if he is silent, then everything is satisfactory.

If you are valuable employee, ask your boss for a raise (directly or hinting that you have received a lucrative offer and...) and they ignore you, while you are sure that you will find a better place, it’s time to think about changing jobs.

Work negatively affects your health

Remember, you can't buy health! And even if you don’t work at a nuclear power plant or mine coal in mines, this does not mean that nothing threatens you. Frustration, anxiety and chronic stress can harm your body even more than chemical waste, a working day spent on your feet without even a chance to sit down can lead to leg diseases, and working in a damp basement can cause pulmonary diseases. So it is very important to assess the actual damage to health. If your job is harmful to your health and it is not difficult for you to change it, it is better to do so.

Desire to change field of activity

It happens that in the process of work we come to the understanding that we are not doing what we would like. If you think you have done mistake when choosing a profession, you shouldn’t treat this as something that will forever determine your destiny. Change your job, change your profession. What is the problem?

If only that in your current field of activity you have achieved a lot, gained experience, established connections, but in the new one you have none of this. This is a big risk. On the other hand, if you find a job in your desired specialty, it will probably give you a boost of energy and fuel your interest - which in the first couple of years will compensate (albeit not completely) for the lack of experience and skills. In any case, the desire to do what you love is a completely worthy reason to change jobs.

Not up to par

Sometimes people change jobs because of the great responsibility that falls on their shoulders. It happens that someone, having reconsidered his views on life, decides to devote more time to himself and his family, so he changes his job to a less stressful one (Downshifting is a conscious change of more prestigious job to a less paid one) or even goes freelance.

Or it happens like this - when getting a job, a person overestimated his capabilities (he could even deceive or embellish his abilities). He probably knew that he couldn’t handle it, but he really wanted to get to this place. As a result, work becomes torture for him.

Naturally, if you are not satisfied with something, but by and large you like the work, this is not a reason to change jobs.

Psychologists, in order to accept correct decision about changing jobs and not making a mistake, they offer a simple solution - take a sheet of paper, divide it into two parts with a line, and in each of them indicate the pros (reasons to stay in the same place) and cons ( reasons to change jobs). Take into account and write down everything that you like or don’t like, from the time it takes way to work(perhaps instead of finding a job in Moscow, it is better to limit your search and look for a place in your city) and to the authority of your company in the market.

In general, if you decide that there are more reasons to change jobs than reasons to stay and they are strong enough, then go ahead and look for a new job. Good luck with this!

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