
What is a subsidiary farm. Personal subsidiary farm (LPH). Benefits of citizens of leading private household plots. Differences from farmers (KFH). Private household plots as an idea for a business - is it worth spending time on implementation

The definition of "personal subsidiary plots (LPH)" means legal form of economic activity... In turn, private household plots include numerous types of activities from the sphere Agriculture: growing livestock or poultry, growing vegetables or ornamental plants.

Do I need to register a private household

Within the limits of the activity of private household plots, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the full legal right to carry out any activity in the agricultural sector. Initially, it is assumed that in the conduct of such activities, citizens produce goods for your needs but the surplus can be realized.

In comparison with the peasant type of farming, with private household plots there is no need to register your employment with the tax office... In addition, for this type of exercise labor activity the requirements for maintaining reports and other documents do not apply.

Thanks to this, LPH provides many opportunities:

  • an opportunity to sell agricultural products is provided;
  • there is no need to provide reports;
  • sanitary and other services are not entitled to a sudden inspection, since the person is not an individual entrepreneur;
  • Private household plots are supported by state and regional authorities (subsidies). Moreover, in some regions of the Russian Federation, regional local self-government bodies even provide trading places in the markets.

But at the same time it is necessary to remember: with private household plots, taxes must be paid (on income). By and large, all profits can be indicated in the declaration.

How many acres can be arranged for private household plots

Back in 2011, the legislation of the Russian Federation introduced restriction on the area of ​​the land plot for private household plots to 0.5 hectares... This restriction is state-owned, but regional self-government bodies have the right to increase the area by no more than 5 times.

In addition, on personal plots, the opportunity is allowed erect residential real estate and other structures.

It is worth noting that the difference between individual housing construction and private household plots is that on the land provided, it is allowed to build a residential building with no more than 3 floors. Moreover, only one family can live in it.

Speaking of field plots (the definition of field plots is given below), it is strictly forbidden to build capital real estate on them, but it is allowed to install greenhouses, sheds, and so on.

Where to register

The administration is engaged in registration regional department organ local government of the area on the balance sheet of which there is a plot for private household plots.

Registration instructions

The algorithm for allocating a land plot to citizens by self-government bodies for managing forestry is as follows:

  1. Necessary create schemes for the location of the land plot, determine the territory and dimensions- this must be done in the event that the site was not yet formed before the allocation to citizens.
  2. It is necessary to form application for preliminary approval of the issue of land allocation- this should also be done exclusively in a situation where the site has not yet been formed, but is already issued.
  3. Territorial department of a self-government body makes a decision about the possibility to preliminarily agree on the allocation.
  4. At this stage, an event is being organized on the issues of carrying out the necessary cadastral works (a new land plot for further transfer to the applicant).
  5. Implemented.
  6. An applicant for a plot must draw up a statement on consideration of the issue of granting him a land plot for private household plots.
  7. Formation and subsequent signing agreements between the owner of the land plot and the recipient.

In a situation where a plot is purchased from other owners, the algorithm consists solely in preparing the necessary documentation for further registration.

You need to prepare:

  • original and a copy of the cadastral form for the existing site;
  • agreement signed between the new and the previous owner of the land;
  • original registration application;
  • the original and a copy of the receipt for payment of the state fee.

V mandatory you need to remember: in all documents it should be noted that the land plot will serve as a personal subsidiary farm. This is necessary to avoid any further misunderstandings.

Application for registration of rights to land plots

The application form includes an established form, which can be submitted in several ways:

  • via the Internet (Gosuslugi portal);
  • standard (in writing, in person).

The form is filled in exclusively in Russian letters. When submitting in writing, you must use A4 sheets of paper. In a situation where one sheet is not enough, you can use additional ones (then each page must be numbered).

In the text of the application, you must indicate information about real estate objects, if they are used simultaneously and cannot function without each other. For example, if it comes about the personal plot and the real estate that is located on it.

Private household plots and subsidies

Financial capital within the framework of the subsidy program for private household plots can be provided for the following purposes:

  • maintenance of a large cattle(for example, cows);
  • as compensation for previously acquired modern or modernized equipment;
  • artificial insemination of cows;
  • purchase of fuels and lubricants and various spare parts for normal agricultural activities.

To participate in the subsidizing program for private household plots, it is necessary to prepare a list of such documentation:

  • application for participation in the program;
  • copies of all receipts that are able to prove the fact of financial costs in the maintenance of private household plots;
  • originals and copies of passports for all vehicles used in private household plots;
  • originals and copies of loan agreements issued for the development of private household plots;
  • livestock register;
  • an act on the implementation of the slaughter of livestock and so on.

The amount of financial assistance is regulated at the regional level and depends on economic development specific region of the country.

For example:

  • in Tomsk, you can receive a subsidy in the amount of 4.5 thousand rubles for 1 cow with a calf and 3 thousand rubles for a heifer;
  • in Voronezh, subsidies are issued not only for the maintenance of cattle in the amount of 790 rubles per 1 unit, but also for the purchase of livestock in the amount of 41 rubles per kilogram of live weight. For the birth of a calf, you can receive 3 thousand rubles.

Private household plots and loans, peculiarities of obtaining

You can get a loan for the further development of private household plots using one of the programs:

  • for the construction of communications. The maximum loan amount is 500 thousand rubles, the interest rate is 15.5%;
  • for the development of private household plots. The maximum amount is 700 thousand rubles, the interest rate is 14%;
  • crediting program "Reliable partner". Loans are issued for regular customers banks at 13.5%;
  • loan program "Gardener". Interest rate from 16%, maximum limit up to 150 million rubles.

You can apply for a loan in the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Rossgostrakh.

Basic requirements for borrowers:

  • obligatory confirmation of solvency;
  • the presence of movable or immovable property on bail;
  • presentation of guarantors.

How to register a house on the land of private household plots, registration of buildings

The right to erect real estate objects on a land plot for private household plots is formalized in a standard way (as for the plot itself).

To register with Rosreestr, you must provide a list of such documentation:

  • an application in the prescribed form (similar for the rights to a land plot);
  • documents of title confirming the existence of a permit for construction works for the construction of real estate.

You can transfer documents to Rosreestr:

  • personal appeal;
  • with the help of third parties (provided that a notarized power of attorney is drawn up);
  • through the mail of Russia;
  • with the help of the MFC;
  • through the Internet.

Land taxes private household plots

The only tax required to pay is. The amount is 0.3% of the cadastral cost of the land plot.

It should be borne in mind that:

  • a site for maintaining a personal subsidiary farm can be a locality within the city limits. In this case, it has the name Backyard , if we are talking about a site outside the city - called "Field" ;
  • on the backyard territory, you can engage in any kind of activity, on the field area - you can only grow vegetables;
  • several plots of land are allowed, the main thing is the total area should not exceed 0.5 hectares.

This is a memo that every owner of a subsidiary farm should know.

Farm start

Personal subsidiary farm or all the same peasant farm? In the video below, the authors show and talk about the initial steps to create their farm.

Many are interested in the question of what is the difference between individual housing construction and private household plots. What are their pros, cons, features - all this needs to be understood before registering the form of land ownership. Perhaps everyone would like to have their own home. However, it is not always possible to purchase a ready-made suitable residential building due to various reasons - financial, territorial, etc. When a person acquires a piece of land as property, he is faced with such concepts as private household plots, SNT, individual housing construction and DNP. All these forms of land ownership determine the purpose of this ownership. Let's figure out what is the difference between individual housing construction and private household plots.

Land classification

Within the territory of Russian Federation land plots of owners are divided into different types according to the status of alienation, purpose and departmental principle. Most of them are those on which residential buildings for individual use have been built, i.e. IZhS, as well as those that are used for agricultural purposes (growing crops, keeping livestock, land), i.e. LPH.

Identifying the difference between individual housing construction and private household plots can be difficult.


Lands classified as private household plots are acquired or issued to citizens so that they have the opportunity to equip the production of agricultural products. Their activities should not be aimed at obtaining benefits in the form of dividends, while the products produced by these citizens should be used only for their own needs. This is a kind of legacy from the times of the USSR, during which everything that was grown in the garden, as well as livestock, could not be sold or otherwise used for enrichment.


Allotments for individual housing construction are intended to fulfill the right to housing, which every citizen has. This right is guaranteed to him by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Housing is being built with the financial resources of the owner; this building has a number of restrictions. For example, it can only be used by one family and be no higher than three floors. Today in Russia there are a number of programs under which individuals engaged in individual construction are provided with soft loans as state support.

What is the difference between individual housing construction and private household plots according to the law?

Legislative justification

These abbreviations mean differences in the form of ownership from the point of view of law. When the plots are drawn up by the owner, he receives documentation in which information should be recorded on the form of ownership that he chooses.

What is the difference between the statuses of private household plots and individual housing construction, not everyone knows.

In the main part of the regions of Russia, each citizen has the right to a one-time receipt of a land plot for his own use. For example, he can register it as a property if he builds his house on it. At the same time, it is not allowed to use this site in order to receive benefits from it.

The documentation in which the property is confirmed is compiled based on a number of documents, and above all on the cadastral passport. And if individual housing is built on a plot of land intended for a garden or a summer residence, then it will need to be entered in the declaration. Registration is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 122, namely, its 25th article.

What is the difference between private household plots and individual housing construction?

The purpose of the land plot is determined by the type of operation specified in the document on the right to property. It is necessary to understand that it is possible to use a land plot for the construction of private housing in both cases. But still, there are certain restrictions that must be taken into account.

So, IZHS is designed for the construction of a private residential building either by one citizen or by one family. And this means that in the future there will be no obstacles for the preparation of the necessary documents and the transfer of this object for use. And plots for private household plots are allocated directly from the land fund. First of all, they are intended so that citizens develop their subsidiary farms on them, ensuring the need for agricultural products for the needs of this family.

And construction has nothing to do with this type of activity, unless we are talking about the premises of the subsidiary farm. But today the way to change the type of purpose of the land plot is simplified, it is distinguished by its declarative nature. Therefore, those citizens who already have a residential building on the territory of private household plots, due to the "dacha amnesty" and by submitting an appropriate application for construction, have the opportunity to register this residential object as their property. There are a number of restrictions on the use of private household plots for construction purposes. First of all, this is due to the location of the allotment and its area.

What is the difference between private household plots and individual housing construction?


Personal subsidiary plots can be located both within the settlement and outside them. This affects the possibilities of its use. If found on the territory settlement it will be allowed to build both household buildings and individual housing. If he is outside the settlements, then all this is prohibited.

Plots for individual housing construction have only one purpose - building a house for individual use. The IZhS status guarantees that the house will be connected to all the necessary communications, and an infrastructure will be created around it, implying the presence of schools, libraries, shops and other facilities social purpose... This is calculated in more detail depending on the population density of a given territory.


There is a difference between individual housing construction and private household plots in taxes.

Also, the form of home ownership affects the acquisition of the right to a tax deduction provided for by the Tax Code for citizens of the Russian Federation who own residential real estate. It is important to know that, in addition to this privilege, the legislation also implies a double-rate discount rate, which will be required to pay by those who have not built a residential building on an allotment intended for individual housing construction within 10 years. So in this case, private households have an advantage.

In general, the same rules are established for all non-commercial land plots, but at the same time, private household plots are subject to lower taxes in comparison with individual housing construction. The costs of electricity, water and gas will also be lower. However, the supply of these communications for private household plots is not guaranteed by the state or municipal authorities.

An important difference lies in the possibility of registration. It is impossible to register in housing built on the territory of private household plots. Registration in such a real estate object is possible only if it is put into operation and registered in the state register.

What is the difference between LPH and IZHS is now known.

What is the best choice? Advantages and disadvantages

The most important difference between these forms of land ownership is the existing obligations on the part of the state or municipalities regarding the provision of the land with energy and social infrastructure. If individual housing construction falls under this guarantee, then private household plots do not. Therefore, the construction of housing on plots of the second type is carried out by citizens at their own peril and risk. True, practice has already shown that the expectation of the implementation of the aforementioned guarantees sometimes has to wait a very long time even for those who have erected housing on a site for individual construction.

What is the difference between private household plots and individual housing construction in terms of price?

Plots of land with the status of private household plots located in the territories of settlements are somewhat cheaper than land for individual housing construction. But outside these boundaries, the difference in cost increases. This is due to the fact that it is prohibited to build housing on personal subsidiary plots outside of cities and villages.

Changing the target status of the land is possible - with the help of lawsuits or certain manipulations with the norms of laws. But this may cause disagreement among the prosecutor's office and other government agencies, as a result of which the transfer act will be canceled, and the buildings will be demolished. At the same time, if the housing is built within the framework of the law, then this will be a guarantee for the introduction of the property into operation with all the ensuing advantages and rights of the owner.

We examined the difference between private household plots and individual housing construction.

Such lands are located, as a rule, next to the estate (a building intended for permanent residence and other household structures) and are intended for any type of economy. That is, on the lands of private household plots, you can do gardening, set up a vegetable garden, breed animals or fish. Land with the LHP status is transferred personally to an individual in ownership or life-long inheritable possession. Less commonly rented for long term rent.

It is customary to distinguish between two types of land allocated for the management of private household plots:

  • backyard (if it is located within the boundaries of the settlement);
  • field (if it is located outside the boundaries of the settlement).

Building possibility

Is it possible or impossible to build a dwelling house and outbuildings on the land allotted for personal subsidiary plots? Everything will depend only on the location of the agreed allotment. If you received a plot within the limits of any settlement, then you can build it up.

The type of buildings is not limited by anything and no separate building permits are required... A residential building built on the site within the selected settlement can be officially registered and legally lived in it.

If the land plot for private household plots is outside the boundaries of the settlement, then it will not be possible to obtain permission to build it up.

Such land is intended only for farming.

Formation and design

The law establishes that local governments, at their discretion, can determine both the maximum and minimum size for such land allotments in the lands under their control. In addition, the law limits the maximum size of the plot on which you can carry out household farming - 0.5 hectares.

More recently, a clause was added to the law stating that citizens are allowed to have more plots, in this case, their total area should not exceed 2.5 hectares. But in this case, the land owners will need to register their activities as an enterprise or farming. This means that you will have to report and pay taxes on running the household.

In order to get an allotment of land for private household plots, you need to contact the local administration of the settlement that you have chosen. An application must be submitted to the village executive committee. It will contain personal data, the type of property rights under which the land plot will be obtained, the address of the land allotment and the approximate area.

It is also necessary to provide information about all lands that are in the possession of the applicant. In case of a positive decision, preliminary decisions of the local administration will be issued on the allocation of a land plot with an indication of its size, and the type of intended use - maintenance of private household plots.

After that, you need to establish the boundaries of the received site - to issue its passport. This is done by design organizations. On the basis of this passport, the executive committee will issue an order on the approval of the boundaries of the land plot and on the transfer of these land plots into ownership.

This entire package of documents (decree, passport of the land plot, order on the approval of the boundaries and granting the land plot in ownership) must be sent to the land cadastral chamber. The land plot will receive a cadastral number, a cadastral plan.

New documents must again be submitted to the executive committee of the settlement. There, the applicant draws up documents confirming a certain type of real right. After this document is registered at the regional registration chamber,

The document that serves as the basis for state registration of the applicant's ownership of the land plot may be:

  • act from the local executive committee;
  • evidence to the ground;
  • an extract from the household book.

Let's try to figure out what a household book is.

The essence of the household book and extracts from it

Household book - the main document of administrative records of residents of a given settlement. In addition, the book also notes the presence of land, residential buildings, livestock and other property in the recorded population.

Extracts from the household book are made by officials of the local government in a special form. Household records of land plots are maintained throughout the country. Extracts usually contain the following data:

  • complete information about the owner;
  • on what rights the owner owns this type of land;
  • complete information about the plot of private household plots;
  • detailed requisites of the book in which the information is entered.

If the owner of the land plots has died, then it is possible to take an extract from the household book for the deceased. Since the extract from the household book relates to the property, and not to the owner. The copyright holder is indicated in the extract. If the local administration does not want to issue an extract, you need to ask for a refusal in writing.

In this case, it can be challenged. referring to legislation. All citizens have the right to receive information about real estate objects, which are also land plots.

Ownership features

The land allocated for the conduct of personal household plots is one of the most advantageous statuses of land. At first, they, as well as on lands with the status of individual housing construction (individual residential construction), can be built up. Of course, only if the site is located within the boundaries of the settlement.

Secondly, the land tax in the case of acquiring a land plot for private household plots will be significantly lower than in the case of individual housing construction. On the plot for individual housing construction, you can only erect a residential building, and on the plot of private household plots it is allowed to both erect a building and engage in agricultural activities. That is, there are more opportunities.

As for the comparison of land under private household plots and, the land plots of private household plots are very limited in size (as we already wrote, the maximum plot should have an area of ​​up to 0.5 hectares), but the advantage is in the possibility of building a residential building.

It is worth noting that all products that will be obtained from the land of private household plots are the property of the owner of the land... Its sale is not taxed, since work on the plot of the floor of a private household is not considered an entrepreneurial activity. This is a significant plus of owning land for personal household plots.

So, ownership is obtained. From that moment on, the owner of a plot of land for personal household use receives the same rights as other land owners, which means that certain responsibilities also fall on him.

Namely: to use the allocated area only as agricultural land and to engage only in agricultural activities.

Acquiring a land plot with the status of private household plots is not as difficult as it might seem to the uninitiated. Many are intimidated by the collision with the bureaucratic system. But the pleasure of owning a private estate is worth much more. However, at any time you can.

Personal subsidiary farming is a legally enshrined small form of economic activity. Private household plots involve various types of activities from the agricultural segment: growing poultry, farm animals, growing vegetables and ornamental plants, and so on.

Let's consider how to arrange a private household plots and what it gives to the farm.


As part of the conduct of private household plots, a person can engage in a whole range of types of agricultural activities. It is assumed that this activity involves the production of products for their own needs (self-consumption), but the surplus can be sold.

Unlike the peasant (farm) type of economy, private household plots do not need to be registered with the tax authority. In addition, such forms of business are not subject to reporting and document management requirements.

This set of properties provides ample opportunities:

  • You have access to the production of commercial (for sale) agricultural products;
  • However, you do not have to report to anyone;
  • Sanitary or veterinary supervisory services cannot just come to you, since you are not an individual entrepreneur;
  • The activities of these farms are supported by state and local subsidies. In addition, in some regions, outlets are provided at local markets and fairs.

One should not think that private household plots is an indulgence from all sins. This form of activity is not intended for release marketable products... It also does not exempt you from the need to pay income tax. In theory, the goods sold should be included in the declaration, although, in practice, no one does this.

How is it formalized?

Maintenance of private household plots is a type of permitted use of land. This option is assigned to plots under residential buildings located on the territory of rural settlements. At the same time, the plots should not exceed a certain size established by law.

The type of permitted use of the site is spelled out in the title deeds. If another type of use is indicated there (individual housing construction, gardening), then you do not have the rights of private household plots. In this case, you cannot take advantage of government subsidy programs or engage in certain activities (the latter does not apply to summer cottages and horticultural plots).

The question arises - how to transfer a plot of, say, individual housing construction to private household plots? There is no standard action plan here. The transfer of land from one type of permitted use to another is carried out by the municipal (local) administration. You will need:

  • An application for a transfer with an indication of the reasons (running a personal economy can act as such);
  • Documents confirming ownership of the site and the house;
  • Cadastral documents for objects.

At the same time, the site must be located in an area that is or is equated to a rural one. Based on your application, regulatory document municipal administration the permitted use of the plot changes.

Private household plots: how to register? Benefits of a personal subsidiary farm

We live in interesting times! As economists say, the 2008 crisis has not ended, but is only getting worse. Our people do not rely on the state, it's time to start a personal subsidiary farm (LPH). How to formalize this inexhaustible source of family well-being in times of crisis? Will there be a lot of trouble with the documents? Let's figure it out. The question of what a private household plots is, how to formalize it officially and legally, is relevant for many.

Where to begin?

As a rule, any event should be planned, especially if it has a long implementation period associated with finances (expenses and income). The concept of private household plots is described in the law No. 112-FZ "On personal subsidiary plots". It indicates that this is a non-entrepreneurial activity. That is, it means that the owner of the farm produces values, and the income from them goes to family budget, and in kind. It is necessary to distinguish personal from peasant subsidiary plots (KPH). Confusion in this matter leads to incorrect design of their activities and, in our case, additional costs. KPH is a kind of entrepreneurial activity, that is, the production of products for the purpose of sale. Private household plots, as opposed to peasants or farmers, presuppose the provision of the family with products and other materials of plant and animal nature. That is, there is no income in financial form.

Private household plots: how to register?

The essence of economic activity greatly simplifies the procedure for its legalization. Private households do not pay taxes (only for land ownership), therefore, most of the regulatory authorities bypass them. But in order to start a farm, you need a plot. That is, we need to register land for private household plots. At the legislative level, this means that the owner or user of the land must have the appropriate paper. Ideally, this is a state act. But we (from scratch) are still far from it. First you need to find out where and to whom the land is distributed. From this point of view, residents of the country are divided into two categories by registration. The villagers must be given land. Plots can be located both within a settlement and outside its borders. But for the townspeople it is much more difficult to acquire land. The law assumes that the desired land plots are distributed to them by the local authorities only if there is free space. And this is not good everywhere.

Where to go for the land?

When you decide to acquire a private household, how to arrange it is not the most important thing. It is more important to get a plot. You should contact your local government for it. They are the ones who deal with the issues of using the available free space. Write a statement that you want to run a private household and wait for an answer. Do not consider it a failure. The state is interested in citizens solving their material problems themselves. In principle, it is arranged in such a way that it seeks to reduce the level of expenses. It is cheaper for a man to give land, and to collect taxes for it, than to pay him benefits so that he does not die of hunger.

When you get a decision on the allocation of a plot, a new task will arise: to formalize the land for private household plots. According to the above-mentioned Federal Law, it is not necessary to do this. The resulting land can be used for the production of products without informing government agencies. But this is not enough for you and me, we want to be sure that tomorrow the site will not be taken away.

How to register the ownership of private household plots?

We came to the most interesting moment for the owners. It is not enough just to get a land plot, to register private household plots - this is the goal of many citizens. Such an allotment can be transferred to descendants, sold in case of need, and so on. The path is not easy, but quite understandable.

You have a decree on the allocation of a plot in your hands. Many stopped at this in the past and did not engage in further bureaucracy, now they have to finish it when the "hacienda" has already become overgrown with buildings and fruit trees. And you need to go to a special organization that is engaged in the delimitation of the land. Experts will carry out measurements and issue a passport. It is called land and contains all the data about your land.

The next step is to get an order on the established boundaries. The same organization will give it. All collected papers should be taken to the cadastral authority located in the same region as the land.

State registration is the last step

The last mentioned organization will give you a cadastral number and plan. Rather, these documents will be added to an already built package. All that remains is to go through state registration. It is handled by local government bodies. Take the whole package there and write a statement. The processing will not take long. Instead of a lot of pieces of paper, you will receive a certificate of state registration plot. You can rejoice - you managed to register your private household plots. Of course, I had to run around the authorities, but now no one will take him away.

Additional subtleties and nuances

It is important from the first step to ensure that the purpose of the site does not change (by mistake). It is legally stipulated that land is issued not only for private household plots, but also for gardening, construction and other purposes. Each appointment has its own characteristics and subtleties. For example, you are interested in how to arrange a private household plots, and what it gives, you also need to know.

It should be understood that the site with this design is used for non-commercial production of products, and not for construction or growing for sale. The implementation of laws is monitored. This means that they can be punished for misuse of land. However, it is allowed to make buildings on the site for running private household plots. But they should be rather auxiliary in nature.

If it is simpler, it is not recommended to arrange a plot for private household plots, and then erect a palace over the entire area. This would violate the purpose of the land allocation. It is necessary to plant plants there, if you have the strength, then keep the living creatures. And only part of the land should be allocated for buildings: a house, a barn, a barn and more.

How not to quarrel with the authorities

It will be a pity to part with the site if local governments or regulatory organizations decide that you are using it incorrectly. There is a loophole in the law to avoid such a situation. Often people ask: "Where to register a private household?" - Satisfied with the answer that no special papers are needed. But it is not so. Village councils keep records of private household plots. They do not need to submit information. That is, the legislator gave the initiative to the land owners. This is the nuance that will help us be friends with the authorities. It is only necessary to go to the village council once a year and submit the information necessary to this body. The "bosses" will be sure that you are using the land correctly, because you are happy and willing to cooperate, which, by the way, causes a lot of trouble for specialists. It is not difficult for you to go to the council, but the management of the body will always support you, if something happens.

  1. Necessary create schemes for the location of the land plot, determine the territory and dimensions- this must be done in the event that the site was not yet formed before the allocation to citizens.
  2. It is necessary to form application for preliminary approval of the issue of land allocation- this should also be done exclusively in a situation where the site has not yet been formed, but is already issued.
  3. Territorial department of a self-government body makes a decision about the possibility to preliminarily agree on the allocation of a land plot.
  4. At this stage, an event is being organized on the issues of carrying out the necessary cadastral works (a new land plot is being formed for its further transfer to the applicant).
  5. The land plot is being cadastralized.
  6. An applicant for a plot must draw up a statement on consideration of the issue of granting him a land plot for private household plots.
  7. Formation and subsequent signing agreements between the owner of the land plot and the recipient.

In a situation where a land plot is purchased from other owners, the algorithm consists solely in preparing the necessary documentation for the further registration of legal rights to the land plot.

  • original and copy of the passport of the cadastral form for the existing site;
  • agreement signed between the new and the previous owner of the land;
  • original registration application;
  • the original and a copy of the receipt for payment of the state fee.

Application for registration of rights to land plots

The application form includes an established form, which can be submitted in several ways:

  • via the Internet (Gosuslugi portal);
  • standard (in writing, in person).

The form is filled in exclusively in Russian letters. When submitting in writing, you must use A4 sheets of paper. In a situation where one sheet is not enough, you can use additional ones (then each page must be numbered).

In the text of the application, you must indicate information about real estate objects, if they are used simultaneously and cannot function without each other. For example, if we are talking about a personal plot and real estate that is located on it.

Private household plots and subsidies

Financial capital within the framework of the subsidy program for private household plots can be provided for the following purposes:

  • keeping of cattle (for example, cows);
  • as compensation for previously acquired modern or modernized equipment;
  • artificial insemination of cows;
  • purchase of fuels and lubricants and various spare parts for normal agricultural activities.

To participate in the subsidizing program for private household plots, it is necessary to prepare a list of such documentation:

  • application for participation in the program;
  • copies of all receipts that are able to prove the fact of financial costs in the maintenance of private household plots;
  • originals and copies of passports for all vehicles used in private household plots;
  • originals and copies of loan agreements issued for the development of private household plots;
  • livestock register;
  • an act on the implementation of the slaughter of livestock and so on.

The amount of financial assistance is regulated at the regional level and depends on the economic development of a specific region of the country.

  • in Tomsk, you can receive a subsidy in the amount of 4.5 thousand rubles for 1 cow with a calf and 3 thousand rubles for a heifer;
  • in Voronezh, subsidies are issued not only for the maintenance of cattle in the amount of 790 rubles per 1 unit, but also for the purchase of livestock in the amount of 41 rubles per kilogram of live weight. For the birth of a calf, you can receive 3 thousand rubles.

Private household plots and loans, peculiarities of obtaining

You can get a loan for the further development of private household plots using one of the programs:

  • for the construction of communications. The maximum loan amount is 500 thousand rubles, the interest rate is 15.5%;
  • for the development of private household plots. The maximum amount is 700 thousand rubles, the interest rate is 14%;
  • crediting program "Reliable partner". Loans are issued for regular clients of banks at 13.5%;
  • loan program "Gardener". Interest rate from 16%, maximum limit up to 150 million rubles.

You can apply for a loan in the following banks:

Basic requirements for borrowers:

  • obligatory confirmation of solvency;
  • the presence of movable or immovable property on bail;
  • presentation of guarantors.

How to register a house on the land of private household plots, registration of buildings

The right to erect real estate objects on a land plot for private household plots is formalized in a standard way (as for the plot itself).

To register with Rosreestr, you must provide a list of such documentation:

  • an application in the prescribed form (similar for the rights to a land plot);
  • title documents confirming the existence of a permit for construction work for the construction of real estate objects.

You can transfer documents to Rosreestr:

  • personal appeal;
  • with the help of third parties (provided that a notarized power of attorney is drawn up);
  • through the mail of Russia;
  • with the help of the MFC;
  • through the Internet.

Land taxes private household plots

The only tax required to pay is land tax. The amount is 0.3% of the cadastral cost of the land plot.

It should be borne in mind that:

  • a site for maintaining a personal subsidiary farm can be a locality within the city limits. In this case, it has the name Backyard , if we are talking about a site outside the city - called "Field" ;
  • on the backyard territory, you can engage in any kind of activity, on the field area - you can only grow vegetables;
  • several plots of land are allowed, the main thing is the total area should not exceed 0.5 hectares.

This is a memo that every owner of a subsidiary farm should know.

Farm start

Personal subsidiary farm or is it a peasant farm? In the video below, the authors show and talk about the initial steps to create their farm.

Still have questions? Find out how to solve exactly your problem - call right now:

How much land can be registered for private household plots?

The maximum size of the plot for which private household plots can be registered are established at the legislative level.

Minimum and maximum plot size

Maximum size one land area should not exceed 0.5 hectares... According to local regulations, this area can be larger without exceeding 2.5 ha... It all depends on the region of the country.

Minimum area the territory, which is issued to persons for running private household plots, is established by local authorities with the help of mandatory legal acts.

Peculiarities of registration of land plots for private household plots

Legislation provides on household plots of land, the possibility of building structures for housing, household and industrial purposes in accordance with urban planning regulations, as well as sanitary, technical, environmental, construction and other acts and regulations.

On the territory of field land plots, the construction of any buildings and structures is prohibited. It can only be used for the production of agricultural products.

Registration of a house on a land plot under a dacha amnesty

The term "dacha amnesty" means a simplified scheme for obtaining rights to a whole list of real estate objects, which are located at the summer cottage:

Simplified rules concern not only property located in rural or suburban areas, but also territorial zones located within garden partnerships.

All issues related to obtaining legal rights to real estate on the basis of a dacha amnesty can be resolved with the help of a notary or independently collect and execute documents.

Registration can take place when contacting the Rosreestr organization, as well as in multifunctional centers.

The dacha amnesty applies to:

  1. Owners or claimants for property rights;
  2. On the heirs of the owners who had legal grounds to take advantage of the simplified procedure, but could not because of death.

To register a house, the following documents must be provided:

  • Passport;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Registration certificate of the property;
  • Documents of title;
  • Cadastral plan of the territorial zone;
  • Cadastral passport of the dwelling.

Registration may be refused on the following grounds:

  • Providing inappropriate data on the size of land areas in the cadastral documentation for a plot of land;
  • Providing inappropriate information on the boundaries of the land area in the documents certifying the right to the plot, as well as in the cadastral plan of the land area.

How to register an unfinished construction?

Lack of roof, window frames in the house, as well as fences around the site can lead to the fact that your structure will be considered unfinished. In case of repeated non-fulfillment of the requirements, it may be subject to confiscation in the form established by law and further sale in accordance with the rules of the auction.

You can try to appeal this decision in court by filing a claim for the recognition of property rights.

There is another option- register the building as an object of construction in progress. This can be done by contacting the organization that maintains and issues extracts from the USRR.

To do this, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • Statement of a person who is by the owner, on registration of property rights to the object;
  • Certificates confirming legal rights to the facility under construction. This can be an agreement on the purchase, donation or exchange of a plot of land, a certificate of inheritance;
  • The decision of the commission that carried out study of the degree of readiness of the object;
  • Residential building permit buildings, if in a specific case it is provided by the Law.

According to the established procedure, the duration of the consideration of the case on registration of an object of construction in progress cannot exceed 10 calendar days.

If a positive decision is made, the applicant receives a certificate of the degree of readiness of the building established sample... Registration and subsequent residence of people is not allowed here.

The owner has the right to personally deal with the paperwork or entrust this to his representative. The second option will require drawing up a power of attorney to conduct business in government agencies, as well as in other organizations.

The nuances of the dacha amnesty

During the privatization of a house under the dacha amnesty, a number of difficulties may arise:

  1. The owner often it is difficult to prove your rights to the building, for this you need to contact many different authorities to obtain the relevant certificates and extracts;
  2. It is possible that the process privatization will take quite a long time. This is due to the need to go to court if the commission refuses to register a house;
  3. Cause of registration problems of real estate objects located on the site, incorrect data, which are indicated in the cadastral documentation for the land area, may serve.

When is it possible to register land for private household plots in ownership?

To register land for private household plots in ownership, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Availability of documents that certify the right to use a piece of land with all the buildings placed on it.

For example if the land is issued on a lease basis, there must be a lease agreement;

  • Land cadastral registration, which may require conducting geodetic studies, as a result of which a cadastral passport will be issued;
  • Intended use land area.

To deal with the maintenance of private household plots is available only to capable persons who independently acquired a land plot or entered into ownership as a legal heir.

In some cases, a territorial place can be provided by the state, mainly to citizens with a rural residence permit.


Maintenance of private household plots does not require registration as individual entrepreneur if you don't use labor employees.

The law assigns to the owner land area the right to breed any species poultry, bees, rabbits, livestock, as well as for the cultivation of various fruits, vegetables and berries.

Doing business and not paying taxes seems like an unrealistic endeavor. However, by registering a personal subsidiary farm (LPH), you will earn money without being officially engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

At the same time, there are no violations of the law, on the contrary: the state supports such activities. Private household plots are a subsistence farm with an area of ​​up to 0.5 hectares for growing plants (vegetables, fruits, cereals, berries), breeding livestock and poultry for the needs of their families.

In the article we will consider the nuances and features of the design and maintenance of private household plots.

What are the features of registration of private household plots

Let's start by defining what a personal subsidiary farm is. This will help you understand its nuances.

In Law No. 112-FZ, private household plots are prescribed as a form of non-entrepreneurial activity that allows the production and processing of agricultural products.

Everything that citizens have raised belongs exclusively to them. When selling crop products or, for example, poultry, the owner will not be caught in the business. Such actions are regarded as getting rid of the surplus.

The main feature is work without registration of an individual entrepreneur. You can conduct any activity on your own or leased land after obtaining permission in the form of the right to property or to lease. There are two types of plots for organizing work: backyard and field.

The advantage of plots located within the boundaries of the settlement is the ability not only to breed livestock and grow fruits and vegetables, but also to build a residential building here. While the field is exclusively the production of agricultural products. No buildings, except for greenhouses, can be erected here.

Land registration is mandatory if it is the property of the state and has been specially allocated for subsistence farming. Thus, the owner will legitimize the use.

What does the design of private household plots give

The law says that state support is one of the components of running private household plots.

Help consists in:

  • organizing infrastructure and assisting in the creation of cooperatives that will help in the maintenance, processing and marketing of products;
  • creating conditions for development (we are talking about interest-free loans and equipment rental);
  • carrying out various activities to improve the meat qualities of animals;
  • organization of insemination of animals;
  • free examination of livestock by veterinarians.

But regardless of whether the state decides to support the activity, small landowners initially feel the benefits of doing such a business.

Advantage 1. The ability to sell products

The owners have the right to sell surplus vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. without hindrance. The only condition is that only family members can be involved in growing and caring for plants and animals.

- a detailed article to delve into the topic.

Advantage 2. No taxes!

Private household plots are not registered with the tax authorities, that is, they are exempt from reporting. The local authorities keep records, entering information into the household book, provided exclusively by the owner. The only mandatory tax is on land.

Advantage 3. Opportunity to take part in the state support program

Subsistence farming is subject to state support, prescribed in legislative framework about agricultural producers. For such assistance, money is allocated from the budgets of the Russian Federation at different levels.

Also, government agencies develop and implement programs to simplify the management of private household plots.

How to take or - read in special articles.

Benefit 4. Protection from unexpected visits by sanitary services

In Art. 4, paragraph 2 of Law No. 112-FZ states that the land provided by the state must be used in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. At the same time, there is no law regulating the right to organize inspections sanitary services.

How to register a private household and open a business - a step-by-step action plan

Since a private household is not an enterprise, there is no need to register an individual entrepreneur. Having issued the allotment, the family is allowed to use it for personal purposes.

To open a business without an individual entrepreneur, you need to go through several stages of registration.

Step 1. Contact the city / village administration and submit an application

The stage is necessary to register the site, to obtain a certificate of the presence of the farm. The application is filled out on the spot.

You need to indicate in it:

  • data of the owner or tenant, as well as his family members with whom he lives;
  • the area of ​​the site and its location - cadastral characteristics;
  • lease or sale agreement, the grounds on which you want to receive the allotment;
  • list of equipment for work.

Field land plot for personal farming

After considering the application, the employees of the mayor's office will write the private household plots in the household book.

Step 2. We get the scheme of the allotment

If you do not have land in your possession, and the plot is provided for use as support from the state, you must become its sole owner. To do this, it is enough to contact the mayor's office at the place of residence, indicating your data and the area of ​​the site for purchase.

Having received permission for registration, you need to visit the land survey department to correctly determine the boundaries. After the procedure, the owner will be given a land survey, which will serve as the basis in the cadastral chamber for registration of land surveying rights and obtaining an extract on the right to own the land.

Step 3. Waiting for the approval of the boundaries

On the basis of the allotment passport, specialists will conduct a commission to approve the boundaries and, with a positive decision, will transfer it into ownership or lease. Only the decree of the head of the district administration on the transfer of ownership is considered valid.

Step 4. Submitting documents for assigning a cadastral number

The documents are submitted (the list is described in the next section) to the cadastral chamber.

Step 5. Confirm and register ownership

The Rosreestr provides: a certificate of ownership of the allotment, an act of the executive committee and an extract from the housekeeping book. These documents are sufficient to prove ownership.

Step 6. Determine the type of activity and start a business

It is allowed to grow any kind of crops. Use any amount of space for greenhouses. In addition to growing vegetables and fruits, it is allowed to breed all types of agricultural animals, poultry and bees, so there are no restrictions on business ideas.

You have the right to breed small ruminants, poultry, including broilers, ostriches, or focus on organic products.

Keep in mind that the law states: subsistence farming is created to meet the food needs of the owner and his family. And it is allowed to sell only the surplus of grown products.

People often confuse peasant farming and personal subsidiary farming.

The difference table will help to understand:

Activity / distinction KFH LPH
Taxation There is a payment of taxes, since a peasant farm is an entrepreneurial activity. Not an entrepreneurial activity, there is no tax payment.
Membership Provides. Relatives from a maximum of three families can become members. It is also possible to attract citizens who are not related to the head of the farm (no more than 5 people). Membership is not provided.
registration Required. Not required.
Appointment The goal is to sell the grown products. The goal is to provide the family with food.
Land size Provided by the state - maximum size 5 hectares. Owned by a peasant farm - the area is not limited. The maximum size allowed for all is 0.5 hectares. In some cases, an increase of up to 2.5 hectares is possible.

What documents will be needed

Registration of land for private household plots requires going through several stages, which are described above, while each step requires its own set of documents.

We provide a list of all papers that may be useful in different government agencies during the period of registration of the allotment:

  1. Passport.
  2. Application for registration (issued at the mayor's office).
  3. Information (schemes, plans) about the plots that are already owned.
  4. Passport for the allotment.
  5. A document indicating the cadastral number of the land plot.
  6. Executive committee act on the appropriation of the allotment to the citizen.
  7. An extract from the household book that the private household plots are registered with the local administration.

Where to get documents is described in step by step instructions.

Need a detailed one - read the special publication on our portal.

Peculiarities of taxation of private household plots

Goods grown on subsistence farming land are not taxed. The only compulsory payment is land tax. It is 0.3% of the value of the allotment. Also, owners are not obliged to contribute to the pension fund. They decide for themselves when and in what amount to transfer money to the state organization.

To register a house on private household plots is real

Since the state does not require registration of an individual entrepreneur, accounting reports do not need to be submitted either. And the owner of the site has the opportunity to employ all family members.

Such exemption from paying taxes is possible only in the case of running a subsidiary farm according to the law:

  • an allotment of no more than 0.5 hectares - restrictions are prescribed by law No. 112-FZ;
  • only family members are involved in the production and processing of products, hiring employees is a violation of the law.

In some cases (it is necessary to check with the local administration) the maximum size of 0.5 hectares can be increased 5 times.

FAQ - answers to frequently asked questions

The topic raises a lot of questions from ordinary people, so more than one discussion has been created on the forums.

Let's resolve the most controversial points.

Question 1. Is it possible to register for private household plots?

If the house is built according to the law on the territory within the settlement and private household plots are conducted on a household plot of land, you have every right to register in a built house, put into operation in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

To do this, the owner of a residential building must visit the passport office and write an application for registration of the place of residence.

If initially the economy was conducted on a field intended for agricultural crops, then construction here is prohibited by law and there is no opportunity to register.

Question 2. How to issue a house under the dacha amnesty for private household plots?

Until March 2018, the process has been greatly simplified. Now all the simplifications have been canceled, except that there is no need to put the house into operation by the commission of the local administration.

Now, to decorate a house under a dacha amnesty, you need:

  1. Urban plan of the land plot (provided free of charge).
  2. For some regions of the Russian Federation, an additional topographic survey of the allotment is also required.
  3. Planning organization of the land plot.
  4. The technical plan of a residential building.

It is not necessary to have a project at home. The legislation stipulates that it is enough to submit a declaration written by a cadastral engineer when developing a technical plan.

Question 3. Is it possible to register a leased land plot for private household plots in ownership?

In the case when the rented plot was used, including for the construction of a house, and the residential building was registered in ownership, the owner falls under the preferential purchase of land.

How to become the sole owner of an allotment and living space - action plan:

  1. Obtain a cadastral passport for the house. An obligatory step is to call the commission to the site.
  2. Register the house as the owner.
  3. Write a statement to the administration about the desire to buy out the land under the building that is owned. In this case, the auction is not held, since the owner of the private household plots has a priority right of purchase.
  4. Sign a purchase and sale agreement.
  5. Pay the cost of the land. The price depends on the number of people in the city / village / town.
  6. Submit documents to Rosreestr for registration of the right to single-handedly dispose of the land.

For the described procedure, you will need the following documents: a lease agreement, a resolution of the local administration on the provision of an allotment for rent for private household plots, cadastral passports for land and an erected object, an extract for a house from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

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