
Philosophers about the global problems of our time. Global problems. Test work on the discipline: "Philosophy"

Philosophy: basic problems, concepts, terms. Tutorial Volkov Vyacheslav Viktorovich



Global problems modernity

The concept of "global" (from Latin - ball, globe, earth) became widespread in the late 60s of the XX century thanks to the activities of a non-governmental scientific organization called the Club of Rome. The term "global" began to be used to characterize planetary problems.

Global problems - it is a set of the most acute planetary problems affecting the vital interests of all mankind and requiring concerted international action for their solution.

Causes of global problems

Global problems are spawned uneven development of world civilization:

firstly, technical power has surpassed the achieved level of social organization and threatens to destroy all living things;

secondly, political thinking has lagged behind political reality and can no longer effectively manage it;

thirdly, the incentives for the activities of the prevailing mass of people, their moral values ​​are very far from the social, environmental and demographic imperatives of the era;

fourthly, Western countries are ahead of the rest of the world in the economic, social, scientific and technical fields, which leads to the overflow of the main resources to them.

Types of global problems (by the type of public relations):

1. The relationship of man to nature gives rise to natural-social global problems: environment, lack of resources, energy, lack of food.

The peculiarity of modernity is that in order to continue his history, a person needs to learn how to coordinate his global activity with the needs of nature.

2. Relationships between people in society, that is social relations led to the emergence social global problems: peace and disarmament, world social economic development, overcoming the backwardness of poor countries.

3. The relationship between man and society has given rise to anthroposocial global problems: population growth, scientific and technological progress, education and culture, health care.

The key problem on the solution of which all the rest depend is the problem of world social and economic development. Its content is as follows:

one side, the uneven development of various countries and regions has led to the socio-economic and political domination and dictatorship of Western states, which leads to an unfair economic exchange on a global scale and, consequently, the impoverishment of less developed countries;

on the other side, now the foundations of post-industrial society are being formed and their struggle with elements of the old industrial and pre-industrial societies. These two points can lead to irreversible consequences - the hopeless lag of the majority of the world's peoples from the countries of the West.

The most important problem is the problem of war and peace. N. Moiseev showed its relevance, substantiating the possibility of the onset of a "nuclear winter" as a result of a conflict with the use of modern weapons. N. Moiseev also developed the principle of coevolution, according to which humanity is able to survive only in conditions of joint and coordinated existence of society and nature.


The concept of "globalization" has different interpretations:

Globalization is the growing interdependence of various countries and regions, the economic and cultural integration of humanity.

Globalization is the universalization of the productive forces, economic relations and ways of communication.

Globalization is a strategy of neoliberal capitalism to establish its dominance on a global scale based on monetarism and military-political hegemonism.

Interaction of civilizations and scenarios of the future:

The future of humanity lies in the plane of solving global problems of the following scenarios:

First version- the theory of the "golden billion". The inevitable result of the struggle between countries and civilizations for resources will be the formation on a planetary scale of groups of states, fundamentally different from each other in the quality of life (Z. Brzezinski). The scenario of the "clash of civilizations" in the XXI century. nominated by S. Huntington.

Second version, fixing the same reality, proceeds from humanistic premises and considerations. Hopes are pinned on post-industrial development and the formation of an information society on a planetary scale. Material-energy consumption gradually decreases and information consumption increases. The formation of a society of spiritual post-material values ​​will lead to the formation of fair and equal relations between people, countries, nations.

Third version: revolutionary redistribution among all people of resources and means of production and deployment based on the latest technologies planned socialist economy.

Most likely, a path is possible in which all three options will appear to one degree or another. The most desirable outcome would be the emergence of a confederation of civilizations with sustainable development, and then through mutual perception and exchange of values ​​- a single planetary civilization.

Sustainable development Sustainable development is a process of change in which the exploitation of natural resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of scientific and technological development, personal development and institutional change are aligned with each other and strengthen the current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.

The concept of sustainable development was developed by the Club of Rome, founded in 1968 and others public organizations... Nominated at the Second UN Conference on Environment and Development (COSD-2), which took place on June 3-14, 1992 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and based on the report of the Brundtland Commission, the concept includes the following main provisions:

The focus is on people who should have the right to a healthy and fruitful life in harmony with nature.

Environmental protection must become an integral component of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.

Meeting the needs for development and preservation of the environment must extend not only to the present, but also to future generations.

Bridging the gap in living standards between countries, eradicating poverty and misery are among the most important tasks of the world community.

To achieve sustainable development, states must eliminate or reduce patterns of production and consumption that are not conducive to this development.

Futurology is a special area of ​​research in various sciences, which deals with the prediction of the future of humanity.

Topic 14. Global problems modern world 1. The downside of progress2. Depletion of earth resources 3. environmental pollution 4. Increased radiation hazard 5. Population growth 6. Way out of

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GLOBAL PROBLEMS Global problems of our time The concept of "global" (from Latin - ball, globe, earth) became widespread in the late 60s of the XX century thanks to the activities of a non-governmental scientific organization called the Club of Rome. Term

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The global problems of our time should be understood as a set of problems, on the solution of which the further existence of civilization depends.

Global problems are generated by the uneven development of different areas of life of modern mankind and the contradictions generated in socio-economic, political-ideological, socio-natural and other relations of people. These problems affect the life of humanity as a whole.

Global problems of humanity- these are problems that affect the vital interests of the entire population of the planet and require joint efforts of all states of the world for their solution.

The global problems of our time include:

This set is not permanent and as it develops human civilization the understanding of existing global problems is changing, their priority is being adjusted, and new global problems are emerging (space exploration, weather and climate control, etc.).

North-South problem Is the problem of economic relations between developed countries and developing countries. Its essence lies in the fact that in order to bridge the gap in the levels of socio-economic development between developed and developing countries, the latter require either developed countries to make various concessions, in particular, expanding the access of their goods to the markets of developed countries, increasing the inflow of knowledge and capital (especially in the form of aid), write-off of debts and other measures in relation to them.

One of the main global problems is poverty problem... Poverty is understood as the inability to provide the simplest and most affordable living conditions for the majority of people in a given country. Large scale poverty, especially in developing countries, poses a serious threat not only to national, but also to global sustainable development.

World food problem lies in the inability of mankind to date to fully provide itself with vital food. This problem appears in practice as a problem. absolute food shortages(malnutrition and hunger) in least developed countries; and nutritional imbalances in developed countries. Its solution will largely depend on effective use, scientific and technological progress in the field Agriculture and on the level of government support.

The global energy problem- this is the problem of providing humanity with fuel and energy at the present time and in the foreseeable future. The main reason for the emergence of the global energy problem should be considered the rapid growth in the consumption of mineral fuels in the XX century. If developed countries are solving this problem now primarily by slowing down the growth of their demand by reducing energy intensity, in other countries there is a relatively rapid growth in energy consumption. Added to this is the growing competition in the global energy market between developed countries and new large industrial countries (China, India, Brazil). All these circumstances, combined with military-political instability in some regions, can cause significant fluctuations in the level of energy resources and seriously affect the dynamics of supply and demand, as well as the production and consumption of energy products, sometimes creating crisis situations.

The environmental potential of the global economy is increasingly undermined economic activities humanity. The answer to this was sustainable development concept... It presupposes the development of all countries of the world, taking into account real needs, but not undermining the interests of future generations.

Environmental protection is an important part of development. In the 70s. In the 20th century, economists recognized the importance of environmental issues for economic development. Environmental degradation processes can be self-replicating, which threatens society with irreversible destruction and depletion of resources.

The global demographic problem breaks down into two aspects: in a number of countries and regions of the developing world and demographic aging of the population of developed and transitional countries. For the former, the solution is to increase the rate of economic growth and decrease the rate of population growth. For the second, emigration and reforming the pension system.

The relationship between population growth and economic growth has long been the subject of research by economists. As a result of the research, two approaches have been developed to assess the impact of population growth on economic development. The first approach is to one degree or another connected with the theory of Malthus, who believed that population growth outstrips growth and therefore the world's population is inevitable. Modern approach to assess the role of population on the economy is complex and identifies both positive and negative factors affecting population growth on.

Many experts believe that the real problem is not population growth itself, but the following problems:

  • underdevelopment - developmental backwardness;
  • depletion of the world's resources and destruction of the environment.

Human development problem- this is the problem of the correspondence of qualitative characteristics to the nature of the modern economy. In the conditions of post-industrialization, the requirements for physical qualities and especially for the education of an employee, including his ability to constantly improve his qualifications, are increasing. However, the development of quality characteristics work force in the world economy is extremely uneven. The worst indicators in this regard are shown by developing countries, which, however, are the main source of replenishment of the world labor resources... This is what determines the global nature of the problem of human development.

Growing interdependence and the reduction of temporal and spatial barriers create a situation of collective insecurity from various threats, from which a person cannot always be saved by his state. This requires the creation of conditions that enhance a person's ability to independently withstand risks and threats.

The problem of the oceans- this is the problem of conservation and rational use of its spaces and resources. At present, the World Ocean, as a closed ecological system, can hardly withstand the many times increased anthropogenic load, and a real threat of its destruction is being created. Therefore, the global problem of the World Ocean is primarily the problem of its survival and, consequently, the survival of modern man.

Ways to solve the global problems of our time

The solution of these problems is today an urgent task for all mankind. The survival of people depends on when and how they begin to be decided. The following ways of solving global problems of our time are distinguished.

Preventing World War with the use of thermonuclear weapons and other means of mass destruction that threaten the death of civilization. This implies curbing the arms race, prohibiting the creation and use of weapons systems of mass destruction, human and material resources, elimination of nuclear weapons, etc .;

Overcoming economic and cultural inequalities between the peoples inhabiting the industrially developed countries of the West and the East and the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America;

Overcoming the crisis state interaction between humanity and nature, which is characterized by catastrophic consequences in the form of unprecedented environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. This makes it necessary to develop measures aimed at the economical use of natural resources and reduction of pollution by waste material production of soil, water and air;

Decline in population growth in developing countries and overcoming the demographic crisis in developed capitalist countries;

Prevention of the negative consequences of the modern scientific and technological revolution;

Overcoming the downward trend in social health, which implies the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases.

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Trekhgorny Technological Institute - branch of NRNU MEPhI

"Philosophy and global problems of our time"

Completed by: Brusova V.A.

Sulimova M.V.

students of the TM-3047 group

Checked by: O. A. Prokhorova

Trekhgorny 2010


Global problems of modern civilizations

Fight for human rights

Science and its impact on the future of humanity

Philosophy about possible ways for the future development of the world community


Each historical epoch, each stage in the development of human society has its own peculiarity, at the same time, they are inextricably linked with both the past and the future. At the end of the twentieth century, human civilization enters a qualitatively new state, one of the most important indicators of which is the emergence of global problems. Global problems have brought humanity to the boundaries of its existence and forced to look back on the path traveled. Today it is required to assess the goals that humanity has set for itself, it was required to make the necessary adjustments to the "trajectory" of its development. Global problems have put humanity in front of the need to change itself. Now it is necessary to develop such a global system of value orientations, which would be accepted by the entire population of the planet.

Global issues of our time cannot be resolved without detailed elaboration of them by philosophers and representatives of specific sciences. The specificity of global problems lies in the fact that they require a program-targeted organization of scientific research. Currently, global problems are studied by many sciences - ecologists, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, economists, etc. The basis of the philosophical analysis of global problems is formed by the results of particular sciences. At the same time, this analysis is necessary, in addition to its heuristic value, for further research, since it contributes to the integration of special sciences that need agreement on coordination in the study of global problems. Philosophy becomes for representatives of various scientific disciplines a connecting link, as she is oriented in her analysis towards interdisciplinarity.

The new impetus lies in the development of applied philosophy dealing with practical problems. Without a philosophical vision of the entire situation as a whole, not a single bottom of the global problems can receive a fundamental solution.

Specificity of philosophical understanding of global problems:

1) Philosophy, forming a new worldview, sets certain values, which largely determine the nature and direction of human activity.

2) The methodological function of philosophy is that it substantiates particular theories, contributing to a holistic vision of the world.

3) Philosophy makes it possible to consider global problems in a specific historical context. It shows, in particular, that global problems arise in the 2nd floor. XX century.

4) Philosophy allows you to see not only the reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time, but also to identify the prospects for their development, the possibility of solving.

Thus, to the eternal philosophical problems of being, cognition, the meaning of human life, etc. the modern era has added fundamentally new topic- the preservation of life on Earth and the survival of mankind.

Global problems of modern civilizations

From the point of view of a common human approach, the contradictions of social progress on the present stage accumulate in the global problems of mankind. The global problems primarily include:

The problem of preventing war and establishing peace on earth.

Problems caused by the environmental crisis.

Demographic problems (populationist and depopulationist).

Problems of human spirituality (education, health care, culture) and lack of spirituality (loss of universal values ​​as internal reference points of a person).

The problem of overcoming the negative consequences of scientific and technological revolution, the computer revolution, the information explosion.

The problem of overcoming human disunity caused by various economic, political, spiritual development of countries and peoples.

These and other problems are global, since, firstly, in their essence, they affect the interests of all mankind and its future. They are world-wide, their unsettledness poses a threat to the future of all mankind, and this threat goes in two directions: the death of mankind or regression in conditions of prolonged stagnation.

Secondly, these are the problems that require the unification of efforts of all mankind for their solution.

Thus, the globality of these problems stems not from their "ubiquity" and even less from the "biological nature of man", as many ideologists assert, but from the ever-increasing internationalization of all social activities on Earth, as a result of which they directly or indirectly affect humanity as a whole. ...

The problem of preventing war and establishing peace on earth

The priority of preventing a world thermonuclear war is determined not only by its consequences, but also by the fact that a non-violent world without nuclear weapons creates all the prerequisites for the scientific and practical solution of other global problems in the context of international cooperation.

Suffice it to say that the arms race at the end of the 80s of the XX century. absorbed a trillion dollars annually, not to mention the fact that more than 25% of highly qualified specialists and scientists were employed in the military branches of production and science; tens of millions of people were diverted to serve in the army. The total amount of military spending in just one year is now equal to the external debt of all developing countries, accumulated over a quarter of a century. And this while in these countries every second child dies or suffers from hunger and malnutrition. And one tenth of the deductions for military spending would be enough to provide the necessary capital investments in the economies of developing countries for its modernization.

The same share of the deduction from military spending on environmental programs would sharply halt and mitigate the effects of environmental pollution on our planet.

You can continue the comparison, but from the above it follows that for the first time in history, humanity has an opportunity to provide itself with decent living conditions, an opportunity, in its essence, is as real as its opposite, that is, self-destruction. To achieve it, mankind has enough material resources, but for its implementation, new thinking is also necessary, goodwill and international cooperation based on the priority of common human interests and goals.

Problems caused by the environmental crisis

The second global problem of our time, both in content and in importance for the existence and development of the human race, is an ecological problem, which is meant as an ecological crisis.

Today nobody needs to be convinced that nature was, is and will be not only the cause and natural condition for the emergence and existence of human society, but also one of the decisive factors of its development. That is, in social development there are spheres and components of its development (both economic, political, and spiritual), which are practically directly determined and depend on nature, the "geographical environment". Our "cradle" and our "abode" are in danger. Paradoxically, but social progress has led humanity to the fact that its ecological niche is experiencing a state of increasing instability. Relations in the system "society - nature", "man - nature" in their importance begin to overlap our economic and political concerns and theoretical debates. Therefore, ecology should become one of the main paradigms of politics, the main determining economic efforts, the subject of primary attention of science. There is a wise Indian proverb: "When you kill the last beast and poison the last stream, then you will understand that you cannot eat either paper bills or gold coins."

What is the essence of the environmental threat? It is an integral element and result of that era, which is called the era of the scientific and technological revolution. It was in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution that began in the middle of the 20th century that natural resources ceased to be practically inexhaustible in comparison with the enormously increased material needs of society. Nevertheless, interaction in the "society - nature" system continues to be one-sided: it is more aimed at exploiting nature than at protecting and restoring it, although it is obvious that people cannot continue to exploit nature uncontrollably, unplanned, reckless and shamelessly. Marx was absolutely right, warning even in the conditions industrial revolution that culture, if it develops spontaneously, and not consciously, leaves behind a desert.

An environmental crisis is, in essence, a crisis in society. It is the result of contradictions between the operation of the laws of society and the natural laws of nature. These contradictions led to the fact that in a very short time the mechanisms of self-regulation of the biosphere were undermined, and man became the most vulnerable in it. If the lower biological organisms in a very short time adapted to these changes, and some of them mutated in an unknown direction, and in this case, unsafe for humans, then a real danger of physical and mental degradation arose before the person.

Thus, today it can be argued that technological development has gone "not where nature demanded." Humanity has crossed the threshold of the biosphere's capabilities. One of the latest resource models of the state of the Earth in five main parameters: population, resources, industrial products, nutrition, pollution of the environment, shows that if the growth rates of population, economy, resource depletion are the same as the last decade, then the Earth will suffer a catastrophe , around 2040.

There are many reasons and components of the ecological crisis, and they are not equal in importance: demographic explosion (the biosphere was stable as long as the Earth's population did not exceed two billion people); imperfection of technology and technology; colossal chemical pollution of the environment; free urbanization, etc. material, objective reasons. But, perhaps, the most important reason is the low level of spiritual culture, expressed, among other things, in the ecological ignorance of man and mankind. It is necessary to remember and speak about this especially today.

Proceeding from this approach to man, to society, to civilization, it is necessary to understand a simple truth: a man can defend nature only when he himself remains a man in the spiritual sense, a man not only reasonable, but also conscientious, since reason and conscience are the only dignity and dignity of Man, allowing to know and appreciate what he "creates".

Demographic problems (populationist and depopulationist)

It is known that, along with nature, population acts as a material factor that determines the possibilities for the development of society. That is, being the basis and subject of social development, the demographic factor affects all components of social development, although it itself is at the same time subject to their influence. There is no doubt that every historically defined economic order, a certain social organization has its own laws of population growth and overpopulation. But in reality, these connections are not so straightforward and straightforward. Based on the facts, one can agree with T.R. Malthus, who warned back in the 18th century that if people do not limit their sinful inclination, they will eventually plunge themselves into hell, predetermined for them by the forces of nature and society.

Population growth caused by the "demographic explosion" is associated with serious economic problems and consequences, I would like to think that only for these countries themselves, since there is an intensive increase not in "workers", but in the beginning of "mouths". But this is hardly the case. It is known that if the population is growing at a rate of 1% per year, then "demographic investment" in the economy should be 4%, so that the rates of economic growth do not fall and the standard of living does not decrease in all parameters. Naturally, given the Western rates of population growth, such investment "injections" into the economy are beyond the power of either these countries themselves or developed countries that provide one or another support to developing countries. The consequence is hunger, the growth of poverty, both material and spiritual. But won't the peoples of this region make claims to the developed countries and demand compensation from them for their poverty? In the brilliant analysis of the "demographic explosion" given by Charles Darwin, his grandson in the book "The Next Million Years," it is stated that there are facts of this kind. Consequently, the question posed is not idle, but one or another solution to it will create additional problems for world civilization.

One cannot discount the possible political consequences of the "demographic explosion" in developing countries for the whole world, which is already expressed today, for example, in the geopolitical claims of some of them.

However, it would not be correct to reduce the global demographic problem of modern civilization only to a "population explosion". Humanity cannot but be concerned about the minimum rates of natural population growth in developed countries, the effect of the reasons that cause them, and the consequences that this process may "turn out to" for them.

But it is especially necessary to dwell on the medico-biological problems of modern mankind. They arose at the intersection of demographic, environmental, economic, moral crises modern society and are their generalized result. This is not only about bodily health, which in a civilized society has always been at one of the first places in the system of human values.

"In a healthy body - a healthy mind" - the ancient Greeks asserted. And it is all the more alarming to hear the growing warnings of biologists, geneticists, physicians that we are facing the danger of destruction of humanity as a species, deformation of its bodily foundations. For example, the "achievements" of genetic engineering open not only new horizons, but also ominous opportunities for getting out of the control of "mutated genes" that can distort human evolutionary adaptations, the mass production of artificial mutant bastards. The danger of breaking the main genetic code as a result of ill-considered interventions in its structure. The genetic burden of the human population is growing. A sharp weakening of the human immune system under the influence of xenobiotics and numerous social and personal stresses is recorded everywhere.

The crisis of human spirituality

Almost all secular and religious, world and regional, ancient and new ideologies today cannot even provide any evidence to answer either the actual problems of the era or the eternal demands of the spirit.

Rushing in the eternal search for truth, human thought in many cases turns out to be unable to grasp the present, to maturely evaluate the past, at least to foresee the future with a minimum of accuracy. There are now no reliable social theories and philosophical-anthropological concepts, within the framework of which one could more or less, definitely characterize our today, and even more so tomorrow. Fear, anxiety, anxiety permeate all areas of human existence.

There is no fresh perspective on the world. Two great ideas, socialist and scientific and technological, which came to the 20th century from the 19th century, are currently experiencing a profound crisis.

At the beginning of the XX century. It was believed that, relying on these ideas, the people of the Earth would build not only a paradise, but also a fair, free, human-worthy society.

Both of these ideas are practically in ruins. Both the one and the other faced the boundaries set by the biospheric global possibilities of human existence. Noble was the long-standing primordial dream of people about a society of justice, equality, brotherhood to satisfy all needs - material and spiritual. This is the idea of ​​communism. Alas, not to mention its ugly distortion by real practice, it is internally vulnerable, because the motto "to each according to his needs" cannot be based on the realities of life. The proof of this is a simple calculation. If the consumption standard of the population of developing and former socialist countries (about five billion) is raised to the standard of living of the population of developed capitalist countries (about one billion), then it is necessary to double the consumption of all resources in 50 years and increase energy production by 500 times. Not forgetting that over these 50 years the population will increase by at least 1.5 times. With existing technologies and consumer orientations, the planet's biosphere will not be able to withstand this.

The same applies to technocratic optimism. Technique carries not only good, but also evil. Therefore, these ideas are now in such a state that it is difficult and sometimes dangerous to rely on them. The socialist idea raised social justice, the technocratic one - economic efficiency... Their unification did not take place. But our XX century did not give birth to new unifying ideas either. It seems that we will not sin against the truth, having said that humanity is now in an ideological vacuum. This applies to both philosophical and socialist ideas and religions of various levels and shades, which did not go beyond the call "to another world."

philosophy global humanity spirituality

Fight for human rights

Respect for human rights and their inviolability is one of the most important areas of activity of the United Nations. Human rights are enshrined in international documents designed to ensure their inviolability and stability. In accordance with the principles proclaimed by the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family and their equal and inalienable rights is the basis of freedom, justice and universal peace, states are obliged to promote universal respect and observance of human rights and freedoms.

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ideal of a free human person enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want can only be realized if conditions are created under which everyone can enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights. as well as their civil and political rights.

According to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the right to life is a constitutional principle, an inalienable right of every person, on the basis of which no one can be arbitrarily deprived of his life.

It's not a secret for anyone that the above principles are often violated, violated, or not implemented at all. Especially frightening are the facts of non-observance of basic human rights - to life, freedom, security of existence, etc. Terrorism is one of those phenomena of modern reality that undermines the very foundations of these rights, endangers the security of each individual and all of humanity as a whole.

The protection of human rights in the modern world faces great problems both at a conceptual and practical level.

Even in the developed countries of the West, heated discussions continue about how human rights should be interpreted. For example, in the dispute about the permissibility of abortion, everyone claims to defend human rights: advocates of abortion - the right of a pregnant woman to freedom and safety, opponents of abortion - the right of the unborn person to life. Since there is no generally accepted hierarchy of various human rights in terms of their importance, such a clash of opinions so far leads to the adoption of specific decisions in accordance with the momentary balance of power rather than with general principles.

The main problem is related to the fact that the concept of human rights was born in Western European culture and therefore finds an ambiguous response in countries of other civilizations. In modern Western European culture, society is understood as the totality of many social groups with their own special beliefs, which they can follow completely without hindrance, if only it does not harm others. In other cultures, the ideal is not society as a "bundle" of social groups, but society as a monolith, where everyone shares a single ideology. The basic institutions of these civilizations are not individualistic but collectivist values. Therefore, demands to grant all citizens of these countries the same rights as citizens of Western Europe and North America are often perceived as "cultural imperialism", interference in internal affairs.

But myself international standard human rights are internally contradictory. After all, the right to freedom of opinion and their free expression presupposes the admissibility of protection and such convictions that require the elimination of many human rights in the name of "the rights of the nation" or "rule of law".

Improving the protection of human rights in the 21st century it is impossible if their concept continues to be perceived as an element not of the world, but only of Western culture. Political globalization requires dialogue on human rights between different civilizations, during which one can try to rethink the concept of human rights so that it truly expresses common human values.

Science and itsimpact on the future of humanity

Innovation in all fields of science and in schools is needed. With the old science in the future world you will not go very far. On the one hand, it is necessary to eradicate all unnecessary piles, on the other, it is necessary to delve deeper into the phenomena, adding the most modern achievements. Now too much time passes while the achievements of individual laboratories, research and discoveries reach schools, universities, the whole people. Needed information departments at schools with a popular presentation latest achievements... It is necessary to speed up messages. Ninety percent of major scientific advances date back to the twentieth century. You can clearly show what science was and what it is now. Such a striking comparison can open one's eyes to the possibilities of the future. The development of science can neither be prohibited nor pursued. But even with its rapid growth, science still does not fulfill even a tenth of what was intended for it during this period. The main reasons lie in the inertia of mankind, in prohibitions and prejudices. Scientists research space, new energies and currents, but all revolve in a vicious circle, since they do not recognize the primary energy. Without it, the most daring flight will remain a child's occupation. Without it, you can't see the interdimensional paths.

Unfortunately, science is moving too slowly. The most significant areas remain unaffected. Astrochemistry, astrology hardly develop. Only recently was the attention of scientists turned to Cosmic rays and currents, and the most daring scientists even began to admit the influence of such explosions on the psychic side of mankind. Evolution requires new forms in everything. The limits of knowledge are expanding. New relationships are emerging between different fields of science. Much that only yesterday seemed to be divided now turns out to be growing from one root. New combinations of cooperation are needed. The previous divisions must be replaced with more appropriate ones. This is needed in all areas of life - from philosophy and beliefs to the most practical sciences. Reality is ahead of the mechanical representations of life.

For further evolution, humanity needs renewal. In a dense state on Earth, one can cognize only one side of phenomena. But one should not be limited only to the physically visible horizon. To enrich life with natural means, it is necessary to allow life to be everywhere, to expand knowledge by introducing the knowledge of the Subtle World, to understand the value of reciprocity, cooperation, and refinement of consciousness. This will help strengthen earth science by making it more convex. There are many new discoveries ahead, but the knowledge of the Fundamentals of Existence will be a cornerstone condition. So far, even the transmission of thought over a distance is making little progress. Scientists lack supermundane feelings and knowledge of the Foundations of Existence. Any discovery is just a gateway to the closest secret. Let us love the difficult path, otherwise how will we test ourselves?

Philosophy about possible paths for the futureth development of the world community

One of the key functions of philosophy is a predictive function, the meaning and purpose of which is to make informed predictions about the future.

Throughout history in philosophy, the question has been actively debated: is it possible at all to make any reliable forecasting, vision of the future.

Modern philosophy gives an affirmative answer to this question: it is possible. In substantiating the possibility of predicting the future, the following aspects are distinguished: ontological, epistemological, logical, neurophysiological, social.

The ontological object lies in the fact that foresight is possible from the very essence of being - its objective laws, cause-and-effect relationships. Proceeding from dialectics, the mechanism of development remains unchanged before each qualitative leap, and therefore it is possible to "trace" the future.

The epistemological aspect is based on the fact that since the possibilities of cognition are limitless, and forecasting is also a type of cognition, then forecasting itself is possible.

The logical aspect is that the laws of logic always remain unchanged, both in the present and in the future.

The neurophysiological aspect is based on the capabilities of consciousness and the brain to anticipate reflection of reality.

The social aspect is that humanity seeks, based on its own development experience, to model the future.

In philosophy, there are also points of view according to which forecasting is impossible, but they are not used very popularly.

In modern Western science, a special discipline stands out - futurology.

Futurology (from Lat. Futurum - future) - in a broad sense - a set of ideas about the future of mankind, in a narrow sense - the field of bearing knowledge, covering the prospects of social processes. The term "futurology" was introduced to denote the philosophy of the future in 1943 by the German scientist O. Flechtheim. Since the 60s, this term has been used in the West as the history of the future or "science about the future." In 1968, an international organization was created that brought together specialists from 30 countries of the world, called the Club of Rome. It includes well-known scientists, public figures and businessmen. It was headed by the Italian economist P. Peccen. the main directions of this organization are to stimulate research on global problems, the formation of world public opinion and dialogue with the leaders of states. The Club of Rome has become one of the leaders in the global modeling of the prospects for human development.

The world famous modern scientists and philosophers who deal with the problems of forecasting the future include G. Parsons, E. Hanke, I. Bestruzhev-Lada, G. Shakhnazarov and others.

The main type of forecasting is social forecasting, which is engaged in predicting the processes occurring in society, among them are processes in the field:

· Industrial relations;

· Science and technology;

· Education;

· Health care;

· Literature, art, fashion;

· Construction;

· Space exploration;

· International relations.

This direction is called prognostics and differs from futurology in greater concreteness (it studies social processes, their future, and not the future in general).

J. Forretor is considered the founder of global forecasting using mathematical methods and computer modeling, who in 1971 created a version of the model of world economic development taking into account the growth of the world's population, growth industrial production, environmental pollution. Mathematical modeling has shown that if the growth of these factors is not limited, then the very growth of industrial production will lead to a socio-ecological catastrophe and the death of mankind in the middle of the XXI century.


Awareness of humanity as a planetary factor occurs not only due to the positive aspects of its influence on the world, but also through a whole range of negative consequences of the technogenic path of development. The global nature of these problems does not allow them to be solved regionally, i.e. in terms of one or more states. V organizational plan the solution of global problems will inevitably require the creation of a special “general staff of mankind”, which should determine the strategy for using knowledge to prevent global catastrophes.

When clarifying the ways of solving global problems, it is necessary to determine the strategy for their solution. Here, as a starting point, one can take their classification into three interrelated groups. Today there are many attempts to develop solutions to global problems. And here a special place is occupied by the Club of Rome, headed by Aurelio Peccei for a long time. At the initiative of this non-governmental organization, a number of major studies have been carried out, published in the form of reports. These include: "The Limits of Growth", "Humanity at a Turning Point", "The Goals of Humanity", etc. Within this direction, the unity of modern civilization and the common destiny of all countries and peoples are realized.

Global problems in many respects change the very approach to understanding social progress, forced to overestimate the values ​​that were laid throughout the history of civilization at its foundation. For many, it becomes obvious what Academician V.I. Vernadsky drew attention to half a century ago, who wrote: “A person for the first time realized that he is an inhabitant of the planet and can - must - think and act in a new aspect, not only in the aspect of an individual personality, family, clan, state, but also in the planetary aspect. " Such a generalized, planetary view of man and his place in the world was an important step towards the formation of a global consciousness based on man's understanding of his integrity. The next step consists in a moral reorientation of people, in comprehending the current situation from these positions and in finding practical ways out of it.

The crisis of modern society is largely due to the total, global alienation of man. Hence the salvation of humanity in the improvement of society and in the education of the person himself, and not only in scientific and technological achievements. The systemic organization of programs for solving global problems involves the use of global modeling.

Global problems demand from humanity spiritual unity in the name of saving civilization. They led to the need for qualitative changes in the life support systems of society and its value orientations. They require fundamentally new relationships between people, as well as relationships between people and nature.


Kochergin A.N. Philosophy and global problems. - M., 1996.

· Science and global problems of our time. Round table// Questions of philosophy. - 1984.

· Jaspers K. Future world order // XX century and the world. - 1990.

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Human society has always faced and, apparently, will face various problems. However, not all of them are global. In Russia, many people live below the poverty line. In the United States, terrorists destroyed the World shopping center and the Pentagon. In the Baltic republics, the rights of the Russian-speaking population are being violated. In England, there are clashes between Protestants and Catholics. All these problems are very serious, as they are associated with the lives of many people. However, they do not affect the interests of all mankind. Therefore, they are not global.

Global include acute world problems that, by virtue of their specificity, affect the life and well-being of all mankind.

The most important of these problems at the beginning of the 21st century are the following:

Spiritual crisis.

The spread of mass diseases.

The threat of war with the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Depletion of the planet's natural resources.

Deepening ecological crisis.

Demographic problem.

The rise of terrorism.

Uneven socio-economic development of regions and states of the planet.

Global climate change.

Increase in seismic activity of the earth's crust.

The above problems to one degree or another are recognized by the majority of specialists. However, there are also such global problems, the discussion of which is closed by a narrow circle of professional researchers, since not all of them admit that such problems exist or pose a real danger to humanity. Here are some examples.

Potential hazard collisions of the Earth with cosmic bodies (meteorites, comets, asteroids), from which there are currently no means of protection. Such collisions can be very dangerous and lead to the death of all mankind and the animal world of the Earth.

Negative psycho-energetic influence"Inner space" of the planet (the so-called subtle worlds), the cause of which is spiritual disharmony and the negative psy-ho-emotional background of the noosphere of mankind.

Essence and ways of overcoming global problems

The solution to any problem, especially a global one, is impossible without understanding its causes.

All the above-mentioned global problems in the very general view have three reasons:

Spiritual imperfection of a person;

The contradictory nature of the historical development of human civilization and culture;

Objective natural processes.

The vast majority of problems associated with the first and second reasons. Some problems, as experts believe, are exacerbated by all three reasons (global climate change, an increase in seismic activity). And only one of these problems is wholly connected with natural processes or, at least, the influence of man and society has not been established here (the collision of the planet Earth with cosmic bodies).

Thus, we see that almost all global problems are associated with the consciousness or worldview of a person, the development of which, obviously, lags behind the rapid changes in objective reality in science, politics, economics, culture, demography, technology. Under the conditions of modern civilization, the responsibility of a person for his activities is aggravated hundreds and thousands of times. So, a few centuries ago, the biggest war did not threaten death for all of humanity. Now a military conflict with the use of weapons of mass destruction is unpredictable in its consequences. Nuclear weapon can destroy not only civilization, but also all life on the planet.

Therefore, the main remedy overcoming global problems - the spiritual transformation of humanity. This means the development of a new planetary-cosmic thinking and a humanistic worldview, focused on universal human values, ethical, environmental and cultural priorities.

Modern man must be fully aware of his personal responsibility for the fate of the planet, he must understand how complex and fragile the ecological system of the Earth is, how easy it is to disrupt the natural balance and it will be difficult to restore it. Humanity has approached such a milestone in its historical development when it becomes impossible to isolate itself from world problems by the borders of its state - terrorists, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, ecological disasters, epidemics know no boundaries.

Let us now consider some of the global problems in more detail and try to understand how they can be overcome.

The spiritual development of mankind has always been difficult and contradictory. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find in history a period in which the spiritual culture, the moral foundations of society would be subjected to such a test as in the 20th and early 21st centuries. It is no coincidence that the concept "Spiritual crisis" firmly entered the modern philosophical and scientific lexicon.

What is the manifestation of the modern spiritual crisis? In the undermining of the spiritual foundations of the individual and the growth of many destructive social phenomena. These phenomena include the loss of the meaning of life and ethical guidelines by many of our contemporaries, drunkenness and drug addiction, prostitution and sexual deviations, the desire of many people exclusively for material enrichment and sensual pleasures, an increase in crime and all kinds of violence, massive stress and mental illness, social egoism, and intolerance and some others.

Legislative, police, medical measures in overcoming these vices are ineffective without resorting to the inner world of a person and his spiritual principles. What strengthens and develops them? Spiritual teachings, education, philosophy, science, high art - everything that belongs to the sphere of the true spiritual culture of mankind. It is obvious that the problem of a spiritual crisis is a problem of a person's worldview and the spiritual culture of a society. It is in these areas that it is necessary to concentrate efforts to overcome the spiritual crisis.

. When talking about spreading mass diseases, then, first of all, they mean cardiological, oncological, infectious and mental diseases. For example, the annual mortality rate of cardiological and oncological patients around the globe is estimated at many millions. AIDS is spreading rapidly. According to the World Health Organization, in 2001, 35 million people were infected with HIV worldwide. Until 2001, AIDS was responsible for 22 million deaths. At the end of the 20th century, according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the dynamics of mental disorders increased tenfold.

There are many reasons for the increase in the number of diseases - an improper lifestyle and diet, environmental pollution, stress and the inability of most people to control their inner world and manage the neuro-emotional reactions of the body, sexual deviations and a lack of mental energy.

Experts believe that the problem of mass diseases should be solved from two sides. Firstly, it is necessary to popularize a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, balanced physical and mental activity, natural prevention and healing systems (cleansing procedures, exercise and dietary nutrition, courses relaxation and auto-training, yogic techniques of self-regulation, etc.). Secondly, it is necessary to develop new methods of medical therapy - new technologies for the treatment of mass diseases and new drugs. For example, AIDS vaccines, pacemakers, drugs that block cell growth uncontrolled by the body, psychocorrection technologies for human consciousness.

.In the XX century, humanity has learned to produce weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological). The scientific mind in this field has achieved truly impressive "successes". One drop of combat chemical reagent enough to poison an entire lake. One rocket with biological filler, when it explodes in the air, can hit the population of an entire city. One nuclear submarine missile carrier is capable of turning an entire state into ruins. By the beginning of the XXI century in the arsenals of the bloc states NATO, Russia, China, India and other countries stored thousands of tons of chemical and biological warfare agents, thousands of nuclear warheads, which would be enough to repeatedly destroy all cities in the world and all life on Earth. Why do people need so many such destructive weapons?

Scientists have modeled and proven that war with weapons of mass destruction makes the winners and the losers equal. High radiation, environmental poisoning or "nuclear winter" will put everyone - the defeated and the winners - in the same conditions - on the brink of life and death. When two people are sitting in a powder magazine, what difference does it make who is the first to detonate their charge in the hope of hitting the other? Until the weapons of mass destruction are destroyed, the planet is such a powder magazine that puts all of humanity in a mortal threat. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually reduce, and then to destroy and completely ban the production of weapons of mass destruction for all countries of the planet.

. In the last century mankind for the first time realized the threat of depletion of natural resources on its planet - oil, coal, ore and mineral raw materials, reserves of pure water, forest and
fertile tracts, fish, etc. So far, this problem is not the most urgent. However, if the use of raw materials continues to increase at the same rate, society is already in
The 21st century may face, for example, a complete depletion of oil reserves, which will lead to the paralysis of road, air and water transport, many types of chemical production
and other industrial facilities.

Where to look for a way out? Scientists propose to develop and implement resource-saving and waste-free production technologies, more actively use the energy of the Sun, wind, water, nuclear energy, look for new energy sources, limit resource consumption, and carry out industrial development of the interior of the planets of the solar system.

. One of the most pressing problems modernity is the ecological crisis . Many people think that it is only about environmental pollution. But this is not the case. From a philosophical point of view, the ecological crisis is negative impact of human activities on nature. The consequences of such activities are manifested not only in the poisoning of land, water and air with industrial waste, but also in the destruction of the planet's ozone layer and sustainable ecological systems. For example, massive deforestation lowers oxygen levels and increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. An ill-considered disruption of the water balance of the region (during the construction of a dam or changing the river bed) can lead to the death of many species of animals and plants, the spread of harmful insects, the appearance of swamps or deserts.

The solution to the environmental problem involves a whole range of measures. Among them are of great importance: changing the attitude of people to the environment, construction treatment facilities in production, replacement of thermal power plants and internal combustion engines with new, environmentally friendly analogs, reduction of carbon dioxide and freon emissions into the atmosphere, preservation of the natural ecological balance of regions and many others.

. The essence of the demographic problem lies in the extremely high rates of population growth in some countries and regions of the planet (China, India, South America). As a result, despite the drop in the birth rate in Europe, North America, Russia, total amount the world's population is growing rapidly. What is the threat? Some analysts believe that the Earth can only feed a limited number of people. For example, the figure is called 10 billion. If the dynamics of growth continues, then, according to various estimates, the modern six-billion-dollar civilization will reach this limit in a few decades.

Many experts note that with an even settlement of people and efficiently organized industrial and agricultural production, the planet can provide life for at least fifty billion civilization. However, this does not make the problem less acute. The fact is that the socio-economic and cultural infrastructure of states lags behind in its development the rates of population growth. These two processes must be synchronized. Therefore, China, India and other countries are pursuing tough policies aimed at reducing population growth.

. The problem of terrorism and violence has sociocultural roots. However, it rests not only on the moral and ethical principles and legal consciousness of a person. In many cases, terror is an extreme measure of struggle against society for their rights and their worldview. Consequently, society must, first of all, provide people with elementary rights and freedoms - the right to life and work, to education and freedom of conscience, to property, freedom of thought and speech. There is a very important role political, economic and socio-cultural support of developing states plays, the population of which is sometimes deprived of many opportunities and rights. Expanding intercultural dialogue is also essential, allowing peoples to better understand and, consequently, respect each other's values ​​and traditions.

A special problem- activities of antisocial, socially dangerous groups, terrorist activities of which have criminal reasons. Here the final word must belong to the legislature and law enforcement authorities. Moreover, their international cooperation and the development of uniform standards for legal assessment and countering terrorism are now acquiring special relevance. It turned out that, for example, Western countries adhere to a policy of double standards in the problem of terrorism. Such a policy is inherently very dangerous and does not allow the world community to consolidate the fight against terrorism.

. In the XX century, science has recorded the growth of global climatic changes on the planet. Scientists believe gradual warming is occurring. In some countries, for example in Russia, over the past quarter of a century this has become obvious even to non-specialists. In the middle zone, winters became less snowy, summers hotter. Off the coast of Europe, there is a rise in water in the Atlantic Ocean, which, according to some estimates, is due to the melting of snow and ice at the poles.

At the same time, weather anomalies are observed in many countries of the world. For example, it snows in Africa and in the southern latitudes of America. All over the globe, meteorologists note sharp changes in temperature, pressure, an increase in dangerous atmospheric phenomena (hurricanes, typhoons, showers, large hail, sudden heavy snowfalls, etc.).

Over the past several hundred years, there has also been an increase in seismic activity the earth's crust. Earthquakes are becoming more frequent and destructive. Underwater earthquakes cause huge ocean waves (tsunamis). For example, in 2004, a powerful tsunami in South-East Asia killed more than 250 thousand people.

What is the cause of these processes? Science cannot yet give an exhaustive answer. However, many scientists are inclined to the point of view according to which climate change and an increase in seismic activity may depend not only on objective natural causes, but also on human activity. For example, it is believed that nuclear explosions cause vibrations in the earth's crust. The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere creates a "greenhouse effect". Mental-psychic disharmony of mankind generates electromagnetic fluctuations of the energy field of the planet, which causes both atmospheric and seismic phenomena.

Objective reasons Some researchers associate the processes under consideration with periodically occurring changes in the inclination of the earth's axis and the drift of the planet's magnetic poles. It is believed that such changes have already taken place in ancient times. As a result, the climate and geographic outlines of the continents underwent dramatic transformations. So, the followers of some philosophical systems (Theosophy, Living Ethics, etc.) believe that under the influence of such global processes in the distant past, the huge continents of Lemuria and Atlantis were destroyed. But what causes the change in the tilt of the earth's axis and the displacement of the magnetic poles? The question is still open.

Every global problem has its own specifics, and hence its own methods of solution. However, it is quite obvious that not a single global problem can be solved by the efforts of one nation or one state. It is necessary to pool the resources of all mankind - political, economic, demographic, scientific and others. Therefore, now the need for broad international cooperation of countries and peoples, as well as the coordination of their efforts, is coming to the fore. However, by and large, world problems require more from humanity - political, economic and cultural integration into a single planetary community. The solution to this problem will largely depend on

Modern humanity has entered the third millennium of its development, which has given rise to new problems and challenges, has sharpened attention to traditional global problems.

The introduction of the latest achievements of science and technology into production, the emergence of new technologies, energy sources and materials) led, on the one hand, to profound qualitative changes in the life of society. Humanity has entered the era of the scientific and technological revolution, has increased the anthropogenic impact on nature, which is of a contradictory nature. Positive and negative phenomena are intertwined in it: the improvement of technologies and the growth of production, contribute to a more complete satisfaction of the needs of people, the rational use of natural resources, and an increase in food production. On the other hand, the natural environment is being polluted, forests are being destroyed, soil erosion is increasing, acid rains are falling, the ozone layer around the earth is decreasing, the health of people is deteriorating, and the like. Certain difficulties arise from the very life and activities of a person.

In essence, in scale and significance, they are different: some are local in nature and do not require huge efforts, resources and funds to solve; others - cause influence within a certain region, and also do not present significant difficulties. However, there are those who will read the interests of all mankind, pose a threat to all earthlings, to all life on Earth. These are problems of a planetary order. They, to the greatest extent, disturb humanity, make Him think about his future, look for ways, methods and means of solving them.

The term "global problems" appeared in the 60s of the XX century. First in the West, then in the East, in the former Soviet Union. Both then and now, among scientists, philosophers there was no single, generally accepted, universal thought on nature and the reasons for their occurrence, assessment and solutions. To this day, there is a discrepancy regarding the number of global problems. Western researchers (in particular, representatives of the Club of Rome) believe that modern mankind faces about a hundred global problems. Domestic - there are about three dozen of them. Much more essential is the establishment of priorities among them, which need to be addressed in the first place, and how to solve them. We are talking about specific scientific, technical and technological, material and resource ways, methods and means of solving them and the costs that humanity must incur.

Scientists agree that global problems threaten human existence. The ecological ones are especially resonant. Therefore, the state of modern ecology is a constant object of thought for thinkers. According to A. Peccei and MF Rsimers, man himself created these problems, "there are all beginnings and ends in her" 1. If a person does not change, then nothing will save her from the fate of dinosaurs. Researchers understand that global issues are critical. Their totality may vary, but their acuteness and vital significance for society and civilization is enormous.

Global problems is an object of study in many sciences (natural, social and humanitarian, including philosophical). Each of them, in addition to philosophy, examines one or more aspects of the problem. Philosophy strives for a comprehensive, all-round study of them, aims a person (humanity) at their humanistic aspect, establishes their conceptual connection with human activity and general development trends. Philosophical theory is aimed at developing and providing a methodology, methods and techniques for studying these problems. Thanks to philosophical knowledge, it becomes possible to explore scientific and social ways of solving them. Philosophical knowledge provides a comprehensive, systems approach, the integration of science and practice. As a theoretical worldview, philosophy is engaged in the study and development of worldview aspects of global problems, actualizes them in the context of a global worldview and, thus, communicates to a person (humanity).

The philosophical study of global problems goes beyond the objective status of their existence. They are based on the contradiction between man (society, humanity) and existing reality, the ability of the natural and social environment to satisfy human needs, interests and desires. These are real, not illusory problems. Consequently, their analysis should be objective, and solutions should be realistic. They really and effectively affect modern development, the pace of progress and pose a threat (if resolved) to the future of mankind.

Global problems require cooperation efforts of all countries and peoples for their solution, since they do not know borders, affect everyone, prevent everyone from living and acting normally. They are so capacious and complex that not a single society or country can independently solve them. Therefore, international cooperation of efforts and resources of earthlings is a vital necessity. This globalizes the world, contributes to the unity, integrity and interdependence of the subjects of the civilization process, deepening international relations and cooperation. This is a challenge that life poses for contemporaries, and possibly future generations. Now the slogan "to be or not to be" for mankind has become relevant again.

No less heated discussions are going on about the causes of global problems. Some Western thinkers, public and political figures believe that the main reason for their occurrence is associated with the crisis of man and his spirituality ("the roots of the global crisis in man"). Loss of "human qualities", the desire for profit, wealth and honor at any cost destroy morality , high spirituality, culture of behavior, humanity, a sense of duty and “unties the hands” “to permissiveness.” A person has reached the limit, has become his own enemy and is ready to destroy himself.

A number of scientists, ecologists, philosophers associate the emergence of global problems with the scientific and technological revolution, radically changed the technical and technological potential of mankind, revolutionized military affairs, caused an abrupt transition from group weapons to weapons of mass destruction. Extremely powerful tools activities cause great harm to nature, do not allow it to be reproduced in a timely manner. The aggravation of global problems is also associated with the further improvement of information and communication technologies.

I think we can agree that the position of Western researchers in many ways makes sense. Indeed, the emergence, aggravation and solution of global problems largely depend on the person himself, his qualities, scientific and technological revolution, its technological products and their use and application. However, the absolutization of these factors is inappropriate. On the one hand, it seems that the most terrible evil for modern civilization is man and the scientific and technological revolution; on the other hand, the idea is being held that the development of science and technology will automatically solve all problems and, on this basis, a new civilization will be created ("global community "or synthetic).

Research into the causes of these problems is reflected in the Marxist philosophical and scientific literature. its representatives see the reasons for the emergence and aggravation of global problems not in scientific and technological revolution, the use of technology and technology, but in social factors, social relations and state structure (order). The main reason is the wasteful exploitation of natural resources, the spontaneous social and economic development of a number of countries.

A significant part of scientists believe that global problems are a natural result of the development of our civilization. On the one hand, this is a by-product of the emergence and exacerbation of general civilizational problems, which, due to circumstances, were not resolved, acquiring crisis and catastrophic manifestations, and on the other, it is a product of the modern era (a consequence of the extreme aggravation of contradictions). A fundamentally new situation has emerged, when uneven development concerns not only individual regions of the globe, but also individual industries. social production and activities. Excessive desire to achieve maximum profits and power caused the hypertrophied development of mankind. This has become an objective trend in the development of the world, although the goals of such development are different. For industrially and techno-technologically developed countries, those spheres and industries that provide huge profits, domination, authority and strength on a global scale have become priority. For some countries, the lack of funds and resources forces them to concentrate their efforts and resources on one or several spheres of public life.

At the same time, the reason for the emergence and exacerbation of global problems is not only in various contradictions, but also in the internationalization of the life of modern civilization. Globalization, the establishment of common rules and standards by the leaders of civilization contribute to the emergence of new global problems. And although the internationalization of public life gives rise to large positives, nevertheless, they should be followed by negatives. Attempts to "adjust" everyone to the same standards leads to the loss of ethno-national, cultural identity, the disappearance of the language, national culture, and the like. It is good when such rules are focused on universal human values ​​and do not show double standards.

The current openness and closedness of the world, the removal of political and state borders and borders, the free movement of citizens have generated a number of global problems: terrorism, drug addiction, substance abuse, AIDS, etc. And in this case, human progress carries by-products regression, gives rise to new global problems.

The analysis of these problems, firstly, logically forces us to indicate the ways, methods and means of their solution. Attempts to move away from them contribute to their aggravation, growing from crisis to catastrophic, which will inevitably lead to the death of humanity, of all life on Earth.

Secondly, the solution to global problems lies in the plane of a radical restructuring of the modern world, the approval of qualitatively new value orientations aimed at deep democratization and humanization of social relations, the development of a common planetary paradigm for the development, thinking and culture of mankind.

Thirdly, global problems can be solved only on the basis of international cooperation and cooperation and the principles of peaceful coexistence. Only through joint efforts is mankind able to defeat such evil as contemporary global problems and affirm the imperative of action: "from international cooperation in universal security."

Fourth, the solution to global problems is unthinkable and impossible without the development of science, scientific and technological progress. Only on the basis of a scientific study of certain natural phenomena, society, it is possible to reveal the essence and causes of problems, and therefore - to give objective "recipes" for their solution. Ignorance (superficial knowledge) produces both the corresponding type of action and its effectiveness.

Global problems will read all aspects of our life. their successful solution - in a comprehensive scientific study, which ensures the development of a theoretical "model" of the global situation, indicates ways of solving, provides a methodology for their solution. Successful solution of global problems also requires scientific cooperation, international cooperation, cooperation of scientists and scientific schools and their high responsibility.

Fifth, effective solution global problems requires scientific philosophical methodology, the formation of planetary thinking. The results of the study of the members of the Club of Rome (A. Peccei, Kahn, C. Reich, T. Rozzac, D. Medouza, J. Forrester, J. Fourastier and others) showed that only natural scientific, economic or technological means (methods) these problems cannot be solved. Natural-scientific, technocratic thinking is also insufficient. Needed A complex approach, the use of methods, means, principles of various sciences, including philosophical. Dialectical methodology should be the basis for the formation of planetary thinking.

Sixth, solving global problems requires scientific forecasting and scientific modeling, monitoring the development of global situations. Humanity must learn to predict the appearance of certain problems, have scientific scenarios for their possible development, and work to prevent these problems. One should learn not so much to "extinguish fires" as to prevent their occurrence. This is the strategy, goal and guarantee of the future development of our civilization.

The latter is that all these activities, techniques, methods, scientific theories of solving global problems, forecasting and modeling situations and scenarios of possible development, etc. without the good will of the earthlings there is nothing. Their goodwill is needed to practically apply them, to follow them on a planetary scale, to live and act in accordance with them. Without practical implementation, the brilliant theories, methods, social recipes themselves are dead, and remain ingenious only on paper. They receive their strength and vivacity only in the practice, practical actions of mankind. Moreover, it is impossible to solve them otherwise. And in this sense, humanity poses, and is forced to pose only those questions that are able to solve, since only in practical actions do possibilities turn into reality.

Control questions:

1. What do the concepts of "predictions", "predictions", "forecasting" mean and how are they represented?

2. What do you mean by the procedure of social foresight?

3. Scientific foresight of the development of social processes.

4. Methods and functions of social foresight.

5. What types of forecasts do you know? Describe them.

6. prognostics and futurology.

7. Globalistics and global problems of our time.

8. Criteria for the global problems of our time. nine.

Abstract topics:

1. Social foresight and forecasting of the future.

2. Modern prognostics and futurology.

3. Ecological problems in modern global studies.

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5. Kuzmenko V.L., Romanchuk OK On the threshold of civilization (reflections on the future) .- Lvov, 1991.

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