
Scenario for the Day of Russian Entrepreneurship. Awards were presented to the best entrepreneurs and microfinance leaders. Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine: when

Scenario of the awards ceremony “Constellation Yula”

1: Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!
2: Good evening, dear residents and guests of the village of Yulovsky!
1. How great it is when a holiday begins like this: with music and applause.
2.And also the kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate and greet our nominees.
1. They say that every person has his own “finest hour”. Stars are an eternal object of special attention of humanity in general and each person individually...
2: ...for a special passion for the stars in the Middle Ages they were burned at the inquisitorial fire...
1: ...poems and novels are written about stars, stars are given names of people, and people are endowed with the “shining” properties of stars.
2: Our Yulov sky is also filled with bright stars. Large and small, remote and not so remote. And they all create a single and multifaceted...
1: ...shining and positive...
2: ...the space of the Yulovsky village!
1: And all this is you, dear fellow villagers!
2: Those who will appear on this stage today have managed to “shine” brighter over the past year than others. We will broadcast live about your brilliant achievements.
1: And our ceremony will resemble a “starfall”.
2: ...hopefully no injuries...
1: Of course - just a shower of names, awards and applause from the guests.
2 - And today, in this hall, not just one star will be lit, but a whole shower of stars
1 - Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to the annual Person of the Year awards ceremony.

Fanfare sounds.

1 - Our ceremony is opened by the head of the Yulovsky rural settlement, Alexander Nikolaevich Golovnev.

Speech by the Head of the Administration.

– 1st nomination “Golden Hands”.
2. Since ancient times, people have demanded bread and circuses. Food is the first thing a person needs from birth. “Give us this day our daily bread...” This is the beginning of a prayer, an appeal to God for our daily bread... And bread comes from Mother Earth, from the farmer - a great worker.
1 For many centuries, people have composed epics, songs, and proverbs about food and the peasant: “The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies,” “Bread is the head of everything,” “Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick,” “Bread is on the table, and the table is the throne.” !
2 But the work that creates this throne is not easy. And we already remember other wise words: “Patience and labor will grind everything down,” “The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet,” “Lie on the floor and never see a piece,” “Hold on to the plow: she is the nurse.”
1. Russia has long been famous for its good, talented and hardworking people. Our Motherland has been and remains a cell of strong and established agricultural traditions. Thanks to the “Golden Hands”, the wisdom and experience of farmers, our fertile field lives.
2. And we will always admire the work of farmers, livestock breeders, machine operators, those who grow bread for us, produce milk, in a word - real masters of their craft!
1. It is with great pleasure that we invite to the stage the best representatives of open joint stock company"Southern"
2 Leonid Viktorovich Danilenko - Leonid Viktorovich has been working as a garage driver for 22 years. Conscientious, hardworking, purposeful person. His KAMAZ is always on the road, always on the go. In 2015 alone, he ran more than 292 thousand ton-kilometers along the roads of our Rostov region
1.-Popov Sergey Alexandrovich. Since 1993, he has worked as a tractor driver in a rice shop. All year round For him and his MTZ-80 tractor there is work in the field. in 2015, Sergei Aleksandrovich worked 300 standard shifts. A hardworking, conscientious worker, he enjoys authority in the team.
2 Shumkina Galina Petrovna, machine milking operator of the Yuzhnoye joint-stock company, Galina Petrovna devoted 14 years to the modest, but very necessary and hard work of a milkmaid. She is a leader among masters of machine milking. She produced 108 tons of milk from her cows. She receives a calf a year from the cow assigned to her and she takes care of them like small children, so her safety is 100%, which is higher than the average for the entire farm.
1. Ugnenko Alexander Nikolaevich. My labor activity on the farm, Alexander Nikolaevich started as a milkman in a dairy shop, then worked as a tractor driver in a dairy shop, and since March 2001 he has been working as a mechanic in this work collective. He has good organizational skills, which helps him ensure the smooth operation of the tractors in the dairy department.
2 To award the first “star” people, Viktor Nikolaevich Petchenko, General Director of the Yuzhnoye Joint Stock Company, is invited to the stage

1. Dear agricultural workers, thank you for your love for your small Motherland, for your hard work and dedication, continue to please your fellow countrymen with the results of your work. Please accept this song as a gift.

2nd nomination “I give my heart to children”
2. Children are easy to love in words! “Oh, what a baby,” we often hear. But try, look after a whole bunch of toddlers! Educators, you are the salvation of busy parents and those people with whom children are not only safe, but with whom they learn a lot of new things, discover the unknown, learn to be friends...
1. Dear educators, kindergarten- the very first team of a little person, and with all your heart you help him grow big and strong, brave and smart...
2. And then, the little man is waiting new team- school. And on the threshold he is met by his kind and caring first teacher, and then he will be led along the school path by the teachers of our beloved school, and this path cannot be turned away.
1. After all, school is a ladder that you cannot move down. I stood on the first step - and already set off on a continuous journey upward, and this road has no end point. A person studies all his life, but the starting point for everyone is school.
2. It’s easy to walk if you see the light ahead, lit by your mentor. The higher you rise, the brighter and warmer the light becomes - a spark of goodness, love and wisdom, a hot piece of the teacher’s soul.
1. Such as Svetlana Ivanovna Petukhova – head of the first category, head of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 25, kindergarten “Joy”. Her teaching career began in 1982, when she decided to throw in her lot with preschool education and was hired at the Joy kindergarten. Svetlana Ivanovna went from a teacher to the head of an educational institution, famous for its innovative ideas and positive work experience.
2. And Velikotskaya Galina Vasilievna – teacher of geography at the municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary educational school No. 81"
1. Galina Vasilievna is distinguished by high demands on herself as a specialist. She is characterized by initiative and readiness for change; self-discipline, responsibility, application of areas of cooperation pedagogy.
2. In 2015, Galina Vasilyevna took part in the pedagogical excellence competition “Teacher of the Year 2015” in order to disseminate advanced teaching experience and the result of participation was the title “Laureate”.
1. Remember, from Vysotsky: “...We admire the night Zodiac, the eternal tango of the constellations.”
2. So, these people ensure eternal motion in individual constellations.
1. We invite Svetlana Ivanovna Petukhova and Galina Vasilyevna Velikotskaya to the stage.
2. To reward specialists in stellar and uninterrupted work with children, the deputy head of the Salsky district for social issues Inna Nikolaevna Sayun

1. Galina Anatolyevna Pisarenko, a specialist from the Administration for Culture and Sports of the Yulovsky settlement, maintains a close connection with the school and kindergarten. She is the secretary of the commission on juvenile affairs.
2. Galina Anatolyevna perfectly communicates with the residents of our settlement. When solving complex problems, she is always ready to help other employees. She has qualities such as creativity and the ability to work independently, which allows her to be trusted to solve complex problems.

1. Galina Anatolyevna Pisarenko is invited to present the award on stage
2. The award is presented by Yana Vitalievna Bobrovskaya, Manager of the Administration of the Salsky District

1. Gifts can be different, big and small, long-awaited and unexpected, personal and for the whole team. This is such a great collective gift for you, dear nominees, the performance of the dance group “Pomegranate Seeds”

– 3rd nomination “Calling to serve people.”
2. How beautiful our world is, preserved by the kind souls and warm hearts of those whose calling is to serve people. Unselfishness, philanthropy, mercy, sensitivity - these are the best human qualities that - social workers.
1. How much strength, energy, warmth of soul they put into their hard work.
2. How much warmth and goodness they bring to older people in order to warm and calm the souls of old disadvantaged people.
1. Mercy... This quality is characteristic of each of you, dear employees of the center social services elderly citizens and disabled people. To be merciful means to sympathize, sympathize, pity and want to help the weak. And for this you need to have a big loving heart!
2. And this is exactly what you have, dear Tatyana Alekseevna Korsunova and Tatyana Damirovna Borovik. Without sparing your mental strength, you tactfully offer your help, helping older people solve everyday problems, with participation and care, teaching them to overcome the difficulties of a difficult stage of life with dignity.
1. Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical care. Doctors save our lives nurses help us re-enter the path to recovery.
2. But in addition to doctors and nurses, modest junior medical workers without special medical training work in medical institutions, but simply nurses, irreplaceable medical assistants. Previously, in medical institutions they were affectionately called “nannies.”
1. And also “nurses”, because they know how to feed, change clothes, listen and simply sympathize with a sick or elderly person who is in a hospital bed..
2. I would like to say with confidence that without sincere sympathy for the sick and elderly, work is impossible. They notice falsity in relationships immediately.
1. Svetlana Ivanovna Klyashko, a nurse at the nursing department at the Yulovskaya outpatient clinic, has been working at the Yulovskaya hospital for 30 years. Her work is distinguished by high quality, correctness, and responsibility for the assigned work.
2. The movement of all the stars in the social and medical horizon depends on these stars.
1. Dear Tatyana Alekseevna, Tatyana Damirovna and Svetlana Ivanovna, we ask you to come up to the stage.
1. The award is presented by the director of the Center for Services to Elderly and Disabled Citizens, Irina Nikolaevna Statovaya.


2. And the congratulatory marathon is continued by the vocal group of elderly people from our village “Kumushki”.

– 4th nomination “The master’s work is afraid.”
1. Water is one of those elements that can simultaneously support life and mercilessly destroy it, therefore, by controlling it, you can turn the entire earth into a blooming garden. This is how an interesting, necessary and unusually difficult profession arose - land reclamation.
2. Ivan Nikolaevich Fomenko has been working in the Salsk Interdistrict Administration of Irrigation Systems since August 1983, first as an electric and gas welder, and from 1998 to the present as a driver of pumping unit No. 2. A conscientious, efficient, deeply decent person, he has worked in the land reclamation system for 43 years. .
1. Postal stagecoaches are a thing of the past, and no one has been using the services of carrier pigeons for a long time, but the fashion of writing letters, sending parcels and parcels has not gone away.
2. But someone has to deliver them! Of course, these are our postal workers. Our post office always has a calm, friendly atmosphere. There are wonderful postal operators working there.
1. Ekaterina Alekseevna Samokhvalova provides excellent service to post office clients. She is an irreplaceable person in the team. Always reliable, always happy to help. She is respected by both colleagues and clients. It is about people like Ekaterina Alekseevna that they say: “I would go on reconnaissance with him.”

2. It is with great pleasure that I invite these specialists to our stage. _______________________ is invited to the stage to present the award.


2. Thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm, efficiency, do not lose this in the future. Alexander Matsegora sings for you

– 5th nomination “Giving joy to people”
1. There are people whose direct purpose of profession is “to give joy to people.” These are cultural workers. The profession is difficult, but wonderful.
2 A cultural worker is not just a profession - it is a calling!
This is the skill of wizards to fulfill our cherished desires!
1. These people, with their creativity and love for their profession, light up our hearts, create a holiday for us, open cherished doors to the world of beauty, teach us to love and enjoy every day.
2 But a cultural worker is not only a person standing on the stage. Among the employees of our House of Culture there is a teacher who teaches children to draw, see beauty, and develop their inner world. For 5 years now, the art studio “Spectrum” has been operating in our recreation center, in which, this year alone, 17 children are studying. The guys became participants in many creative competitions and exhibitions of various levels, receiving Diplomas of winners. In December 2015, the art studio "Spectrum" was awarded the honorary title "Exemplary amateur art group of the Rostov region." And this is thanks to the tireless leader, creative person and kind mentor Lyudmila Savkovna Savchuk.
1. Dear Lyudmila Savkovna and participants of the Spectr art studio, we ask you to come up to the stage. You are awarded the "Talent of the Year" Diploma and Letter of thanks studio manager.
2. First Deputy Head of the Salsky District Administration Andrey Vasilievich Kotlyarov is invited to the stage to award the team.

1. Nikolai Zubov gives you his musical congratulations.

1. Labor is the main measure of all merits and the highest assessment of work is when they say “Made conscientiously.” Yes, any business requires diligence and skill, but only with skill comes honor.
Honor... means recognition and respect, an expression of gratitude and pride for one’s fellow countrymen.
We have always had and still have something to be proud of, and first of all, of our people with ordinary biographies, not loud, but hard-working and honest. And the world rests precisely on reliable people, in whom there is so much beauty and merit.

holding a solemn award ceremony for the winners and participants of the X anniversary regional competition

"Entrepreneur of the Year - 2013"

(Administration, assembly hall, time 15.00 h)

Prologue. Choreographic sketch. Junior group 4 people dance on stage, music and the myth of Hermes are playing in the background. Older girls in goddess costumes appear in the hall, holding figurines in their hands, a small passage through the hall, several points. They are located at the edges near the stage.

Climax: the music intensifies, certain words have a strong beat in the music, the exit of the God Hermes.


God Hermes is the son of the immortal Maya and Zeus. In early childhood, he became famous for his cunning tricks, for which Apollo gave him a caduceus (a rod decorated with two snakes), appointing him a messenger of the gods by the will of Zeus. With this rod, Hermes puts people to sleep and awakens them. He was given the ability to open any locks and untangle any ties. Hermes was the patron saint of merchants. And therefore At all times and in all cultures of the world, people who strive for freedom and independence, who managed to create and develop their business, despite adversity and the machinations of enemies, have been valued.

Often these people became objects of envy and ridicule. Throughout human history they have been called by different names.

We call them entrepreneurs!

And today we welcome the most energetic, proactive people who managed to challenge their fears and doubts, find and firmly take their place in the economy of the Oktyabrsky district, bring new ideas and projects to life - Participants in the tenth anniversary regional competition “Entrepreneur of the Year”.

Music in the background. Exit of the presenters.

2 leads: Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen!

1 ved: Hello, dear entrepreneurs and guests of our holiday!

2 leads: We are pleased to welcome you to the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and participants of the tenth anniversary regional competition “Entrepreneur of the Year 2013”.

Fanfare (applause)

P Entrepreneur is a profession that is just emerging in Russia and is getting on its feet. These people, despite the many myths and fables about them, have a hard time at all. Constantly busy, working under pressure, always moving forward - without this it is impossible to run a business, priority is given to business at the expense of family and health...

And it is absolutely fair that we have a day when these people can celebrate their professional holiday. This is recognition of their importance and necessity. Let's congratulate our entrepreneurs on this holiday, wish them strength, patience, good luck, and prosperity in their business!


1 ved: In Yubileiny, for the 10th time, the administration of the Oktyabrsky district, with the assistance of the Yugra Entrepreneurship Support Fund, is holding the regional competition “Entrepreneur of the Year”

The purpose of this competition is to identify and encourage the best entrepreneurs of the Oktyabrsky district! Every year the number of entrepreneurs ready to take part in the competition is growing. And today, over 40 people are taking part in the 10th anniversary regional competition “Entrepreneur of the Year 2013”.

1 ved: We congratulate you once again, dear entrepreneurs, and the word for greeting the participants of the tenth anniversary regional competition “Entrepreneur of the Year 2013” ​​is given Head of the Oktyabrsky district Sergei Arkadyevich Kologriv.

1 ved: Dear entrepreneurs! Today you will be congratulated not only by people associated with your activities, but also by the most talented groups in our area, for you the vocal group “Sweet Yagoda”, we meet

    “Sweet berry” - “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”

2 leads: The floor to greet the participants is given to:


1 Vedas: And it is with great pleasure that we move on to the most intriguing part of our celebration, namely the award ceremony for the participants and winners of the tenth anniversary regional competition “Entrepreneur of the Year 2013”.

2 Vedas: Nomination “Best Entrepreneur in the Field of Production Activities.” Participants invited to the stage:

2 Vedas: To be awarded in the category “Best Entrepreneur in the Field of Production Activities” we are invited to the stage


1 Vedas: Dear friends! Especially for you, guests from the village of Unyugan, the dance group “New dance” with “Fearless Flamenco”

    “New dance” - “Fearless flamenco”

2 Vedas:

Among thousands of signs and notes, there is one, and it is not accidental: Without trade there is no society, We are buyers from the very beginning. If trade goes well, This means that the country is prospering, And the people live deliciously, And they don’t know any special sorrows. May the star of good luck always shine brightly for the trading people.

Congratulations to you, the people who are directly related to trade business! Happy holiday, our dear sales workers! We wish you all the best! And let not only the holiday, but your whole life be full of joy, fun, laughter, happiness!

1 Vedas: Nomination "Best Entrepreneur in the Field" retail" Participants invited to the stage:

2 Vedas: To be awarded in the category “Best Entrepreneur in Retail Trade”, you are invited to the stage

(Solemn fanfare, the award winner comes on stage, the girl brings out an envelope with a name, a stage worker

places a stand with a microphone; the awarder reads out the name of the winner, loud fanfare sounds, the girl hands the main prize to the awardee, then the presenters read out the names of the nominees, who are awarded with diplomas of the competition participant, the girls hand the diplomas into the hands of the awardee)

    Ved: The next musical gift performed by Eremina Tatyana

    Eremina Tatyana – “Drink love to the dregs”

Ved 1. On stage, Fashion Theater "Silhouette" Children's Art Center "New Generation" G.p. Priobye will demonstrate a collection called “Walk in Ugra”.

Modern world It’s almost impossible to imagine without entrepreneurship. It is quite logical that there is a holiday for entrepreneurs, which is celebrated in Russia on May 26th.

Developed small and medium business– the key to social stability and development of a non-resource-based economy. Those who were born in the USSR, of course, remember that any business was prohibited, the very word entrepreneur was almost dirty, and law enforcement agencies fought against underground guilds. Now we live in a changed country.

But, nevertheless, to be in our state you need to have not only the knowledge of an economist, the abilities of an organizer and an analyst, but also truly military courage and tenacity in order to cope with a huge army of, most often, to put it mildly, unfriendly officials.

Despite the fact that the state, represented by the government and the president, encourages people to open their own business, there are not so many enthusiasts. But they still exist.

The holiday, like Russian entrepreneurship itself, is young. In 2007, President V.V. Putin issued a decree establishing a professional holiday - Russian Entrepreneurship Day, which should be celebrated annually on May 26. It was celebrated for the first time in 2008.

As a rule, various forums, seminars, presentations, and exhibitions are held. The main goal of all events is to explain state policy in the field of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses. As well as providing legal and other information assistance.

Almost all Russian entrepreneurship began with the provision of various services to the population and trade. Currently in Russia there is both private entrepreneurship, represented by small and medium-sized businesses, and public entrepreneurship represented by state corporations.

In fact, the history of entrepreneurship goes back to the deep past of mankind. For example, already in ancient times in Ancient Greece was the patron saint of entrepreneurs - the god Mercury. He patronized trade, crafts, and knowledge.

Mercury had winged sandals that helped him easily move through space and convey information from people to the gods and vice versa.

In Japan, the god Ebisu was the patron saint of entrepreneurs, and bamboo branches are still considered symbols of success.

On Ancient Rus' trade was patronized by Volos (Veles), the lunar god.

And in Orthodox Russia, artisans and merchants were patronized by St. Nicholas.

In the West, entrepreneurs are patronized by Saint Dominic.

But who is an entrepreneur?
In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the word “entrepreneur” has two meanings:
1. “capitalist who owns an enterprise”;
2. “an enterprising person, a businessman.”

Adam Smith (1723-1790) considered an entrepreneur to be a person who uses the owner's capital to generate income. At the everyday level, an entrepreneur can be considered a person who has opened his own business and develops it, being responsible for all emerging risks and successes.

It is unknown who the first entrepreneur was. But, judging by the Laws of King Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), even then there were enough unscrupulous people, so there was a provision that persons who deceive their customers deserve severe punishment.

But the word “entrepreneur” - entrepreneur, according to scientists, came to us from France, where it appeared in the 12th-13th centuries.

At first, entrepreneurs were people who managed government programs and community service. They also organized parades and street processions. However, already in the 14th century, the word entrepreneurship began to be understood as a whole range of abilities, such as leadership, agreement, taking quick and correct solution. In the 16th century, this word was already used to designate a profession.

In Europe, entrepreneurship began to develop in the Middle Ages. The entrepreneurial class consisted of merchants, artisans, and traders.

Most of those who started their own business worked at their enterprise along with hired workers. And only with the advent of capitalism and the receipt of large profits, entrepreneurs in the West began to think about the need to move to a professional level of business management. International joint stock companies also appeared.

Russian entrepreneurship also began with artisans, fishermen, and beekeepers. And, of course, merchants who traded not only within the country, but with other countries, sent ships loaded with goods across the Black, Caspian, and Baltic seas.

The first Russian document regulating entrepreneurial activity was called “Russian Truth”. It was compiled by Prince Yaroslav, who reigned in Novgorod in 1036-1054.

The flourishing of entrepreneurship in Rus' at that time was hampered by the internecine strife of the princes. And then the Mongol-Tatar yoke lasted for 240 years (1240-1480). After getting rid of him, Russia did not immediately get back on its feet and in this transition period The main types of entrepreneurship were agriculture and trade. But by the end of the 17th century, entrepreneurship began to develop rapidly. The merchant class unites into various corporations. Large industrialists appear.

Under Peter I's father Alexei Mikhailovich, the opening was allowed industrial enterprises to foreigners. And by the end of the 17th century, almost all of Russia metallurgical industry owned by the Dutch.

Monasteries with large land were engaged agriculture, fishing, trapping, built mills, barns, shops, and mined iron. There were also those that built factories, for example, brick and iron factories. Artels, cooperatives, partnerships and private banks appeared.

By the beginning of the 20th century, there were already 1,500 joint-stock companies in Russia, small businesses were developing private business, family entrepreneurship was popular.

IN Tsarist Russia there was no cult of rich people. It was considered indecent to flaunt wealth. Many large entrepreneurs turned their entrepreneurial activities to the benefit of the state and society. There were a lot of patrons and philanthropists among the entrepreneurs.

We all know such names as Tretyakov, Morozov, Kuznetsov, Ryabushinskikh, Shibaev, Bakhrushin. There were many others who built not only factories and factories, but also hospitals, schools, and developed Russian culture and science.

There were, of course, unscrupulous entrepreneurs, but they were condemned. But who, even at that time, drank a lot of the blood of entrepreneurs were the officials demanding bribes.

Then the revolution of 1917 happened, which destroyed entrepreneurship. There was a thaw during the NEP (1921–1926), Business people they tried to revive entrepreneurship, but, alas, the reforms were canceled, all production and trade were taken under strict state control.

It is believed that entrepreneurship in modern Russia began with the “Law on Cooperation” of 1987. It was this law that allowed people to open their own non-state small enterprises.

A lot of time has passed since then, the conditions of the game have changed, but it was those first cooperatives that opened the way to modern private entrepreneurship.

And now, during the crisis, the state, more than ever before, is trying to rely on entrepreneurs who can help the state cope with the problems that have arisen.

In many developed countries, it is small businesses that occupy the main share of the economic sector. And the leadership of our country understands that in modern conditions, the full and harmonious development of the state and economy without the active development of entrepreneurship is simply impossible. Entrepreneurship creates competitive environment, provides an incentive for the development of one or another sector of the economy, creates jobs.

If the majority of the gross national product came from small and medium-sized businesses, then the country might not even trade in oil.

I would like to hope that modern Russian entrepreneurs, have learned lessons from the “wild market” of past years, and will begin to care not so much about their own profit, but about the good of Russia, its prosperity. And such concepts as “patriotism” and “service to the fatherland” will be filled with true meaning and action. It is then that people will stop envying the West, strive to live, get treatment and study abroad, our talented scientists and artists will not want to leave for Europe, and the United States and we will finally be proud that we are Russians and not hide our love for our homeland.

“... it is necessary that the entrepreneur be a wealthy person, known for his intelligence, prudence, love of order, honesty, and that, due to these properties, he can obtain capital that he himself does not have.”
(Jean-Baptiste Say - 1767-1832 - French economist.).

Entrepreneur's Day 2017: history of the holiday and celebration scenario

There's just a little time left until Entrepreneur's Day. Therefore, we urgently “take action” and figure out what kind of holiday this is, how it is celebrated in the occupied territories and how the heroes of the occasion are congratulated.

Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine: when

Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. In 2017 it fell on September 3.

The holiday was established in 1998 by decree of President Leonid Kuchma, taking into account the role of entrepreneurship in implementing economic reforms and solving socio-economic problems of Ukraine. Thus, the influence of entrepreneurship on the formation, formation and development of the national economy is recognized.

Entrepreneur's Day: the so-called LPR and DPR

Traditionally, on the occasion of Entrepreneur’s Day in Kyiv and other large cities, special events, including exhibitions of goods and services, forums with the participation of government and business representatives regarding cooperation and strategic partnerships, receptions in government bodies and presentation of insignia to entrepreneurs, festive concerts.

But in the occupied territories, the local “authorities” are apparently trying to get away as much as possible from the native, Ukrainian traditions of these places. In the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR, Entrepreneur's Day has been moved to May 26.

Entrepreneur's Day: scenario

— Hello, dear entrepreneurs, as well as dear guests of our holiday!

This is the day of initiative and energetic people who were able to organize and let their business develop. Implementing new projects and ideas, finding and firmly taking your position in the economy of the region is a talent and at the same time a colossal work worthy of support and respect!

— We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Ukrainian Entrepreneur! And with my most sincere wishes, accept the song as a gift!

— Our dear entrepreneurs! You have chosen a truly important and responsible occupation for yourself, making a huge contribution to ensuring the economic and social stability of our region. It is impossible to imagine our city without your glorious enterprises. We owe our prosperity to you - super businessmen. On this sunny, bright, spring day, as a sign of gratitude, accept this song from us.

(A musical composition sounds).

— A modern city cannot exist without a developed system of public services, Catering And trading network! The standard of living of the population largely depends on the quality of your work.

Trade is one of the most important components of the state, which helps not only to carry out purchase and sale, but is also an additional reason for people to communicate.

Our dear entrepreneurs, on your professional holiday you can be proud of your worthy labor achievements. You provide the residents of our area with all types of industrial and food products. You listen sensitively to the needs of the population.

— On this wonderful day I would like to express my deep gratitude (full name of entrepreneur)- for an active life position, as well as providing charitable assistance in various events.

— We also thank today (names of entrepreneurs are listed) who are competent managers and conscientious taxpayers.

— On this day we congratulate people who are directly related to trade! Happy holiday to you, our dear sales worker! We wish you all the best! And may your whole life be full of fun, joy, happiness, laughter!

(A musical composition sounds).

A separate industry National economy is catering! In the territory of (name of district), (name of enterprise) has been working for many decades under the leadership of (name of manager). In honor of your professional holiday, accept these verses.

Creating beauty- this is not an easy task. But if you approach it with sincere enthusiasm, it will turn into an exciting and very useful activity. Entrepreneurs working in the consumer services sector are constantly improving their skills. The population of our area greatly respects and loves hairdressers. (names are listed). Please accept this wonderful song as a gift.

(A musical composition sounds).

- Friends! But the sphere of consumer services includes not only beautiful clothes, shoes and hairstyles. These are also craftsmen involved in the restoration and repair of shoes. We congratulate you (names of repair companies) Happy Entrepreneur's Day!

The following musical composition is played in your honor!

“Today we notice how much the quality of service culture has improved, and the list of services in the field of photographic art has expanded.

And now we can use such types of services as computer processing and digital photography. Our wonderful photographers work in this area (names are listed). From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on the holiday and present you with this wonderful composition.

— The ability to effectively and competently run your business is a complex science that requires practical experience, common sense and intuition. Our dear entrepreneurs, you possess these qualities in full. Our community works and lives thanks to your hard and tireless work.

— Once again, please accept congratulations on your professional holiday! May your business be prosperous and stable, and may all your plans be successful!

State state-financed organization additional education children of Kolpinsky district
Center for Children's (Youth) Technical Creativity - structural unit - support center for vocational guidance of children and adolescents in the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg


Russian Entrepreneurship Day

Kolpino, 2016


12:30- 13:00 Gathering of participants: music, presentation

13-00 Cheerleaders perform the number “Game of Colors” for 3 minutes.

(The screensaver “Kolpino. The future depends on you and me” remains)
Presenters Varvara and Vladislav come out

13:04 Introductory part:

- Hello dear guys - pride, hope and future of the Kolpinsky district. Hello, dear entrepreneurs, as well as guests of our holiday!


Today we celebrateRussian Entrepreneurship Day!


This is a day of initiative and energetic people who were able to organize and let their business develop.


- They know how to competently and effectively run their business - after all, this is a subtle art in which one must rely on practical experience, common sense and intuition.


You, our entrepreneurs, possess these qualities in full and do not stop there. In many ways, thanks to your tireless work, our Kolpinsky district lives and works!

(screensaver “Happy Russian Entrepreneurship Day”)

- We sincerely congratulate you on Russian Entrepreneurship Day!


Today we have honored guests in our hall:

1. _______________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________-

Leading: Today, on such a solemn day for all of us, we have gathered to congratulate the people who have connected their lives with such a very difficult work.

Presenter: In our festive hall there are well-known entrepreneurs in the region, as well as students from schools in the Kolpinsky district who show interest in entrepreneurial activity and future entrepreneurs of Russia.

Leading: The word of greeting is:

1.Deputy head of the administration of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg - Yulia Valerievna Logvinenko.


Entrepreneurs are people who start projects and turn them into successful innovations!


They are the ones who create jobs, being domestic producers! And if everyone else can be generators of ideas, then we definitely have them - nuclear reactors!


Let's applaud all the entrepreneurs present here today, sincerely congratulating them on their professional holiday!


The floor is given to Zhanna Gennadievna Morozova, Chairman of the Public Council for Small Business under the Administration of the Kolpinsky District of St. Petersburg;


Preparations for Entrepreneur's Day were carried out in all educational institutions area for a month. Excursions were held in schools in the area various enterprises, competitions, thematic conversations.


Young people aged 15-18 took part in the regional competition “Our New Business Idea” in the Business Start project. Today we will present to your attention the best projects that the authors themselves will defend.


And now we would like to introduce you to the members of the jury who will evaluate the works:

  1. Ovcharenko Timur Gennadievich - Director of the State Budgetary Institution Center for Children's (Youth) Technical Creativity of the Kolpinsky District of St. Petersburg;
  2. Gosheva Elena Nikolaevna - specialist of the education department of the administration of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg;
  3. Zhanna Gennadievna Morozova – Chairman of the Public Council for Small Business under the Administration of the Kolpinsky District of St. Petersburg;
  4. Chuprin Alexander Nikolaevich – member of the Public Council for Small Business of the Kolpinsky District of St. Petersburg;
  5. Svishcheva Valentina Nikolaevna - director structural unit- support center for vocational guidance of children and adolescents of the Kolpinsky district;


Let me introduce the experts of our competition, whose opinions will influence the summing up.

1. Aleksan Mayisovich Sevoyan - director of Medved LLC (catering)

2. Gordeeva Olga Leonidovna - Chief Editor newspapers "WINDOW";

3. Baranov Alexander Alexandrovich – CEO IP "Baranov";

4. Aksenov Roman Alekseevich - General Director of Maklay LLC;

5. Moshenkina Irina Leonidovna – chief physician of LLC “Caring Doctor”

6. Shah - Nazarov Vadim Stanislavovich - editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Evening Metallostroy”;

7. Vitaly Alexandrovich Korol – General Director of the European Institute of Family Health LLC.


Dear experts, pay attention to the forms given to you, on which the names of the projects are presented. After listening to the defenses, we ask you to choose one in your opinion best project and express your preference.

Applause to our jury members and experts!


Let me introduce the best teams that passed the qualifying round in the competition “Our New Business Idea” in the project Business Start






(fanfare, screensaver “district competition for vocational guidance “Our New Business Idea” in the Business Start project.)


1. team __________


Dear jury members, experts and guests, if you have any questions or suggestions for the team, please speak up.


The following are invited to the stage to defend their project “Our New Business Idea”:



Dear experts, do you have any additions? Proposals for the project?

We are invited to the stage to defend “Our New Business Idea”:

3. team __________


Dear members of the jury, do you have any questions or suggestions for our competitors?


We have listened to 3 project defenses, there are still many more to come interesting projects, and as a gift, accept congratulations from Bertha, a student at the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts.

(song “Russia”)


Loud applause!


We continue our competition.

The following are invited to the stage to defend their project “Our New Business Idea”:

4. team _________________


Dear experts, do you have any additions or suggestions to the project?

The following are invited to the stage to defend “Our New Business Idea”:

5. team________________


So, the protection of projects has ended. Dear members of the jury, we ask you to sum up the results of the competition “Our New Business Idea” in the Business Start project. And you, our dear experts, choose the most successful project in your opinion.

Now the Wave cheerleading team is invited to the stage.

(cheerleader performance)


Today you got acquainted with many ideas for the development of spheres of life in our city. And you probably felt that choosing a profession is very important and valuable for every person.


And what a blessing it is to choose the profession you like for the rest of your life. To work with pleasure for the good of our Motherland.


And now, as a congratulation, please accept a song as a gift.

(Song is being selected)



While the jury is summing up the results, you and I will check how well we understand terms related to business. Now I will tell you the beginning of the phrase, and you must finish it.


In tough competition, the strongest always wins. Let's ask our jury who won the competition for prizes today.



To announce the results of the project competition “Our New Business Idea” we inviteHead of the Education Department Irina Vladimirovna Kasatkina and Chairman of the Public Council for Small Business under the Administration of the Kolpinsky District of St. Petersburg- Zhanna Gennadievna Morozova.

Guys, please don’t disagree, for general photo as a keepsake.

Awarding and presentation of gifts (to winners and project participants)

(group photo and everyone goes down to the hall)


Well done boys! Your projects today were wonderful and very relevant for modern society. You will be able to further implement your projects in business and make a living from it!


Business is not only money, it is also actions that sometimes say much more about a person than status and financial position, because “Helping others gives success its true meaning.” And I really want to believe that these are the people who have gathered here today.


The Wave cheerleading team is invited to the stage



Our meeting has come to an end. We thank everyone who was with us today. We hope that the projects presented today will receive further support and development. The business of our entrepreneurs will be successful! And the city of Military Glory Kolpino will flourish. We wish you success. See you soon!!

(Instrumental music playing from the film OTSP)

Approximate event time 75 minutes

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