
How to open a fast food stall? Fast food trading: all the basics Street food business

During the period that establishments were represented in Russia fast food, they have not lost their relevance. On the contrary, cafes where you can grab a quick bite are becoming increasingly popular. This opens up great prospects for entrepreneurs in terms of making a profit. But organizing such a business will require significant capital investments, which not everyone can afford. But beginners have a great chance to master this niche - open a street fast food. Bureaucratic nuances that will be required in mandatory decide it will be significantly less.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 450,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Street fast food is a catering format that involves the quick preparation of “simple” food from semi-finished products. Activities are carried out either in stationary kiosks or through mobile carts. The main feature is that only one type of product is sold.
In Russia, street selling fast food is not as widespread as in America. Here it’s a whole “culture” - stalls sell a wide variety of food, which is very loved by Americans. But this does not mean that our “quick” menu will not be popular. The main thing is to find a passable place and offer customers delicious, high-quality dishes. If there are few competitors in this segment in your city, you have an excellent chance to organize highly profitable business. How to open street fast food in Russia?

Choosing a concept is the basis of the planned business

First of all, decide on the food you will sell. Street fast food as a business, depending on the menu, can be opened in several directions:

  • shawarma,
  • grilled chickens,
  • hot dogs,
  • spring rolls,
  • pizza,
  • sandwiches and hot sandwiches,
  • popcorn,
  • cotton candy,
  • pies.

The popularity of stalls with grilled chicken is not as high now as it was a couple of years ago - stalls are closing one after another. But shawarma, sandwiches and hot dogs are still loved by our compatriots - an excellent option for starting a business. Mobile popcorn carts or cotton candy- a summer business, completely unsuitable for year-round profit.

To decide which “fast” food will sell well, analyze the market, assessing the level of competition and the specific location where the stall will be installed.

Nuances of business registration

To open a fast food street stall, a businessman will need to register with as an individual entrepreneur, register with the tax office and register cash register equipment for settlements with customers.

Select the appropriate OKVED code. This one might be suitable - 52.62 " Retail in tents and markets."

To sell food on the street, you will need to obtain a lot of permits from regulatory authorities. And here a number of difficulties arise, since this issue is resolved quite poorly at the legislative level - there are a lot of contradictory issues. Fast food stall will be inspected sanitary services and local authorities of Rospotrebnadzor. All recipes according to which it is planned to prepare dishes must also be agreed upon and approved. If you are going to buy a van for mobile trading, the vehicle must be registered and registered.

The street fast food counter and kitchenette must be kept clean at all times. The fact that you will sell “fast” food does not relieve you of the responsibility of selling high-quality and fresh food. Every year in major cities Hundreds of stalls are closing due to non-compliance with sanitary standards - do not make the mistakes of careless entrepreneurs.

Choosing the “right” location for the point of sale

Profit from trade will largely depend on where exactly the fast food tent will be located. Give this issue maximum attention.

To conduct business you will not need large areas - 4-10 m2 will be enough. You can rent or purchase a tonar. In the second case, you will spend more at the start, but further variable costs will be significantly reduced.

The key to a quick payback for a street stall with “fast” food is a passable place. Good profitability indicators are observed at retail outlets located in the city center, near bus and railway stations, and large shopping centers. Surely in every major city there is an unoccupied place to organize a business.

How much do you have to invest in purchasing equipment?

You can buy equipment for street fast food without making a particularly large investment. Specific expenses will depend on the business concept chosen earlier. As a rule, to organize a small stall selling hot dishes (shawarma, hot dogs, pancakes, pies), entrepreneurs purchase the following commercial equipment:

  • ovens,
  • microwaves,
  • special pancake makers,
  • heated counters,
  • grill,
  • coffee makers and brewers,
  • refrigerators.

It will take no more than 400,000 rubles to purchase everything you need. You can meet a smaller amount if you purchase used equipment - up to 200,000 rubles. And buying special machines for popcorn and cotton candy will cost less than others. You will buy everything you need without spending even 60,000 rubles.

What is the profitability of the planned business?

As practice shows, equipment for fast food and street trading pays for itself very quickly - in less than a year. But this is only in case passable place And high demand for the food offered.

Starting a “street” business selling hot food (including equipment and business registration) will cost about 450,000-500,000 rubles. Specific profits will depend on the prices of the menu offered and customer demand. When calculating profitability, focus on the following indicators - the markup on dishes in this area is at least 100%. And these are excellent profitability indicators, allowing the entrepreneur to receive high incomes.

A city of any size must have at least one kiosk selling pies, pasties, shawarma or other fast food dishes. Indeed, fast food is considered primarily the food of city dwellers - even if it is relatively harmful, but nevertheless tasty and satisfying. In addition, various hamburgers and hot dogs are inexpensive and can be prepared in a matter of minutes, which is why customers willingly buy them at every opportunity.

Since the question of how to open fast food from scratch interests many novice entrepreneurs, in large populated areas The segment of cafes, stalls and even mobile eateries is rapidly developing. However, even in conditions of active competition, it is quite possible to create a successful business in this area - just find a concept that distinguishes the new establishment Catering from the rest: for example, a national cuisine menu, a special dish or an unusual service format.

Business Features

The main feature of fast food is that it is far from a full-fledged catering establishment, most often with the most simplified menu. Unlike cafes and restaurants, such eateries cannot offer visitors a wide range of different dishes. In other words, the main disadvantage of this direction is the inability to meet the needs of absolutely all categories of clients.

On the other hand, this same disadvantage in certain circumstances turns into an advantage: as a result of standardization production processes cooking is greatly simplified and accelerated, which fully meets both the interests of the business owner and the needs of customers. In addition, opening a small fast food is profitable for other reasons that attract people to it:

  • The dishes have a fairly pleasant taste;
  • Using the services of a snack bar, you can save time;
  • Snack prices are quite affordable for most customers;
  • Food with energy value allows you to quickly fill up.

However, fast food products cannot be called healthy due to the high concentration of fats, carbohydrates and spices in them. Therefore, some part of the audience, consisting mainly of supporters healthy image life, such a diet is categorically unacceptable.

In large cities, the majority of eatery customers are represented by office employees, students and working youth. Therefore, fast food establishments are located mainly in the center, close to shopping, entertainment and business centers. The outskirts and even densely populated residential areas are not suitable for these purposes, since the level of traffic here does not reach the required minimum.

However, to open a fast food restaurant in small town, you need to use a slightly different strategy. Here, the visitors to the diner are most often families with children, schoolchildren and young people, and therefore the entrepreneur should place the main emphasis on affordable prices and the design of the premises. In the process of decorating a trading floor, he will have to use all possible artistic techniques to attract the attention of children and teenagers, install slot machines in the establishment, provide free Internet access, invite animators or come up with a program of entertainment acts.

Trading format

What fast food should I open? The question of choosing the optimal format for an establishment is primarily of interest to entrepreneurs who want to get the maximum return on the capital invested in the business. By classifying the eateries according to the method of trade, the following list can be obtained:
  • Stationary cafe. Most often it is a catering establishment equipped with tables and a distribution counter with a menu located on it. To open a fast food cafe, you need to rent the appropriate premises, renovate it, and divide the space into a kitchen and a sales area. Visitors can be offered hamburgers, various chicken and potato dishes, salads, pancakes, desserts and drinks;
  • Cafe at the food court. Many Malls, shopping or entertainment centers large areas are allocated for organizing a catering area, tables are installed in the center of the hall, and the perimeter is divided into boxes and rented out to entrepreneurs who want to open a mini fast food. This format allows you to save on repairs and arrangement of the cafe, as well as get a guaranteed flow of customers;
  • Street kiosk. The lack of space usually does not allow placing a full set of specialized equipment here, so before opening a fast food stall, it is recommended to choose the main direction (for example, hamburgers, shawarma, pancakes, pizza, hot dogs) and focus on it. The main disadvantage of this option is the difficulty of registering land allotment and obtaining the necessary permitting documentation;
  • Trading from a trolley. This business format is most popular among novice entrepreneurs, since you can open a street fast food with a capital of 50–75 thousand rubles. The dimensions of the cart allow the installation of only one cooking apparatus, so the range of the outlet is limited to a single dish that does not require complex production - hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, cotton candy;
  • Mobile snack bar. To open a mobile fast food on wheels, you should purchase a van, minibus or special trailer, and then equip it necessary equipment: the available area of ​​6–10 m² allows you to place inside not only two or three types of units for preparing pizza, hamburgers, pancakes and even dumplings, but also refrigerators, production tables, cabinets and a sink. This business format, which is still unusual for domestic consumers, is of greatest interest among novice entrepreneurs.


Registration of a catering enterprise equipped with production is accompanied by registration huge amount references, certificates and certificates, so entrepreneurs considering fast food on wheels as a business need to prepare for the fact that this process will be long and resource-intensive.

First of all, you need to submit an application to the tax service to create a new individual entrepreneur, indicating in it the selected OKVED codes and the preferred form of taxation (UTII, simplified tax system or PSN). After receiving the registration certificate, you need to start preparing the remaining documents - an entrepreneur will be able to open a fast food restaurant only after obtaining permits and contracts according to the following list:

  1. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  2. Letter with OKVED codes from Roskomstat;
  3. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to conduct activities;
  4. Permission to place a non-stationary retail facility;
  5. Agreements with municipal water and electricity suppliers;
  6. Hygienic certificates for fast food equipment;
  7. Permission to conduct activities from the State Fire Inspectorate;
  8. Production control program;
  9. Agreements on carrying out work on disinfection and disinfestation of the facility;
  10. Agreement with public utilities on the disposal of solid waste and food waste;
  11. Agreement on regular washing of uniforms;
  12. Agreement on carrying out work on disinfection of ventilation systems;
  13. PTS (required when registering a fast food van on wheels);
  14. Sanitary passport of the vehicle;
  15. Sellers' health records;
  16. Quality certificates for raw materials and semi-finished products.

Legislation classifies fast food on wheels as temporary catering establishments. The basic requirements for their arrangement, which are contained in the corresponding section of SanPiN, assume that:

  • In the absence of a connection to centralized or stationary water supply and sewerage systems, the operation of a retail outlet requires an uninterrupted supply of clean water;
  • The mobile facility should be equipped with refrigerators that provide the storage conditions required for perishable products;
  • Selling food is permitted only using disposable tableware;
  • Fast food dishes and hot drinks (coffee, tea, chocolate) can be prepared using drinking water, factory-packaged in bottles;
  • It is necessary to install garbage containers inside and next to the retail outlet, as well as ensure timely disposal of such waste;
  • The mobile facility is subject to regular sanitization;
  • During work, personnel must observe basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • The toilet must be located within 100 m of the retail outlet.

Selecting a location

Buying a car for fast food on wheels is only half the battle: without a favorable location this business unlikely to be profitable. However, in the process of searching for suitable points, the entrepreneur will inevitably face the main problem mobile commerce: You can’t just stop near the nearest popular shopping center and start selling people hamburgers.

Land plots in cities are divided into private and municipal according to their form of ownership. In the first case, you need to contact the land owner and conclude a lease agreement with him. In the second, study the legislation regulating the placement of non-stationary objects: according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, this issue is dealt with by the local administration, identifying locations for the possible installation of mobile fast food establishments and issuing the appropriate permits.

Thus, an entrepreneur who is going to open a fast food business should create a small list of five or six possible options location of the retail outlet. Preference should be given to the following sites:

  • On the territory of markets or close to them, on the way to stops;
  • Shopping centers and hypermarkets that do not have their own culinary department;
  • Near business and office centers;
  • At intersections of traffic flows, at train stations and near metro stations;
  • Near large educational institutions- institutes or universities;
  • In places of public celebrations and recreation of citizens;
  • On busy streets with heavy traffic.

You can also buy a fast food van on wheels and start servicing various mass events: Organizers of concerts, festivals and city celebrations often offer food truck owners space and access to huge audiences potential clients, charging rent for this in the range of 3–20 thousand rubles per day. Such expenses pay off in full: sometimes the retail outlets located here fulfill the monthly sales plan in two days.


The menu of a fast food point is directly related to its location, therefore, before opening a fast food on wheels, it is necessary to develop an assortment in accordance with possible locations for business. trading activities. For example, in residential areas, dishes that can complement a full dinner are in demand - grilled chicken, sausages, pizza, baked potatoes, sushi. In places with high traffic, where people are in a hurry to run errands, various pies, pasties, hot dogs and hamburgers are in greater demand, with which you can satisfy your hunger literally on the go.

It is impossible to buy all possible equipment for fast food, therefore, to create the menu of a mobile snack bar, they use specialization on any one product and its derivatives (pancakes, potatoes), or include in the assortment exclusively dishes of national cuisine (Chinese, Caucasian, Mexican, Italian). What you can find in fast food establishments:

  • Grilled dishes - sausages, frankfurters, chicken carcasses;
  • Chicken dishes - wings, legs, nuggets;
  • Shawarma from lamb, chicken, pork;
  • Hot dogs, corn dogs, sausage rolls;
  • Chebureks with various fillings;
  • Potatoes baked in foil with seasonings and cheese;
  • Country style potatoes;
  • French fries;
  • Sushi and rolls with fish and seafood;
  • Salads from vegetables, meat, fish;
  • Pancakes with various fillings;
  • Pies with potatoes, meat, rice, eggs, jam;
  • Donuts with glaze;
  • Classic pizza, cone and mini pizza;
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fishburgers;
  • Sandwiches or hot sandwiches;
  • Popcorn with salt or sweet additives;
  • Cotton candy.

The assortment must be supplemented with both hot (coffee, tea, chocolate) and soft drinks (juices, mineral water, kvass, lemonade). In addition, the presence of some original item on the menu will help attract and interest customers - for example, fish chippies (fillets in batter), Mexican tacos and burritos, Greek souvlaki (small kebabs on skewers).

The process of preparing each dish must be standardized so that employees have no doubts about the recipe or the oven aging period of a particular snack. Therefore, at the stage of assortment development, the entrepreneur must contact a specialist who can draw up technological maps - detailed instructions for cooks, containing information about the correct dosage of ingredients, temperature conditions and duration of heat treatment.


When figuring out how to open a fast food restaurant, an entrepreneur must study the characteristics of various types of production equipment and draw up a complete specification, including everything necessary to conduct business in the chosen direction. Of course, you shouldn’t buy a full set of units right away: it’s better to start with one or two basic units, and then, in accordance with consumer demand, gradually expand the range, including new dishes.

In addition to equipment for fast food on wheels, the shopping list will have to include various equipment (spatulas, knives, cutting boards), gastronomic containers for ingredients, water tanks and trash cans, and employee uniforms.

The basis for a mobile snack bar can be a full-size minibus, freight car or a trailer equipped in accordance with the requirements for non-stationary fast food points: today suppliers offer entrepreneurs to buy fast food on wheels both in a basic version and fully equipped with a variety of equipment. All units should be securely secured to the floor to prevent them from moving or being damaged during transport.

Below is sample list equipment intended for the production and sale of pizza, hamburgers, sandwiches, French fries and other deep-fried dishes, as well as hot drinks, juices and mineral water:

Fast food equipment

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Two-axle trailer MZSA 815001 243000 1 243000
Production equipment
Chest freezer 24900 1 24900
Cooled table 39800 1 39800
Pizza oven 36600 1 36600
Frying surface 22600 1 22600
deep fryer 8900 1 8900
Packing station 136200 1 136200
Slicer 17400 1 17400
electronic scales 10500 1 10500
Wall shelf 2300 2 4600
Production table 4200 3 12600
Exhaust umbrella 16300 1 16300
Multi-tiered rack 8100 1 8100
Shelf-cabinet 11300 1 11300
Coffee machine 36000 1 36000
Small refrigerator cabinet 28800 1 28800
Small proofing cabinet 19800 1 19800
Other equipment
Boiler for heating water 8900 1 8900
Sink with mixer 3500 1 3500
Clean water tank 1500 1 1500
Dirty water tank 1500 1 1500
Garbage bin 1000 1 1000
Pipes and electrical wires 5000
Small gastronomic container 660 12 7920
Large gastronomic container 820 10 8200
Container with lid 700 4 2800
Pizza knife 680 1 680
Knife set 2500 1 2500
Culinary spatula 430 1 430
Oven brush 1300 1 1300
Cutting board 630 1 630
Pizza board 540 1 540
Pizza grid 420 6 2520
Garnish spoon 260 1 260
Juice container 180 6 720
Pepper mill 1600 1 1600
French fries net 300 1 300
A uniform 1250 2 2500
Total: 731700


One of the basic principles of the fast food industry is minimizing the time spent on preparing dishes. Therefore, people working here must be able to quickly and accurately carry out the entire technological sequence of operations, starting from defrosting raw materials and ending with packaging the finished product. Also, tact, patience and goodwill are encouraged when communicating with customers.

To ensure the smooth functioning of the mobile snack bar, two employees are needed, alternately replacing each other every two days. In order to increase motivation, it is better for them to pay their salaries on the basis of “rate + percentage of revenue”, but not less than a certain fixed amount.

It is recommended to hire women between 30 and 55 years of age who have some experience in the field of trade or catering. Finding such people is quite difficult, since all experienced specialists are usually employed, but the owner of the diner should try - the success of the enterprise directly depends on the qualifications of the workers. In general, requirements for applicants include:

  • Availability of relevant professional knowledge;
  • Experience in catering - at least two to three years;
  • Ability to communicate with customers;
  • Responsibility, integrity, hard work;
  • Ability to operate fast food equipment.

Entrepreneurs also pay attention to the distance between the candidate’s area of ​​residence and the place of work: for those who use two or three modes of transport, it is much more difficult to be on time due to traffic jams and other unforeseen circumstances.


For building successful business know little about how to open a fast food outlet: without actively attracting customers of any kind commercial activities doomed to fail. Visitors to fast food establishments usually prefer familiar trade marks Therefore, the main efforts of an entrepreneur should be aimed at promoting the brand and increasing awareness of it among potential customers.

Implementation marketing strategy primarily includes correct design point of sale. The appearance of the eatery should attract the attention of passers-by, be different from competitors, be clearly associated with food and inform customers about the range of dishes offered. For these purposes, branding is used - a set of activities that includes:

  • Development of your own corporate style - logo, color range, fonts;
  • Production and installation of signs, banners, pillars;
  • Covering the car with decorative film, applying inscriptions and slogans.

Recognizable form style is mandatory for successful promotion of mobile fast food. It is advisable to print a logo and slogan on packaging, napkins and dishes: of course, little things of this kind are difficult to foresee at the start, but in the future such an advertising move will have a significant impact on the profit margin. You can also attract additional visitors using some competitive advantages:

  • Adequate pricing policy;
  • Increased portion sizes;
  • High speed of service;
  • The presence of an exclusive dish on the menu.


To determine how much it costs to open a fast food restaurant, an entrepreneur needs to do some economic calculations independently, since the costs of creating a business in each specific case depend on the specialization of the outlet and the price category production equipment. For example, for the pizza and hamburger food truck mentioned above, the initial investment list would look like this:


So, the first thing you need to open a fast food on wheels is a capital of 900 thousand rubles. At the next stage of drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate the cost of maintaining and ensuring the functioning of the enterprise, taking into account all possible overhead and non-production costs - from renting a plot of land to paying for car parking:

Monthly expenses

Article Amount, rub.
Rent of land 15000
Electricity 8640
Water 1000
Salary 40000
Salary tax 12000
Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs 2300
Raw materials 330000
Disposable tableware 12000
Marketing expenses 10000
Administrative expenses 5000
Payment for trailer parking 2500
Total: 438440

Video on the topic

Revenues and profitability

According to statistics, the average bill for mobile eateries is 180–250 rubles. To determine the possible number of visitors, it is necessary to count the traffic in the selected locations of the eatery three times a day. In this case, only representatives of the target audience should be taken into account - people under the age of 40 with an average level of income.

For example, an entrepreneur determined that 80–85 people passed by the point within an hour. You can expect that 10% of them will make purchases: accordingly, during the day the enterprise will serve about a hundred people. It should be noted that the minimum acceptable level of attendance is 35–40 customers per day - otherwise the diner begins to operate at a loss. However, to solve this problem, it is advisable to take advantage of the main advantage of mobile fast food - the opportunity to move to a new location.

Fast food profit


An aspiring entrepreneur planning to open a fast food restaurant must take into account the presence of some seasonality factor in this business: indeed, in the cold season, eating food outdoors can hardly be called comfortable. To reduce the impact of negative circumstances on the level of sales, the assortment of the outlet must be constantly adjusted, adding more hot dishes in winter, as well as ice cream and soft drinks in summer.

As a source additional income You can offer a hot food delivery service to your home or office. Of course, for this it is necessary to additionally hire a courier with transport and develop an Internet application for accepting orders, but practice shows that such investments and efforts are fully justified: brand awareness increases, additional buyers appear, and the entrepreneur’s income grows.

fee 33%

Good afternoon!

If there is an LLC, then I personally don’t see the point of opening an individual entrepreneur, make changes to the OKVED charter, equip the place in accordance with the requirements of the law and work.

Services by
food provision other

grouping includes:

services for preparing food and serving appropriate drinks in bars
sales of soft drinks, stalls selling fried fish and
potatoes, fast food establishments without seating, food establishments
takeaway food sales, etc.;

provided by establishments such as ice cream parlors and confectionery shops;

to provide meals and snacks prepared on site and distributed through
vending machines;

providing food using means of transportation;

Preparation and serving of food and drinks for on-site consumption from machines or

services are provided without seating and waiter services

Services by
providing food without providing seating

Snack bars
no seating provided

buffets without seating

other fast food establishments without provision of seating

provided by establishments such as ice cream parlors and confectionery shops

Services by
provision of meals and snacks prepared on site and distributed through
vending machines

Services by
provision of food using means of transportation, preparation and
serving food and drinks for on-site consumption from machines or carts

“OK 034-2014 (CPE 2008). All-Russian classifier products by type
economic activity" (approved by Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N
14-st) (ConsultantPlus)

3) SES requirements for fast food (we do not have a restaurant, but trade through a window, maximum, over the counter). If these requirements are violated, what are the penalties? Within what time frame am I required to correct violations?

Evgeniy Borisovich

They won’t close it right away, they will issue an order to eliminate it.

When checking by Rospotrebnadzor, the following must be considered first:

  • a sign designed in accordance with all requirements;
  • decorated consumer (or patient) corner;
  • price tags on all products (correctly filled out);
  • information about
    manufacturer and supplier of the goods (or with the opportunity to present
    such information upon request);
  • price list (and, if necessary, price list for services) signed by the manager;

verification of documents by Rospotrebnadzor

The following documents are also required for Rospotrebnadzor inspection:

  • a lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises in which the enterprise serves the population;
  • medical records with notes on the completion of a medical examination of all employees;
  • agreements with organizations performing disinfection, disinfestation, deratization of premises, as well as waste removal;
  • sanitary-epidemiological and expert opinions;
  • business license;
  • sanitary inspection log;
  • a production control program approved by the head of the enterprise;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN and Charter of the organization (if necessary);
  • an agreement with an organization that washes workwear (in medical institutions and in production).

7) How often does the SES have the right to come with inspections?

Evgeniy Borisovich

In accordance with Art. 9 Federal Law can be carried out no more often
than once every 3 years according to a plan previously agreed upon with the prosecutor’s office.
Information about the objects of inspection must be brought to their attention
by posting on the official website of the regulatory authority, or
through the media.

The townspeople are always in a hurry and are not averse to grabbing a bite to eat on the run, however, with the demolition of the tents, there are fewer places where this can be done. With the arrival of warm weather, demand
the cost of such food will become even higher - it will especially escalate in city parks.
In fact, a new wave of Moscow street food began with them. More
with the permission of Sergei Kapkov, a French couple settled in the Hermitage garden
with pancakes, at the same time food festivals began to be held, the most successful participants of which began to trade on their own. One example is the “Pian-se” steam bun tents, which turned from a festival project into city ​​network. The Village learned from company co-founder Alexey Semyonushkin how to properly launch such a business.


A popular business that does not require large investments and numerous employees

Alexey Semyonushkin,

General Director of the Pyan-se project

The Primorskaya network came to Moscow two years ago. During this time, they managed to accustom Muscovites to Korean steamed buns and open several kiosks and cafes. Next month, Pyan-se plans to open in
food court "Mega" and sell the first franchise in Sochi and Voronezh.

How to open a kiosk
with street food

Step 1.

Company registration and registration of a patent for the name

Step 2.

Rent production workshop

Step 3.

Equipment purchase

Step 4.

Select suppliers

Step 5.

Find a place for a kiosk

Step 6.

Hire employees

Step 1. Company registration and registration of a patent for the name

The first thing you need to do to open a street food kiosk is to submit documents to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The only document you need is a passport; you also need to pay a state fee. An individual entrepreneur will cost 800 rubles, and an LLC is more expensive - 4 thousand rubles, and it requires more documents. It is also better to patent the brand name to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation with clone kiosks.

Alexey Semyonushkin: The Pyan-se brand has existed since 1994 in Vladivostok, and its name was patented only three years later. In general, pian-se -
This is a traditional Korean steamed bun with different fillings. If you ask people from Primorye what they associate
with Vladivostok, then among the above there will definitely be pyan-se. At first the company existed only in Vladivostok, then they opened a division in Khabarovsk, and in 2014 they came to Moscow. At first, customers had to tell a lot about the unusual product and explain what was what. “When will the bun be browned?” - most frequently asked question which we heard. Muscovites looked with disbelief. But thanks to the fact that we often participated in various city events (for example, “The Village cleanup event”, “Lambada Market”) we managed to make the product popular. Now we have not only kiosks at VDNKh and Sokolniki, but also a small cafe on Tverskaya Street,
as well as a delivery service.

Step 2. Renting a production workshop

Many prepare their food on site. But the larger the network, the more difficult it is to cope human factor: Everyone can cook differently, even if based on the same recipe. In addition, it is not always advisable to buy expensive equipment for each location. Moreover, the equipment may simply not fit into some kiosks. The owner of the Puff Point chain, Leila Kantorovich, tells The Village about this. By investing in a production facility, the company was able to significantly reduce its costs.

For a production workshop, it is important to take into account all safety rules and coordinate with the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) all the nuances - lighting, ventilation and location of exits.

Alexey Semyonushkin: We rent an area of ​​about 280 square meters in the Pechatniki area, which costs us, taking into account utility bills, 210 thousand rubles per month. In general, you can rent a decent workshop in Moscow for 150–300 thousand rubles. After the premises have been selected, you need to invite the SES to it so that the inspection can draw up a design for the workshop and divide it into different sections - cooking, packaging, storage, and so on. And only after this can you make repairs and arrange equipment. The workshop usually works at night to deliver by morning
fresh semi-finished products in kiosks and cafes.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

You should not save on equipment: in this case, you will have to spend money on repairing breakdowns every month. True, taking into account today’s exchange rate, looking at the prices of foreign producers has become at least twice as sad.

Alexey Semyonushkin: Those wooden steamers that we have at every point cannot be found in Moscow, so we ordered them from China. We have a French Robot-Coupe vegetable cutter in our workshop, and we bought a meat grinder, refrigerators and a blast freezer Russian production. All this took about
2 million rubles.

Equipment set:

counter, refrigerator, cash register and so on.

Step 4. Select suppliers

It is better to acquire reliable suppliers who can deliver the required quantity of good quality products on time. You will have to find them through trial and error.

Alexey Semyonushkin: There were no problems with meat; there are many producers. Now, however, we are going to change suppliers: farmers have come to us
from Voronezh, they offered meat of excellent quality and at a low price. We buy cabbage at the Moskvoretskaya vegetable base. But its quality depends
It fluctuates greatly depending on the season, and sometimes it is too hard and dry. Then we buy cabbage at the state farm on Dmitrovskoye Shosse. But we were never able to adapt to some products, among such products is yeast, we transport it from Vladivostok (we buy it in Korea). The dough is made using local yeast
not so airy, with dips. We also buy seasonings in China, because there are simply no Russian analogues.

Step 5. Find a location for the kiosk

If you have chosen a park as the location for the kiosk, then it makes sense to place it where the most people walk: at the entrance, near attractions or other points of attraction. In the case of opening a kiosk on the streets of the city, it is important to check the documents so as not to rent space in the premises for demolition.

Alexey Semyonushkin: There are three top parks in Moscow: Gorky Park, VDNKh and Sokolniki. Moreover, it seems to me that VDNH has already surpassed Sokolniki in terms of attendance and purchasing power. We are not in Gorky Park yet, and it is difficult to enter it because the sites are all occupied. But we have prepared a kiosk project, we hope that the park management will like it. In order to submit your project, you need to wait for the competition, which starts in this park on April 1. The cost for everyone is approximately the same - about 350 thousand rubles in the summer and 150 thousand rubles in the winter. Sokolniki, however, keeps the same price all year.

You can also consider small parks, such as the Bauman Garden or Krasnaya Presnya Park. If there is a separate park, then you need to calculate the logistics. Ideally, set up your kiosk at an event, which often happens in the summer. And based on the revenue, it will immediately become clear whether this place is worth taking
or not. This happened to us with Fili, which we decided to abandon.
During the day there are absolutely no people, but on weekends there is an influx like in Krasnaya Presnya during the day. Typically, in popular parks, daily summer revenue is 20–30 thousand rubles,
and in winter it is tens of times less - 3–5 thousand rubles.

If you are going to open a street cafe, then first of all you need to check all the documents so that it does not turn out that the building is being prepared for demolition.
We were demolished twice, one pavilion was on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, which was demolished a week after opening. You need to take the documents, scan or photograph them and take all this to the head of the trading department at the council.

Rent a place in the park:

350 thousand rubles in summer and 150 thousand rubles in winter

Step 5. Develop a menu

When creating a menu, it is important to understand how you will differ from competitors and what is popular now.

Alexey Semyonushkin: At first we had only one type of pian-se - the classic one. But we decided that we needed to take into account all tastes. Therefore, we added another bun with meat filling, but more spicy (with kimchi), fish
and vegetarian. Now we will also launch Korean dumplings with kimchi, we will serve them in boxes with chopsticks, like noodles. The point is quality control: if someone can make ten types of products well, then why
would it not?

Step 6. Hire employees

At first, the founders of the company themselves can deal with selling and preparing food, but over time they will have to worry about hiring sellers - it is important to make sure that everyone has medical books.

Alexey Semyonushkin: We brought the chief specialist - technologist
from Vladivostok. The rest were hired in Moscow: now seven people work in the workshop, three to four people per shift. Important point- medical books. We entered into an agreement with a medical company in which everything during the appointment
undergo a medical examination for work. The rate is 2,400 rubles, which is deducted
from the newbie's first salary. Firstly, it is inexpensive, and secondly,
so I, as an employer, can be sure that everyone is healthy
and the product is safe.

For those employees who stand behind the cash register, be sure to write instructions on how to work with it correctly and what their responsibilities are. Due to lack of composure, a newcomer may not be able to pass a check to someone, and the tax office is watching this very closely. The instructions will not save you from a fine, but if there is one, the fine will be levied on an individual (10–15 thousand rubles), and not on a legal entity (from 40 thousand rubles).


cooks, technologist, sellers

Photos: Yasya Vogelgardt

*Calculations use average data for Russia

There is probably not a person who has not heard about fast food. This word (fast food) translated from English means “fast food”. Thus, almost any dish that does not require long preparation, special serving or “thoughtful” absorption can be classified as fast food. These are dishes that are prepared in cafes or mobile kiosks instant cooking(french fries, potatoes with toppings, pizza, shawarma, hot dogs, burgers, etc.), foods that can be cooked simply by adding water (soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, instant noodles), and, finally, these are various small snacks that are sold in kiosks and grocery stores(crackers, nuts, chips, popcorn, etc.).

So, the concept of fast food is quite broad and includes almost everything that you can eat on the go without interrupting your work. Because of this specificity, fast food has a bad reputation. There is a widespread belief that dishes that are hastily prepared not in a stationary establishment, fried in low-quality oil and containing various dubious ingredients (mayonnaise, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, etc.) are very harmful. This opinion has certain grounds. Firstly, fast food dishes are indeed very high in calories, which is understandable. Buyers prefer a quick snack option when they need to satisfy their hunger, but there is no opportunity for a full, leisurely meal. In order to get a feeling of fullness with just one dish, it is necessary to use high-calorie foods with maximum energy value. In terms of calorie content, one hot dog can completely replace regular lunch. Secondly, in order for the customer to return for the next burger or hot dog, the taste of the fast food dish must be as memorable and attractive as possible. There are several ways to enhance the taste, but the simplest and cheapest is to add more fat and sugar to the dish. Thus, light dressings based on natural yogurt are replaced with much fattier and cheaper mayonnaise, and natural sweeteners and sweeteners are replaced with sugar and molasses. Excess calories, of course, does not improve our health, therefore, in the wake of promoting a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition Fast food has become a symbol of something to be avoided at all costs.

However, the market for fast food and fast food products also does not stand still: for any demand, there is always a supply. In our country this direction is relatively young. The first public catering establishments of this format appeared in Russia in the 90s. The "pioneer" was the McDonald's chain. Then the number of such establishments began to grow exponentially. New brands appeared and disappeared, the “snack” franchise business was actively promoted, the format and price category changed. It seemed that it was already difficult to invent something new in this direction.

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However, literally 1-2 years ago, street fast food establishments of a fundamentally new format began to appear in the largest Russian cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. They are not opened by random entrepreneurs who hire workers, but themselves perform exclusively administrative functions, far from the very essence of the business. New generation fast food outlets are owned by famous chefs, participants in various culinary competitions, successful people who for some reason decided to leave restaurant business into the street fast food industry and open your own business. True, they themselves are categorically against mixing the concepts of street food and fast food. In their opinion, street food can and should not be inferior in taste and other qualities to restaurant dishes. However, unlike the latter, its use does not require any “rituals,” including table setting and the use of cutlery. They equate fast food with “vulgar” hot dogs, shawarma and hamburgers, the purpose of which is to drown out the immediate feeling of hunger to the detriment of their health.

However, one can argue for a long time about terminology and views, but there is still a generally accepted definition of street fast food, which refers to a special format of public catering establishments that are designed for the prompt preparation of dishes from semi-finished products and their sale in street kiosks, pavilions, vans, mobile counters, carts, etc. This definition does not we're talking about about the composition of the dishes, but it is assumed that the assortment of such outlets includes multi-component fast food dishes. In addition to the main assortment, you can also purchase related products here - snacks, chewing gum, chocolates, juices, water, etc. (but any alcohol is prohibited). The share of related products usually does not exceed 25-30%. Thus, street food outlets (that’s what the owners themselves call them) of the new generation can safely be classified as fast food, with the only difference being that special attention is paid to the quality and composition of their dishes.

Can such a business be called promising? On the one hand, the main advantage of traditional fast food is its low price. When using additional ingredients and increasing the stages of preparation of a dish, the cost of production invariably increases, and accordingly, the retail price of the finished product also increases. However, as the experience of pioneers in this business in the capital of our city shows, consumers are willing to overpay up to 50% for high-quality and, most importantly, healthy food. The demand for such products is quite high, but the business itself has certain specifics. If you are planning to open such a point in your city, analyze the pros and cons in advance, think about the format and carefully choose the location for its location.

Legal aspects of opening a catering outlet

In order to open a hot food point, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and after that begin to prepare documents for opening your own street food establishment. You can do the registration yourself or turn to intermediary companies for help. In the latter case, the specialist himself will collect and prepare all the necessary documents for you and advise you on all work issues. However, this comes with additional costs. In general, registering an LLC and, especially, an individual entrepreneur is not difficult, even if you are not a professional lawyer. But the services of intermediaries will help save time and nerves.

Regardless of the concept of your culinary project, after registering the company you will have to deal with the registration of all necessary documents to organize a fast food outlet. First of all, you will need to obtain permission to occupy entrepreneurial activity and certificate tax office on registration of the taxpayer. The procedure for obtaining these documents is determined by Federal Law No. 129 “On state registration legal entities And individual entrepreneurs", the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and various regional regulations. It regularly undergoes some changes, including within one region, so it is recommended to clarify the list of required documents and the deadlines for their submission to sales department your city or region.

Ready ideas for your business

Although street cafes are autonomous and mobile, they can change their location quite easily, but even a mobile point still requires a certain location in a specially designated area. retail space. There may be many options for places to place it, but we will consider renting space on the territory shopping center. We will look at the pros and cons of this option below. To operate such an outlet, you must enter into a lease agreement with the owner of the shopping center (and its territory, since your outlet will be located on the street). The contract must stipulate in advance the size of the rented area, the cost of rent, the terms of the lease and the terms of its payment.

Since your activity involves the appearance of waste and garbage on the territory of your catering establishment, you need to decide how you will remove it. You can do this yourself by concluding an agreement with a certain organization, or you can use trash containers at a shopping center (most likely for a fee or in limited quantities).

The street food format assumes that food will need to be heated before serving (in our case, selling). Accordingly, stipulate all conditions for connection and use electrical energy. In this case, you can also either install a separate energy meter by concluding an agreement with the Distribution Zone, or use a shopping center meter, having agreed in advance on the volume of energy consumption (the number of devices and their power).

Ready ideas for your business

Regardless of the size and format of work, any public catering establishment is controlled by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station service, in accordance with Federal Law No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”. To open your own point, you will need to obtain the appropriate permits and certificates to provide such services. Otherwise, you will be fined, and your establishment will quickly be closed. Please note that you will also need to conduct a sanitary examination of the water used (of course, also at your expense).

All catering workers (including hired ones) must obtain medical certificates. This requirement is specified in Labor Code(Article 213), in a number of federal laws and local legislative acts. Design medical record not difficult, but it will also take time, which must be taken into account when planning the work.

Fire hazardous equipment is used to prepare and heat food, so you will need to sign a contract for fire safety and undergo training.

If you plan to use a cash register in your work, you will need to register it.

The room where food is prepared (heated) must be well ventilated. In addition, you will have to regularly disinfect the premises. Rospotrebnadzor monitors compliance with these requirements.

Finally, the list of required documents includes quality certificates for all products that you use to prepare your dishes. These can be obtained from your food suppliers.

The equipment and basic requirements for enterprises related to public catering establishments are regulated by the construction standards “Design of public catering establishments” (SNiP 2.08.02-89).

Rospotrebnadzor is responsible for state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, issuing relevant certificates, passports, examination results and conclusions. Its employees carry out their activities on the basis of the standards of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, and are also guided by sanitary and epidemiological rules (including SanPiN According to the “Requirements for temporary fast-food catering establishments”, in the absence of centralized sewerage and water supply, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted delivery of water that matches the quality of centralized water supply water; your trade pavilion must be equipped refrigeration equipment for perishable food products, ice cream, drinks; It is allowed to use only disposable cutlery and utensils; Dishes and hot drinks may be prepared using bottled drinking water; it is necessary to provide for the availability of containers for collecting waste and its timely removal; It is mandatory to carry out sanitary treatment and ensure that staff observe the necessary rules of personal hygiene; It is necessary to have a toilet for staff within a radius of 100 m from the place of sale.

Opening a street food point: work plan

Organizing and running a business in the catering industry is a rather long process. It can be divided into two main stages. The first, rather large-scale stage involves resolving all organizational issues. This includes choosing the location of your point, taking into account the proximity of the location to the main categories of consumers, purchasing appropriate equipment, developing recipes and technologies, organizing the dynamic operation of a public catering outlet (organizing the production of semi-finished products, food products, searching for reliable suppliers, debugging the sales process), business development . The second stage is related to debugging your work after it has begun. It includes actions to improve product quality, expand the range, train staff, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

At the first stage, you decide on the concept of your work. Your enterprise can be based on a permanent establishment or a production workshop. In the first case, food preparation is not carried out at the point of sale. They are simply heated up, modified if necessary (sauce, spices, fresh vegetables, herbs, etc. are added) and served to customers. In the second case, the food is prepared immediately in the shopping pavilion. Each option has its pros and cons. In the first case, you don’t have to spend money on optional equipment, you save time on preparing the dish and money on the wages of your hired workers, because in order to heat and “serve” you already ready-made food, you do not need any special qualifications or extensive experience. However, the costs of delivering food increase (you will need special refrigerated containers, etc.), supply interruptions are possible (for example, if any emergency situations arise, including traffic jams) or, on the contrary, surplus products may arise (especially in the at the beginning of work, when it is still difficult to accurately predict sales volumes). In addition, the taste of reheated food (and even in microwave oven) is unlikely to satisfy gourmets.

The second option has the biggest drawback: preparing the dish directly at the point of sale takes quite a lot of time. Your customers will have to wait several minutes (5 to 15) until their order is completed. Even if they are not in a hurry, in winter this wait will not be very comfortable. There is a third option: if you do not have a base enterprise and your own production workshop, products can be purchased from wholesale suppliers. However, in this case, of course, we are not talking about any high quality of dishes, so this option does not fit the new concept of street food.

We calculate the income and expenses of a street food point

Street catering has the most affordable prices and does not require large expenses to open an outlet. The latter are estimated at 450 thousand rubles. At the same time, such modest investments do not limit the possibilities for further business expansion. With proper business management, they pay for themselves quickly - within the first 6-9 months of operation, depending on the format, location, assortment, pricing policy and other factors. The profitability of a mobile fast food outlet is ten times higher than that of a stationary enterprise.

Unlike a stationary cafe, in the case of street food, rent does not seem to be the largest expense item. Rental cost 1 sq. meter in a place with high traffic on the territory of a shopping center is about 3-5 thousand rubles. But please note that before opening, in addition to starting capital for all expenses, it is necessary to have a “safety reserve” to pay rent for at least six months and the same reserve for wages employees if any.

You will also have to spend money on equipment, including its delivery and installation, but these expenses will be one-time. The exact list of equipment required for a mobile fast food outlet depends on the format of your work. In any case, you don’t need expensive furniture or complicated technological equipment. All costs will range from 100 thousand rubles (in the first option - without your own production workshop) and from 300 thousand rubles (in the case of the second option - with the organization of a workshop right at the point of sale). However, in addition to the production equipment, you need the fast food kiosk itself. A used commercial trailer of the Kupava or Tonar type will cost from 140 thousand rubles and more, depending on the size.

Don’t forget about the costs of obtaining permits from firefighters, sanitary and epidemiological stations, etc. Based on the experience of other entrepreneurs, it will take about 30-50 thousand rubles to complete all the necessary papers.

To work at the point you will need employees. Even if you plan to work independently at first, you still cannot do without shift staff. The salary of such an employee is 10-15 thousand rubles per month (plus various charges that you as an employer will pay). The work schedule is usually irregular and in shifts. If you work independently or with only one assistant, you cannot do without a day off, but it is best to do it during the week (for example, on Tuesday), since on Saturdays and Sundays the revenue will be significantly higher. To service one point, which operates seven days a week from 8-9 am to 19-20 pm, an average of four people will be required. The best candidates for this type of work are students who can work almost any time for a relatively low salary. However, be prepared for high turnover. Even if your cooking technology does not require special training, frequent changes of personnel are fraught with material losses, since it will be difficult to control workers on site. To prevent theft and money passing by the cash register, it is worth installing video surveillance at your stationary point.

The issue of advertising and promotion of your services deserves special attention. The best way advertising for any business is word of mouth. But it is especially relevant in this case: special offer(high-quality and varied fast food) and the lack of other advertising opportunities except outdoor advertising at the location (billboard, pillar) and branding of your sales kiosk. While no one knows about you, you can launch viral advertising on the Internet. A review on a local forum about "super tasty burgers" will help you significantly increase awareness potential buyers about your offer. With a competent approach, advertising costs will not exceed 10 thousand rubles per month. Some entrepreneurs successfully manage without investing in promotion at all.

To the main production costs include the costs of purchasing semi-finished products and/or products. They range from 100 thousand rubles. At the same time, the standard markup in the catering industry is at least 100-150%.

Monthly expenses for various needs not listed above (for example, buying napkins, packaging bags etc.), amount to about 10 thousand rubles.

Everything is clear with expenses, but what about income? In general, this business is considered a quick payback and highly profitable. The minimum income of one street food outlet with a standard assortment is about 100 thousand rubles per month. The owners of “conceptual” outlets do not disclose information about their profits, but according to experts, they are 1.5 times higher than the profits of a regular fast food outlet. However, you need to take into account the seasonality factor that is inherent in this business. It is best to open in spring or autumn. But in the coldest winter months - January and February - sales decrease significantly. It would seem that hot, filling snacks are more relevant in cold weather, but people are not ready to wait in the cold for their order to be ready.

Experienced entrepreneurs name several basic conditions successful development business. These include competent organization of the point’s work, a high level of service, rational distribution of labor, which avoids the formation of queues, impeccable product quality and (which is also important) a periodically changing assortment. If all these requirements are met, your casual customers will quickly turn into regular ones, but even delicious food gets boring over time. Therefore, do not forget to remove items from your offer that are not in use once every three months. in great demand, and add new dishes.

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