
What is in great demand now. What is profitable to sell now? In a small town

Today, aspiring businessmen are faced with difficult questions: “What is interesting to the consumer? In what direction to start acting? " Indeed, the modern market is ready to offer "everything and a little more." To entrepreneurial activity brought not only pleasure, but also profit, you need to know what people will always need, regardless of the financial situation. Products in demand in Russia in 2017 is the topic of our article, because they are the ones that affect economic structure country.

What is it - the most demanded product in Russia

To begin with, you should pay attention to food - here is the product that will always be bought:

    meat, fish, sausage;

    milk and products from it;

  • "Macaroni";

    vegetables and fruits.

In addition, products in demand in Russia are personal hygiene items and household chemicals. They are needed in any case, regardless of the current economic situation in the country. Whatever income buyers have, they will always allocate funds to purchase:

    toothpaste, shampoo and soap;

    washing powder, detergents and cleaning agents;

    creams and cosmetics.

Products, chemicals and hygiene products are always included in the consumer basket, therefore, experts recommend that novice entrepreneurs start with them, paying special attention to the product range.

Thinking about what products are in demand in Russia, you should not discount alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Considerable profit can be obtained from the manufacture or sale of seasonal goods: clothes and shoes, ice cream, etc.

When working on your business model, do not forget about the so-called impulse products: candy, gum and chocolates. Quite often, buyers do not perceive such a trifle as a significant acquisition - this large enough advantage can turn into a good profit.

Analyzing the last year, which, by the way, was quite difficult economically, we can determine the most demanded goods in Russia in 2016, and this list will not be limited to one or two items. So, there was a good demand for the following products:

    Appliances and electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital video cameras took the leading place in Internet sales in the crisis year of 2016. Of course, working with such a product will require certain financial resources and knowledge.

    Products... Opening a grocery store in a prime location can generate a decent, regular income for its owner.

    Clothes and footwear... Pay attention to the combination of price and quality. Buy good low-cost products in bulk and retail at affordable prices.

    Stationery. At the beginning of the school year, this is the most popular product.

    Products for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today we can safely say that these are products in demand in Russia, since now more and more people are inclined towards a healthy lifestyle and purchase exercise equipment, Sports Equipment and clothes.

    Fabrics... During the crisis, many people began to replenish their wardrobe with things that they sewed on their own. Naturally, the demand for quality fabrics has increased.

    Flowers. No crisis can cancel the celebration of weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations, which, according to the established tradition, are accompanied by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. Quite often, the price of a bouquet is much higher than the cost of its constituent components (flowers and decor items), so this business is able to provide a comfortable existence for its owner.

    Products for children... As a rule, parents want to give their children everything they need, try to satisfy their desires. Therefore, diapers, toys, strollers, cribs and other goods for children bring a stable and fairly decent income.

In order to understand which product is most in demand in Russia, you need to carry out some analytical work, paying attention to several critical factors,able to influence the demand for the product:

    Price... Agree, this is usually the first thing the buyer is interested in. In case of coincidence of quality and price indicators, the purchase is carried out. To form the "correct" price, the following must be taken into account: cost and purchase price of goods, pricing strategy and margin percentage. In order to draw attention to the uniqueness of the products offered, you can start selling at the highest possible cost and get a solid profit, but after that you will need to set a price corresponding to the market price. This step is applicable only if you are completely sure that this product is in demand. In addition, the price can be kept as low as possible. But it should be done carefully enough. Such a move requires explanations, for example: "I sell cheap in order to attract a buyer and give an opportunity to be convinced of the high quality of the goods."

    Competitor prices... One of the key factors affecting demand. Customers do not trust “price extremes”. And it doesn't matter: it's too expensive or too cheap - both are suspicious. Therefore, it is imperative to determine the middle ground, which will require knowledge of the market, familiarity with the experience and pricing strategy of competitors.

    Preferences potential clients ... To begin with, it is important to find out the goods in demand in Russia during the period of economic stability, to understand which products are "popular" directly on the territory of your region (if they prefer and buy beef well, then there is no point in offering pork or mutton). Only then can customer demand be formed correctly.

So what is the most popular product in Russia?

The leading place in the Russian commodity market is taken by Chinese-made products imitating clothing and footwear from popular world manufacturers.

The target audience is young people who follow fashion trends and want to look in line with her trends. Quite often, guys and girls are simply not able to shell out a significant amount for an original item, so Chinese counterparts are the most popular goods in Russia. Moreover, the range of products is so wide that everyone will be able to find what he likes and can afford.

Market analysis showed that Nike Air Max sneakers made in Chinese workshops are especially popular in Russia. In addition, the following goods from the "Celestial Empire" have become in demand:

  • Louboutin - women's shoes with red sole with high stiletto heels.
  • Converse are very popular sneakers, both for men and women. This product has been included in the TOP-10 for more than one season.
  • Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors - handbags for women (of course, "almost" of the original production).
  • T-shirts with Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste logos (mostly for men).
  • Christian Dior sneakers are very comfortable women's shoes that quickly found their customers in Russia. The originality, convenience and beauty of the model allowed her to become one of the most popular in the 2015–2016 season.

Please note that there is strife between China and China. Many branded imitations can be of quite decent quality. It all depends on the material and accessories used by the manufacturers of the "brand".

An accurately simulated product made from quality material will have a higher purchase value.

Low-quality copies will not only cost less, but will also be very different from their original (appearance, lettering, etc.).

No less popular on domestic market are products for children. And this applies not only to clothing and shoes. Products in demand in Russia are children's hygiene products, strollers, tables, and much more.

The third place is rightfully assigned to small household appliances: electric kettles, vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and irons, along with curling irons and hair-straightening combs, have firmly settled on Russian market... Usually, these devices have a price that is quite acceptable for an ordinary consumer, so their target audience is quite extensive, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract a fairly large number of buyers.

Below we will tell you in more detail about the products in demand on the Russian market in 2017. Working with them, it is quite possible to successfully organize and successfully develop your business.

The most popular Chinese goods in Russia

High-margin products are products that are purchased cheap and sold dear. It is no secret that this is the approach that underlies trading profits. Chinese products are the most striking example of this.

We would like to present you the TOP of popular goods in Russia, imported with the aim of obtaining the highest profit or not losing their popularity among consumers.

    Disposable items - the most demanded goods in Russia in 2017. We put this type of product in the first place, because if you take a closer look at the market of Chinese retail trifles: disposable tableware, hygiene products, kitchen utensils, stationery and much more, you will see that their you can buy in bulk at 10 or even 1000 times cheaper. The wholesale price of the product is just "penny", and there will certainly be income from it.

    Food. A product that is always relevant. Loose products, which are packed in small bags, are quite in demand in Russia. These include dried squid and other seafood, nuts, dried fruits and other snacks that the Chinese sell in containers at very competitive prices for wholesalers. After packaging, the cost of products increases significantly, so that profit is guaranteed.

    Car accessories. Electronics for cars, auto and motorcycle parts, tuning elements have become quite popular among Russians. The demand for this market segment is increasing with enviable constancy. Video recorders and rear-view cameras, radio tape recorders, lighting - this is not a complete list of products that the domestic manufacturer cannot yet compete with (if we exclude Chinese products manufactured under a Russian brand). If you continue the list, supplementing it with various little things that can personalize the car (stickers, chrome, etc.), then you will understand why auto accessories occupy such a high place in our TOP.

    Electronics... This does not mean a cheap Chinese counterfeit, but electronics that have occupied a worthy niche of Hi-Fi and Hi-End, as a rule, this refers to analogs of products from leading world manufacturers. Photo and video accessories, plasma screens, projectors, mobile communications, printers and much, much more - this is not a complete list of this market segment. It can be continued with goods that are accessories to the products of well-known brands (headphones, protective glasses and films, etc.). In China, they are 3–40 times cheaper than in Russia. Agree, a fairly wide field of activity.

    Fur - popular goods in Russia, especially since there are many popular trade marks moved their factories to China. High quality clothing is not cheap, but it can be sold at a fraction of the price.

    Furniture. For China, furniture is a weighty commodity. Especially if the local solid wood is used in the production (there is much less of it in Russia). Despite the rather high cost of furniture in the Chinese market, it is profitable to purchase it - it is still cheaper than furniture from a Russian manufacturer. Naturally, the "furniture" business is becoming more and more popular.

    Shoes and accessories... As well as the enterprises for the production of outerwear, workshops and factories for the production of footwear moved to China. Now Chinese footwear is not only distinguished by its affordable price, but also completely repeats all the features of the brand analogue. The same can be said about accessories (belts, bags, gloves), which are cheap but incredibly popular.

    Products for children - clothes and footwear, toys and hygiene products, slings and backpacks for carrying children and much more (there is where to "turn around").

    Household products - incredibly popular products in Russia. Moreover, the list is simply huge, from bedspreads and curtains to air conditioners and gas stoves. However, despite the vastness of the assortment, the demand for products is unstable.

    Machine tools and equipment Chinese-made, of course, cannot be compared with European, Japanese or American in quality, but their price is appropriate. And, as a result, enterprises that are just starting their activities or modernizing acquire analogs made in China. Of course, the service life of such equipment, as a rule, is limited to two or three years, but during this time it is quite possible to earn enough to afford to replace machines and equipment with high-quality units or, at least, to repair broken devices.

To identify the most in-demand products, an organization needs a lot of information about the market, which it often does not have. Therefore, it is worth contacting professionals. Our information and analytical company "VVS" is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal agencies. The company has 19 years of experience in providing product market statistics as information for strategic decisions, identifying market demand... Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants commodity markets and B2B services business.

    commercial vehicles and special equipment;

    glass industry;

    chemical and petrochemical industry;

    Construction Materials;

    medical equipment;

    food industry;

    production of animal feed;

    electrical engineering and others.

Quality in our business is, first of all, the accuracy and completeness of information. When you make a decision based on data that is wrong, to put it mildly, how much will your loss be worth? When making important strategic decisions, it is necessary to rely only on reliable statistical information. But how to be sure that this information is reliable? You can check it! And we will give you that opportunity.

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During a crisis, the purchasing power of a significant part of the population is significantly reduced. For this reason, many goods and services become unclaimed. What is profitable to sell in the 2020 crisis, we will try to figure it out in this article.


When a person lacks financial resources, he only buys what he cannot do without. First of all, it is food. Of course, in addition to food, people also need clothes and shoes. But during a crisis, you can walk around in old things, but you can't live without food. Therefore, if you are wondering what is profitable to sell in the 2020 crisis, try trading in products.

A person cannot live a single day without food, therefore food products are in great demand in any economic environment. Do not forget that expensive gourmet delicacies will not be very popular in times of crisis. Therefore, if you decide to trade in food, offer customers inexpensive cereals, social breads or vegetables. During the crisis, the demand for such products begins to grow, so you will receive a good profit.

Construction Materials

After a sharp rise in the dollar's price, sales of building materials in 2015 grew by 20-25%. According to experts, in 2020 the demand for them will gradually decrease, but despite this, such products will be very popular.

The real crisis in the construction industry will come at the end of 2020, when the construction of the started objects will be completed. Since the real estate market is in decline during the crisis, construction is temporarily suspended, so the demand for building materials at the end of 2020 will begin to decline significantly. Therefore, the owners of building materials stores will have to think about what they can sell in a crisis in order to survive hard times.

Chinese products

Many people know that consumer goods in China are much cheaper than in our country. This is due to the low production cost.

Chinese manufacturers offer any product at low prices:

  • Clothes and shoes;
  • Kids toys;
  • Electronics;
  • Manufacturing equipment and more.

Now let's figure out how to sell goods from China during the crisis. The easiest and most affordable option is dropshipping. To do such a business, you need to open your own online store and resell products from Chinese suppliers through it.


Medicines are a commodity for which people pay their last money. Not sure what to sell in the 2020 crisis? Open your own pharmacy. Modern people try not to save on their health, therefore, sales of drugs in difficult economic conditions do not decrease, and in some cases even begin to grow.

In this case, one very important point should be taken into account. In order to have a lot of customers in the pharmacy, expensive imported medicines should be replaced with cheap analogues of domestic production. During a crisis, people save money, so they prefer inexpensive, high-quality medicines made in our country.


Any, even the highest quality things, sooner or later wear out, so you have to buy new clothes and shoes. If you can't decide what products to sell during a crisis, open an inexpensive clothing store. Unlike groceries, sales of clothing can drop during a crisis as many people repair and wear old clothes. But, despite this, such products are always in demand.

The best-selling products during a crisis are used or cheap items. A good income is brought by wholesale or second-hand retail trade. Such a business begins to flourish precisely in difficult economic conditions.

Hygiene items

Personal hygiene items occupy an important place among the essential goods. During the crisis, their level of sales may drop slightly, but this only applies to expensive imported products. Just like medicines, consumers replace it with inexpensive domestic counterparts.

Among personal hygiene products, the best-selling products during the crisis are:

  • Toothpaste and brushes;
  • Soap;
  • Shampoos;
  • Washing powders;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Inexpensive perfumes and deodorants.

Firms that sell hygiene products during the crisis are reorienting to domestic manufacturers that produce inexpensive quality products.

Auto parts

During the crisis, people refuse to buy new cars, so the trade in spare parts in difficult economic conditions rises to the highest level. To expand the range, you can trade in various technical fluids, oils and other consumables.

An auto parts store is a great option for anyone looking for. In the future, it is possible to cover several segments of the automotive market, for example, car repair or self-service car wash. At the same time, the most costly in terms of capital investment ideas should be excluded.

It should be noted that trade in auto parts is a profitable and reliable investment. Nowadays, cars have firmly entered the life of people, so there is a great demand for spare parts in any economic conditions. The profitability of this business reaches 80-110%, which is a fairly high indicator for retail.

Ritual goods

People are born, die and get married, no matter what the state of the world economy is in. This process cannot be slowed down or suspended, therefore, various ritual goods are always in great demand.

Anyone can open such a business, even if he has never encountered the provision of funeral services... This is the easiest way,. Before starting work, you should decide on the direction of the activity. It may be small funeral service or a bridal salon. Some ritual goods can be taken for sale in order to save money on their purchase. If you offer customers high quality and excellent service, your business will flourish.

Childen's goods

The demand for quality baby products is constantly growing as parents of today want to give their children the very best. Some mums and dads, who are constantly busy at work, try to compensate for the lack of attention with expensive toys and fashionable clothes. This is a rather sad fact, but it is he who raises the level of sales in children's stores. If you are thinking about what is best to sell during a crisis, pay attention to children's toys and essential goods - diapers, bottles, diapers, napkins, and more.

If we talk about children's clothes, focusing on them is quite risky. Of course, caring parents will not leave their child without the necessary things. But during a crisis, many are happy to accept used clothes as a gift, so they are in no hurry to go to the store for new things. It is not worthwhile to completely exclude children's clothing from the assortment, but its share should be no more than 10-15% of the total volume of products presented in children's store... If you can determine what is profitable to sell in a crisis, your business will flourish.


Alcoholic products are very popular at any time. During the crisis, the demand for alcohol begins to rise as many people try to relieve stress and relax a little with alcohol. Despite the fact that the state introduces various restrictions to protect the citizens of our country from excessive consumption of alcohol, the demand for these products is constantly increasing.

The alcohol trade is considered to be very profitable and profitable business, but before starting such a business, you need to issue permits and officially register your company. If you manage to organize the business correctly, it will bring in a decent income even in a crisis.

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Used items

Many entrepreneurs ask the question of how to sell an expensive product in a crisis if people start to save even on food? Of course, too high prices discourage consumers, so in times of crisis they begin to pay more attention to used items.

We have already mentioned second-hand goods above. You can also sell used video and photographic equipment, used phones and construction tools.

Training courses

During a crisis, many companies hire special crisis managers. There are few such specialists in our country, so managers have to send their employees to training courses. If you have knowledge in this area, you can organize such courses and get good money for it. Experience and knowledge is a commodity that is always in great demand. Real professionals overcome any obstacles with dignity and always find a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.


The crisis affects the intermediaries the most. Therefore, if you are interested, it is better to immediately abandon wholesale trade... The most affordable option, which does not require large financial investments, is a small retail outlet in a walk-through area. The most important thing is not to give up and you will definitely succeed.

Oversaturation modern market goods causes difficulties for novice entrepreneurs when choosing a direction of activity. Its profitability is directly dependent on the originality and relevance of the product being sold. It must sell in any economic environment. What products are used most in demand, and how to distinguish them from the set?

What is more profitable to sell

What goods are better to trade

When choosing products for sale, one should take into account the geographical location of the region in which it is planned to open a retail outlet, as well as the peculiarity of the settlement. In large cities, it is easier to sell an expensive product, which is characterized by quality and luxury. In villages and small towns, it is better to promote cheap products, even if they do not differ in quality.

Before making bulk purchases of products, you should carefully study the market and analyze its parameters in order to understand if it is overbought.

If it is overcrowded with any product, in order to take a reliable market position in the chosen commercial niche, you will have to invest in the provision of an advertising policy and in the formation of a client base. If there are no proposals in the region similar to those planned for promotion of entrepreneurial ideas, then the businessman needs to think about whether they will be in demand. For example, a musical instrument store is likely to close in the early months if it opens in a provincial town.

An alternative idea of ​​building a business with any product

Formation of a retail trade network

An excellent alternative to a standard store would be to open an online store. Carrying out activities in worldwide networks, you can experiment with types of goods, in practice, selecting the most popular products. In some schemes, cooperation with suppliers is possible without an initial investment. Working on the principle of dropshipping will help you define your niche without making mistakes, the consequences of which are financial losses.

The advantages of the Internet project are that there is no need for additional costs, such as renting premises and wages employees... The cost of advertising an Internet project is much less than the cost of promoting a stationary point. There is no territorial reference in it, which allows you to sell products throughout the state.

Factors influencing demand

To determine which goods are in demand now in Russia, it is enough to analyze the factors that influence the parameter of the demand for products. It is determined by criteria such as the applicable price policy the entrepreneur and his competitors, as well as the level of profitability of buyers and their preferences.


The main characteristic of any product is its cost. It is formed taking into account the cost of the purchase price, the percentage of the markup and the pricing strategy used. You can set high prices for a quality product. Using marketing schemes to promote your product will help you stand out from your competitors. To emphasize the exclusivity of a product, it is enough to raise the price for it against the background of another similar product located nearby in the window. After the emotional sales of the novelty, you can continue them with huge discounts to the normal price.

What is better to sell

Sellers often use a strategy based on a temporary reduction in the value of the property. When using it, it is important not to scare away buyers who may think that the cheapness is due to insufficient quality. To do this, the price tag should display two price parameters, as well as the terms until which promotional discounts are valid.

The direct influence on the demand parameter is exerted by the pricing policy, which is supported by competitors. Too low and too high prices are perceived by potential buyers with suspicion, which does not help to ensure a normal level of sales. Having studied the market, it is necessary to apply an actual price that does not stand out from the applied cost policy of competitors. In order to take a dominant position in the market, it is important to show the consumer the main advantages of the product.

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Characteristics of buyers

When planning to open a retail outlet in a small town in which the income of the population does not exceed 20,000 rubles, it makes no sense to try to sell expensive jewelry, fur coats or elite dishes. With all my desire, potential buyers will not be able to accept the seller's offer due to insufficient funds.

When creating demand, it is important to take into account the need for a product. It is necessary to understand whether it is a product that cannot be dispensed with, and whether it will be bought in the same way during a crisis and in conditions of economic stability.

Products that are in great demand among the population of one region may not be relevant in another. For example, you should not put mutton on the counter if pork is selling quickly.

Taking into account the laws of the formation of demand and maneuvering them, you can significantly outstrip your competitors and get an excellent financial results, depending not only on the type of product, but also on the professionalism of the entrepreneur used by him marketing strategy and the level of competition in the chosen commercial niche.

Rating of goods and services in high demand

The population is in demand for those products that are necessary for daily use. This includes food, household chemicals and personal hygiene items. The goods of this category will be purchased by citizens even in conditions of economic instability and low wages.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are advised to pay attention to food, since a person needs to constantly replenish his body with nutrients. For this reason, people rarely save on this expense item. Meat, fish, dairy products require provision special conditions storage, therefore, specializing in this type of product, it is necessary to additionally invest in refrigeration equipment.

The easiest way to sell cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, since they do not deteriorate quickly and do not require mandatory storage at a low temperature. Do not forget about alcoholic beverages such as wine, cognac, beer, liqueur and vodka, as well as tobacco products.

Items of personal hygiene and household chemicals never disappear from the shopping basket. People will always buy detergents and cleaners, shampoos, soaps, and cosmetics.

You can also make money on seasonal items such as ice cream, chilled juices, hot drinks, fuel briquettes, and clothing.

Products of impulse demand are popular, which include such trifles as chewing gum, sweets and chocolates. This type of product is not perceived by consumers as a purchase, but the seller can make good money on it.

Profitable products

Products that are in demand are not always profitable for the seller. For a normal profit, he must be able to add a normal margin to the purchase price. To do this, the item must be purchased from a supplier at a reduced cost that is much different from the competitive retail price. You can make good money on technology and electronics such as phones, laptops, tablets and camcorders. Such a business will require not only a sufficient initial investment, but also a certain amount of knowledge.

Seasonal products

Shoes and clothing are always in demand, especially if they are of high quality and attractive prices. You can think about selling elite products, but for their implementation you need appropriate premises and advertising. They will only be sold in cities with a large population and in small quantities. Seasonality is a distinctive characteristic of this type of product. In each season, clothes and shoes are sold, the type and models of which are relevant in this time period.

Last year the world went crazy with spinners: spinning toys flooded online stores different countries... What products and categories will be the most popular in 2018, how you can attract buyers, we will find out in today's review.

Criteria for the product to be sold

Low price. Yes, there are premium products that find their way target audience, but they will never become massive. If you want to reach the largest target audience, sell cheap goods.

Versatility. Smartphones, clothing and Appliances everyone needs: accordingly, the target audience for such products is also wide. They are needed by schoolchildren, pensioners, and people of the ordinary middle class.

Convenience of ordering, payment and delivery. We hope you are doing great with this!

What people buy in online stores

Large and small household appliances

Why pay extra when TVs, irons and washing machines are cheaper in online stores? More and more buyers think so and go shopping on the Internet. The only disadvantage of online sales of equipment: the inability to touch and watch live, check the complete set and details. However, this can be done after receiving the order, and if something goes wrong - issue a refund.

Smartphones, laptops, tablets

Both Chinese and original electronic gadgets and their components - one of the leaders in the online commerce market. In online stores, there are both cheap no-name models and goods from well-known companies. In addition to smartphones, tablets, laptops, memory drives, fitness trackers and other gadgets are being bought with a bang.

Accessories sometimes cost no cheaper than a smartphone: a key ring for a phone, a case for a key fob, a socket for a case is a whole complementary industry. And also protective films and glass, headphones, portable speakers, players - thousands of them.

Most pet supplies are produced in China and sold in Russia at a premium. Nevertheless, people have always bought and will continue to buy food for animals, dishes - bowls and drinking cups, toys, rugs, collars and harnesses, flea medicine and other popular goods. You can make a not very large mark-up on such goods - they will sort it out anyway. More expensive goods take less, but nevertheless their customers are on them. These are clothes for pets, houses and other furniture, designer unusual toys and collars. The mark-up on such goods should be higher.

Notepads, pencils and pens, stickers, colored stickers are not only loved by teenage girls. Adults often go crazy with all kinds of stationery, which is full in online stores. The leader of this market, of course, is Aliexpress: there is truly a clerical paradise, and the goods are mere pennies. Keep up with prolific Chinese people: sell office supplies for less than the stores and you will be happy. And yes, the range should be very wide: lovers of notebooks and diaries, as a rule, are very finicky and can spend hours choosing the very thing.

Craft goods

The buzzword "craft" has made its way into e-commerce too: here and there they offer craft bags, notebooks, groceries ... In fact, this word means handmade, so not every product that bears this name is actually such. Conversely, any item made by hand - be it an embroidered painting or fresh beer - is essentially craft. We advise you to pay tribute to fashion: people turn to naturalness, and now more than ever the opportunity to make money on it is real.

Try to go to the branded sports store, and then to the category "Sports and Recreation" any well-known online store. The difference, we think, will be obvious: it's cheaper to buy online. Pay special attention to the seasonal assortment: in the summer - tents, folding chairs and tables, barbecues and grates, backpacks, bowlers and more. Close to winter, actively sell skis, skates, thermal underwear. Nordic walking sticks are still popular.

LED lamp

Many Russians are gradually switching to energy-saving lamps. Therefore, pay attention to such a category of goods as LED chandeliers, table lamps, LED strips, with which you can decorate furniture yourself. In winter, this list is also replenished with New Year's garlands.

The lamps and chandeliers are inexpensive, it is better to buy them in China - it is cheaper that way. Pay attention to the quality of the goods - diodes and bulbs must not be defective.

Household goods, baby goods

Now only the lazy does not sell household goods. These are dishes for the kitchen, furniture for rooms, curtains and bed linen, tricky devices that make life easier for housewives. We also include tool kits for men and products for children. different ages. To engage a buyer, you need to stand out from the crowd. stores with an unusual assortment or offer really low prices.

Clothes, footwear, cosmetics

Without this category, the list would be incomplete. We don't think it's worth explaining how big this market is. People will dress and decorate themselves even in times of crisis. Therefore, feel free to sell, your buyer will definitely be found.

We will pay special attention to replicas of famous brands. On the Internet, you can find fake Converse, Adidas, Timberland, Lacoste, and only in replicas UGG Australia probably every third girl went. Enterprising Chinese have learned to sew very similar things at a low price, and the owners of online stores resell them at their own mark-up. And everyone is happy!


Have noticed that have we almost stopped buying real paper tickets? Whether we are traveling by train or flying by plane - we order tickets on the website, but we are looking for where it is cheaper, whether we go to the cinema or to a concert - we also book in advance and show it on the smartphone screen. E-tickets are selling well, but for people to trust your online store, you need to work hard to create a positive image and reputation


What specific goods will be snapped up like hot cakes in the coming year? We've studied the latest e-commerce trends and compiled our list of hits.

Xiaomi phones have won the love of Russians. They are really cool: lightweight, comfortable, with a good camera. So, with almost one hundred percent guarantee, it can be argued that A decline in sales of these phones in 2018 is not expected. Along with the phones, they sell both accessories and components: tempered glass resistant to scratches and damage, various covers, silicone bumpers, and car holders.

Price: moderate.

CA: very different.

3D printers are a fashionable gadget with which you can print not only documents, photos and drawings, but also any object, be it your favorite tea mug, your own hand or your phone. 3D printing has appeared not so long ago and is already in full swing used in science, construction, and industry. Now everyone can appreciate its advantages: The 3D printer generates 3D objects with real parameters.

Price: quite high, but tending to decrease.

CA: is getting wider. Popular with young people.

A super popular thing that is suitable for absolutely everyone - even children have smartphones. And they are always discharged very inappropriately - thanks to the Internet and mobile applications that eat up energy. And if the phone is not new, the battery can run out at any inopportune moment. Energy storage devices are devices with a capacity of up to 10,000 mAh, with which you can quickly charge your gadget up to one hundred percent.

Price: average.

CA: very different.

4. Liquid phone cases

A fashionable accessory for which any teenager will sell his native school. This is a regular case, the back of which is patterned and filled with gel or liquid. When you tilt or rotate the phone, the gel starts to move, forming an ornament. It looks very impressive, in addition, such a cover will protect the phone from damage and scratches.

Price: low.

CA: very different.

5. Smart watch

Smartwatches can have a wide variety of functions: measure heart rate, serve as a navigator, monitor sleep phases, play music, receive calls and send SMS. Some models have a parental control function.This gadget is suitable for those who play sports, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, go on a trip or just want to stay in touch without even having a phone at hand.

Price: moderate

CA: mostly young people.

6. Gel polish for nails

Let's dilute the hit parade of gadgets with such a seemingly frivolous product. If you take a closer look at the beauty industry, you will notice that appeared great amount masters of manicure, whose services are in great demand. Therefore, gel varnishes, as well as all kinds of glitter, rub-in, stickers are in unprecedented demand in online stores. And also all kinds of accessories and consumables: ultraviolet lamps, files and scissors, oil for softening cuticles and so on.

Price: relatively low.

CA: women who do their own manicure, beauty masters.

7. Drones

And again, back to the technique. Drones - aircrafts who are filming from a height, are in great demand now. They are used at city and family events and celebrations, used in photography and video filming, and even track crimes. Many started using drones in commercial purposes: shoot a video to order. With a growing number of drone owners, chances are this trend will only intensify in 2018.

Price: quite high.

CA: varied.

8. Karaoke microphone for smartphone

Yes, not simple, but connecting with a smartphone! Wireless microphone connects with smartphone via Bluetooth, which means that you can take it with you to any place: to nature, to a cafe, to visit your friends. The dimensions of the gadget are small, and the built-in battery will allow you to work for several hours continuously.

Another plus: the microphone connects to the speaker, so the gadget can be used as a player and play music from the smartphone - again via Bluetooth. Some models have a sound effect function.

The sales pendulum sometimes swings in the opposite direction. From cutting edge trends to naturalness and naturalness, from trendy digital gadgets to items made from simple materials. This is how watches with wooden cases and sunglasses with wooden frames appeared on the market. Such things are now at the height of fashion: they are inexpensive, look cool and make the owner stand out from the crowd.

Price: low or medium.

CA: people who follow fashion, youth.

10. Fire lamps

Lamps with live flame effect- a novelty that is gaining momentum. It looks very unusual and beautiful, many will like it, but it is not so easy to find such a miracle in online stores. Become one of the first - sell home furnishings Flame lamps in your store.

Price: low.

CA: family people, new settlers.

11. Portable LED Projectors

Another gadget that receives more and more user requests in search engines. LED projector - an alternative to a computer monitor or TV screen, it displays the image as if it were on a huge 300-inch screen. Since the projector is LED, it will help you save money.

You can create a separate landing page for such a product.- we already wrote, Or just sell as a home theater in the digital technology section.

Price: quite expensive.

CA: families, entrepreneurs, scientists

If you are in doubt as to whether the selected product will be popular, run it through the service It shows how many people per month searched for a specific product. This data will also be useful when promoting an online store: see how many more queries with the words "led projector" than "ice projector". This means that it is the first phrase that needs to be inserted into the product description.

Not only shows the number of requests, but also their dynamics and even popularity in different countries.

Try, experiment, find new unusual products and sell them to your customers. Who knows, maybe the products from our selection are waiting for the success of the spinner! We'll see at the end of the year!

A profitable business is a business that is built on the sale of high-margin goods or services. The supply should be in high demand and the maximum mark-up. High-margin products provide good profits. Margin is the profit earned from the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. So, what products are profitable to trade at retail? How to open profitable business?

Product markup for sale

Profitable sales will not only help keep the company afloat, but will also bring good profits. To make a profit, each seller must make a list of the most demanded and popular products, which are distinguished by the maximum demand and high mark-ups. Today there are several types of margin: market, banking, mutual, investment. The market markup is used for the sale of goods.

As a rule, the mark-up on a product set by an entrepreneur can vary and be very high. Such markups are set due to the fact that there is no limit threshold and no one controls them. But here you need to clearly understand that the goods will not be bought at an overpriced price. Usually, the standard mark-up on a product is set in the region of 40-50%, but there are some products for which the margin can be about 1000%, but they will still be purchased.

Types of goods with different margins

To figure out which products have what margin, you first need to familiarize yourself with its types. There are three types of products by margin:

  1. Low margin products. They are in high demand among consumers, but they can be purchased at any store. They have a 10-20% mark-up. With such a sale, you can get income not due to large markups, but due to the high turnover. Products of this type include personal care products, children food, detergents. The real value of this type of product is very low.
  2. Average margin products. This group includes products that are not essential. Here the margin can be set slightly higher. But they are sold much less often. These include electronics, building materials, home appliances, etc.
  3. High-margin products. Items that customers buy for special occasions or holidays. This category also includes branded products that connoisseurs cannot refuse.

When calculating the markup for a product, it is necessary to take into account the cost price, salaries to sellers, advertising costs, rental costs of premises, take into account excess profits and set a minimum price.

Choosing the right niche

For an effective sale, you need to know and take into account all the nuances. When choosing a niche for a business, an entrepreneur should focus on certain points:

  1. You need to choose a niche that is familiar and promising. It is better to choose the direction in which the businessman understands and knows the market.
  2. To generate a good income, the cost of the product must be low and the selling price must be high.
  3. The study of the level of demand must be carried out without fail, this will allow you to find profitable high-margin products.
  4. It is worth focusing on those goods that will lead regular customers.
  5. You should pay attention to the seasonality and location of the store (promotion is important for online stores).

Usually, when choosing a niche, they choose products that are in great demand and high-margin products, or stop at what will always be in demand. For example, watches that synchronize with a mobile phone or fitness bracelets are very popular today. On the other hand, stable demand for Apple products can bring good profits. Therefore, a profitable business primarily depends on the correct choice of a niche and accurate miscalculations.

What goods are profitable to trade at retail

Since a budding entrepreneur is usually limited in finances, he should carefully choose his niche and the best-selling product. This will help in the future to bring your company to a high level of profit.

Today trade is very developed. On every corner there are shops or markets with a large selection, where you can find products for every taste. Do not exclude market trading from your list, since it is on the market that there is a lot of traffic, especially on holidays or weekends. Here goes active sale inexpensive goods, since expensive products are simply not in demand.

The store is different from the market. It can be opened on the ground floors of a residential building, in a large shopping center, and in any other suitable space. Usually in stores there is little traffic, but targeted customers bring income. Here you can sell goods of different price categories. During the opening of the store, it is necessary to determine the expected demand and need for the goods of the residents of the given area. It is necessary to offer exactly the product that is not in this district.

The choice of a retail product for your business depends on certain factors. But experts believe that when the right choice point of sale food products are the most demanded goods and a win-win business. Income from the sale of products will be at any time of the year. The disadvantages are the short implementation time and high competition.

The sale of household chemicals is also a popular category of goods that have a long shelf life. Since this product is in great demand, you can also make good money in this niche. The department can be opened in any store and sell household chemicals as a related product.

A win-win retailing solution is shoes and apparel. But here you need to take into account the financial ability of customers and the relevance of this product (fashion). In residential areas, sales will be low, but customers will be regular. In large shopping centers the opposite is true. Here you can sell branded items with a large mark-up.

Don't forget about stationery. With the right choice of retail outlet, this business can bring a good profit. Shops should be opened near educational institutions or offices. This niche is relevant and has no seasonality. Also, the store can offer additional services in the form of a photocopier, printing documents or photographs, etc.

Another retail option is flowers. Today it is customary to give them with or without reason. Well-designed bouquets can make good money. When choosing a niche, this beautiful and pleasant type of business also deserves attention.

When choosing an assortment for sale, one should take into account the location of the outlet, the needs of the consumer, financial opportunities population. At the initial stage of implementation, any business needs a competent business plan.

Online store

Today it is very important to run your business on the Internet. An online store does not need premises and staff. This helps to save money on rent, on the salaries of employees, and advertising on the Internet is much cheaper. Due to the fact that such a store is not geographically tied, business can be conducted throughout the country by sending goods by mail.

What high-margin products for e-commerce to choose? Now there are many online sites that offer a large assortment of goods. It is difficult for newbies to compete with the giants of online stores Amazon, AliExpress or Ozon, whose assortment starts with clothes and ends with precious jewelry. In order for an internet business to make good money, it is necessary to correctly choose a special niche and a group of trade items.

You can sell everything in an online store, but first you need to opt for 2-3 categories. If the products are sold, then over time you can expand your assortment.

The most requested products in the online store

Having studied the market and demand in the Russian Federation, experts have compiled a list of the most popular products in the Global Network. This will help at the initial stage to make your choice in a particular area. List of in-demand products:

  • flowers, souvenirs, gifts;
  • toys and goods for children;
  • auto parts;
  • clothes, bags, shoes;
  • special equipment for sports and tourism, sportswear;
  • Home Appliances;
  • computers and accessories for them;
  • materials for construction and repair;
  • household chemicals and personal hygiene products;
  • mobile phones and accessories to them;
  • alcohol and food;
  • medicines;
  • products for animals;
  • jewelry, watches and bijouterie.

When choosing an assortment, you need to understand that the more demand, the more competition. To take its rightful place among competitors, you need to carefully analyze each of the above categories.

To open an online store in small town it is necessary to take into account that the population here has a lower income than in the megalopolis. In small towns, the population is smaller, and the needs here are completely different. It should be borne in mind that expensive goods will not be in demand. Customers will be looking for inexpensive but average quality products. Examples of goods for trade in a small town:

  • inexpensive shoes and clothing;
  • food products (except for delicacies);
  • second-hand goods;
  • cheap alcohol and cigarettes;
  • auto parts;
  • medicines at low prices.

These categories of goods will be in high demand in a small town. When creating an internet business, even in a small town, you can find regular customers, the main thing is to sell quality products and maintain a reputation.

High-margin products from China

How do you choose the right product that will make a profit? Purchasing goods from Chinese sites should be deliberate. Products should not be heavy or bulky, and you should also choose products that do not deteriorate. This will save you money on shipping. For implementation, you can use social networks, one page sites and online stores.

When choosing a product for sale, you need to think about what a high mark-up can be made, which can recoup the costs and make a profit. Such products may be unremarkable, disposable, but will always be in demand. For example: plastic bags, plastic jar lids, disposable hats, slippers, raincoats. They cost a penny and do not take up much space, but they can bring good profits.

The purchase of goods in a crisis should be well thought out. At this moment, by offering the consumer cheap analogue products from China, you can get good income... Even if the quality is lower, the low price will be a pleasant bonus. It is important to find here an assortment with a low price, but of good quality.

When searching for a suitable assortment, you need to analyze the market. Every day global trends and fashion create new demanded niches. Entering the market with this particular group of products will initially bring a good income due to the lack of competitors.

How and where to find Chinese goods

Today there are many popular Chinese sites where you can buy goods. They do retail and wholesale. Main sites:

  1. GearBest - This site has Russian support. Usually the newest products appear here.
  2. AliExpress - this site is also available in Russian, a huge number of products are presented, including at a low price.
  3. Alibaba.

Finding a high-margin product on AliExpress, for example, is quite simple. You just need to select the category of goods you are interested in and view the offers. You can turn on a filter to show only items under $ 1 or items that are eligible for free shipping. Convenient little things for home, T-shirts, unusual jewelry, interesting and original souvenirs will be in demand (now spinners are popular, a few months ago everyone was buying My Bottle water bottles, and a couple of years ago talking hamster toys were shot).

All that remains is to buy a batch of such goods, set your own price or use the dropshipping scheme. Such a product should in any case be in demand. The main thing is to find your niche, and then everything will follow a proven scheme.

The most popular products in the Russian Federation for 2017

Today, during the economic crisis, newcomers to business have many questions. What are the products in demand in 2017? Which direction will generate income? You can answer these questions by analyzing the market, demand and competitors.

In 2017, experts advise selling cheap products. Products with average quality and low prices are popular now. The rating of high-margin products for 2017 is represented by the following product groups:

  1. Quadrocopters and the necessary equipment for them. Now this product is at its peak. They use quadcopters for aerial photography.
  2. Mobile phones and additional gadgets (power bank, original headphones).
  3. Appliances.
  4. Green teas. This business does not require much start-up capital, but is in great demand among consumers who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Products that cleanse the body. Herbal tinctures, detox, etc. are popular today.
  6. LED lamp. The demand for such lamps is growing every year. They are economical and work for a long time.
  7. Books. Nowadays many people prefer to read electronic literature, but also printed editions also find their own category of consumers. It is very convenient to buy books through online stores, since there it is much cheaper and you can familiarize yourself with the annotation of the book you like.
  8. Clothes and footwear.
  9. Gift items and toys for children.
  10. Cosmetics.

A modern businessman is obliged to build a strategy for his work, keeping pace with the times. You need to be able to completely change your style at a time of crisis and significant competition, radically change direction.

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