
The procedure for calculating and accruing surcharges for hazardous working conditions. The procedure for calculating and accruing surcharges for hazardous working conditions Standards of remuneration for toilet cleaners

Is it necessary to enter staffing table a staffing position for which it is not expected to hire an employee, and the performance of duties will be assigned to an employee holding another position, with additional payment to him for combining positions? Answer: According to Article 67 Labor Code RB (hereinafter referred to as TC) an additional payment is established for an employee performing additional work for the same employer in a different position (profession) or for performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee. In this case, a number of features provided for by regulatory documents should be taken into account. Thus, in accordance with the provisions of Article 67 of the Labor Code, in order to establish additional payment to an employee, the basis specified in this article is necessary, namely: this profession (position) must be provided for in the staffing table.

Help: additional payment for combination (in questions and answers)

On the approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers" it was stipulated that the wages of cleaners office premises cleaning toilets is carried out according to category 2 of the Unified tariff schedule. But later this provision was excluded (from December 1, 2008.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2008 N 665). Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Magazines and books: Labor protection: simple and clear December 3, 2013 Compensation and benefits Interesting information information about the surcharge for expanding the service area is posted here.

On the basis of what document is additional payment made to cleaners? The question is answered by Popular questions Alexey SUTYAGIN, chief editor of the magazine “Labor Safety: Simple and Clear” Read more about the order for additional payment at this link.

Do we have the right to an additional payment for cleaning floors and in what amount?

Attention: the additional payment for combining positions cannot be lower than the norms established by labor legislation (Article 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) Transfer from nurses to cleaners service characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector "" with an assistant - the driver carries out, together with the paramedic, carrying, loading and unloading patients and victims during their transportation, assists the doctor and paramedic when they perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and carries medical equipment. Provides assistance to medical personnel in accompanying patients. Job descriptions for cleaners Water flowers, if any.

6) Clean carpets and fabric coverings of furniture. In addition to all of the above, the cleaner must, if necessary, carry out one-time instructions from the head of the enterprise. All her work should be aimed at creating normal working conditions for other employees.

Is it possible to pay a librarian extra for cleaning the premises?

  • Help: Additional payment for combination (in questions and answers)
  • Labor standards for cleaners of office and domestic premises
  • Pay grade for office cleaner 2018
  • Additional payment for toilets for cleaners
  • Standards for cleaning premises per one cleaner (office and industrial premises)

What additional payments can be made for office cleaners October 29, 2018, 12:23 Alikhan, Moscow Hello. There are no rules. This is determined in the employment contract and job descriptions. The norm was in the Order of the USSR Ministry of Culture dated 19. Help: Additional payment for combination (in questions and answers) Let's consider whether there are other approaches to solving this problem, as well as some questions that most often arise in practice. 1.

What is the surcharge for cleaning toilets?


Good afternoon For any additional work not specified in the employment contract or job descriptions, an additional payment is due in accordance with Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “With the written consent of the employee, he may be entrusted with the task within set duration working day (shift) along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work in a different or the same profession (position) for additional pay (Article 151 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Entrusted to the employee extra work in another profession (position) can be carried out by combining professions (positions).

Additional work assigned to an employee in the same profession (position) can be carried out by expanding service areas and increasing the volume of work.

Remuneration for office and toilet cleaners

The general provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2004 No. 34, stipulate that when an employee is assigned a qualification rank in the profession of a worker, he is assigned (increased) the rank in each of the combined professions, and in in some cases a document is also issued established sample(for example, when entrusting an employee with the duties of driving a car, a certificate for the right to drive the corresponding vehicle). 1. To perform the duties of a labor protection engineer, an electronics engineer needs knowledge to the extent of the requirements provided for qualification characteristics position of "labor safety engineer".
2. In this case, entrust the economist with the duties of a civil defense engineer and emergency situations the employer has no grounds. 3.

Additional payment for cleaning toilets

The employer has the right to entrust the duties of a premises cleaner to an electrician of station equipment without introducing into the staffing table a staff unit (its share) of the profession of a premises cleaner, provided that these duties are provided for work instructions electrician In this case, no additional payment is established. 4. An additional payment to a premises cleaner for an expanded service area is possible if this employee, in accordance with labor standards approved by the employer, is given a standardized task, and the area of ​​the territory being cleaned exceeds it.

5. Taking into account the above-mentioned features, it is mandatory to enter into the staffing table a position for which additional pay is expected to be established. 05/15/2007 Anna Yakusheva, economist For a more detailed study, see: 1.
Manual 2. Form of documents From the editor: From December 1, 2007

What additional payments can be made for office cleaners?

Labor standards for a cleaner of office and household premises Labor standards for a cleaner of office and household premises Last week there was already a similar question about standards for a cleaner of office and industrial premises. I am attaching sample documents that an employer can rely on. And in general, according to Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must have a local normative document, which describes - Remuneration systems, including the 2018 Remuneration Grade for office cleaners. The purpose of this publication is to provide recommendations for determining tariff categories, tariff rates cleaners, their promotions, as well as the establishment of additional payments and incentive payments for them. Tariffing of premises cleaners Thus, the 1st category is established for a cleaner of office premises, and the 2nd category for a cleaner of industrial premises.

How to pay extra for cleaning the premises while the cleaner is on vacation

  • Online magazine for accountants
  • Transfer from nurses to cleaners
  • Job descriptions for a cleaner
  • in order to save wages, the administration obliges cleaners to clean part of the territory for which they previously received additional payment

How to pay extra for cleaning the premises during the cleaner's vacation The cleaner goes on vacation another vacation for a month. Do we pay the employee who replaces her during the vacation 100% of the cleaner’s salary or less? May 31, 2018, 14:45 Tomskaya Natalya, City not specified Answers from lawyers (1) Looking for an answer? It's easier to ask a lawyer! Ask our lawyers a question - it’s much faster than looking for a solution.

  • Does the law provide for additional payment for cleaning bathrooms?
  • Toilets cleaning
  • Are office cleaners paid extra for cleaning toilets?
  • What is regulated by the allowance (surcharge) for cleaning bathrooms?
  • Cleaning toilets - questions and answers

Does the law provide for additional payment for cleaning bathrooms? Important Extra payment for toilets for cleaners What should be the extra payment for cleaners educational institution, if both conditions apply in her case (she cleans both office premises and toilets using disinfectants) - 20%, 30%, or are both surcharges applicable at the same time?” Remuneration system Remuneration of cleaners, that is, they are paid for their work by the hour. I want to review the remuneration system, but in order to go to management with this proposal, you need to have something as support, besides your own arguments like “have a conscience.”

1. Is the cleaning lady entitled to additional payment for cleaning toilets and for harmful cleaning products?

1.1. Unknown. The procedure and conditions of remuneration, including its parts, are determined not by law, but by the employer or owner of the institution, unless otherwise in the conditions employment contract did not agree.

2. On what basis can I refuse to clean the toilets in the clinic?

2.1. Hello Svetlana)
Based on the employment contract that YOU signed and job description, which contains all your responsibilities in relation to the position/profession/specialty that you perform.
If in due There are no instructions for such an obligation - correctly explain your position to the employer. Otherwise you will have to comply.

3. On what basis do they pay for cleaning toilets in Uzbekistan.

3.1. Good afternoon. Based on your question, it is not clear who exactly should pay for cleaning the toilets. In any case, someone should do this, rephrase the question

4. Should the cleaning lady be paid extra for cleaning toilets and in what amount?

4.1. This issue should be resolved by local acts of the organization in which you work "Labor Code Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on January 1, 2017)
"" Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 8. Local regulations, containing norms labor law
(as amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ of June 30, 2006)
(see text in the previous "edition)"

Guide to personnel issues. Questions of application of Art. 8 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

""Employers, with the exception of employers - individuals, who are not individual entrepreneurs, adopt local regulations containing labor law norms (hereinafter referred to as local regulations), within their competence in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, and agreements.
""In cases provided for by this Code, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, agreements, the employer, when adopting local regulations, takes into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (if there is such a representative body).
A collective agreement or agreements may provide for the adoption of local regulations in agreement with the representative body of workers.
""The norms of local regulations that worsen the situation of workers in comparison with the established labor legislation and other regulations containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements, as well as local regulations adopted without observing the procedure for taking into account the opinion of a representative established by Article 372 of this Code workers' bodies are not subject to application. In such cases apply labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements.

5. We were debited. p. for cleaning toilets, is this correct?

5.1. Wrong. If I understand correctly, it was deducted from the salary due to you. Offer your employer to return these funds. In case of refusal, appeal to labor inspection or to court.

6. Is cleaning toilets at school considered hazardous working conditions?

6.1. no there is no condition

7. Which law stipulates payment for cleaning toilets with bleach?

7.1. Contact Rospotrebnadzor - they will provide you with SNIP on the use of bleach when cleaning premises

8. Are there clear requirements for dance studios?
There is a studio in our area where the lighting is worse than in the basement; boys and girls undress together in the locker room different ages; There is a catastrophic lack of space in the locker room. When you ask the management why they continue to recruit new participants, the answer you get is that someone is sick, someone is away, and rarely everyone comes out. But even under such conditions there is not enough space.
Should there be a cleaning schedule for the toilet?

8.1. Not only a cleaning schedule, but also a fire evacuation plan and proper lighting.

9. What laws and regulations regulate the price of “housing maintenance” between apartments and dorm rooms? After all, there is a difference, because Cleaning the dormitory (mopping the floors) is more expensive - corridor, kitchen, showers, toilets.

9.1. Hello.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.05.2011 N 354
(ed. dated December 28, 2018)
"About providing utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings"
(together with the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”)
There is an Appendix on how the cost of public services is calculated. For example:
III. Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services,
provided for billing period for general house needs
in an apartment building.

10. In our multi-apartment residential building, on the ground floor there are several non-residential commercial premises with a separate entrance, connected by a corridor. There is a toilet at the end of the corridor. Are the toilet and corridor public spaces, and is the management company obliged to clean them in accordance with the regulations?

10.1. You need to look at the lease agreement. This point should be spelled out there.

11. I am a tenant in a small shopping center. Recently, the center administration has established a schedule for cleaning the toilets of tenants; such conditions are not specified in the contract. Does the landlord have the right to involve tenants in cleaning the toilet if the individual entrepreneur sells pet supplies?

11.1. Hello! No, he can not. The landlord is responsible for cleaning.

12. Should the school pay me extra for cleaning toilets (I have 4 of them, two on the first floor, two on the second), plus two more corridors and 7 classrooms?

12.1. Good afternoon, what is your job?

13. The apartment is 1/2 with my uncle, he does not pay rent, constantly smokes in the room and toilet, is never sober, recently a squirrel has been visiting him, talking to himself and looking for some guy in the apartment, he has begun to walk around small in the bathroom sink, about cleaning common places I’m generally silent. What needs to be done and what punishment will he have for all this?

13.1. Alexander, go for a consultation to a psychoneurological dispensary and tell us about his inappropriate behavior, maybe signs of dementia are approaching and he will have to be declared incompetent.
It is also useful to discuss the situation with the local police officer for the same purpose, so that later it will be easier to recognize him as incompetent.

Consider the option provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 30. Limitation of a citizen’s legal capacity

1. A citizen who, due to addiction to gambling, alcohol or drug abuse puts your family in serious trouble financial situation, may be limited by the court in legal capacity in the manner established by civil procedural legislation. Guardianship is established over him.

Absolutely every enterprise requires timely cleaning of premises. It must be carried out by a certain employee, for whom the authorities have developed a standard for cleaning premises per one cleaner.

A person who is ignorant or has little understanding of the cleaning procedure will decide that there is nothing difficult in hiring and assigning work to a cleaner. However, in fact, there are special standards for cleaning and selection of equipment, which every employer must adhere to. Each point of these rules is supported by its own legislative document.

List of premises required for cleaning

Cleaning is a professional cleaning service. Each person organizes cleanliness in his home based on his ideas. But there is a category of people who don’t want to do this at all, find it difficult or simply don’t have the time.

For such people, it is much easier to pay for a perfect cleaning than to do it yourself, armed with rags and a vacuum cleaner. But there are also office buildings, huge shopping centers, extensive production workshops, schools, kindergartens and much more - who cleans these premises? Of course, these are professional cleaners.

Cleaning of premises at manufacturing plant should be performed in areas such as:

  1. Places for employees to work and relax.
  2. Toilets and shower rooms.
  3. Places for eating or preparing food.
  4. Warehouses.

Each production facility described above must be sanitized and washed with floors and walls. And areas such as the hall and steps, elevator cabins, basements and attics must be specially treated with antiseptic substances.

Who should do the cleaning?

In some companies or in production, cleaning of premises is entrusted to the employees themselves. However, as sad experience has shown, they did not cope with their additional responsibilities efficiently, and therefore were forced to work in unsanitary conditions.

That is why every organization definitely needs an office cleaner. Only he knows all the intricacies of cleaning and is able to achieve complete cleanliness in all rooms. The main thing for management is to provide the cleaner with everything necessary.

How much should you pay a cleaning lady?

Every work should be well paid. Thus, the work of a cleaner should also have decent pay.

In Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that wage Each employee who has not missed a single day of work and has completed all the work assigned to him in full should not be paid less than the lowest wage rate. Thus, the office cleaner must receive a salary in excess of the minimum wage. In case the salary should also be increased. However, this additional payment does not have to be higher than the minimum wage. In this case, it does not matter at all how much additional space the cleaner takes on.

How much equipment and cleaning supplies should be spent?

To prevent theft, as well as to properly distribute cleaning costs, a certain amount of materials and detergents must be spent on each office space.

There are both standard and custom ones. The latter are applied depending on indicators such as the cleaning area and the total number of employees. For typical ones, our own data has been developed. The following types of equipment fall under:

  1. Toilet and laundry soap.
  2. Laundry powder.
  3. Polishing agents.
  4. Buckets.
  5. Different types of brushes.
  6. Brushes for cleaning toilet bowls.
  7. Rags for wiping dust, furniture and other things.

According to standard calculations, detergents are used in full accordance with the amount working hours. Inventory, in turn, is counted in pieces per person for a certain time. Thus, following the initial data, cleaning of industrial premises with an area of ​​400 square meters will be carried out with the following amount of detergents and equipment:

  1. Washing powder - 1 kilogram.
  2. Toilet soap - 200 grams.
  3. Laundry soap - 400 grams.
  4. Broom - 2 units for 30 days.
  5. Brushes - 1 unit for 60 days.
  6. Scoops - 1 unit for six months.
  7. Rubber gloves - 1 unit for 30 days.

All this data should be reflected not only in standard contract, which is included when a cleaner gets a job in an office or production facility, but also in a memo for this employee.

What factors can change cleaning standards?

Despite general provisions and the Labor Code, there are factors that change the standard of cleaning premises per cleaner. These include:

  1. For production: total cleaning area, mass of waste and litter, type of production.
  2. For office and household premises: type of premises, number of employees involved.

Thus, along with changes in cleaning standards, employee salaries also change.

How are cleaning standards calculated?

Area standards for cleaning staff in educational institutions and in production are determined by the total cleaning area and are set in minutes per 1 square of cleaned space. However, they may change in the presence of different types of litter and waste, as well as the use of modern means, equipment and the latest tools on labor organization.

For a better understanding, as well as the most correct calculation of working hours and payroll, you should know that absolutely all enterprises are divided into the following groups:

  1. Zero waste. The cleanest production facility, where cleaning is carried out according to regulations.
  2. Production producing wood waste. This and all subsequent types of premises are cleaned at increased rates.
  3. Production that produces liquid, light and bulk types of litter.
  4. An enterprise that produces metal residues.
  5. An enterprise producing fireproof waste, peat and coal residues.

Based on this list, the norm for cleaning a room per minute will be the following indicators:

  1. For industries that do not produce waste. The rate of room cleaning per one cleaner per 1 square of work space should be about 0.3 minutes - when organizing dry floor cleaning - and 0.7 minutes - when performing wet cleaning using cleaning solutions.
  2. For productions with different types waste. For them, the standards will directly depend on the weight of waste placed on 100 square meters of work space. In general, these indicators will have the following meaning: with 50 kilograms of waste, dry cleaning is carried out within 0.16 minutes, and with 168 kilograms - 0.30 minutes.

How often are the premises cleaned?

When a cleaner gets a job in an office or other office space, an agreement is concluded between her and the director. Along with listing the main duties and duty hours, it also states how often the cleaner needs to perform each type of cleaning. However, there are some exceptions. So, for example, when wet cleaning the floor more often than required by the contract, other types of cleaning may be performed partially.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides standard cleaning standards that should be adhered to when concluding a typical contract for cleaning educational and office premises. According to them, different kinds cleaning should be carried out at the following frequency:

  1. Cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner or broom. Should be done every day for several times or as needed.
  2. Wiping floors, shelves, walls. This is carried out once every 7 days, provided that the room is not very dirty.
  3. Wet floor cleaning. Must be done once a month. However, this obligation applies only to office premises. In all others, washing should be done once every two days.
  4. Furniture cleaning. Carried out once every day.
  5. Washing furniture. Cleaning standards in this case should not exceed once a week.
  6. Wet cleaning of heating systems. Conducted 4 times in 1 year.
  7. Cleaning window openings and window sills. Carried out once every 7 days.
  8. Dry cleaning of the ceiling. Cleaning is carried out twice a year.
  9. Washing windows. Carried out twice a year.

The cleaning organization uses a special approach: the order is fixed by regulations, everyone knows their job responsibilities and your own area where the work will be carried out. As a result, the work is completed very quickly, all surfaces shine with amazing cleanliness, and there is an aroma of freshness in the air that cannot be expressed in words.

Professional cleaning is especially important for cleaning large premises: complexes, industrial or office buildings. Here, the cleaning service staff expects not only large volumes of work, but also specific contamination, high ceiling heights, huge windows and other difficulties.

Without professional skills and special equipment, it is almost impossible to cope with the cleaning of such premises at the proper level.

What job duties are included in the calculation standards?

All space standards for a cleaner are calculated taking into account the time it takes to clean a particular room. In general, all work functions are divided into two parts: main types of cleaning and secondary ones. The main ones include:

  1. Dry and floors.
  2. Removing debris from the work area.
  3. Cleaning boxes, bags and other types of containers.
  4. Replacing detergent.
  5. Wet and dry cleaning of panels, window sills, heating radiators and walls.
  6. Distribution of litter and removal of it to a specially designated place.
  7. Cleaning sinks, taps and toilets with showers.

The following types of work are considered secondary:

  1. Selection and processing of cleaning materials and transferring them to the cleaning site.
  2. Cleaning the workplace.
  3. Receiving and handing over shifts.
  4. Carrying out easy installation of materials.

The main functions are included in the salary account and must be carried out strictly on time. Secondary types are not included in the calculation of working hours, and therefore are not taken into account in wages.

Rules for calculating the number of cleaners

Quite often, employers are faced with a situation such as overworking of cleaners in one place and a shortage of them in another. In order not to encounter such a situation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of people per room and distribute workers in connection with these calculations.

The standard for cleaning premises per cleaner is the basis with which the employer can easily calculate the required number of workers. However, since they are not mandatory, they can range from 400 square meters to 1000 per person. The exact amount directly depends on the workload of the work premises and how the cleaner will work, whose rate is calculated individually. Based on this, the following indicators can be applied:

  1. In lightly loaded areas. If the cleaning lady has a salary, then the standard is considered to be 559 square meters per person.
  2. In heavily loaded. The standard is 319 square meters.
  3. In unoccupied areas. The cleaning rate is about 1000 square meters.
  4. In sanitary facilities. One cleaner is allowed per 200 square meters per shift or 310 square meters.

Thus, based on the given data, you can easily calculate the number of people per production facility.

List of rules for cleaning premises

Along with the responsibilities of management for the distribution of personnel, as well as providing them with everything necessary for work in production, the work described above (cleaning lady) also requires the implementation of certain rules and official duties. These include:

  1. For each room or place of work, a special memo must be drawn up, which must indicate the following data: movement schedule, total area of ​​the serviced space, frequency of cleaning activities, types of work and means used, number of hours for carrying out the activity.
  2. All equipment must be placed in a special room and carried only by the cleaner. Upon completion of work duties, all of them must be returned to their place.
  3. The entire working area that the cleaner processes must be divided into separate sections - up to 11 square meters.
  4. All litter and waste must be collected in a container specially designed for this purpose, which is moved from one area to another until the cleaning is completed. Then it is taken to a specially designated place.
  5. When washing floors, walls and furniture, dirty water should be changed to clean water as needed.

Compliance with these rules is mandatory for absolutely every cleaner - regardless of the place of cleaning and the type of office space.

Based on the existing regulatory framework of the municipality of Murmansk, financial department is administration department authorized to conduct control and audit activities(within the framework of budgetary relations). Accordingly, all shortcomings in the work of subordinates municipal institutions they reveal that the decision to cancel (change) regulations, in any case, is made by the Head of Administration (if the Payment Regulations... were initially approved by him). Based on the results of inspections, such a department does not make an independent decision, but only informs about detected violations. They carried out an inspection in 2014, but the document on cancellation, apparently, was not accepted by the administration in 2014. The compensation was canceled only in 2015, after the SOUT. Taking into account the above, there are no grounds for returning from the budget the compensation paid to you for 2014 (based on the information you provided). If, as a result of the audit, the documents (regulatory and local acts) were changed, this would be one situation. It should also be noted that the Regulations on consistent with trade union organization(committee). Accordingly, all changes in wages and cancellation of compensation are also agreed upon with such an organization. Otherwise, such cancellation (change) will not comply with the law. Thus, they will be able to recover any amounts from you (as an employee) only in court.

  1. The class has calmed down, the cleaners, the harmful ones are already working forward.
  2. The food industry, uncomplicated, labor and cleaners, harmful. Tears flooded her class.
  3. Its population remained neutral during the previous conflict with the rebels. I am a beggarly queen, kidnapped by this terrible, harsh dragon.

Harmful working conditions for cleaners

1.2. Cleaners of industrial and office premises may be exposed to dangerous and harmful production factors (moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts technological equipment, moving goods, containers, collapsing stacks of stored goods; increased dust content in the air of the working area; reduced surface temperature refrigeration equipment; increased temperature of the surfaces of water heating equipment and water; increased air mobility; increased voltage in the electrical circuit; sharp edges, burrs and uneven surfaces of equipment, inventory, tools and devices; chemical factors; physical overload).

Harmful working conditions for cleaners

Office cleaners in educational organization often wonder if there are any standard standards labor for a cleaner, that is, how many square meters should a cleaner of office premises clean? The norms for the area to be harvested represent the labor norms. According to part one of Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), labor standards are established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, production organization, etc.

Certification of the workplace of a cleaner, janitor

Cleaners, by the nature of their work, come into fairly close contact with various chemical impurities and infections. All this naturally takes a toll on the employee’s health. Sometimes even protective equipment does not save you. For example, take rubber gloves. This is one of the main means collective defense. They protect against contact with fragments, needles and other sharp objects, but, as it turns out, they do not protect against themselves. With daily contact with them, moisture accumulates, which forms favorable environment for the development of infections. The result is allergenic reactions, skin rashes, itching, redness, fungal infections, etc. When certifying a cleaner's workplace, attention is paid to the level of exposure to chemicals in the work area and the presence of factors that accompany them during the work process. It all depends on the specific room in which the cleaning is carried out: in a warehouse, in an office, in medical institution etc.

Labor standards for cleaners

cleaning equipment (basins, rags) for cleaning workplaces, production tables, food cabinets, etc. should not be mixed with cleaning equipment. Buckets, basins for washing floors, etc. must be painted in a special color, have an inscription or tag saying “for the floor,” etc.;

1.3. While working, the cleaner (cleaner) annually undergoes: occupational safety training in the scope of instructions and knowledge testing; testing knowledge on electrical safety (when operating equipment powered by electrical network); periodic medical examination.

Harmful working conditions for office cleaners

2.4.5 Conditions of remuneration for employees of healthcare institutions and institutions social protection population, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health dated October 5, 2005 No. 308/519 (hereinafter referred to as Conditions No. 308/519). Thus, employees of establishments and structural divisions, the list of which is given in Appendix 3 to these Conditions, receive an increase official salaries by 25 and 15% due to harmful and difficult working conditions (clause 1, clause 2.4.5 of Conditions No. 308/519)

Harmful working conditions for office cleaners

1.4.Code and name of profession (position) according to OKPD 19258, premises cleaner 1.5.Number of work shifts. Shift duration. 1 shift, 8 hours 1.6.Number of similar workplaces 3 1.7.Number of employees at the workplace (at one workplace/at all similar workplaces) 3

Harmful working conditions for cleaners

Is it possible to prove that you are right? The list of such work, as well as places for rest and meals, are established by the internal labor regulations. The employee has the right to use the break time for rest and food at his own discretion, and this right cannot be limited by any requirements of the employer (for example, a ban on leaving the territory of the organization )

Harmful factors for medical examination by profession: office cleaner

It all depends on what kind of room the cleaning is carried out in: The Canadian provincial health inspectorate of Quebec compared cleaners with other occupations, during which it was found that workers in this field are ahead in diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system and chronic back diseases .

Harmful working conditions for office cleaners

Nadezhda Valentinovna Good afternoon! We ask you to provide us with clarification regarding the leave of absence for a 1st category office cleaner. I work as a 1st class office cleaner in a small school; my duties include cleaning classrooms, hallways, gyms, utility rooms and toilets. Am I entitled to 6 days in addition to vacation for harmful activities, as was the case before? Comments: A.V. Kuzmenko04/25/2012 9:38:18 Nadezhda Valentinovna, hello! Article 117 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that annual additional paid leave is provided to employees engaged in work with hazardous and (or) dangerous conditions labor: underground mining and open-pit mining in open pits and quarries, in zones of radioactive contamination, and in other work associated with the adverse effects on human health of harmful physical, chemical, biological and other factors.

Is working as a cleaner harmful working conditions or not?

The rules were approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF No. 541 dated July 23, 2010. It is reported that the job responsibilities of a nurse include not only cleaning premises medical organization, but also patient care. Types of work related to patient care are performed by junior medical staff of hospital departments who have primary or secondary medical education. When transferring a nurse who does not have medical education For other personnel, room cleaners, wages remain at the same level, and the number of vacation days is also maintained.

Labor protection instructions for cleaners of production and office premises 1. General requirements security. 1.1 Men and women are allowed to work as cleaners. Persons under 21 years of age are not allowed to work at heights, clean electrical installations or clean public toilets. 1.2 At the workplace, the employee receives initial instruction on occupational safety and undergoes: internship; training in the design and operating rules of the equipment used; hygiene training; testing knowledge on electrical safety, theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

Harmful working conditions for industrial cleaners

  • cleaning equipment for retail, warehouse, industrial and other premises (basins, buckets, brushes, etc.) must be labeled, assigned to separate premises, and stored separately in closed, specially designated cabinets or wall niches;
  • for cleaning refrigerated chambers, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated and retail display cases, counters, shelves, there must be specially marked equipment for this purpose;
  • cleaning equipment (basins, rags) for cleaning workplaces, counters, food cabinets, etc.

One of the frequently discussed topics in occupational safety and health forums is the issue of providing compensation and benefits to workers in various fields. A person feels the influence of negative factors when performing certain work through general state health. Allergenic reactions when working with chemicals, frequent dizziness due to inhalation of harmful air vapors, etc. Many employers sometimes hide information about benefits for working in hazardous conditions, as well as general information about the working conditions themselves, because they are not interested in additional payments. If the provision of compensation is considered undesirable for the employer, then why not create favorable conditions? Working conditions under which workers would not receive occupational diseases or be injured?

Let's consider the reasons for cleaners of office and industrial premises, for janitors.

The cleaning profession is low-paid and labor-intensive: daily cleaning of premises and streets from dirt, garbage, and other industrial waste. Despite this, the profession remains one of the most in demand on the labor market, because order and cleanliness are an integral part of our lives.

Their working conditions, by their nature, are considered harmful due to the influence of factors working environment. But the very influence of factors, their presence, and at the same time the purpose of compensation can only be established in a competent way - (ARM, - ed.). Every employer is required to conduct certification Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It allows you to identify all inconsistencies in the workplace state requirements labor protection, improve them through certain activities. (Order - ed.).

When the object of study is workplace. Cleaners, as a rule, do not have a strictly designated place. For them, there are work areas in which they actively move throughout the entire work shift. Such a mobile nature of work during certification relates to the characteristics of a non-stationary workplace. In accordance with the Order, certification with geographically varying work zones (an equivalent name for non-stationary workplaces) is carried out by preliminary determination of typical technological operations with a stable set of factors and subsequent comprehensive assessment these operations. The time for performing operations is determined on the basis of regulatory legal acts, by interviewing employees and their employers.

Janitor's workplace– territorially isolated street zones. During their work shift, they have to deal, for the most part, with such production factors such as temperature changes, changes in microclimatic conditions, noise, insufficient lighting (especially in winter period years when work has to start before dark artificial lighting and at low air temperatures). Such a factor as the severity and intensity of work is almost always at extremely high standards for janitors, because they carry out work associated with great physical exertion. identify standards for the impact of these factors and, on the basis of this, evaluate the workplace, establishing a class of working conditions.

The responsibilities of the premises cleaners include maintaining the service premises in proper condition. Only those categories of workers who have undergone safety training are allowed to work. Standard instructions cleaners, approved Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 12, 2002 No. 9, contains all the safety rules for this category of persons. Based on this document, labor protection instructions are created for cleaners, depending on the specifics of the working environment. Instructions in mandatory must contain safety requirements before starting work, during work, at the end of work and in the event of any emergency situations. These measures help protect against exposure external factors, but only partially.

Cleaners, by the nature of their work, come into fairly close contact with various chemical impurities and infections. All this naturally takes a toll on the employee’s health. Sometimes even protective equipment does not save you. For example, take rubber gloves. This is one of the main means of collective defense. They protect against contact with fragments, needles and other sharp objects, but, as it turns out, they do not protect against themselves. With daily contact with them, moisture accumulates, which creates a favorable environment for the development of infections. The result is allergenic reactions, skin rashes, itching, redness, fungal infections, etc. When certifying a cleaner's workplace, attention is paid to the level of exposure to chemicals in the work area and the presence of factors that accompany them during the work process. It all depends on what kind of room the cleaning is carried out in: a warehouse, an office, a medical facility, etc.

Canada's provincial health inspectorate in Quebec compared cleaners with other occupations and found that cleaners were ahead in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and chronic back conditions.

Janitors, due to working on the streets, where there are frequent changes in temperature, are subject to such frequent occupational diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, joint diseases. When working with reagents, immunity decreases, bronchial asthma and skin diseases worsen. As a result of contact with chemicals and solvents, cleaners develop dermatitis and eczema, the risk of developing oncological diseases. The most commonly used chemicals are disinfectants, cleaning agents, solvents, pesticides, and soaps. Modern means contain a large amount of metals, dyes and flavors. All these harmful substances enter the body through the skin, through inhalation, causing burns and poisoning. Of course, concentrations and methods of use are important, but a person only needs to take a small dose every day to turn the disease into a “monster”. Therefore, cleaners, like any other profession, are of paramount importance.

If, during a study of working conditions at workplaces, the influence of harmful factors is revealed, cleaners and janitors, based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2008 No. 870 compensation is established in the form of annual additional paid leave of at least 7 calendar days or an increase in wages of at least 4% of the tariff rate.

We have already mentioned which should be implemented in manufacturing process upon completion of certification. For example, the introduction of new types of ergonomic mops, bucket movement systems and cleaning machines into the work process can reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system. Equipping a room where work with strong chemicals is carried out, powerful system ventilation reduces the risk of intoxication of the worker’s body.

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