
Stages of the personnel development system. The process of developing a company employee. Formation of personnel reserve

A popular trend in enterprises is staff development through training and corporate events. Any organization or enterprise has its own staff, which consists of professionals in their field. Moreover, it does not matter at all what position a person holds: an ordinary employee or a director of a company. Personnel refers to all employees who work for this enterprise, and it does not matter what form of employment contract is concluded with them. In order for an enterprise to fulfill its functions, it is necessary to constantly develop personnel, at any level. On modern enterprises

of every size and level, there is a position of recruiting manager who is responsible for hiring, firing, and developing employees in the workplace. At the same time, personnel development is a very broad concept, including several areas. Firstly, in order to perform all functions, the enterprise must have a fully staffed staff, which should not have extra people.

What is personnel development

At the same time, a shortage of workers can affect production efficiency, so the calculation of jobs should be based primarily on economic considerations. Secondly, each employee must strictly fulfill his duties, while in small enterprises workers must be interchangeable, based on economic feasibility. Thirdly, personnel development management should be carried out by a person who has foresight and the ability to think strategically, predicting the effectiveness of a particular employee. At the same time, the best employees should be rewarded not only with material benefits, but also with professional growth and career. Fourthly, the process of training employees of the enterprise must be continuously carried out so that their professional skills undergo changes for the better. All types of educational trainings large enterprises job responsibilities, but also to think creatively.

Some companies prefer to recruit employees without experience in their field and directly train them on the job. But the majority of enterprises still select workers with experience in this field of activity, since it is much easier to direct them in the right direction. It is believed that retraining of personnel is more expensive than simply offering training in new skills, since people with certain knowledge have their own ideas about working in a given field and it is very difficult to change the way they think. Therefore, it is easier to train inexperienced people and make them leaders in production. As a rule, the formation of personnel occurs gradually, everyone learns from their mistakes. Employee development cannot be done quickly, otherwise it will not be done professionally. It is impossible to immediately recruit people who will do their job clearly and consistently. In order for a team to develop, time and experience are needed.

Personnel formation

Personnel development strategy includes several definitions, each of which is important.

  1. Having correctly developed strategic moves, you can be sure that the functioning of the enterprise will proceed within the intended framework, and all functions will begin to be performed clearly and harmoniously. When developing a strategy, first of all, not the immediate, but the long-term prospects for the company’s development should be taken into account, that is, development plans should be developed at least several years in advance.
  2. The company needs to provide its employees with training, the application of acquired skills in practice, and the opportunity to demonstrate their initiative and personal qualities for the purpose of career growth. New technologies allow you to use maximum opportunities with minimal investment Money.
  3. An enterprise must and can provide an employee with alternative jobs if, for reasons beyond its control, the employee cannot perform his current job. functional responsibilities, at the same time, he must be confident in the future and interested in fulfilling the duties assigned to him.
  4. The long-term strategy must first and foremost be based on human potential. To achieve this, the enterprise administration should create conditions for the personal growth of each employee, based on the desire to grow and change for the better professionally.

The remuneration system must provide for all the capabilities of the staff. It is necessary to find an individual approach to each employee, and the system of incentives and bonuses must be individual in nature. In this case, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the professional suitability of each employee for his position and the ability to generate ideas and generate new possibilities for his personality. In some enterprises, in order to improve the overall picture, employees at all levels of the career ladder have the right to participate in the adoption of management decisions, especially those on which the future fate of the enterprise depends. At the same time, lower-level employees have the right to express their opinions, and the administration will definitely listen to them. As a rule, delegation of authority to manage an enterprise gives a good effect. The personal development of each interested employee is fast paced.

Forms and methods of personnel development

A good specialist will never say that he knows everything in his field of activity. As a rule, he is always interested in new research and technologies in his field of knowledge, and he will be happy to learn new techniques. Such employees are always successful because, in addition to experience, they also need new knowledge. Modern development Technology is advancing at such a fast pace that if you do not constantly train and learn something new, in a few years even many years of experience in this field will be unnecessary and uninteresting. Therefore, forms and methods of personnel development include, first of all, different types employee training. At the same time, every employee should have the right to choose. The so-called incremental learning process is often practiced. At first it may be introductory trainings, after a certain period of time - advanced training courses, then - personal and professional growth. They can take place not only at your home enterprise, but also with a trip to another city or even to another country.

There are many examples where employees of private organizations, including medical diagnostic institutions, annually undergo training courses with trips to other cities and even countries in order to improve their skills. As a rule, the lion's share of such training is carried out at the expense of the employee himself. But in order to continue to work at the proper level, he has no other choice, otherwise he will simply fall out of the flow, since every day many new technical achievements are being developed in the world that can turn any field of activity on its head. Serious competition in almost all areas of activity has led to the fact that the basic principles of personnel development include not only the training and personal growth of each employee, but also the ability of the administration to identify the “weak link” in the chain of employees, which pulls the entire enterprise to the lowest level. Having identified such an employee, managers have every right to mercilessly terminate employment contract with him, otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Such a “weak link” can be a person who does not want to improve, who believes that he already valuable employee. It could also be an employee who, in conditions of fierce competition in the labor market, considers himself indispensable, as a result of which he does not perform his duties correctly. job responsibilities and violates labor discipline. Various areas of activity not only do not help him improve, but, on the contrary, make him more vulnerable and worthless. Companies prefer to part with such employees, even if their departure can be very painful for other team members. At large enterprises, within the HR department, an analysis of the personnel development system is carried out. To do this, each employee is taken as a unit of account, and the global unit is taken as the entire market in which the organization itself operates. Every company needs only highly qualified personnel capable of performing their work smoothly and accurately.

Analysis of the personnel development system

At the same time, the tasks of personnel development are very clear: each employee must fulfill his functional responsibilities, observe labor discipline, and improve himself. But, as often happens in practice, people are all alive, they can get sick, have no desire or opportunity to work clearly, and ultimately be in a bad mood. If such metamorphoses occur systematically, this may mean that the employee has lost interest in his work. Contrary to popular belief, the employer himself may be to blame for this. Why? Because the personnel development program includes creating interest in doing the job.

If a person performs the same actions day after day, while not being able to grow up the career ladder, because he does not have the proper experience or education, his interest and desire to work fades away, and he begins to cause harm by not doing his job properly. The personnel development system as a whole operates to one degree or another at every enterprise of any level. It is important that management understand that investing money in the training process has far-reaching prospects, because competition between enterprises forces administrative managers to look for options for profitable investments in their employees, and this is not only training, but also a system of incentives and rewards. Professional development of personnel includes several factors, with the development of each of which the company can be confident in the future. These factors include on-site training for new employees. This is known to be the most profitable and low-cost process. As a rule, for such training it is enough to assign an experienced mentor to a new employee, and after a while he will be savvy in almost all matters.

What's happened company personnel development? The phrase is familiar and often used, but what exactly is this process, how relevant is it and how to organize it effectively? This will be discussed in the article.

Personnel development in the organization

Today, any competent manager understands that trained and motivated personnel will ensure not only well-organized work and economic efficiency companies, but also competitive advantage On the market.

This means that staff constantly require training and advanced training.

The world's leading corporations (Apple, IBM, Chevron, Google, General Motors, Microsoft) spend significant amounts of money on personnel development, including organizing their own corporate universities.

But HR employees whose responsibilities include personnel development must understand an important thing: the professionalism of employees and their experience are not everything. What is important is the attitude towards work, staff motivation, loyalty, and a sense of belonging to a single cohesive team.

In general, dear HR people, your task is not an easy one - to organize your work in such a way that the personnel development system produces tangible results.

Personnel development system

To understand how to build a personnel development system that truly produces tangible returns, let’s clearly define exactly what tasks need to be solved.

A set of measures aimed at professional and personal growth of employees includes actions to:

  1. developing a development strategy - what goals we will achieve in the future;
  2. planning the company's personnel needs;
  3. objective comprehensive assessment of personnel;
  4. adaptation of new employees;
  5. training and professional development of personnel;
  6. retraining - that is, in essence, obtaining a second education and mastering a new specialty;
  7. studying the potential of employees;
  8. rotation and delegation of powers;
  9. planning employee careers, creating a clear system of career growth;
  10. reducing staff turnover.

The goal of personnel development should also be clearly defined, and in accordance with this, activities that will be carried out in the company should be developed.

What do you want to achieve? To succeed, any enterprise or organization needs to increase labor efficiency, outperform competitors, prepare a talent pool of young promising employees, and create a healthy psychological climate in the team.

This is the guideline on the basis of which your personnel development strategy.

Personnel training and development

In the work of the HR service, the importance of personnel assessment cannot be underestimated. This gives you the opportunity to understand, so to speak, the scope of work: you get an idea of ​​the real professional level of the employees, their attitude to work.

In addition, you find out personal qualities: what problems need to be eliminated, and what advantages and disadvantages of each employee will make it possible to use them for the benefit of the company.

Let's talk about employee training - the most important link in the system that carries out personnel development. Training is possible in two formats - individual and group.

Group training

In a group format there are the following options: trainings where they develop managerial and professional skills; seminars, master classes; courses on professional retraining and professional development; business simulations - modeling of business processes close to the company’s conditions, which allows you to gain experience in solving various problems.

Today, business simulations that simulate crisis situations in a company are popular. This allows managers to practice skills crisis management and accept right decisions when there are increased risks for the company.

For example, a popular option, “Diamond Rush,” develops management skills. Teams of 4-6 people participate in an expedition for diamonds. They need to earn more money by selling precious stones as quickly as possible.

At the 1st stage, participants independently analyze information about the cost of diamonds (raw materials), their cutting technology, transportation, choose distribution channels (wholesale or retail), etc. Resources of time and money are limited, and various obstacles arise. .

At the 2nd stage, teams understand what strategy their opponents have chosen - they need to assess the risks and adapt to the actions of their competitors, victory depends on this.

During the business simulation, management skills are trained: data collection, analysis, search for alternative solutions, planning.

What are the advantages of group training - the team-building effect and Feedback with colleagues. In addition, it is much more economically profitable to conduct training for a group of employees than to train each individual individually.

But group training does not make it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of the participants and their level of training.

Individual training

Individual training and development of personnel is carried out through mentoring, coaching, developmental assignments, internships, temporary substitutions (delegation of authority), drafting and implementation individual plans development.

What are its advantages: taken into account individual characteristics employee, his level of knowledge and skills. A personal approach is used to each employee. Training is quite possible without interrupting your main job.

But such training is quite expensive and difficult to implement. Therefore, the group format is used for training ordinary personnel and middle management, and the individual format is used for the purpose of development key employees and senior managers.

And there is more distance learning, which has a number of advantages: affordable price, individual training schedule, the ability to combine study and work. These can be distance trainings, workshops, master classes, email newsletters, Training courses.

Personnel development methods

Professional development of personnel can be divided into two groups: on-the-job and off-the-job training. On-the-job training is more natural, occurs in a familiar environment, and is less expensive. Sometimes it involves inviting teachers or business coaches from outside.

Personnel development is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Mentoring is a process daily work, by example. Most often used when an employee has to master the new kind activities. The employee first learns by observing a mentor at work and then performs the activities independently. The subordinate’s mistakes (and they will definitely be) must be corrected correctly and patiently.
  2. Delegation - in this case, the professional development of an employee occurs through the transfer of more important tasks to him that are not related to his main activity. His terms of reference are clearly outlined. The employee has to study new information, use unusual working methods, apply new skills.
  3. Rotation - an employee is transferred to another position in order to receive additional professional qualifications, gain new experience. Such a transfer can last from several days to several months.

Off-the-job training occurs through trainings, seminars and courses through the following methods:

  1. lectures - traditional method vocational training when the lecturer presents large volumes of material in a short time;
  2. cases - descriptions of very real or fictitious situations that require research, analysis and proposals for optimal solutions;
  3. business and role playing games- collective activities, when participants receive roles, role-play a situation and act within the framework of the role, making decisions.
    For example, business game“Comfort Zone”, teaching stress management due to staff reduction. Three people perform the roles of workers at a rehabilitation center for the unemployed: an administrator, a consultant and a psychologist, the rest are visitors to the center. Trains communication skills in crisis situations, the ability to cope with stress, and create a comfort zone.

Social development of personnel involves his adaptation to the team, his acceptance of the company’s values, corporate culture and the desire to work for a common goal. The main method here is team building or team building.

Personnel development is a continuous process that requires an integrated approach. You can’t act piecemeal - today we conducted training, tomorrow we sent employees to courses, and put a tick on the activities carried out.

The truth, “Live and learn”, proven over the years, is very relevant in this case. Personnel need to be motivated to constantly learn new knowledge and skills, Active participation in the life of the company.

For this purpose, many turn to specialized centers, where they provide personnel development services at a professional level.

About mentoring as a method of personnel development, watch this video:

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Annotation. The article analyzes different definitions of the concept of “personnel development” and draws a parallel between the concepts of “personnel training” and “personnel development”, and examines the main components of the concept of the latter.

Key words: quality work force, personnel development, personnel training, personnel development concept, principles and methods of development.


Annotation. The article analyzes the different definitions of the concept of “staff development” and draws a parallel between “training” and “personnel development”, the principal components of the latter concept.

Keywords: quality of the workforce, staff development, staff training, staff development concept, the principles and methods of development.

Any organization is social system, and everything that happens in it largely depends on the activities of the people working in it and their level of development. Since we now live in a rapidly developing, complex and uncertain environment, where the tasks of strengthening competitiveness and increasing the efficiency of the organization come to the fore, issues related to improving the quality of the organization’s workforce are becoming decisive.

Based on the experience and results of successful domestic and foreign companies we can say with confidence that all resources spent on personnel development, with proper control, will soon and fully justify themselves. The growing interest in personnel development on the part of companies is determined by their need to have personnel whose level of training meets the requirements of the time. Personnel development is the engine of progress and expansion of the range of organizational knowledge.

To properly build the personnel development process, it is necessary to understand what is meant by this. Today, many authors often use the terms “professional training” and “personnel development” interchangeably. However, these concepts must be distinguished, since personnel development is an extensive process that consists of various types of activities aimed at progress and increasing efficiency labor potential, incl. and training. It is sometimes noted that professional training is aimed at meeting the needs that the organization faces today, and development is aimed at the needs that the organization will face in the future. Personnel development is the leading way to obtain professional education, on the basis of which the effective functioning and development of the organization will be possible.

It should also be noted that in the literature there are different interpretations of the concept of “personnel development”. Let's analyze some of them. In one of the definitions, personnel development is presented as a well-formed learning process, as a result of which the volume of information and knowledge increases, the quality and quantity of competencies and skills increases, the desire to train employees, competence increases, resulting in continuous personal development.

A. S. Harutyunyan

© Harutyunyan A.S., 2016

and organizational growth and development, and as a result, it becomes possible for the organization to achieve its goals.

A. Ya. Kibanov considers personnel development as a complex of organizational and economic activities in the field of personnel training, training, retraining and advanced training. These activities pose challenges professional adaptation, assessment of candidates for open positions, current personnel assessment, career design, personal growth and professional advancement personnel, work with personnel reserve. L.I. Lukichev interprets the definition as a series of measures that include professional training of applicants, retraining and improving the quality of the workforce and planning the business career of the organization’s personnel. According to V. R. Vesnin, personnel development is a complex of organizational and economic measures in the field of employee training, advanced training and professional competence of personnel, creativity motivation, etc. It can be said that personnel development refers to the implementation of a variety of activities that contribute to the full development of the potential of employees, their personal growth and the development of their chances to contribute to the activities of the organization.

So, we can define that personnel development is a complex of various activities that covers both the stages of training and retraining of personnel, and the stages of advanced training and professional growth of people of different age categories with different work experience. Development is a transformation from one qualitative state to another, better one, from old to new, it involves learning that is not standard for current work, it sets longer-term goals. Development is characterized by irreversible, directed and natural modifications, which lead to the emergence of qualitative and quantitative transformations in the structure of the organization.

The current paradigm of personnel development is largely determined by goals and objectives, strategy and policy, scientific principles, methods, technologies, types of development of the organization’s employees, which, on the one hand, guarantee that the standards of the quality level of personnel meet the company’s needs, and on the other hand, give employees a chance to self-realize from a professional point of view.

When building a personnel development strategy, you need to understand that the goals and objectives of employee development should be directed in the direction that the organization considers a priority, and this is mainly for any organization - making a profit, but it is also important not to forget about staff retention. This means that there must be some correlation between the personnel development strategy and the organization’s development strategy.

With planned personnel development, the organization simultaneously solves two main tasks: the organization increases the likelihood of the best and full use of the employee’s labor potential;

The opportunity for the employee to achieve full self-actualization increases.

The next significant aspect in the personnel development paradigm is the principles of development. The Czech teacher J. A. Komensky formulated the basic principles of teaching: clarity, consciousness, gradualism, consistency, strength and feasibility. AND I. Kibanov, V. G. Konovalova, M. V. Ushakov, A. P. Egorshin, E. B. Morgunov identify the following principles of development: efficiency and scientificity, prospects, economy, optimality and sufficiency, consistency, specialization, continuity. The literature also notes the principles of integrity, consistency, cyclicality, continuity, alternativeness, standardization, specificity, optimization, targeting, profitability, integration, flexibility of forms and methods of personnel development.

University Bulletin No. 9, 2016

In turn, goals, strategy and principles predetermine methods of personnel development, among which they emphasize: traditional and special methods.

There are various different methods and forms of personnel development and preference for one of them should be carried out taking into account real possibilities and goals of the organization. It is more advisable to combine different methods and forms.

Personnel development functions should contain the following parameters and activities: an indicator of the organization’s labor potential, business assessment employees of the organization; personnel career development, professional education according to the job description of employees, planning the personnel reserve of the company’s management.

Personnel development is a continuous process and is carried out according to a separate scheme, which contains several periods. To cope with competition in the global labor market, one of the main tasks of the organization is to increase the adaptation of employees to new conditions.

One of important points in managing the professional development of personnel is to identify the needs of the organization in this area. Here we're talking about about identifying the discrepancy between the professional knowledge and skills that employees of the organization must have to achieve its goals now and in the future and the knowledge and skills that they actually have.

In the personnel development department, a comfortable atmosphere and the necessary attitude on the part of the staff are also important.

The effectiveness of personnel development is assessed primarily on the basis the following indicators: experience, knowledge, skills, competencies, range of responsibilities, list of successfully solved tasks, career moves, productivity and innovative activity.

The following approaches to training qualified specialists are found in the scientific literature:

The specialized training system is aimed at the immediate future and is effective in the short term;

The system of multidisciplinary training increases the intra-production and non-production mobility of personnel, as a result of which the employee is less tied to his workplace, which carries a predetermined risk for the organization;

A training system focused on the employee’s personality reveals all the employee’s capabilities.

There are also three types of training:

Personnel training is the training and production of qualified personnel who master the complex necessary knowledge, skills and methods of communication;

Personnel development is personnel training, which is aimed at improving the knowledge, skills, and communication methods of employees;

Personnel retraining is the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and methods of communication due to changing demands for labor or acquisition new profession.

Summing up, we can state that the current directions of development of the system of professional development of personnel include the continuous adaptation and professionalization of young workers, the overtaking nature of vocational training, compliance vocational training market demands. Thus, having examined the essence of personnel development, we can say that for proper personnel development, a carefully designed development system is needed, which will be closely related to the company’s business goals, needs and opportunities.

capabilities of the staff, will be able to manage the motivation and behavior of staff to create a favorable atmosphere, and will also evaluate all kinds of internal and external development factors.


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4. Pyzhova, L. A. Personnel development management as a factor in the growth of labor efficiency / L. A. Pyzhova // Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 8. - P. 565-567.

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Personnel development is what managers should pay attention to first. All costs required to carry out activities that help unlock the potential of employees sooner or later pay off. Classes to improve the level of qualifications and knowledge can be both group and individual. When choosing specific methods of personnel development, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

From this article you will learn:

  • general information about staff professional development;
  • how personnel development takes place in the organization through training, retraining and education;
  • advantages and disadvantages of various methods of personnel development;
  • what should the personnel development system be based on?

Professional development of personnel: general information

The personnel development system should affect all employees striving for professional growth and development, because they are the ones who can bring the maximum benefit to the company. Passive specialists who are not interested in further training perform their duties monotonously; they are not particularly interested in how the organization will develop. You shouldn’t expect much from them, and spending resources on training is not always rational.

An experienced HR manager who participates in the life of the team knows what individual personnel are capable of, so it is he who must make decisions about the feasibility of personnel development. When choosing a set of activities, it is necessary to understand how employees will benefit from them, since the courses are focused not only on development professional qualities, but also general skills.

  • Development opportunities should be provided to everyone, otherwise staff turnover increases!

Professional development of personnel is a process aimed at training or retraining employees who apply for promotion, performing new production functions or problem solving. Some effort is required on the part of candidates, so it is irrational to send everyone for training. If the employee is not interested, after completing the courses, trainings, he will not become more literate.

When selecting applicants, you need to monitor the aspirations of employees. The main motives are the desire to increase one’s well-being, to receive new position, expand your contacts or become more relevant. Some employees dream of gaining independence from the employer, but in this case they often leave, waiting for an offer from competitors. It doesn’t matter whether they are moving up the career ladder or not.

Personnel development in the organization: preparation, retraining and education

  • Training of new employees— this is the professional development of personnel applying for a job. Students may have experience or may be doing this type of work for the first time. They enjoy all the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, while they are also assigned responsibilities. Their training can take place different ways: individual, group. Often, workers are sent to courses taught by experts in a particular field.
  • Retraining of specialists carried out with the aim of mastering new professions or skills. Retraining is carried out if the employee himself expresses a desire to change profession, taking into account the current needs of production. If we calculate material costs, we can see that retraining costs less than finding a new employee.
  • Training in related professions carried out with the aim of expanding the level of skill. Personnel development can be carried out using various methods, but it should be aimed at in-depth study of the material, as well as practice. Subsequently, employees can combine several professions, which is beneficial for small organizations who do not want to increase their staff.
  • Training additional training for employees who have the necessary education and experience. It allows you to expand knowledge, skills, and master new technologies. Improving the qualifications of specialists is important for companies that are dynamically developing and striving to take a leading position in the market. Modern methods of personnel development contribute to changing the approach to performing current duties.

Personnel development will help the company increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and adapt them to rapidly changing working conditions. Read our article about how to properly organize the training process and what methods of personnel development are available.

From this article you will learn:

The development of a company's personnel is a complex process that takes place in several stages. Each of them has its own methods of working with employees, its own characteristics and difficulties.

How to choose methods of personnel development at each stage of a company’s existence

Step 1:

we determine the goals of personnel development

The dynamism of modern business processes makes it difficult to determine short-term and long-term trends in entrepreneurship. Personnel development makes it possible to increase the adaptability of employees to current business trends and create a focus on the development of the industry in which they are involved.

The use of effective methods of training and development of employees helps the organization to “create” its own specialists, increase their productivity, adapt them to rapidly changing working conditions, reduce staff turnover, etc.

To achieve the desired result, you must be guided by the following principles:

  • consistency and integrity of the specialist development system;
  • adaptability of forms and methods of development;
  • employee incentives (both material and intangible).

Step 2:

choosing methods of personnel development

The development program should be developed taking into account the real capabilities of the company, since the choice of forms and methods of training depends on them

Today the most common methods are:

  • mentoring and on-the-job training;
  • courses, seminars, master classes conducted outside the work environment with the involvement of third-party specialists;
  • audio and video courses;
  • rotation of specialists;
  • knowledge exchange carried out within the company.

To achieve decent results, preference should be given to an integrated approach: combining different techniques that take into account the characteristics of the audience. For example, to develop applied skills, it is best to combine master classes conducted with the participation of competent specialists and video courses that will help consolidate the acquired knowledge.

To improve the professional qualities of employees in advertising, sales and development departments, specialized conferences are best suited: creative competitions etc. Non-standard teaching methods are ideal for improving the professional level of top management. Non-traditional trainings, theatrical performances, metaphorical games and other atypical teaching methods will contribute to the career and personal growth of even the most experienced and competent managers.

The personnel development scheme must be consistent and structured (consist of separate modules). This will help employees understand the tasks that will confront them at each stage of training, and master the necessary skills and knowledge necessary to solve them.

Step 3:

motivate staff to learn

To achieve the goals set by company management to achieve a new level of professionalism among employees, one cannot limit oneself to the creation of a training program. To motivate staff to improve their professional knowledge, it is necessary to properly build a reward system. This must be done because for most employees the learning process itself is not the main motivation, and in its absence, all efforts may be in vain.

As the main incentive for the development of a specialist, you can use the results that he can achieve as he masters new knowledge and gets involved in new activities.

Motivating employees to learn as a method of personnel development

All factors that can affect the level of employee motivation (both negatively and positively) can be divided into three groups:

  1. individual– aptitude for learning, general level of activity, interest in development;
  2. demographic– as workers age, they try not to “spread thin” and prefer deep dive in the area of ​​application of your professional skills;
  3. situational.

It is almost impossible to influence the first two groups, while situational factors can be regulated.

Situational factors include:

  • material interest– (absence or presence of material incentives to encourage learning and working on oneself);
  • stressful situations(the absence of stress factors increases the ability and desire to learn, and their presence decreases);
  • immaterial motivation(increasing the authority and sense of self-worth of the employee, recognition of his merits);
  • general level of organizational culture in the organization.

Personnel development methods: algorithm of actions

The greatest results can be achieved using a combination of several of the above methods. For this reason modern methods Personnel development implies the complexity and consistency of all actions. Thus, the algorithm of actions aimed at increasing the motivation of employees who will participate in the training may have the following structure:

  • designation of a material incentive. The training can be conducted in a competitive form, and based on its results, the most successful participants will receive certain encouragement;
  • elimination of stress factors. Participation in the training should be done on a voluntary basis. The training should be carried out at a convenient time (not during peak workload periods at work). It is necessary to create a positive and pleasant atmosphere.
  • improving organizational culture. It is necessary to convey information to the training participants about exactly how new knowledge and skills will be useful to them. People must understand that they are not wasting their time, but are actually improving their qualification level;
  • psychological support. Employees attending training must receive approval from management. This way, they can make sure that their superiors support their desire for personal and professional growth.

How to implement new methods of developing an organization's personnel

If employees are not willing to improve their skills, this may be a sign of serious problems within the organization or signal that the company does not have a learning environment. For this reason, the introduction of new development methods should begin only after all unfavorable factors that demotivate employees and suppress the competitive spirit in the team have been eliminated.

At integrated approach you can quickly and easily achieve the main goals of personnel development - increase employee loyalty to the company in which they work, achieve noticeable professional growth of specialists and improve their productivity.

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