
What does the CEO of a company do. Job description of the executive director. What kind of remuneration system should an executive director have? What is the motivation

Many people are unaware of the intricacies of the hierarchical system in the administration of large enterprises. It is this factor that explains the view that the positions of CEO and CEO are “synonymous”. Most ordinary employees consider the prefix "general" as a common convention that lends solidity to a position. It is important to note that many entrepreneurs who are involved in drafting the company's internal articles of association are not aware of the difference between these positions. Below we propose to consider how the CEO differs from the CEO.

CEO and CEO play important role in the organization and are the face of the company or non-profit organization in business matters

CEO post

The difference between the positions under consideration is quite significant, which explains the need for a thorough study of each of them. But before that, I would like to note that many large companies have a position: “CEO”. It should also be said that the job responsibilities of the executive and general manager have a high degree of similarity. Each of them belongs to the management and manages the personnel of the company. These officials have a high level of responsibility towards the owner of the company, who is responsible for the appointment of the company's management. It should be noted that representatives of these professions have a high level of responsibility to regulatory authorities.

In order to understand the difference between general and executive leader, it is necessary to carefully study all the features of each position. Large enterprises with a developed internal structure, consist of several departments, headed by a "director". The heads of local divisions are subordinate to the general director, who heads the management apparatus. Representatives of this profession are responsible for all the activities of the company. The appointment of the general manager is carried out on the basis of administrative documents that regulate the structure of the organization. All functions of the official in question are fixed in the corresponding instructions.

In addition, the duties of the CEO are enshrined in an agreement between the owner of the company and the future manager. In the case of large companies, all the official powers of the CEO are recorded in the organization's internal charter.

The meeting of participants is the highest authority overseeing the work of the limited liability company. The current legislation contains a list of the names of each of the members of this society, which has a certain share in the internal fund of the society. As a rule, the members of the meeting are called founders, participants or directors.

The leader of the members of the founders' meeting is general manager companies. It is important to note that, most often, a member with the largest share in the internal fund of society is elected to the chair. The general director of an LLC does not personally manage the organization, which relieves him of responsibility for all decisions made by the board of directors. Often, the members of the board of the meeting of founders elect a person who is appointed by the head of the company.

Director is a broad term, basically a member of the Board of Directors, the governing and supervising body of a company or organization

The general director is responsible for:

  1. Control financial condition companies.
  2. The choice of methods of marketing products in order to develop the company and increase income.
  3. Drawing up a program for the development of the company and the development of new areas of the market.
  4. Protecting the interests of the organization when interacting with counterparties and regulatory institutions.
  5. Control over the implementation of the rules of the current legislation.
  6. Development of personnel policy aimed at efficient management middle management.
  7. Development of a plan to reduce non-production costs.
  8. Development of a policy for the effective use of company assets.

As a rule, these functions are listed in job descriptions and on pages labor agreement with the owner of the company. It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the case of an LLC, the structure of these documents is approved by the Board of Founders.

Executive Director post

The main difference between the CEO and the executive is that the latter can manage both the company itself and one of the internal departments. This factor depends on the internal structure of the company and functional features positions.

As mentioned above, the CEO is the chairman of the board of directors. In this case, the executive director is entrusted with the functions of the head of operational activities. It is important to note that representatives of each of the positions considered are directly responsible to the owner of the company. This means that there are no fundamental differences between representatives of these specialties. In the case of medium-sized enterprises, the differences in these positions are contained in the wording that are recorded on the pages of the constituent documents.

You can find differences in these positions only by example. large company having a developed internal structure... An enterprise headed by a CEO should be considered as such an example. This official exercises control over the activities of other heads of structural divisions, including the head of production.

It is important to note that the executive is not responsible for financial questions and interaction with the tax service and other regulatory authorities. Also, his responsibilities do not include the control of accounting documents and the solution of legal issues. As practice shows, this official is rarely responsible for the assets used by the company or marketing strategies that bring losses. In addition, the executive head does not represent the interests of the company when interacting with law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities.

The management structure of the organization may include the positions of director and general director

The terms of reference of the executive head include:

  1. Control over the execution of production tasks.
  2. Organization of work schedule and control over the work of production equipment.
  3. Preparation of technical documents in accordance with applicable regulations.
  4. Quality control and volume of manufactured products and goods.
  5. Development of personnel policy in the entrusted unit or department.
  6. Monitoring the implementation of labor protection and safety rules during production process.
  7. Development and implementation of methods for modernizing the production process in order to increase the level of competitiveness of the company in the selected market segment.

A more detailed listing of the functions of this officer is given on the pages of the job description. This document provides a list of the rights and obligations of the executive director, as well as lists the structures entrusted to him. It is important to note that this method division of responsibility is used in other departments as well. It means that personnel manager is not responsible for financial issues or product quality.

CEO and CEO: the difference lies in the fact that the latter is responsible for the part of the company entrusted to him, and the CEO is responsible for the activities of the entire enterprise.

Difference between CEO and CEO

The head of the structural unit of the company has a number of limited functions in comparison with the head of the entire company. However, representatives of this position occupy a high level in the hierarchical structure. It should be noted that the position of the executive chief has a number of specific differences from other types of management, which include the personnel director, financial director and other directors. The functions of these officers depend on the size of the company and its needs. As a rule, all heads of structural divisions form a board of directors, which is headed by a general director.

Since the representative of the position of the executive head is part of the administrative apparatus, he acts as a liaison between the employees of the subdivisions entrusted to him and the management of the company. This means that this official is the leader of the ordinary employees of the organization and controls them. labor process... But in some businesses, the CEO acts as the head of the entire company, which allows him to manage the board members. In this case, the executive chief is assigned the responsibilities of the leader of the entire organization. It should be noted that in this case, the level of responsibility of the official increases several times.

The difference in the designated job positions is not related to the concepts of the legal spectrum

The general director manages the board of founders and all management of the structural divisions. All directors, including the executive director, are subordinate to this person.

CEO and CEO honors:

It should also be noted that the responsibilities of both directors may include the same functions. However, in practice, there is a process of dividing the sphere of interests of each of the officials. It is important to note that the right to sign documents related to the economic part, is provided to the executive director only on the basis of a power of attorney. A copy certified by a notary office is provided to all counterparties with whom this official interacts.

In contact with

A member of the executive director profession is a leader who reports only to the CEO (or to the meeting of founders, if any). The functions of the executive director include careful control over financial flows, personnel management of the company and the solution of all organizational tasks of the production and sale of goods or services.

High responsibility, a large number of responsibilities and extremely high wages make this profession very prestigious.

Places of work

An executive director is essential for any average and big business... Typically than larger enterprise, the more such a leader is needed.

History of the profession

In any labor collective there is always a need for a leader who can guide people towards a common goal. If during the primitive communal system, the role of the leader was played by the leaders, then in modern times they are the general directors. They distribute responsibilities, organize people and manage the work of the team.

With the development of the economy and the emergence of large corporations, CEOs began to hire assistants: executive, financial and commercial directors.

Responsibilities of the executive director

The main job responsibilities of an executive director include:

  • enterprise management;
  • coordination of the work of departments;
  • selection and training of employees;
  • providing high quality services / goods;
  • fulfillment of the sales plan and approved budgets;
  • negotiating with customers, contractors, partners;
  • building and improving business processes;
  • implementation and control of enterprise work standards.

Requirements for the executive director

The main requirements for an executive director are as follows:

  • higher education;
  • work experience of at least 3 years in the field of activity of the employing company;
  • experience in planning and budgeting;
  • experience in negotiation;
  • managerial and organizational skills and abilities;
  • knowledge of the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation affecting the activities of the employing company;
  • personal characteristics:
    • leadership skills;
    • focus on results;
    • stress tolerance;
    • discipline.

The presence of a personal car is encouraged.

Executive Director Resume Sample

How to become an executive director

To become an executive director, first of all, you need a higher education (it is desirable that it corresponds to the field of activity of the employer). On construction company they will require education in construction, in a medical center - in medicine, in a bank - in economics. Good legal knowledge is often required to be an executive director.

In addition to higher education, a lot of practical experience is required ( minimum requirement- 3 years of experience in a managerial position) and a set of personal qualities: time management, negotiation, leadership.

Executive director salary

The salary of the executive director varies from 20 to 150 thousand rubles per month, depending on the city and the size of the company. In addition to the salary, the director always has a bonus part, depending on the result achieved.

The average salary of an executive director is 70 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to tertiary education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market, usually from a week to a year.

Institute of Professional Education "IPO" invites you to pass distance courses in the direction "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with obtaining a diploma or certificate of the state standard. We have trained over 8,000 graduates from nearly 200 cities. You can undergo training as an external student, get an interest-free installment plan.

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Job description executive director [name of organization, enterprise]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing employment relationship In Russian federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The executive director belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to the general director of the organization (enterprise).

1.2. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in managerial positions in the relevant industry for at least [meaning] years is accepted for the position of an executive director.

1.3. The executive director is accepted and dismissed from work by the decision of the [general meeting of founders or other body of the organization, enterprise].

1.4. The CEO should know:

Legislative and normative legal acts governing the administrative, economic and financial and economic activities of an organization (enterprise), decrees of federal, regional and local government and management bodies that determine the priority directions of development of the economy and the relevant industry;

Methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies concerning the activities of the organization (enterprise);

Profile, specialization and features of the structure of the organization (enterprise);

Prospects for technical, economic and social development industries and organizations (enterprises);

Tax and environmental legislation;

Labor legislation;

The procedure for drawing up and agreeing business plans for the administrative and economic and financial and economic activities of an organization (enterprise);

Market methods of business management and organization (enterprise) management;

Basic principles and methods of forecasting;

The procedure for the conclusion and execution of business and financial contracts;

The order of development and conclusion labor contracts(contracts);

The procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations;

Market conditions;

Scientific and technical achievements and advanced production experience in the relevant industry;

Management of the economy and finances of the organization (enterprise);

Organization of production and labor;

Rules for conducting inspections and documentary audits;

Fundamentals of office work;

Business ethics;

Business Relationship Psychology;

Principles, methods of personnel management;

Strategic and marketing aspects of management;

Labor protection rules and regulations;

- [Fill in what you want].

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

1.6. During the absence of the executive director, his duties are performed by [position, full name].

2. Job responsibilities of the employee

The executive director has the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of the management of the daily financial and economic activities of the organization (enterprise) in accordance with the constituent documents.

2.2. Organization of work and effective interaction of all structural divisions of the organization (enterprise), taking measures to improve the efficiency of the organization (enterprise).

2.3. Management of all functional divisions of the organization (enterprise) through the subordinate heads of these divisions.

2.4. Provides:

Execution of orders, orders of the higher management of the organization (enterprise);

Implementation and compliance with approved regulations, standards, instructions;

Organization of work of all divisions for the implementation of approved plans;

Keeping records of the fulfillment of planned tasks;

Verification of compliance with the deadlines for the provision of reporting and other documents.

2.5. Organization of administrative and economic activities based on widespread use the latest technologies, progressive forms of management and organization of labor, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs.

2.6. Together with director general development and implementation, as well as improvement of methods of organization (enterprise) management.

2.7. Participation in the development of the strategy of the organization (enterprise).

2.8. Planning the needs of the organization (enterprise) in resources and tools.

2.9. Control and improvement of business processes.

2.10. Budgeting for the entire organization (enterprise).

2.11. Management of all operations of the organization (enterprise) from the point of view of financial control.

2.12. Conducting regular financial and economic analysis of the activities of the organization (enterprise). Communicating the results of the analysis to senior management.

2.13. Development and construction of an organizational structure.

2.14. Implementation of planning the needs of the organization (enterprise) in personnel, decision-making on the admission and dismissal of employees.

2.15. Taking measures to provide the organization (enterprise) with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, create safe working conditions for life and health, and comply with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

2.16. Ensuring compliance with labor and production discipline, promoting the development of labor motivation, initiative and activity of the personnel of the organization (enterprise).

2.17. Control over the development and implementation of personnel incentive schemes, depending on the priorities of the organization (enterprise).

2.18. Ensuring the correct combination of economic and administrative methods of leadership in the discussion and solution of issues of material and moral incentives to increase the efficiency of activities, the application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the task entrusted to him and the results of the work of the entire team, payment wages on time.

2.19. Representing the interests of an organization (enterprise) in government bodies and in interactions with partners.

2.20. Ensuring that the enterprise fulfills all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as economic and labor agreements (contracts) and business plans.

2.21. Protection of the property interests of an organization (enterprise) in courts, government and administrative bodies.

2.22. [Enter what you want].

3. Employee rights

The executive director has the right to:

3.1. Make proposals to the higher management to improve the work of the organization (enterprise).

3.2. Independently make decisions and organize their implementation by employees of the organization (enterprise) within the framework of their competence.

3.3. To represent the interests of the organization (enterprise) in relations with physical and legal entities, public authorities and administration.

3.4. Act on behalf of the organization (enterprise) without a power of attorney.

3.5. Open current and other accounts in banking institutions.

3.6. To dispose of the funds and property of the organization (enterprise) in compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulations, the charter of the organization (enterprise).

3.7. Conclude employment agreements (contracts).

3.8. Issue powers of attorney for civil transactions, representation, etc.

3.9. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.10. For an additional vacation to the main one.

3.11. For all social guarantees provided by law.

3.12. Other rights provided for labor legislation.

4. Employee responsibility

The executive director is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties as provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The executive director bears personal responsibility for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation, the Charter of the organization (enterprise), other regulatory legal acts, as well as: - for the results of the organization (enterprise);

For untimely or inaccurate provision of information on the implementation of work plans by divisions of the organization (enterprise);

for the daily management and further development of the organization (enterprise);

For budgeting, for the profit and loss of both the entire organization (enterprise), and within the framework of specific projects;

For failure to ensure compliance by employees of subordinate departments of labor discipline.

4.5. [Enter what you want].

HR manager

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

About the position of the executive director and his job description

Governance structure in commercial organizations depends on what goals are set by the management before them. The legislation does not provide for any requirements, except for the presence of a single management (that is, the general director or another person, on the basis of the charter acting on behalf of the organization). That is why many companies and firms are introducing the position of an executive director.

The scope of authority of this leader depends on the specific conditions, but in most cases the executive director is the second person in the company, the immediate deputy general director. This employee is engaged in the fact that directly implements the policy developed by the highest governing body of the organization. In particular, the executive director can act as the head of the board of directors and the first deputy general director.

Since the competence of such an employee can vary significantly in different companies, a document is needed that will record the role of this person in the overall structure of the organization. Such a document is the job description.

The job description of the executive director captures the following information:

  1. Official title of the position according to internal regulations organizations, qualification requirements, indication of subordination and structures, which are managed by the executive director.
  2. Responsibilities assigned to the employee holding this position.
  3. Rights vested in the executive director.
  4. The responsibility that this executive bears by virtue of the internal acts of the enterprise and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Although there are no generally binding requirements under Russian law for the preparation of job descriptions, in most cases the above structure is used in their preparation.

Job responsibilities of the executive director

Don't know your rights?

  • operational management of the firm's work;
  • ensuring maximum efficiency of the work of structural divisions and the organization as a whole;
  • development of the strategy in accordance with which the company operates (this responsibility is carried out by the executive director jointly with other members of the management, including the CEO);
  • analysis of how the company operates as a whole and each of its divisions, branches or representative offices;
  • ensuring the proper execution of each of the orders, instructions and other acts issued by the general director and others higher authorities company management;
  • implementation of the personnel policy of the enterprise;
  • planning the needs of the enterprise in tools, components and other material assets necessary for the implementation of its activities;
  • elimination of deficiencies identified in the work of the organization;
  • fulfillment of individual orders of the General Director;
  • management of subordinate employees of the enterprise.

The list provided here is indicative only. If necessary, the executive director may be assigned other duties that do not contradict the legislation and the charter of the enterprise.

Executive Director's Rights

In order to perform duties, each employee must be endowed with a number of rights. The executive director is no exception. Typically, this employee has the following rights:

  • demand from the management of the organization and each of the structural divisions to assist in the performance of their duties;
  • request and receive information necessary for work;
  • give binding instructions to each of the subordinate employees;
  • contact the management of the enterprise with statements and proposals regarding the improvement of the work of both the company as a whole and its individual structural divisions;
  • endorse documents related to the competence of the executive director;
  • represent the interests of the firm in relations with state or municipal authorities, as well as commercial enterprises.

This list is also not complete. For the performance of specific duties, the executive director may be endowed with additional rights not mentioned here.

In addition, we must not forget that the executive director, like all other employees, has all the rights that are provided for by labor legislation. It should be borne in mind that, unlike the rights listed above, under the legislation, enterprises cannot be limited or canceled by any internal acts.

Responsibility of the executive director

In the event that duties are not properly performed, the culprit should be held accountable. Accordingly, job descriptions describing the role of executive directors in specific companies should include sections on responsibility.

However, it should be borne in mind that the main types of responsibility are enshrined in the normative acts of federal legislation, so there is no need to describe in detail each specific case in which the executive director may be held liable. It is enough to indicate the main types.

So the CEO carries the following types responsibility:

  1. Disciplinary - for failure to comply with legal orders of the organization's management.
  2. Administrative and criminal - for committing misdemeanors and crimes provided for by the relevant types of legislation.
  3. Civil law - for causing damage to the property of the enterprise or its employees, as well as the interests of the enterprise in the event that these interests can have financial expression. In particular, if an agreement on full material responsibility, he will carry it.

Requirements for the qualifications of the executive director

In conclusion, it should be said about what qualifications a person holding the position of executive director of the company should have. The state sets the level of qualifications with the help of professional standards. However, the state has not yet introduced a professional standard for an executive director, so employers still have the right to indicate the required level of education or work experience that this employee must have.

In practice, in most cases, an executive director is required to have at least a bachelor's degree in the field of economics or the area where the company operates. As for the length of service, most often the executive director is required to have at least 3 years of work in the relevant field.

The position of the executive director of an enterprise or LLC is considered one of the most prestigious, so most job seekers tend to get it. But it is worth remembering that the director has a number of serious responsibilities. So, before accepting a tempting offer, you need to familiarize yourself with the job descriptions in order to avoid problems in the future.

What is this position?

An executive director is the head of an enterprise or LLC, who reports directly to the general director, the meeting of founders. Often, such specialists work for medium and large businesses.

The executive director is responsible for the actions of the company before state authorities - tax, prosecutor's office, court. He is obliged to speak on behalf of the organization at various seminars, conferences and meetings, resolve all issues with local authorities, work with trade union organizations.

The terms of reference are determined by the charter and the memorandum of association. The general director can delegate part of his duties and rights to the director.

Job description

The job description is the main document that defines the rights and responsibilities of the executive director. Its content directly depends on the type of activity of the company, but at the same time, when compiling it, the management must rely on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other regulations in the field of labor activity.

The job description indicates:

  • The procedure for the selection and appointment of the executive director.
  • Requirements for a candidate - work experience, requirements for vocational training and education.
  • Requirements for knowledge in certain areas of law, economics and business.
  • Job responsibilities executive director.
  • Specialist rights.
  • A responsibility.
Upon taking office, the executive director must familiarize himself with the job description against signature. It is advisable for a specialist to have one copy of the document at hand in order to subsequently check with it in case of controversial issues when making decisions.

Professional and personal qualities of the director

The profession of an executive director requires the fulfillment of a number of job responsibilities, on the basis of which a number of professional requirements are put forward to specialists:
  • An executive director can only be a person with a higher education related to the economy or the profile of the company.
  • He must have experience in this area, know the nuances of the work of companies of this type. Of course, employees who have already worked in the company for a considerable time are often appointed as executive directors, but sometimes a person from outside who worked at a similar enterprise is hired for this position.
  • Knowledge of the laws and regulations related to the activities of the organization is mandatory. This is due to the fact that he is responsible for the operation of the enterprise, including for violations in the conduct of business and activities.
  • An executive director must have experience in negotiating, business meetings, and be able to plan the work of an enterprise.

Talking about personal qualities, it is important to note the presence of such personality traits: purposefulness, striving for leadership, resistance to stress, discipline, analytical skills, organization.

Main responsibilities

The main responsibilities of the executive director include:
  • Control over the work of the company, its departments and branches. He is obliged to draw up plans for the development of the company, monitor their implementation. Often, the executive director has to come to the enterprise for inspection.
  • Control over the work of employees. The executive director is obliged to draw up orders, fine or reward employees.
  • Selection and approval of candidates. He has the right to assign interviews and selection of candidates to one of the company's specialists or the head of the department, as well as to independently select personnel for further work. In addition, the executive director is also responsible for personnel training - he organizes courses for them or sends employees to third-party institutions to improve their professional literacy.
  • Control over the work of the personnel department. The executive director is obliged to check all the documentation that the personnel officers draw up (from employment contracts and vacation schedules to).
  • Check the receipt of money to the account from counterparties, monitor the payment of dividends, control all expenses of the organization. In the event of violations in the financial sector, he is responsible for them in the same way as the chief accountant.
  • Conduct business meetings, negotiations with clients, organize meetings of shareholders.
  • Work with audit companies to check the work of departments.
  • Provide high quality services and manufactured goods.

In most organizations, the main emphasis is on control over the execution of orders and orders, work plans, as well as on the operational development of planning.

Executive Director's Rights

In addition to responsibilities, the executive leader has a number of rights that he can exercise.
  • Offer the company's management a number of measures and innovations aimed at improving the company's performance, increasing economic efficiency.
  • Distribute work among subordinates within the framework of their authority. So, the executive director can instruct to conduct a campaign or event, collect data to analyze the work of the enterprise.
  • Work with banks by opening corporate accounts.
  • To perform certain actions and transactions, issue a power of attorney to the company's employees (for example,).
  • Open new vacancies in accordance with the needs of the business.
  • Within the framework of the legislation, decide on the distribution of funds received by the organization, their spending.
  • Ask the CEO or other senior management for help.
  • Demand additional leave and receive all social guarantees.

A responsibility

Any leadership position provides for the onset of responsibility in case of violation of certain obligations, their functions as a leader. So, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the management and owners of the company for:
  • The quality of work of both the organization as a whole and its individual departments.
  • Damage to the property of the organization. Often it comes o due to violations of the job descriptions of responsible persons, safety precautions. In the event of force majeure circumstances, liability does not arise.
  • Workplace disruptions while the CEO was at work. These are both safety violations and the absence of employees in the workplace.
  • The efficiency of the enterprise, which is determined by the financial well-being of the organization, its reputation.
  • Making decisions that negatively affected the work of the company, its reputation.

The executive director is responsible for violations not only to the CEO or company owners, but also to the law. Especially if these are violations in the legislative or financial sphere of the company's activities.

Video: Who is an executive director
You can learn more about who an executive director is, what are his duties and powers from the video. It tells in detail about the specifics of the work of a specialist, the main requirements for him:

The executive director is one of the leaders of the company and a key person responsible for the financial well-being of the company, planning the work of departments and branches, holding corporate meetings and events. The duties and rights of a specialist are spelled out in the job description, which the specialist must familiarize himself with when taking a new position.
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