
How to open your own housing and communal services management company from scratch, requirements, documents. The structure of the management company. Step-by-step procedure for opening a company

At the initial stage, an entrepreneur needs to register a company as an LLC. The optimal form of taxation is the simplified tax system. The registration process will take about a month.

After receiving the package of documents confirming the official registration, you must contact financial institution to open an account. Also, the founder of the company must draw up documents for obtaining a seal. Registration of the organization will cost 16 thousand rubles. This amount includes state duty (4 thousand rubles), the amount of the authorized capital (10 thousand rubles), notary services for certification of documents (2 thousand rubles).

The following licenses are required to work:

  • For the provision of telematic services.
  • For data transmission (except for voice information).
  • For cable TV services.

The approximate cost of licenses will be about 20 thousand rubles. For quick solution this question and saving time, you can contact consulting company... You can do the decoration yourself, but this is an extra savings. Time costs will be more expensive. If you use the services of a consulting company, another 10-30 thousand rubles will be added to the amount.

Premises and equipment

An office space is rented to organize the work of an Internet provider. Its location is not critical. Equipment and devices for communication are located on the upper floors or in the basements of multi-storey buildings. Customers must provide the provider with access to common areas to host communications.

The main expenses of the provider are associated with the purchase of equipment. The minimum cost of the equipment is 1-2 million rubles. This includes:

  • Mail, Identity, Minor, Terminal, FTP and Web Server.
  • Master server.
  • Control servers, settings, registration, calculations.
  • Typical servers.
  • Routers.
  • Network switches.
  • Cables, control equipment, tool kits.
  • Remote access server.
  • Power supplies.
  • Protective devices against system hacking.

The prerequisites for high-quality and safe operation of a communication center are grounding. You will definitely need permits from the fire service and SES. The Internet provider's premises are equipped with alarms for round-the-clock security.


The staff of the company-provider of the Internet and cable television includes specialists of narrow purpose with special education. For work you will need:

  • Workers of the repair and installation service.
  • Operators.
  • System specialists.
  • Administrators.
  • Manager.
  • Accountant.

The number of employees depends on the size of the city, the number of clients and the area of ​​services provided. With the growth of the company and the formation of a client base, the number of employees increases.


On average, to organize the work of a provider company, the founder will need at least 120 thousand dollars. The main expenses will be spent on the purchase of expensive equipment and apparatus, the services of consulting firms, the rent of premises and the remuneration of employees.

However, the prospects for business development in this niche are great if you win your client. In our country, this segment of the market is relatively free, which will allow the new provider providing quality services to compete with similar organizations.

The provider's profitability depends on the volume of services provided and is 60%. Particular attention is paid to the quality of communication and customer service.


Opening a provider company is a rather specific business that requires a professional approach and a well-thought-out organization. The service provider must systematically work on the quality of services - increase the number of lines, update equipment, develop and implement new service projects.

The business is not subject to seasonality and is in high demand. With professional and high-quality work, the company will bring stable profits and will be popular with customers.

The mention of the first housing associations was noted in 1921, it was then that the first activists appeared, who understood the attractiveness of this business, and began to take municipal buildings under their wing. Typical management companies began their existence relatively recently - 2005 marked the beginning in the management of multi-storey buildings of the new era and every year they are gaining more and more popularity among aspiring entrepreneurs.

High profitability and little competition in this area are the main reasons why businessmen want to fill this niche. But is it so easy to open your own management company and why, given such financial attractiveness, there are still vacancies in this market?

So how to start a management company from scratch? The answer is in this article!

Realize management activities allowed only after obtaining a license, the issuance of which is regulated by state authorities.

The received document does not require renewal, it is issued without time restrictions. But even if you are included in the register of licenses of the Russian Federation, this does not mean your immunity. The license, if not necessary, can be canceled and the company struck off the register.

Who can get permission?

A legal entity can count on obtaining a license to carry out work as a management company. or physical face:

  • registered on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • having a qualification certificate;
  • no criminal record;
  • absent from the register of disqualified persons.

Features of management companies

A management company for an entrepreneur is an intermediary between the house and the organization that provides its maintenance and maintenance. In other words, the management company accumulates the tenants' money in order to later spend it on repair, maintenance and other work related to the improvement, increase in the investment value of the house.

For tenants, this is an organization that manages all apartments in the house, providing a certain list of services, established by the state or expanded by agreement with residents.

Procedure for opening a management company

To start a business in the management field, you need to take several steps:

1. Finding a suitable place for an office.

3. Purchase of equipment and implementation of repair works.

We will consider the features of each step in more detail below.

Finding a location for the office of the management company and purchasing equipment

Before registering your activity, you need to find a place where the office of the management company can be located in the future. The best option is an apartment building, the management of which is planned to take over. Typically, such companies are placed on the first floors of high-rise buildings, carry out major repairs, converting the premises into an office.

For work, 40 square meters will be enough. m. on which it is necessary to locate one large office where specialists will receive clients, and directors, a toilet, a place for eating.

You will need to purchase office furniture, air conditioning, cabinets, document safes, office equipment, consumables and stationery. It is also necessary to purchase workwear, tools and

Registration of a company to obtain the right to engage in management activities

To legitimize your activities, you need a registration procedure in or CJSC. To register as an LLC, you need to do the following:

  • choose a place and come up with a name;
  • choose a code;
  • a decision to establish
  • to form the Criminal Code.

After completing the listed activities, you will need to submit an application to the tax, in advance

Then you need which will send a registration certificate to your legal address within 5 days.

And the last step will be opening a current account in a bank, with the subsequent transfer of data about it to the tax service.

Hiring employees for work

The management company must employ at least three certified employees. If you do not know how to manage a house, you will need to hire an engineer with the appropriate education, in addition to him, you need specialists who will maintain the house.

Management company staff

  • engineer;
  • accountant;
  • director;
  • plumbers, locksmiths, cleaners, wipers, electricians.

Management company advertisement

The only thing that can be done for promotion is to make your own website with detailed and necessary information about the organization itself, its employees, goals, plans.

The goal is to make the name of the company recognizable. Only such large-scale advertising can bear fruit.

How to attract customers?

To take a house into management, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with each tenant. To do this, you need to organize a meeting, on the outcome of which your further relationship with this will depend. apartment building, namely their presence or absence. At the general meeting, your goal will be to convince the tenants of the need to change their management company to yours.

You need:

  • paint colorfully all the benefits of cooperation with you;
  • tell about the work that you plan to do in their house in the near future;
  • promise timely elimination of breakdowns, accidents and other problems.

It's a good start to take control of your house, spend necessary work and take a picture of the result. Such photos will serve as strong evidence and good motivation for residents. Good feedback from the house you have already "brought to mind" will also have a positive effect on your reputation.

Management company business plan

To open your own management company, you will have to incur a lot of expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 80,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of office equipment, furniture and equipment necessary for the work of specialists from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 200,000 rubles.
  • Advertising from 90,000 rubles
  • The cost of house maintenance, repairs, improvement of the local area is about 900,000 rubles.

Thus, to open your own management company, you will need to invest at the initial stage from 1,500,000 rubles.

The profitability of the management company as a business

The profitability of the management company is considered to be an average of about 50% and in just a couple of years the costs can be recouped. The only condition is that there are houses that want to be serviced in your organization.

For stable work and receiving income at the initial stage, it is necessary to take into service at least five houses and gradually increase this number. You should not immediately try to recruit a lot of houses, since it will not be possible to serve them efficiently and in a short time, and this will not affect your reputation in the best way.

Fresh houses are easy to maintain and cause almost no problems. Old houses, however, need major repairs, residents will regularly remind them of current roofs and pipes and demand the promised, quick fix of the problem, and these are significant costs.

Possible problems when opening a management company

1. Providing the house with resources

It can be quite difficult to build relationships with those who supply the house with water, heating, and the sewage system. And a quick solution to the problems that have arisen is sometimes impossible.

And vigilant tenants will certainly arrange scandals due to the fact that they were promised to do everything quickly, but in fact, like everyone else.

2. Non-payers

Each house has defaulters, as a rule, it is 20-30% of the total number of residents. To solve problems with them, you will need to take any measures, and this is not only a waste of time, but also nerves.

Also problems include high risks, large cash investments, difficulties in the selection of qualified employees.

Is it possible to buy a ready-made business?

In practice, it happens it is much easier to buy an existing management company, than opening it yourself.

When making such a transaction, you should pay special attention to the agreement, which should be studied very carefully and better in the presence of experienced lawyers, so that the debts of the former manager do not pass to you with the company.

You will also need to check all the necessary internal documents of the organization presence. Opening your own management company, Is a very risky, complex and costly business.

It will take a lot of effort to obtain a license, permits from the state, administration, and develop a client base. Luring tenants is difficult, people do not trust such organizations, because often promises are not even half fulfilled.

To achieve success in this area and earn respect, you can only perform services efficiently and quickly, keeping all your promises. Only in this case the tenants will praise you and advise their friends.

How to open a management company? Watch the following video lecture:

Consulting occupies a leading position in the business services market.

For entrepreneurs who are interested in how to open a consulting firm from scratch, and how profitable this field of activity is, a detailed business plan is drawn up with a calculation of profitability.

What is consulting?

Consulting is the provision of consulting services to firms, enterprises, individuals on business development issues. The consulting agency employs specialists in analysis, finance, marketing, management, personnel, and IT technologies.

The organization can hire permanent job consultant on issues of interest. Then it will be internal consulting.

External consulting is the conclusion of a service contract with a consulting firm. Most requested consulting services:

  1. Business process analysis and productivity assessment.
  2. Improvement suggestions.
  3. Training and recruitment of personnel.
  4. Activity audit.
  5. Credit tips.
  6. Development of tactics and strategy.
  7. Activity risk assessment.
  8. Registration, certification, licensing.

Tips for organizing and maintaining economic activity are required by representatives of both small and big business... Therefore, the consumer audience of consulting agencies is huge:

  • trade enterprises;
  • light industry;
  • heavy industry;
  • building sector;
  • financial sector;
  • energy;
  • mining and processing enterprises;
  • the field of telecommunications.

There are the main types of consulting:

  1. Financial.
  2. Managerial.
  3. On taxation issues.
  4. In the field of design and engineering work and medicine.

The work of the agency is usually organized according to the principle of sending specialists to the company with which an agreement has been concluded. Consultants collect information, delve into business processes specific organization to then draw conclusions and provide recommendations for increasing productivity and profitability.

Business plan

Before opening a consulting firm, you need to draw up detailed instructions for launching a project, calculate the amount of start-up investments, plan expenses and income.

  • business registration;
  • office location;
  • equipment;
  • staff;
  • advertising;
  • financial calculations.

One of the consulting activities is to help start-up entrepreneurs start their own business, which includes the development of a business plan and assistance in its implementation.

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Experts recommend opening a consulting company in the form of an LLC. A legal entity instills more confidence in clients than an individual entrepreneur, and reputation is the basis for successful business in the consulting business. Another argument in favor of LLC - the legislation for individual entrepreneurs provides for restrictions on the number of employees, taxation and types of activity.

It is more difficult to register an organization than an individual; you need to collect a package of documents:

  1. Charter.
  2. Memorandum of association.
  3. Institutional decision or protocol.
  4. Confirmation of payment of the state registration fee.
  5. Certificate of the presence of a legal address.
  6. Statement.

The charter documents contain the name of the company; its choice must be approached with all responsibility - it is not as easy as it seems. First, given great amount already operating enterprises, it is difficult to find a unique name. Secondly, the name should correspond to the direction of the agency's activity, be not too long and easy to remember.

Legal entities work by bank transfer, so you need to open a current account in a reputable bank with more than five years of history, which will also have a positive effect on your reputation.

No special permits or licenses are required to start a consulting business. You need to register with the tax office and choose the optimal taxation system.


It is possible to open a consulting firm without an office space. In the face of scarcity Money the best solution would be to organize work by telephone and at the customer's site.

If you immediately put your business at a high level, then a spacious office in the business district of the city will give extra weight the firm in the eyes of wealthy clients. When concluding a contract with the landlord, you need to discuss the possibility of redevelopment of the premises. Each employee will need to allocate a separate office, as well as organize a large room for meetings and receiving visitors.

A reputable company will always offer its customers drinks and snacks, so it is necessary to provide an area for storing kitchen utensils and making tea.

The premises in the office center are most likely already prepared for work and equipped with electricity, heating, running water and sewerage. It is enough to make cosmetic repairs in strict business style, bring furniture and equipment.


The main criteria for choosing office furniture are practicality and comfort. Since the work in a consulting agency is mostly sedentary, it is better to take care of clients and employees, purchase comfortable chairs and armchairs.

The list of necessary furniture, equipment and materials includes:

  • computer tables;
  • a large table in the common room;
  • filing cabinets and racks;
  • computers;
  • office equipment;
  • means of communication;
  • blinds;
  • lighting;
  • Electric kettle;
  • microwave;
  • stationery.

In consulting, the client and the customer often correspond on e-mail, therefore, it is necessary to ensure constant access to the Internet.


Consulting as a form of business is entirely based on the professionalism of employees. The profits of the company and the success of the entire project depend on the qualifications, experience, knowledge, and communication skills of the personnel.

You can open a small agency with 2-3 broad specialists. It will cost less than hiring an employee for each consulting area.

To provide consulting services on a wide variety of business issues, a consulting firm must have experts in:

  1. Financing.
  2. Lending.
  3. Accounting, tax, industrial and management accounting.
  4. Property appraisal.
  5. Analysis of economic activity.
  6. Enterprise management.
  7. Legal issues.
  8. Selection and training of personnel.
  9. Marketing.

To confirm the qualifications, the applicant must have diplomas, certificates, recommendations, proof of work experience in the consulting field.

At the start, the founders of the consulting firm can invest in highly paid professionals or hire employees through recruiting agency where rates will be at the industry average.

It is almost impossible to open a consulting company and attract clients without advertising. In order for potential customers to decide to contact the agency, you need to place information about the services provided on the Internet, business magazines, catalogs, on the streets.

The Internet is the most likely to find customers. You need to create a website, fill it with quality content, pay for promotion to the first lines of search engines. Can be used social networks and banner advertising.

At first, the cost of promoting a business is monthly up to 50-70 thousand rubles, which are recouped in the first half of the year.

Video: how to open a consulting company?

Economic calculations

To draw conclusions about the profitability of the consulting business, a calculation of initial costs, planned income and expenses is drawn up. For example, a mid-market company with an office in a business center is taken.

Initial attachments:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Authorized capital (minimum according to the law) 10 000
2 Registration fees 5 000
3 Premises rental for 2 months 40 000
4 Redevelopment and renovation 100 000
5 Equipment and materials 115 000
6 Salary for 2 months 120 000
7 Advertising 60 000
8 Other costs 50 000
Total 500 000

Monthly expenses:

With the development of the company and an increase in the volume of orders, expenses will increase due to the costs of staff training, bonus payments and other motivational activities.

The agency's income in the first months of its existence depends on advertising campaign and employees who have their own experience and client base. New customers are easy to find among aspiring entrepreneurs. Price policy is developed based on the average level of cost of services in a given market sector. Clients are offered several types of payment:

  • hourly;
  • fixed;
  • each service is priced separately.

Permanent cooperation will become more attractive for customers if discounts are provided depending on the volume and time of work.

Average rate consulting business profitability - 25%, payback period - 1 year. For this, the agency must receive 220,000 rubles a month. income.

Consulting is a low-cost business based on the intelligence and professionalism of consultants. The more clients contact the agency, the higher the income and profitability of the company.

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The rumors circulating among the people about the "super profitability" of management companies engaged in the housing and communal services sector are greatly exaggerated. If you do not take into account the "crime", then honestly making money in this business is difficult. However, according to statistics, in 29 regions of the country there is a positive balance of the activities of the management company.


The advantage of the market for housing and communal services is stability, it is “doomed” to eternal existence. There are 36,000 organizations operating in this sector of the economy, of which 16,000 are companies involved in the management of apartment buildings (MKD). The amount of payments for housing and communal services collected annually from the population reaches 1.3 trillion. rubles. Large cash flows, the ability to flexibly manipulate them, as well as the ease of forecasting demand are attractive factors for business. However, there is little competition in this market. Why? How to open a management company in the field of housing and communal services, and what profitability can you expect? To understand this, consider:

  • what is the Criminal Code, its activities;
  • how can I get to the MKD management;
  • the procedure for opening the Criminal Code and required documents;
  • what is required to obtain a license;
  • profitability of business in the field of housing and communal services.

Interesting. In Russia, the collection rate of payments for housing and communal services is 95% (from 94 to 96 - according to various sources). In the US, the same figure barely reaches 40%. In our country, the cost of utility bills in an average family was 3132 rubles in 2014 (according to the calculations of RIA Rating), in the USA - 157.5 dollars, that is, 5686 rubles at the exchange rate for March 2014.

What is the UK, what does it do

To express the essence in simple words, then the UK is commercial organization, which, under an agreement with the tenants of an apartment building, assumes the responsibility for its sanitary and technical maintenance. At the same time, it acts as an intermediary between consumers and suppliers of water, heat and electricity. The company can independently calculate their consumption by issuing a receipt to the apartment owners, or conclude an agreement with some settlement center.

She charges a fee for her services, and here it is necessary to specifically distinguish between two types of services (two cash flow):

  1. The money that is collected from residents for centralized utilities is transferred to the providers of these resources. Tariffs are set by the state and do not depend on the Criminal Code. The same is the case with payments for major repairs, which are sent to the centralized regional fund. However, the company receives significant funds for temporary use, some of which are not always transferred on time to their intended purpose.

    Despite the fact that the collection of payments from the population for housing and communal services reaches 95%, about 80% reaches the suppliers. In this regard, a bill of the Ministry of Construction is being considered, which, possibly, will be adopted in the near future. It provides for direct payment to providers of centralized services without the participation of the CM. Sberbank has already launched an RIC (settlement center) through which money will be transferred to their accounts. It is assumed that this will exclude the possibility of misappropriation of consumer funds.

  2. The management company receives payment for the maintenance and repair of common areas. This concept includes a very large list of works, which is described in detail in regulatory documents. Among them, ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of engineering and technical communications, cleaning and washing common areas, lighting, landscaping of the courtyard, current repairs and so on. Tariffs for these services are set by the decision of the meeting of residents and on the basis of the estimate presented by the Criminal Code. In reality, if it was not possible to organize it (?), Or there was no quorum, the management company establishes them in agreement with the municipality.

Since January 2016, the removal of solid waste (household waste), which was previously included in the maintenance payment, has been attributed to public services. This work will be carried out by regional operators selected through a competition, and tariffs will be set by local authorities.

The documents:

  1. Resolution No. 290, dated 04/03/2013 "On the minimum list of services and works ..., the procedure for their provision and performance";
  2. Resolution No. 491, dated 13.08.2006 "On approval of the rules for maintaining common property ...".

How the management company is selected

If an entrepreneur is determined to create a management company, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure the future "work front". In other words, you need to know in advance which houses he will serve. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. negotiate directly with the residents of the MKD.
  2. win a lot at auction or in a competition.

There is a third way - not for everyone. It is widely practiced by large construction companies... From the moment the house was put into operation, and until the tenants chose the management company, the building is transferred to the maintenance of the developer's subsidiary management company. Thus, almost all new buildings are "captured" from the very beginning, and these are the most profitable objects.

In the first case, the tenants choose the method of managing the house and the management company at a general meeting, while the protocol must be signed by at least 50% of the owners (in proportion to the available area). To enlist their support, you will have to carry out a lot of campaigning work, while even one person can initiate the meeting - but from among the owners of premises in the house. The decision of the meeting, other documents must be flawlessly executed in order to avoid later litigation.

The second way is to take part in an open tender for the choice of the Criminal Code, which the administration is obliged to conduct in relation to houses where residents have not resolved the issue on their own. Information about its holding is published in the public domain. It is posted on the website of the state auction (Fig. 2). It is not hard to guess that mainly residential buildings from a dilapidated, or rather worn out fund, get there.

By region, the situation with the Criminal Code is completely different. There are examples when in the region in one of the cities (number of about 600 thousand people), there are 3 large companies, and in another - 300 companies. For those who are satisfied with the local working conditions, we present a general algorithm for organizing a business in the housing sector.

The documents:

  1. Section VIII of the RF Housing Code "Management of ... houses".
  2. Law No. 185-FZ, 21.07.2007 "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services".

Step-by-step procedure for opening a company

  1. Ordering or drawing up a detailed business plan - it is vital for the organization of this complex enterprise.
  2. To create an enterprise in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, if it already exists - to supplement the types of activities according to OKVED, to amend the Statutory documents.
  3. Pass a qualifying exam for knowledge of the RF Housing Code and others normative documents in the field of housing and communal services.
  4. Obtain a license for the right to open a management company in the field of housing and communal services.
  5. Equip premises, create staffs, purchase equipment.
  6. Conclude an agreement with tenants, accept technical documentation.
  7. Sign a contractual relationship with service providers, get down to work.
  8. Create a website with the disclosure of information about the management company, enter information into the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

The difficulty in organizing a case is to obtain a license, we will consider this procedure in detail.

According to the Ministry of Construction, 15 - 20% of the operating Criminal Code have not received a license. By the end of 2017, experts predict that up to 35% of companies will leave the market

Obtaining a license, conditions and requirements

Licensing of companies for the management of MKD was introduced in 2015, which actually means the transfer of such activities to professional basis... Licenses are issued by the State Housing Inspectorate, in each constituent entity of the federation the Regulation for the provision of this service has been approved, it is published on the official website of the Administration and the Gosportal. It is issued indefinitely, but is valid only in one region.

Conditions for obtaining a license:

  1. the applicant is registered as an entrepreneur on the territory of Russia, foreign companies not allowed to control;
  2. the head of the enterprise has a qualification certificate for the right to manage MKD;
  3. there is no outstanding (unexpunged) conviction for economic crimes;
  4. the applicant is not included in the register of disqualified persons, and the company is not included in the list of canceled licenses.

If the organization is already working:

  1. a concluded agreement on the management of an apartment building that meets the requirements (parts 2 - 6 of article 162 of the RF Housing Code);
  2. information about the company is posted in information system Internet (on its own website, GIS housing and communal services).

The decision of the commission is issued within 45 days, during which all information and registers are checked. The list of copies of documents that confirm the compliance of the future licensee is slightly different in different regions, so you need to be guided by the Regulation of your area. The size of the state fee for a license is 30,000 rubles. A qualification certificate is issued to an official after passing a special exam, its validity period is 5 years, it becomes invalid in case of disqualification. Computer test contains 100 questions, 86 of them must be answered correctly in 2 hours. The exam is taken free of charge.

The documents:

  1. Section X of the RF Housing Code "Licensing of activities to manage ... a house";
  2. Regulation "On licensing of entrepreneurial activity ...";
  3. Information disclosure standard ... in the area of ​​MKD management (Resolution No. 731, 23.09.2010);
  4. Law No. 209-FZ, July 21, 2014 "On the State Information System ...";
  5. Order No. 74/114 / pr (section 10) "On ... placement of information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services".

Business profitability: how do management companies make money

Official statistics show low profitability of management companies: from 5 to 10%. This is one of the reasons why he is reluctant to enter this sphere private business... Basic working capital The Criminal Code consists of payment for maintenance services and current repairs. The tariffs for them are coordinated with the tenants, and it is not easy to raise them. If, nevertheless, a law is passed on the exclusion of management companies from the chain of payment for utility services to suppliers, there will be nothing to redistribute. In fact, many "house managers" take out loans from suppliers with chronic indebtedness.

Additional sources of income for the management company:

  1. savings on maintenance work in comparison with the cost included in the tariffs (services of "guest workers", bulk purchases of construction and repair materials);
  2. lease of non-residential areas and part of the courtyard area, advertising space;
  3. rendering additional services residents of the house (concierge, security, parking, apartment renovation, installation of water meters, etc.);
  4. carrying out part of the work included in the payment for mandatory services under the contract through its LLC (own organizations on subcontracting);
  5. introduction of energy-saving technologies, commissions for mediation.

Costs are made up of costs:

  1. for the performance of work under the contract (current repairs, engineering work, cleaning);
  2. office maintenance, purchase of tools, Supplies, software, payment for the services of the settlement center);
  3. formation of the payroll (director, accountant, cleaners, janitors);
  4. payment of income taxes and VAT;

The eternal headache of the Criminal Code is the chronic receivables of the tenants. It can only be collected through the courts, which is very long and not very effective. In fairness, I must say that management companies are also actively exploiting both the illiteracy of consumers and passivity in defending their rights. There is a direct dependence of the growth of profits on the number of houses served: many of the practitioners believe that a business can be profitable only if there are at least 5 houses in service.


The specifics of MKD management activities leave few opportunities for small businesses. This is due not so much to the amount of investment as to the complexity of building relationships with resource supplying organizations and city authorities. A wide field of activity in the field of housing and communal services for small enterprises is the provision of services on subcontracting. These are major and current repairs, household services, maintenance of utilities, installation of video surveillance systems, intercoms, security, landscaping, landscaping, garbage disposal. A good solution for a novice entrepreneur would be a housing and communal services franchise - as an opportunity to conduct business without special legal, financial and economic training. However, there are still few offers on the market, and most of them are connected not with management, but with the provision of services under a contract.

It is difficult to argue that the Internet has long become an integral part of our life. Since the time we met him, human capabilities have reached a new level. We can safely say that now everything in our life is closely connected with the Internet. His role in modern society it is difficult to overestimate. According to statistics, 35 - 40% of the world's population uses the World Wide Web. In a word, the Internet is the greatest invention of mankind, which could change our life in better side... Until recently, we could only dream of being able to pay for utilities without leaving home, order food or purchases from a store with home delivery. Now each of us uses this handy tool.

Separately, I would like to note that thanks to the Internet, we have become able to quickly communicate with relatives and friends who live thousands of kilometers away from us.

Many people have used the Internet for their professional qualities. It became easier to find a job, advertise and develop your own business.

Until recently, the Internet as a business was not taken seriously. At the moment, with its help, you can earn real money, while investing minimal funds.

The time when the World Wide Web appeared is considered to be a turning point in the life of mankind. Life has become much easier, brighter and more interesting. Although, of course, virtual life cannot replace real life for us - that would be unnatural.

Our dependence on the Internet grows more and more every day. But no one is going to give it up. Imagine your life without the World Wide Web in modern world very difficult, and, most likely, already impossible.

Relevance of Internet service providers

An Internet Service Provider is a company that provides Internet access services to everyone. The main task of the provider is to provide a high-quality Internet connection.

The relevance of such a business can be judged by the following data: over the past six months, the Internet access market has grown by 25%. The pace of urban development is striking in its scale. From this it follows that the providers are planning a lot of work to connect apartments, houses and other buildings to the Network.

At the moment, the market of Internet services as a business is of interest to many start-up entrepreneurs. It is the most dynamic in the telecommunications industry. V monetary terms it has doubled annually over the course of several years. Traffic consumption is growing even faster. More and more new players appear on the market, and it is gradually becoming widespread.

Everyone is interested in the sale of Internet traffic:

  • traditional telephone operators,
  • cellular operators,
  • cable TV operators,
  • foreign companies.

Demand is generated not only large companies- small and medium-sized enterprises are increasingly joining this business. Market development is stimulated by the arrival of new, strong players who can offer a high level of service at low prices. The market is conquered by those companies that offer the most favorable unlimited tariffs.

: advantages and disadvantages, principles of bookkeeping.

We open a bank account: how, where, why and why. for entrepreneurs.

Goals and objectives of the business plan

An internet service provider's business plan is a rather complex document, both from a technical and economic point of view. When compiling it, you need to carefully work out all the details to the smallest detail. Only then will the business be economically profitable and will pay off in the shortest possible time.

The main goal Internet provider business plan: creation of a competitive provider company that will be able to offer quality services to the population at affordable prices. Another important goal that the firm should strive for is gaining recognition and authority in the market and achieving a stable position. Don't forget about ensuring the return on investment.


  • achievement of the set goals on time,
  • attracting a large number of new customers,
  • striving to reduce the cost of services provided,
  • provide Internet access to everyone,
  • maintenance and active implementation of all progressive innovations in Internet technologies in your business.

Every business has a responsibility to know its target audience. In this regard, Internet providers are no exception. The target audience- these are people who will be interested in what you can offer them. Thanks to these people, you will build and grow your business. Knowing this audience is the key to your company's success.

ISPs have no shortage of target audience... As noted above, the Internet is in great demand among the population. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of our life. Interest in the Internet will only gain momentum in the near future.

How to become a provider: registration and obtaining licenses

Before you start your labor activity in this market, you need to register as entity... The best option is -. In this case, the organization can work on. To open a company, you need to make a seal and register with the tax office.

The next step is to obtain a license from an Internet provider. There are two of them for communication:

  • license for the provision of telematic services,
  • data transmission license.

There are exceptions when you need to obtain additional licenses. This must be done if you are going to provide access to cable TV or IP-telephony services.

In order to obtain all the necessary licenses, all collected documents must be submitted to the Russian Oversight Committee. Note that it is not so easy to obtain a license for this type of business - the process can take several months.

Organizational aspects

What Internet providers are there?

Internet providers are at the federal and local levels. V locality there can be several dozen providers on a regional scale.

In accordance with what services the provider provides, they are divided into the following types:

  • hosting providers - these firms provide space on their technical resources for a fee. Hosting providers have at their disposal equipment capable of providing round-the-clock high-speed traffic;
  • access providers are companies that provide access to the Internet. They have primary (which own communication channels) and secondary (lease communication channels from primary providers);
  • backbone Internet providers. They build their work on their own lines or on leased fiber-optic lines. In this case, high-speed channel communication equipment is used;
  • channel providers;
  • last mile providers. The last mile is a communication channel that connects the network node of the provider and the end equipment of the consumer;
  • mobile commerce service providers are firms that can provide their customers with software for its subsequent installation on mobile devices Oh. In addition, these companies are engaged in the production and sale of mobile content, provide various consulting services. Simply put, thanks to the provider, you can make cashless payments using mobile devices. The specialists of these companies are constantly working to improve the telephone payment system.

Room selection

The equipment needed to provide customers with high-quality Internet access can be located in attics or in the basements of residential buildings. Customers of Internet access services have the right to provide appropriate areas in common areas so that the provider can place communication facilities there.

If the premises are owned by the provider, he must have permission from the fire service and SES. The room must be guarded around the clock.

If the premises are rented, the operator must have permission from the lessor to place a communication center in it. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of grounding.

Internet provider equipment

  • the possibility of increasing productivity;
  • expansion of functionality;
  • availability of service support;
  • how fast the developer's representative will be able to respond to operator requests.

Equipment required for technical equipment of an Internet provider:

  • cabinets and racks for service equipment;
  • cables and tools;
  • web servers, mail servers, identification and terminal server;
  • development, control and news server;
  • settlement and registration server;
  • network switches;
  • a printer;
  • administrative panel;
  • several units capable of providing uninterrupted power supply.

The main costs will be associated with the purchase of equipment. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses, you need to seek qualified help from consultants. They will be able to suggest which equipment is right for your company.

Staff recruitment

The Internet provider company in its staffing table must have the following employees:

  1. manager - 1 person;
  2. administrator - 1 person;
  3. accountant - 1 person;
  4. administrator assistants - 2-3 people;
  5. webmaster - 1 person;
  6. support service (operators) - 4 people;
  7. repair service - 4 people;
  8. marketer - 1 person.

Financial plan

In order to open a company providing Internet access services, you will need about 120 thousand dollars. What are these costs?

  1. A consulting firm that will assist in registration and obtaining a license - $ 6-7,000.
  2. Purchase of equipment - $ 85–90,000.
  3. Furniture and office equipment - $ 4-7,000.
  4. Renovation of the premises - $ 1–2,000.
  5. Internet provider advertising - $ 10-12,000.
  6. Other expenses - $ 2,000.

Monthly need to spend on wages employees - $ 15-18,000, premises rent - $ 3-4,000, other expenses - $ 0.5 thousand. Total: 22.5 thousand dollars.

To calculate the approximate profit, let's take an organization with a registered capital of $ 192,000. The main financial indicators will be as follows:

  • number of clients - 5,000 users,
  • revenue - $ 105,000,
  • profit (excluding tax) - $ 24,500,
  • investments - $ 75,000.

The prospects for the development of this type of business are very great. Today this market segment in our country is far from being 100% filled. In large cities, there is a very tough competition between providers; in small regional centers, there is an acute shortage of such companies. Providers are trying to open their business not far from apartment buildings - this is where the solvent population lives.

How to become an Internet service provider and not "burn out"?

Provider business is a rather specific type of business. He requires a professional approach. The provider must constantly work on expanding his business: increasing the number of lines, increasing the performance of an external channel, constantly updating equipment, developing new services. Only in this case will the profitability be at a high level and will be able to please you with good indicators. The demand for the services provided by the provider is constantly growing, this type of business is not subject to seasonality.

The profitability of an enterprise that provides Internet access services is 60% or more. The provision of additional services will increase the payback of the project several times.

An important point in the organization of the provider's work is the following: special attention should be paid to the quality of customer service. If the Internet "hangs", or it has insufficient speed, you will lose customers, and as a result, your company may go bankrupt. When drawing up a business plan, consider all the little things and nuances related to this type of business. Then the result of painstaking work will not be long in coming.

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