
How to connect a router to a Ukrtelecom modem. Ukrtelecom connection. Ukrtelecom router: setting up a wireless connection. Configuring the modem in the mode of operation of the router

I got this modem from a client who bought himself a new one, instead of this old one, but quite working. For a long time I thought about where to curb it and decided to set it up in bridge mode. How to do this and what is needed for this, I will now explain to you.

First, you need to download the firmware from MTS, since you cannot enable bridge mode in the standard one. How to do this, I think it will not be difficult for you and I will not paint.

Download [ HG532e MTS Russian firmware] 3.5 mb

After the firmware, go to the LAN settings and change the ip to if this is your 2nd router or modem on your network. In my case, I have it 3rd.

Now select SSID2 from the drop-down list. I named it config, through which we will configure the modem. We give him a password and click "OK".

Now go to "Advanced" and "Bind to the bridge". Give a name to the group and mark everything as in the picture. Now I will explain what this means.

We did not mark LAN1 as it will be used to connect to another router.

We marked LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 and this means that these interfaces will be used in bridge mode and it will be possible to connect a PC to them and there will be an Internet on it.

We marked SSID1 (MKONNE!) As it is our main Wi-fi. It will have the Internet, but we will not be able to enter the modem settings if we want to change something there (for example, the Wi-fi password)

SSID2 (config) was not marked, because we do not need an Internet there. We will connect to it to change the settings in the modem itself, since it will not be possible to do this through the main one.

SSID3 and 4 are not used.

Now our modem seems to be gone, DHCP will be picked up from the main router, to which it should be connected via cable.

The other day it was necessary to set up an ADSL modem, which was taken for a share for 1 UAH in Ukrtelecom (model ZTE ZXV10 H108L, in technical support it is also called "white, with daisies"). The problem was that with ANY WiFi settings in the modem, any Wi-Fi devices refused to connect to it.

After half an hour of playing a tambourine and Google, I found out that the dog was buried in service, which at one time tried to provide Ukrtelecom under the name "kerovaniy modem". In fact, this, as always, came out of "zilch" and a bunch of problems for users.

This problem can be cured within five minutes without even having any special knowledge! So. First of all, you need to go to the modem control panel. To do this, open your browser (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, for example) and enter in address bar the address " "(Without quotes, of course) and press" Enter«

Read also: How to check if you need to update and update Google Chrome (Google Chrome)

On the page that opens, enter in the field:

Password - admin

And emboss the button " Login". If everything is entered correctly, the control panel will open.


Be sure to disconnect the telephone cable from the modem before starting the next step !!!

Go to the " Administration"And in the menu on the left click on the item" System Management"And click on the button" Restore defaults«

After rebooting the modem, go to the " Administration"And in the menu" TR-069»And fill in the following fields in this way.

In addition to fixed-line services, the operator Ukrtelecom (OGO) provides its clients with an Internet access service. Most often, ADSL modems ZTE ZXV10 H108L and Huawei Hg532E are provided to clients to ensure connection. The company's specialists perform the initial configuration of devices, including the organization of a home WiFi network. If you need to change your password or change other settings, you need to order a paid service from the support service or do it yourself.

When setting up a modem, Ukrtelecom's masters set a password at their own discretion or organize password-free access to the network via WiFi. Many people think that securing a home network is not important because they do not have valuable information on their computer. However, you should consider the following points:

  • If a password is not set or it has become known to all neighbors, they can freely connect to your network. As a result, the Internet channel will be clogged with third-party traffic, which will slow down your access speed and cause lags when playing online games, watching videos, etc.
  • Third parties connecting to your network could disseminate prohibited information or engage in fraudulent activities. As a result, law enforcement officers will come to your address and will have to, at least, give explanations.
  • If you forgot your WiFi password, you will not be able to connect new devices to it. In this case, you will have to change the WiFi network password on your Huawei Hg532E modem, or ZTE ZXV10 H108L.

If in the latter case there are ways, then in the first two only replacing the password with a new and reliable one will help.

Change the password of the Wi-Fi network on modems from Ukrtelecom

To change your password, you need a computer, tablet or smartphone. You must be connected to the modem via Wi-Fi, or by cable (LAN).

Launch your browser and type the IP address in the address bar ... An authorization window will open, in which you must enter the login "admin" and the current password set to protect the device. Router manufacturers set the default password to "admin" or "1234". Information about it is available in the instructions for the device. If the default password is changed to a new one, it can be written on the back of the modem. By default, login is most often used "admin" and password "admin".

This is how you enter the settings Huawei Hg532E:

And in the same way we go into the settings ZTE ZXV10 H108L... If you have this modem.

In the case when you do not remember the password and cannot log in to the modem settings page, you will have to perform a full reset to the factory settings. However, please note that along with the access password, the Internet connection settings will also be reset. You will have to call the wizard or enter the connection parameters yourself and re-configure the modem from Ukrtelecom.

Let's take a closer look at how to change the password on each modem.

Changing WiFi password on Huawei Hg532E

In the settings of the Huawei modem, you need to open the "Basic" and "WLAN" sections.

  • In the SSID field, you can change the name of the Wi-Fi network.
  • In the "WPA pre-shared key" field, change the password for our Wi-Fi network.

It looks like this:

Enter new password (English letters and numbers, at least 8 characters) and click the "Submit" button to apply the settings. Reboot your modem.

How to change the WiFi network password on the ZTE ZXV10 H108L modem?

After logging into the control panel, go to the "WLAN" - "Security" tab.

In the "WPA Passphrase" field (WPA Password (depending on modem model and firmware)) enter a new password for accessing the WiFi network.

Save your changes by clicking on the "Submit" button. You also need to restart the modem.

This completes the password setting and you can use the Internet access channel from Ukrtelecom with all your devices that have a WiFi interface. You just need to connect to WiFi with a new password.

If you have connection problems after changing your password

In the event that you changed only the password, without changing the network name (SSID), then there may be problems connecting to the wireless network on different devices. On computers, this is an error "The network settings saved on this computer do not match the requirements of this network." I wrote about the solution to this error within the framework of the article:. In short, you need to delete the Wi-Fi network on your computer and connect to it with a new password. In separate articles I have already written how, and in Windows 7.

On the mobile devices(Android, iOS) you just need to open the properties of the wireless network, or click on the network and hold it. Select "delete network" from the menu.

Ukrtelecom is a well-known Ukrainian telecommunications company with wide coverage, which provides communication and Internet services. Sometimes users have to configure the Ukrtelecom modem on their own. This process is not time consuming or complicated, but requires some knowledge. It is worth noting that using a modem, you can connect wireless Wi-Fi access.

On the official resource of Ukrtelecom, you can find recommendations that will help you quickly configure the modem. User can choose step by step instructions for different devices, which will certainly make the task easier. You can always ask for help from the specialists of Ukrtelecom, but we recommend that users independently make the change process important parameters on a modem and a computer, so that at any time to be able to correct the errors that have arisen, spending just a few minutes of time.

Start the process by learning general information, to which the name of the device model belongs, tariff plan, connection speed. We will consider the process of setting up the Internet from Ukrtelecom using the ZTE ZXHN H108N modem model.

Experienced users should not have any difficulties in setting up the Internet from Ukrtelecom

Algorithm for setting up a DHCP service

To connect the network using the ZTE ZXHN H108N modem, you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the browser that you most often use, and enter the address "", then press the enter button or "Go".
  2. In the window that appears, enter your username and password. In both fields, you need to enter "admin" and confirm the actions performed using the OK button. After that, go to the modem menu or the web interface, as it is also called.
  3. To configure your network, you must first run the Interface Setup - Internet command and set the correct parameters as shown in the table.
Parameter Meaning
Virtual circuitPVC0
IP VercionIPv4
ISPDynamic IP Address
Encapsulation1483 Bridget IP LLC
Default RouteYes
Dynamic RouteRIP2-B
MulticastIGMP v2
  1. After the setting of the specified values ​​is completed, you need to save all the changes. For this, the corresponding Save command is provided below.

  1. In order to connect a connection using a modem, you need to execute the Maintenance - SysRestart - Restart command. In this case, in the window that opens, opposite the Current Setting parameter should be checked. The user will only have to check the quality of the Internet signal.

Setting up your ZTE ZXHN H108N device is very simple. On the official resource, you can find instructions that will help activate the work of such gadget models as Hyawei HG532e, Huawei HG530, ZTE ZXV10 H108L. These devices are the most popular among users of Ukrtelecom services.

Algorithm for setting up a wireless connection

Wi-Fi wireless access has gained wide popularity today because it is the most convenient way to use the Internet. Now there is no need to connect all devices to a wired network one by one, it is enough to set up a wireless signal in order to use the Internet in parallel on all available gadgets.

So, in order to activate Wi-Fi on the ZTE ZXHN H108N modem, several actions are required, described below:

  1. First, you need to log into the web interface of the modem. To do this, you need to repeat in turn the steps described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the algorithm for setting up the Internet via DHCP.
  2. In the web interface, you need to execute the Interface Setup - Wireless command and specify the values ​​shown in the table.
Parameter Meaning
Access PointActivated
Wireless Mode802.11b + g + n
Channel Bandwidth20/40 MHz
Authentication TypeWPA2-PSK
EncryptionTKIP / AES
  1. Opposite the SSID value, specify the name of the connection, which the user must come up with on his own. This name will be displayed in the list of available connections.
  2. Specify a value for the Pre-Shared Key parameter. You should also come up with it yourself. This is the password you will need to enter in order to connect on the Wi-Fi device.
  3. Other settings should be left unchanged. After that, the user needs to click the Save button to save the configured parameters.

  1. To restart the modem, execute the Maintenance - SysRestart - Restart command. Opposite the Current Setting parameter, you must first check the box.

If the user has made the settings in the way indicated in the instructions, a wireless Internet signal will appear. It remains to test the quality and speed of its work.

Setting up a Ukrtelecom modem is not very difficult for experienced users. The process comes down to setting new parameters and rebooting the gadget. If the user knows how to configure the equipment for accessing the Internet, he will be insured against many unforeseen situations, for example, disconnecting the Internet due to resetting preset parameters due to a voltage drop.

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