
Opinions and ratings. With everyday life and development of new markets

Department of Economics


On the topic of:

Practical analysis of oil enterprise management chemical industry on the example of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Mogilev production association "Khimvolokno" (abbreviated name MPO "Khimvolokno") was created in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR dated July 21, 1975 No. 453 and operated on the principles of full cost accounting.

Open joint-stock company"Mogilevkhimvolokno" (hereinafter the Company) was created on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2002. No. 186 by transforming the Republican unitary enterprise"Mogilev production association" Khimvolokno "and the Republican unitary subsidiary" Hockey club "Khimvolokno Mogilev" in accordance with the legislation on the privatization of state property and the legislation on joint stock companies.

JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" carries out the following types activities: production of chemical fibers and threads using in the production of units and parts made of precious metals, chemical reagents (components); production equipment and spare parts for it; consumer goods; performance of work and provision of services.

Open Joint Stock Company "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is large manufacturer dimethyl terephthalate, PET polyester granulate, incl. food grade, polyester fibers and yarns and the main supplier of raw materials for light industry The Republic of Belarus.

The enterprise has a modern infrastructure to ensure the functioning of a large industrial complex with qualified personnel and a system for their training.

JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is the backbone enterprise of the city of Mogilev.

The enterprise is part of the Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (Concern "Belneftekhim").

A special feature of the enterprise is its consolidation at one site in
a single complex of industries related to the technological cycle - from
obtaining monomers before release finished products in the form of fibers, threads,
nonwovens of various assortments and purposes.

The decision to start construction of the enterprise was made in 1965.

1970-1971 the first stage of the enterprise was put into operation as part of a workshop for the production of dimethyl terephthalate with a capacity of 54 thousand tons per year and the production of polyester fibers, technical and textile yarns using the technology of the British company ICI with a total output of 50 thousand tons per year.

In 1977, the production of fiber with a capacity of 88.4 thousand tons per year was put into operation, and in 1980 it was modernized. In 1982, under the license of the Japanese company Mitsui Torei, the production of textured yarns with a capacity of 5 thousand tons per year was mastered. Together with German firms Ude GmbH. and HochstAG designed and commissioned in 1988 the production of high-strength yarns with an output of 24.6 thousand tons per year.

In 1991, the foreign trade export-import company "VSV" began its activities as part of the association. She established and expanded trade relations in Europe, Asia, America, Africa. Today the association cooperates with more than 80 foreign companies.

Currently, the enterprise is a complex of four factories and two productions:

The organic synthesis plant produces dimethyl terephthalate (operating capacity 180 thousand tons per year) and polyethylene terephthalate (capacity 86 thousand tons per year);

a synthetic fiber plant produces polyester fibers (operating capacity 93.5 thousand tons per year); PET granulate (96.33 thousand tons per year); composite materials (1.8 thousand tons per year);

Polyester yarns plant (operating capacity 20.1 thousand tons per year) produces yarns for technical purposes;

The production of synthetic multifilament yarns provides the production of textile smooth and textured yarns, harsh and dyed (capacity 10.3 thousand tons per year), polyester base for roofing materials (capacity up to 40 million m2 per year), non-woven fabrics made of polyester fibers of various destination, strapping tape (capacity 600 tons per year;

repair and mechanical plant specializes in the production of equipment for chemical production and spare parts for it.

From 01.09.2007, as a result of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of JV "Belpak" CJSC joint venture included in the company as a structural subdivision - the post-polycondensation shop of the organic synthesis plant.

The main objectives of the enterprise are: making a profit to meet the social and economic interests of the members labor collective and property owners, as well as the satisfaction of social needs for products, works and services on the basis of effective methods management.

At present, the main block of shares remains in the ownership of the state, and in the course of privatization by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, it is planned to provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the corporatization of the enterprise with the acquisition of a block of shares.

1. The high dependence of Mogilevkhimvolokno OJSC on foreign suppliers of raw materials makes the enterprise vulnerable to the impact of fluctuations in world prices for basic raw materials.

2. Many assortments of the company's products are inferior to imported counterparts in terms of energy and raw materials consumption. The technical development of the enterprise, since the 90s, has sharply slowed down, the technologies used are outdated.

3.As of 01.09.2008, the degree of wear of the main production assets is 76.2%, the depreciation of the active part of fixed assets is 87.93%. The use of both morally and physically worn out equipment is the main reason for the high cost of production. In addition, in recent years, a demand has arisen on the market for a number of new types of polyester products.

The founder of the enterprise is the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. The company is the successor of the rights and obligations of the named companies in accordance with the deed of transfer, with the exception of rights and obligations that cannot belong to the company.

"Mogilevkhimvolokno" is commercial organizationlegal entity, has an independent balance, seal.

The authorized fund is divided into 149,375,170 (one hundred forty-nine million three hundred seventy-five thousand one hundred seventy) ordinary registered shares with a par value of 3,740 (three thousand seven hundred and forty) rubles each.

The shares of the Company are owned by its shareholders. A shareholder of the Company does not have property rights to the property of the Company, except in the event of its liquidation.

Shares are issued in the form of account entries.

The governing bodies of the enterprise are:

General Meeting of Shareholders;

supervisory board.

The management and the general director are the executive bodies of the enterprise, whose competence includes the solution of all issues that do not fall within the competence of the management bodies of the enterprise.

Control over the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is carried out by the audit commission.

To check and confirm the correctness of the annual financial statements the company annually engages an auditor who is not associated with property interests with the company or its participants. An enterprise is exempted from a mandatory annual audit, if in the reporting period the departmental control and audit service conducted an audit of its financial and economic activities.

Within three working days from the date of receipt by the enterprise of the auditor's opinion, the act (certificate) of the audit carried out by the controlling body, the general director is obliged to send copies of them to each member of the supervisory board, the chairman of the audit commission.

The general meeting of shareholders is supreme body enterprise management. The Supervisory Board is the governing body that carries out general management of the enterprise in the period between the meetings of shareholders.

The Supervisory Board elects the Chairman of the Supervisory Board from among its members.

The management of the current activities of the enterprise is carried out by the directorate (collegial executive agency) and CEO (sole executive body).

The Directorate and the General Director carry out their activities within the competence established by legislation, this charter, decisions of the meeting of shareholders and the supervisory board.

The meeting of shareholders or the supervisory board of the enterprise has the right to establish the procedure (approve the Regulation), on the basis of which the management and the general director carry out their activities. The Directorate and the General Director are accountable for all issues of their activities to the Supervisory Board and the Meeting of Shareholders. General manager heads the directorate, organizes its work and presides over its meetings.

Reorganization of an enterprise (merger, takeover, division, spin-off, transformation) can be carried out by decision of the meeting of shareholders. Other grounds and procedure for reorganizing an enterprise are determined by legislative acts.

The number of personnel as of December 31, 2007 is 11348 people. In the first half of 2007, 169 people were hired, 524 people were dismissed. Number as of June 30, 2007 10988 people The decrease in the number was 360 people.

Consider economic indicators enterprise development.

Manufacturing program for the release of products completed. 338 tons of fiber, 479 tons of commercial PET were produced in excess of the plan.

The indicators for the growth rates of industrial production and consumer goods have been exceeded. Costs per 1000 rubles. marketable products reduced, in comparison with the planned, from 1,026 rubles. up to 1010.1 rubles.

Planned losses from production (980 million rubles) were reduced by 581 million rubles. and amounted to 399 million rubles, the profitability of marketable products was "minus" 1% against the plan "minus" 2.6%. The growth of material consumption is reduced in comparison with the plan.

The plan for the sale of finished products, including for export, was overfulfilled; as a result, stocks of finished products were reduced against the plan by 230 million rubles.

Planned losses from the sale of finished products were reduced by 803 million rubles. and amounted to 980 million rubles.

Net profit based on the results of work in 2007, the amount of 55 million rubles was received. and is provided through the receipt of non-operating income, from it:

for the parent enterprise 29 million rubles. (including coverage of losses of DKiT 73.4 million rubles), the sanatorium "Sosny" profit of 26.2 million rubles.

The main indicators are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Enterprise development indicators


Commercial products in action. prices, mln. rub.

Production rate comrade. products in sop. prices,%

The rate of production of consumer. goods,%

Costs per 1000 rubles. marketable products, rub.

Profit from production, million rubles

Profitability of commercial products,%

Reducing the level of material consumption

Goth stocks. products (excluding taxes), mln. rub.

Export volume, thousand USD

Export rate,%

Proceeds from product sales, mln rubles

Profitability of sold products,%

Profit from product sales, RUB mln

Net profit for the head office, RUB mln

Net profit, total RUB mln

According to the results for 12 months. the cost reduction as a result of the implementation of measures to reduce costs by structural divisions amounted to 3.5 billion rubles. with the planned volume of 2.21 billion rubles Based on the results of work in 2007, the target indicators for industrial products, consumer goods, energy saving indicators, investments in fixed assets, and exports were met. A positive balance of foreign trade was ensured. Stocks of finished goods in warehouses are below the standard.

Indicators not achieved:

to reduce material consumption, an increase of 0.3%,

on specific gravity new products,

in terms of the specific weight of certified products, it should be noted the positive dynamics of increasing this indicator, the profitability indicator of sold products, works, services in June has a negative value, since the beginning of the year 3.3%. The achievement of the targets is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Meeting targets


for 2007

Industrial products in sop. prices,%

Consumer goods production,%

Export of goods, %

Import of goods,%

Foreign trade balance, thousand $

Growth rate of foreign exchange earnings from the export of goods and services

Decrease in the level of material consumption,%

Energy saving indicator,%

Profitability of products, works, services,%

Ud. weight of stocks in production volume (net),%

The volume of investments in fixed assets, million rubles

Investment growth rate in fixed assets,%

The share of new products in the total volume industrial production, %

Share of certified products

According to the results of work for the month, there is no excess of the adjusted unit norms. In general, the enterprise saved savings in terms of feedstock (tons), table 3:

Table 3

Saved in terms of feedstock, tons

On the whole, according to the results of work in 2007, the enterprise achieved savings in heat energy and excessive consumption in fuel.

The cost of saved energy resources (- savings, + cost overruns) is shown in Table 4

Table 4

The cost of saved energy resources (- savings, + cost overruns

In monetary terms, energy savings in 2007 amounted to 1,869.6 million rubles.

The fulfillment of the supply plan for the main raw materials is shown in Table 5

Table 5

Supply structure of the main raw materials:


2007 year

specific weight in total delivery,%

Delivered in total


from RB (JSC Naftan)

Imported into the Republic of Belarus:


from Russia, including:

1) Refinery Omsk, from it:

2) OJSC Ufaneftekhim

3) LLC PO Kirishinefteorgintez

from the far abroad (Belorusneft, BNTD)

In the period January-April, when delivering paraxylene under direct contracts, OJSC Naftan provided a price discount of 39%. In accordance with the order of the concern dated April 26, 2007 No. 345, when supplying paraxylene under direct contracts, Naftan OJSC provides a price discount of 22% for the period from May 1 to May 31, 2007 and in accordance with the concern's order No. 449 dated May 29, 2007 a 22% discount will continue until the end of 2007.

Table 6

Dynamics of average actual prices for paraxylene by import, $ / tn (excluding VAT)

Average contract prices (excluding VAT) for import of paraxylene above than the prices for paraxylene, produced by JSC "Naftan", by $ 705 per ton (3.3 times).

In conclusion of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Mogilevkhimvolokno enterprise is the largest complex in Europe for the production of polyester fibers and threads. The peculiarity of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is the consolidation into a single industrial complex a number of industries associated with a single technological cycle - from the receipt of raw materials to the release of finished products. An enterprise should rightfully owe its success to both the local management and the system government controlled all petrochemical complex of the Republic of Belarus.

To improve performance externally economic activity

in the period up to 2012 JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is considering the following

strategic steps:

Carry out work in a specific market through a limited

the number of dealers, thus avoiding unhealthy competition and price

lack of control;

To intensify work through the representative offices of the concern

Belneftekhim in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Germany with the involvement of

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies of the Republic of Belarus in the countries - the main sales markets

products of the enterprise;

Respond quickly and flexibly to change pricing policy on the

specific markets;

Promptly receive information from commodity distribution facilities

networks about market demand, price level, financial situation converters,

competitors' strategies;

Constantly participate enterprise specialists,

engaged in foreign economic activity, in seminars, internships, advanced training

employees on relevant courses;

Actively participate in exhibitions and fairs at all representing

commercial interest markets;

In order to develop new assortments, improve quality

products, packaging, stable supplies and other issues

hold scheduled meetings of the plant technologists with the plant technologists -


Continue work on lifting anti-dumping import sanctions

polyester fiber to Turkey, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and

offices of interest to JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" in this

Purchase of raw materials on a competitive basis from

direct manufacturers.

During the implementation of the Development Program, it is planned to increase

direct sales of products to direct consumers.

JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" has the image of a stable enterprise with

high quality products and further organization of close work with

consumers, based on deep marketing research of markets

sales will allow the company to compete in the polyester market.

Thus, the main goal of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is

sales of products at this stage of work - preservation and strengthening

positions in sales markets based on deep marketing

research, development of our own distribution network, complete and

rational use of the representative offices of the concern "Belneftekhim" for

abroad, direct work with direct processors of products

enterprises for the fullest satisfaction of their needs.


1. Statistical report of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" for 2007.

2. The economy of the enterprise. Workshop: Textbook. allowance / A. N. Senko, E. V. Krum. - Mn .: Vysh. school, 2002.

3. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. allowance / L.N. Nekhorosheva, N. B. Antonova, M. A. Zaitseva and others; Under total. ed. L.N. Nekhorosheva. - Mn .: Vysh. school, 2003 .-- 383 p.

If you have not forgotten, in Mogilev the most large enterprise still remains JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"... Sometimes it is called a city-forming one, but it has never been such, neither in the past, nor in the present. This status is assigned to enterprises employing more than 15% of the total number of people employed in this locality... V better times JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" employed about 13 thousand people, and now only 6 thousand.

However, in the history of Mogilev city-forming enterprises were not observed. Once a plant of artificial fiber named after. Kuibyshev, also the largest in the pre-war and post-war times, brought its number to 6.5 thousand, but this was also less than the required 15%. And one more interesting point: although the enterprise is still called Mogilevkhimvolokno, the share of fiber and threads in the production volume was only 23% in 2015, and biodiesel ranks first with 33%. By the way, 90.5% of the company's shares belong to the state, 9.5% to private legal entities and only 0.04% to individuals, of which there are already more than 13 thousand. It must be assumed that the latter are real and former employees enterprises.

But we are somewhat distracted, because we will talk about what is happening now at JSC “Mogilevkhimvolokno”. And there is a reconstruction going on. It should be reminded that at the present time, the company produces polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) using an outdated and high-cost technology at facilities built in the period from 1970 to 1982. DMT, in turn, is produced using paraxylene and methanol as feedstock. In the production of polymer using this energy-intensive technology, the costs of subsequent technological processing significantly increase: in the production of polyester fiber and polyester yarns. Ultimately, this leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of the company's products.

Therefore, the construction of a complex for the production of polyester products from terephthalic acid is underway at JSC Mogilevkhimvolokno. The existing continuous polycondensation unit will be reoriented to the production of textile polymer; the construction of a new facility is also envisaged. It is planned to produce polymer of improved quality: JSC SvetlogorskKhimvolokno will be interested in its processing into textile threads.

The project is divided into two phases. The first stage of construction provides for the reconstruction of the chemical workshop No. 2 of the organic synthesis production with the organization of the production of polyester fiber by the direct molding method with a capacity of 50 thousand tons per year, of which fibers are of the conjugate type, the price of which is higher than for standard analogues - 25 thousand tons per year ... This stage is expected to be completed in 2017, which will ensure the full load of the chemical workshop No. 2 of the organic synthesis production.

The second stage of construction, which has already begun, implies the commissioning in 2019 of a technologically interconnected continuous PET polycondensation unit with a capacity of 80 thousand tons per year, a fiber production line, a post-condensation unit and the production of industrial yarns. The implementation of the project will make it possible to completely switch over to modern technologies for the production of polyethylene terephthalate, polyester fiber and industrial yarns in a one-step way.

The renewed polyester fibers and yarns production facilities are projected to reach full capacity in 2020. The production should be located on an area of ​​about 30 hectares (the enterprise covers an area of ​​about 256 hectares). With its introduction, the output of products will increase by almost 1.5 times, including the output of PET - more than 2 times, polyester fiber - 1.6 times, industrial yarns - 1.6 times.

Thus, not only will production assets be updated and obsolete production facilities will be decommissioned: workshop DMT4, chemical workshop POS, PSV3 and other related production facilities for the regeneration of methanol, catalysts, etc., but also significantly reduced production costs by reducing energy consumption, conditionally fixed costs (heating, transport, repairs, ventilation, etc.). Through the use of new modern technologies the competitiveness of polyester fiber and yarns will be enhanced.

Labor resources of the enterprise (organization) and the organization of remuneration

Currently average headcount employees of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is 7638 people, including the average number of industrial and production personnel - 6918 people. The number of employees in the administrative apparatus is 663, or 7.7% of the total number of personnel.

It is planned to admit 53 graduates of educational institutions, including: young specialists with higher education-12 people, young professionals and young workers with secondary specialized education -16 people, young workers with vocational education -25 people, to ensure proper training for young specialists and a rational combination of experienced highly qualified workers and young specialists in the organization.

4004 people were trained. Including, 127 managers and specialists improved their qualifications in educational institutions, studied in organizations for different directions activities of 865 managers and specialists. 696 workers underwent retraining different professions, 504 workers improved their qualifications, 1021 workers were trained at special purpose courses. 482 people will continue their education in educational institutions.

At JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" attention is paid to the selection, placement and retention of personnel, improvement of the qualitative composition of managers and specialists, as a result of which a stable workforce has been created. difficult task- ensuring the release of competitive products.

The planning of the wages fund was carried out taking into account the projected macroeconomic parameters of the development of the Republic of Belarus and its size will be 125,026 million rubles, including the wages fund of industrial and production personnel 116,254 million rubles. Salary fund for non-industrial personnel (section for sewing and repairing garments, repair and construction shop for the repair of social and cultural facilities, non-industrial staff of the economic department, information and editorial office, housing and communal services, hotel service, center for physical culture and health work, shop Catering, agricultural workshop, sanatorium "Sosny" 1st category) will amount to 8772 million rubles. The planned size of the average monthly salary of employees of the organization is 1362.0 thousand rubles. The growth rate of real wages is calculated based on the average annual consumer price growth index of 108.0% and will amount to 103.4%. Labor productivity will increase, in comparison with the level achieved in 2010, by 5.6%. Thus, the growth of labor productivity outstrips the growth of real wages by 2.2 percentage points.

The work was added to the site site: 2014-12-21

Order writing a unique work

Department of Economics
On the topic of:
Practical analysis of enterprise management in the petrochemical industry on the example of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Mogilev production association "Khimvolokno" (abbreviated name MPO "Khimvolokno") was created in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR dated July 21, 1975 No. 453 and operated on the principles of full cost accounting.
Open Joint Stock Company "Mogilevkhimvolokno" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) was established on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2002. №186 by transforming the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Mogilev Production Association“ Khimvolokno ”and the Republican Unitary Subsidiary Enterprise“ Hockey Club “Khimvolokno Mogilev” in accordance with the legislation on the privatization of state property and the legislation on joint stock companies.
JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" carries out the following activities: production of chemical fibers and threads using in the production of units and parts made of precious metals, chemical reagents (components); production equipment and spare parts for it; consumer goods; performance of work and provision of services.
Open Joint Stock Company "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is a large producer of dimethyl terephthalate, PET polyester granules, incl. for food purposes, polyester fibers and threads and the main supplier of raw materials for the light industry of the Republic of Belarus.
The enterprise has a modern infrastructure to ensure the functioning of a large industrial complex with qualified personnel and a system for their training.
JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is the backbone enterprise of the city of Mogilev.
The enterprise is part of the Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (Concern "Belneftekhim").
A special feature of the enterprise is its consolidation at one site in
a single complex of industries related to the technological cycle - from
obtaining monomers before the release of finished products in the form of fibers, threads,
nonwovens of various assortments and purposes.
The decision to start construction of the enterprise was made in 1965.
1970-1971 the first stage of the enterprise was put into operation as part of a workshop for the production of dimethyl terephthalate with a capacity of 54 thousand tons per year and the production of polyester fibers, technical and textile yarns using the technology of the British company ICI with a total output of 50 thousand tons per year.
In 1977, the production of fiber with a capacity of 88.4 thousand tons per year was put into operation, and in 1980 it was modernized. In 1982, under the license of the Japanese company Mitsui Torei, the production of textured yarns with a capacity of 5 thousand tons per year was mastered. Together with German firms Ude GmbH. and HochstAG designed and commissioned in 1988 the production of high-strength yarns with an output of 24.6 thousand tons per year.
In 1991, the foreign trade export-import company "VSV" began its activities as part of the association. She established and expanded trade relations in Europe, Asia, America, Africa. Today the association cooperates with more than 80 foreign companies.
Currently, the enterprise is a complex of four factories and two productions:
- an organic synthesis plant produces dimethyl terephthalate (operating capacity 180 thousand tons per year) and polyethylene terephthalate (capacity 86 thousand tons per year);
a synthetic fiber plant produces polyester fibers (operating capacity 93.5 thousand tons per year); PET granulate (96.33 thousand tons per year); composite materials (1.8 thousand tons per year);
Polyester yarns plant (operating capacity 20.1 thousand tons per year) produces yarns for technical purposes;
The production of synthetic multifilament yarns provides the production of textile smooth and textured yarns, harsh and dyed (capacity 10.3 thousand tons per year), polyester base for roofing materials (capacity up to 40 million m2 per year), non-woven fabrics made of polyester fibers of various destination, strapping tape (capacity 600 tons per year;
repair and mechanical plant specializes in the production of equipment for chemical production and spare parts for it.
From 01.09.2007, as a result of the acquisition of 100% of the shares of JV "Belpak" CJSC, the joint venture was included in the company as a structural subdivision - the post-condensation shop of the organic synthesis plant.
The main objectives of the enterprise are: making a profit to meet the social and economic interests of the members of the workforce and property owners, as well as meeting the social need for products, works and services on the basis of effective management methods.
At present, the main block of shares remains in the ownership of the state, and in the course of privatization by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, it is planned to provide investors with the opportunity to participate in the corporatization of the enterprise with the acquisition of a block of shares.
1. The high dependence of Mogilevkhimvolokno OJSC on foreign suppliers of raw materials makes the enterprise vulnerable to the impact of fluctuations in world prices for basic raw materials.
2. Many assortments of the company's products are inferior to imported counterparts in terms of energy and raw materials consumption. The technical development of the enterprise, since the 90s, has sharply slowed down, the technologies used are outdated.
3. As of September 1, 2008, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets is 76.2%, depreciation of the active part of fixed assets is 87.93%. The use of both morally and physically worn out equipment is the main reason for the high cost of production. In addition, in recent years, a demand has arisen on the market for a number of new types of polyester products.
The founder of the enterprise is the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. The company is the successor of the rights and obligations of the named companies in accordance with the deed of transfer, with the exception of rights and obligations that cannot belong to the company.
"Mogilevkhimvolokno" is a commercial organization - a legal entity, has its own balance sheet, seal.
The authorized fund is divided into 149,375,170 (one hundred forty-nine million three hundred seventy-five thousand one hundred seventy) ordinary registered shares with a par value of 3,740 (three thousand seven hundred and forty) rubles each.
The shares of the Company are owned by its shareholders. A shareholder of the Company does not have property rights to the property of the Company, except in the event of its liquidation.
Shares are issued in the form of account entries.
The governing bodies of the enterprise are:
General Meeting of Shareholders;
supervisory board.
The management and the general director are the executive bodies of the enterprise, whose competence includes the solution of all issues that do not fall within the competence of the management bodies of the enterprise.
Control over the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is carried out by the audit commission.
To check and confirm the correctness of the annual financial statements, the company annually engages an auditor who is not related to property interests with the company or its participants. An enterprise is exempted from a mandatory annual audit, if in the reporting period the departmental control and audit service conducted an audit of its financial and economic activities.
Within three working days from the date of receipt by the enterprise of the auditor's opinion, the act (certificate) of the audit carried out by the controlling body, the general director is obliged to send copies of them to each member of the supervisory board, the chairman of the audit commission.
The general meeting of shareholders is the highest governing body of the enterprise. The Supervisory Board is the governing body that carries out general management of the enterprise in the period between the meetings of shareholders.
The Supervisory Board elects the Chairman of the Supervisory Board from among its members.
The management of the current activities of the enterprise is carried out by the directorate (collegial executive body) and the general director (sole executive body).
The Directorate and the General Director carry out their activities within the competence established by legislation, this charter, decisions of the meeting of shareholders and the supervisory board.
The meeting of shareholders or the supervisory board of the enterprise has the right to establish the procedure (approve the Regulation), on the basis of which the management and the general director carry out their activities. The Directorate and the General Director are accountable for all issues of their activities to the Supervisory Board and the Meeting of Shareholders. The General Director heads the Directorate, organizes its work and presides over its meetings.
Reorganization of an enterprise (merger, takeover, division, spin-off, transformation) can be carried out by decision of the meeting of shareholders. Other grounds and procedure for reorganizing an enterprise are determined by legislative acts.
The number of personnel as of December 31, 2007 is 11348 people. In the first half of 2007, 169 people were hired, 524 people were dismissed. Number as of June 30, 2007 10988 people The decrease in the number was 360 people.
Consider the economic indicators of the development of the enterprise.
The production program for the release of products has been completed. 338 tons of fiber, 479 tons of commercial PET were produced in excess of the plan.
The indicators for the growth rates of industrial production and consumer goods have been exceeded. Costs per 1000 rubles. marketable products are reduced, compared with planned, from 1,026 rubles. up to 1010.1 rubles.
Planned losses from production (980 million rubles) were reduced by 581 million rubles. and amounted to 399 million rubles, the profitability of marketable products was "minus" 1% against the plan "minus" 2.6%. The growth of material consumption is reduced in comparison with the plan.
The plan for the sale of finished products, including for export, was overfulfilled; as a result, stocks of finished products were reduced against the plan by 230 million rubles.
Planned losses from the sale of finished products were reduced by 803 million rubles. and amounted to 980 million rubles.
The net profit for 2007 was 55 million rubles. and is provided through the receipt of non-operating income, from it:
for the parent enterprise 29 million rubles. (including coverage of losses of DKiT 73.4 million rubles), the sanatorium "Sosny" profit of 26.2 million rubles.
The main indicators are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Enterprise development indicators

Commercial products in action. prices, mln. rub.
Production rate comrade. products in sop. prices,%
The rate of production of consumer. goods,%
Costs per 1000 rubles. marketable products, rub.
Profit from production, million rubles
Profitability of commercial products,%
Reducing the level of material consumption
Height 14
Height 11.7
Goth stocks. products (excluding taxes), mln. rub.
Export volume, thousand USD
Export rate,%
Proceeds from product sales, mln rubles
Profitability of sold products,%
Profit from product sales, RUB mln
Net profit for the head office, RUB mln
Net profit, total RUB mln

According to the results for 12 months. the cost reduction as a result of the implementation of measures to reduce costs by structural divisions amounted to 3.5 billion rubles. with the planned volume of 2.21 billion rubles Based on the results of work in 2007, the target indicators for industrial products, consumer goods, energy saving indicators, investments in fixed assets, and exports were met. A positive balance of foreign trade was ensured. Stocks of finished goods in warehouses are below the standard.
Indicators not achieved:
to reduce material consumption, an increase of 0.3%,
by the specific weight of new products,
in terms of the specific weight of certified products, it should be noted the positive dynamics of increasing this indicator, the profitability indicator of sold products, works, services in June has a negative value, since the beginning of the year 3.3%. The achievement of the targets is presented in Table 2.

table 2
Meeting targets

for 2007
Industrial products in sop. prices,%
Consumer goods production,%
Export of goods,%
Import of goods,%
Foreign trade balance, thousand $
Growth rate of foreign exchange earnings from the export of goods and services
Decrease in the level of material consumption,%
- 1
height 11.7
Height 0.3
Energy saving indicator,%
Profitability of products, works, services,%
Ud. weight of stocks in production volume (net),%
The volume of investments in fixed assets, million rubles
Investment growth rate in fixed assets,%
Share of new products in total industrial production,%
for a year
Share of certified products
According to the results of work for the month, there is no excess of the adjusted unit norms. In general, the enterprise saved savings in terms of feedstock (tons), table 3:
Table 3
Saved in terms of feedstock, tons
Raw materials
2007 year
Ethylene glycol
On the whole, according to the results of work in 2007, the enterprise achieved savings in heat energy and excessive consumption in fuel.
The cost of saved energy resources (- savings, + cost overruns) is shown in Table 4

Table 4
The cost of saved energy resources (- savings, + cost overruns
2007 year
in natures.
million rubles
Thousand kWh
heat energy

In monetary terms, energy savings in 2007 amounted to 1,869.6 million rubles.
The fulfillment of the supply plan for the main raw materials is shown in Table 5
Table 5
Supply structure of the main raw materials:

2007 year
specific weight in total delivery,%
Delivered in total
from RB (JSC Naftan)
Imported into the Republic of Belarus:
from Russia, including:
1) Refinery Omsk, from it:
2) OJSC Ufaneftekhim
3) LLC PO Kirishinefteorgintez
from the far abroad (Belorusneft, BNTD)

In the period January-April, when delivering paraxylene under direct contracts, OJSC Naftan provided a price discount of 39%. In accordance with the order of the concern dated April 26, 2007 No. 345, when supplying paraxylene under direct contracts, Naftan OJSC provides a price discount of 22% for the period from May 1 to May 31, 2007 and in accordance with the concern's order No. 449 dated May 29, 2007 a 22% discount will continue until the end of 2007.
Table 6
Dynamics of average actual prices for paraxylene by import, $ / tn (excluding VAT)

off, $ / t
January February
March, April
May June
July August
September October
November December

Average contract prices (excluding VAT) for import of paraxylene above than the prices for paraxylene, produced by JSC "Naftan", by $ 705 per ton (3.3 times).
In conclusion of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Mogilevkhimvolokno enterprise is the largest complex in Europe for the production of polyester fibers and threads. The peculiarity of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is the integration into a single industrial complex of a number of industries linked by a single technological cycle - from the receipt of raw materials to the production of finished products. The enterprise should rightfully owe its success to both the local management and the system of state administration of the entire petrochemical complex of the Republic of Belarus.
To improve the effectiveness of foreign economic activity
in the period up to 2012 JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is considering the following
strategic steps:
- to carry out work in a certain market through a limited
the number of dealers, thus avoiding unhealthy competition and price
lack of control;
- to intensify work through the representative offices of the concern
Belneftekhim in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, Germany with the involvement of
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies of the Republic of Belarus in the countries - the main sales markets
products of the enterprise;
- quickly and flexibly respond to changes in pricing policy for
specific markets;
- promptly receive information from commodity distribution facilities
networks about market demand, price level, financial position of processors,
competitors' strategies;
- to be constantly involved by the specialists of the enterprise,
engaged in foreign economic activity, in seminars, internships, advanced training
employees on relevant courses;
- actively participate in exhibitions and fairs at all representing
commercial interest markets;
- in order to develop new assortments, improve quality
products, packaging, stable supplies and other issues
hold scheduled meetings of the plant technologists with the plant technologists -
- continue work on lifting anti-dumping import sanctions
polyester fiber to Turkey, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and
offices of interest to JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" in this
- to purchase raw materials on a competitive basis from
direct manufacturers.
During the implementation of the Development Program, it is planned to increase
direct sales of products to direct consumers.
JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" has the image of a stable enterprise with
high quality products and further organization of close work with
consumers, based on deep marketing research of markets
sales will allow the company to compete in the polyester market.
Thus, the main goal of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is
sales of products at this stage of work - preservation and strengthening
positions in sales markets based on deep marketing
research, development of our own distribution network, complete and
rational use of the representative offices of the concern "Belneftekhim" for
abroad, direct work with direct processors of products
enterprises for the fullest satisfaction of their needs.

1. Statistical report of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" for 2007.
2. The economy of the enterprise. Workshop: Textbook. allowance / A. N. Senko, E. V. Krum. - Mn .: Vysh. school, 2002.
3. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. allowance / L.N. Nekhorosheva, N. B. Antonova, M. A. Zaitseva and others; Under total. ed. L.N. Nekhorosheva. - Mn .: Vysh. school, 2003 .-- 383 p.


Marketing activities of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

1 Internal environment JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

2 External environment JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Analysis of market opportunities of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Marketing mix analysis

1 Commodity policy

2 Pricing policy

3 Distribution policy

4 Communication policy

Practical implementation of marketing and energy saving programs

1 Determining the goals of the enterprise for the long term

2 Analysis of the energy saving program

3 Analysis of the economic portfolio of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" and development of a strategy for the growth of the enterprise

4 Marketing Analysis and control


List of sources used


JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is an enterprise belonging to the petrochemical industry and is part of the Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry (Concern "Belneftekhim").

The production of chemical fibers and threads occupies an important place in the structure of the concern. These are polyester fibers and yarns, viscose yarns, viscose cord yarn and polyamide cord fabric, fabrics of various assortments based on polyester and viscose yarns, carbon yarns and fabrics, non-woven materials based on chemical fibers, acrylic fibers, etc. The capacity of enterprises for the production of chemical fibers and threads is 310 thousand tons per year. Almost 50% of chemical fibers and threads produced in the CIS are produced in the Republic of Belarus.

Open Joint Stock Company "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is the only large producer of dimethyl terephthalate, PET polyester granules in the Republic of Belarus, incl. for food purposes, polyester fibers and threads and the main supplier of raw materials for the light industry - the largest branch of the national economic complex of the Republic of Belarus.

JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" has a large and fairly modern infrastructure to ensure the functioning of a large industrial complex in the presence of qualified personnel and a system for their training. Belongs to the category of city-forming enterprises in Mogilev.

The largest processor of polyester fibers in the segment of the nonwovens market is Politeks CJSC (Mogilev), which produces a wide range of nonwoven fabrics and fillers, which accounts for about 15.0% of total shipments to the market of the Republic of Belarus.

Among the enterprises of the Bellegprom concern, the largest consumers of polyester fibers are the following:

Belfa CJSC (Zhlobin);

CJSC JV Sopoteks (Mogilev);

JSC Kobrin spinning and weaving factory "Ruchaika" (Kobrin).

The work of the Expedition of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" was awarded with diplomas:

2006 Forwarder-Leader ("For high financial performance") and Forwarder of the Year ("For high rates of development in the field of forwarding")

2007 - a diploma forwarder-leader ("For high professionalism")

2008 - diplomas for the forwarding agent-leader ("For high professionalism"), forwarding agent of the year ("For the dynamic development of forwarding activities").

OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" achieved such success thanks to the creation of a marketing department at the enterprise, which offers to produce new types of products in accordance with emerging needs, develop new markets for products and ensure profit.

The purpose of this term paper is to reveal a set of marketing solutions for the process of coordinating the capabilities of OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" and consumer requests for polyester fiber on the material collected during the technological practice.

When writing a term paper, the following sources were used:

Business plan of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" for 2012;

Regulations on the Marketing Department;

Collective agreement of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" for 2012;

Energy saving program of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" for 2012;

Marketing activities of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

1.1 Internal environment of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

The head of the marketing department must have information about the economic, financial, production, social, research activities of the enterprise. His main responsibility is to coordinate marketing functions (forecasting, sales, marketing research, etc.) and to establish relationships with the heads of financial, production and other departments of the enterprise.

If the actions of various departments of the enterprise are not united by a single market strategy, the effect of "swan, cancer and pike" can occur. And for JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" there is no such problem, since the orientation to the market is ensured by the interaction of the departments of the enterprise with the marketing department and the exchange of information between them, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Interaction of the marketing department with divisions of OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Department names

Marketing department

receives information

conveys information

1 Commercial management

Purchase assignments; - information about the concluded contracts for the supply of products.

Information on market prices for basic raw materials; - minutes of meetings of procurement commissions; - information on market prices for main products; - analytical reviews and forecasts on market conditions; - copies of the minutes of the pricing commission.

2 Department of statistical analysis and support of foreign economic activity

Statistical data on shipped products in assortment for the period.

Copies of the minutes of the pricing commission.

3 Economic planning management

Prices of the price list for the introduction of new types of products and the next revision of prices; - information on the cost of production.

Information on market prices for main products; - originals of the minutes of the pricing commission.

4 Financial management

Financial plan; - invoices for payment to be handed over to buyers.

Financial plan; - service notes and invoices for payment of subscription publications.

5 Department of standardization and certification

Recorded copies of TU copies for finished products, external TNLA and changes to them; - registered copies of STP and copies to them; - the schedule of the internal audit; - report on the internal audit.

Reports on the elimination of identified inconsistencies during the internal audit.

6 Office of Labor Organization and Wages

Approved staffing table; - internal regulations.

Department regulations and job descriptions.

7 Central accounting

Accounting data on the sale of finished products for the month; - pay slips for wages; - information about customers who are late with payment for shipped products; - information about the receipt of currency Money to the account of the enterprise; - information about accounts payable and receivable for supplies; - the debt of the enterprise for the shipment of products.

Agreements for approval; - Memorandum on payment for approval; - acts of work performed.

8 Legal department

Information about changes in the legislation concerning the commercial activities of the association.

Draft agreements for approval.

9 Office of Information Technology

Department software and hardware.

Requests for the necessary software and hardware.

10 Department of Freight Forwarding and Logistics

Information on transportation costs for the delivery of the main raw materials and products of the organization.

Transport applications.

11 Department of Technical Development and Investments

Copies of business plans for investment projects.

Information about business - plans for investment projects in terms of marketing.

12 Department of Economic Analysis

Information about the financial results of the organization.

Information for the annual business plan.

The unity of actions of various services of the enterprise is ensured by the culture of the enterprise, which has a significant impact on market success, which is reflected in the collective agreement of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno".

The purpose of the enterprise is to ensure a sustainable socio-economic position of the enterprise, to establish additional, in comparison with the legislation social guarantees, compensations and benefits in the field of organization and remuneration of labor, employment of workers, labor protection, industrial and environmental safety, medical services, sanitary treatment, social insurance, housing, protection of mothers and children.

The main provisions of the collective agreement:

provide mothers raising two or more children under the age of 16, upon their request, one day off from work every month with a daily payment tariff rate(salary);

provide paid maternity leave to women, employees of the Company, from 20 weeks of pregnancy;

grant the right to be registered with those wishing to receive housing in a hostel;

attracting workers and employees on weekends and holidays is allowed only in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in cases of performing necessary, unforeseen work in advance;

provide workers in excess of labor leave social leave for valid reasons of a personal and family nature in the following cases: in case of marriage - 3 days without payment; during childbirth with a spouse - 1 day with payment according to average earnings; in the event of the death of a spouse, spouse, parents, children, sisters, brothers - 3 days with average earnings for organizing a funeral; for soldiers - internationalists - one day - February 15 to participate in the Day of Remembrance without payment; first day school year for parents whose children go to the first grade of school - 1 day without payment; upon reaching the age of 50 years from the date of birth - 1 day with payment according to average earnings.

The successful work of the marketing department is based on the performance of specific functions and competent task setting.

The main tasks of the marketing department:

analysis of consumer demand for the organization's products, market research;

development of annual and long-term business plans of the organization in terms of marketing;

marketing research on investment projects of the organization;

introduction to the market of new product ranges of the organization, search and attraction of potential consumers of products, including for newly implemented investment projects;

studying the competitive environment, determining the competitiveness of the organization's products;

organization of the work of the pricing commission;

study and analysis of the markets for the main raw materials purchased by the organization;

organization of the work of commissions for procurement based on tenders (tender commission), according to the procedure for drawing up a competitive list, according to the procurement procedure from one source, according to the marketing research procedure;

preparation, execution of the necessary documentation for the revision of anti-dumping duties and the introduction of special protective measures;

carrying out work to include the organization's products in the List of import-substituting goods produced by residents of free economic zones of the Republic of Belarus and supplied to the domestic market of the republic.

The main functions of the marketing department:

preparation of quarterly reports based on analyzes of the sales markets of the organization's products in comparison with the same period last year;

analysis of the sales markets of the organization's products to draw up an annual business plan in comparison with the previous year;

organization of the marketing research process for investment projects, including the following operations: defining the task, obtaining primary information (external and internal), analyzing secondary information (external and internal), analyzing competitors, analyzing data characterizing the market for the type of product in question, preparing a report;

analysis of the competitive environment taking into account market conditions;

participation in determining prices for the organization's products and making proposals for the level of sales prices in the market of the Republic of Belarus and beyond, based on the analysis of competitors' prices and prices in the world market;

organization, holding, documenting meetings of the pricing commission;

preparation of a package of documents for approval in the Belneftekhim concern of sales prices of the organization's products below the cost for sales on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad in accordance with the requirements of the legislation;

preparation of a package of documents and work with the free economic zone "Mogilev", the concern "Belneftekhim", the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus on the inclusion of the organization's products in the "List of import-substituting goods produced by residents of free economic zones of the Republic of Belarus and sold in the domestic market of the republic" to obtain tax and customs preferences;

preparation of letters, certificates, reports, etc. to the concern "Belneftekhim" in part marketing activities organizations;

preparation of monthly reports on the implementation of the relevant points of the action plan to achieve the main indicators of the forecast of socio-economic development for the organization

providing information on the competitive environment for obtaining financing and opening credit lines in commercial banks;

monitoring of foreign tenders on websites and preparation of monthly and quarterly reports on the organization's participation in foreign tenders;

organization of work on cooperation of the organization with the International Committee of Synthetic Fiber Manufacturers CIRFS (Belgium), registration of payment of membership fees;

processing of the CIRFS customs base for the supply of the organization's products to the CIS countries and the Far Abroad;

compilation of weekly summaries on prices for the main raw materials and products of the organization in Europe and Asia based on analytical information;

organization of translations from a foreign language of analytical and price information on the main raw materials and products of the organization;

organizing, holding, documenting meetings of tender commissions for procurement, commissions for conducting procurements according to the procedure for drawing up a competitive list, commissions for conducting purchases from a single source, commissions for conducting purchases according to the procedure for marketing research;

placement of invitations for purchases on the website of the National Center for Marketing and Price Study and the external corporate website of the organization;

execution and support of contracts for the receipt of subscription foreign publications, reports on the main raw materials and products - PCI Fibers (England), ICIS (England), Platts (USA).

1.2 External environment of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Consumer assessment. Chemical industry enterprises are consumers of polyester fiber.

The list of the main sales markets for polyester fiber and its share in the sales volume of the enterprise in dynamics for two last years is given in table 2.

Table 2 - Analysis of market priorities

Share in turnover 2011

Share in turnover 2010,%

Growth rate, %

Growth rate,%

1 Republic of Belarus

3 the Russian Federation

4 Far Abroad

Share in turnover for each market for 2011 calculated by the formula

Share in the turnover of a specific market = (Sales volume of a product in a specific market / Total sales of a product by an enterprise) 100% (1)

The share in the market turnover of the Republic of Belarus is equal to

= 10,6%

The share in the turnover for other markets is calculated in the same way.

The growth rate of the share in the turnover is calculated by the formula


where U i is the value of the compared level of the dynamics series,%;

For i -1 - the value of the comparison base (the previous level),%.

The growth rate of the share in the market turnover of the Republic of Belarus is equal to

The growth rate of the share in the turnover for the rest of the markets is calculated in the same way.

The growth rate of the market share is calculated by the formula

ΔТ = Т - 100% (3)

The growth rate of the share in the market turnover of the Republic of Belarus is equal to

The growth rate of the share in the turnover for the rest of the markets is calculated in the same way.

Markets are considered traditional where an enterprise (organization) has been selling its products for many years and has a stable demand.

Markets are considered new, to which an enterprise (organization) is just beginning to enter with its product (service).

Of the listed markets for polyester fiber, the traditional ones are;

The Russian Federation;

Far Abroad.

The new markets are the CIS countries.

Table 2 shows that the volume of polyester fiber sales increased in 2011 in the Republic of Belarus and the CIS by 0.6%, in the Russian Federation decreased by 3.6%, and in the Far Abroad countries by 1.4%.

Competitor analysis. The competitors of OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" in polyester fiber of the floor are:

- "Silon" Czech Republic;

Trewira Germany;

Wellman Ireland.

The level of awareness of competing enterprises is shown in Table 3.

The reputation of goods produced by competing enterprises is shown in Table 4.

The technological level of production of competing enterprises is shown in Table 5.

Table 3 - Degree of awareness of competing enterprises

Table 4 - Reputation of goods produced by competing enterprises

Table 5 - Technological level of production of competing enterprises

Market share accurately reflects the work of the enterprise and its competitive position and is considered according to the formula

Market share = (Sales volume of a given product by a specific enterprise / Potential market capacity of a given product) 100% (4)

The market share of OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is

The market share of competing enterprises is calculated in the same way.

The growth rate of the market share of OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is

The growth rate of the market share of competing enterprises is calculated in a similar way.

The growth rate of the market share of OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is equal to

The growth rate of the market share of competing enterprises is calculated in the same way. The calculation results are listed in Table 6.

Table 6 - Dynamics of the market share occupied by competing enterprises

Competitor names

Market share 2010,%

Growth rate, %

Growth rate,%

sale, t

market share, %

JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Competition in the polyester fiber market is increasing as competitors get closer in size and power.

The level of competition is regional.

Table 7 provides information characterizing the competitive position of enterprises in the polyester fiber market.

Table 7 - Analysis of the competitive environment

For JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" the strategy of competition is a risky position.

The key success factors for OJSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" are:

High quality service;

favorable location of the enterprise;

skilled workforce;

warranty service;

low cost;

polite staff.

Based on all of the above, table 8 is drawn up.

Table 8 - SWOT Analysis

Internal strengths

Internal weaknesses

Proven administration Competence Protected against strong competitive pressure Competitive advantage

Outdated equipment No clear strategic direction Existence of internal production problems Low level of marketing activity

External opportunities

External threats

Ability to attract additional buyers New technologies New markets Growth in market capacity Weakening of competitors' positions Reduced barriers in the markets

Slower growth Negative shifts in the exchange rate Entry of a cheaper competitor

market price marketing energy saving

2. Analysis of the market opportunities of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno"

Shipments of polyester fiber by region (in in kind) in 2012 were distributed as follows:

Belarus - 10.6%;

CIS (cr. RF) - 16.7%;

Russian Federation - 53.7%;

Far Abroad - 19.0%.

The market volume has decreased this year, but according to the plans for the sale of products by 2013 it is planned to increase shipments of fiber.

The main strategic direction in the development of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is a more complete use of existing capacities, increasing the competitiveness of products by improving quality and reducing costs, as well as reorientation of production towards deeper and more efficient processing of raw materials.

JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is continuously working with foreign investors to jointly implement a number of investment projects... We are working closely with potential investors and banks to attract investment.

Work is underway to introduce energy-saving projects. In 2012, it is planned to supply equipment for the reconstruction of off-site power plants (air separation unit and nitrogen gasifiers) and the phased introduction of start-up complexes by 2013.

The implementation of the projects will increase the volume of export products from the Republic of Belarus, organize import-substituting production, and reduce production costs.

3. Analysis of the marketing mix

1 Commodity policy

Polyester fibers are widely used in textile industry for the manufacture of fabrics mixed with cotton, flax, wool, viscose and other fibers, in the production of nonwovens for insulation fabrics, floor coverings, artificial fur, artificial leather, synthetic paper.

However, consumers do not acquire quality characteristics, but a satisfied need. Therefore, Table 9 summarizes the benefits that can be obtained by consumers of polyester fiber.

Table 9 - Converting Polyester Fiber Technical Capabilities into Consumer Benefits

Technical Capabilities of Polyester Fiber

Benefits for consumers

Standard benefits

Benefits provided by the enterprise

Differential benefits

1 GOST standard

1 High quality guarantee

2 Discount 5%

2 Opportunity to save money and spend it for other purposes

3 Produced in a blend with cotton, linen and wool

3 Gives crease resistance, dimensional stability

The trademark of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is an outline representing the compositionally resolved initial "M" - the initial letter of the city in which the enterprise is located. The initial "M" is made of a bundle of polyester fibers and is based on four stylized forgings of a thread, since the main products of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" are polyester fibers and threads.

Regarding the use of branded colors, then, as a rule, the use of different colors facilitates the perception of information, having an emotional impact on buyers and consumers of goods. The trademark of JSC "Mogilevkhimvolokno" is often depicted in blue or light blue.

Packaging is a specific container or shell in which a given product is placed and which, for the most part, is properly decorated. The packaging of the products of the Mogilev Association is the direct container of the products and is considered the primary packaging because usually does not have additional protective functions and is not an important means of promoting a product to the market.

In order for the products to be transported from the manufacturer to the consumer, they must be placed in special containers that allow them to carry out their loading and unloading, storage and transportation in the best way. The receptacles used for this are usually called transport packaging (containers). In our case, taking into account the specifics of the manufactured products, we note that the following are used for packaging: DMT ( polypropylene bags"Big-bags"), PET ("big-bags" and polyethylene bags), fiber (bales of the same "big-bags" tied with tape or wire), threads (wound on sleeves, cops and put into boxes or a block packages), consumer goods (polyethylene bags, cardboard boxes).

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