
Why does Sparrow need a "pipe" in Ukraine. One of the most non-public businessmen in Belarus gave his first interview. And at this time

The Belarusian oligarch buys a large oil transportation project, which was ranked in the orbit of Vladimir Putin's godfather. Apparently, this is part of a large package of agreements on the redistribution of spheres of influence at the level of the leaders of the Russian Federation and Belarus.

On the preparation of Prikarpatzapadtrans LLC for the change of its owner » it became known from a source in the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, to which the buyer applied for permission to conduct the transaction - the Production Unitary Enterprise "Oil Bituminous Plant" (Belarus). On the other side of this deal is Swiss International company Trading Partners AG, which owns 99% of Prykarpatzapadtrans.

In the photo - Viktor Medvedchuk and Oksana Marchenko

On the public plane, the "Swiss" are represented by German citizen Anatoly Schaefer, who is listed as the owner of International Trading Partners. But a Russian-Ukrainian trace is clearly traced behind the Russian-German: Schaefer is also a co-owner of ITC Industry Trading Company SA, which a few years ago had a contractual relationship with MBK Agrotekhnika LLC, the company of Viktor Medvedchuk's wife Oksana Marchenko. In addition, in 2017, ITC Industry Trading Company SA signed a contract with the Kremlin-controlled Russian company Rosneft for the supply of 30 to 50 million tons of diesel fuel.

The Swiss company bought 99% of Prikarpatzapadtrans in 2016 from the Russian state-owned Transneft, a structure directly controlled by the Russian authorities. The deal at that time took place in the wake of a judicial confrontation between Prikarpatzapadtrans and the Prosecutor General's Office, which sought to return the main asset of the company to the state - the Samara-Western Direction oil product pipeline passing through Ukraine, which carries diesel fuel from the Russian Federation ( throughput pipes - about 3.5 million tons of fuel per year).

In March 2015, the GPU achieved its goal in the Supreme Economic Court, but then the Rivne Economic Court, due to newly revealed circumstances, satisfied the claim of Prykarpatzapadtorans. And already in May 2018, the Supreme Court put a final point in the case, rejecting the appeal of the GPU and legalizing the ownership of the oil product pipeline by a private company.

In this light, the assumptions of a number of politicians look rather illogical that the upcoming resale of Prykarpatzapadtrans is an attempt by the Medvedchukites to hide it behind a dummy on the eve of the presidential elections in Ukraine - after all, there have been no questions to German citizen Schaefer in Ukraine for a long time (at the end of 2016, “ Prikarpatzapadtrans ”even signed a contract for the supply of fuel with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in the amount of UAH 396 million).

At the same time, for some reason, no one remembers that the Belarusians have a direct interest in the Samara-Western Direction oil product pipeline - it passes through the territory of Belarus, and diesel deliveries through it are possible from the largest refinery in this country - Mozyr, which is connected to the pipe. And the deliveries themselves are possible not only to Ukraine, but also in transit to Hungary.

The second important point is that the aforementioned "Oil Bitumen Plant" is owned by not the last person in Belarus - Nikolai Vorobei. He is called one of the richest representatives of the inner circle of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, with assets worth over $ 2.5 billion.

In the photo - Nikolay Vorobei

As he wrote, Sparrow is a graduate of the Kiev National University, but this factor is unlikely to have influenced his desire to do business in our country.

Its main asset is the Interservice company, which deals with wholesale trade gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil, for the implementation of which the company refines Russian oil.

In addition, the Vorobya enterprise is actively engaged in the supply of oil products from the Russian Federation to consumers in Belarus.

In fact, the foundation of Sparrow's business is built on working with the oil complex of the Russian Federation, and the question of whether the Kremlin has any influence over him looks rhetorical.

It is hardly a coincidence that, » In March, the Belarusian state concern Belneftekhim signed a contract for the direct supply of diesel produced by the Mozyr Oil Refinery to Ukraine with Wexler.

The latter is included in the orbit of influence of a businessman

After Lanskaya told reporters that she paid 35,000 euros for the recording of the competition song in the best London studio Abbey Road, and 15,000 euros for shooting the video in Turkey, on the Internet forums, viewers asked the question: at whose expense the banquet? Is it budget money again?

Let us remind you that last year Belteleradiocompany warned that from now on the representative of Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest pays for himself all the preparations for the contest. BT pays only for flight and weekly hotel accommodation on competition days.

Lanskaya herself did not hide earlier that she was sponsored by the Spamash production center, which was created by businessman Alexander Shakutin 10 years ago. It is he who owns the assets of Amkodor, the largest in the CIS and Eastern Europe, a manufacturer of road construction and municipal equipment. He is also one of the five most successful and influential businessmen in Belarus. Therefore, no one had any doubts that Shakutin had been paying for the Lanskoy holiday for many years. It turned out not him! Despite the fact that Lanskaya sings at "Spamash", for Eurovision-2013 she is sponsored by another, no less influential businessman Nikolai Vorobei. Sparrow has already transferred the first tranche of money for the preparation of Lanskoy to the settlement account of "Spamash" - 230 thousand dollars. By the way, he was the sponsor of the Eurofest final last year.

Yes, the Spamash production center has found a sponsor for this project. This is the company "Interservice" and personally its owner Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorobei, - confirmed to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" the producer of the singer Dmitry Baranov, he is general manager"Spamash".

- And on what conditions did Nikolai Vorobei agree to be a sponsor? Did you enter into a contract?

There is a contract, I personally signed it.

And what are the conditions in the contract? Obligations, for example, to take a prize in the competition ... Well, or Lanskaya cannot marry without permission?

Alena Lanskaya. "Solayoh"

No, this is a usual sponsorship agreement, according to which the main condition is the targeted use of the funds received, and also upon arrival from Malmö submit to the sponsor a report on where and on what the money was spent.

- And a lot of this money? According to our information, the first tranche is about $ 230,000.

I am ready to announce all the amounts after the competition. I can say that last year Nikolai Vorobei and his company covered the bulk of the costs of preparing for the Eurofest final. He also paid for the Eurovision expenses of the Lightsound group. (In total, Sparrow spent 350 thousand euros then. - Auth.)

- Does he believe in our show business so much?

It's not about faith. We were looking for a sponsor purposefully. The production center "Spamash" earns money on its own, but it is clear that those funds from concerts are not enough to prepare this project. Therefore, they were looking for a sponsor. We went to those who have money, offered to participate in such a project. Sparrow agreed. But this does not mean that it will now be Spamash's wallet.



Novopolotsk businessman Nikolai Vorobei has been in business since 1994, when Interservice LLC appeared - a wholesale supplier of oil for refining and a seller of oil products in Belarusian and international markets... He is rapidly moving up the list of the richest people in Belarus. I rented the Krasny Bor landscape reserve (Verkhnedvinsky and Rossonsky districts), where they organize special tours for wild boar, elk, wood grouse, black grouse. He also owns several shops and restaurants in the city of chemists. In December last year, he bought out a controlling stake in Amkodor for $ 75 million.


Lanskaya raffles off a ticket for Eurovision-2013

Through Komsomolskaya Pravda, the singer announces a competition to write a Belarusian version of the text for her competition song. The author of the best lines will go to the competition in Sweden in May.

The hit "Soleo" is already being played in two languages ​​- English and Russian. But Lanskaya decided that she wanted to record it in her native Belarusian as well. Only I haven't found a decent translation yet. You can suggest your own version. There is an incentive: the singer will give the winner a ticket to the first semi-final of Eurovision-2013, in which she sings.

What need to do? Send by April 15 at [email protected] own text "Soleo" in Belarusian. It is important that the text is not only meaningful and well rhymed, but also easily fits the music of the song "Soleo". The best poet will be chosen by the creative team of Lanskoy. And on April 18 in "fatty" we will name the person who will follow Alena's performance from the auditorium in Malmo on May 13.



As "Komsomolskaya Pravda" found out, the young poet Victoria Solovyova translated "Soleo" into Russian. Victoria is far from a beginner in translations. It is she who wrote (some) Belarusian texts for world hits for the New Year projects of the ONT TV channel.

Alena Lanskaya "Soleo"

Every evening I meet In that cafe where mirrors tremble. I'm so sad, yes, I miss, And the moon flows into the glass.

Suddenly he appeared, like an avalanche, This wonderful sound in the distance. And broke, and surged - Took me off the ground.

You can whisper about love today - Today I am in your dance.

Soleo, Soleo, Like the sun, this night is hot! And with her, and with her We dance to the rhythm of the cha-cha.

They burn like kisses, Only looks and words. We will be whirling, bewitched by This passionate carnival.

Everything sparkles and glistens. I'm drowning in a cocktail of the moon. We take off like birds - We know the essence of the depth.

I feel only one thing - only love! The Earth is enveloped in it.

Soleo, Soleo, Like the sun, this night is hot! And with her, and with her We dance to the rhythm of the cha-cha.

Soleo, Soleo, These sounds attract and intoxicate us. Boldly, boldly Hold me tight!

Everything is as if in a dream - so fate decided, After all, music is my faith!

In Lanskoy's video, Sasha Rybak will play the dancer [EXCLUSIVE "KP"].Sergey ANDRIANOV

I'll tell you how Krasny Bor began.

At first, as soon as the hunting economy was organized, there was, of course, enough work. Only three of our huntsmen were local, all the rest of these forests practically did not know. And the area of ​​the farm at that time, in my opinion, was 58 thousand hectares, and an intensive and quick acquaintance with it was coming. Therefore, we had no time to rest!

It so happened that at the beginning we were not engaged in a ranger, but in various rough work. They built lodges, erected towers, fences; The boys rode either a motorcycle or a tractor, while the director and I, Igor Aleksandrovich Lutkovsky, shared one car for two. By the way, he called me to work.

I spent time in the forest since childhood, I started hunting from 11-12 years old. Friends once called me to hunt, I was still a teenager, and at that moment I had to do something around the house - I asked my father for time off: can I? “Well, okay,” he replies, “go. You know where the gun is - I saw that you took it. " So “officially” for the family I became a hunter, brought my first prey - a duck, then there were hares and larger trophies. I think it's not for nothing that people say that the best huntsmen are made from former poachers ...

Before the hunting farm I worked as a crane operator, first I built a brick factory, then I served it. While they were building, the work seemed interesting, but as it was put into operation, it became boring and monotonous: both day and night - the shipment of bricks. At night - from the trolleys to the street, during the day - from the street to the cars. And I still spent my free time in the forest, hunting, working on wolves: looking for wolf broods, going to "drive". The main argument of Igor Lutkovsky, when he invited me to work, sounded seductive: "Here you will professionally do what you love!"

To be honest, at that time even the size of the salary was almost indifferent to me, I liked this offer so much - I could not stand it any longer at a brick factory. And the interview was like this: I and Nikolai Nikolayevich Vorobei came to Lutkovsky's home, the three of us talked, and we decided everything on the spot. At first it was only a little scared that the farm was private. Today I can already confess to you, as if in spirit: then I will public service kept a safety net in case of dismissal. And yet, since I'm really frank, I never once regretted choosing this job!

And there everything was new - new territory, active construction, forest, which was almost unknown. At first I studied it from the car, and then everything here started with my own feet.

At that time, a separate brigade from Polotsk was engaged in wolves, but not wabili - "flagged". As a driver, I was assigned to them. From dark to dark, we then traveled around the entire hunting area. And I, as the youngest, drove the wolves.

Then it was not yet such that each huntsman is the owner only in his round, is responsible only for him.

We worked as a team, lived as one family. They got together every day, in the morning they came to the base, discussed the tasks - and went: build fences, towers and beds, bury the cables, in winter they went to feeding grounds. And already here, everyone was responsible for their territories. There were a lot of people in our team: some were late for a couple of weeks, some for a month, and some for a year - only the most dedicated remained. Why? Because you had to love your job! And she is not easy. Those who were chasing a long ruble could not resist.

I believe that the close-knit team is a great merit of Igor Alexandrovich. He knew how to pick and unite people.

They hunted ducks, hunted elk, wild boar, shot a wolf. Basically, in the beginning, there was a driven hunt. It so happened that I got the biggest moose trophy, and Lutkovsky got the first wild boar. I still remember that place very well.

The farm did not have a single observation tower, everything had to be built. And the salt licks were old: in the dumped aspen a box was cut into which salt was poured. Later, Nikolai Nikolayevich brought from abroad the idea of ​​today's salt licks, at first I could not believe that they would work, but it turned out that the beast smells this "smell" and finds the salt licks very quickly.

Of course, Lutkovsky is an unsurpassed ace in "waba"! This talent, they say, is available with a good ear. Today, many young huntsmen are already doing well ...

And I - what am I? Of course, it happened that the wolves responded and came to me. And I shot them. But I can't give a 100% guarantee.

Igor Alexandrovich can drive not only a wolf, but also an elk. It seems at first it doesn’t sound very similar, but as soon as the elk responded, Aleksandrovich knows how to repeat so that you cannot tell from the outside who is who: where the elk “sounds”, and where is Lutkovsky! One to one, exactly ...

… If you look closely, for ten years now I have been living only thanks to Nikolai Nikolaevich. It so happened that when I became seriously ill, I had no chance in the Rossony hospital: they could not determine why I was feeling bad. The tablets were prescribed. And he sent me to Borovlyany, arranged an examination: and there they first diagnosed stomach cancer, and then they performed an operation.

And since we are talking about Sparrow, I would like to note the high human qualities of Nikolai Nikolaevich. More often than not, he will not even raise his voice, and if you got a scolding, then there is something for that! I don't think anyone could be offended for that ...

Recorded by Natalia PLYTKEVICH

Belarusian Oil Bitumen Plant to acquire a share of over 50% in authorized capital Ukrainian oil product pipeline "PrykarpatZapadTrans". The plant in Chervensky district belongs to the famous Novopolotsk oil trader "Interservice", which is owned by Nikolai Vorobei. A businessman cannot be called a public person. At least his photo is publicly available and there is not a single interview. TUT.BY was the first to whom Nikolai Vorobei agreed to comment on the latest events around the company. True, the businessman answered the questions in writing.

Nikolai Vorobei is ranked 17th in the “Diary” rating “Top 200 Successful and Influential Businessmen of Belarus - 2018”. Its main assets: Interservice company (distribution of petroleum products within the country and to foreign markets), Oil bitumen plant (bitumen production in the Chervensky region), Autoimport (real estate), Absolutbank, Krasny Bor (a tourist complex, hunting grounds in Verkhnedvinsky and Rossonsky districts) and Bremino group (logistics operator). Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

- Are you really acquiring 51% in PrykarpatZapadTrans? How much will it cost you?

- Yes, indeed, we have made a decision to acquire the PrykarpatZapadTrans pipeline company in Ukraine. We do not disclose the amount of the deal.

- What was dictated this decision?

- Interservice has been operating in the oil product market for over 20 years. And it is my deep conviction that it is impossible for any company in any industry to have good results if the industry as a whole leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore, we are deeply interested in good business in Belarusian oil refining. And if we cannot influence the issues of modernization of factories, then the acquisition of a pipeline asset in Ukraine will increase the competition of a Belarusian product in the Ukrainian market due to a significant improvement in logistics.

- Why exactly a pipeline asset? Why, for example, not an investment in the development of railway supplies, the acquisition of rolling stock?

- The Ukrainian market is important for Belarus. Pipeline transport is used to transport large quantities of oil products in one direction and has many advantages. The pipeline route is shorter than the routes of other types of transport. In addition, pipeline transport is continuous, which makes it possible to ensure the rhythm of supplies, and the most automated mode of transport, the loss of oil products is less than during transportation by any other means of transport, and, therefore, it is the most environmentally friendly way of transporting oil products. The consequence of all of the above is that pipeline transport is also the cheapest of terrestrial species transportation of petroleum products.

- With the advantages of the "pipe" everything is clear. But now there are many questions about what to pour into it. Restrictions have been introduced on the supply of oil products from Russia to Belarus, the tax maneuver brings the prices of Russian oil for Belarus closer to the world level. What, in your opinion, are the prospects for Belarusian oil refining?

- To get the most comprehensive answer to this question, you should contact the Belneftekhim concern, which performs the functions of state regulation in the industry. At the same time, I can express my personal opinion on this issue. Fortunately, I repeat, for more than 20 years we have accumulated significant experience in the oil and oil products market.

There are two large oil refineries in Belarus in Mozyr and Novopolotsk. They are really large, capable of processing 12 million tons of oil per year each (an average refinery, as a rule, processes 5-6 million tons). Their capacities are significantly surplus in comparison with the needs of the domestic market, which creates a surplus of produced oil products and, accordingly, the country's export potential, capable of generating significant foreign exchange earnings. But in order for opportunities to turn into reality, they need to be used competently and professionally. What is needed for this?

First. This is a timely modernization aimed at increasing the depth of refining (obtaining more light oil products from each ton of refined oil) and improving the quality of products to ensure the possibility of supplying them to any markets without restrictions. Relevant projects are being implemented at both refineries, and the only thing that one can wish for the factories is to speed up their implementation and launch new facilities into operation. Why is it important? Because today there is a lot of fuel oil in the structure of petroleum products and this is an unprofitable product for export. In addition, the high sulfur content does not allow them to be supplied to the domestic market of European countries, including Ukraine. And the requirements will only get tougher. So, for example, from 2020, it will be possible to use only fuel oils with a sulfur content of no more than 0.5% for bunkering ships.

Second. Belarus is not a maritime power and does not have its own ports. Therefore, for the successful sale of petroleum products, it is extremely important to build competent logistic schemes. It is necessary to minimize transport costs. It is a matter of competitiveness in the markets. These issues are dealt with by the Belarusian Oil Company, which is consolidating the export resources of the two refineries. The more resources a trading company operates, the more efficient its sales can be.

- That is, by purchasing a part of the "pipe" in Ukraine, you thus want to improve the delivery of fuel to this market?

- We intend to provide services for the transportation of oil products from the export resource of Belarusian refineries, and first of all the Mozyr Refinery, which has direct access to the pipeline system with the possibility of further transportation in the PrykarpatZapadTrans system, and these are supplies to Ukraine and the possibility of transit to other European countries ... Such an opportunity is already relevant now, but it should be borne in mind, and we have already briefly talked about this that the largest investment project for hydrocracking of heavy residues. The implementation of this project in the near future will significantly reduce the amount of these "heavy" ones (meaning fuel oil and tar), and increase the amount of light oil. These "light" ones are best transported by pipelines. In addition to the linear part itself, the asset includes a network of connected tank farms with the ability to perform many logistics operations. Logistic advantages will increase competitiveness and increase the share of the presence of Belarusian oil products in the Ukrainian market. This is a mutually beneficial project.

The enterprise was founded in August 1970 as the Carpathian District Department of Trunk Pipelines of the Main Directorate for Transport and Supply of Petroleum Products under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. In 2001, it received the legal status of a subsidiary and was renamed into PrykarpatZapadTrans. It is engaged in the transportation of light oil products. The length of the pipelines it manages exceeds 1,200 km, and the capacity of tank farms for storing petroleum products is more than 100 thousand cubic meters. In addition to supplies to Ukraine, it has access to non-CIS countries (Hungary).

- And Ukraine is not afraid to transfer control over the pipeline to a company that is a resident of another country? After all, your attempt to participate in the privatization of the Ukrainian "Centrenergo".

- I believe that he is not afraid, since there is no reason for fear, and I will explain why. First, the oil market is very narrow and all the players on it know each other well. I don’t want to brag, but "Interservice" over the years of work has established itself as a reliable partner.

Secondly, the specifics of doing business in Belarus taught business to social responsibility which is not easy for us nice word, but means a deep understanding of the need for participation in the life of the regions, participation in social projects... Never, in any area, have Belarusian companies acquired assets for the purpose of their subsequent exploitation until they are completely worn out, followed by bankruptcy. And the world knows about it!

Thirdly, Belarus has a serious human potential in pipeline transport issues. Two "Friendship" in Gomel and Novopolotsk operate three thousand kilometers of pipelines. Huge operational experience has been accumulated. Polotsk State University trains engineers for the design, construction and operation of pipeline transport facilities. The developed system of vocational training allows training specialists for the entire list of working specialties. Our company also has specialists of the proper level. Thus, we know and are able to and are socially responsible. Therefore, they trust us.

- Have you discussed with your partners International Trading Partners AG the further future of the pipe? Do you intend to invest additional resources in it? Who, besides Anatoly Sheffer, is your partner in this project? In particular, the name of Viktor Medvedchuk.

Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

- Our partner in this project is International Trading Partners AG and, accordingly, Mr. Anatoly Sheffer as the owner of the asset. The issues of further exploitation, of course, were discussed. The main objective of the acquisition in terms of operating the asset is to ensure the highest possible utilization with a corresponding decrease in operating costs and increase it. economic efficiency... And this and wage personnel, and the possibility of making the necessary investments. All the necessary investments in the project in order to improve its reliability, ensure industrial and environmental safety, and reduce energy consumption when pumping oil products will certainly be made.

- There was information about the supply of Russian diesel to Europe through this Ukrainian "pipe". Is it really so?

- Information on the supply of oil and oil products is regularly published by many specialized publications and analytical companies. If you have a desire, then you can find out exactly, "from where, where and how much." Regarding your question, I can say that Russia processes about 250 million tons of oil a year. Of course, Russian diesel fuel is supplied, among other things, to Europe using both port infrastructure and pipeline transport.

- Tell us in more detail about the Interservice company, which owns a number of assets. In particular, I am interested in the annual revenue, net profit, the number of staff.

We have our own woodworking plant, and at present, together with the concern "Bellesbumprom" and foreign partners we consider new project based on wood processing, which is not currently involved in economic circulation. At our industrial site in Novopolotsk, we plan to develop production of small high-tech petrochemicals.

- Then let's go over your other assets. Do you intend to further develop Absolutbank, are you going to increase capital or, perhaps, do you want to get rid of the bank altogether?

- Only develop!

- You for a long time were the director of "Autoimport". On September 5, 2018, you became the director of Interservice, which you own. What is the reason for this transition?

- "Interservice" is currently more active in its activities. Combining the status of the owner and the position of the director allows you to more subtly feel all the nuances of the business and not shift the responsibility for making decisions onto other employees of the company.

- How much money was invested in the creation of the tourist complex ""? Where were they directed? What is it for you in the first place - a business or a hobby? They say you can talk about hunting for hours.

- Satisfied! A lot has been invested in this project, and not only money. The object is constantly evolving, so there is no need to talk about any final figure. Where were they sent cash? For the construction of infrastructure, the creation of a hunting economy, development Agriculture, improvement of villages, wartime monuments, stocking of reservoirs, introduction of wild animals.

The hunting area has the largest northern populations of bison, red deer and European fallow deer in the republic, which actively reproduce. A modern genetic laboratory has been created, scientific conferences are being held. Is developing tourist activities, including photo hunting and much more. I know a lot about hunting and can talk for a long time, but more recently I like to talk about nature: how the population of certain animals has increased, how many bison were born, etc. This project is rather a hobby, but it has its own business component and is aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of the country.

- I am a shareholder.

- Now your partners are Alexander Zaitsev and Alexey Oleksin. But until last year, you did business with Alexander Shakutin. Why did you break up with him?

Photo: Olga Loiko, TUT.BY

- The word "dispersed" is absolutely inappropriate! We divided the business calmly, like a man, without mutual claims. Currently, everyone is doing their own thing. Alexander Vasilievich very professionally and enthusiastically develops special mechanical engineering. We have good, friendly relations.

- As a graduate of Kiev state university ended up in Belarus? How did a historian by training get involved in a multidisciplinary business?

- After graduating from university in 1985, he was drafted into the army. He served for two years with the rank of lieutenant. Since that time I have been living permanently in Belarus. As for the question about my history education, I can assure you that knowledge of history has not prevented anyone from understanding the present and predicting the future. And, of course, a person must study all his life.

One of the companies attracted the attention of journalists from the international publication Business New Europe. The results of the publication's investigation confirmed that one of the offshore companies is associated with an oligarch close to the Lukashenka family.

We are talking about the company "Interforest Corp", registered in the name of a resident of Minsk Alexander Metlu (in the photo he is next to Lukashenko, dressed in the uniform of a pre-war Red Army officer). In Belarus, he is known for being a director charitable foundation assistance to the internationalist soldiers "Memory of Afgan" and a close friend of Viktor Sheiman.

Journalists contacted him, and he confirmed that Interforest Corp was registered at his address in the Belarusian capital, but explained that “third parties” had done it, and he himself did not know about it before.

“Nevertheless, Aleksandr Metla is not an independent player, and this is not the first time he acts as a screen for the Belarusian authorities,” the authors of the investigation write, recalling the participation of a businessman in the trial of Viktor Sheiman against journalist Sergei Anisko in 1999, which ended with the closure of the independent newspapers "Naviny".

According to the Belspravka catalog, Interforest Corp is associated with the well-known Novopolotsk woodworking company JV Interforest, founded in 1999. According to Belarusian legislation, as in joint venture, it must have a foreign shareholder. The company told reporters that it has an investor from "Western Europe", but refused to give his name or country of origin. Metla founded Interforest Corp just a year before the opening of the Interforest JV, which suggests that the role of a "foreign investor" may belong to an offshore company in the Virgin Islands.

The shareholder of the Belarusian JV "Interforest" is LLC "Autoimport" and its owner is one of the richest people in Belarus Novopolotsk businessman Nikolai Vorobei. Its main business is the supply of fuel through Interservice LLC. For about 20 years the company has been engaged in tolling oil refining at Belarusian refineries, mainly at Naftan, and supplies it to the markets of the CIS and EU countries. Interservice is the largest private taxpayer in Novopolotsk. The relationship between a private oil company and state-owned refineries has repeatedly raised many questions, primarily related to the "solvent business".

According to independent experts, Nikolai Vorobei is one of the five richest people in the country with assets worth over $ 2.5 billion.

“Alexander Metla is a close friend of Sheiman. Sheiman is the manager of Lukashenka’s affairs and his direct protege. While in this position, he actually controls all state bodies. It is not difficult to assume that Sheiman acted as a “roof” for his friend and acted on behalf of Lukashenka. The connection between Alyaksandr Metla, the Belarusian ruler and his caretaker, suggests that the Belarusian authorities were involved in fraud in the private sector of the country's economy, ”the authors of the study conclude.

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