
The Snow Guest is a New Year's party for kindergarten kids. New Year's scenario for the middle group Snow woman game for toddlers

(middle group)

Educator: Children, what time of year is it?


Educator: Come on, let's go for a walk, and to make it more fun, I'll give you these red handkerchiefs.


To the music for 1 part, the children walk one after the other in a circle, at the signal of the pipe they turn in the other direction.

For 2 part they approach the teacher in a circle, narrow the circle and wave their handkerchiefs. Then the movements are repeated. (Any music 2 parts or phonogram.)

Educator: Guys, look. What a mountain!

We will make the slide ourselves.

And now we sit in the sleigh.

Who is faster? Don't be shy!

All of us will be more fun!


The snow is spinning. The snow is spinning

Lays a carpet on the fields,

Then the blizzard leads

White snowy round dance!


Children see the Snow Woman standing motionless in the hall. Children examine Snow Woman, greet her, but she is silent. What to do? How to revive? Let's stand around and sing a song.


SNOW BABA: Thank you guys for bringing me back to life. I'm tired of standing still. Everyone is playing, going downhill, skiing, sledging. And I just stand there and envy. For example, I saw how the guys played in the yard! Want to teach you?


Snow Woman rotates her broom on the floor, whom she touches, fulfills Snow Woman's wish.

SNOW BABA: Sit down, kids, rest. Listen to me. I saw children running in a race. Oh, and fast! Can you run?


SNOW BABA: I have a big dream to visit the forest! I have never been there, never seen the animals that live there. They say Santa Claus lives there?

TRAINER: Don't be upset Snezhna Baba, now the guys will sing and tell and even show everything.


SNOW BABA: As if I have been to the forest! I saw all the animals. And now I want to leave you a portrait of myself. (shows applique) but it needs to be assembled.


SNOW BABA: Oh, save me, I'm melting from home warmth. I'm running away, running away Goodbye kids!



1. All day we are in the yard, all day we are on the mountain.

2. Nothing that Santa Claus pinches our ears and nose!

Up and down, up and down! Hey, let's go, hold on!

3. It's good that there is a mountain behind our yard!

Up and down, up and down! Hey, let's go, hold on!


Snow - snow, creeping along the path.

Snow is a snowball, a white blizzard.

Snow - snowball, covered the paths.

Snow - snowball, melts on the palm.

The children are running.

We'll stick snowballs and play together.

And we have fun throwing snowballs at each other.

Throwing snowballs.

We are warm outside, our ears are not frozen.

We will roll the snow into a huge white lump!

Rolling a com.


1. We blinded this miracle in five minutes.

What is the name of such a miracle?

2. Here, take your whisk, stand up straighter!

Look - ka right - left, at the children!

4. Close to our Baba - let's get close.

Our Baba is bowed low - low helmet.

4. We will laugh at Baba: Ha ha ha!

You are good, our Baba, good!

For younger children preschool age... The script for the New Year's party is very simple and easy to prepare, but at the same time fun and mobile for children - just what is needed for New Year in kindergarten.

The script for the New Year's party involves the participation of two adults: the presenter and the Snow Woman, however, if desired, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and the second presenter can be included in the plot.

The script for the New Year's party was sent by Evgeny Zaichenko.

SCENARIO OF NEW YEAR'S MORNING: How the Snow Woman came to visit the children on New Year's Eve in kindergarten


- To the clearing, to the meadow
Snow falls quietly.

The snow fell for a long time, for a long, long time ... The guys went out for a walk, were glad that so much snow had fallen: you can blind Baba Snezhnaya as well. They set to work all together, amicably. And they blinded the Snow Woman. They invited her for a holiday to us.

The Snow Woman enters to the music. The Snow Woman walks around the hall, showing herself to the children.


- You are the Snow Woman
Blinded to glory
For glory, for glory,
For fun.
She's black on you
Looks with his eyes
As if laughing
Two coals.
A bucket instead of a hat
You put on her ...
With Snow Baba
Dances are more fun!

Snow Woman (performs movements on the text):

- Snow with a broom
There is a woman
Carrot nose
And snowflakes


- Snow Woman, you fanned and scattered the snow so much that snowflakes flew to us here for the holiday. They look at you, they want to dance as soon as possible.

Children perform the dance of snowflakes.

Snow Woman:

- The snowflakes were spinning, dancing, so it became cold. Are you guys afraid of frost?


Snow Woman:

- And if the pens freeze?


We'll clap (clap)

Snow Woman:

And if the legs get cold?


- We will sink (stomp).

Snow Woman:

- To keep us warm,
come out and dance soon!

Performed "This is so cold, here is frost." Children stand up and perform movements to the music.


- Hello, hello, herringbone!
Hello New Year.
We begin under the tree
Cheerful round dance!

Children stand around the tree.

- Look at the guys with colored eyes,
We will ask you: "Herringbone, burn!"

Children sing the song "It's cold for a little Christmas tree" and lead a round dance.

Snow woman:

- How beautiful you sing, you lead round dances. Well, sit down. I brought snowballs to the holiday (takes out cotton balls from under the tree, throws them at the children). You catch ... (throws a snowball to one of the children, the child catches). Now throw it at me.

The game is repeated with two or three children, then with the whole group. Snow Woman runs around the tree, kids throw snowballs at it. At the end of the game, Snow Woman catches all the snowballs, puts them in a box.

Snow Woman (hides the box behind her back):

- That's how much fun we played!


- And the guys are not tired
And they also want to play
Throw into Baba Snezhnaya.

Snow Woman:

- And you will not catch me!

The snowball game is repeated. Snezhnaya Baba, having collected snowballs in a box, imperceptibly changes it to another, in which marshmallows are for New Year's treats for the children.

Snow Woman:

- Miracles always happen on New Year's Eve. The snowballs suddenly turned into marshmallows.

The Snow Woman gives out treats to the children.


- Thank you, Snow Woman, for the laughter and fun, for the gifts.

Snow Woman:

- Happy New Year, kids!
It's time to leave.


New Year's holiday "Merry Snow Woman" for children middle group... Scenario.

Author: Botvenko Svetlana Gennadievna, musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27", Kamen - on - Ob, Altai Territory

Scenario of a New Year's holiday for children of the middle group "Merry Snow Woman"

Bring children the joy of communicating with New Year's heroes.
To develop physical activity of children;
Cultivate friendships.
Material description:
This material can be used by music directors, educators during the New Year holidays.
A set of musical instruments, Icicles on rings, stands, a bucket for surprises.
Holiday progress:
Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall, look at decorations, a Christmas tree. Santa Claus enters.
Father Frost:
Hello kids!
Hello boys!
Hello girly!
Hello everyone, everyone.
How smart you all are today, I miss you so much, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Did you like my tree? I myself followed her through the woods.
The Russian folk melody sounds, the Snow Woman comes in, dancing.
Snow woman:

Although I am snowy, I am hot in my heart!
I see joyful faces around me
How can I not be amused by this?
I can’t sit on a holiday bored
Although I'm snowy, I'm hot in the dance!
"Dance of the Snow Woman"
Father Frost:
Who are you?
Snow woman:
Marya Ivanovna! And who are you?
Father Frost:
I am Santa Claus! Very nice!
Snow woman:
And I’m not very happy - it’s nice. Understood?
Father Frost:
Snow woman:
I was already frozen to stand on the street, the guys blinded me, so I came to them for a holiday.
Father Frost:
Did they invite you? Here I will take and break you, then you will know!
Snow woman:
Just try it!
Father Frost:
Yes, I was joking, how strict you are! Stay here alone, and I'll leave.
Snow woman:
Well, you can't just leave me.
Father Frost:
Why? You still don't know how to run.
Snow woman:
I can, I can’t. I can do everything. I'll freeze you to the place.
Father Frost:
Snow woman:
Here you go! Look! (blowing, Santa Claus freezes in a funny pose)
Father Frost:
What have you done? This is not good! Marya Ivanovna.
Snow woman:
And now I will play. You will be the Snow Woman. Here is a broom for you, my staff, here are snow mittens for you, and your red ones for me. So, very beautiful! I will throw snowballs at you, because you can't answer.
Father Frost:
But that's not fair!
Snow woman:(blowing)
And now I was joking!

Father Frost:(takes off his mittens, takes the staff)
Well, Marya Ivanovna, a sorceress. Something has become hot to me, call your friends, and dance more merrily!
"Dance of the Snowmen"
Father Frost:
Marya Ivanovna, you and I are chatting, but the children want to light the lights on the tree.
Snow woman:
What didn't you say right away? Come on, light it up.
Father Frost:
Light up with the lights of a bright green beauty.
Light up our faces with hot flashlights.
We really like your golden toys
Smart, radiant, shine, shine, shine!
Children stand around the tree, lanterns are lit.
On a noisy holiday, New Year's
We gathered in a smart hall.
Forest Christmas tree today
Nobody has ever seen a prettier one!
Needles sparkle with gold
And silver shines with rain,
And it smells like a forest, pine tar,
And today we are waiting for a miracle!
What if her toys come to life?
A fox will step out of the thicket to us,
Forest animals will come running
And with them the girl is a beauty ...
Snow flies outside the windows
In a hurry to meet the new year,
And now the fairy tale comes to life -
Spin round dance faster!
Round dance "Herringbone - beauty"
Snow woman:
And who is there jumping along the path?
Father Frost:
Yes, this is a good rabbit!
Snow woman:
Tell me, is in a hurry where?
Will we invite him here?
Father Frost:
Jump, jump scythe towards us
Happy New Year to you guys!
Snow warms me like cotton wool.
What do I see in this house
All the guys are familiar to me.
Well, beasts, come out
And have some fun with the guys.
Snow woman:
The winter sun rises
Come out the forest people!
A fox:
I have wonderful fur!
I am always prettier than everyone.
Guests will certainly tell
What kind of fur coat, what kind of tail?
Everyone should like it
Little fox is beautiful!
Even me a forest wolf
Suddenly I wanted a Christmas tree.
If i like
Sing and have fun
I can fix it
I’ll stop getting angry.
I roar very cool
But I won't tear anyone apart.
After all, I'm not a bear every day
So let loose.
I love to play fun
Run and then sleep.
I, a cat, though small,
But brave, dexterous, mischievous.
Everyone probably knows about
That the animals are playing in the forest orchestra.
Santa Claus help us out,
Get your tools out!
Father Frost:
Get the tools
And start your concert.
"Noise Orchestra"
Snow woman:
What does not happen in the New Year!
Father Frost:
This is such a fun holiday.
Snow woman:
And I have a magic bucket, where all the miracles are visible. Santa Claus, let's show the guys a miracle? (takes out an icicle)
Icicles game
Icicles on rings, racks. Children hang icicles, who are faster and more.
Father Frost:(takes a surprise out of the Kinder bucket. Kinder enters)
My friend, Kinder surprise! What a handsome man, what a well-fed, important.

Snow woman:
Kinde-surprise ... something I never heard such words when I was born, but I have never seen him ?!
Father Frost:
Hello buddy!
Fathers, Santa Claus! And this, what a miracle?
Father Frost:
This is not a miracle, this is Marya Ivanovna, our friend.
Very nice! (kisses the handle) Where are you from, where are you going?
Father Frost:
Yes, we guys show miracles. And here you are!
Miracles, this is glorious. We hit the very spot. I have them apparently invisible. But first, I want to play. Can you play? Or only miracles to watch?
Snow woman:
We love to play.
Game "Snow figures"
Snow woman:
Now show miracles.
Now! Come on, Marya Ivanovna, give me my surprise. This is what a wonderful miracle I have! Balls roll out of this surprise, and in them are the names of children who know New Year's poems.
Father Frost:
Snow woman:
Can not be?
Open it up, get it out.
Snow woman:
Are these miracles? What else is there?
I have a lot of things, what do you want?
Snow woman:
Well, I would eat something tasty, sweet.
I have a lot of this. Open up! Get it out!
The snow woman takes out sweets, the girls come out - sweets.
Candy - caramel:
I'm on holidays
I bring joy to children.
I am called caramel
I wear a colorful dress.
1.Chocolate Candy:
But the tastiest thing in the world
Chocolate candy.
Unfold the wrapper
And take a bite.
2.Chocolate Candy:
Delicious, delicious!
Eyes light up.
And so we always
In expensive, elegant dresses.
Dance "Sweets"
Snow woman:
I have not seen anything like it. Did you eat sweets so they could dance?
Father Frost:
So it's New Year! And you are all surprised. Look at the Christmas tree, how many toys. But, honestly, they will dance no worse than any Dancer!
Children in toy costumes come out.
We have been waiting for this hour all year
And to the thunder of crackers
Let's start a round dance
Christmas toys.
We are in the store for a reason
They occupied the shelves.
Now go ahead, friends!
We will decorate the tree!
Dance "Christmas toys"
Snow woman:
I will not stop wondering
The toys are dancing.
The Christmas tree glows, sparkles,
How can we not have fun?
And now it's time
Play for us kids.
Snowball game
Santa Claus sprinkles snow (paper confetti).
What are these moths?
We flew, flew.
Yes, it snowed with us,
He's strong as a blizzard.
White trees, white houses
Along the paths of white
Winter has come to us.
The song "Zimushka" by O. Vikhareva.
It's good here with you, but I have sweet deeds. And they are always very important. New Year's at the gate.
Father Frost:
We will not detain you. We will meet with you again.
Kinder leaves. A clap is heard.
Snow woman:
What? Who's Shooting? I don’t understand anything?
Girls in flapper costumes come out.

Clappers (in chorus):
We are merry firecrackers
Cheerful girlfriends.
Happy new year congratulations
We wish you all good health!
And let's sing, friends, now
The song is ringing for you!
"The Song of Crackers"
Father Frost:
Ay, yes girlfriends are funny firecrackers!
How fun, how fun
How fun it is all around!
We met the Christmas tree with a song
We will also sing to her.
Round dance "Herringbone" by An.Aleksandrova
Snow woman:
Santa Claus, I have one more miracle in my magic bucket.
Father Frost:
Give it here soon! (takes out wolf and fox toys from the bucket)
The music sounds; the Fox and the Wolf are walking towards each other.
Lisaveta, hello!
A fox:
How are you, toothy?
Nothing's going on
The head is still intact.
A fox:
Where have you been?
On the market!
A fox:
What did you buy?
A fox:
How much did they take?
A tuft of wool, cut off the right side,
The tail was bitten off in a fight ...
A fox:
Who chewed it off?
Dogs. Well, where did you go for a walk?
A fox:
She lowered her tail into the river
And I received a gift.
I love gifts too
Where is the hole, show me?
A fox:
Let's go, let's go, I'll show you.
They go around the Christmas tree, carry a large bag with gifts.
Well, a miracle - miracles,
Eyes scatter.
Here a big sack got caught ...
A fox:
You be quiet, do not be arrogant.
Father Frost:
What did the fox think
Oh, sly eyes.
A fox:
What am I, I'm nothing.
The wolf and I walked here
And they were looking for gifts for you.
They found a big bag
Look, grandfather, can it be yours?
Father Frost:
Of course, mine. I’ll rather untie and treat the guys to everyone.
A fox:
And we will treat you too.
We want to be good.
The heroes are treating the children.
Father Frost:
We congratulate you children.
Snow woman:
We wish you happiness and well-being.
A fox:
Always be obedient.
Happy New Year, kids!

Olga Gorsheleva
Position: music director
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №24 "Cosmos"
Locality: the city of Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra
Material name: scenario of a children's holiday
Topic: Snow woman visiting the guys ( New Year's celebration for children of younger preschool age)
Date of publication: 28.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

To the music "Little Christmas tree", children walk in a chain, holding hands, and stand around

Happy New Year, we congratulate both the big ones and the kids.

We wish everyone happiness, good, and frosty clear days!

Let your cheerful, sonorous laughter ring in the hall today.

Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone!

New Year is going on around the world, let it come into every house.

We will sing merrily about the wonderful holiday.

Round dance "We came to the holiday"

Look, the festive tree invites us.

We'll spin under the green branches now.

We treat the beautiful Christmas tree with tea,

We celebrate New Year's holiday merrily.

Do not stick with needles, dance with us!

A beautiful Christmas tree in a green sundress!

Round dance "Big Christmas tree"

Now, guys, sit on the chairs. Just be careful. On the way a snowdrift

high, raise your legs higher.

The children sit down.

The yard is white and white, all the paths are covered with snow.

I invite you, friends, to play with the snow!

One is a hand

One arm outstretched

Two is a hand

then another.

We sculpt the Snow Woman -

Simulate the molding of snowballs.

The job is not easy.

Three-four, three-four,

Show "mouth"

Let's draw a mouth wider.

Five - we'll find carrots for the nose,

"Long nose

We'll find embers for the eyes

They twirl their fists near the eyes.

Six - put on the hat obliquely,

Palms are placed on the forehead

Let him laugh merrily with us.


Seven and eight, seven and eight

We will ask her to dance.

The kids tried. We blinded the snow woman. Here are the legs, here are the torso. Here

pens, head and cap. Oops! (She removes the snow cover. The snow woman gets up). That's

the Snow Woman came out, neither small nor large! And the hat is not simple - it is covered in snowflakes,

icy. Why is she silent, doesn't say anything? Snow woman! Wake up and guys

smile! Doesn't wake up. What do we do? Maybe let's blow on her? (Blow, snow woman

wakes up).

Our snow woman woke up, stretched very sweetly.

The beady eyes are on fire, they are looking at the guys.

The snow woman sings a song.

Snow woman.

Wow! There are so many children and girls and boys!

Hello! Oh, how smart you are, all ruddy and okay.

Why did they dress up like that, and why did they come here?

We will sing and dance, we will celebrate the New Year!

Snow woman

Oh how good! New Year has come to us!

Let's have a dance here now!

Snow woman.

Wait, wait! Don't rush, don't rush! You friends have blinded me, and

dance was not taught. Help me first. How do they dance? Show!

0 is very simple. Let's show Snow Woman how to dance. (Music sounds, children

perform musical rhythmic movements). Now, Snow Woman, you yourself

try. (The snow woman dances to the music).

Snow woman.

I learned to dance, now you can play. Become a circle rather.

(Circle in front of the tree).

Russian folk game "Snow Woman"

Snow woman.

Oh, in my opinion, it's Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are in a hurry to us. Hey! Snow Maiden!

Father Frost! Guys, let's call the long-awaited guests together.


(Shouting). Father Frost! Snow Maiden!

Enter Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Father Frost.

Hello my dears, small and large!

Snow Maiden.

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday, we wish you happiness, joy.

Father Frost.

Is everything ready for the holiday? Is everyone, my friends, healthy?

All is ready! All is ready!

Snow woman.

Everyone is healthy! Everyone is healthy!

Father Frost.

This means that the holiday, the New Year, will be wonderful!

(Admires the Christmas tree).

Oh yes tree! How beautiful! Everyone's joy, everyone's wonder!

You have not worked in vain - we will celebrate the New Year beautifully.

Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three, burn with the fabulous light!

(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, lights on the tree light up. Children clap).

How beautiful, look!

Father Frost.

Do you want to play with the tree? (Children's answers are heard).

If we blow now, the lights will go out at once! Let's try. Blow harder!

(Everyone blows on the tree, the lights go out on it).

Our tree is fast asleep, it does not shine with lights.

We will all clap our hands, we will wake up our Christmas tree!

(Music sounds, everyone claps their hands. The lights come on again on the tree. Game

repeated 2 times).

Snow Maiden.

The tree played with us, blinked with lights.

Father Frost.

And now, guys, we need to dance very amicably.

Music, play quickly, invite everyone to the round dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus"

They danced very merrily.

Snow woman.

And they were not at all tired.

Father Frost.

Now I will give a command to everyone: "Hurry to your places!"

The children sit down.

Father Frost.

And who will respect grandfather and tell him poems?

We will definitely tell you, Santa Claus.

Reading poems.

Snow Maiden.

Here are games, here are jokes and funny jokes.

Come on, Santa Claus, tell them riddles.

We'll see who has grown up, he will find answers to them.

Father Frost.

Of course I will.

Clubfoot legs, sleeps in a den during the winter.

Guess, answer, who is it? (Bear).

Falling from the sky in winter and circling above the ground

Light fluffs, white ... (snowflakes).

He is a gray robber, he has no faith,

All teeth click. Who is this? (Wolf).

Well done! They have guessed my riddles.

Snow woman.

What are you, Grandfather Frost, not dancing, not singing?

Clap mittens, stomp your boots -

For friends, for friends, dance more fun!

Father Frost.

Eh, feet themselves dance!

Ded Moroz dance "Lady".

Snow woman.

You dance fun, can you play with the guys?

Father Frost.

I’ll melt right away if I don’t play with you.

Well, stretch out the handles, and if I come close, take them away!

Whom I touch, I will freeze without joking.

And we will hide the handles (ears, legs, nose, cheeks).

Game "Freeze".

Father Frost.

Well done! You are funny and nimble! And look at the Christmas tree soon. Ours shines

Christmas tree, shines very brightly!

So it's time to give out gifts!

Snow woman.

Where are the gifts? Here's the secret! Not on the right and not on the left!

Father Frost.

Santa Claus walked through the forest, he brought gifts to you, friends.

There was a blizzard, the snow was circling, I dropped the presents.

The forest is large, I'll go look, you'll have to wait.

Just come back as soon as possible, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden.

In the meantime, we are waiting for Santa Claus, we will play with the Snow Woman, we will guess riddles for her.

(Children imitate playing the pipe, balalaika, drum).

Snow woman.

Look, what funny riddles, you can't guess right away.

(Answers of the Snow Woman: 1. You warm your hands in the cold; 2. You cannot buttons

button up; 3. And this is the simplest thing, eat porridge, probably knock with spoons like that).

Snow Maiden.

Didn't guess, Snow Woman. The guys played musical instruments. And now

we will have fun with the Christmas tree.

Stand around the tree, hold your hands tightly,

Let's start a round dance! The little people are dancing!

Round dance "Like our Christmas tree".

Father Frost.

(From behind the door). I found a bag! Hooray!

Guys, Santa Claus returns to us with gifts. Let's all shout: "Hurray!"

Children. Hooray!

Santa Claus comes out with a bag.

Father Frost.

Gifts for you, kids!

Distribution of gifts.

Father Frost.

And now it's time for us to say goodbye!

Snow Maiden.

Goodbye, children, have fun!

Snow woman.

Goodbye mom, dad,

All characters.

Happy New Year to all!

Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Snow Woman! Wait, don't go. let's

we will take a photo near our New Year tree.

Olga Fedina
Scenario of New Year's party "Visiting the Snow Woman" for the middle group kindergarten

Scenario for children of the middle group

« Snow woman visiting the guys»

Characters (edit):

Snow woman

Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Living bag


Locomotive made of cardboard

Dance Stars


Boys "White bears"

Girls "Stars"

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a circle

Leading: Here, guys, the tree has come

To us for a holiday in kindergarten.

There are so many lights and toys!

How beautiful her outfit is!

Happy New Year,

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness, joy

All the guys and guests!

Children: Winter has come merry

With skates and sleds

With a sprinkled track,

With a magical old tale.

On a decorated Christmas tree

Lanterns swing

May the winter be merry

It doesn't end any longer!

Hello forest Christmas tree,

Silver, thick,

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for a holiday!

You came to the delight of the children

We will celebrate the New Year with you

Together we will sing a song

Let's go dancing merrily!

Let's near the Christmas tree

Let's arrange a round dance

Let everyone have fun

And let everyone sing!

Round dance, song "Oh yes Yolochka"

Citizens are passengers! New Year the train arrived from the station "Carnival" to the station "Star".

In the trailer arrives Snow Woman

Snow woman: Hello kids, girls and boys.

I decided to celebrate the New Year with you. Can? (children: Yes)

So celebrate the New Year for me,

I like it very much!

See how it glitters

Herringbone is a beauty!

Leading: And we still have under this tree,

Then the gifts are handed out.

Snow woman: Gifts? What it is?

Leading: This is a sweets package,

He usually hides under the tree ...

Snow woman: Under the tree! There is nothing here.

Leading: Gifts are brought by DedMoroz.

Snow woman: Well, he didn't bring them to us?

Leading: Here - by telegram informs,

That the plane takes off.

From minute to minute it will be

He will not forget gifts.

Snow woman: Well, I can't wait any longer,

I'll run to meet him!

Leading: Well, run quickly into the woods.

He has a beard, a bag in his hands.


Santa Claus is not easy to find

He lives in a forest far, far away.

Bye snowy the woman will look for him,

We will frolic and sing and dance

Leading: Expensive guests at our station"Star" Little ones live "Stars" and they want to dance for you.

Dance of stars (girls)

Leading: Well, why not so long Snow Baba with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Let's call them all together.

Children call Santa Claus.

Comes to music Snow woman, leads Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello adults!

Snow Maiden: Congratulations to everyone today,

We wish you happiness and good!

Father Frost: Happy New Year to you, friends, with a rich holiday!

Santa Claus wishes happiness and joy to the children.

I see you are all gathered in New Year, light hour.

We haven't met for a whole year, I miss you.

And by the tree New Year's let's get up together now!

Come on out guys, I want to look at you!

Children go to the tree and stand around it.

Oh yes, herringbone-soul! How fluffy, good!

It's good with you, but the lights on the tree are not on.

So that the fun does not stop, so that we do not get bored,

Let's light the lights on the tree together!

Come on, staff-staff,

Help me, friend!

Let's all sit down (sat down)

Let's all get up (got up).

Let's all look at the tree together.

One - two - clap! (clap,

Three - four - stomp! (flood)

Turn around once! (spinning)

Come on, Christmas tree, light up!

Lights come on on the tree.

Father Frost: We did our best with you,

The tree flashed with lights.

Santa Claus calls you all

IN New Year's round dance!

Round dance with Santa Claus "Swept by a blizzard" common dance

Father Frost: Oh yeah song! How wonderful! Only here's what's interesting.

How will I get out of the circle?

Leading: We won't let you out!

Father Frost: How do you not let it out? And I'll slip through here!

Goes to the children, they quickly join hands, not letting go of Santa Claus

Well, then I'll jump out here!

He runs up to other children, but even there he does not succeed. The game is repeated several times

What? Just like that!

I will freeze everyone this hour!

A game "Freeze"

Children sit on chairs

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I can't!

I'd better sit down and rest!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, sit down, rest

Yes, listen to the poems!

Poems of the teacher's choice.

Leading: Kind Santa Claus,

Did you bring us gifts?

Father Frost: I've become old, it's hard for me to carry a big bag with

gifts, so I left them, guys, at the station « New Year» ... Let's go after them together! But how can we get there quickly?

Snow Maiden: Invites us today

The train is fast New Year.

He flies faster than a bird!

Do you want to ride?

Children: Yes

"Voice from the loudspeaker"... Citizens are passengers! New Year the train departs from the station "Star" and follows to the station « New Year» through the station « Snowy» ... Happy all the way!

Children follow Santa Claus, to the music and walk around the Christmas tree pretending to be a train.

Children sit on chairs

Snow Maiden: What a good station! Polar bears live here. And now our cubs will dance for guests and for Santa Claus dance.

Dance of Polar Bears (boys)

« New Year» and gifts for the guys! Take your seats in the trailers!

Children follow Santa Claus, walk around the Christmas tree to the sound of the train, and take a round dance.

Children: White-white snow sail

And a boat made of ice ...

New Year flies from the sky

Imperceptibly, as always.

Old year gray-bearded

He changes at the helm.

With new happiness!

Happy New Year!

Song "New Year is coming"

Children in a circle perform a song and movements along the text

Father Frost. Well thank you kids

The holiday turned out to be bright

Now it's time

Children receive ...

Children. Gifts!

Father Frost: So where's my bag! I'll check it out now. hat here and fur coat here, mittens in place! But my bag is gone, I have to call him

Snow, blizzard, icicles, snowball.

come out here, my magic bag.

a bag comes out to the music

Father Frost: Where have you gone? bag: started to travel.

Father Frost: you must stand still, or walk with me together.

Bag: and today the new year will be the opposite. the bag runs and laughs.

Father Frost: snow, blizzard, icicles, hail.

stand still, they say. the bag does not stop.

Father Frost: what a naughty one!

tries to catch up with the bag, they help him. he runs for the sack out the door. are audible screams: "Got caught" hold it! hold on tight! " in the corridor the living sack is replaced by a sack with gifts. Santa Claus hardly brings the bag into the hall.

Father Frost: Well, I caught my magic bag.

unties the bag, DM, Snegurochka and Zima distribute gifts.

Father Frost: Happy New Year, kids!

it's time for us to leave!

Snow Maiden: in a year we will come again

celebrate the new year with you.

Winter: We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year.

Health for 100 years ahead of all people on the planet.

Together. Goodbye!

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and Snow Baba go away, children waving after them.

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