
Competition program autumn red-haired girlfriend for adults. Autumn ball "Autumn - red-haired girlfriend" Presenter - Document. Autumn ball "Autumn - red-haired girlfriend"

MBU SOSH number 94

Methodical development extracurricular activities on the topic:

"Autumn is a red-haired friend."

Target: to cultivate love for beauty, for nature, for the Motherland. To develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun, have fun. to consolidate and broaden the horizons of children about the season - "Autumn".

Decor: autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of mountain ash, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme, colorful balls.

Form: quiz.

The course of the event.

Music sounds - a calm, slightly sad melody of "Autumn Waltz". It gradually dies down. The presenter comes out.


It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the lush wilting of nature,

The forests clad in crimson and gold ... -

this is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for the autumn nature. And I wanted to express my feelings precisely in the words of the great poet.


Autumn ... The golden season, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, striking, to blurry-transparent halftones.


But it’s true, take a look around, take a closer look: foliage sparkles with forged gold, colorful lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries froze on the trees with drops of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of stars scattered over it.


Outside the windows it is autumn now ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a great time of the year, this is the time of harvest, this is the beginning of school, this is preparation for long and cold winter ... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but life is fun." So let wonderful music sound on this October day, let unrestrained cheerful laughter flow like a river, let your fun never end!

We are starting our traditional autumn holiday.

. Now let's take the oath of participantsautumn quiz.

1 presenter. Have fun from the heart!

Everything. We swear!

3 leading. Laugh and joke!

Everything. We swear!

4 leading. Participate and win in all competitions.

Everything. We swear!

1 presenter. Share the joy of victory and received prizes with friends.

Everything. We swear! We swear! We swear!

And now we begin competition program, but first, let's get to know our distinguished jury!

1 competition. "Business card".Each class names its own team and motto.

2nd competition. "Collect the proverb"... We invite 5 people from the team. In 1 minute you have to collect a proverb about autumn and explain its meaning.

While the teams are preparing, guys 2 "A" with the number _______________________________________________ are invited to the stage

Performance of teams.

3rd competition.

And again our quiz continues. I have a box in my hands. It contains Envelopes with riddles and questions. We invite students who are broad-minded, talented, intelligent. So, we invite you to participate incompetition "Autumn Blitz - survey» 5 people from each team. The team must answer all of the facilitator's questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.

1 envelope

  1. Do they grow in summer and fall off in autumn?(Leaves)
  2. In the skies in a crowd
    Holey bags are wandering (clouds)
  3. What day it rains - what?(Rainy)
  4. What is Silent Hunt? (mushroom picking)
  5. Who picks apples with his back
  1. the envelope
  1. The fields are empty, the earth is wet, the rain is pouring down, when does it happen?(In autumn)
  2. It is not known where he lives.
    Will come - the trees are oppressed.
    Whistle - trembling along the river.
    Mischievous, but you will not calm down
  3. What day the wind blows?(Windy)
  4. List migratory birds.
  5. Who has a cheek for a bag.
  1. the envelope
  1. Who beats and taps on the roof all night
    And mumbles and sings, lulls?
  2. Nature's face is increasingly gloomy:
    The gardens have turned black
    The bear fell into hibernation.
    What month did he come to us? (
    October )
  3. Weather, when it rains often - what is it?(Rainy)
  4. Why is autumn golden?
  1. the envelope
  1. They sit - turn green, fly - turn yellow, fall - turn black(leaves)
  2. I came without paints and without a brush,
    And repainted all the leaves. (autumn)
  3. The rain that comes in the fall - what kind?(Autumn)
  4. What is the name of the phenomenon with waltzing leaves? (leaf fall)
  5. In which forest do not fall leaves in autumn? (in coniferous)
  1. the envelope
  1. We see him dressed in spring and summer,
    And in the fall, all the shirts were ripped off the poor thing ...
  2. School doors swung open.
    What month did you come to us? (
    September )
  3. Weather, when strong winds often blow - what is it?(Windy)
  4. Which animal hibernates? (bears, hedgehogs, badgers, snakes, etc.)
  5. They ask and wait for me, but I will come and hide (Rain).


While the jury is summing up the results, we invite students of the 2nd grade "B" to the stage _______________________________________________________________________

4th competition. "Autumn collage"

Please tell me, do you like coziness, warmth, comfort? Is it cozy at home? So I suggest you make our holiday cozy. To do this, 5 people from the team must compose a composition of autumn material on a sheet of paper. They will not only compose it, but also tell you what it is called and what it consists of. (Class reps defend their composition.)

Playing with the audience. While the teams are preparing, we will rest. Stand up everyone. You need to define what does not happen in the fall. If the omen is autumn, you clap, if not, then you stomp. Be careful!

  1. Buds swell, leaves bloom
  2. People harvest vegetables and fruits
  3. Drops are ringing, streams are running
  4. Dry, colorful leaves rustle underfoot
  5. Children swim, sunbathe, wear light clothes
  6. Wild animals stock up for the winter
  7. The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing
  8. Birds fly away to warm lands

We listen to the performance of the teams.


5th competition. "Competition of captains"

Captains are invited to the stage.

Game-competition "Pick a bump":

Put a bump in the center

Show yourself in the dance.

Stop the music playing

Quickly take the bump!

1b - for the dance. 1b - for the reaction.

(Music of the song "Gop-gop" by Verka Serduchka)

While the jury is summing up the results, we invite students of grade 2 "B" to the stage

6th competition. "Literary"

Each team has one reader.

While the jury is summing up the results, we invite students of the 2nd grade "G" to the stage

Autumn plucked the leaves from the trees and scattered them around, and then it caught itself. I decided to write assignments for us, but I didn't find anything at hand and wrote them on the leaves of trees. Before completing each task, you need to guess on the leaves of which trees it is written.

7th competition. "Dress up the trees"we invite 3 people from the team. Your task: draw out the name of the tree that you need to dress up. Find your tree, choose only your own from the general heap of leaves and dress up your tree! Time has gone!

8th competition - relay race. I want to ask you a riddle.

Although they have warm water,
It's not good for us to swim in them.
And for bathing pigs
They all fit.

The mystery of the puddle is in itself! Again calling us to follow him.

"Jump over the puddles" in galoshes and with an open umbrella.

Outcomes: the floor is given to the jury!

Reflection: the floor is given to Lyudmila Alekseevna


They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication, brings unique beauty to our life!

Love nature and remember that it does not have bad weather! Goodbye, see you soon!

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The script of the musical and literary living room "Autumn - redhead girlfriend»

The melody sounds quietly, the autumn waltz. Children entrance

Uch. Good afternoon, dear guys and dear adults. Today, on this autumn day, we have gathered with you in the musical and literary living room and we dedicate our meeting to one of the most beautiful and beloved by many poets of the season - autumn.

After all, this time of year is unusual. It is so different. Autumn not only brings with it a gloomy sky a cold rain. She gives us the unique beauty of autumn landscapes in parks, squares, gardens.

The musical composition Autumn Vivaldi sounds

video sequence "Autumn"

Autumn leaves fall

A bright, ringing plate,

And the fallen leaves glide

Orange drizzle.

They are driven by the wind sorcerer

A transparent alley

And in streams of sunbeams

They turn bright red.

And this fiery outfit

Thoughtful and clear

They give at the last moment

Last and perfect.

They perform a song about autumn ………

Uch. Guys, how many knows when the astronomical fall comes?

The astronomical beginning of autumn is considered the day of the autumnal equinox. It comes either on September 22 or 23: scientists calculate the exact date. On this day, the duration of the day and night throughout the Earth is the same and is equal to 12 hours. Phenologists - scientists who study the seasonal phenomena of nature - consider the period after August 26 to be the beginning of autumn, when the first night frosts can come and leaf fall begins. And autumn lasts 93 days: from August 26 to November 27.

Autumn knocked on us
Golden rain
And dry and affectionate
Sucked the sad
The song is falling leaves.
And to this song
The garden falls asleep.

A rowan berry
Like a light.
Warms, pleases
Cloudy day.
In puddles like boats
The leaves are circling.
Gray, cold
The clouds rush into the distance.

Birds of a ringing song
They don't sing anymore.
They gather in flocks
And they fly south.
Quiet evenings

The rain is drizzling.

Lullaby song

Knocks on the glass.

They perform the song "Skvorushka"

Since ancient times, autumn has amazed with its beauty and inspired artists to write paintings, poets dedicated poetry to this time of year, composers - music. Poets and artists seem to be competing who will best tell about autumn.

Video sequence of paintings by artists

Children read poems about autumn.

Maple threw leaves under the window

This brought us autumn letters.

What does she write in these letters?

He writes that the wind breathes cold.

Writes about the very first frost,

Late autumn in white frost.

The wind swirls outside the window.

It became a little sad in the world ...

Flash mob "Kap-Kap-Kap"

And now I propose to listen to the prosaic miniatures that the guys wrote about the wonderful time of the year - autumn and the adventures of an autumn leaf

Defense of the projects "Journey of the Autumn Leaf"

In our hall we will arrange

Real leaf fall.

Let the leaves swirl

And they fly, they fly, they fly.

Children sing a song with leaves.

LEADING Autumn appears before us not only as a sad beauty, but also as a generous hostess. The well-known proverb: "Spring is red with flowers, and autumn - with pies" - speaks of autumn as a season of harvests. Our artists will now tell us about the bounty of autumn.

(tale about the turnip)

Leading: Grandpa planted a turnip ...
Grandpa turnip said:

Grandfather: You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water
There are five buckets of fertilizer ...
Oh, tired, it's time to sleep.

(He lies down not far from the turnip and falls asleep.)

Leading: Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile, the turnip is growing
Yes fights with weeds:
With their feet and hands ...
It's already autumn in the yard.
Chilly September morning
Grandfather woke up and got scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold,

chattering teeth.)

Grandfather: Ah, I'm old enough to sleep.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I grew up, I look a little bit.
Oh, yes, the turnip is ugly!
I never dreamed of this.

(Grabs the turnip and pulls.)

Leading: Suffice, but the turnip was indignant.

Carrot: What an awkward old man you are!
I am not a turnip, I am a carrot.
You didn’t wash your eyes.
I am a hundred times slimmer turnips.
You will be lost without me ...
You can't drink carrot juice,
There is no substitute for me in the soup ...
And one more secret.
I am rich in vitamin ...
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
What is, what a miracle
Maybe I slept poorly?
I sowed the turnip in the spring.
Okay, my friend, wait a minute
I will stretch another turnip.

Oh oh oh,
I am protesting!
I am not a turnip. I am a potato!
I am the head of all fruits
It's clear, after all, as twice two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
I am your main crop!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
I'll go over the turnip again.
How firmly it sits in the land!
Ah yes turnip, here they are!

Cabbage: Indeed, I am outraged!
I'm not like a turnip
She has one piece of clothing
Well I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons ...
And then ...
I am crispy cabbage!
The salad is empty without me
Any lunch with me
Stuffed cabbage or vinaigrette ...
Will be 10 times more useful!
And then me, my dear,
You can ferment and salt ...
And store it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!

Grandfather: You are welcome ... to the basket.
What are these miracles?
It's been already broken two hours
I spent in the garden.
Where is the turnip! This kind of ...

Beet: Again, the grandfather did not guess.
Know the glasses you lost
Or has the demon beguiled you?
Mixed up beets with turnips.
I'm a hundred times redder than her,
And healthier and tastier!
There is no beet and no borscht,
In vinaigrette and cabbage soup ...
I am alone - the source of color!
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
And you will find a place.
Only still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Let it be a little tricky
But popular among the people.
All mistresses know me
They add to soup and porridge,
In pies, mushrooms, broth ...
I'm a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu is afraid of me ...
Even though I'm ready to fight now.
I am a great harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
The evening is drawing to a close.
The month comes out to heaven.
Yes, and I have to go home.
Tomorrow morning
I will look for the turnip again,
And now I want to sleep.
Uh, heavy basket
A car would be useful ...
A notable crop has grown!

Leading. The fairy tale has come to an end.
The one who listened, well done.
We are waiting for your applause,
Well, and other compliments ...
After all, the artists tried
Let them be a little confused.

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year, which was sung by many literary classics and great artists portrayed on the canvases of their paintings in a wide variety of colors. This time of the year has absorbed the experience of many generations in the form of numerous signs associated both with a single calendar date and with the season as a whole. After listening to the fairy tale, name the signs of autumn associated with the autumn months.

Once upon a time there was Autumn, and she had three daughters: Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka.
Once, mother Autumn gathered to check her property and ordered her daughters not to leave the house until she herself called them.
The daughter did not wait for her mother's call and decided to go for a walk together.

As soon as Sentyabrinka opened the door, all the leaves and herbs in the courtyard turned yellow, the flowers wilted.

And when Oktyabrinka crossed the threshold, the wind rose, cut off all the leaves from the trees, and caught up with black clouds.

After Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka she ran out into the courtyard - it was snowing and raining, it became cold and dark.

The daughters were scared and out of fear and forgot who they were, what their names were and where they lived. Dispersed in different directions, and on the Earth the darkness fell.

Autumn returned home, unable to find her daughters in the dark and cold. She ran to a friend of the Month, told about her misfortune.

The Moon saddled the faithful horse and went in search.

How long or short he was driving, suddenly he sees a light in the distance. He drove up, and this old man Stovek was sitting near the fire, stirring up the coals, asking where the good fellow was taking his way. Month told him about the trouble. The old man replies: “I know how to find the daughters of Autumn. Here, take the scarf. She's magical. Whoever takes its tip will stick to it. Only with the help of this scarf can you put Sentyabrinka, Oktyabrinka and Noyabrinka together. " He thanked the Month of Stovek and hit the road.

Rides and rides and suddenly hears: someone quietly murmurs. The Month took a closer look, and this crane is freezing from the cold. A fellow picked him up, warmed him up, fed him and let him go free.
Month drove to the forest. He saw that the hunters were chasing the fox, he felt sorry for the beast. The Moon covered his face, and it became completely dark. At this time, the fox ran away.
He took only two steps, found the hare in the snare and released him.

How long did the young man wander for a short time, but at last he gathered all the daughters of Autumn. They go home, hold on to the magic kerchief, but they cannot remember who they are. The month was saddened.

Suddenly they see a crane wedge flying in the sky, and the smallest crane is loudest of all. She heard Sentyabrinka cry, raised her head, and remembered her name. And then the fox ran, flashed with its red tail and painted the whole forest yellow and red. As the middle daughter saw this, she immediately remembered that her name was Oktyabrinka. And after the fox, the white hare flew like a blizzard across the field. Noyabrinka looked at him and guessed her name.

The daughters returned home and their mother Autumn began to listen, and in turn they went out into the yard, each in its own time. And on Earth, peace and peace have come

Autumn contests

Today you will have to go through difficult tests to determine the most friendly team. Our game will be judged by a lax, competent jury consisting of ... We will present the teams: Oktyabrinki, Sentyabrinki, Noyabrinki

"Barrel troubles"(Each team in turn answers the riddle. Who will answer more correctly?)

Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground. (potatoes)
There is grass above the ground, a scarlet head under the ground. (beet)
The child grew up did not know diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. (cabbage)
A woman sits in the beds - all in patches, whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave. (onion)
A green branch grows in the garden, and on it are red children. (a tomato)
Egor lies under the border, covered with a green veil. (cucumber)
They dragged the fox out of the mink by the curly tuft. It is very smooth to the touch, it tastes like sugar, sweet. (carrot)
What is this head that only teeth and a beard (garlic)
I grew up in a garden bed, my character is ugly: wherever I go, I will bring everyone to tears. (onion)
The cramped house split into 2 halves, and beads-pellets fell into the palm of your hand. (peas)
The lady sat in the garden bed, dressed in noisy silks, We prepare tubs for her and half a bag of coarse salt. (cabbage)
Sprawled in disarray on their feather bed-bed One hundred green cubs, with nipples in their mouths lie, Continuously suck and grow juice. (cucumbers)

1 competition: Draw an autumn outfit without the help of brushes and pencils, using only finger paints, dried flowers and leaves, glue.

Contest "Find what is superfluous"

The teacher names four words, one of which does not fit the topic. Children should name this word and explain why exactly it is superfluous.

➢ Potatoes - carrots - tomato - beets.

(Tomato is a superfluous word, it is not a root vegetable.)

➢ Fox - wolf - bear - cow.

(A cow is an unnecessary word, it is a pet.)

➢ Leaves - mushrooms - branches - roots.

(Mushrooms are an unnecessary word, they are not part of the tree.)

➢ October - March - September - November.

(March is an unnecessary word, it is the month of spring.)

➢ Magpie - woodpecker - titmouse - butterfly.

(Butterfly is an unnecessary word, it is not a bird)

➢ Maple - pine - birch - aspen.

(Pine is an unnecessary word, it is a coniferous tree.)

➢ Cones - acorns - seeds - needles.

(Needles are a superfluous word, they are not seeds.)

➢ Milk - currant - butter dish - honey mushrooms.

(Currant is an unnecessary word, this is not a mushroom.)

➢ Cabbage - gooseberries - blueberries - raspberries.

(Cabbage is an unnecessary word, it is a vegetable.)

➢ Chamomile - mountain ash - forget-me-not - cornflower.

(Rowan is an unnecessary word, it's a tree.)

➢ Cedar - fir - spruce - oak.

(Oak is a superfluous word, it's a deciduous tree.)

➢ Leaf fall - rain - fog - thunder.

(Leaf fall is an unnecessary word, this is only an autumn phenomenon.)

➢ Boletus - fly agaric - aspen - russula.

(Amanita is an unnecessary word, this is a poisonous mushroom)

Competition "Fruit-Vegetable-Berry"

The guys stand in a circle. In the center is the driver. He spins and repeats "fruit-vegetable-berry". As soon as he stops, he speaks any of these three words. The one to whom he points must quickly say the name of the fruit, vegetable or berry, depending on what word the driver called. At this time, the driver counts to three. If during this time the participant of the competition does not have time to name a word, then he is eliminated from the game. You cannot repeat words.

Competition "Festive Menu"

The guys are divided into four teams. Within five minutes, they have to come up with a holiday menu of autumn products. After the menu is drawn up, the guys read it out. The winner is determined by the children themselves. Each team can vote for only one team whose menu they like.

Competition "Attention"

Guys should find mistakes in sentences.

➢ “There are many honey agarics growing on my tree in the garden”.

➢ “Carrot berries are delicious”.

➢ "A plum seed will grow fluffy grass."

➢ “Cabbage bushes grow throughout the forest”.

➢ “Apple root vegetables taste sweet”.

➢ “Very tasty soup from fly agarics”.

➢ “Red turnip”.

➢ “Bread grows on trees”.

➢ “Buds bloom in autumn”.

➢ “The first of September ends academic year».

"Bad weather". To the music, the members of each team walk around the hall and, upon a signal, take off their things and leave them on the chair (autumn clothes: jacket, scarf, beret, umbrella) At the signal "It seems that the rain is starting", you need to quickly get dressed. Who quickly?

Let's have fun urgently
Let the holiday last for a long time.
Let autumn spite the rain
It gives us joy and warmth.


So our literary drawing room is over. Poems about the fall of Russian and Kazakh poets were recited. I am sure that no one remained indifferent. What a different autumn ... And cheerful, sunny, and sad, dull ... But always so fabulous and unique. Autumn has fully come into its own today. We thank this fall. Ahead is winter, spring, summer ... and new meetings.

Chopin's "Autumn Waltz"

Holiday "Autumn - red-haired girlfriend"

Decor: The classroom is decorated with autumn leaves, children's drawings on the theme "Golden Autumn".

Leading: I am glad to welcome you guys to our autumn holiday today.

Music sounds. On the stage, the Tsar sits on the throne.

Leading: Once upon a time there was a Tsar, a sovereign of all forest people.

And such a thought flashed in the mind of the Tsar.

Tsar: But such a girl is needed

So that she amuses me

So that you love my people.

During the day, the light of God was eclipsed,

It illuminated the earth at night.

I'll give you such a decree ...

Who will come to us for the first time?

Leading: Baba Yaga was the first to hear,

A bone leg came running up to him.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga runs in.

Leading: The Tsar was surprised, but there was a decree,

I decided to test it the same hour.

Tsar: What can you do, Baba Yaga?

Or are you no longer good for anything?

Baba Yaga: What are you, our Father Tsar!

Sovereign to all forest people!

I am not the first beauty in the forest,

Where can you find such beauty?

Oh, and it will be fun here,

Hustle and bustle and bangers!

Tsar: Enough! It will not happen,

You shouldn't have come to us!

Baba Yaga: Why did you come in vain?

Here are the riddles brought!

Baba Yaga takes out of the basket autumn leaves, on which riddles are written and makes them to children.


  1. An eagle is flying across the blue sky, the clouds are flattened, the sun has got out. (cloud)
  2. I will look out the window, there is a long Antoshka. (Rain)
  3. In autumn they circle, lie down on the ground, do not get up from the ground, and then they rot. (leaves)
  4. No arms, no legs, and the tree is oppressive. (Wind)
  5. It makes noise on the mountain, but is silent under the mountain. (Forest)
  6. The blue tent covered the whole world. (Sky)
  7. Blue geese are swimming in the blue sea. (Clouds)
  8. No legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)
  9. I have neither fire nor heat, but I set everything on fire. (Lightning)
  10. He came from heaven, left to earth. (Rain)

Baba Yaga: Well, Tsar, did you take mine? Now I will be the queen!

Tsar: You, grandma, take your time

Better look in the mirror

The nose is crocheted, the teeth are upright,

And the hairstyle is just creepy!

In a word, change your wardrobe,

Put on Lemonte, Levante, Tom Cline,

We'll see then

Whose took - my eh, your eh!

Come sit with us, look at the others!

Leading: The second came a gypsy girl, she comes in like a pavochka.

A gypsy comes in to the music. Dancing.

Leading: Chernobrova, black-eyed ...

Tsar: There is no good from her?

Gypsy: Oh, you, King, do not speak!

Do not judge me before the time.

I will look at anyone, I will tell you the whole truth!

The gypsy takes out cards and reads comic predictions.

Gypsy: Well, Tsar, did you take mine?

I will be your queen!

Tsar: Yes! We see that you are a fortune-teller,

But we love and have fun.

Play cat and mouse

Jump, run, dance.

You are with us, gypsy girl, sit

Look at the others.

Leading: Here comes the third girl,

Princess Nesmeyana, a crying craftswoman.

A roar is heard, Nesmeyana enters.

Nesmeyana: I roared two buckets

Oh, tired, tired!

You friends, help me,

Cheer me, princess!

Tsar: Well, princess, you and the roar,

Nesmeyana is a straight cow!

Leading: Guys, let's cheer Nesmeyanu and sing her a funny song.

Students sing a song.

Nesmeyana: Well, Tsar, will you take me as a girl?

You see: and I am a craftswoman to roar!

And your people know how to have fun.

Well, I'll try

I will not shed more tears.

Tsar: We don't need Nesmeyanu,

And we will say without cheating:

Learn you, Nesmeyana, to have fun,

And sing and dance

And dance and laugh.

Princess, sit with us,

Look at the others.

Slow music sounds. Autumn enters the hall dancing.

Leading: The fourth came Princess Autumn,

In gold, very beautiful.

During the day, the light of God darkens.

Illuminates the earth at night.

To the same music, three Autumn Litas enter with a dance step. They dance with the Autumn.

1st sheet: In a dress of yellow calico,

Beads - mountain ash on the chest,

In the ears - earrings-hairpins,

Expensive - love to look.

2nd sheet: Autumn girl walks

Knocking down the dew with a leg,

He collects gifts in a bag,

Leaves are woven into a braid.

3rd sheet: May please with the sun

Can treat you with rain

Can sprinkle with snow

And cover with silver.

Autumn: I'm good to everyone, I'm pretty,

Gold, jasper, countless.

Apples, cones, nuts,

Everything is in my chest.

Tsar: Yes! I'm not arguing with you!

You are a girl - oh, oh, oh.

What else can you do?

Can you cheer us up?

Autumn: Wait, King! Not me alone, but all together

Now we will cheer you up.

And we will have a look at the "Minute of Glory" of our children.

Municipal budget educational institution
"Cheremshan Secondary School No. 1 named after P.S. Kurasanov"
Cheremshansky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan


"Autumn-red-haired girlfriend"

Prepared by: teacher primary grades V.G. Plotnikova
Cheremshan, 2015

Preliminary preparation.
Children paint autumn landscapes that decorate the hall. Autumn leaves and the sun are cut out of paper.
Costumes are made for children playing roles.
The course of the holiday.
Ved. Good afternoon, dear guys and guests! Today our holiday is dedicated to the wonderful, tender and sad season of the year - autumn.
Ved. - Autumn! How beautiful is the golden Autumn, with its dress and richness of all kinds of fruits!
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow!
If the birds flew to a distant land!
If the sky is gloomy!
If it rains!
This time of the year is called autumn!
All: Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit!
Autumn: - Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
Are you glad to meet me?
Do you like the forest outfit?
I came to your holiday to sing and have fun,
I want to make friends with everyone here.
1. Autumn outside the window
He walks slowly.
Leaves along the paths
The rustling is falling.

All: The conversation of fallen leaves is barely audible.
- We're from the maple! - From the cherry!
- We are from the apple trees! - From the oak!
- We're from the elms! - And with cherries!
- From the aspen!
Ved. - Everywhere leaf fall, on the verge of frost!
2. The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,
Purple, gold, crimson.
Cheerful, colorful wall
Stands over a bright glade.

3. And in that wonderful round dance,
There was one birch.
All in a lovely yellow dress.
How red is the girl slender!

4. And there is no more beautiful in the world,
And that outfit is so beautiful!
"Stands, as in gold, birch"
People talk about her!

5. And she was so proud of that,
Hearing a flattering rumor.
That before spring she made up her mind
Do not shed foliage at all.

Scene "Talking Trees"

Oak. - Already the winds blew from the north,
The last leaves were blown away.
And you don't care
What do you think about, what?
Rowan. - After all, soon the winter-winter will already come to these parts.

Birch. - Yes, let it be at least two winters, at least three.
I'm so beautiful, look!
And these wonderful leaves, -
Handkerchiefs trimmed with gold.
I hate to lose so much.
No, I will not drop my outfit!

Ved. - Here the Old Man intervened, the Old Man - Lesovichok.
Lesovichok. -Do not argue with nature, dear,
For all the law is the same,
That deciduous is sure
Its cover must be removed by winter.
You better, honey, listen
Why is it time to throw foliage!
Oak. - In winter, the sun shines a little,
What is food without fire?
In addition, the chefs are gone,
What is cooked without fire.

Rowan: - Starch, proteins, fats and sugars
They have long gone from the leaves to the trunk.
And unnecessary substances
They took their place in the foliage.
And you won't get better with them,
Rather, you will only get poisoned.

All: - So, throw off the foliage, dear, do not be stubborn, dear!

Lesovichok: - And how the winter comes,
Warm fur coats will bring
The very warm one,
Not so cold by the spring.
And will bend you into an arc.
If you want to stand up straight
Throw off the foliage, don't be stubborn!
Birch. - How can I part with her,
I'll stay completely naked.

All: - In winter they will say about you - “All birch in silver”.

Birch. - Well, thank you, friends,
You convinced me.
I am golden foliage
I’ll give you guys!

Ved. - And the leaves are not simple,
And not only gold ones.
Here on them for you guys,
There are riddles from birch.

- The red nose has grown into the ground, And the green tail is not needed, You only need a red nose. (carrot)
- How I put on a hundred shirts,
Crunched on my teeth. (cabbage)

Buried in the ground in May
And they didn't take it out for a hundred days,
And they began to dig in the fall
Not one was found, but ten. (potatoes)

The garden is our dear doi.
We are growing on a bush.
Like exhibits in a museum,
On the bushes are red (tomatoes)
Song: "The rain is drizzling outside the window"

Ved. - Autumn walks along the path,
Autumn wetted her legs.
It rains and there is no gap
The sun is lost somewhere.

Girl with umbrellas in her hands.
- How nice in the rain
Whispering with an umbrella together
You can even take an umbrella
Dance in the rain

Dance with umbrellas

Wind and Slush are dancing.
Wind: - Oh, Slush, you are my autumn friend, where did it take us?
Slush: - Well, how do I know? Oh, I'm barely alive. What are you, old, so sold out? Almost dried me out. All my bones were blown away by the cold wind. (crying)
Ved. - Oh, guests, dear, what kind of tears can there be? After all, we have fun. Who are you?
Wind: - I am the autumn wind, cold.
Slush: - And I am Slush, the faithful companion of Autumn.
Ved.: - So you are friends of Autumn? Well then, let's have fun.
Wind: - Yes, yes, we will amuse you. Come on, show all your pens. So I will accelerate and get cold with the cold wind (runs in a circle).

Ved.: - Oh, Wind, you are gone, sit down, rest a little.
- Well, and you, Slush, how will you amuse us?
Slush: - And I know how to cry very nicely with torrential and torrential tears. I'll just save from me no when I cry. Well, there is no way to be saved, here, look. (crying)

Ved.: - So, so, now it is clear who brings us cold and rain in the fall.

Slush: - But are there only troubles from the rains? Yes, if not for the rain, then nothing on the earth would have grown, and people in the gardens would have nothing to collect. And so - look how much there is!

Ved.: - Harvested in the fall, the harvest of fruits.
There is a lot of joy to people after all the hard work.
Ved. - Now we will also harvest.
The game "Harvest" is being held
Children are divided into 3 groups, they are given toy cars with bodies. Vegetables are poured on the opposite side. Each participant must "go" to the garden, take the vegetables into a bag, and pass the car to another. The team that harvests the harvest faster wins.

Ved. What a good harvest you have reaped! Since ancient times, people have been observing nature. From these observations, you can find out what the year will be: productive or not. And in the fall, you can determine what winter will be like. Let's remember folk signs.
- Late leaf fall - by a harsh winter.
- Late departure of birds - for a warm winter.
Autumn. - To be healthy, strong, you need to love vegetables, without exception, there is no doubt about that.

Slush. - Well done, we have grown a good harvest.
Wind. - Slush, it's time for us to say goodbye. After all, how many things still need to be done: sprinkle the ground with rain and blow off the leaves from the trees.

Ved. - Well, then goodbye, and do not forget us.

Ved. Listen to ditties on autumn theme:
Wandering in the grove leaf fall
By bushes and maples
He looks into the garden
Golden ringing.

We sit at the window
And we look outside
The leaves whisper: "let's fly away"
And dive into a puddle.

Rain, rain, you are long
You are from heaven to earth
Rain, rain, pour more
So that the mushrooms grow faster.
Vitya got up early, got up early,
I collected all the mushrooms in the forest
Boasts mushrooms
With little white dots.

We will not be scared at all,
Run in the mushroom rain
If it rains heavily
We'll take the umbrella in our hands.

We have new galoshes
You need to update them,
We are in new galoshes
Let's run through the puddles.

The song "Oh, what an autumn!"

Ved. It's time for us to say goodbye. We hope you saw and heard the breath of autumn, its charm and mystery. Slide 12
Slowly, winter begins to dominate the land. And now you have seen how wildlife prepared for the trials of winter.

Scripts school holidays: extracurricular work 1-4 grades general educational allowance. / comp. E.M. Tikhomirova. - M. Publishing House (Exam, 2007)

Holidays in primary school, 2001. Compiled by S.V. Savinova
Extracurricular activities. –M. VAKO, 2005

Internet sources with music:

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