
Online training internet marketer. Online Marketing Training: Free from a digital agency. # 1 - SEO promotion

Internet marketer Is a specialist who carries out a range of marketing activities in the field of network technologies in order to promote goods and various services on the market.

In other words, marketing strategies and tactics used in real business are being carried over into the world of networking. The set of marketing actions includes the following:

  • market research;
  • attracting and retaining customers;
  • improving the quality and attractiveness of products to a certain level;
  • creating a positive image of the company.

The profession of an internet marketer, despite its novelty, is in great demand, especially in the vastness of the CIS markets. With the growing popularity of online stores, the demand for specialists who create and maintain sales sites is also growing. Moreover, the trend is that the growth in the number of online stores does not keep pace with the appearance of the required number of Internet marketers, despite the fact that Internet marketing as a new discipline is developing rapidly. And it already has its own rules and laws. Competently used methods of Internet marketing, such as contextual advertising, E-mail marketing, SEO optimization, web analytics, allow you to create successful online stores and auctions where you can buy absolutely everything. Among the most famous are AliExpress, Ebay and many others.

Multi-faceted skills are required in internet marketing:

  • the ability to analyze the market, sites;
  • organize advertising campaigns;
  • track traffic channels;
  • supervise specialists (SEO, SMM, E-mail-marketers).

Currently, traditional intrusive advertising in real business is in a downturn and annoys consumers. While online advertising is gaining traction, especially on social media, where the country's population spends a lot of time. It also contains all the information about consumers, which Internet marketers analyze and can make predictions of consumer behavior, while simultaneously introducing their own advertising on social networks. Social media promotion can double the sales of an online store's products.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities of an internet marketer are extensive and combine, as in the name of the profession, the skills of a marketer and a specialist in Internet technologies, namely:

  • carrying out classic marketing research on the Internet - analysis of competitors and the position of your company in the market;
  • creating marketing strategies and tactics to attract potential buyers- Internet users;
  • active promotion of the company's brand, creation of its attractive image and promotion among communities on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc .;
  • creation advertising campaigns through traffic from paid sites in browsers (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.) and social networks;
  • optimization of CPL, CTR, CPC;
  • management of SEO-promotion of the site, filling the pages with content;
  • development of an E-mail marketing strategy - setting up triggers and creating mailing layouts, regular analysis of their effectiveness;
  • direct mailing to the base of addresses of interesting offers of the company - direct-marketing;
  • promoting the growth of organic traffic in search engines for key queries;
  • conversion of traffic into leads;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, web analysis, usability and A / B testing;
  • development of advertising materials - banners, posts, landing page;
  • creation of advertising budgets and media plans;
  • constant monitoring and optimization of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • mobile marketing with website optimization for mobile devices;
  • setting up retargeting.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • High demand and appropriate wages
  • The need to constantly evolve
  • Many elements of creative work
  • The ability to work remotely and combine several projects
  • The opportunity to get a profession without studying at a university, but on short-term courses


  • At the initial stages of work - a small salary
  • Potential dissatisfaction with the customer with the results of work
  • A lot of routine and monotonous work related to monitoring and statistics
  • When working as a freelancer, the possibility of unfair payment by the employer

Place of work

Internet marketing is a universal profession that allows you to work both in the IT field and in retail: electronic commerce, new media, games, web portals. It is possible to work as a freelancer, which is provided by sites for specialists of any level:,,,

Important qualities

  • Creativity
  • Analytical mind
  • constant striving to master new
  • a special flair for fashion trends on the Internet
  • the ability to work ahead of competitors and find a way out of deadlocks
  • initiative
  • a responsibility
  • perseverance, patience
  • negotiation skills
  • ability to work with large amounts of information
  • the ability to switch from creative work to routine
  • persistence in overcoming difficulties
  • sociability
  • leadership skills

Training for Internet marketer

Successful Internet marketers can be graduates of marketing, journalism and sociological areas of universities who are accustomed to working with information and statistics, familiar with the behavior of mass Internet users.


Salary as of 12/11/2019

Russia 24000-70000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—150,000 ₽

As a freelancer, you can combine multiple projects. An experienced internet marketer can get paid at the executive level. But even a mid-level specialist is paid much higher salaries than traditional marketers in real business. Labor remuneration is based on the specific results of the Internet marketer's work: an increase in sales to specific figures, an increase in profits, etc.

Career Steps and Prospects

An aspiring internet marketer can start his career as a trainee or marketing assistant in the industry of his interest while still studying. As a rule, he will have to do the most routine work - statistics and monitoring. The next step is a junior internet marketer, then an internet marketer, a senior internet marketer and then to the head of the marketing department (marketing director).

Interesting facts about the profession, terminology

Customer acquisition and retention processes can be divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Lead generation - to attract a customer to the site and convince him to make the first purchase.
  2. Lead management or work with "leads" (lead management) - a set of actions to turn potential customers into leads who are ready to buy a product or service.
  3. Conversion of leads, or closing deals (lead conversion) - an action aimed at eliminating the client's objections during the closing of a deal.
  4. Repeated sales (account management) - working with existing customers, encouraging them to make repeat purchases, customer service.

Video: How to Become a Cool Internet Marketer?

Only old school people consider the Internet a stupid abyss for business and still adhere to offline promotion.

But the other part, consisting of 80%, on the contrary believes that offline has died and everything is now on the Internet. Let's not argue on this topic, because you need to be able to combine.

Therefore, we will simply learn the basics of Internet marketing from scratch, so that in the future, if you do not do it yourself, then at least be able to control the performers.

The themes are different, the basis is the same

Internet marketing is a form of marketing. Therefore, if you expect to see something unimaginably new now, then this will not happen.

Also, if you do not understand well in conventional marketing, then with the Internet for a beginner it will be even worse, even if you work according to ready-made instructions and video manuals.

Internet marketing is about tools on the web. This means that this discipline does not study in any way, and other basic topics.

Therefore, it is a bad idea to start learning marketing right away with learning online promotion. This makes you a good techie, but a bad marketer.

The same goes for strategy. Internet marketing is a way to achieve an overall strategy.

Of course, inside you also determine how to act in order to achieve goals, but the main course is set by classic marketing, which relies on market research and dozens of other variables.

We are about internet marketing

Let's say you already have a certain amount of knowledge behind you and your only weak spot is internet marketing.

So you have come to the right place and that day has come when no other company will bother you that it is supposedly you have a bad product, and it is not their hands that grow from another place. But before the start, I will voice a few nuances.

Choose your path

Owning all internet marketing is impossible. Not because you do not have enough intelligence or willpower, it is simply physically unrealistic to do it due to constant changes in this environment.

What you learn today is no longer the fact that it will work tomorrow. And to keep track of all the changes and still have time to get your hands on in practice, is akin to flying an airplane and simultaneously serving customers in the cabin.

Therefore, if you, as an entrepreneur, decide that you need training in Internet marketing from scratch, then the main thing for you is to understand the concept of how everything works.

And if you need training for further work in the field of Internet marketing, then you either also need to understand the basics.

And go to work as a marketing director, where you will have many different freelancers / employees performing pinpoint tasks.

Or you focus your attention on a specific direction and start working in it for the rest of your life.

Believe our experience, it will take you several years to become familiar with one specialty at least 80%, provided that you have sufficient field for practice.

And I am no exception, when concluding a contract for, I always honestly say that I do not know everything, but I have a team that will help if necessary.


Some gurus believe that internet marketing is about getting customers and converting them into or a buyer.

And if you and I were in 2005, it would be true. Now everything is different, Internet marketing includes almost the entire range of tasks from the classics:

  • Attraction;
  • Retention;
  1. Increased loyalty;
  2. Fight against negativity;
  3. Support.
  • Monetization (conversion).

Such, at first glance, a modest pool of tasks hides dozens of tools behind it.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that people now on the Internet are not just looking for information and then go to offline points to shop.

And now they are online immediately making a purchase. And the further, the more actively everything will happen in this way.


Internet Marketing Basics

Below I will briefly describe each tool and additionally attach links to our articles for in-depth study.

But there is bad news, we primarily write for entrepreneurs, so here you will learn briefly about the main thing.

Look for details on each tool on specialized sites by topic, I will also give links to the main ones.

1. Sites

If you look globally at everything that is done on the Internet in terms of site building, then all the creations of Internet marketers, designers and programmers can be divided into three categories of sites.

So, the sites are divided into: classic (corporate sites, etc.), online stores and landing pages. Below I will break down each in some detail.

1.1. Landing pages

This type of site, oddly enough, has quite a few names: landing page, one-page, selling site, landing page, and even "Landos".

In short, these are sites that are located on just one page and their main task is to sell a specific product or service.

That is, landing pages are made either for a specific product, or for one direction.

Landing page

These sites are intended solely for one thing - to convey to the client the value of the product and get his contact information, which later will be called by the manager and will press the client.

If you need to immediately sell from this site or it is planned to place more than 10 products on it, then this solution is not suitable for you.

1.2. Websites

For a more understandable communication, we will call them multi-page sites. Such a site is easy to distinguish, you guessed it, by the number of pages.

If there are more than one of them, then this is definitely not icebreaking. In order to determine for sure what is more suitable for you, I highly recommend our article.

Multipage sites have been around since the earliest days of the internet. However, the trend is increasingly shifting towards multi-landings.

This is when each page is made in the style of a landing page. Yes, this increases the cost by 3-5 times, but the efficiency grows equally. We noticed this on our own, since all our sites are made in this way.

1.3. Online Stores

An online store is a site where you can purchase goods without visiting a store.

This explanation is sufficient, since this tool is not new and does not require a special presentation.

If you sell non-piece goods, then you either already have an online store, or will soon be due to market trends.

Online store

It is not technically difficult to create such an online store, it is difficult to make it sell.

The main problem with online stores is too great amount pages.

And the more pages there are, the more chances a client has to leave. After all, he may not like something, he will get confused, or in general some element will not work for you.

And I will tell you one terrible secret. The vast majority of online stores are unprofitable.

Since when opening such sites, many forget to calculate the logistics, the cost of attracting a client, constant improvement of the site, managers, and so on.

Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to enter this field, then look towards narrow-sale online stores with little competition, so costs will decrease and customers will be easier to buy at the expense of the exact one.

2. Email marketing

3 years ago I heard the phrase “Email marketing is dead” somewhere. 2 years ago I started to hear it all over the Internet and repeat it myself.

And now I don't stop hearing it, but I just don't speak it myself. Despite common misconceptions, email marketing is alive and well.

For example, the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" generates with its help up to 30% of sales per year.

For example, we have this weekly digest of all useful articles from the blog. For some, this is a list of the new arrival of goods for the week. Personally, I really like the newsletter that Aviasales sends.

For the successful implementation of this tool, you need to think not only about how you will legally collect the database.

But also how to make sure that your mailing list is read and waited for. To do this, you will have to work hard on the ability to write effectively and effectively, and this business also needs to be learned.

3. Auto funnels

There are 3 ways to create an auto funnel: e-mail, social networks and instant messengers. We will immediately discuss everything with you, because they are built according to the same principle.

And they differ only in the platform of interaction and a few small differences that there is no point in voicing, since everything is changing too dynamically.

That is, the client receives messages depending on his actions (clicks, interactions, openings, and so on) according to the mechanics you have thought out in advance. Moreover, payment and delivery of the product also occurs on autopilot.

It is not difficult to create an auto-funnel, but it is very time-consuming, since you need to think over all the logic and write texts with design for each step.

From the point of view of the technical part, there are now a huge number of ready-made solutions with a cost of 500 rubles per month and a simple interface for use, so there will definitely not be any difficulties here.

4. SMM marketing

Many entrepreneurs continue to soar in the clouds in terms of smm. And believe 2 rumors: that attracting customers on social networks is free and that a specialist who works with social networks leads and promotes them at the same time.

And no, there is still a third. It all costs 3 kopecks. If this is about you, then first read our article, where we destroyed all these myths.

4.1. Maintaining groups

The group will be beautifully designed, posts will be published and made out in a single corporate identity, there will be a lot of likes, a lot of comments and, of course, a lot of orders - this is for many a standard understanding of running a group.

But the only problem is that there are many likes, comments and orders, one reference is not enough.

That's right, introducing a group is not just about taking pictures from another community and posting them to yourself.

This means that you have to generate unique content based on the preferences of your audience.

Vkontakte community

4.2. Targeted advertising

It is called targeted because it can be configured in a targeted manner, well, it is logical.

That is, indicate gender, age, location potential client(+ dozens of other parameters) and the advertisement will be shown to him.

Targeted advertising

I also for a long time I did not understand why smm-shik is not a universal profession. But you will understand this only when you start to figure it out on your own.

4.3. Crops

This word does not mean that you are sowing your advertisement somewhere, but that your posts start to appear everywhere.

That is, for this you use agreements with opinion leaders, purchase advertising in other communities, embed in other people's videos and posts. Maximum coverage is the main task of sowing.

Previously, no one singled out this task in a separate direction, but with the arrival of large budgets in SMM, specialized people began to deal with this matter.

These are those who know how to effectively spend 20-50-200-400 thousand in one day and convey their idea to their audience. Such actions are especially noticeable during the presidential elections.


5. Content Marketing

I have good news for you. Remember the conversations about email marketing? That he died and all that.

So, the opposite has been said about content marketing for 2 years now. That he is not only alive and the future lies with him, but also that all advertising and all customer attraction will be based on him.

I wouldn't really believe it if we hadn't staked on it a couple of years ago. And I can say that we took the Jackpot, and thanks to it we get clients on the machine.

So what's the good news? The news is that you still have the opportunity to jump on the train, which is just starting to move.

That is, you can start creating content that users are looking for and which will convince them to take the actions you need.

This is the essence of content marketing, a person studies your material, gains confidence in you, and buys your product through it.

Native advertising

When they talk about content marketing, for some reason they immediately remember only about the blog on the site.

But in fact, there are many more ways to interact with a client using content.

For example, one of our clients created a Youtube channel where he shows how he builds houses. You just need to find your ideal one and start “making and releasing” it.

6. SEO

“My article is # 1 in Yandex! Hurray !!! ”, - this is what you must say after the successful implementation of SEO promotion.

To bring your product, service or article from a blog to the TOP of a search engine is a great thing. And such manipulations are dealt with by the sphere, you guessed it, Search Engine Optimization.

Search results

Studying SEO shook me from side to side. Either I thought that this was the most difficult and routine process, on the contrary, it seemed to me the easiest and most interesting.

But now, after several years of promoting, at least our blog, I can say for sure that this is a lifting tool even for an entrepreneur. But with a large volume, it is better to give this business to seo-specialists.

Roughly speaking, this area can be divided into five parts: collection of the semantic core (key queries), technical adaptation of the site, optimization of articles, buying links and usability of the site.

You didn't think about the latter, it has long been proven that the more people interact with your site, the higher you will stand in the search.

This is a kind of signal for search engines that you have relevant and interesting information.

7. Contextual advertising

When searching in Yandex or Google, as a rule, the first 4 lines that you can see in the list are paid advertising messages that are shown relevant to your request.

contextual advertising

Using queries such as “buy a greenhouse” or “” you can attract exactly hot customers who want to buy goods “here and now”.

But this is not the case in all areas. For example, in the sale of luxury real estate or accounting services, due to high competition, the cost of a click can go up to several thousand.

A sphere is different from a sphere, just like a city from a city. Therefore, before you fit into the whole mess, be sure to explore the potential.

By the way, many clients believe that contextual advertising in Yandex is much more effective than in Google (after all, we live in Russia and use a Russian search engine).

But actually it is not. Their shares have been the same for a long time. And considering that the cost per click on Google is much less, like the competition, it looks much more attractive.

Therefore, I strongly advise you not to neglect the settings for advertising on Google. This is for you, on a note.

Only old school people consider the Internet a stupid abyss for business and still adhere to offline promotion.

But the other part, consisting of 80%, on the contrary believes that offline has died and everything is now on the Internet. Let's not argue on this topic, because you need to be able to combine.

Therefore, we will simply learn the basics of Internet marketing from scratch, so that in the future, if you do not do it yourself, then at least be able to control the performers.

The themes are different, the basis is the same

Internet marketing is a form of marketing. Therefore, if you expect to see something unimaginably new now, then this will not happen.

Also, if you do not understand well in conventional marketing, then with the Internet for a beginner it will be even worse, even if you work according to ready-made instructions and video manuals.

Internet marketing is about tools on the web. This means that this discipline does not study in any way, and other basic topics.

Therefore, it is a bad idea to start learning marketing right away with learning online promotion. This makes you a good techie, but a bad marketer.

The same goes for strategy. Internet marketing is a way to achieve an overall strategy.

Of course, inside you also determine how to act in order to achieve goals, but the main course is set by classic marketing, which relies on market research and dozens of other variables.

We are about internet marketing

Let's say you already have a certain amount of knowledge behind you and your only weak spot is internet marketing.

So you have come to the right place and that day has come when no other company will bother you that it is supposedly you have a bad product, and it is not their hands that grow from another place. But before the start, I will voice a few nuances.

Choose your path

Owning all internet marketing is impossible. Not because you do not have enough intelligence or willpower, it is simply physically unrealistic to do it due to constant changes in this environment.

What you learn today is no longer the fact that it will work tomorrow. And to keep track of all the changes and still have time to get your hands on in practice, is akin to flying an airplane and simultaneously serving customers in the cabin.

Therefore, if you, as an entrepreneur, decide that you need training in Internet marketing from scratch, then the main thing for you is to understand the concept of how everything works.

And if you need training for further work in the field of Internet marketing, then you either also need to understand the basics.

And go to work as a marketing director, where you will have many different freelancers / employees performing pinpoint tasks.

Or you focus your attention on a specific direction and start working in it for the rest of your life.

Believe our experience, it will take you several years to become familiar with one specialty at least 80%, provided that you have sufficient field for practice.

And I am no exception, when concluding a contract for, I always honestly say that I do not know everything, but I have a team that will help if necessary.


Some gurus believe that internet marketing is about getting customers and converting them into or a buyer.

And if you and I were in 2005, it would be true. Now everything is different, Internet marketing includes almost the entire range of tasks from the classics:

  • Attraction;
  • Retention;
  1. Increased loyalty;
  2. Fight against negativity;
  3. Support.
  • Monetization (conversion).

Such, at first glance, a modest pool of tasks hides dozens of tools behind it.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that people now on the Internet are not just looking for information and then go to offline points to shop.

And now they are online immediately making a purchase. And the further, the more actively everything will happen in this way.


Internet Marketing Basics

Below I will briefly describe each tool and additionally attach links to our articles for in-depth study.

But there is bad news, we primarily write for entrepreneurs, so here you will learn briefly about the main thing.

Look for details on each tool on specialized sites by topic, I will also give links to the main ones.

1. Sites

If you look globally at everything that is done on the Internet in terms of site building, then all the creations of Internet marketers, designers and programmers can be divided into three categories of sites.

So, the sites are divided into: classic (corporate sites, etc.), online stores and landing pages. Below I will break down each in some detail.

1.1. Landing pages

This type of site, oddly enough, has quite a few names: landing page, one-page, selling site, landing page, and even "Landos".

In short, these are sites that are located on just one page and their main task is to sell a specific product or service.

That is, landing pages are made either for a specific product, or for one direction.

Landing page

These sites are intended solely for one thing - to convey to the client the value of the product and get his contact information, which later will be called by the manager and will press the client.

If you need to immediately sell from this site or it is planned to place more than 10 products on it, then this solution is not suitable for you.

1.2. Websites

For a more understandable communication, we will call them multi-page sites. Such a site is easy to distinguish, you guessed it, by the number of pages.

If there are more than one of them, then this is definitely not icebreaking. In order to determine for sure what is more suitable for you, I highly recommend our article.

Multipage sites have been around since the earliest days of the internet. However, the trend is increasingly shifting towards multi-landings.

This is when each page is made in the style of a landing page. Yes, this increases the cost by 3-5 times, but the efficiency grows equally. We noticed this on our own, since all our sites are made in this way.

1.3. Online Stores

An online store is a site where you can purchase goods without visiting a store.

This explanation is sufficient, since this tool is not new and does not require a special presentation.

If you sell non-piece goods, then you either already have an online store, or will soon be due to market trends.

Online store

It is not technically difficult to create such an online store, it is difficult to make it sell.

The main problem with online stores is that there are too many pages.

And the more pages there are, the more chances a client has to leave. After all, he may not like something, he will get confused, or in general some element will not work for you.

And I will tell you one terrible secret. The vast majority of online stores are unprofitable.

Since when opening such sites, many forget to calculate the logistics, the cost of attracting a client, constant improvement of the site, managers, and so on.

Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to enter this field, then look towards narrow-sale online stores with little competition, so costs will decrease and customers will be easier to buy at the expense of the exact one.

2. Email marketing

3 years ago I heard the phrase “Email marketing is dead” somewhere. 2 years ago I started to hear it all over the Internet and repeat it myself.

And now I don't stop hearing it, but I just don't speak it myself. Despite common misconceptions, email marketing is alive and well.

For example, the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" generates with its help up to 30% of sales per year.

For example, we have this weekly digest of all useful blog articles. For some, this is a list of new arrivals of goods for the week. Personally, I really like the newsletter that Aviasales sends.

For the successful implementation of this tool, you need to think not only about how you will legally collect the database.

But also how to make sure that your mailing list is read and waited for. To do this, you will have to work hard on the ability to write effectively and effectively, and this business also needs to be learned.

3. Auto funnels

There are 3 ways to create an auto funnel: e-mail, social networks and instant messengers. We will immediately discuss everything with you, because they are built according to the same principle.

And they differ only in the platform of interaction and a few small differences that there is no point in voicing, since everything is changing too dynamically.

That is, the client receives messages depending on his actions (clicks, interactions, openings, and so on) according to the mechanics you have thought out in advance. Moreover, payment and delivery of the product also occurs on autopilot.

It is not difficult to create an auto-funnel, but it is very time-consuming, since you need to think over all the logic and write texts with design for each step.

From the point of view of the technical part, there are now a huge number of ready-made solutions with a cost of 500 rubles per month and a simple interface for use, so there will definitely not be any difficulties here.

4. SMM marketing

Many entrepreneurs continue to soar in the clouds in terms of smm. And believe 2 rumors: that attracting customers on social networks is free and that a specialist who works with social networks leads and promotes them at the same time.

And no, there is still a third. It all costs 3 kopecks. If this is about you, then first read our article, where we destroyed all these myths.

4.1. Maintaining groups

The group will be beautifully designed, posts will be published and decorated in a single corporate style, there will be many likes, many comments and, of course, many orders - this is for many a standard understanding of running a group.

But the only problem is that there are many likes, comments and orders, one reference is not enough.

That's right, introducing a group is not just about taking pictures from another community and posting them to yourself.

This means that you have to generate unique content based on the preferences of your audience.

Vkontakte community

4.2. Targeted advertising

It is called targeted because it can be configured in a targeted manner, well, it is logical.

That is, indicate the gender, age, location of the potential client (+ dozens of other parameters) and the advertisement will be shown to him.

Targeted advertising

For a long time, I also did not understand why smm-shik is not a universal profession. But you will understand this only when you start to figure it out on your own.

4.3. Crops

This word does not mean that you are sowing your advertisement somewhere, but that your posts start to appear everywhere.

That is, for this you use agreements with opinion leaders, purchase advertising in other communities, embed in other people's videos and posts. Maximum coverage is the main task of sowing.

Previously, no one singled out this task in a separate direction, but with the arrival of large budgets in SMM, specialized people began to deal with this matter.

These are those who know how to effectively spend 20-50-200-400 thousand in one day and convey their idea to their audience. Such actions are especially noticeable during the presidential elections.


5. Content Marketing

I have good news for you. Remember the conversations about email marketing? That he died and all that.

So, the opposite has been said about content marketing for 2 years now. That he is not only alive and the future lies with him, but also that all advertising and all customer attraction will be based on him.

I wouldn't really believe it if we hadn't staked on it a couple of years ago. And I can say that we took the Jackpot, and thanks to it we get clients on the machine.

So what's the good news? The news is that you still have the opportunity to jump on the train, which is just starting to move.

That is, you can start creating content that users are looking for and which will convince them to take the actions you need.

This is the essence of content marketing, a person studies your material, gains confidence in you, and buys your product through it.

Native advertising

When they talk about content marketing, for some reason they immediately remember only about the blog on the site.

But in fact, there are many more ways to interact with a client using content.

For example, one of our clients created a Youtube channel where he shows how he builds houses. You just need to find your ideal one and start “making and releasing” it.

6. SEO

“My article is # 1 in Yandex! Hurray !!! ”, - this is what you must say after the successful implementation of SEO promotion.

To bring your product, service or article from a blog to the TOP of a search engine is a great thing. And such manipulations are dealt with by the sphere, you guessed it, Search Engine Optimization.

Search results

Studying SEO shook me from side to side. Either I thought that this was the most difficult and routine process, on the contrary, it seemed to me the easiest and most interesting.

But now, after several years of promoting, at least our blog, I can say for sure that this is a lifting tool even for an entrepreneur. But with a large volume, it is better to give this business to seo-specialists.

Roughly speaking, this area can be divided into five parts: collection of the semantic core (key queries), technical adaptation of the site, optimization of articles, buying links and usability of the site.

You didn't think about the latter, it has long been proven that the more people interact with your site, the higher you will stand in the search.

This is a kind of signal for search engines that you have relevant and interesting information.

7. Contextual advertising

When searching in Yandex or Google, as a rule, the first 4 lines that you can see in the list are paid advertising messages that are shown relevant to your request.

contextual advertising

Using queries such as “buy a greenhouse” or “” you can attract exactly hot customers who want to buy goods “here and now”.

But this is not the case in all areas. For example, in the sale of luxury real estate or accounting services, due to high competition, the cost of a click can go up to several thousand.

A sphere is different from a sphere, just like a city from a city. Therefore, before you fit into the whole mess, be sure to explore the potential.

By the way, many clients believe that contextual advertising in Yandex is much more effective than in Google (after all, we live in Russia and use a Russian search engine).

But actually it is not. Their shares have been the same for a long time. And considering that the cost per click on Google is much less, like the competition, it looks much more attractive.

Therefore, I strongly advise you not to neglect the settings for advertising on Google. This is for you, on a note.

Course program

Canva is an online service that allows anyone to do web design

Popsters is an online service for analytics of content and audience interests

Photoshop is the most widespread and highly functional graphics editor

Target Hunter - a service for searching and analyzing the target audience

Internet Marketing 1. Introduction, Content Management

  1. Introduction to Internet Marketing. Definition and Purpose of Online Marketing. The difference between advertising on the Internet and other types of advertising.
  2. Advertising, classifications and types of advertising. Hidden and open advertising. Video advertising, work with bloggers, targeted advertising, work with YAN and CCM.
  3. Brand as a tool to achieve Business goals. Formation, company image, online positioning and creation of the Marketing Triangle for your Brand.
  4. Consumer research. The difference between a buyer and a visitor. Target Consumer Assessment Criteria. We will compose and draw a portrait description of your target audience... Find out who exactly buys your products and set a course for your target audience.
  5. Drafting marketing strategy... The essence of the marketing strategy, types and factors of influence. We will draw up a general concept of your Brand, according to the conditions modern market goods and services.
  6. Copywriting. How to write marketing texts? Features of text content. Effective copywriting rules. Algorithm for writing selling texts, ads and USP.
  7. Photo content. Features of creating photo content. Brand book. Simplified services for creating unique photo content.
  8. Modern trends in Internet Marketing. How to become an Authoritative friend for your Buyer. Let's talk about how to create content that people want to like and save.

STUDENT RESULT: The general concept of the Brand was determined, consumer research was carried out and a draft version of the content for launching advertising campaigns was created.

Topic: Internet Marketing 1. Introduction, Working With Content.

Duration: 21 Ak. Hour

sign up

JagaJam is an analytical platform for building effective brand communications with the audience social networks

WildShark SEO Spider is a desktop program that allows you to do a full audit of internal website optimization

Internet Marketing 2. SEO & Website Optimization

  1. SEO, concept, goals, place and tasks of SEO-optimizer in the structure of Internet Marketing. Search engines, algorithms of work. Link mass as a characteristic of a "trust site".
  2. Text optimization of the site: search queries, types, methods of collecting the Semantic Core. Working with keywords and their clustering. Basics of the development of the semantic structure of the site.
  3. Technical optimization of sites: layout and functional errors, "blurry" code. The basics technical optimization site, analysis rules, preparation of technical specifications for Developers.
  4. SEO-optimizer toolkit: search engine services for site owners, site analysis and synchronization with "search engines", site indexing and its calculation.
  5. Competitor analysis: search for missing keywords, analysis of conversions by keywords, analysis of the link mass.
  6. Site audit: Identifying and fixing problems, adjusting strategies and external factors ranking. We will develop a link building strategy for your website.
  7. Sanctions and prohibitions. Ban, filter, spam - how not to become "spam" and build up the "trust" of the site?
  8. Internet sites. How to work with different kinds sites? "Delicious landing" - how? Site composition and elements, A / B Testing.

STUDENT RESULT: A clear understanding of the goals and key points SEO site optimization. Creation of your own SEO promotion strategy.

Topic: Internet Marketing 2. SEO And Website Optimization.

Duration: 21 Ak. Hour

The total cost of the module in rubles.

sign up

Yandex Wordstat is a service for assessing user interest in specific topics and for selecting keywords.

Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool

Yandex.Metrica is a free internet service of Yandex company designed to assess website traffic

MailChimp is a kind of "Swiss knife" of mail marketing and all kinds of postal services

TinyPNG is a photo compression service

Glavred is a service designed to help clear text from verbal garbage

XMind is open software for brainstorming and mind mapping

E-Mail Marketing

  1. Introduction to E-mail Marketing. Definition, types of letters, modern tendencies... Stages of making a purchase.
  2. E-mail Marketing strategy. Definition and constituents. Compilation of Product Recommendations. Create a plan Email newsletter.
  3. Who should I send letters to? Consumer analysis, creating a portrait of a "typical buyer", segmentation of potential buyers.
  4. How to find potential buyers? Collection of website visitors data. Lead generation. Leads, how to arrange and what to offer? How to increase customer base?
  5. What to write about? Email Marketing Basics - How To Turn Visitor Into Customer In One Email? Trigger emails, triggers that shouldn't be forgotten.
  6. How to prepare a letter? Basic knowledge of Composition, Web Design elements. Common mistakes in creating a letter layout.
  7. How to send? Good practice rules for e-mail newsletters. Services for mailing. Mail-Chimp - Overview of Features.
  8. Work with unsubscriptions. How to deal with Customer objections correctly? Is it worth trying to return the "unsubscribed" and how to attract new Subscribers?

STUDENT RESULT: We will draw up a plan for e-mail distribution and develop a case for Trigger Letters. We will acquire the skill of creating and sending letters.

Subject: E-Mail Marketing

Duration: 21 Ak. Hour

The total cost of the module in rubles.

sign up

Google Analytics is a free service provided by Google for generating detailed statistics of website visitors.

Mobile Marketing & Web Analytics

  1. CPA Marketing - what is it and how to set it up? The principle of operation and the technical side of the implementation of Affiliate Marketing. Offers, referral links, targeted actions and conversions. TOP "trust" partner networks... Bonus: How to check the quality of traffic and not become a victim of a scammer?
  2. Mobile Marketing 1. Mobile technology and marketing. The essence and goals of mobile marketing. Modern tendencies.
  3. Mobile Marketing 2. Attracting and retaining consumers: SMS, NFC, cross-platform site, QR codes.
  4. Usability. In-depth study of the concept of "Site Usability". We learn to understand the needs, look for usability “errors” using Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics and fix them in accordance with the requirements of the Site Visitors.
  5. Web analytics. Definition and essence. How to analyze the KPIs of your online activities? Working with Google Analytics and Yandex. Metrics. Analysis of traffic sources and visitor behavior on the site. Learning to fill out the documentation.
  6. Strategy and Planning. We will study the DMI planning methodology and draw up a marketing campaign in accordance with its basic principles.
  7. Legal aspect of Marketing. The main provisions of the law "On Advertising". What a Marketer needs to know in order not to run into fines and sanctions.
  8. Career. How to “sell” yourself? Interview Secrets for Marketers. Let's compose a flashy CV and post it on Behance.

STUDENT RESULT: Deep understanding of all stages of setting up and running an Internet Business. Skills of creating "attractive" content, drawing up a Brand Book, creating a concept and an image of the Enterprise, drawing up a strategy for free promotion to the TOP of search engines and maintaining positions. All skills have been worked out on our own project.

Topic: Internet Marketing 3. Mobile Marketing and Web Analytics.

Duration: 21 Ak. Hour

I am periodically asked for advice on internet marketing courses. This is not surprising, because today the lives and work of millions of people go to the Internet and those who do not understand the logic of Internet marketing remain practically unarmed - the business is closed, people are losing employment.

Runet has many paid and free courses and training programs for various tools: SEO optimization, SMM, landing pages and contextual advertising. Some are looking for courses, others are creating them, and still others are writing huge collections on which you can spend half your life. This article differs in that it contains only best online courses on Internet marketing in runet, where you can study this subject from scratch. But let's start with the paid ones.

Paid Internet Marketing Courses

1. Internet Marketer 3.0 by Convert Monster

A large-scale course on Internet marketing offers another training center based on the Internet marketing agency - Convert Monster. Practical teachers together with curators promise to teach you how to analyze competitors, develop unique sales offers and landing pages in Tilda in 90 days and 28 lessons, and customize contextual advertising Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct, targeted advertising on VKontakte and Facebook, set up analytics counters on the site and measure the necessary metrics, conduct SEO and usability audits of sites, do content marketing and email marketing, and much more. Graduates are helped with employment. See details and register by this link. The first lesson can be visited for 0 rubles.

3. The profession of internet marketer from Ingate

On the same Skillbox platform, there is another paid course in Internet marketing, but under the Ingate brand (a well-known digital agency) and Tagline (ratings, awards and studies of the Russian Internet). The cost of this course is (usually) the same, but the teachers are different and the program is slightly different (almost 2 months shorter). I think that the second course is more suitable for those who want to work in a top digital agency or even specifically in Ingate. Details on the link.

4. The profession of "Internet marketer" in Netology

In addition to training, the course includes employment Through the Career Development Center, top students receive referrals from professors with a name in the industry. The cost is 32,900 rubles. View.

Other professions in internet marketing: SMM, SEO, context, copywriting.

5. The profession of Internet marketer from A to Z in Skillbox

Another major player in the online education market, Skillbox also provides a profession. The cost of the course is from 39 thousand rubles. Practical teachers, real customers, diploma, employment. Recording .

6. Performance marketer

Another two-year training program in marketing with employment, with an emphasis on the performance approach. Online classes are combined with offline meetings with strong teachers and employment advice, as well as excursions to top companies. If you do not have money for training, then you can enter the profession for free, and start paying for the course after getting a high-paying job. Find out more and sign up for a course here.

7. Ingate Performance Marketer

Don't ask me how a performance marketer course differs from an internet marketer, just if you want to have the buzzword performance in your diploma, follow this link and sign up for the course. I am only sure that it is not worse than the previous one.

Read also:

TexTerra is one of the most famous agencies on the market that specializes in complex internet marketing. They recently launched their own online university, TeachLine, where they train specialists based on their own agency experience. For almost two months, Texterra staff will conduct two online classes per week. 6 blocks are waiting for you - from the very basics of Internet marketing to content marketing and web analytics. For details, program, reviews and prices, see.

And now it's time to list free courses.

Free internet marketing training

Free training in Internet marketing has existed for a long time, so it makes no sense to hammer into a search engine the phrase "download a short overview course on Internet marketing on a torrent." A lot of useful things are already hanging on YouTube, but few people have enough motivation to watch lectures instead of funny videos. If you learn to search educational materials on the Internet, including on YouTube, watch them, take notes and test knowledge in practice, then you can save a lot of money. But not everyone has developed the skill of self-education. So good companies prepared official free courses!

9. Digital-Start from Netology

This course is not so much about internet marketing as about digital in general. It is for those who decided to enter the Internet, but did not fully decide what profession. For effective work it is important to know at least a little about different directions and specialties. If you're just starting out, sign up for Digital Start.

Free Netology Courses on Internet Marketing. You can find a bunch of useful materials from Convert Monster here.

Read also:

10. Pre-accelerator IIDF

This is the eleventh course, which is not entirely about marketing, but it will be very useful for internet marketers to know about it. Why? Because internet marketing is only a subsystem in the business system and it is closely related to other systems. The "Preaccelerator" course of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund will help you quickly, free of charge and effectively study business as a system. This online course, but very practical - it is designed for startups who quickly work out a project, its prospects and innovative appeal, watching video tutorials and filling out a questionnaire.

Then this questionnaire is considered by the fund's specialists in order to invite worthy projects to the accelerator, to give investments, a place to work, mentors in exchange for a share in the project. The course includes topics such as: product, economics and demand, team, competitors, market and promotion. Recording.

What's the catch?

You can take this course with your real or imaginary project. You may not be Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, but you will be head and shoulders above other budding internet marketers.

Why is online better than St. Petersburg, Moscow and Ivanovo?

Until now, people who did not understand and did not accept digital realities modern world looking for courses in their cities: Petersburg, Moscow, Ivanovo, Minsk, Yekaterinburg, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Almaty, Yaroslavl, Kazan and Kiev.

But training in Internet marketing requires maximum immersion in online - reading blogs, watching videos, communicating in professional communities. Studying in the classroom at the desks here no longer makes any sense and is fundamentally not tied to the region. The best experts are still concentrated in Moscow, but at the same time they strive for maximum coverage in the regions through online, so I think that it is not worth signing up for some local courses.

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