
How to learn to think positively advice from psychologists. Thinking Positively: Thinking Positively - How to Learn. A productive day and a fly in the ointment

A person is a product of his thinking, what he thinks, so he becomes

Mahatma Gandhi

Often I hear such phrases from others: “be positive”, “you need to think positively” and others. But do people really understand the meaning and essence of how to think positively and why? Putting on the mask of a positive "superman" and being one are completely different things. Looking around, you can see the faces of people who express various emotions, for example: concern and joy, sadness and happiness, anger and peacefulness, boredom and interest ... But to see genuine happiness or satisfaction in the eyes is a rare occurrence. "Being positive" is in trend now. And few people want to communicate with a negative person or a sad crybaby. And yet everyone understands something of their own under the positive. Many can “put a smile on their face”, but not everyone can plant a smile, happiness and positiveness in their hearts. You can put on a mask of positiveness as much as you like, if at the same time “cats scratch at your soul” and you engage in self-flagellation or self-deprecation, then the mask will forever remain a mask and sooner or later will fall off. All these are just different ways of deception, we can successfully deceive others or even ourselves, but this will not change the fact that it is best to come to positive thinking and high-quality internal and external changes through self-awareness and deep inner work.

Let's take a look at how to think positively, how positive thinking can affect your life, and why thoughts materialize when you think positively.

How to think positively and achieve peace of mind

How often do you hear the phrase “thoughts are material”? And indeed it is. Many of you must have noticed that when the mood is "on the rise", then life becomes easy, simple and pleasant. All problems are solved as if by themselves, there are positive-minded people who are ready to help and support, everyone around is friendly and nice, and the world seems to be smiling at you. And vice versa, when the mood and thoughts leave much to be desired, then life is not a joy, the space around begins as if to confirm your sad thoughts and contributes to their realization. This is why it is so important to think positively! Positive thinking helps to change your life in better side, achieve inner peace and harmony.

Recently, I had to communicate with a large number of negatively minded people, I really wanted to help them and make it clear that sometimes their troubles and sufferings flow and materialize from their own head. Trying to convey the idea of ​​positive thinking and looking at people, I saw the following: some people say: “Yes, everything is bad for me, but Vaska's neighbor is still worse and this makes me feel good (easier), because my problems are compared with the problems of others not so scary - you can live. "

Others say: "Everything is bad for me and I do not care if others are bad or good, I only care about my own life, my problems and my worries."

Still others say: “Everything is bad for me and will not get better, all the good things have already been chopped off by those rich people who are furious with fat, or those sectarians who are out of their minds, or those who have a higher salary, or those who have grass greener on the lawn, and so on. "

And there are also those who understand the power of positive thinking, but cannot control their thoughts, saying something like the following: “Yes, you need to think positively in order to change your life, but I don’t know how, because I have a lot of problems; I don’t know where to start, or I don’t know how to remake myself, change myself, or where to take time to work on myself; Yes, you need to think positively, because Katya over there thinks positively, and everything works out for her and everything is fine with her, so I can, but just what can I do for this? And for this you also need to do something? And I'm too lazy (difficult, scary, no time) "... Where did you recognize yourself?

Now, based on the categories described, let's figure it out, how to think positively to change your life.

So, let's begin ... We found out that people can plunge into negativity in different ways, some begin to elevate themselves above those who are worse off than themselves, others envy those who are better, others are generally indifferent to everything and everyone except their own person. Shantideva's words are immediately remembered:

« All the happiness that is in the world comes from the desire for happiness to others. All the suffering that is in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself»

Based on these words, we can conclude that the more you desire and do good to others unselfishly, the more good then comes back to you, and in the end everyone is happy and everyone wins. But for this you need to say goodbye to such defilements as envy, anger, pride, laziness, fear, and bring more altruism, compassion and awareness into your life.

An analytical and evaluative approach to this or that situation, sincere belief in the best and awareness of the law of Karma also helps to achieve peace of mind. I know that when negative events happen to me, negative karma simply boils away. This process can be accelerated or slowed down, but you still have to exhaust karma. And when positive events occur in life, then I understand that this is a reward for my good deeds and actions. It helps to let go of any worries and move on, working on yourself.

Of course, sometimes awareness is not enough to sensibly assess the situation and draw the right conclusions from the lessons that have happened. Then I switch to "standby". I just do what I have to, what I have to do, block out negative thoughts (I just don't let them get into my head) and do practices that can alleviate the inner state, such as hatha yoga, taking a hot bath, or listening to yoga lectures. and a healthy lifestyle, reading spiritual and developing literature. Internal heaviness and fatigue gradually recede, it becomes easier physically and energetically, there is a desire to do something for the good and strength for realizations and conclusions.

Sometimes the following phrase inspires me: “There is a goal - go to it, you can’t go - crawl, you cannot crawl - lie down and lie in the direction of the goal”. The main thing is not to give up, difficulties are always temporary, and if you give up and give yourself some indulgence or 100 indulgences, it won't get any easier, you just have to go through these lessons and this path again, because every indulgence, weakness or negative thought is a step back from the goal, from a feeling of inner happiness and integrity. This does not mean that you do not need to relax and rest. But even relaxation can be chosen such that it will both delight and reinforce a positive attitude towards life, and at the same time bring good.

All this helps to shift the focus of concentration from one's own sufferings and experiences to actions to change and rework the current situation. When you realize that everything that happens to you is the result of your actions and actions in the past, then the question no longer arises: “WHAT IS this for?”, Now you can stop and understand WHY this situation came to you, and draw the appropriate conclusions. With the awareness of these simple things comes peace of mind and balance, because everything happens as it should be, but there are always ways to change your life, karma and thoughts for the better, redirecting your actions in a more blissful direction.

How to start thinking positively

In fact, to start thinking positively, you just need to start! Start celebrating positive things in life: celebrating what makes you happy, instead of celebrating what makes you sad; focus on what you have, instead of desiring endless blessings and feeling envy; it is important to praise yourself for your successes, even for the smallest, but also to perceive adequately constructive criticism in order to change the negative points! You can also make a list of positive thoughts that support and inspire you. Getting started can be difficult, but anything is possible! Try to start the day with a smile and gratitude for the precious birth, and in the evening before going to bed, remember what good happened in your life today and what good you did. Gradually, you will learn to celebrate the positive, without even thinking about it, you will see the good in people or see in their actions an example of how to behave, and how not to, to learn from even unpleasant situations. The feeling of guilt before this world, other people and ourselves will be replaced by the awareness of your causality and calmness. And if think positively, thoughts materialize in a positive way, and life in general will become easier and more enjoyable.

A very important point in positive thinking - do not paint yourself vivid pictures of how you are doing well and how wonderful you are, how wonderful everyone around you and how you love everyone, and they love you. Thinking in pictures means leaving your energy and part of yourself in the imagination. In reality, when our attention is stuck in something that is no longer there (the past), in something that does not yet exist (the future), or simply in a non-existent present (imagination), then the energy simply flows into nowhere, and there is no sense from these visualizations, but there is harm. It doesn't matter for our mind what reality you will be happy in, real or imagined, and it will happily dream up everything for you! And when you return to real reality (I apologize for the tautology), it will hurt from the realization of the discrepancy between the imaginary and the real, sad from the useless waste of time and psychic energy. Be mindful of visualization and meditate. To really begin to change life, raise your consciousness to a different, qualitatively new level, stop running away from reality, accept it as it is and start acting! Any action begins in the head, allow yourself to think positively. The world will not collapse if you become a little happier! Define a goal, create a plan for achieving that goal, and start thinking positively as you achieve it! Start small and work your way up. Feel small positive feelings within yourself and big positive thoughts will appear. Then you will understand how to think positively in any difficulties. In this practice of positive thinking, as in many other activities, experience and practice are important. After all, if you want to pump up the press, then you will perform exercises to strengthen it and make great efforts to achieve your goal, and in this particular case, in order to learn to think positively and do it right, diligent practice is required.

How to force yourself to think positively

Our life is sometimes unpredictable, and sometimes it is impossible to predict when and where the next lesson will lie in wait for you. How to think positively under any difficulties? Start small, because "a 1000 mile journey starts with one step."

  1. Learning to let go of the negative. The practice of yoga and concentration will help you with this. When we practice asanas on the mat, it increases our awareness and releases hidden energy resources. Redirect your energy to a good channel - learn how to concentrate on an object, a candle flame, water ... The practice of concentration helps you to be more collected and teaches you to manage your attention. This way, you will learn how to quickly and painlessly switch to positive thinking.
  2. Learning to accept the positive. The problem with some people with a lack of positive thinking is that they consider themselves unworthy of the best. Therefore, it is extremely important to accept yourself as you are without excessive self-flagellation. Try to evaluate yourself in terms of positive qualities and qualities that need to be worked on. Highlight the main thing and start working on yourself, praise yourself for your successes - this will help form a habit of positive thinking and save you from a number of unnecessary complexes. Accept the positive and change the negative. There is such an eastern wisdom: "If you do not like the situation, change it, if you cannot change, then change your attitude towards it." Indeed, if you are unable to change something, then what is the point of lamenting about it?
  3. Learning to ask the right questions to ourselves. Listen to people who complain about life ... What are they talking about? Of course, about YOUR unhappy life, about YOURSELF! Do you think there is nothing more to tell these people? Of course have! Try to ask a question to such a person: "What good happened to you today?" And the person immediately switches his attention to the positive. You need to ask yourself this question more often. If the answer is not satisfactory, then ask another question: “What can I do to change the situation? What lessons did I learn today? What conclusions can be drawn? What can I do to be happier? What is true happiness for me? What can I do for family, friends, the world to experience happiness? " By answering these or similar questions, you will realize many interesting things about yourself.
  4. Learning to rest. Internal work, like external activities, can be tiring, so make sure you provide yourself with quality rest. Do yoga, take a walk in nature, chat with like-minded people. At the same time, rest is not lying on the couch in front of the TV, various parties with the use of intoxicating and intoxicating substances, as well as communication with people that lead you to degradation and even greater immersion in negative thoughts. If you want more energy and a better quality of life, get the right rest.
  5. Learning to do well for ourselves. Do the things that benefit you. This is where the ability to ask the right questions will help us. For example: eating 5 chocolates might be delicious, but how good is it for your body? Eat right, get enough sleep, and practice energizing practices. Try to associate with sane, positive people who have a benevolent influence on you.
  6. We learn to praise ourselves, to celebrate the good in ourselves. Frequently celebrate the positive events in your life and your good deeds that have benefited other sentient beings. This will become the guarantor of your good mood and inner lift. Over time, you will find that your mood can be difficult to influence. external factors in a negative way.
  7. Learning to do good to others(selflessly). Try to just smile at people. Studies have shown that when we meet a smiling person, we involuntarily begin to smile ourselves, as if we were "infected" by him. good mood... I am always pleased to see a reciprocal smile, and at the same time my own happiness does not diminish if I share it, but it becomes very pleasant in my soul from the realization that it has become easier for someone, and he the best mood will go into the world and, possibly, will also "infect" someone with happiness. Over time, you will want to do good things for other people more and more often.
  8. Learning to celebrate the good in others. To make the world brighter, kind and pleasant, try to celebrate their good qualities in the people around you, thereby giving them the opportunity to show themselves from their best side.
  9. We recharge in nature. For me, yoga and nature are the best recharging and inexhaustible sources of energy. With the help of yoga, you can change your inner energy and raise it up, and in nature you seem to be saturated with the energy of the sea, forest, ocean, mountains, rivers, earth and clear sky ...

I hope you find this story helpful and help you start thinking positively through self-awareness. Get started! And you will understand for yourself how to think positively and live to the fullest.

What good happened in your life today?

Positive thinking is the ability to evaluate events and express your opinion about them from the position of what a person has, and not what is not. A lot in our life depends on the way of thinking. If positive thoughts prevail, then a person's life is filled with good positive events. Situation: “Congratulate me! I broke my heel, "accompanied by the correct emotional reaction and the thought:" So, I will buy new shoes soon, "will most likely lead to the joy of buying new shoes.

Some people, breaking their favorite cup, cry over it, try to glue it together, others see this as an opportunity to purchase a new tea set.

The law of positive thinking affects not only everyday small situations and questions, it works everywhere!

How to learn to think positively in any difficulties?

A person's thoughts really have tremendous power, however, like words.

The person himself chooses how to react to this or that life event. There is a wonderful anecdote about this: “A wounded man is brought to the intensive care unit with a knife sticking out between his shoulder blades.
The doctor asks: - "Does it hurt?"
Wounded: - "Only when I laugh!"
In any situation, a person can find what inspires him, or what oppresses him.

How to start thinking positively?

The need for positive thinking is explained by the law of attraction:
“A person always gets what he expects from life,” or receives confirmation of his fears.

Therefore, it is very difficult to convince a pessimist to think about good things. And from the lips of an optimist you can often hear the words "Everything will be fine!" and it turns out like in that parable about the donkey. He was buried in a hole, and he trampled the ground under his hooves and thus ended up at the top

Of course, people are defeated day after day in the struggle with life's difficulties. And you can't close your eyes to all the difficulties and see everything in pink.

However, complaining about everyone and everything in case of bad luck and retreating without any reason for this is also unreasonable. The Law of Attraction will attract situations like this into your life. And you, as they say, will step on the same rake. This means that something needs to be changed. And you need to start with your thoughts, forming positive thinking. Why do you need this?

First, a person with positive thinking is not a blind optimist. Rather, he is a self-confident realist. Because the expectation of positive events in your life leads to their fulfillment.

Not only thanks to the power of a person's thoughts, but his actions, the strength of the spirit. Which certainly leads to the implementation of the planned plans, and the person feels successful and effective

It is very important here not to confuse positive thinking with thoughtless anticipation of the gifts of fate. A person who thinks positively first of all believes in himself, no matter what. Positive thinking helps a person overcome stressful situations more easily than a pessimist can. So, if you're tired of living on a zebra, let's move on to a rainbow.

How to think positively? First, you need to clean up

Try to get rid of all negative thoughts and images in your head. Throw out all the trash. These are all kinds of fears, resentments, hatred, anger, etc. old "things" that cause you great harm and pain.

To start thinking positively, try to cleanse yourself of unnecessary grievances and learn to forgive.

  • Then, train your mind to think positively in terms of "it is possible" and "it can be done." After all, the basis of positive thinking is belief in oneself, a sense of one's capabilities.
  • A person who thinks positively has freed himself from negative thoughts about himself. Your conscious belief that you are not good enough constantly guides your actions, therefore it always manifests itself in life.
  • To learn to think positively, look for good qualities in yourself, and even this alone can drastically turn your life. Improving health (since good health begins with self-love), improving relationships, opening the door to greater creativity, and achieving success - this is your result if you learn to think positively.
  • Dream like children!

By creating harmony and balance in our mind, we begin to find the same thing in our lives. What we believe in becomes real. It is necessary to think more often about the good, wait for it, believe in it. Our thoughts, words, how we express ourselves, create our future. Positive thinking is the best way to maintain inner peace and balance.

To learn to think positively, you need to say to yourself at least more often: "Everything will be fine!"

Many people want to improve their health and quality of life, but not everyone knows what universal reserve they have for this.

You just need to consciously control your feelings that are radiated into the Universe.

Scientists have proven that living positively is beneficial in all respects: brain aging slows down, blood composition improves, health improvement on all fronts, man, like a magnet, attracts good events.

We have known for a long time that all our diseases are from the nerves and do not dispute this fact. Are you annoyed, nervous, angry? Get headaches, depression and other troubles in return. Emotions are energy that always returns to us unchanged.

Share what you are rich


The peasant inherited the house, a good and solid one. He lives in it, does not grieve, does not work in the garden, since there is no need for that, but only eats ripe fruits from the trees, but know he lies in a hammock, reads a book.

An envious neighbor looks at all this "disgrace", and is already seething with anger:

"How so! He didn’t put his finger on his finger, he didn’t do anything, but for him - the house is ready and lives happily! Bourgeois city! "

And let's arrange all sorts of dirty tricks: he will smear the gate with valerian, then he will file a bench near the house.

Yes, everything is not for the future - do not hurt the dirty tricks of a happy neighbor. Then the envious goes to "extreme measures": he brings a bucket of slops under the porch and waits for the angry "bourgeois" to come to the showdown.

But it was not so, the man washed the bucket, polished it to a shine, poured beautiful ripe fruits from his garden into it. He brought it to a neighbor and held it out with the words: "The one who is rich in what he shares is what he shares."

If we do good in any of its manifestations, do not respond to insults and resentment in the same way, then we improve not only the world within ourselves, but also the space around us and the people in it.

Proven by Science

Our physical and mental health and longevity depend on emotions experienced throughout our lives. The fact of the influence of feelings on health was discovered at one time by the physiologist I.P. Pavlov.

All processes in the body are controlled by the cerebral cortex, which is also responsible for the formation of our emotions. The entire human brain is involved in their manifestation, but the main role is played by the so-called Emotion Centers.

The most important emotional regulator is the hypothalamus, the oldest part of the brain that regulates internal environment person, his reactions to the world, hormonal cycle of sleep and wakefulness, reproductive processes.

By implanting electrodes in different areas of the hypothalamus, Pavlov proved that it is possible to artificially provoke: fear, anger, tears, melancholy. In this case, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the emergence and maintenance of negative experiences, and the left - positive.

Any emotion causes changes in all physiological processes, there is no area in our body that would not respond to our feelings in any way.

Means, a person who controls his emotions is able to regulate the state of the whole organism himself.

The body's response to emotions

The hormonal background changes: during elation, joy, laughter, catecholamines and endorphins begin to be produced.

Endorphin is known to everyone as the "hormone of happiness", and it also serves as a natural pain reliever, acts like morphine.

The hormones catecholamines, like an antibiotic, stop and eliminate inflammation.

Secretory gland reaction: grief attracts, during excitement dries up in the mouth, and fear accompanies cold sweat.

Strong emotions affect blood flow: vascular tone changes, blood pressure rises or falls, heartbeat slows down or quickens. Therefore, when we worry, we blush or turn pale.

Pay attention, a laughing or a very cheerful person becomes more ruddy, his pulse quickens - this is an excellent gymnastics for blood vessels!

It is interesting:

  • you can bet or not.
  • - a safe method to remove the evil eye, damage, any negativity and improve the life situation.

The brain prevents us from forgetting bad memories and difficult experiences. Thus, he tries to protect us from repeating past mistakes. However, negative thoughts prevent you from seeing the good, enjoying every day and living a happy life.

To learn to think positively, try the following methods.

Don't let negative thoughts rule you

Otherwise, doubts, mistrust and uncertainty will overwhelm you in everything. So you are unlikely to achieve anything.

Let go of your negativity. Don't let him hold back your potential and drag you down. Control your mind. When you notice your dejected state and catch yourself thinking negatively, turn your attention to something good. Think about what gives you pleasure.

Start thinking and living. If you feel a surge of anger or despair, take a few deep breaths. Focus not on your emotions, but on the air that fills your lungs.

Redirect thoughts in a positive direction

It's better than going over in your mind and analyzing every nuisance. Learn to look for positive moments in everything and concentrate on them.

To do this, you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Write down three good things that happened to you during the day every day. Then think about what caused them. Do not lose sight of even the smallest trifles, because there are no small victories. This list will motivate you and give you confidence.

Turn away from negative thoughts

Find out what is the other side of negative thoughts. If you turned 180 degrees, where would you be? Visualize a positive outcome of the event. Then come up with a plan for how you can achieve this.

Find the cause of your bad thoughts. What is hurting you? What triggers these emotions in you? Replace these sources with ones that will make you happy.

Give to get more in return

When we are kind to others, we ourselves become happier. Give someone a small gift or compliment, buy a cup of coffee, or help a stranger. People will be grateful to you, and it will energize you.

Enjoy the moment

To completely reprogram your thoughts, you need to fill your every day with positive. Live. Not tomorrow. And not even an upcoming vacation.

The practice of mindfulness meditation can help you with this. It allows you to concentrate on what the body is feeling at the moment, and to observe your thoughts and emotions as if from the outside. Subsequently, you will learn to feel when negativity is trying to get the best of you.

Try to answer the following questions:

  • What am I grateful for right now?
  • What can I do now to make myself happier and more fun?
  • How can I demonstrate my love and gratitude at this moment?
  • How can I make another person happy right now?

Once you learn to control your thoughts, the brain gets used to it, then positive thinking will become natural for you.

How to learn to think positively?

How many times have you said to yourself: “Well! Again, nothing happened. I’m probably a loser! ”, Even if the disaster did not happen. Several similar situations and you are already sure that this is the case, nothing can be changed. What happens to someone who considers himself successful? Such a person, even after a mind-blowing failure, will never say to himself: "It happened because I am a fool!" Rather, he will think that failure is the result of such and such omissions. And that next time he will definitely provide for it. But in general, in this situation, he looked quite nothing. The more correct positive ideas a person has about himself, the more problem-free his life. The absence of such ideas leads to the growth of the internal conflict of the personality. These or those own actions are seen in a false light, lead to dramatic consequences.

American plastic surgeon Maxwell Moltz drew attention to the fact that those who fail in life often blame their face, even if it has very minor deviations from the accepted canons. In most cases, a person with obvious defects or overly strange facial features after surgery almost immediately (usually within 21 days) experienced a noticeable increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. However, in some cases, the patient retained the same inferiority and inferiority complex. That is, he continued to feel, act and behave as if he still had the same appearance. In addition to the person given to us by nature, there is a psychological, spiritual person. By changing the shape of the ears or nose, but leaving the image of ourselves unchanged, we can run into a new personal crisis - a mismatch between the physical and psychological I. Sometimes it is enough to work only with the inner I, and plastic surgery is no longer required - the person begins to "take" his own appearance ...

Whywewe programmyselfon thefailures?

1. By whommyselffeel, Soandwe are doing.
We will always “act like” the person with whom we believe we are identified. We simply cannot do otherwise, despite our conscious efforts. A person who imagines himself to be a "typical loser" and sincerely believes in his unhappy fate will always find a way (and a reason) to fail the business, regardless of good intentions and strong-willed efforts, even if there is an opportunity to succeed. This gives the impression that all our everyday experience confirms this image of our own I. So, depending on the circumstances, a vicious (or favorable) circle arises.

2. DisclaimerfromchangesrepresentationOthe verymyself.
Very often all efforts are directed at external circumstances, at the shell, and not at the essence of the problem. The method of positive thinking is often tried to be applied to some specific external circumstances, certain negative habits or character traits (“I will certainly get this work"; "In the future, I will quit smoking"). But a person's lack of a feeling that he is worthy of such work or constant self-flagellation due to a return to a bad habit will cancel out any attempts. It is absolutely impossible to positively perceive any specific situation if a negative self-image is preserved.

3. Concentrationon thenegativeexperience.
We are ready to spend hours going over past failures in our memory, but we often don’t do the same in order to remember our successes, or at least to replay situations of success in our imaginations. Experimental and clinical psychologists have irrefutably proved that the human nervous system is unable to distinguish between an actual situation and a situation created in vivid and detailed fashion by our imagination. It has long been recognized that success contributes to success. We learn to act successfully on our own successes. The memory of past successes plays the role of a bank of information, which gives us confidence in our own strengths and abilities in solving the next task or problem.

4. Absencecleargoals.
Most often it turns out like in that fairy tale: “Go there - I don’t know where. Bring that - I don't know what. " When you start a business, you keep in your head some goal, some final result that needs to be achieved, some specific decision, which, perhaps, looms rather vaguely, but will certainly be “recognized” once in sight. If you are really serious about what you have conceived, sincerely want to implement it and are intensely reflecting on various aspects of the problem, then your subconscious mind will go through the accumulated information, grope for the right solution; take away interesting ideas and facts, to pick up the results of previous experience and tie everything together into a meaningful whole. When a solution enters your mind, often completely unexpectedly, at the moment of thinking about something else, something clicks and you immediately "know" that this is what you were looking for.

FromfailuresTogood luck

1. Exactgoals
The goal should be presented as already existing in reality or potentially. The Success Mechanism functions in one of two ways: Either it guides you to a target that is known to be located, or it identifies a target that exists somewhere. Do not be confused by the apparent lack of the necessary funds for this. Think constantly about end result, and funds, as is often the case, will appear.

2. Errors -Thisyourhelpers
A person does not always know how to do the right thing, but the knowledge of how not to do it is simply invaluable. An unsuccessfully completed interview will plunge someone into despondency, and someone will make him analyze it inside and out, highlight problematic points, develop different ways to prevent them or rehearse interviews with an imaginary employer. Most of the achievements of mankind are the result of voluntary or involuntary mistakes and their analysis.

3. Take action!
Sometimes our long reflections on how this or that business will come true, lead us either to excessive anxiety, or lead us into a world of fruitless dreams. In both cases, what was conceived remains unfulfilled, and you once again stick the label of a loser on yourself. Actions kickstart your creativity. You should not delay your actions until you receive some confirmation that everything is going well; act as if confirmation is already there and it will come.

4. You canturn onimagination
In an experiment conducted under strict supervision, a psychologist R. A. Wandel proved that if an object spends a certain period of time every day in front of the target, imagining himself throwing darts at it, then his results will improve as much as if he actually threw darts at the target every day. Imagination can do you well and help you work through your actions.

Instead of gritting your teeth, trying to accomplish what you want, relying on your willpower, constantly worrying and imagining mistakes and failures, you just need to relax, have a clear vision of the goal and let your creativity take over all the worries. This does not mean at all that you are freed from the need to make efforts and work, but these efforts are spent on leading you forward to the goal, and not on useless internal conflicts that arise when you want and do one thing, but draw in your imagination is completely different.

6. Look formyself
Your creativity can help you find the best possible image of your own self. To do this, you need to mentally draw yourself as you would like to become, and see yourself in this new role. Such a vision is an indispensable condition for any personality transformation, regardless of the method used. For some reason, it always turns out that before a person can change, he must see himself in a new role. Free up 30 minutes every day for this and find a suitable place where you can be alone, where no one interferes. Sit back and relax. Then close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. It is necessary to pay attention to small details: sounds, colors, individual objects, because if the picture created by your imagination is bright enough and detailed, then for the nervous system such an artificial experience completely replaces the real experience.

7. Considertheirstrongparties
In a sense, every person on earth is in some way weaker than another or a whole group of people. You may not be able to lift the barbell like athletes do. It is important just not to compare yourself with others in an unfavorable aspect for you, then you will not consider yourself bad just because you cannot do something as skillfully as someone else. Feelings of inferiority arise not so much from facts and everyday experience as from our conclusions and assessments concerning these facts. You may be an unimportant weightlifter or a poor dancer, but that doesn't mean that you are an inferior person. It all depends on what and by whose yardsticks we measure ourselves.

8. Get some rest
Effort is a big obstacle to getting rid of bad habits and acquiring new habits. By using the effort to keep from unwanted behavior, you are actually only strengthening it. Physical relaxation, if practiced daily, will certainly be accompanied by mental relaxation, which will improve the conscious control of the automatic mechanism. Making time for solitude can help you get your thoughts in order and accept the right decision.

9. Behereandnow
Living creatively means responding spontaneously and responding to the environment. In any situation, ask yourself questions: "What are the advantages of this?", "What can I learn?", "What will it give me in the end?" Try to avoid using the “not” particle: say “this is the way things are” instead of “I couldn’t.” Also, plan for the future. Prepare for it, but do not worry about what will happen tomorrow or even in five minutes.

10. YounotJuliusCaesar
If you have a nervous tremor, anxiety seizes at the thought of a huge pile of things to do, then these feelings are caused not by the work ahead, but by the position: "I must do all this at once." And naturally, trying to accomplish the impossible, you start to get nervous, rush and despair. A person feels himself in constant time trouble only because he misrepresents his duties and responsibilities. No matter how many cases, problems, questions overwhelmed us, they always come, lined up one by one, because only in this way can they replace each other.

The “typical loser” is not able to create a new self-image by sheer willpower or sudden decision. There must necessarily be some basis, a good reason to believe that the previous perception of oneself is erroneous, and the new image corresponds to reality. You cannot invent another yourself out of the blue if, deep down, you don’t feel that this image corresponds to reality.

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