
Comprehensive research of the car market. Car market analysis. Analysis of import and export of passenger cars

Definition of the automotive market

In order to give an accurate definition of the automotive market, you must first define the general economic concept of the market. Below are several definitions of the concept of "market" in economic theory.

The market is a way of interaction between producers and consumers, based on a decentralized, impersonal price signaling mechanism.

Market - aggregate economic relations based on mutual agreement between market entities on the transfer of ownership of goods or the possibility of obtaining services.

Market - a set of conditions due to which buyers and sellers of a product (service) come into contact with each other in order to buy or sell this product (service).

Analyzing the above, we can conclude that the market as an economic category has two main components:

1. Subjects of the market.

Market participants are consumers / buyers (demand representatives) and producers / sellers (supply representatives).

Product - everything that can be offered on the market to attract

attention, familiarization, use or consumption and what may satisfy the need or need. A good can be a tangible object, a service, or an intangible object (for example: patent, copyright).

In view of the above, you can give following definition automotive market:

Car market is a set of economic relations, thanks to which there is an interaction of market entities with a goal

exchange of finished cars for cash or their equivalents.

The car market is a finished car. Under finished car means a power-driven vehicle with more than two wheels, capable of moving without applying additional changes into its design.

Thus, the goods of the automotive market cannot be considered, for example, motorcycles, etc., individual car units and spare parts.

The car, as a product, must meet the needs or requirements of buyers in the automotive market. In marketing, there are three forms of manifestation of consumer desires:

1. A need is a lack of something necessary experienced by a person.

2. A need is a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and individuality of a person.

3. Request - a need that a person is able to fulfill due to his financial capabilities.

Due to the fact that each person has his own personality and limited material resource, we can say that in market conditions, the desires of buyers are manifested only in the form of requests.

Determination of the industry market and research time interval

The automotive market as a whole is divided into two large groups that have cardinal differences:

1 - the market of passenger cars for private use;

2 - the commercial vehicle market is: buses, trucks, special equipment, etc.

On the the present stage As the market develops, there is a tendency towards a decrease in the share of domestic cars and an increase in the number of foreign brands assembled in Russia. The specificity of the analysis lies in the study of the automotive market in Russia and the world, as well as the analysis of the domestic brand on the example of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.

Time span: 2010-2013. This time period was accepted for research, since the greatest interest is state of the art automotive market.

Market geography

These studies cover the entire territory of our country, as well as the whole world. It should be noted that not every city with a population of more than 500 thousand people can boast of the presence of car dealerships at least half of the brands represented in Russia. Despite this, distances do not play a significant role for consumers in this market. The need to purchase a car arises quite rarely, and this product is of long-term use, so the acquisition costs are relatively small.

The largest concentration of dealer car dealerships is in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in St. Petersburg. Here are absolutely all brands foreign companies... The central region is the leader in sales. That is why the "conquest" of the Russian automobile market begins with it.

Market structure

The world and Russian market of new passenger cars can be represented in the form of the following movement pattern of a finished car:

Car manufacturer> Importer> Dealer> Sub-dealer> Buyer

Thus, the market under consideration is characterized by a two- or three-tier distribution system from producer to end consumer... It should be borne in mind that when organizing production on the territory of Russia, the supply chain is shortened due to the exclusion of the "importer" link. It is rather difficult to find out the number of importing companies due to the "closed nature" of this sector. It is worth remembering that some automakers use multiple importers to share risk.

Sectoral market entities

Subjects of the industry market:

Buyers. The buyers of this market are physical and legal entities... Most individuals, individual citizens, buy a car for personal use. Some people use it for the purpose of making a profit: private taxi, organization of excursions, etc. Every citizen of the country who has reached the age of 18 is a potential buyer. Legal entities purchase transport in order to ensure greater mobility and independence of their business, as well as to organize a business for the transportation of passengers.

Sellers, dealers, importers. The sale of cars by private individuals is widespread, mainly in the segment of used cars, but there is also a small percentage of new cars - these are models and brands that do not enter Russia through official channels. The vast majority of cars are sold by specialized institutes - car dealers. All dealers are obliged to conclude an agreement with the official representative office, and have the right to count on support. However, in exchange for the right to sell cars of a particular brand, dealers acquire the responsibility to conduct business in accordance with the corporate norms of the brand and fully assume all associated costs. In addition to official dealers, there are so-called "gray" dealers on the market that sell cars under certain brands, but do not have an agreement with the official representation of the companies. Often, "gray" dealers use the logos of car companies in their interior design, although this is illegal.

The process of release of each new model on domestic market and the subsequent delivery of goods to the territory of our country are fraught with great difficulties. To obtain permission to sell a new car model, it is necessary to pass its certification, and this is an expensive procedure. Delivery of the car to the client, unless, of course, it was assembled in Russia, is fraught with difficulties in crossing the border. All of these costs are beyond the power of a single dealer.

The official dealerships always cover the certification costs. Organization of the flow of ordered cars through customs barriers falls on the "shoulders" of the importing companies. There may be several of them, depending on the policy of the automaker. Most Western companies have now switched to centralized supplies, that is, one importer. At the same time, the importing company is not prohibited from having its own dealer networks.

Product differentiation

The main product of the market under consideration is a directly finished passenger car.

The product is designed to meet the needs of a person in movement, and related needs: communication, communication, independence, style, status, whim. Additional goods here may be: branded accessories from the company, not provided by the official supplier "improvements" of the car - tuning, installation of anti-theft systems, car insurance and car loans.

The product on the market in question belongs to the consumer group and is not food products... According to the purity of demand - goods of rare demand, with a pronounced tendency to a decrease in the period between purchases.

A substitute product for this market only public and commercial public transport can serve. Its position is especially strong in large cities, crowded with cars and with a developed structure of public transport.

When traveling over long distances, a passenger car is inferior to railway transport in cost, but wins in terms of convenience. Air travel is much faster. Motorcycles and bicycles can compete with cars only in countries with hot climates and low living standards, to which Russia does not belong.

Customers often purchase one more product with the car - service. Official dealers recommend their customers to contact their dealerships for any repairs. However, sometimes repairs in an unauthorized service are cheaper and of the same quality. Initially, the buyer is forced to contact only the authorized dealer until the end of the warranty period, otherwise the manufacturer's warranty will be void.

Market conditions

Market conditions (segmentation). The most general classification of goods in the passenger car market is the criterion for the size class of the car. According to the common European classification, there are:

· "A-class" - small car, length: up to 3.6 m;

· "B-class" - compact cars, length: 3.6 - 4.2 m;

· "C-class" - middle class, length: 4.2 - 4.4 m.;

· "D-class" - family cars, length: 4.4 - 4.7 m;

· "E-class" - business class, length: 4.7 - 5 m;

· "F - or S-class" - executive cars, length: more than 5 m;

Two serious trends can be noted. First, with each new generation of their models, car companies are increasing their dimensions aiming to provide a higher level of comfort than the competition. Thus, the machines move to the next size class. One example: the current B-class Volkswagen Polo is even slightly larger than the first generation of the Golf, the ancestor of the C-class. Secondly, automakers strive to satisfy as many customer needs as possible with one car, which leads to the emergence of models at the intersection of classes. The most striking example of "Nissan Qashqai", located at the junction between "C-class" cars, minivans and SUVs is new type SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle). The unprecedented success of this car suggests that more and more interclass cars will appear. Almost all size classes are subdivided into types according to the type of car body. Types of cars by body type:

· 3-door hatchback;

· 5-door hatchback;

· Station wagon;

· Convertible;

· Roadster;


· Minivan;

· Compact SUV;

· SUV.

At the present stage, the emergence of new body types can be noted: at the junction of a coupe and a sedan - the "Mercedes-Benz CLS" model. Further, it is necessary to segment the market by price, since, due to the high cost of the car, this indicator is decisive. The following categories can be distinguished:

· From $ 15,000 to $ 25,000

· From $ 25,000 to $ 45,000

From $ 45,000 to $ 80,000

Over $ 80.000

The category to which a particular model belongs depends on the size class of the car and the strategy of the manufacturer. The combination of the parameters of the size class and body type is aimed at meeting the individual needs of various categories of the population. By combining the above combinations, the highly specialized needs of people with a high financial situation are satisfied.

Advertising for a passenger car has its own characteristics, like all industry products. The main feature is in targeting and image creation, in contrast to the "information noise" used in the promotion of many consumer products.

There is also a feature of spreading information "by word of mouth". The fact is that it makes no sense for marketers to influence this segment: the same car for each person can cause completely different sensations. Unity of opinion is achieved only on the issue of the reliability of its operation.

Now it is not a car that is being sold, and not even "not an example of a modern technical progress"and the idea is a philosophy. All Western companies build their marketing campaigns on the basis of a single" slogan "reflecting the brand's philosophy: Ford -" Towards change ", Toyota -" Drive the dream. "The" slogan "has changed - the brand positioning has also changed.

Some features of the promotion of passenger cars:

· Radio - specialized radio stations.

· Press - federal level: automotive magazines, magazines about business and finance, sports, geography and nature, less often in "ladies'" magazines; practically not in black and white editions. They often publish their own publications.

· Particular attention is paid to the design of dealerships in corporate style and an abundance of information carriers: leaflets, price lists, catalogs, souvenirs, business cards, etc.

· Internet: own websites of manufacturing companies, advertising on specialized portals.

· Direct marketing: creation of clubs of fans of a particular car brand, club cards and privileges, events, contests, regular mailings.

Automakers are trying to cut their advertising budgets in traditional media and increase their advertising budgets on the Internet. According to experts, this is primarily due to a change in the behavior of car buyers. In search of their car, they study less and less traditional media and spend more and more time on the Web. Similar trends are inherent in other markets as well.

The state of the automotive market in the world

Table 1 "Sales of passenger cars in the world" Sales of cars in the world in 2013, http: // mostinfo. su /:

As a result, we can say that the largest sales volume among competitive countries is observed in the USA (2011 - 12.73 million, 2012 - 14.40 million, 2013 - 15.0 million) and China (2011 - 10 , 04 million, 2012 - 10.65 million, 2013 - 11.75 million). Russia also occupies a good position in the world car market (2011 - 2.65 million, 2012 - 2.93 million, 2013 - 3.08 million). In addition, it should be noted that in all countries there is a significant increase in car sales, which indicates the presence of demand and an improvement in the quality of the automotive market as a whole.

Table 2 "Growth rate of sold cars in the world":

Tpr = Tr% - 100%

As a result, we can say that in the world the growth rate for 2011/2012 is slightly higher (5.06%) than for 2012/2013 (4.120%). Canada, the United States and Russia have seen a significant decrease in the growth rate in 2012/2013 compared to 2011/2012. In Germany, the growth rate was not significant in 2012/2013. In China, there is an increase in the growth rate in 2012/2013 (10.32%) compared to 2011/2012 (6.07%).

State of the Russian automotive market

Over the years, Russia has become an increasingly prominent player in the world market. The automotive industry is no exception.

Moscow now accounts for just over 10% of the Russian fleet and about 20% of the Russian passenger car market. Another 6.2% of the park and 8-10% of the market falls on the share of the Moscow region. Every year, more than 30% of foreign cars sold on the Russian market are registered with the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Despite the annual shift in the share of sales in favor of the regions, for a number of foreign brands (mainly the most expensive ones), the share of Moscow still exceeds 50%. The Moscow market is also a "transit" market for the regions close to Moscow. A significant part of buyers from regions bordering or located within a radius of 300-600 km from Moscow (Tulskaya, Vladimirskaya, Tverskaya, Smolenskaya, Kaluga, Ryazanskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Ivanovskaya, etc.) purchase new cars in the capital.

The state of the Russian automotive market in 2011-2013 has improved. The total sales of cars of all types and all segments by source of origin (traditional Russian brands, foreign cars assembled in Russia, new import and second-hand imports) amounted to 2.65 million units in 2011, 2.93 million units in 2012, 3.08 million units in 2013.

The share structure of the car market (by origin) in each of the three sectors (cars, trucks and buses) changed during the year in accordance with the regularity inherent in each sector. Comparison of the structure of the passenger car market by their origin over the past two years revealed the following changes. An absolute growth in sales was noted in all market segments. In addition, the Russian passenger car market is distinguished by a high level of division by model, which characterizes its relative development, but creates problems in competitiveness in terms of production scale.

Table 3 "Sales of new light commercial vehicles in Russia" Sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles by months,

As a result, we can say that sales of new light commercial vehicles in Russia increased significantly in 2011 compared to 2010. In total, in 2011, sales increased by 740,614 units, compared to 2010. This speaks of the competitiveness and stable position of Russia in the automotive market.

Table 4 "Growth rate of sales of new passenger cars in Russia":

Indicator name:

Growth rate 2010/2011,%


Tr = Y2 / Y1 * 100%, where Y1 is the base period, Y2 is the reporting period.

Tpr = Tr% - 100%

As a result, we can say that the growth rate of sales in 2011 compared to 2010 is quite high. This indicates a significant increase in demand for goods in the Russian automotive market.

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    Analysts of "GRIFON-EXPERT" have developed a unique author's Mix-method of conducting marketing research using the Car Clinic method, which is designed to study new and existing car models among various target segments and compare it with competitive brands. includes both "qualitative" research methods (focus groups, blind testing, natural groups, in-depth interviews) and "quantitative" methods (personal interviews with consumers), in addition, test drives are provided to ensure that participants research could evaluate the car in dynamics.
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    As a result, you receive information that allows you to accept successful management decisions in the following difficult questions: how to bring a car to foreign markets, how to increase sales in the Russian market, what needs to be improved in future models, how to promote and position a car, how to choose a favorable price policy, how to establish service and maintenance, and many others.

    The ability to combine different methods of collecting information, depending on the objectives of the research

    Our experience of similar research

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    In total, more than 20 marketing studies were carried out using the Car clinic method. More than 10 new models of various cars were tested among the target audience.

    Based on the results of the research carried out, IK "GRIFON-EXPERT" received letters of thanks from the leading Russian manufacturers commercial vehicles and.

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    July 2016 - marketing research of CASCO consumers: a quantitative survey of more than 1600 car owners in Russia.

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    2007-2013 year - experience in conducting surveys of private car owners and corporate clients for leading Russian and foreign insurance companies.

    2003-2013 year - more than 40 marketing studies of passenger cars and commercial vehicles for Russian and foreign manufacturers.

    Automotive market research is complex analysis various sources of information, including official statistics (Rosstat, Federal customs Service, data from the ministries of the Russian Federation) and open data (press releases of companies, price lists, websites of manufacturers and industry unions, interviews with company representatives). You can choose a ready-made study or send us your terms of reference.

    Market Review ID-Marketing is an analytical report containing information about the market in one of the directions: export, import, production of the Russian Federation.

    We constantly monitor the market situation and update the database on a monthly basis, so we can offer you a prompt weekly, monthly or quarterly update of information on the subject of your interest with a minimum lag (5-20 days after the end of the selected reporting period). This will allow you to keep abreast of the latest market trends.

    You can also familiarize yourself with the car market.

    • Special offers for the car market - car park (analytical report on the Russian car market)

    Automotive market research

    The car market is a rather heterogeneous market relative to its marketing analysis, therefore, for the purpose of research, it is necessary to divide it into a number of possible homogeneous segments. There are several different classifications of cars as vehicle and the most suitable for car market research is the classification by purpose:

    • passenger (buses, cars, SUVs);
    • freight (truck tractors, dump trucks, tank trucks, etc.);
    • cars special purpose(special equipment).

    Within each of the three listed groups, subgroups can be distinguished: trucks are usually divided by carrying capacity, body type, wheel arrangement and other operational characteristics. Buses are considered separately by type (city, tourist, intercity), number of seats, length. The special equipment market consists of the markets of forklifts, cranes, rollers, concrete pumps or more general groups: the market of handling equipment, municipal equipment, etc. (depending on the purpose of the analysis of the automotive market).

    Analysis of the automotive market by detailed groups makes it possible to trace the relationship between the dynamics of imports, Russian production and the development of consuming industries. Due to the fact that a large share of the automotive market in many segments is the import component, the basic aspects for market research are:

    • analysis of the dynamics of Russian car production and consideration of projects for the construction of factories for the next few years;
    • study of budgetary policy and directions of financing, benefits and preferences for the automotive industry in 2009-2012;
    • analysis of car imports in the Russian Federation, taking into account the tax component (changes in the tariff policy);
    • monitoring prices for the corresponding type of car and analyzing the rate of their change;
    • dynamics of basic raw material supplying industries;
    • an overview of the pace of development and prospects of the consuming industries (segments), including the segment of bank lending and leasing relations;

    Quantitative research on the car market is based largely on official statistics. The analysis of car production can be carried out on the basis of the Rosstat database, subject to the verification of the data obtained with the information on the manufacturers' websites. The data of the official statistics on production are detailed in the following types:

    • Production of passenger cars
    • Production of trailers and semi-trailers
    • Production of special equipment

    The analysis of car imports to Russia is mainly based on the study of data from customs statistics. The level of detail in filling out declarations is higher than in Rosstat data. So we can draw conclusions about the leading brands, the most popular cars in terms of carrying capacity, etc.

    Table 1. The main investigated indicators in the analysis of the car market (imports of the Russian Federation)

    When analyzing the market of special equipment, it is possible to break down by type: 1. Agricultural machinery 2. Road machinery 3. Utility machinery 4. Aerodrome machinery 5. Construction machinery 6. Earthmoving and drilling equipment 7. Loading and unloading equipment 8. Forestry equipment 9. Mini equipment (loaders, excavators, dump trucks, etc.)

    Price monitoring is carried out on the basis of open data (price lists, tenders), telephone surveys of manufacturers (dealers), and customs statistics. When monitoring prices, a breakdown of the type of equipment under study is carried out by brand, year of manufacture and other characteristics.

    The automotive industry in the world is the most monopolized branch of the world industry. Slightly more than 10 leading automobile companies in five countries provide about 80% of world production, which has led to extremely intense competition in the world market. In addition, a characteristic trend is that the activities of car companies are increasingly taking place outside national borders.

    Introduction 3
    1. The structure and main features of the world passenger car market. 4
    2. Factors influencing the world passenger car market. eight
    4. Indicators of the conjuncture of the world market of passenger cars 15

    6. Ukraine's place in the world passenger car market 20
    Conclusion 22

    The work contains 1 file




    Management department

    Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity


    "Marketing research of the world passenger car market"


    5th year student

    501-VM group

    Karachevskaya Maria

    Simferopol, 2013

    Introduction 3

    1. The structure and main features of the world passenger car market. 4

    2. Factors influencing the world passenger car market. eight

    4. Indicators of the conjuncture of the world car market 15

    5. Trends in the development of the global passenger car market 18

    6. Ukraine's place in the world passenger car market 20

    Conclusion 22

    List of sources used 23


    The importance of the automotive industry cannot be overstated. She, being, not only a large consumer of labor, material and financial resources, but also one of the main manufacturers of industrial products, plays important role in the development of social production, the world economy in general and an individual country in particular.

    The object of research is the global automotive industry.

    The subject of the research is the regional features of the development of the world car market.

    The purpose of this work is to characterize the current state of the world passenger car market.

    The modern world car market exists in difficult conditions of oversupply, declining demand and very intense competition.

    This situation is forcing car companies that want to occupy a high position in the market to merge and severely reduce costs. Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important in the global automotive industry, which require new approaches that shape environmental marketing.

    1. The structure and main features of the world passenger car market.

    The automotive industry in the world is the most monopolized branch of the world industry. Slightly more than 10 leading automobile companies in five countries provide about 80% of world production, which has led to extremely intense competition in the world market. In addition, a characteristic trend is that the activities of car companies are increasingly taking place outside national borders. However, despite this, conditionally the entire world car market can be divided into three parts: the American, European and Asian markets. The United States is one of the world's leaders in the global production and sale of automobiles. Car production in North America is monopolized by three companies.

    General Motors (GM) is the leader in the US auto market, with a market share of approximately 20%. Subdivisions of this are located in more than 120 countries. The onset of the economic crisis of 2007-2009. significantly hit General Motors: as a result of the restructuring procedure of General Motors Corp., which took place in the first half of 2009, the renewed New GM Company began its work on July 10, 2009. The company's immediate plans are based on the production of more efficient cars, reducing the number of brands, models and dealer network. New GM will abandon several major brands, shedding outsider brands, and cut dealer numbers by 40%.

    Ford Motor Co. is the second largest car manufacturer in the United States after GM, with a share of approximately 17%. Ford produces cars under the brands Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, and also owns the Mazda brand. Ford was the only one of the "Big Three" American companies to get by during the economic crisis of 2007-2009. without state support. The head of the research division of the company Dan Kapp announced the strategy of Ford for the coming years as a desire to reduce fuel consumption, development and establishment of production of hybrid and electric vehicles.

    Chrysler Group LLC remains the third largest US auto concern with a 9.7% stake.

    The American car market is characterized by a high degree of protectionism and loyalty to local brands. The largest Japanese carmakers, along with the production of cars of the main brand, have developed luxury cars specifically for the American market. Such manufacturers include Toyota (Lexus), Nissan (Infiniti), Honda (Acura).

    Latin America can be singled out separately. Auto production in the region is growing in proportion to the significant decline in vehicle production in the United States and Western Europe. The automotive industry in South America is primarily the automotive industry in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico, which demonstrates stable production dynamics. Branches and subsidiaries of the world's largest car manufacturers are located in this region: Chrysler, Ford, Volkswagen, General Motors, Suzuki, Subaru, Reno, Honda, Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Hyundai. Placing factories here is due to several factors: cheap labor force and the active protectionist policy of the authorities of South American countries. In any case, the desire to get to Latin America from car manufacturers is quite understandable and justified, because even during the financial crisis, this region is one of the most promising markets in the world.

    The European automotive market annually provides more than half of world exports (53%) and slightly less than half of world imports (44%) of automotive products. The specificity of this market is that car manufacturers different countries are in close proximity, facilitating mergers and joint ventures. European manufacturers are represented mainly by the German concern Volkswagen and BMW Motors (BMW and Mini). Less significant are the French PSA (Peugeot and Citroen), the Italian Fiat Auto (Alfa Romeo, Maserati, Lancia). ...

    The Asian car market is represented by leading automakers in Japan (Toyota Motor Co., Honda, Nissan Motor Co., Mitsubishi Motors, Subaru, Mazda, Suzuki), the Republic of Korea (Hyundai Motors, Kia Motor), India (Tata Motors) and China (Geely, FAW, ZXAuto). IN recent years there is an upward trend automotive production developing countries (India, China, Korea). ...

    The largest Japanese manufacturer is Toyota, which has factories in various parts of the world, including the American branch of Lexus. In 2008, Toyota replaced the leader of the global auto industry, General Motors (which occupied the first place for 77 years) and remains the leader to this day. The main strategy of the company is to increase the volume of production and sales of cars of different classes in the world. However, in the next 10 years, robotics will become another important business for the company.

    The second largest concern in Japan is Nissan, combined with the French company Renault. Sales in Japan are second only to Toyota. A well-known branch is the American Infiniti. Nissan's existing strategy is called Value-up and aims to expand the company's presence in the world. Great hopes are pinned on the promotion of the Infiniti brand. In support of the company's strategy of significant geographic expansion of the company's presence in the global market, 28 all-new Nissan and Infiniti models will be launched for various countries. Also, a strategy has been developed aimed at reducing harmful emissions to zero.

    Honda is the third-largest auto plant in Japan and also has a US division under the Acura brand. The main strategy governing the company is to create five global divisions within Honda, each corresponding to a different region of the world: North America, Europe / Middle East / Africa, South America, Asia / Oceania and Japan. Due to the aggravated environmental problem in the world, Honda has a new strategy for the production of electric cars.

    Mitsubishi Motors is the largest TNC. In 2009, Mitsubishi Motors announced new standards that the company plans to implement in the environmental field over the next ten years. Key components of innovation are reducing environmental impact and promoting the use of electric vehicles.

    The Korean automotive industry today is represented by two companies: Hyundai and Kia. The share of these companies in the Korean market is 80% and 20%, respectively. Previously, Daewoo was also a Korean company, however, as a result of a long reorganization, in March 2008 a joint venture “GM Uzbekistan” appeared.

    Hyundai's strategy is based on satisfying all customer needs. The company is going to win on such competitive advantages as customer focus, high quality, production of environmentally friendly cars.

    Kia's strategy is to produce vehicles that exceed consumer expectations. The main advantages of the company: efficiency, safety, value for money.

    2. Factors influencing the world passenger car market.

    The functioning of the market and the economy as a whole is ensured by a balanced purchase and sale relationship. In this regard, buyers and sellers act on the market as independent economic entities. Sellers sell finished products, and buyers make a demand for them.

    The modern global automotive market exists in an environment of oversupply, declining demand and intense competition. This situation is forcing car manufacturers, wishing to occupy a worthy position in the world market, to follow the path of consolidation, concentration and strict cost reduction.

    Demand is an economic category that shows the desire of the buyer to purchase the products he needs, taking into account the current pricing process and other economic indicators. Anything that is assessed by economic agents as a good of high utility can act as a commodity.

    For such durable goods as a car, the volume of demand is made up not only of its value, but also under the influence of the following non-price factors:

    1) current income of consumers. As you know, the higher the income, the more dynamic the structure of an individual's consumption becomes: his savings grow, and with it the sums of money spent on the purchase of goods. A car is an expensive commodity, and the opportunity to purchase it is proportional to the growth of income;

    2) bank interest. The purchasing power of goods that are usually purchased on credit, in this case cars, are seriously influenced by factors such as consumer debt and bank interest rates. These factors may have a greater impact on demand than the current cash income... The higher the debt-to-income ratio and the higher the interest rates, the less willing the consumer will be to assume additional obligations associated with the purchase of the product.

    3) the price of complementary goods. Complementary or complimentary products. For example, if gasoline prices begin to rise, the demand for cars will systematically decrease, since fuel is the leading factor determining the operation of cars, at least it creates all the conditions for this;

    4) market saturation. The key factor for durable goods is the factor of market saturation with this product. In 2009, there were about 1 billion cars in the world, the world population is about 7 billion people, i.e. on average, one in seven people in the world owns a car. On a per capita basis, this figure is approximately 130 vehicles per 1000 people. For comparison, in Portugal, the United States, Luxembourg, Iceland, this figure exceeds 700 pieces. From this we can conclude that the car is still more a luxury than a means of transportation.

    Opportunities for buyers in the market are limited by the behavior of manufacturing firms that directly supply the market with a demanded product.

    The supply on the market of goods and services is characterized by the volume of commercial products that manufacturers, intermediaries or sellers are ready to put up for sale at various alternative prices within one time period. The amount of supply on the market, its structure is directly determined by consumer demand, i.e. the buyer's desire to purchase this particular type of product for current or future consumption, as well as the level of profitability or solvency of an economic entity.

    The world car market is currently represented by a limited number of firms and has actually taken shape. This industry is characterized by the highest structural competition, mainly in the prices and quality of manufactured vehicles. The supply is influenced by two types of factors:

    1) price factors... They are inextricably linked to the pricing process, be it prices for a finished vehicle or for the primary raw materials that go into its manufacture.

    2) non-price factors.

    a) the dynamics of prices for resources. To carry out production activities, the company purchases raw materials and the necessary equipment. With an increase in prices for fixed assets, working capital and production resources, costs will also grow steadily. Cost increases, in turn, force the company to cut back on production activities until the unit price is equal to or below marginal costs; as a result, the supply begins to decline;

    b) the development of new technologies allows the manufacturer to increase production efficiency and, as a result, the number of products produced. The introduction of new fixed assets and technological discoveries (machinery and equipment) in production contributes to a decrease in the indicators of material consumption and labor intensity and an increase in capital productivity. In other words, the process of expanding the scale of production becomes real;

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