
3 structure of the personnel marketing plan includes. Marketing research in the field of personnel. Analysis of personnel marketing practice

Effective management enterprise is impossible without effective use labor potential human resources. In the operations of any enterprise, a huge role belongs to workers who implement the production process, i.e. staff. The main feature of the staff is that, in addition to performing production functions, employees of the enterprise are an active component production process

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"Marketing personnel in a modern enterprise"
Moscow - 2016

1.1. Consideration of the concept of personnel marketing and its purpose 5
1.2. Types and stages of personnel marketing development 10
1.3. Personnel Marketing Technology 12
2.1. Characteristics of the company LLC "YK" Partner ". sixteen
2.2. Analysis marketing activities in the field of personnel in LLC "UK" Partner "31

The marketing concept of personnel management (personnel marketing) assumes that the organization in which personnel management is carried out is in the process of constant interaction with the environment, which is characterized by special, market (competition, finding the ratio of supply and demand), characteristics. Recently, an entrepreneurial-market approach began to prevail in work with personnel, in which labor, its conditions and jobs are considered as products of marketing.
HR staff who are involved in HR marketing tend to have to deal with practical challenge creating an attractive image of the company in the labor market, namely: how, on the one hand, to create requirements for personnel, and take into account the potential and characteristics of work in the organization, on the other hand, show the requests (requirements) of the employer sent to potential and regular employees.
Effective enterprise management is impracticable without effective use of the labor potential of human resources. In the operations of any enterprise, a huge role belongs to workers who implement the production process, i.e. staff. The main characteristic of personnel is that, in addition to performing production functions, employees of an enterprise are an active component of the production process, they can actively contribute to an increase in production, they can be indifferent to the operations of the enterprise in which they work and can resist innovation. Work can be effective in combination with production organization and management with a competent approach.
Before the enterprise copes with the task of creating conditions that provide optimal use of human resources in the amount of balanced requirements and interests of the enterprise and each employee. Achieving this balance can be achieved through a marketing approach to human resources management. The use of marketing will help to find coordination between market conditions, the capabilities of the organization and the interests of each of its employees.
Based on the above, the topic term paper"Marketing personnel in a modern enterprise" is one of the most relevant.
The aim of the work is to study marketing activities in the field of personnel management on the basis of the presented material on LLC "Law Firm" Partner ". To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
In the first chapter, reveal the theoretical aspects of personnel marketing;
In the second chapter, analyze the current marketing activities in the field of personnel management in the studied enterprise.
One of the current problems in the organization is the need to attract qualified personnel in the most effective ways.
The object of the study is an enterprise in Moscow - Limited Liability Company "YK" Partner "".
The subject of research is the personnel marketing process operating in this organization.

1.1. Consideration of the concept of personnel marketing and its purpose
Personnel Marketing - View management activities aimed at long-term provision of the organization with human resources. These resources form a strategic potential with the help of which it is possible to solve specific target tasks.
Personnel marketing means meaningful expansion of the production marketing function into the area of ​​human resource management. It includes the following conceptual elements:
Marketing as the main principle of market-oriented management;
Marketing as a method of systematic search for solutions. Through use modern methods market research a database is formed for both strategic and operational decisions;
Marketing as a means of achieving competitive advantage. ...

Personnel marketing is becoming one of the most important factors in the survival of enterprises in the conditions of market relations. At times minimum investment and the maximum use of "human resources" allows the enterprise to win in the competition. Personnel management centers are necessary in every more or less large enterprise.
Personnel marketing as a tool for purposeful and effective work with staff is part of strategies and tactics of survival and development of an enterprise in market relations. As the personality of the employee develops, it becomes necessary to coordinate more and more often market conditions and the interests of the company's employees. The development of production is increasingly in need of planning its staffing.
In the course work, the tasks were set: to study the theoretical foundations of personnel marketing; analyze the current marketing activities in the field of personnel management in the studied enterprise.
As a result of the analysis carried out in the company LLC “UK“ Partner ”, the following conclusions were obtained.
During the study period, revenue from the sale of the company's services at current prices increased in 2014 by 21% compared to 2013 and amounted to 3,937,064 rubles.
The number of employees has also increased every year: since 2013, the organization has 51 employees, in 2015 there were already 58 employees. The reason for this is the increase in the volume of work, which indicates the growth and development of the company.
LLC “YK“ Partner ”develops every year, the range of services provided is growing, there are more clients, and the volume is increasing accordingly. A large number, almost 75% of employees are lawyers and accountants, this is due to the activities of the company, which deals with legal and accounting issues.
The management of the organization is more focused on "young" employees who are in the most working age. Therefore, in 2014, the organization has 50% (28 people) of personnel aged 25 to 30 years and 34% (19 people) under the age of 25 years.
Leaders - general director, Deputy Director and Chief Accountant - have been working for the firm for more than 5 years, that is, practically from its very foundation. At the same time, according to the data for 2015, there is a group of employees who came to the company relatively recently: for example, 55.31% of employees work at the company for up to 3 years, 31.74% - from 3 to 5 years. The firm employs relatively young specialists. But nevertheless, the educational level in the company can be considered quite high: according to a study conducted in 2015, 36.21% of personnel have a higher education and 31.03% have a secondary vocational education.
The organization is profitable, it grows and develops every year, but there are some shortcomings in management. Namely, there is a lack of a HR director who could resolve the issue of a shortage of qualified personnel, unnecessary costs for personnel training.
Thus, we can conclude that LLC "UK" Partner "is a successfully developing organization with favorable working conditions.
1. Aksenova E.A., Bazarov T.Yu., Eremin B.A .; Personnel management: Textbook. for universities / - M .: UNITI, 2000.
2. Alekseeva M.M., Planning of the firm's activities: Study guide... - M .: UNITI, 2007.
3. Bogdanova E.L., Marketing concept of the organization of personnel management and competitive work force... Moscow: Progress, 2006.
4. Boydachenko P.G. Human Resources Management Service. - M .: Economics, 2008.
5. Genkin B.M. Economics and Sociology of Labor: Textbook for universities. - M .: INFRA-M, 2008.
6. Kibanov A.Ya. Fedorova N.V. Personnel Management. - M .: Finstatinform, 2005.
7. Kibanova A. Ya. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook - 3rd ed., Add. and revised - M .: INFRA - M, 2006.
8. Mescon M., Fundamentals of Management \ Trans. from English: M. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri. - M .: BUSINESS, 2000.
9. Savenkova T.I., Savenkova T.P. Personnel marketing in an innovative - investment environment. - M .: Economist, 2006.
10. Travin V.V. Fundamentals of personnel management. - 3rd ed., Rev. And add. / V.V. Travin., V.A. Dyatlov. - M .: Delo, 2001.

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Short description

The purpose of the research in the course work is to study and analyze marketing activities in the field of personnel management and develop recommendations for its improvement in a particular enterprise.
To achieve the goal of the study, it seems appropriate to solve the following tasks:
1) reveal the theoretical aspects related to personnel marketing;
2) analyze the current activities in the field of personnel management in the investigated enterprise;
3) develop recommendations for improving the marketing of personnel in a particular enterprise.

Introduction ……………. ……………. ……………. ……………. ……. ……… ...
1.Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in the field of personnel …………. …………………………………………………………

1.1. The essence and types of personnel marketing ………………………… ...

1.2.1. Information function …………………………………………
1.2.2. Communication function ………………………………………
2. Organizational - economic characteristic CITiservice LLC …………………………………………………………….


2.2. Economic indicators of the activity of LLC "CITIservice"….


3. Recommendations and measures to improve the marketing activities in the field of personnel in LLC "CITIservice" ………………………………………………………………….

3.1. Improvement of marketing activities in the field of personnel in CITIservice LLC ……………………………………… ...

3.2. Development of a personnel marketing plan in CITiservice LLC ………………………………………………………… ..

3.3. Economic and social efficiency of improving the personnel management system …………………………………………
List of used literature …………………………………… ..
Annex 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Attached files: 1 file



Department of General and Special Management


in the discipline "Management decisions"

on the topic: "Marketing personnel, for example

LLC "CITyservice"

Completed: student (s) of group 234MN - 31

Kamenskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna ____________

(Name of student)

Manager: (position) Chair ____

Trofimov Evgeny Fedorovich ______________

(Full name of the head)

Signature ______________________________ ___

Reviewer: (position) ___________________ _

______________________________ ___________

(Full name of the head)

The course project is protected with an assessment of ______________________________ ____

Yaroslavl. year 2012.


Coursework: 37 pages, 12 tables, 5 figures,


The object of the research is the activities (in the field of personnel management and directly assessing personnel) of the Limited Liability Company "CITIservice".

The purpose of the work is to study theoretical aspects concerning personnel marketing; analysis of marketing activities in the field of personnel and the development of recommendations for improving activities in the field of personnel in a particular enterprise.

In the course of the work, organizational and regulatory documents, documents of a local nature were analyzed; the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the organization was carried out, the analysis of the availability of labor resources of LLC "CITIservice".

As a result of the work, measures are proposed for the introduction of the position of a personnel manager. Made economic calculations on the costs of implementing the proposed measure.

Developed in the course of the course work activities can be applied to financial stabilization and increase the efficiency of the Enterprise.

Thesis was done in a text editor Microsoft Word 2003.



Department of General and Special Management


Discipline Management decisions _______________________ _____________________

Student Kamenskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna ____________ group _РЯ136МН - 31_______

(Full Name)

Work theme

Personnel marketing by example specific organization.__________________ ________

  1. Text materials

Main part.

1.Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in the field of personnel

1.1. The essence and types of personnel marketing

1.2. Personnel marketing functions

1.2.1. Information function

1.2.2. Communication function

2.Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC "CITIservice"

2.1. Brief description of CITiservice LLC

2.2. Economic indicators of the activities of LLC "CITIservice"

2.3. Organizational structure LLC "CITyservice"

2.4. Analysis labor resources LLC "CITyservice"

3.1. Improvement of marketing activities in the field of personnel in LLC "CITIservice"

3.2. Development of a personnel marketing plan in CITiservice LLC

3.3. Economic and social efficiency of improving the personnel management system.

Conclusion. List of used sources and literature. Applications.

  1. Recommended reading
  2. Gerchikova I.N. Management: Textbook / I.N. Gerchikova. - 2nd ed., _________________
  3. Litvak B.G. Development of management decision: Textbook / B.G. Litvak. - M .: Delo, 2000 .-- 392 p .____________________________ ______________________________ ______
  4. Mescon M.Kh. Fundamentals of Management: Per. from English / M.Kh. Mescon. - M .: Delo, 2002. –704 p.
  5. V.P. Pugachev Management of the organization's personnel. Textbook / V.P. Pugachev. - M .: Aspect Press, 1999 .-- 279 p. ___________________________ _____________________
  6. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - M .: UNITI, 2000 .-- 423 p .____________________________ ________________________
  7. Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Yu.A. Tsypkin. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2001 .-- 446 p .____________________________ _________________
  8. Kuznetsov V.I. Personnel management: training manual / V.I. Kuznetsov. - 2nd ed., Add. and rev. - M .: MESI, 1997 .-- 102 p ._______________________

Head __________________________ Head. department ________________________

(signature) (signature)

Student ______________________________ ____


Introduction ……………. ……………. ……………. ……………. ……. ……… ...

1.Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in the field of personnel …………. …………………………………………………………

1.1. The essence and types of personnel marketing ………………………… ...

1.2. Personnel marketing functions …………………………………….

1.2.1. Information function …………………… ……………………

1.2.2. Communication function ………………………………………

2. Organizational and economic characteristics of CITiservice LLC ……………………………………………………………….

2.1. Characteristics of CITiservice LLC. ………… .. …………

2.2. Economic indicators of the activity of LLC "CITIservice"….

2.3. Organizational structure of CITiservice LLC ………………….

2.4. Analysis of the human resources of CITIservice LLC ………………… ..

3.1. Improvement of marketing activities in the field of personnel in CITIservice LLC ……………………………………… ...

3.2. Development of a personnel marketing plan at CITiservice LLC …………………………………………………………… ..

3.3. Economic and social efficiency of improving the personnel management system …………………………………………

Conclusion…………………………………………………… ……………...

List of used literature …………………………………… ..

Annex 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3


Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important spheres of an enterprise's life, capable of increasing its efficiency many times over, and the very concept of “personnel management at an enterprise” is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

The personnel management system ensures the continuous improvement of methods of working with personnel and the use of the achievements of domestic and foreign science, the best production experience.

The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

In a market economy in our country, the issues of practical application of modern forms of personnel management, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any production, are of particular importance.

The success of the enterprise (organization, firm) is ensured by the workers employed on it. That is why the modern concept of enterprise management involves the separation of a large number of functional areas of management activities that are associated with the management of the personnel component of production - the personnel of the enterprise.

The relevance of the topic of the course work "Marketing personnel at the enterprise" is explained by the conditions of fierce competition in the labor market. It is known that the most important component of competitiveness directly depends and is provided by the company's personnel and the personnel management system.

The degree of elaboration of the problem of term paper on the topic "Marketing personnel in the enterprise" was investigated with the help of written in last years textbooks and teaching aids many authors, as well as research works, such as Kibanov A.Ya., Litvak B.G., Ivantsevich, J.M., Lobanov, A.A., Samygin S.I., Bazarova T.Yu., Desler, G., Egorshin A.P. and so on. The complex of this literature allows you to explore the topic of the course work "Marketing personnel at the enterprise" in full.

The purpose of the research in the course work is to study and analyze marketing activities in the field of personnel management and develop recommendations for its improvement in a particular enterprise.

To achieve the goal of the study, it seems appropriate to solve the following tasks:

1) reveal the theoretical aspects related to personnel marketing;

2) analyze the current activities in the field of personnel management in the investigated enterprise;

Object of research - Marketing of personnel at the enterprise.

The subject of the research is the organization of personnel management of LLC CITIservice.

Directions and methods of improving personnel management of LLC CITIservice.

Research methods - collection, generalization and systematization of information were used in Chapter 1, where the theoretical foundations of the organization's marketing were revealed, analysis and synthesis were the main methods in Chapter 2. The comparative method made it possible to identify the shortcomings of personnel marketing in a particular organization and, on this basis, to develop a proposal for improving personnel management.

The work contains an introduction (substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, setting goals and objectives of the study), the main part, a conclusion (containing conclusions and proposals), as well as a list of sources used.

The first chapter of the course work reveals the essence, types and functions of personnel marketing, reflects the regulatory and methodological norms regulating it.

The second chapter presents an analysis of the current marketing activities in the field of personnel management in the studied enterprise.


1.1. The essence and types of personnel marketing.

The most important resource of an organization is a team of people through whom economic activities are carried out. Achieving the goals of the organization and the successful solution of the tasks set is possible only with the competent management of this team - the personnel of the organization, with the use of a systematic approach, with the application of modern achievements of technology and science 1.

Personnel policy the organization, together with the functions of its leaders and employees of structural divisions, to create a productive and cohesive team capable of responding in a timely manner to constantly changing market requirements, taking into account the organization's development strategy, forms a personnel management system. The organization's personnel management system includes general and line management, as well as a certain composition of functional subsystems.

Appendix 1 shows the composition of functional subsystems (one of them includes personnel marketing) of the organization's personnel management system, combining homogeneous functions, the carriers of which are various departments for work with personnel. Depending on the size of the organization, the composition of the structural divisions performing these functions may differ significantly: in small organizations one division can perform the functions of several subsystems, and in large organizations, the functions of each subsystem are usually performed by a separate division. 2

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